TO:       Regulatory Information Service                                 
          PR Newswire                                                    
RE:       CHAPTER 16 PARAGRAPH 13 OF                                     
          THE LISTING RULES                                              


Diageo plc (the "Company") announces that it received notification on 23
January 2004 for the purposes of Section 329 of the Companies Act 1985 from
Diageo Share Ownership Trustees Limited (the "Trustee"), as trustee of the
Diageo Share Incentive Plan (the "Plan") that the Trustee transferred on 22
January 2004 914 ordinary shares of 28 101/108 pence in the Company ("Ordinary
Shares") in respect of participants leaving the Plan. The Plan is an Inland
Revenue approved plan operated by Diageo Group companies for the benefit of
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.

 The total holding of the Trust now amounts to 3,175,885 ordinary shares.




23 January 2004