RNS Number:7761M
Bristol Water PLC
26 May 2005


Bristol Water plc is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Group plc which is also
reporting its results today

26 May 2005

Year ended 31 March                         2005           2004              %
                                              #m             #m         change

Turnover                                    70.6           70.6              -

Operating profit
  - normal activities                       18.7           19.7            -6%
  - exceptional restructuring costs         (2.0)             -             na
                                         --------       --------       --------
                                            16.7           19.7           -15%
                                         --------       --------       --------

Profit before tax                           10.1           13.5           -25%

Profit after tax                             8.8           11.1           -21%

Earnings per ordinary share                128.1p         166.0p          -23%

   * High service standards maintained

   * Operating profit before exceptional restructuring costs of #2.0m reduced
     by 6%
     - reflecting price increase of just 0.6% and lower measured consumption

   * Net capital investment in year #16.6m

   * Ofwat Final Determination of price limits 2005-10 accepted

   * Additional debt of #57m to be raised in June 2005

   * Anticipated net debt: Regulatory Capital Value of 75% to 80% over next
     five years

   * Additional contribution of #7m to reduce pension deficit

Alan Parsons                                                      Oliver Winters
Andy Nield                                                          City Profile
Bristol Water plc                                             Tel: 0207 448 3244
Tel 0117 953 6407

   Or contact:  Bristol Water Corporate Affairs on 0117 953 6470 during office 
                      hours or 07831 453924 at any time.



The last year has seen further major changes and developments for the company.

New Financing

In May 2005 the company announced that it planned to raise #57m of additional
borrowings through the Artesian programmes. Approximately #35m of these
borrowings will be utilised to finance the capital expenditure and debt maturity
requirements for the current year and part of 2006/07 of the regulated water
business and a contribution of #7m to reduce the deficit in the final salary
pension scheme. Approximately #22m of the additional borrowings will be used to
provide a loan from the company to the ultimate parent company. The parent
company intends to use this loan to partially finance a #30m return to its
shareholders. Should approval for the return not be obtained, the surplus funds
will be used to finance this company's longer term capital expenditure, debt
maturity and working capital requirements.

On a pro forma basis the return of capital will increase the net indebtedness in
the company from #140m at 1 April 2005 to approximately #169m, representing
approximately 62 per cent and 75 per cent respectively of the company's
Regulatory Capital Value (RCV) at 1 April 2005.

Whilst the company will need to raise additional debt over the current
regulatory period to fund its capital expenditure obligations, the Board
believes that it will be able to maintain a debt to RCV ratio in the range 75 to
80 per cent over the current regulatory period.

Trading Performance

The results for the year are affected by a #2.0m charge in respect of the costs
of a restructuring programme instigated by the Board to improve future operating
efficiency. The results are considered in detail in the Operating and Financial

Operational Performance

The company continued to deliver high quality services to customers and at the
end of March had substantially delivered the key required outputs for the five
year period 2000-05 as agreed with Ofwat in the 1999 Final Determination of
price limits.

Rainfall during the winter period was much lower than normal, but impounding
reservoirs have now recovered to approximately 84% full against a normal
guideline target of 93%. The difference does not represent a significant
operational risk but does mean that full use of abstraction available from the
Sharpness Canal will be made during the next few months to manage the rate of
reservoir draw down.

Ofwat's PR04 Final Determination

Ofwat completed its determination of price limits for the five year period 1
April 2005 to 31 March 2010 for the company as part of the industry wide review.
In December 2004, Ofwat set out its Final Determination which, after careful
consideration, the Board accepted.

The new price limits are expressed as K factors, which are the overall
adjustments to tariffs before inflationary effects are taken into account. The
limits are:

                    2005/06              13.8%
                    2006/07               2.8%
                    2007/08               1.5%
                    2008/09               0.7%
                    2009/10              -2.3%

Although Ofwat set challenging efficiency targets, the Board believes that it
will be able to deliver the relevant service outputs within the targets set.

We remain determined that our consistently high standards of service to
customers and quality of water supplied will remain key features of the

The average annual household water bill for our customers in 2004/05 was #108,
some 8% lower than the industry average of #117. Under the new price limits by
2009/10 the average household water bill for our customers will increase to #122
(2004/05 prices) remaining well below the expected industry average of #140.

Board changes

After 37 years service, Roger Wyatt, managing director of the company, will
retire at the end of March 2006. We currently expect his duties to be shared
between the other executives rather than seek a replacement.

Moger Woolley, chairman of the ultimate parent company, will be proposed as a
director at the Annual General Meeting and subject to election will become
Chairman. This will allow separation of my role as Chief Executive from the
Chairman's position in line with good Corporate Governance.


The year again saw the delivery of high quality services to our customers. Other
than this the results for the year are not representative of the future. They
reflect the final year of the 2000-05 regulatory period and restructuring costs
preparing for the next five year period.

The new price limits agreed with Ofwat for the five year period 2005-10 will
enable us to deliver the obligations set out in the PR04 Final Determination and
to improve profitability and at the same time make further improvements to
services to customers.

Alan Parsons
26 May 2005


Results Overview

As previously indicated the allowed price increase under the RPI + K formula for
2004/05 was just 0.6% (RPI of 2.5% less a real price reduction of 1.9%). This is
significantly lower than inflationary increases on our operating cost base and
therefore operating profits were reduced.

Income from our main water supply charges fell by #0.4m to #65.9m, this
represents the net effect of price increases of #0.6m and new connections of
#0.4m offset by lower consumption levels by metered customers during the poor
summer weather compared to the previous year.

Operating costs before depreciation and exceptional restructuring costs
increased by #1.3m to #37.3m. The increase reflects inflation, including
significantly higher energy prices, offset by further efficiency gains.

Net depreciation reduced by #0.3m to #14.6m reflecting the re-lifing of meters,
which reduced the charge by #0.5m offset by depreciation on new assets coming
into service.

The exceptional charge of #2.0m represents redundancy costs related to the
restructuring programme that the Board instigated to improve the operational
efficiency of the company.

Operating profit before the exceptional charge reduced by #1.0m to #18.7m, and
after the exceptional charge reduced by #3.0m to #16.7m.

Profit before tax reduced by #3.4m to #10.1m.

The tax charge for the year was #1.3m and represented 13% of profit before tax,
compared to #2.4m and 18% in the previous year.

Net capital investment in the year after grants and contributions from
developers was #16.6m, compared to #24.5m in 2004.

Ordinary dividends increased from #6.2m to #8.1m. They comprise a base element
which increased from #5.9m to #6.1m together with an amount equivalent to the
after tax cost of interest payable by the ultimate parent company in respect of
the #47m inter-company loan made in February 2004. The inter-company loan
element increased from #0.3m to #2.0m reflecting the full year effect of the
loan interest.


Net cash inflow from operating activities was #34.1m (2004 - #33.4m), net cash
outflows from servicing of finance totalled #7.0m (2004 - #7.8m) and net capital
expenditure and investment activities amounted to #16.4m (2004 - #71.6m which
included the #47m intercompany loan to the ultimate parent company). Total cash
inflows before management of liquid resources and financing were #1.5m (2004 -
#64.9m outflow).

Net borrowings decreased from #140.3m to #140.1m during the year and at 31 March
2005 represented approximately 62% of Regulatory Capital Value (RCV) at that

Net interest charges in the year totalled #6.6m (2004 - #6.2m) and were covered
2.5 times (2004 - 3.1 times).

Capital restructuring and return to shareholders

In May 2005 the company announced that it planned to raise further funds under
the Artesian monoline wrapped bond programmes arranged by The Royal Bank of
Scotland amounting to #57m of index-linked debt. No provision has been made in
these accounts for the cost of raising the funds, estimated at #0.4m.

The company has agreed to advance approximately #22m of the new funds in the
form of a long term interest bearing loan to the ultimate parent company.
Together with other cash balances the ultimate parent company plans to use this
to finance a #30m return to shareholders.

The remaining approximate #35m of new funds will be used by the company to
finance capital expenditure, debt maturities and working capital requirements
together with a payment of #7m to reduce the deficit in the pension scheme.

On a pro forma basis the new arrangements will increase the net indebtedness of
the company from #140m at 1 April 2005 to approximately #169m, representing
approximately 62% and 75% respectively of RCV at 1 April 2005.


The last triennial actuarial valuation of the company's section within the Water
Companies' Pension Scheme (WCPS) was as at 1 April 2002 and showed a net surplus
on an actuarial basis of #6.3m.

An updated interim valuation, for SSAP24 purposes only, was carried out as at 1
April 2003 to recognise the significant change in the funding level following
the downturn in the equity markets since 1 April 2002. The interim valuation
showed a net deficit of #3.0m.

Since the actuarial valuation, increases in the level of cash contributions to
the WCPS section effective from 1 April 2003 and 1 April 2004 have been agreed
with the trustee. The estimated normal cash contributions for 2005/06 are
approximately #1.6m (2004/05 - #1.4m).

The next triennial actuarial valuation is due as at 1 April 2005. The valuation
is currently in progress and results will be available during late summer/early
autumn 2005. It is anticipated that following the valuation new increased cash
contribution rates will be agreed with the trustee effective from 1 April 2006.

The section is currently invested primarily in equities. The investment strategy
has been carefully examined and it has been concluded that the appropriate
long-term strategy is to reduce the proportion of equities with a corresponding
increase in investments in bonds and other fixed income securities. In
accordance with this strategy #15m of investments were switched from equities to
bonds during February 2005.

The appropriate transitional disclosures required under FRS17, the accounting
standard on pensions, are made in the annual Report and Accounts of the company.
These show that the company's pension position would under FRS17 be represented
on the balance sheet as a deficit before tax of approximately #11.9m (2004 -
#13.5m). After taking provisions already made within these accounts for pension
liabilities, adoption of FRS17 would reduce net assets by approximately #6.7m.

In connection with the proposed new financing and return to shareholders by the
ultimate parent company, the company intends to make a one-off contribution to
WCPS of #7m. It also intends to make additional contributions of #1m in each of
the four years beginning 1 April 2006 and a further #0.9m in 2010/11. The
amounts are in addition to the normal pension contributions required by the WCPS
trustee. The additional contributions are conditional on the proposed #30m
return to shareholders by the ultimate parent company being made.

International Financial Reporting Standards

The company stated in its financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2004
that it planned to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for
its financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006.

Following further guidance issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
as the company does not prepare consolidated accounts it will not be mandatory
for the company to adopt IFRS.

The company has decided at this stage not to adopt IFRS. The company will
therefore continue to prepare its financial statements using UK GAAP accounting
standards for the foreseeable future.

The parent company, Bristol Water Group plc, which consolidates these accounts,
will however adopt IFRS in its consolidated financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 2006. A reconciliation to UK GAAP will be provided in those group
financial statements.

Monitoring the business

A number of systems are used to monitor the financial and operational
performance of the company including:

   * Monthly management accounts and budgetary control
   * Monthly key performance indicators
   * Ad hoc internal audits of business processes
   * Detailed Quality Assurance systems.


Ofwat issued their Final Determination of price limits for the five year period
2005-10 in December 2004. After careful consideration the Board accepted the

The price limits are expressed as K factors, which are the overall adjustments
to tariffs before inflationary effects are taken into account. The limits are:

                        business plan           Final
                             proposal   Determination
            2005/06               20%           13.8%
            2006/07                6%            2.8%
            2007/08                6%            1.5%
            2008/09                0%            0.7%
            2009/10                0%           -2.3%

The main reasons for these differences are:

   * A smaller capital expenditure programme of #117m compared to the #156m we
     proposed (2002/03 price base). This reflects the deletion of a number of
     schemes, mainly related to improvements to the security of supply for
     customers, together with more challenging efficiency assumptions.

   * An operating cost efficiency target of 2.5% compared to the 0.8% p.a. we

   * The Final Determination deals with a number of uncertainties through
     Ofwat's Notified Item process which could trigger interim price
     determinations within the period. In our business plan we had built a 
     number of these uncertainties into the proposed K factors.

Ofwat have set challenging efficiency targets, however the Board believes that
it will be able to deliver the relevant service outputs within the targets set.

Andy Nield
Finance Director
26 May 2005

for the year ended 31 March 2005

                                                           2005        2004
                                          Note               #m          #m

Turnover                                                   70.6        70.6

Operating costs                                           (51.9)      (50.9)
Exceptional operating costs                                (2.0)          -
                                                         -------     -------
   Total operating costs                     2            (53.9)      (50.9)
                                                         -------     -------
Operating profit                                           16.7        19.7

Net interest payable and
 similar charges                                           (6.6)       (6.2)
                                                         -------     -------
Profit on ordinary activities before
 taxation                                                  10.1        13.5

Taxation on profit on ordinary
 activities                                  3             (1.3)       (2.4)
                                                         -------     -------
Profit on ordinary activities after
 taxation                                                   8.8        11.1

Dividends:                                   4
   On irredeemable preference shares                       (1.1)       (1.1)
   On ordinary shares                                      (8.1)       (6.2)
                                                         -------     -------
Total dividends                                            (9.2)       (7.3)
                                                         -------     -------
Retained (loss)/profit for
 the financial year                                        (0.4)        3.8
                                                         -------     -------
Earnings per ordinary share                  5            128.1p      166.0p
                                                         -------     -------

All of the turnover and operating costs relate to continuing operations.

The company has no recognised gains or losses other than those included in the
profit and loss account above and therefore no separate statement of total
recognised gains and losses has been presented.

There is no difference between the profit on ordinary activities before taxation
and the retained (loss)/profit for the financial year stated above and their
historical cost equivalents.

at 31 March 2005

                                                                2005      2004
                                                       Note       #m        #m

Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets                                     6    195.6     193.8
                                                              -------   -------

Investment - Loan to ultimate holding company                   47.0      47.0
                                                              -------   -------
Current assets
Stocks                                                           0.6       0.7
Debtors                                                         18.5      19.6
Cash at bank and on deposit                                     12.0      17.4
                                                              -------   -------
                                                                31.1      37.7
                                                              -------   -------

Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Short term borrowings                                     7     (3.7)     (6.9)
Other creditors                                                (24.3)    (24.3)
                                                              -------   -------
                                                               (28.0)    (31.2)
                                                              -------   -------

Net current assets                                               3.1       6.5
                                                              -------   -------

Total assets less current liabilities                          245.7     247.3

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one
 year                                                     7   (148.4)   (150.8)

Deferred income                                                 (8.6)     (8.5)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                    8    (19.8)    (18.7)
                                                              -------   -------
Net assets                                                      68.9      69.3
                                                              -------   -------

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                         18.5      18.5
Share premium account                                            4.4       4.4
Other reserves                                                   5.8       5.8
Profit and loss account                                         40.2      40.6
                                                              -------   -------

Total shareholders' funds                                 9     68.9      69.3
Analysed as:
Equity shareholders' funds                                      56.4      56.8
Non-equity shareholders' funds                                  12.5      12.5
                                                              -------   -------

for the year ended 31 March 2005

                                                                2005      2004
                                                    Note          #m        #m

Net cash inflow from operating activities          10(a)        34.1      33.4
                                                              -------   -------

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                3.6       1.1
Interest paid on term loans and debentures                      (7.8)     (5.9)
Interest paid on finance leases                                 (1.1)     (1.2)
Dividends paid on non-equity shares                    4        (1.7)     (1.1)
Net costs of issue of new loans                                    -      (0.7)
                                                              -------   -------
                                                                (7.0)     (7.8)
                                                              -------   -------

Corporation tax paid                                            (1.9)     (3.0)
                                                              -------   -------

Capital expenditure and investing activities
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                              (20.1)    (28.0)
Contributions received                                           3.7       3.4
Loan advanced to ultimate holding company                          -     (47.0)
                                                              -------   -------
                                                               (16.4)    (71.6)
                                                              -------   -------

Dividends paid on equity shares                                 (7.3)    (15.9)
                                                              -------   -------

Cash inflow/(outflow) before management of
 liquid resources and financing                                  1.5     (64.9)

Management of liquid resources being decrease/
 (increase) in short term deposits                               5.4      (9.4)
                                                              -------   -------

New term loans                                                     -      98.5
Capital element of lease repayments                             (1.6)     (1.5)
Loan repayments                                                 (5.3)    (24.3)
                                                              -------   -------
                                                                (6.9)     72.7
                                                              -------   -------

Increase/(decrease) in cash                        10(b)           -      (1.6)

Cash, beginning of year                                          1.6       3.2
                                                              -------   -------
Cash, end of year                                                1.6       1.6
                                                              -------   -------



    These preliminary statements do not constitute the statutory accounts for
    the year ended 31 March 2005. The statutory accounts have been reported on
    by the auditors without qualification but have not yet been delivered to the
    Registrar of Companies. The comparative figures for 2004 have been extracted
    from the accounts of Bristol Water plc for the year ended 31 March 2004 upon
    which the auditors' report was unqualified and which have been delivered to
    the Registrar of Companies.

    The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on or before 24
    June 2005. Copies will be available to the public from the registered office
    at PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7AU. The Annual General Meeting
    will be held at the Bristol Water plc Head Office, Bridgwater Road, Bristol,
    on Monday 18 July 2005 at 9.00 am.


    The directors believe that the nature of the company's business is such that
    the analysis of operating costs required by the Companies Act 1985 is not
    appropriate. As required by the Act the directors have therefore adapted the
    prescribed format so that disclosure of operating costs is appropriate to
    the company's principal business.
    Operating costs comprise -
                                Operating                   Operating
                             costs before   Exceptional   costs after
                              exceptional     operating   exceptional
                                    items        costs*         items
                                     2005          2005          2005      2004
                                       #m            #m            #m        #m

    Net payroll cost                 10.9           1.8          12.7       9.5
    Total other operating costs      26.4           0.2          26.6      26.5
    Net depreciation                 14.6             -          14.6      14.9

                                ----------     ---------     ---------   -------
    Total operating costs            51.9           2.0          53.9      50.9
                                ----------     ---------     ---------   -------

    *Exceptional operating cost - Restructuring

    Before the year end the Board instigated a restructuring programme to 
    improve the operating efficiency of the company. This involves a number of
    redundancies, pension funding payments, asset write downs and incidental
    expenses. Accordingly the restructuring costs have been recognised in the
    profit and loss account for the year ended 31 March 2005. There were no
    exceptional operating costs in 2004.


                                                               2005       2004
                                                                 #m         #m

    Analysis of charge for the year, all arising in the
    United Kingdom:
    Current tax
    Corporation tax at 30% (2004 - 30%)                         1.0        3.0
    Advance Corporation Tax written back                       (1.5)      (0.7)
    Adjustment to prior periods                                 1.7        1.1
    Receipts in respect of group relief                         1.0       (0.4)

                                                             -------    -------
                                                                2.2        3.0
                                                             -------    -------

    Deferred tax
    Current year movement                                       1.2        1.0
    Adjustment to prior periods                                (1.8)      (1.0)
    Effect of discounting                                      (0.3)      (0.6)

                                                             -------    -------
                                                               (0.9)      (0.6)
                                                             -------    -------

                                                             -------    -------
    Tax on profit on ordinary activities                        1.3        2.4
                                                             -------    -------

    The adjustment to prior periods primarily relates to the effect of the
    company reducing its capital allowance claim for the year ended 31 March
    2003. This amendment enabled the company to write back Advance Corporation
    Tax (ACT) to be utilised against the resulting increased taxable profits.
    The ACT written back was not recognised as a deferred tax asset in the
    previous year.


                                                              2005        2004
                                                                #m          #m

    On non-equity shares -
    Irredeemable 8.75% preference shares -
    First half year dividend                                   0.5         0.5
    Second half year dividend *                                0.6         0.6

                                                            -------     -------
                                                               1.1         1.1
                                                            -------     -------

    On ordinary shares (equity shares) -
    Interim dividend paid of 47.15p (2004 - 29.10p)            2.8         1.7
    Proposed final dividend of 88.0p (2004 - 74.27p)           5.3         4.5

                                                            -------     -------
                                                               8.1         6.2
                                                            -------     -------

                                                            -------     -------
    Total dividends paid and proposed                          9.2         7.3
                                                            -------     -------

    *Following a change in the working practices by the company's Registrars, 
     the second half year preference dividend for 2004/05 was paid immediately 
     prior to the year end instead of immediately after the year end. 
     Consequently the cash flow statement includes the payment of three semi 
     annual preference dividends this year.


                                                                  2005     2004
                                                                     m        m

    Earnings per ordinary share have been calculated as follows -
    On average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year -
        Earnings attributable to ordinary shares                  #7.7    #10.0
        Weighted average number of ordinary shares                 6.0      6.0

                                                                -------  -------

    As the company has no obligation to issue further shares, disclosure of
    earnings per share on a fully diluted basis is not required.

                                                        2005              2004
                                                          #m                #m

    Net book value, beginning of year                  193.8             184.7
    Additions                                           20.3              28.0
    Disposals                                            0.1              (0.3)
    Grants and contributions                            (3.7)             (3.4)
    Depreciation                                       (14.9)            (15.2)

                                                      -------           -------
    Net book value, end of year                        195.6             193.8
                                                      -------           -------

                                                           2005        2004
                                                             #m          #m

    Cash and short term deposits                           12.0        17.4
    Debt due within one year                               (3.7)       (6.9)
    Debt due after one year                              (148.4)     (150.8)

                                                         -------     -------
    Net borrowings                                       (140.1)     (140.3)
                                                         -------     -------


                                                           2005       2004
                                                             #m         #m

    Restructuring costs (see note 2)                        2.0          -
    Deferred tax                                           17.8       18.7
                                                         -------     ------
                                                           19.8       18.7
                                                         -------     ------

    Provision for deferred tax comprises -
                                                               2005       2004
                                                                 #m         #m

    Accelerated capital allowances and capital element of
     finance leases
                                                               35.3       35.4
    Deferred income                                            (2.6)      (2.5)
    Short term timing differences                              (1.0)      (0.6)
                                                             -------    -------
                                                               31.7       32.3
    Effect of discounting                                     (13.9)     (13.6)
                                                             -------    -------
    Net provision                                              17.8       18.7
                                                             -------    -------

                                                               2005       2004
                                                                 #m         #m

     Beginning of year                                         69.3       65.5
     Profit for year                                            8.8       11.1
     Dividends                                                 (9.2)      (7.3)
                                                             -------    -------
     End of year                                               68.9       69.3
                                                             -------    -------


     (a)  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
          activities -

                                                               2005       2004
                                                                 #m         #m

          Operating profit                                     16.7       19.7
          Depreciation, net                                    14.6       14.9

                                                              ------     ------
          Cash flow from operations                            31.3       34.6
          Working capital movements -
          Stocks                                                0.1          -
          Debtors                                               1.2       (2.4)
          Creditors                                             1.5        1.2

                                                              ------     ------
          Net cash inflow from operating activities            34.1       33.4
                                                              ------     ------

     (b)  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net borrowings -

                                                                 2005      2004
                                                                   #m        #m

          Increase/(decrease) in net cash in year                   -      (1.6)
          Cash used to repay borrowings                           6.9      25.8
          Cash from new borrowings                                  -     (98.5)
          Net costs of issue of loans                               -       0.7
          Cash from (decrease)/increase in short term deposits   (5.4)      9.4
                                                               -------   -------
          Decrease/(increase) in net borrowings                   1.5     (64.2)
          New debt not affecting cash flow                       (1.3)     (1.3)
          Net borrowings at beginning of year                  (140.3)    (74.8)
                                                               -------   -------
          Net borrowings at end of year                        (140.1)   (140.3)
                                                               -------  --------


     These accounts are prepared on a SSAP24 basis.

     An analysis of the company's pension assets and liabilities under FRS17 is
     set out below:

                                                          2005            2004
                                                            #m              #m

     Market value of assets                               98.2            89.9
     Present value of liabilities                       (110.1)         (103.4)
                                                        -------         -------
     Deficit                                             (11.9)          (13.5)
     Deferred taxation                                     3.6             4.1
                                                        -------         -------
     Net pension liability under FRS17                    (8.3)           (9.4)
                                                        -------         -------

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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