Rambler Media Limited

The issuer advises that the following replaces the Interim Results announcement
released yesterday (26 September 2006) at 07:04 BST. In section 9 titled
"Revenue and Other Income", the figure under "1 Jan to 30 June, 2006" for
Internet should read 11,639 sted 11,439; and the figure under "1 Jan to 30 June,
2006" for Television should read 2,154 sted 2,354.

All other details remain unchanged. The full corrected text appears below.

               137% period on period increase in internet revenue

             Nearly 100% period on period increase in total revenue

        EBITDA* positive at Group level for the first time for the period

Rambler Media Limited (RMG.LN), a leading integrated media company providing
services to the global Russian-speaking community, today announced its financial
results for the six months ended 30 June 2006.


    --  Total revenue up nearly 100% period on period to US$ 16 million (US$ 8

    --  Internet total revenue up 137% to US$ 12.3 million (US$ 5.2 million),
        representing 78% of total Group revenue

    --  Group business profitable for first time in first half of the year with
        net profit of US$ 2.5 million (net loss of US$ 2.3 million)

    --  Strong balance sheet with US$ 20 million of cash at period end


    --  Over 50% period on period increase in number of unique monthly users of
        Rambler.ru to over 21 million

    --  80% increase in monthly page views to 1.5 billion

    --  More than 1.6 million Rambler-ICQ Instant messaging unique users per
        month in less than one year after the service was launched

    --  Acquisition of 51% of Price Express, a leading Russian price comparison
        internet company, operating www.price.ru, www.domoteka.ru and
        www.tyndex.ru , enabling Rambler to expand its range of online services

    --  Exclusive partnership with Trader Media East Ltd for launch of online
        classifieds ads in Russia with leading newspaper Iz Ruk V Ruki

    --  Acquisition of 51% of online Russian social network www.damochka.ru and
        51% of online banner technology company Bannerbank

    --  Favourable market trends and new service launches provide support for
        anticipated continued growth in the rest of the year and beyond

* Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation

Irina Gofman, Chief Executive Officer of Rambler Media, commented: �Euro �Rambler
Media reports its second consecutive profitable half year for the Group. Our
growth continued to accelerate through the first six months of 2006, driven by
the introduction of new innovative online services and increasing internet
penetration in Russia. These solid results (+137% internet revenue period on
period) reflect our continued focus on our internet business, now accounting for
nearly 80% of our group revenue, and reinforce Rambler�Euro �s position as the number
one multi-service internet portal for the Russian community. Our TV division
continues to demonstrate strong sales growth and we have successfully adapted
our strategy in our Mobile Content business to quickly reach profitability in
the segment. We are confident that these favourable market trends will continue
in the second half of the year and beyond.�Euro ?


(US$ �Euro �000s)                        Jan - Jun   Jan �Euro � Jun     Jan �Euro � Dec       Jan �Euro � Dec
                                         2006        2005          2005           2004
                                   (reviewed)  (reviewed)     (audited)      (audited)
Net sales                             15,117       8,028        21,421         12,505
Other income                             684           -           515              -
Total revenue                         15,801       8,028        21,936         12,505
EBITDA* profit/(Loss)                  1,608      (1,501)         (568)        (2,690)
Net profit/(loss)                      2,477      (2,334)       (2,384)        (4,412)
Profit/(loss) per share -
 basic and fully diluted
 (US$)                                  0.16       (0.16)        (0.18)         (0.41)
Profit/(loss) per share -
 fully diluted (US$)                    0.16       (0.15)        (0.17)         (0.41)


* Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation


Rambler Media reported nearly 100% period on period increase in total revenue to
US$ 16 million for the first six months of 2006. This figure includes US$ 0.68
million of income from Rambler�Euro �s 25% stake in Begun.ru, paid search platform.
The Group reported its first net profit for the period at US$ 2.5 million (loss
of US$ 2.3 million in H1 2005). The ongoing investments in the operating
businesses reflect Rambler Media�Euro �s focus on increasing the penetration and
market share of its brands, technologies, products and services.


Rambler Internet reported a significant increase in EBITDA following strong
period on period growth in the number of users and in advertising sales. The
Internet segment�Euro �s EBITDA reached US$ 3.35 million in the first six months of
2006, up from US$ 0.5 million in H1 2005. Total revenue in the Internet services
division grew by 137% period on period from US$ 5.2 million to US$ 12.3 million
and represented 78% of total Group revenue for the year.

A leading Internet portal for the Russian community

Rambler Internet�Euro �s primary business is Rambler.ru (www.rambler.ru), a leading
Russian language Internet portal offering search, communication and media
services. It is complemented by a number of other web properties, including
leading on-line Russian language newspaper Lenta.ru (www.lenta.ru), which
attracted an average of 2.7 million unique visitors per month in the first six
months of the year, and several specialised web resources. Rambler Internet
generates its revenues primarily from banner advertising, sponsored key word
searches and e-commerce. Rambler Media has a 25% plus one share equity stake in
Begun.ru, a fast growing Russian sponsored search company, and retains an option
to increase its stake in Begun.ru in the future.

In the first half of 2006, Rambler.ru reached 21 million unique monthly users,
up more than 50% from the 13.6 million users in the first half of 2005. This
growth rate is well above the average 25% yearly increase in Russian Internet
penetration, demonstrating the increased take-up and usage of Rambler and its
growing market share. Today, 65% of all Russian internet users regularly visit
Rambler.ru, making it one of the most visited internet site in Russia. Internet
advertising is the fastest growing segment of the Russian advertising market and
was estimated to have increased by 71% year on year in 2005 to US$ 60 million
(US$ 35 million) (Source: Russian Association of Communication Agencies - RACA).


One of Rambler�Euro �s most successful recent projects has been its partnership with
ICQ to offer instant messaging services. Before its partnership with Rambler,
ICQ had 2 million users in Russia. Since Rambler-ICQ�Euro �s launch at the end of 2005
and throughout the first half of 2006, ICQ has been used by 3.6 million users,
of whom 1.6 million are active users via the Rambler-ICQ joint service
(http://icq.rambler.ru/). This means that one out of every 3 ICQ user in Russia
has been using Rambler-ICQ less than a year after the service was launched, thus
nearly doubling the total number of ICQ users. Furthermore, Rambler-ICQ users
have proven to be twice as active as average ICQ users. The appeal of
Rambler-ICQ is that it integrates Rambler email services and provides access to
Rambler�Euro �s internet search engine and online games, as well as Russian-language
news, weather forecasts and other useful information. In March 2006, the ICQ
2-Way SMS service was introduced to enable ICQ users to create and send SMS
messages directly from their desktop to GSM users in the Russian Federation and
allow the mobile recipient to reply back directly to the ICQ user. Instant
Message Forwarding also allows ICQ users to forward their instant messages via
SMS directly to their mobile phone and reply back directly to the sender.

Acquisitions and Partnerships

In January, Rambler Media bought 51% of Price Express, a leading e-commerce
internet company operating the portals price.ru (www.price.ru), Domoteka.ru
(www.domoteka.ru) and Tyndex.ru (www.tyndex.ru). The portals provide price and
product comparison tools designed to help online shoppers make the most
cost-effective buying decisions. Price Express has a database of 40 million
priced items, offering consumers one of the largest and quickest buying choices
in the Russian internet market. Over 1 million shoppers visited Price Express�Euro �s
websites every month in the period.

In April, Rambler Media entered into an exclusive partnership with Trader Media
East Limited, a leader in classified advertising, to create a co-branded website
which will give Rambler.ru customers access to online classified content in
Russia. Trader Media East�Euro �s operation in Russia & CIS, better known for its
local brand �Euro �Iz Ruk v Ruki�Euro �, produces 144 publications, totaling 75 million ads
per year and 3.8 million readers per week. The website www.irr.ru aggregates
content from publications in 81 cities and 4 other websites and employs
state-of-the-art technology with over 1.4 million ads of content. Through the
launch of a new co-branded website, Iz Ruk v Ruki private and professional
customers will be able to distribute their ads through Rambler to maximise the
effectiveness of their advertising and to access Rambler�Euro �s numerous online
properties and services. The new service will also enable Rambler�Euro �s users to
search through the biggest database of classified ads from all regions of

In June, Rambler Media announced its intention to acquire Damochka.ru
(www.damochka.ru) and BannerBank from eHouse Holding. Damochka.ru is a leading
Russian language, social network, and personal ads website with over 1.7 million
registered users. Dating and social networking is proving very popular in Russia
and the acquisition reinforces Rambler�Euro �s position as the number one
multi-service internet portal for the Russian community. BannerBank operates a
Virtual Banner Network (VBN), one of Russia�Euro �s most sophisticated banner exchange
networks, which optimises online advertising campaigns and provides detailed
information about the impact of banner advertising. It generates approximately
130 million banner views per day. The acquisition of 51% of each business was
completed by Rambler in July.

Other new services

In the first half of 2006, Rambler launched a specific page for its users
located in the United States. Rambler users in the US, estimated at more than
0.6 million for Rambler.ru, are now able to view more US-specific search and
news results when accessing Rambler.ru�Euro �s main page from North America. This
reflects Rambler Media�Euro �s strategy to explore further opportunities for American
advertisers to target the US Russian speaking community and benefit from higher
advertising prices in the United States, a more mature market than Russia.

New game services were recently introduced as part of Rambler.ru�Euro �s main portal,
including multiplayer and skill games. This is in addition to Rambler�Euro �s new
online gaming portal (www.ramblas.ru), which has been developed in partnership
with St Minver and is still in Beta version before its official launch.

Internet outlook

Market trends remain favourable, with the number of Internet users in Russia
forecast to increase by approximately 29% year on year in 2006 according to the
Ministry of Informatisation and Communication. The internet advertising market
is expected to grow by 65% to 70%, according to the Russian Association of
Communication Agencies. The value of the Internet access and data transmission
services markets is forecast to grow by 33% year on year to US$ 2 billion in
2006 according to Jason and Partners, whilst the total value of B2C product and
service transactions was estimated to have increased by 35% to US$ 1.5 billion
in 2005. Rambler Internet is well positioned to benefit from this growth due to
its established brand, large and growing market share, and its wide range of
existing and new services. (Source: Russian Association of Communication
Agencies (RACA), J�Euro �son & Partners, Ministry of Communications, National
Association of Electronic Commerce)


At the beginning of the year, Rambler Media rebranded SMXCOM as �Euro �Rambler
Mobile�Euro �, creating better association with Rambler Internet.

Sales of Mobile VAS reached US$ 1.3 million (US$ 1.9 million) in the first half
of 2006, and accounted for 8% of Group revenues in the period (23% of Group
revenues in H1 2005), clearly demonstrating the Group�Euro �s increased focus on its
core Internet activities.

The mobile content sector (SMS, MMS and premium SMS content) in Russia has grown
at a slower pace than initially forecast by market sources, up 21% in 2005 to
US$ 350 million (from US$ 290 million) (Source: Jason and Partners Russian
Wireless Content Report 2005-2007). Due to the slower growth and the increased
competition in the mobile content market in Russia, the Group has adapted
Rambler Mobile�Euro �s business model to be increasingly focused on a revenue sharing
model in order to avoid incurring direct advertising costs.

In the period, Rambler Mobile reported an EBITDA loss of US$ 0.3 million, nearly
reaching breakeven point. Rambler Mobile continued to invest in the development
and marketing of its mobile content brands and its relationships with Mobile
TeleSystems, VimpelCom and Megafon in Russia, which together account for
approximately 90% of mobile subscribers.

90% of Rambler Mobile�Euro �s sales are generated from in-house developed SMS-based
products and the Company also has licensing agreements with third party
providers of content such as ring tones, icons, screen savers and games.
Revenues are generated from a share of the fixed fees paid by subscribers to
their network provider for the download of Rambler Mobile products.

New services have recently been launched including Interactive Voice Retrieval
(IVR) services, on line / offline interactive mobile games, and ICQ 2-way SMS.
Further integration with Rambler web properties is reflected in such projects as
dating, photo and video, and horoscopes.

Rambler Mobile plans to be in the position to offer mobile users a wide range of
premium rate voice and SMS services at competitive rates and thereby increase
revenue and improve profitability. Rambler Mobile further expects to benefit
from enhanced mobile phone capabilities and deployment of new cellular
technologies, as well as closer integration with other Rambler Media owned
companies by adding and integrating mobile content to existing products,
programming and services.


Sales generated by Rambler TV grew by 129% period on period to US$ 2.2 million
from less than US$ 1 million in the first half of last year, and represented 14%
of Group revenues in the period. Revenues are primarily generated from the sale
of advertising airtime, as well as �Euro �below the line�Euro � advertising. The division
reported an EBITDA loss of US$ 1.4 million from a loss of US$ 1.3 million in the
first half of 2005.

Rambler TV is a free-to-air documentary and entertainment channel, which holds a
national broadcasting license in Russia and reaches 40 million people through a
network of 900 local affiliate stations broadcasting in 470 towns and cities
across Russia. 30% of the content is produced by Rambler Media. The channel�Euro �s
core target audience is 25-45 year-old adults, which is the most economically
active segment of the population. Research by TNS Gallup Media in July 2005
demonstrated that Rambler TV reaches consumers who have higher than average

The gross TV Advertising market grew by 35% year on year in 2005 to US$ 2.3
billion, and accounted for 47% of total Russian gross advertising spend during
the period (Source: Russian Association of Communication Agencies (RACA)).
Rambler TV�Euro �s national share of viewing amongst the total universe of viewers
between the age of 6 and 54 grew by 26% from 0.34% in first half 2005 to 0.43%
in the first half 2006, including growth in the Saint Petersburg�Euro �s station share
from 1.56% to 1.9%. Rambler TV has also continued to invest in increasing its
national penetration, which rose by 38% from 24% to 33% for the period. (Source:
TNS Gallup Media, April-June 2006)


The Company ended the period with cash balances of US$ 20 million.


Rambler Media expects to benefit from the Russian Federation Government�Euro �s new TV
advertising law introduced by the State Duma, which reduced the allowable
advertising airtime for the major TV channels with effect from July 1, 2006.
Prices of TV advertising on the leading channels are expected to increase as a
result of the new legislation, which may encourage advertisers to seek
alternative marketing channels, such as smaller TV networks and online media.

At an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders held in Jersey on 7 July,
Mr. Alexander Rappoport, Mr. Oleg Edward Radzinsky and Mr. Vitaly Rudenko were
appointed as new Non-executive Directors of the Company and Dr. Valentin Zorin
resigned from the Board of Directors. However, Dr. Zorin continues in his
position as chairman of Rambler Media�Euro �s advisory panel.

Also during the Summer, Rambler signed an agreement with Fast Search & Transfer
ASA (FAST) to deploy the FAST Enterprise Search Platform (FAST ESP) across its
Internet business. This will provide Rambler with improved technological modules
in order to expand Rambler�Euro �s proprietary search engine capabilities. The first
phase of implementation of the FAST upgrade will take place in the second half
of the year.

Finally, Rambler has acquired 26% of Chess Planet, which operates the portal
with the same name: (www.chessplanet.ru) with the intention to launch a joint
website that will allow Rambler users to play virtual chess on the Rambler web
portal. Chess Planet is an international Russian-language online club where
chess enthusiasts can play chess, improve their skills, as well as train other
players. 715,000 games were played on Chess Planet in the last months, twice as
many as at the start of 2006, and Chess Planet visitors spend an average of 2 to
3 hours a day on the portal.


The Company�Euro �s consolidated accounts have been prepared according to
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The following preliminary
financial information has been approved for release by the company�Euro �s auditors.

The company will host a conference call to present the results at 5:00 pm
(Moscow Time)/ 3:00 pm (CET) / 2:00 pm (London Time) / 9:00 am (New York Time)
today. The results statement and related documentation are available on Rambler
Media�Euro �s website at www.ramblermedia.com. To participate in the conference call,
please register online at www.sharedvalue.net/ramblermedia/hy2006. The number
for the conference call will be available upon registration.

For further information, please visit www.ramblermedia.com or contact:

Rambler Media                 Shared Value Limited
Irina Gofman                  Nicolas Duperrier
Tel. +7 495 500 3826          Tel. +44 (0) 20 7321 5010


Rambler Media is an integrated and diversified Russian language media,
entertainment, services and content delivery company with three main segments:
internet services, mobile value added services, and television broadcasting.
Rambler Media operates businesses including the Russian language internet portal
and search engine 'rambler.ru', on-line newspaper 'Lenta.ru�Euro �, broadband ISP
'Rambler Telecom', interactive advertising company 'Index20', mobile content
service provider 'Rambler Mobile', and documentary and entertainment TV network
'Rambler TV'. Rambler Media�Euro �s shares are traded on the AIM market of the London
Stock Exchange under the symbol 'RMG'. For more information on Rambler Media,
visit our corporate website at www.ramblermedia.com.

Certain statements within this announcement constitute forward looking
statements. Such forward looking statements involve risks and other factors
which may cause the actual results, achievements or performance of the Company
to be materially different from any future results, achievements or performance
expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Such risks and other
factors include, but are not limited to, general economic and business
conditions, changes in government regulations, and court interpretations of such
regulations, currency fluctuations (including the US$/Rbs rate), competition,
changes in development plans. There can be no assurance that the results and
events contemplated by the forward looking statements contained in this
announcement will, in fact, occur. Any forward looking statements made in this
announcement represent management�Euro �s best judgment as to what may occur in the
future and are correct only as at the date of this announcement. The Company
will not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to these
forward looking statements to reflect events, circumstance or unanticipated
events occurring after the date of this announcement except as required by
applicable law or by any applicable regulatory authority.

(US $�Euro �000s)

                                         Notes     1 January 2006   1 January 2005 to
                                                     to 30 June        30 June 2005
                                                        2006           (reviewed)
                                        --------   --------------   -----------------

Revenue                                       9           15,117               8,028

Other income                                  9              684                   -
                                                   --------------   -----------------

Total Revenue                                             15,801               8,028

Operating expenses                           10          (14,946)            (10,178)
                                                   --------------   -----------------

Operating profit/(loss)                                      855              (2,150)

Interest income                                              569                   -
Interest expense                                              (7)                (62)
Share of loss of associate                                     -                 (14)
                                                   --------------   -----------------
Profit/(loss) before taxation
                                                           1,417              (2,226)

Taxation                                                   1,060                 (50)
                                                   --------------   -----------------

Profit/(loss) for the period                               2,477              (2,276)

Attributable to
- equity holders of the company                            2,407              (2,334)
- minority interest                          12               70                  58
                                                   --------------   -----------------
                                                           2,477              (2,276)
                                                   ==============   =================

Earnings per share for profit/(loss)
 attributable to the equity holders of
 the company, expressed in cents per
- basic                                      13               16                 (16)

- diluted                                    13               16                 (15)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this profit and loss account.

(US $�Euro �000s)

                                    Notes           30 June         31 December
                                                      2006             2005
                                                   (reviewed)        (audited)
                                   --------      --------------   ---------------
Non Current Assets
     Property, plant and equipment       6               4,090             3,815
  Intangible assets                      7              17,903            15,770
  Financial assets                       8                 778               778
                                                 --------------   ---------------
                                                        22,771            20,363
Current Assets
  Trade debtors                                          4,868             3,690
  Inventory                                                436               367
  Prepayments                                              851               392
  VAT, net                                                 439               558
  Other receivables                                      1,665               861
  Bank and cash balances                                19,967            21,482
                                                 --------------   ---------------
                                                        28,226            27,350

                                                 --------------   ---------------
Total assets                                            50,997            47,713
                                                 ==============   ===============

Current Liabilities
  Trade creditors                                        2,882             1,213
  Deferred income                                          880               829
  Loans                                                     15                10
                                                 --------------   ---------------
                                                         3,777             2,052
Long Term Liabilities
  Loans                                                    131               131
  Deferred taxation                                        649             1,726
                                                 --------------   ---------------
                                                           780             1,857

                                                 --------------   ---------------
Total liabilities                                        4,557             3,909

Shareholders�Euro � equity
Issued capital                          13                 151               150
Share premium                                           56,039            55,902
Options reserve                                            429               341
Merger reserve                                              51                51
Accumulated losses                                     (10,256)          (12,663)
                                                 --------------   ---------------
Total shareholders�Euro � equity                              46,414            43,781

Minority interest                       11                  26                23

                                                 --------------   ---------------
Liabilities and
Shareholders�Euro � Equity:                                   50,997            47,713
                                                 ==============   ===============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this balance sheet.
These financial statements were approved by the Directors on 25th September 2006.

(US $�Euro �000s)

                                                 1 January   1 January 2005
                                                 2006 to 30    to 30 June
                                                  June 2006        2005
                                                 (reviewed)    (reviewed)
                                                ------------ ---------------

Cash flows from operating activities
Operating result                                      2,406          (2,334)
Adjusted for:
Minority interest                                        70              58
Interest receivable                                    (569)              -
Interest charged                                          7              62
Dividends receivable                                   (684)              -
Taxation charge                                      (1,060)             50
Cost of share options exercised                          88              58
Depreciation and amortisation                           754             649
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                          -               -
Increase in debtors and receivables                  (2,274)         (2,652)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors &
 payables                                             1,416           2,569
Taxation paid                                           (12)              -
                                                ------------ ---------------
Net cash used in operating activities                   142          (1,540)

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of subsidiary                               (1,708)              -
Purchase of property, plant and
 equipment                                             (866)           (678)
Acquisition of intangibles                             (288)           (449)
Investments                                               -            (792)
                                                ------------ ---------------
Net cash used in investing activities                (2,862)         (1,919)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from long-term borrowings                        -               -
Repayment of long-term borrowings                       (10)         (1,035)
Proceeds of equity financing                            138          27,780
Dividends received                                      515               -
Interest received                                       569               -
Interest paid                                            (7)              -
                                                ------------ ---------------
Net cash from financing activities                    1,205          26,745

Net Increase in cash                                 (1,515)         23,286
Cash at the beginning of the period                  21,482           6,783
                                                ------------ ---------------
Cash at the end of the period                        19,967          30,069
                                                ============ ===============

(US $�Euro �000s)

                            Attributable to equity holders of the company
                       Issued   Additional   Options  Merger  Accum.            Total
                      capital capital/share  reserve reserve  losses             equity
                       (Note     premium
                         15)    (Note 15)
                      -----------------------------------------------          ---------
I January 2005
 (audited)                120        29,703      260      51 (10,279)            19,855

Share capital issued       30        30,720        -       -       -             30,750

Cost of share capital
 issued                              (4,521)       -       -       -             (4,521)

Cost of share option        -             -       94       -       -                 94

Loss for the period         -             -        -       -  (2,543)            (2,543)

Minority interest                                                (58)               (58)

                      -----------------------------------------------          ---------
30 June 2005
 (reviewed)               150        55,902      354      51 (12,764)            43,693

Cost of share option        -             -      (13)      -       -                (13)

Profit for the period       -             -        -       -      66                 66

Minority interest                                                 35                 35

31 December 2005
 (audited)                150        55,902      341      51 (12,663)            43,781

Share capital issued        -             -        -       -       -                  -

Exercise of share
 options                    1           137        -       -       -                138

Cost of share option        -             -       88       -       -                 88

Profit for the period       -             -        -       -   2,477              2,477

Minority interest                                                (70)               (70)

                      -----------------------------------------------          ---------

30 June 2006
 (reviewed)               151        56,039      429      51 (10,256)            46,414
                      ===============================================          =========

NOTES (US $�Euro �000s)

1. Rambler Companies and Principal Activities

Rambler Media Limited was incorporated in Jersey on 10 June 2004 as a private
limited company. It was formed to act as a holding vehicle for the media
interests controlled by First Mercantile Net Ventures Fund Ltd. During the year
ended 31 December 2004, the directors of Rambler decided to seek a listing on
the London AIM market. In anticipation of this event the status of the company
was changed to that of a public limited company on 18 October 2004. The Initial
Public Offering took place on 15 June 2005.

The Rambler Group provides a diversified and integrated Russian language media,
entertainment and content service with operations in three main segments:
Internet services, Mobile Value Added Services and Television Broadcasting.

Rambler Media Limited has its registered office at First Island House, Peter
Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4SP. Its principal place of business is 26
Leninskaya Sloboda Ulitsa, Moscow, Russian Federation.

2. Principal Accounting Policies

a) Basis of preparation

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies set out in the Group's financial statements for the year
ended December 2005. The interim financial statements are unaudited but have
been reviewed by the auditors.

The Group�Euro �s financial report including financial statements and notes thereto is
prepared in compliance with IAS 34 (Interim Financial Reporting). The interim
financial report should be read in conjunction with the annual financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2005.

The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are
mandatory for financial year ending 31 December 2006:

Amendment to IAS 19, 'Actuarial gains and losses, group plans and disclosures',
This interpretation is considered by the Directors to be not relevant for the

Amendment to IAS 21, Amendment 'Net investment in a foreign operation', This
amendment is considered by the Directors to be not relevant for the Group;

Amendment to IAS 39, Amendment 'Cash flow hedge accounting of forecast

transactions', This amendment is considered by the Directors to be not relevant
for the Group;

Amendment to IAS 39 and IFRS 4, Amendment 'Financial guarantee contracts', .
This amendment is considered by the Directors to be not relevant for the Group;

IFRS 6, 'Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources',. This standard is
considered by the Directors to be not relevant for the Group;

IFRIC 4, 'Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease', This
interpretation is considered by the Directors to be not relevant for the Group;

IFRIC 5, 'Rights to interests arising from decommissioning, restoration and

rehabilitation funds', . This interpretation is considered by the Directors to
be not relevant for the Group; and

IFRIC 6, 'Liabilities arising from participating in a specific market - waste
electrical and electronic equipment', This interpretation is considered by the
Directors to be not relevant for the Group.

b) Basis of consolidation

The financial statements consist of Rambler Media Limited (the Company) and its
respective subsidiary undertakings (the Group). On the acquisition of a
business, including an interest in a subsidiary undertaking, fair values are
attributed to the Group�Euro �s share of net separable assets. Where the cost of
acquisition exceeds the fair values attributable to such net assets the
difference is treated as purchased goodwill and capitalised in the balance sheet
in the year of acquisition.

3. Turnover

All proceeds are receivable in the ordinary course of business and are recorded
exclusive of Value Added Tax.

4. Seasonality of the business

Interim operations are subject to regular seasonal reduction of all lines of
business in January of each year due to the Russian Federation national
holidays. The significant reduction in January turnover indices in comparison
with December figures occurs annually.

5. Labour costs

The Group has measured the expected cost of and obligation for accumulated
compensated vacation reserve up to 30 June 2006 at USD 272 thousand, including
all applicable social taxes at the estimated average annual effective tax rate.

6. Leasehold Improvements and Equipment

                         Leasehold      Office      Television      Vehicles       Total
                       improvements     equipment     equipment
31 December 2004                 516         3,293         1,391             4        5,204

Additions                         17           641            20             -          678
Disposals                          -           (41)            -             -          (41)
30 June 2005                     533         3,893         1,411             4        5,841

Additions                          8           944            90             -        1,042
On acquisition of
 subsidiary                        8            30           176             -          214
Disposals                          -           (22)          (51)            -          (73)
31 December 2005                 549         4,845         1,626             4        7,024

Additions                         41           792            33             -          866
On acquisition of
 subsidiary                       67            21             -             -           88
Disposals                          -             -             -             -            -
30 June 2006                     657         5,658         1,659             4        7,978

31 December 2004                 194           955           427             2        1,578

Charge                            35           366            93             1          495
Disposals                          -            (1)            -             -           (1)
30 June 2005                     229         1,320           520             3        2,072

Charge                           160           743           227             1        1,161
On acquisition of
 subsidiary                        1             2            26             -           29
Disposals                          -           (23)            -             -          (23)
31 December 2005                 390         2,042           773             4        3,209

Charge                            36           442           166             -          644
On acquisition of
 subsidiary                       28             7             -             -           35
Disposals                          -             -             -             -            -
30 June 2006                     454         2,491           939             4        3,888

Net book amount

30 June 2006                     203         3,167           720             -        4,090

31 December 2005                 159         2,803           853             -        3,815

7. Intangible Assets

                        Domain   Broadcast   Software and Goodwill    Total
                          and      network      other
                         trade                intangibles
31 December 2004            985       8,572          480       571      10,608

30 June 2005                985       8,572          428       571      10,556

31 December 2005            931      13,626          642       571      15,770

30 June 2006 (reviewed)     935      13,684          782     2,502      17,903

8. Financial Assets

                                             1 January 2006 to     1 January 2005
                                                30 June 2006         to 30 June
                                                (reviewed)               2005
                                             -----------------     ---------------

ZAO Begun                                                 771                 771
Other                                                       7                   7
                                             -----------------     ---------------

Total                                                     778                 778
                                             =================     ===============

In December 2004 the Company entered into an agreement with the then
shareholders of ZAO Begun to purchase 25% plus 1 share of ZAO Begun for $750,000
and an option to purchase an additional 25% of the shares. The purchase was
completed in March 2005 but the option has yet not been exercised. The majority
shareholder of ZAO Begun has an option to sell an additional 50% minus 1 share
in the event that the Company exercises the option. The Company spent an
additional $21,000 on completing the transaction.

Dividends are declared by ZAO Begun based on profits generated and not at any
set rate.

ZAO Begun is treated as an investment as the Company has no significant
financial or operational influence over the company. Dividend income received
from ZAO Begun is included in other income.

It is not practical to determine the fair value of this investment, other than
to state that fair value is believed by management to significantly exceed the
cost at which the investment is included in these financial statements due to
the dividends received to date and therefore it is not possible to forecast
dividend yield from the Company.

9. Revenue and Other Income

Revenue is comprised:

                                               1 January 2006   1 January 2005
                                                     to               to
                                                30 June 2006     30 June 2005
                                                 (reviewed)       (reviewed)
                                               ---------------  ---------------

Internet                                               11,639            5,198
Television                                              2,154              962
Mobile Value Added Services                             1,324            1,868
                                               ---------------  ---------------

                                                       15,117            8,028
                                               ===============  ===============

                                               1 January 2006   1 January 2005
                                                      to              to
                                                30 June 2006     30 June 2005
                                                 (reviewed)       (reviewed)
                                               ---------------  ---------------

Barter included in revenue:                               514                -
                                               ---------------  ---------------
Other income �Euro � dividends from ZAO Begun                   684                -
                                               ---------------  ---------------
Interest income                                           569                -
                                               ---------------  ---------------

Periodically, the Company engages in barter transactions for marketing or other
services. Barter revenue (revenue from advertising time provided in exchange for
services) is recognized only if the services received are of a dissimilar nature
and if the revenue has economic substance and can be reliably measured.
Exchanges of similar advertising services are not recognized as revenue.

Revenue from barter transactions is recognized at the fair value of services
received, adjusted by the amount of any cash transferred.

If Rambler Companies enter into a barter transaction where dissimilar
advertising services are exchanged then revenue is measured at the fair value of
the advertising services provided, in accordance with Standing Interpretations
Committee (�Euro �SIC�Euro ?) 31 �Euro �Revenue �Euro � Barter Transactions Involving Advertising
Services�Euro ?.

10. Operating expenses

Operating expenses comprise:

                                                  1 January 2006     1 January 2005
                                                         to                 to
                                                    30 June 2006      30 June 2005
                                                     (reviewed)        (reviewed)
                                                  ----------------   ---------------

Labour                                                      6,494             4,324
Content and transmission                                    1,569               885
Commissions and partner fees                                2,031             2,143
Management charge                                               -                 -
Rent                                                          552               429
Legal and professional                                      1,055               438
General expenses                                              671               325
Share Options                                                  88                58
Depreciation                                                  645               546
Amortisation                                                  109               103
Marketing and advertising                                   1,356               368
Other                                                         376               559
                                                  ----------------   ---------------

Total Operating expenses                                   14,946            10,178
                                                  ================   ===============

11. Segmental Information

The segmental results for the six months ended 30 June 2006 are as follows:

                      Internet Services        TV           Mobile VAS          Total
                      -----------------   -------------   ---------------  ---------------
Total Revenue                   12,323           2,154             1,324           15,801
Operating expenses and
 overheads                      (9,391)         (3,813)           (1,742)         (14,946)
                      -----------------   -------------   ---------------  ---------------

Net profit/(loss)
 before interest, tax
 and minority interest           2,932          (1,659)             (418)             855
                      =================   =============   ===============  ===============

The segmental results for the six months ended 30 June 2005 are as follows:

                      Internet Services        TV           Mobile VAS          Total
                      -----------------   -------------   ---------------  ---------------

Total Revenue                    5,198             962             1,868            8,028
Operating expenses and
 overheads                      (5,012)         (2,514)           (2,652)         (10,178)
                      -----------------   -------------   ---------------  ---------------

Net profit/(loss)
 before interest,
 taxation and minority
 interest                          186          (1,552)             (784)          (2,150)
                      =================   =============   ===============  ===============

12. Minority interest


As at 1 January 2006                                              23

Arising on purchase of Price.ru                                 (111)

Purchase of minority interest of Infoproject                      44

Share of results of OOO Business-Studio for the six
 months 2006 (49%)                                                (4)

Share of results of Price.ru for the six months 2006
 (49%)                                                            74

As at 30 June 2005                                                26

13. Profit and loss per Share

Profit/(loss) per share has been calculated as follows:

                                                        2006           2005
Net profit/(loss)                                      2,407         (2,334)

Issued shares                                         15,017         14,976
                                                 ------------  -------------

Profit/(loss) per share                              USD 0.16     USD (0.16)
                                                 ============  =============

Fully diluted profit (loss) per share has been calculated as follows:

Net profit/(loss)                                      2,407         (2,334)

Issued shares                                         15,017         14,976
Shares over which options have been issued               343            315
                                                 ------------  -------------
                                                      15,360         15,291
                                                 ------------  -------------

Fully diluted profit/(loss) per share                USD 0.16     USD (0.15)
                                                 ============  =============

Weighted average number of basic and diluted
 shares                                               14,966         13,611

14. Share Capital

The share capital of the Company at the balance sheet date expressed in USD (not
thousands) is comprised as follows:

                                                        2006           2005
                                                 ------------  -------------

                                                 ------------  -------------
Authorised ordinary shares of USD 0.01 each (20
 million shares)                                     200,000        200,000
                                                 ------------  -------------

Issued and fully paid share capital ordinary
 shares of USD 0.01 each                             150,165        149,757
                                                 ------------  -------------

15. Acquisitions


In January 2006, the Company acquired a 51% interest in Price Express, a leading
Russian price comparison internet company.

16. Post Balance Sheet Events

Purchase of Damochka.ru and BannerBank

On 18 July 2006 the Group executed a share sale and purchase agreement with
eHouse Holding for the purchase of 51% of a leading Russian social network
internet company Damochka.ru and 51% of the online banner exchange company
BannerBank. The Group retains the option to acquire the remaining 49% of both
companies for three months.

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