("Braime" or the "company") 
Interim results for the six months ended 30th June 2010 
Group sales revenue for the first six months of 2009 increased by 7% from GBP 
7.77m in 2009 to GBP8.32m for 2010 and the company made a profit before tax for 
the first half of 2010 of GBP396,000 compared to GBP216,000 in 2009 for the same 
The directors have decided to pay an interim dividend of 2.40p per share on 
15th October 2010 to the Ordinary and `A' Ordinary shareholders whose names are 
on the register on 1st October 2010. This compares to the interim dividend of 
1.50p paid on 16th October 2009. 
Performance of group companies 
4B division 
The subsidiary companies comprising this division enjoyed a successful start to 
the year and, taken together, produced results above both last year and budget. 
Our US subsidiary had a particularly good first six months. 
The profitability of this division continued to benefit from favourable 
exchange rates and from the continuing expansion of our product range. 
Pressings division 
The fundamental restructuring of the manufacturing business in 2009 has 
resulted in a substantial reduction in the level of losses in this division, 
although the result for the first six months fell short of budget. 
Sales volumes of existing contracts were well ahead of expectations but the 
benefit of this contribution was offset by delays in the start up of new 
contracts, due largely to late changes by customers in product specification. 
We now have full approval for the components required for the second new major 
contract and start up of full production is scheduled for the beginning of 
November 2010. Launch of the third major new product line is on target for 
January 2011. 
In 2010 huge progress has been made in continuing the modernisation of the 
factory and the installation of new product lines. This has been achieved by a 
very small management and maintenance team. 
The positive start made by the 4B division has continued into the second half 
and, providing exchange rates remain at current levels, we would expect to 
maintain the progress achieved in recent years. 
The result for the full year in the pressings division very much rests on the 
successful start up of the second major contract in November. 
 Condensed consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30th June 2010 
                                  Note   Unaudited    Unaudited       Year to 
                                       6 months to  6 months to          31st 
                                         30th June    30th June          2009 
                                              2010         2009 
                                                 GBP            GBP             GBP 
Revenue                                  8,317,924    7,767,714    15,685,218 
Cost of sales                            6,379,779    6,058,988    12,248,094 
Gross profit                             1,938,145    1,708,726     3,437,124 
Other operating expenses                 1,513,886    1,457,991     2,737,843 
Operating profit                           424,259      250,735       699,281 
Finance expense                           (151,235)    (144,284)     (285,338) 
Finance income                             122,982      109,689       211,049 
Profit before tax                          396,006      216,140       624,992 
Income tax expenses                       (110,042)     (60,519)     (237,905) 
Profit after tax                           285,964      155,621       387,087 
Basic and diluted earnings per       2      19.86p       10.81p         26.88p 
    Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the six months ended 
                                30th June 2010 
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited       Year to 
                                       6 months to   6 months to          31st 
                                         30th June     30th June          2009 
                                                 GBP             GBP             GBP 
Profit for the period                      285,964       155,621       387,087 
Actuarial gains recognised directly in           -             -        76,000 
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) on          25,717      (146,101)     (107,605) 
re-translation of overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of minimum                 -             -      (149,000) 
funding requirement per IFRIC14 
Total comprehensive income for the         25,717       (146,101)     (180,605) 
Total comprehensive income for the         311,681         9,520       206,482 
         Consolidated statement of financial positionat 30th June 2010 
                                          Unaudited    Unaudited       Year to 
                                        6 months to   6 months to         31st 
                                          30th June     30th June     December 
                                               2010          2009         2009 
                                                  GBP             GBP            GBP 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment             1,207,447       768,183    1,249,460 
Goodwill                                     12,270        12,270       12,270 
Employee benefits                                 -       111,000            - 
Total non-current assets                  1,219,717       891,453    1,261,730 
Current assets 
Inventories                               2,995,554     3,072,095    2,862,149 
Trade and other receivables               3,282,853     3,160,953    2,400,384 
Cash and cash equivalents                 1,592,740     1,571,485    1,947,207 
Total current assets                      7,871,147     7,804,533    7,209,740 
Total assets                              9,090,864     8,695,986    8,471,470 
Current liabilities 
Bank overdraft                            1,106,334     1,561,734    1,159,966 
Trade and other payables                  2,385,993     2,275,414    2,019,053 
Other financial liabilities                 314,985       277,523      344,339 
Corporation tax liability                   110,042        60,519            - 
Total current liabilities                 3,917,354     4,175,190    3,523,358 
Non-current liabilities 
Financial liabilities                       445,896       237,025      488,979 
Total non-current liabilities               445,896       237,025      488,979 
Total liabilities                         4,363,250     4,412,215    4,012,337 
Total net assets                          4,727,614     4,283,771    4,459,133 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                               360,000       360,000      360,000 
Capital reserve                              77,319        77,319       77,319 
Foreign exchange reserve                    345,263       281,050      319,546 
Retained earnings                         3,945,032     3,565,402    3,702,268 
Total equity attributable to equity       4,727,614     4,283,771    4,459,133 
of the company 
 Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30th June 
                             Share   Capital    Foreign   Retained      Total 
                                     Reserve   Exchange   Earnings 
                                 GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
Balance at 1st January     360,000    77,319    319,546  3,702,268  4,459,133 
Comprehensive income 
Profit                           -         -          -    285,964    285,964 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial gains                  -         -          -          -          - 
recognised directly in 
Foreign exchange losses          -         -     25,717          -     25,717 
on re-translation of 
overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of         -         -          -          -          - 
minimum funding 
requirement per IFRIC14 
Total other comprehensive        -         -     25,717          -     25,717 
Total comprehensive              -         -     25,717    285,964    311,681 
Transaction with owners 
Dividends                        -         -          -    (43,200)   (43,200) 
Total transactions with          -         -          -    (43,200)   (43,200) 
Balance at 30th June 2010  360,000    77,319    345,263  3,945,032  4,727,614 
Balance at 1st January     360,000    77,319    427,151  3,431,381  4,295,851 
Comprehensive income 
Profit                           -         -          -   155,621     155,621 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial gains                  -         -          -          -          - 
recognised directly in 
Foreign exchange losses          -         -   (146,101)         -   (146,101) 
on re-translation of 
overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of         -         -          -          -          - 
minimum funding 
requirement per IFRIC14 
Total other comprehensive        -         -   (146,101)         -   (146,101) 
Total comprehensive              -         -   (146,101)   155,621      9,520 
Transaction with owners 
Dividends                        -         -          -    (21,600)   (21,600) 
Total transactions with          -         -          -    (21,600)   (21,600) 
Balance at 30th June 2009  360,000    77,319    281,050  3,565,402  4,283,771 
Balance at 1st January     360,000    77,319    427,151  3,431,381  4,295,851 
Comprehensive income 
Profit                           -         -          -    387,087    387,087 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial gains                  -         -          -     76,000     76,000 
recognised directly in 
Foreign exchange losses          -         -   (107,605)         -   (107,605) 
on re-translation of 
overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of         -         -          -   (149,000)  (149,000) 
minimum funding 
requirement per IFRIC14 
Total other comprehensive        -         -   (107,605)   (73,000)  (180,605) 
Total comprehensive              -         -   (107,605)   314,087    206,482 
Transaction with owners 
Dividends                        -         -          -    (43,200)   (43,200) 
Total transactions with          -         -          -    (43,200)   (43,200) 
Balance at 31st December   360,000    77,319    319,546  3,702,268  4,459,133 
    Consolidated cash flow statementfor thesix months ended 30th June 2010 
                                  Note   Unaudited    Unaudited       Year to 
                                       6 months to  6 months to          31st 
                                         30th June    30th June 
                                              2010         2009 
                                                 GBP            GBP             GBP 
Operating activities 
Net profit from ordinary                   285,964      155,621       387,087 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation                               139,045      139,803       302,865 
Grants amortised                              (828)        (828)       (1,656) 
Foreign exchange loss/(gain)                15,977     (139,656)     (119,426) 
Investment income                         (122,982)    (109,689)     (211,049) 
Interest expense                           151,235      144,284       285,338 
Gain on sale of plant and                  (11,808)           -        (8,748) 
Decrease in provisions and                   3,000       22,000        57,000 
employee benefits 
Income tax expense                         110,042       60,519       237,905 
Operating profit before                    569,645      272,054       929,316 
changes in working capital and 
(Increase)/decrease in trade              (882,469)    (516,578)      243,991 
and other receivables 
(Increase)/decrease in                    (133,405)     271,916       481,862 
Increase in trade and other                495,894      297,992        89,643 
                                          (519,980)      53,330       815,496 
Cash generated from operations              49,665      325,384     1,744,812 
Income taxes paid                         (128,954)    (112,413)     (375,533) 
Investing activities 
Purchases of plant, machinery              (50,718)     (63,673)     (326,902) 
and motor vehicles 
Sale of plant, machinery and                14,458            -         8,750 
motor vehicles 
Interest received                            1,982        8,689        11,049 
                                           (34,278)     (54,984)     (307,103) 
Financing activities 
Repayment of hire purchase                (110,833)     (58,112)     (124,157) 
Interest paid                              (33,235)     (36,284)      (75,338) 
Dividend paid                              (43,200)     (21,600)      (43,200) 
                                          (187,268)    (115,996)     (242,695) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash          3    (300,835)      41,991       819,481 
and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents            3     787,241      (32,240)      (32,240) 
(including overdrafts), 
beginning of period 
Cash and cash equivalents                  486,406        9,751       787,241 
(including overdrafts), end of 
Notes to the interim financial report 
1. Accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
The interim financial report has been prepared using accounting policies that 
are consistent with those used in the preparation of the full financial 
statements to 31st December 2009 and those which management expects to apply in 
the group's full financial statements to 31st December 2010. 
This interim financial report is unaudited. The comparative financial 
information set out in this interim financial report does not constitute the 
group's statutory accounts for the period ended 31st December 2009 but is 
derived from the accounts. Statutory accounts for the period ended 31st 
December 2009 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors 
have reported on those accounts. Their audit report was unqualified and did not 
contain any statements under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The group's condensed interim financial information has been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (`IFRS') as adopted 
for the use in the European Union and in accordance with IAS 34 `Interim 
Financial Reporting' and the accounting policies included in the Annual Report 
for the year ended 31st December 2009, which have been applied consistently 
throughout the current and preceding periods. 
2. Earnings per share and dividends 
Both the basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated using the 
net results attributable to shareholders of T.F. & J.H. Braime (Holdings) 
P.L.C. as the numerator. 
The weighted average number of outstanding shares used for basic earnings per 
share amounted to 1,440,000 (2009 - 1,440,000). There are no potentially 
dilutive shares in issue. 
Dividends paid 
Equity shares 
Ordinary shares 
Interim of 3.00p per share paid on 1st April 2010                       14,400 
`A' Ordinary shares 
Interim of 3.00p per share paid on 1st April 2010                       28,800 
Total dividends paid                                                    43,200 
Dividends paid 
Equity shares 
Ordinary shares 
Interim of 1.50p per share paid on 3rd April 2009                        7,200 
Interim of 1.50p per share paid on 16th October 2009                     7,200 
`A' Ordinary shares 
Interim of 1.50p per share paid on 3rd April 2009                       14,400 
Interim of 1.50p per share paid on 16th October 2009                    14,400 
Total dividends paid                                                    43,200 
3. Cash and cash equivalents 
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Year to 
                                         6 months to  6 months to         31st 
                                           30th June    30th June 
                                                2010         2009 
                                                   GBP            GBP            GBP 
Cash at bank and in hand                   1,592,740    1,571,485    1,947,207 
Bank overdrafts                            1,106,334    1,561,734    1,159,966 
                                             486,406        9,751      787,241 
4. Segmental information 
                                          Unaudited 6 months to 30th June 2010 
                                Central  Manufacturing Distribution      Total 
                                      GBP             GBP             GBP          GBP 
External                              -     1,093,574     7,224,350  8,317,924 
Inter                            33,638       784,058       419,824  1,237,520 
Total                            33,638     1,877,632     7,644,174  9,555,444 
EBITDA                           (8,914)      (31,596)      603,814    563,304 
Finance                          (6,815)     (134,692)       (9,728)  (151,235) 
Finance                             749       122,233             -    122,982 
Depreciation                          -      (111,600)      (27,445)  (139,045) 
Tax expense                      (9,419)            -      (100,623)  (110,042) 
(Loss)/                         (24,399)     (155,655)      466,018    285,964 
profit for 
the period 
Total assets                    778,974     2,974,686     5,337,204  9,090,864 
Additions to                          -        80,050        23,718    103,768 
non current 
Total                           337,324     1,830,652     2,195,274  4,363,250 
                                          Unaudited 6 months to 30th June 2009 
                            Central    Manufacturing Distribution        Total 
                                  GBP               GBP             GBP            GBP 
External                          -         746,123     7,021,591    7,767,714 
Inter company                29,816         983,395       322,611    1,335,822 
Total                        29,816       1,729,518     7,344,202    9,103,536 
EBITDA                      (20,531)       (214,934)      626,003      390,538 
Finance costs                (7,273)       (125,606)      (11,405)    (144,284) 
Finance income                3,620         106,063             6      109,689 
Depreciation                      -        (109,618)      (30,185)    (139,803) 
Tax expense                  (8,348)              -       (52,171)     (60,519) 
(Loss)/profit for the       (32,532)       (344,095)      532,248      155,621 
Total assets                788,751       1,993,882     5,913,353    8,695,986 
Additions to non                  -          59,421         4,252       63,673 
current assets 
Total liabilities           368,236       1,713,468     2,202,067    4,412,215 
                                            Audited year to 31st December 2009 
                            Central    Manufacturing Distribution        Total 
                                  GBP               GBP             GBP            GBP 
External                          -       2,474,259    13,210,959   15,685,218 
Inter company                59,770       1,982,160     1,423,421    3,465,351 
Total                        59,770       4,456,419    14,634,380   19,150,569 
EBITDA                      (15,460)       (211,880)    1,229,486    1,002,146 
Finance costs               (13,947)       (250,004)      (21,387)    (285,338) 
Finance income                4,710         206,333             6      211,049 
Depreciation                      -        (251,315)      (51,550)    (302,865) 
Tax expense                 (21,021)              -      (216,884)    (237,905) 
(Loss)/profit for the       (45,718)       (506,866)      939,671      387,087 
Total assets                774,354       2,412,351     5,284,765    8,471,470 
Additions to non                  -         673,321        31,935      705,256 
current assets 
Total liabilities           376,807       1,581,023     2,054,507    4,012,337 
21st September 2010 
A copy of this interim statement has been sent to all shareholders and is 
available on the company's web-site (www.braimegroup.com). 
For further information please contact: 
T.F & J.H. Braime (Holdings) P.L.C. 
David H. Brown FCA - Financial Director 
0113 245 7491 
W. H. Ireland Limited 
Katy Mitchell LLB 
0113 3946628 

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