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Merck and Co Inc

Merck and Co Inc (MRK)

Geschlossen 19 Februar 10:00PM
Nach Börsenschluss: 1:59AM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
73,0010,1511,7010,1510,9250,000,00 %3018.2.2025
74,009,1511,150,0010,150,000,00 %00-
75,008,109,2010,978,650,000,00 %017-
76,006,208,156,957,175-0,80-10,32 %11018.2.2025
77,006,158,007,747,0750,000,00 %00-
78,005,156,154,405,650,000,00 %1018.2.2025
79,004,205,153,504,6750,000,00 %7018.2.2025
80,003,353,853,653,600,4012,31 %11140718.2.2025
81,002,472,772,542,620,7441,11 %303518.2.2025
82,001,481,831,931,6550,1810,29 %5864.14918.2.2025
83,001,011,181,031,0950,088,42 %81487418.2.2025
84,000,560,720,570,64-0,03-5,00 %1.1061.37318.2.2025
85,000,280,360,310,32-0,06-16,22 %9581.13518.2.2025
86,000,130,190,180,160,000,00 %7181.40818.2.2025
87,000,070,090,070,08-0,04-36,36 %1.0223.81218.2.2025
88,000,030,050,050,04-0,01-16,67 %3211.54118.2.2025
89,000,020,040,030,03-0,01-25,00 %4391.39018.2.2025
90,000,010,030,020,02-0,02-50,00 %1924.24718.2.2025
91,000,010,020,020,0150,01100,00 %28582618.2.2025
92,000,010,020,010,015-0,01-50,00 %1191118.2.2025

Professionelle Tools für Privatanleger.


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
73,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
74,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
75,000,010,010,030,010,02200,00 %316018.2.2025
76,000,010,020,010,0150,000,00 %210018.2.2025
77,000,020,050,050,0350,03150,00 %11718.2.2025
78,000,030,060,040,045-0,04-50,00 %13491818.2.2025
79,000,040,070,050,055-0,09-64,29 %1268618.2.2025
80,000,080,110,110,095-0,09-45,00 %3634.48318.2.2025
81,000,170,270,200,22-0,14-41,18 %48913418.2.2025
82,000,260,420,290,34-0,28-49,12 %1.5461.28418.2.2025
83,000,531,110,700,82-0,35-33,33 %41869218.2.2025
84,001,201,321,141,26-0,45-28,30 %18070018.2.2025
85,001,882,101,871,99-0,50-21,10 %5022.57718.2.2025
86,002,222,963,252,590,258,33 %182.68218.2.2025
87,002,973,904,083,435-0,80-16,39 %681.35418.2.2025
88,004,404,855,054,6250,020,40 %361.28718.2.2025
89,004,905,906,805,401,9339,63 %512418.2.2025
90,005,806,906,706,35-0,30-4,29 %2.1856.18718.2.2025
91,006,559,507,828,0252,9259,59 %22518.2.2025
92,007,908,908,838,40-0,32-3,50 %56529618.2.2025
  • Volumen
  • % Tops
  • % Flops
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US$ 0,7137
US$ 3,40
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US$ 0,208237
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US$ 1,09
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,1386
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US$ 0,2941
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US$ 0,1106
INTCIntel Corporation
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shoondale shoondale 3 Minuten vor
Re: shoondale post# 91176
Friday, June 19, 2020 4:58:43 PM
Post# 91179 of 104481
I will check in when QMC is successful and have the last laugh
StayHumble StayHumble 6 Minuten vor
💹Dividend✅+$5M Buyback+ $HCWC+💹✅💹✅💹 wow

-A buyback of up to $5M of $HCMC common stock.

-A spinoff of certain HCMC assets into a new publicly traded company

-A stock dividend to $HCMC shareholders of the
BDEZ BDEZ 7 Minuten vor
The Commies are boycotting the 28th, you know what to do
janice shell janice shell 8 Minuten vor
Unfortunately, the Trump and Musk supporters aren't listening to Rev Barber...
mvecho mvecho 8 Minuten vor
I think people need to be tweeting this to Elon, he is on top of looking into any corruption. I think if allot of people start mentioning this to him maybe we will get lucky and he will read one of them and look into it
mvecho mvecho 8 Minuten vor
I think people need to be tweeting this to Elon, he is on top of looking into any corruption. I think if allot of people start mentioning this to him maybe we will get lucky and he will read one of them and look into it
BDEZ BDEZ 8 Minuten vor
Guess They found the Dum Commie in the FBI that has been leaking ICE raid information.
boston745 boston745 10 Minuten vor
Just to clarify, i do not see a jump in price to fill the gap at 10-13 yet. Right now its acting like it wants to fill the gap between 2.15-2.45.
Also, despite calling it a pump to 10-13 range, 10-13 only represents a valuation of 10-13m. Sintx is worth, if you analyze its materials potentia
StayHumble StayHumble 11 Minuten vor
SEC💹catches🎅🏿&👽ArtificiallyDeflating Prices 2Buy Shares✅ huzzah💹💹

6, 12, 2023 —

SEC charged investment adviser Sabby Management LLC & managing partner,Hal D. Mintz,w/ fraud in connection w/ a long running sc
Dodger1 Dodger1 11 Minuten vor
All good to communicate...thanks to Elon and X, we almost lost free speach. Heck, even the word "speach" here has a
red line under it...indicating the word is not recognized. What up with that? Glad AABB communicates with its investors.

Looking forward to 8.88
Alexulf Alexulf 11 Minuten vor
BHP & El Dorado Gold Backed Mining Stock To Watch - Brixton Metals
wstinsider wstinsider 11 Minuten vor
Management is a big cero. Dead money and total scam. Ernesto's daughter sold the shares to a supposed strong group. They are all
Inept. Not even one single interest in any com's with all the holders no nothing. Still boggles me why dis they bought it on the 1st place. 
Whalatane Whalatane 12 Minuten vor
Yep. If you are a dialysis patient will poorly controlled serum pho ...just get your Nephrologist to prescribe you IBSRELA instead of Xphozah's the same drug just packaged in different doses .
Covered I believe by Medicare at significantly lower cost ...just one 50 mg IBSRELA pill a d
StayHumble StayHumble 13 Minuten vor
✅651Million+ Historic Xpert BUYS💹$9.99 High Sell Orders✅ huzzah*1yndril*_gcl_au*MTI1NDQyNTM1NS4xNzMxNjA2NTY3
StayHumble StayHumble 14 Minuten vor
💹MAJOR UPDATE✅$83 Possible PerSEC regulations💹 wow!
williamssc williamssc 15 Minuten vor
Predicting when things will happen with Anavex is a risky business
Yep and you found that out. The plan though is coming together.
jimr1717 jimr1717 15 Minuten vor
Has it been Revoked yet?
StayHumble StayHumble 16 Minuten vor
inCourt UnderOath✅SEC triedBashing $DBMM+Mgmt💹(D0H! Br. at 25-28.)

$DBMM has obtained resources to complete the re-audit, bring the Company current, & continue its timely filings,

DOE once again rejects the Law Judge’s analysis and conclusion th
arizona1 arizona1 16 Minuten vor
MAGAts destroying America one brain cell at a time.

Musk closes John F Kennedy Library in Boston
DiamondHealer95 DiamondHealer95 18 Minuten vor
Ok, bear with me here.

Here's what I know and after researching the options that could take place with the recently active SEC filing, I've found that this is a very very likely option for something as groundbreaking as KBLB is. The world is lined up for this silk, right?
justic_league justic_league 20 Minuten vor
A.I. is so real you cannot tell if it 's real or not.
justic_league justic_league 20 Minuten vor
so many A.I. now pumping makers and hedge funds no longer need to hire humans to trade or pump stocks on message boards now..that is ADVANCE aritificial intelligence and job losses in promoting stocks ,no humans needed. even fake videos in need for human actors now. fake A
janice shell janice shell 20 Minuten vor
What do W and Laura think about what is happening?

Whatever it is--and I do believe they're appalled by Trump--they don't have the balls to talk about it.
justic_league justic_league 22 Minuten vor
also, Cowtown jay is Artificial intelligence who moderates the board to make it appear there is even one person still interseted or following the stock. obviously A.I. No human would still follow a stock 1 year bankruptcy etc. This A.I. is almost like human.
janice shell janice shell 22 Minuten vor
Yes, I saw that. Just pathetic. These people aren't even capable of behaving like adults.

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