PRESS RELEASE IGD SIIQ SPA: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPROVES THE INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015. Main results for the first nine months of 2015: Group net profit: 30.4 million (vs. 7.1 million in the first nine months of 2014); Core business funds from operations (FFO): 33.4 million, +32.7% against 30 September 2014; Core business revenue: 93.8 million, +4.3% against the first nine months of 2014; Loan To Value 47.9%; average cost of debt 3.79%; Financial occupancy: Italy 96.2%, Romania 92.3%; Sales of retailers in Italian malls up markedly: + 7.3%; footfalls in malls +1.3%;

Bologna, 10 November 2015. Today the Board of Directors of IGD - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. ("IGD" or the "Company"), one of the main players in Italy's retail real estate market and listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange examined and approved the Consolidated Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2015 during a meeting chaired by Gilberto Coffari. "We have achieved very satisfying results in these past nine months, posting further improvement in the key financial performance indicators" Claudio Albertini, IGD ­ Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A.'s Chief Executive Officer stated. "The recovery in consumption appears to be stabilizing and we are reporting our seventh consecutive quarter of growth in tenant sales, as well as in the traffic at our shopping centers. We are proceeding with the execution of our 2015-2018 Business Plan as forecast which is allowing us to strengthen our role as a key player in Italy's retail real estate market. At the same time, we are also carefully monitoring the Italian real estate market and are ready to take advantage of any further development opportunities that might materialize in order to continue along our growth path".

Operating income statement at 30 September 2015.
CONSOLIDATED /000 Revenues from freehold real estate and rental activities Revenues from leasehold and real estate rental activities Total revenues from real estate and rental activities Revenues from services Revenues from trading OPERATING REVENUES 30/09/2014 76,628 9,586 86,214 3,952 1,640 91,806 30/09/2015 81,038 9,228 90,266 3,811 1,570 95,647 D% 5.8% -3.7% 4.7% -3.6% -4.2% 4.2% 30/09/2014 76,425 9,586 86,011 3,952 0 89,963 CORE BUSINESS 30/09/2015 80,790 9,228 90,018 3,811 0 93,829 D% 5.7% -3.7% 4.7% -3.6% n.a. 4.3% PORTA A MARE PROJECT 30/09/2014 203 0 203 0 1,640 1,843 30/09/2015 248 0 248 0 1,570 1,818 D% 21.8% n.a. 21.8% n.a. -4.2% -1.4%

INCREASES, COST OF SALES AND OTHER COST Rents and payable leases Personnel expenses Direct costs DIRECT COSTS GROSS MARGIN Headquarters personnel G&A expenses G&A EXPENSES EBITDA Ebitda Margin Other provisions Impairment and fair value adjustments Depreciations DEPRECIATIONS AND IMPAIRMENTS EBIT NET FINANCIAL RESULT EXTRAORDINARY MANAGEMENT PRE-TAX INCOME Taxes NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD (Profit)/Loss for the period related to third parties GROUP NET PROFIT

(1,363) (8,432) (2,679) (12,623) (23,734) 66,709 (4,502) (3,118) (7,620) 59,089 64.4% (94) (14,117) (1,087) (15,298) 43,791 (34,541) 120 9,370 (2,691) 6,679 377 7,056

(1,467) (7,552) (2,780) (12,860) (23,192) 70,988 (4,562) (3,250) (7,812) 63,176 66.1% (162) (1,717) (943) (2,822) 60,354 (29,981) (137) 30,236 (19) 30,217 215 30,432

7.6% -10.4% 3.8% 1.9% -2.3% 6.4% 1.3% 4.2% 2.5% 6.9%

0 (8,432) (2,679) (12,321) (23,432) 66,531 (4,423) (2,723) (7,146) 59,384 66.0%

0 n . a. (7,552) (2,780) (12,592) (22,924) 70,906 (4,506) (2,967) (7,473) 63,431 67.6% -10.4% 3.8% 2.2% -2.2% 6.6% 1.9% 8.9% 4.6% 6.8%

(1,363) 0 0 (302) (302) 178 (79) (395) (474) (295)

(1,467) 0 0 (268) (268) 82 (56) (283) (339) (257)

7.6% n.a. n.a. -11.3% -11.3% -53.7% -28.9% -28.4% -28.4% -13.0%

73.1% -87.8% -13.2% -81.6% 37.8% -13.2% n . a. n . a. -99.3% n . a. -43.1% n . a.

N.B.: Certain cost and revenue items have been reclassified or offset which explains the difference with respect to the financial statements.

Principal consolidated results at 30 September 2015 The shopping centers continued to perform well in the first nine months of 2015 with retailers' sales at Italian shopping centers rising 7.3% (including the extensions, the seventh consecutive quarter of growth) and footfalls rising 1.3% versus a 0.2% drop on a national level based on the Italian Council of Shopping Center's latest statistics; in Romania, footfalls increased (+1.7%) due also to a decrease in the construction work underway. The financial occupancy in Italy was unchanged against June 2015 at 96.2% (average for malls and hyper), while it improved noticeably in Romania (92.3% versus 88.9% at 30/06/2015). Core business revenue reached 93.8 million, an increase of 4.3% against the same period of the prior year. Core business rental income rose 4.7% against the same period 2014 to 90.0 million; the change is explained primarily by: for 4.8 million, the new openings made in 2014 like the Centro d'Abruzzo extension, the first retail spaces at Piazza Mazzini in Livorno, the reformatted Le Porte di Napoli center, the inauguration of Clodì Retail Park in May 2015 and the acquisition of a portfolio of core real estate assets in October 2014 post-capital increase; like-for-like revenue in Italy which, net of the strategic or planned vacancies, was largely unchanged for both hypermarkets and malls:

for -821 thousand, by like-for-like strategic vacancies (vacant space which has already been pre-let, but where new layouts are being completed), sale of the City Center property on via Rizzoli at the end of May 2015 and other minor changes;

for 332 thousand by an increase in like-for-like revenue in Romania (+5.5%) linked to the pre-letting carried out in the period (average upside +0.3%). The vacancies needed to proceed with the investment plan and other changes caused revenue to fall by-317 thousand

As for the Porta a Mare project, the income generated by the rental of offices at Palazzo Orlando reached 248 thousand, while revenue from trading (relating to the sale of five residential units, 5 garages and 1 parking place) amounted to 1.6 million. Core business Ebitda amounted to 63.4 million, an increase of 6.8% against 30 September 2014, while total Ebitda rose 6.9% to 63.2 million. The core business Ebitda Margin came to 67.6%, while the Ebitda Margin for freehold properties reached 77.6%. Ebit came to 60.3 million, an increase of 37.8% against the same period 2014, due primarily to a drop in writedowns and negative fair value adjustments. Net financial expense fell considerably against 30 September 2014, coming in at 30.2 million (-4.6 million) and the average cost of debt came to 3.79% (vs. 3.88% at June 2015). The change is linked primarily to the decrease in financial payables as a result of the capital increase completed year-end 2014 which made it possible to extinguish a few loans. The use of short term credit lines fell, as did the spreads applied to both short term credit lines and refinanced mortgages, along with Euribor. The bond swap completed in April 2015 also helped to reduce financial expense. The Group's portion of net profit amounted to 30.4 million, a significant increase against the 7 million recorded in the same period 2014. Funds from Operations (FFO) rose 32.7% against the first nine months of 2014 to 33.4 million. The IGD Group's net financial position improved further against the prior year, reaching 931.4 million versus 937.9 million at 30 June 2015. Capital structure ratios like the gearing ratio, which went from the 0.95 posted at 30 June 2015 to 0.94, and loan to value, which reached 47.9% against 48.3% at 30 June 2015, improved slightly.

This document is available on IGD's website,, as well as at the Company's registered offices, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and the authorized storage mechanism provided through

Grazia Margherita Piolanti, IGD S.p.A.'s Financial Reporting Officer, declares pursuant to para. 2, article 154-bis of Legislative Decree n. 58/1998 ("Testo Unico della Finanza" or TUF) that the information reported in this press release corresponds to the underlying records, ledgers and accounting entries.

Please note that in addition to the standard financial indicators provided for as per the IFRS, alternative performance indicators are also provided (for example, EBITDA) in order to allow for a better evaluation of the operating performance. These indicators are calculated in accordance with standard market procedures.

IGD - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A.
Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. is one of the main players in Italy's retail real estate market: it develops and manages shopping centers throughout the country and has a significant presence in Romanian retail distribution. Listed on the Star Segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, IGD was the first SIIQ (Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata or real estate investment trust) in Italy. IGD has a real estate portfolio valued at circa 1,942.38 million at 30 June 2015, comprised of, in Italy, 25 hypermarkets and supermarkets, 20 shopping malls and retail parks, 1 city center, 2 plots of land for development, 1 property held for trading and an additional 7 real estate properties. Following the acquisition of the company Winmark Magazine SA in 2008 14 shopping centers and an office building, found in 13 different Romanian cities, were added to the portfolio. An extensive domestic presence, a solid financial structure, the ability to plan, monitor and manage all phases of a center's life cycle: these qualities summarize IGD's strong points.
CONTACTS INVESTOR RELATIONS CLAUDIA CONTARINI Investor Relations +39 051 509213 FEDERICA PIVETTI IR Assistant +39 051 509242 CONTACTS MEDIA RELATIONS IMAGE BUILDING Cristina Fossati, Federica Corbeddu +39 02 89011300

The press release is available on the website, in the Investor Relations section, and on the website, in the Press Room section.

Please find attached the IGD Group's income statement, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows and net financial position, as well as the operating income statement at 30 September 20151.


The Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione Group's Interim Management Statement and consolidated financial statements at 30 September 2015 are not subject to financial audit by external auditors.

Consolidated income statement at 30 September 2015
Consolidated income statement (in thousands of Euro) Revenue Other income Revenue from property sales Tota l revenue and operating income Change in work in progress inventory Tota l revenue and change in inventory Cos t of work in progress Purc has e of materials and services Cos t of labour Other operating costs Tota l operating costs 30/09/2015 (A) 90,266 3,811 1,570 95,647 -728 94,919 707 16,444 6,457 7,089 30,697 -2,151 -1,327 -390 -3,868 30/09/2014 (B) 86,207 4,066 1,533 91,806 -702 91,104 608 17,071 6,397 6,942 31,018 -2,331 -1,673 -12,445 -16,449 Change (A-B) 4,059 -255 37 3,841 -26 3,815 99 -627 60 147 -321 180 346 12,055 12,581 3Q 2015 (C) 30,359 1,260 684 32,303 -308 31,995 338 5,124 1,910 2,226 9,598 -790 0 -1,314 -2,104 3Q 2014 (D) 28,473 1,249 255 29,977 -130 29,847 87 5,660 2,062 2,331 10,140 -803 0 -363 -1,166 Change (C-D) 1,886 11 429 2,326 -178 2,148 251 -536 -152 -105 -542 13 0 -951 -938

(Deprec iation, amortization and provisions) (Impairment losses)/Reversals on work in progress and inventories Change in fair value - increases / (decreases) Tota l depreciation, amortization, provisions, impairment and change in fair value EBIT Ga ins/losse s from equity investments and disposals Financ ial income Financ ial charges Ne t financial income/(charges) PRE-TAX PROFIT Inc ome tax for the period NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD Minorities portion of net profit Pa re nt Company's portion of net profit

60,354 -37 32 30,113 -30,081 30,236 19 30,217 215 30,432

43,637 120 80 34,467 -34,387 9,370 2,691 6,679 377 7,056

16,717 -157 -48 -4,354 4,306 20,866 -2,672 23,538 -162 23,376

20,293 124 10 9,809 -9,799 10,618 625 9,993 29 10,022

18,541 0 20 11,639 -11,619 6,922 4,363 2,559 43 2,602

1,752 124 -10 -1,830 1,820 3,696 -3,738 7,434 -14 7,420

Consolidated statement of financial position at 30 September 2015
Consolidated statement of financial position (in thousands of Euro) NON-CURRENT ASSETS Inta ngible assets Intangible assets with finite useful lives Goodwill Prope rty, plant, and equipment Inves tment property Buildings Plant and machinery Equipment and other assets Leas ehold improvements As s ets under construction Othe r non-current assets Deferred tax assets Sundry receivables and other non-current assets Equity investments Non-c urrent financial assets Derivatives - assets TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS (A) CURRENT ASSETS: W ork in progress inventory and advances Trade and other receivables Other current assets Financ ial receivables and other current financial assets Cas h and cash equivalents TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (B) Non-curre nt assets held for sale (C) TOTAL ASSETS (A + B + C) NET EQUITY: Share capital Share premium reserve Other reserves Group profit Tota l Group net equity Portion pertaining to minorities TOTAL NET EQUITY (D) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Derivatives - liabilities Non-c urrent financial liabilities Provis ion for employee severance indemnities Deferred tax liabilities Provis ions for risks and future charges Sundry payables and other non-current liabilities TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES (E) CURRENT LIABILITIES: Current financial liabilities Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Other current liabilities TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (F) TOTAL LIABILITIES (G = E + F) TOTAL NET EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (D + G) 151,468 12,478 2,816 5,875 172,637 1,054,836 2,022,791 148,958 19,247 3,106 5,862 177,173 1,064,840 2,022,982 108,150 15,034 954 5,919 130,057 1,073,253 2,034,071 2,510 ( 6,769) ( 290) 13 ( 4,536) ( 10,004) ( 191) 43,318 ( 2,556) 1,862 ( 44) 42,580 ( 18,417) ( 11,280) 36,558 794,488 2,164 24,180 4,041 20,768 882,199 36,047 800,810 2,073 24,155 3,775 20,807 887,667 43,961 850,466 1,910 24,730 1,827 20,302 943,196 511 ( 6,322) 91 25 266 ( 39) ( 5,468) ( 7,403) ( 55,978) 254 ( 550) 2,214 466 ( 60,997) 549,760 39,971 324,650 43,200 957,581 10,374 967,955 549,760 39,971 324,830 33,178 947,739 10,403 958,142 549,760 147,730 231,818 20,921 950,229 10,589 960,818 0 0 ( 180) 10,022 9,842 ( 29) 9,813 0 ( 107,759) 92,832 22,279 7,352 ( 215) 7,137 67,820 13,830 3,454 151 13,348 98,603 2,022,791 68,186 16,795 4,389 151 10,661 100,182 2,022,982 69,355 15,566 3,623 151 15,242 103,937 28,600 2,034,071 ( 366) ( 2,965) ( 935) 0 2,687 ( 1,579) 0 ( 191) ( 1,535) ( 1,736) ( 169) 0 ( 1,894) ( 5,334) ( 28,600) ( 11,280) 7,510 66 5,003 1,022 18 13,619 1,924,188 7,463 77 4,916 1,052 28 13,536 1,922,800 9,722 75 408 1,128 49 11,382 1,901,534 47 ( 11) 87 ( 30) ( 10) 83 1,388 ( 2,212) ( 9) 4,595 ( 106) ( 31) 2,237 22,654 1,832,410 8,679 321 1,847 1,341 53,229 1,897,827 1,832,410 8,741 372 1,966 1,408 51,631 1,896,528 1,782,283 8,861 473 2,098 1,514 82,179 1,877,408 0 ( 62) ( 51) ( 119) ( 67) 1,598 1,299 50,127 ( 182) ( 152) ( 251) ( 173) ( 28,950) 20,419 80 12,662 12,742 74 12,662 12,736 82 12,662 12,744 6 0 6 ( 2) 0 ( 2) 30/09/2015 (A) 30/06/2015 (B) 31/12/2014 (C) Change (A-B) Change (A-C)

Consolidated statement of cash flows at 30 September 2015
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands of Euro) 30/09/201 5 30/09/201 4

CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Pre-tax profit for the period Ad j u stmen ts to reconcile net profit with the cash flow generated (absorbed) in the period: Non-monetary items Depreciation, amortization and provisions (Impairment losses)/Reversals on work in progress and inventories Change in fair value of investment property Gains/losses from equity investments and disposals CAS H FLOW FROM OPERAT I O NS Income tax CAS H FLOW FROM OPERAT I O NS NET OF T AX Change in inventories Net change in current assets and liabilities Net change in non-current assets and liabilities CAS H FLOW FROM OPERAT I NG ACT I V I T I E S (a) Investments in non-current assets Divestments of non-current assets Equity investments in subsidiaries CAS H FLOW FROM INVEST I NG ACT I V I T I E S (b) Change in non-current financial assets Change in financial receivables and other current financial assets Dividend reinvestment option Sale of treasury shares Capital increase Payment of dividends Change in current debt Change in non-current debt CAS H FLOW FROM FINANCING ACT I V I T I E S (c) Dif f erence in translation of liqudity (d) NE T INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH BALANCE (a)+(b)+(c)+(d) CAS H BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF T HE PERIOD CAS H BALANCE AT END OF T HE PERIOD (484) 2,1 2 5 1327 , 390 90 33,711 (772) 32, 939 799 631 520 34, 889 (22,549) 28,577 (4,384) 1, 644 16 0 0 0 0 (1 8) 0 (28,363) 47,844 (57,91 ) 4 ( 38, 435) 8 ( 1, 894) 15, 242 13, 348 2,438 2,332 1673 , 1 ,445 2 (1 0) 2 28, 138 (883) 27, 255 71 3 (1 7) 8 969 28, 750 (28,264) 46,890 (1 0) 0 18, 526 (1 6) 6 20 1 ,693 3 1 ,050 2 0 (22,620) (1 7,81 ) 5 3 1 1826 1, ( 43, 010) 26 4, 292 8, 446 12, 738 30, 236 9, 370

Consolidated net financial position at 30 Septembe 2015
NET FINANCIAL POSITION 30/09/2015 Cas h and cash equivalents Financ ial receivables and other current financial assets LI QUIDITY Current financial liabilities Mortgage loans - current portion Leas ing ­ current portion Convertible bond loan - current portion CURRENT DEBT CURRENT NET DEBT Non-c urrent financial assets Non-c urrent financial liabilities due to other sources of finance Leas ing ­ non-current portion Non-c urrent financial liabilities Convertible bond loan NON-CURRENT DEBT NET FINANCIAL POSITION (13,348) (151) (13,499) 90,556 55,046 300 5,566 151,468 137,969 (1,022) 563 4,640 507,427 281,858 793,466 931,435 30/06/2015 (10,661) (151) (10,812) 90,021 55,460 298 3,179 148,958 138,146 (1,052) 750 4,716 513,977 281,367 799,758 937,904 31/12/2014 (15,242) (151) (15,393) 33,210 66,708 293 7,939 108,150 92,757 (1,128) 1,125 4,867 553,293 291,181 849,338 942,095

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