The Brazilian subsidiary of multinational energy company AES Corp. (AES), known locally as AES Eletropaulo (ELPL6.BR), announced a reduction of energy prices in order to take effect on July 4, the company said late Tuesday in statement.

It is part of new methodology to calculate energy prices adopted by the Brazilian energy regulator, Aneel, which subjects energy companies operating in the regulated markets to price increases or decreases so long as they are providing a public service.

Annel determined a cut in prices by 7.59% in the latest prices revision last year. However, under the new methodology the regulator revised it to 8.07%. The company will implement the difference on clients' electricity bills on July 4.

On Tuesday, the company's share closed up 3.49% at 32.60 Brazilian reals ($16.63) on the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, the BMFBovespa.

-By Rogerio Jelmayer, Dow Jones Newswires; 55-11-2847-4521;