RNS Number : 7265R 
Property Recycling Group PLC 
27 August 2010 
                          PROPERTY RECYCLING GROUP PLC 
                                Interim Results 
                      For the six months ended 30 June 2010 
Property Recyling Group plc (the "Company") (AIM: PROP), which acquires and 
prepares brownfield sites for development, today announces its interim results 
for the six months ended 31 June 2010. 
For further information please contact: 
Stephen Stuteley, Director 
Property Recycling Group plc 
                01953 717176 
Geoff Nash 
finnCap, Nominated adviser and joint broker 
020 7600 1658 
John Webb 
Marshall Securities, Joint broker 
              020 7490 3788 
                          Executive Chairman's Report 
I said at the onset of the financial crisis that we had positioned ourselves for 
an extended period of tough times by reducing our costs and seeking to maximise 
short term income. That remains our approach and, as shown below, it has served 
us well in the period to June 2010. There is little reason to challenge our view 
that the economy will take a considerable period to rebalance and recover. 
In our sector there have been a few well publicised bank realisations of 
property but we expect that there are many more to come. The very gradual 
unwinding of the bank balance sheets is no doubt vital at the national economic 
level, but it seems that much of the property sector faces a prolonged period of 
difficult financing which will delay the realisation of development assets. 
Financial results 
In the period the Group achieved revenue of GBP666,215, up from GBP436,611 in 
the same period last year. While rental income fell as a result of the overall 
economic downturn, our approach of securing option fees generated GBP300,000 in 
the period. There were no property realisations in either period. The operating 
profit was GBP205,532 (2009: loss GBP13,341) reflecting the benefit of increased 
turnover and GBP26,554 which arose from the absence of a charge relating to 
share options in the current period following cancellation of the scheme in the 
second half of last year. Net interest expense was GBP26,895 (2009: GBP20,404). 
Profit before tax was GBP178,637 (2009: loss GBP33,745). Earnings per share were 
0.49p (2009: loss 0.09p) all of which is attributable to continuing operations. 
At 30 June 2010 the Group had net debt of GBP1.83m compared to GBP1.65m at 31 
December 2009 as a result of a prepayment of revenue received in 2009 relating 
to the current period. 
No interim dividend is proposed. 
Property portfolio 
The Group currently owns eight freehold sites totalling 346 hectares, all of 
which have planning approval for industrial, commercial, residential or leisure 
use. There have been no acquisitions or disposals in the period. We continue to 
progress further the value of these sites by remediation and improved planning 
permissions and to explore long term disposals through option arrangements. 
Planning approval for a Biomass plant at Brigg was refused and an appeal against 
this decision has been lodged by the optionholder. 
The prospects for the Company are unchanged from those I described in March 
2010. We expect that it is going to be some time before demand for development 
sites returns to normal activity levels. In the meantime we concentrate on 
maintaining our rental income, controlling costs and exploring ways of 
increasing the underlying value of our sites. In this context we have received 
an option fee of GBP500,000 in August 2010 which extends a previous agreement. 
We are confident that the portfolio will deliver value to shareholders in the 
longer term. 
Paul Rackham 
Executive chairman 
27 August 2010 
For the six months ended 30 June 2010 
|                 |      |       Six |        Six |         Year | 
|                 |      |    months |     months |        ended | 
|                 |      |     ended |      ended |           31 | 
|                 |Note  |        30 |         30 |     December | 
|                 |      |      June |       June |         2009 | 
|                 |      |      2010 |       2009 |          GBP | 
|                 |      |       GBP |        GBP |              | 
|                 |      |           |            |              | 
| Revenue         |  4   |  666,215  |   436,611  |   1,162,910  | 
| Cost of sales   |      |         - |            |    (974,694) | 
|                 |      |           |          - |              | 
| Gross profit    |      |   666,215 |   436,611  |     188,216  | 
| Administrative  |      | (460,683) |  (449,952) |  (1,038,213) | 
| expenses        |      |           |            |              | 
| Operating       |      |   205,532 |   (13,341) |    (849,997) | 
| profit/(loss)   |      |           |            |              | 
| Investment      |      |       244 |     1,621  |       2,466  | 
| revenues        |      |           |            |              | 
| Finance costs   |      |  (27,139) |   (22,025) |     (57,693) | 
|                 |      |           |            |              | 
| Profit/(loss)   |      |   178,637 |   (33,745) |    (905,224) | 
| before tax      |      |           |            |              | 
| Tax             |  5   |   (1,338) |      1,534 |      21,872  | 
| (charge)/credit |      |           |            |              | 
| Profit/(loss)   |      |           |            |              | 
| for the period  |      |           |            |              | 
|                 |      |   177,299 |  (32,211)  |   (883,352)  | 
|                 |      |           |            |              | 
| Credit to       |      |    12,047 |            |       10,120 | 
| property        |      |           |        988 |              | 
| revaluation     |      |           |            |              | 
| reserve         |      |           |            |              | 
| Other           |      |           |            |              | 
| comprehensive   |      |    12,047 |        988 |       10,120 | 
| income for the  |      |           |            |              | 
| period          |      |           |            |              | 
|                 |      |           |            |              | 
| Total           |      |           |            |              | 
| comprehensive   |      |   189,346 |   (31,223) |    (873,232) | 
| income for the  |      |           |            |              | 
| period          |      |           |            |              | 
|                 |      |           |            |              | 
| Earnings/(Loss) |  6   |           |            |              | 
| per share       |      |           |            |              | 
|                 |      |           |            |      (2.44)  | 
| Basic (pence)   |      |      0.49 |     (0.09) |              | 
|                 |      |           |            |              | 
| Diluted         |      |      0.49 |     (0.09) |      (2.44)  | 
| (pence)         |      |           |            |              | 
The results for the period are derived from continuing operations. 
For six months ended 30 June 2010 
|                   | Share      | Share      | Revaluation  | Other      | Retained   | Total         | 
|                   |  capital   |  premium   |  reserve     |  reserves  |  earnings/ |  equity       | 
|                   |            |            |              |            | (losses)   |               | 
|                   | GBP        | GBP        | GBP          | GBP        | GBP        | GBP           | 
|                   |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| At 1              |  1,810,000 |  6,428,529 |    1,696,035 |    980,865 |   (77,718) |   10,837,711  | 
| January           |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| 2009              |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Loss for          |          - |          - |            - |          - |   (32,211) |      (32,211) | 
| the 6             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| month             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| period            |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Other             |          - |          - |          988 |          - |          - |           988 | 
| comprehensive     |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| income -          |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| reversal of       |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| deferred tax      |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| liability         |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Share             |            |            |              |     26,554 |            |        26,554 | 
| based             |          - |          - |            - |            |          - |               | 
| payment           |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| At 1 July         |  1,810,000 |  6,428,529 |    1,697,023 |  1,007,419 |  (109,929) |    10,833,042 | 
| 2009              |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Loss for          |          - |          - |            - |          - |  (851,141) |     (851,141) | 
| the 6             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| month             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| period            |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Other             |          - |          - |        9,132 |          - |          - |         9,132 | 
| comprehensive     |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| income -          |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| reversal of       |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| deferred tax      |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| liability         |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Share             |          - |          - |            - |     93,050 |          - |        93,050 | 
| based             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| payment           |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Transfer          |            |            |              |  (278,636) |    278,636 |               | 
| from              |          - |          - |            - |            |            |             - | 
| equity            |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| reserve to        |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| retained          |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| earnings/(losses) |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| At 1              |  1,810,000 |  6,428,529 |    1,706,155 |    821,833 |  (682,434) |    10,084,083 | 
| January           |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| 2010              |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Profit for        |          - |          - |            - |          - |    177,299 |       177,299 | 
| the 6             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| month             |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| period            |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| Other             |            |            |      12,047  |            |            |       12,047  | 
| comprehensive     |          - |          - |              |          - |          - |               | 
| income -          |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| reversal of       |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| deferred tax      |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| liability         |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
| At 30 June        |  1,810,000 |  6,428,529 |    1,718,202 |    821,833 |  (505,135) |    10,273,429 | 
| 2010              |            |            |              |            |            |               | 
Equity comprises share capital, share premium, merger reserve, revaluation 
reserve, equity reserve and retained earnings/(losses). 
Other reserves comprise merger reserve and equity reserve.  Following the 
cancellation of the share option scheme, the balance on the equity reserve was 
transferred to retained earnings/(losses) in 2009. 
As at 30 June 2010 
|                       As at                    As at                     As at                    | 
|                           30                       30                        31                   | 
|                         June                     June                  December                   | 
| Note                      2010                     2009                      2009                 | 
| GBP                      GBP                       GBP                                            | 
| Non-current                                                                                       | 
| assets                                                                                            | 
| Property,                             70,613                   105,973                    88,293  | 
| plant and                                                                                         | 
| equipment                                                                                         | 
| Investment                      2,962,000                  2,962,000                   2,962,000  | 
| property                                                                                          | 
| Finance lease                         46,968                     63,468                   55,218  | 
| receivables                                                                                       | 
| Deferred tax      5      5,380                           1,443                             6,718  | 
| asset                                                                                             | 
| 3,084,961                 3,132,884                   3,112,229                                   | 
| Curret assets                                                                                     | 
| Inventories                       9,412,101                 10,273,669                 9,373,414  | 
| Finance lease           16,500                   16,500                                   16,500  | 
| receivables                                                                                       | 
| Trade and                             309,232                  381,366                   251,188  | 
| other                                                                                             | 
| receivables                                                                                       | 
| Current tax              11,783                   26,684                                 11,783   | 
| assets                                 483,829    53,653                                 43,996   | 
| Cash and cash                                                                                     | 
| equivalents                                                                                       | 
| 10,233,445               10,751,872                   9,696,881                                   | 
| Total assets                     13,318,406              13,884,756                   12,809,110  | 
| Current                                                                                           | 
| liabilities                                                                                       | 
| Trade and                      (161,282)                (197,798)                       (177,385) | 
| other payables                                                                                    | 
| Borrowings                  (1,771,597)              (1,511,750)                      (1,054,064) | 
| Deferred                       (187,027)                (193,280)                       (456,735) | 
| revenue                                                                                           | 
| (2,119,906)              (1,902,828)                      (1,688,184)                             | 
| Net current                   8,113,539                8,849,044                       8,008,697  | 
| assets                                                                                            | 
| Non-current                                                                                       | 
| liabilities                                                                                       | 
| Borrowings                     (538,855)                (741,491)                       (638,580) | 
| Deferred tax      5            (386,216)                (407,395)                       (398,263) | 
| liabilities                                                                                       | 
| (925,071)             (1,148,886)                      (1,036,843)                                | 
| Total                       (3,044,977)              (3,051,714)                      (2,725,027) | 
| liabilities                                                                                       | 
| Net assets                  10,273,429               10,833,042                       10,084,083  | 
| Equity                                                                                            | 
| Share capital                       1,810,000                1,810,000                 1,810,000  | 
| Share premium                       6,428,529                6,428,529                 6,428,529  | 
| account                                                                                           | 
| Merger reserve                        821,833                  821,833                   821,833  | 
| Revaluation                       1,718,202                 1,697,023                1,706,155    | 
| reserve                                                                                           | 
| Equity reserve                                                 185,586                            | 
| -                                                  -                                              | 
| Retained                             (505,135)                (109,929)                 (682,434) | 
| losses                                                                                            | 
|                                                                                                   | 
| Total equity                        10,273,429               10,833,042               10,084,083  | 
|                                                                                                   | 
For the six months ended 30 June 2010 
|                      |Note  |               Six |                Six |              Year | 
|                      |      |            months |             months |             ended | 
|                      |      |             ended |              ended |                31 | 
|                      |      |                30 |                 30 |          December | 
|                      |      |              June |               June |              2009 | 
|                      |      |              2010 |               2009 |               GBP | 
|                      |      |               GBP |                GBP |                   | 
| Net cash             |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| (outflow)/inflow     |  8   |         (151,080) |             25,695 |           611,458 | 
| from operating       |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| activities           |      |                   |                    |                   | 
|                      |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Investing activities |      |                   |                    |                   | 
|                      |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Interest received    |      |               244 |              1,621 |            2,466  | 
|                      |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Net cash surplus     |      |               244 |              1,621 |                   | 
| from investing       |      |                   |                    |            2,466  | 
| activities           |      |                   |                    |                   | 
|                      |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Financing activities |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Repayment of         |      |         (102,192) |           (98,221) |       (1,380,242) | 
| borrowings           |      |           720,000 |            128,576 |           850,000 | 
| Proceeds from        |      |          (27,139) |           (22,025) |          (57,693) | 
| borrowing            |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Interest paid        |      |                   |                    |                   | 
|                      |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Net cash from        |      |           590,669 |              8,330 |         (587,935) | 
| financing activities |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Net increase in cash |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| and cash equivalents |      |           439,833 |             35,646 |            25,989 | 
| Cash and cash        |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| equivalents at       |      |            43,996 |             18,007 |           18,007  | 
| beginning of period  |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| Cash and cash        |      |                   |                    |                   | 
| equivalents at end   |      |           483,829 |             53,653 |           43,996  | 
| of period            |      |                   |                    |                   | 
|                      |      |                   |                    |                   | 
1.        General information 
The nature of the operations and principal activities of the Company and its 
subsidiaries (together called the Group) are set out in note 4. 
Property Recycling Group plc is the Group's ultimate parent company.  It is 
incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Acts.  The address of the 
registered office is Manor Farm, Bridgham, Norwich, NR16 2RX. 
Property Recycling Group plc shares are traded on AIM, a market of the London 
Stock Exchange. 
This consolidated interim statement was approved for issue by the Board of 
Directors on 26 August 2010. 
2.       Basis of preparation 
The consolidated interim statement should be read in conjunction with the annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009, which have been 
prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union on the 
historical cost basis. 
The interim financial information has not been audited and does not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 have been 
filed with the Registrar of Companies and are available at 
www.propertyrecycling.co.uk.  The auditors' report on these financial statements 
was unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 498 (2), (3) or 
(4) of the Companies Act 2006. 
3.        Accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009, as described in those 
annual financial statements. 
4.            Revenue and segmental information 
Revenue comprises the invoiced value of property sales, property rentals and 
other goods and services which fall within the Group's ordinary activities after 
deduction of trade discounts and value added tax.  Income from operating leases 
is accounted for according to the terms of the leases. 
An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows: 
|                                    Six                 Six                Year | 
|                                 months              months               ended | 
|                                  ended               ended                  31 | 
|                                     30                  30            December | 
| June                June                2009                                   | 
| 2010                2009                GBP                                    | 
| GBP                 GBP                                                        | 
| Sale of                              -                                         | 
| properties                                               -                   - | 
| Option fees                    300,000                  -              300,000 | 
| Property                       360,706             434,325            854,376  | 
| rental income                                                                  | 
| Other income                     5,509               2,286              8,534  | 
| 666,215             436,611          1,162,910                                 | 
| Investment                         244               1,621              2,466  | 
| income                                                                         | 
| 666,459             438,232          1,165,376                                 | 
|                                                                                | 
Business segments 
For management purposes, the Group is organised into one segment being the sale 
or rental of property.  Analysis of the Group's revenue between sale of property 
and rental income is presented above. 
Geographical segments 
The Company operates solely from the UK and management considers there to be 
only one geographical segment. 
5.            Taxation 
(i).          Analysis of tax (charge)/credit on ordinary activities. 
|                                     Six      Six                 Year | 
|                                  months   months                ended | 
|                                   ended    ended                   31 | 
|                                      30       30             December | 
| Current tax:                       June     June                 2009 | 
| 2010     2009                  GBP                                    | 
| GBP      GBP                                                          | 
|                                                                       | 
| Corporation tax                       -                        15,063 | 
| credit                                         -                      | 
| Deferred tax:                                                         | 
| Deferred tax                    (1,338)    1,534                6,809 | 
| (charge)/credit                                                       | 
|                                                                       | 
| Total tax                       (1,338)   1,534                21,872 | 
| (charge)/credit                                                       | 
| on profit                                                             | 
| /(loss)                                                               | 
|                                                                       | 
(ii).         Deferred taxation liability/(asset) 
The amounts included in the accounts and the amounts not recognised are as 
|                                     Six         Six                Year | 
|                                  months      months               ended | 
|                                   ended       ended                  31 | 
|                                      30          30            December | 
| Included:                          June        June                2009 | 
| 2010        2009                 GBP                                    | 
| GBP         GBP                                                         | 
|                                                                         | 
| Investment                      386,216    407,395             398,263  | 
| property                                                                | 
| Accelerated                                                             | 
| capital                         (5,380)    (1,443)              (6,718) | 
| allowances                                                              | 
| 380,836    405,952              391,545                                 | 
| Not                                                                     | 
| recognised:                                                             | 
| Trading losses                 (44,008)   (132,921)            (87,416) | 
|                                                                         | 
(iii).       Factors that may affect the future tax charge 
No deferred tax asset has been recognised in respect of timing differences 
relating primarily to tax losses as there is insufficient evidence that the 
asset would be recoverable.  The asset will be recoverable if the Group 
generates suitable taxable profits. 
6.            Earnings/(loss) per share 
Basic earnings/(loss) per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the 
(loss)/profit after taxation for the periods by the weighted average number of 
ordinary shares in issue as shown in the table.  The Company had 36,200,000 
shares in issue as at 30 June 2010. 
|  |                 |                Six |         Six |         Year | 
|  |                 |             months |      months |        ended | 
| |                 |              ended |       ended |           31 | 
| |                 |            30 June |          30 |     December | 
| |                 |               2010 |        June |         2009 | 
| |                 |                    |        2009 |              | 
| |                 |                    |             |              | 
| Profit/(loss) for |                    | GBP(32,211) | GBP(883,352) | 
| period            |         GBP177,299 |             |              | 
|                   |                    |             |              | 
| Weighted average  |         36,200,000 |  36,200,000 |   36,200,000 | 
| number of shares  |                    |             |              | 
|                   |                    |             |              | 
| Earnings/(loss)   |                    |             |              | 
| per ordinary      |                    |             |              | 
| share (pence)     |                    |             |              | 
|- | Continuing      |               0.49 |      (0.09) |       (2.44) | 
| | operations      |                    |             |              | 
The calculation of diluted (loss)/earnings per share is calculated by adjusting 
the weighted average number of shares to assume conversion of share options. 
The adjusted weighted average number of shares is 36,200,000. 
|                                    Six           Six           Year  | 
|                                 months        months          ended  | 
| ended         ended             31                                   | 
| 30 June            30       December                                 | 
| 2010          June           2009                                    | 
|            2009                                                      | 
|                                                                      | 
| Profit/(loss) for                       GBP(32,211)   GBP(883,352)   | 
| period                     GBP177,299                                | 
| Weighted average           36,200,000    36,200,000     36,200,000   | 
| number of shares                                                     | 
| Earnings/(loss)                                                      | 
| per ordinary                                                         | 
| share (pence)                                                        | 
| -   Continuing                     0.49        (0.09)         (2.44) | 
| operations                                                           | 
|                                                                      | 
7.            Dividends 
No dividends were paid during the period, the same period last year, or the year 
ended 31 December 2009. 
The Board has not declared an interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 
2010 (2009: Nil pence). 
8.            Notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows 
|                      |   |                 Six |                Six |             Year | 
|                      |   |              months |             months |            ended | 
|                      |   |               ended |              ended |               31 | 
|                      |   |                  30 |                 30 |         December | 
|                      |   |                June |               June |             2009 | 
|                      |   |                2010 |               2009 |              GBP | 
|                      |   |                 GBP |                GBP |                  | 
| Profit/(loss)        |   |             177,299 |           (32,211) |       (883,352)  | 
| for the period       |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Adjustment for:      |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Investment           |   |               (244) |            (1,621) |          (2,466) | 
| revenues             |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Finance costs        |   |              27,139 |             22,025 |          57,693  | 
| Income tax           |   |               1,338 |            (1,534) |         (18,592) | 
| charge/(credit)      |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Depreciation of      |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| property, plant      |   |              17,680 |             17,762 |          35,442  | 
| and equipment        |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Provision            |   |                     |                    |          974,694 | 
| against              |   |                   - |                  - |                  | 
| inventories          |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Share based          |   |                     |             26,554 |         119,604  | 
| payment expense      |   |                   - |                    |                  | 
| Operating cash       |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| flows before         |   |             223,212 |             30,975 |         283,023  | 
| movements in         |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| working capital      |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Increase in          |   |            (38,687) |          (112,449) |        (186,888) | 
| inventories          |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| (Increase)/decrease  |   |            (49,794) |             73,435 |                  | 
| in receivables       |   |                     |                    |         211,863  | 
| (Decrease)/increase  |   |           (285,811) |             33,734 |          276,776 | 
| in payables          |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Cash                 |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| (absorbed)/generated |   |           (151,080) |             25,695 |          584,774 | 
| in operations        |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| Tax paid             |   |                   - |                  - |           26,684 | 
| Net cash             |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| (outflow)/inflow     |   |           (151,080) |             25,695 |          611,458 | 
| from operating       |   |                     |                    |                  | 
| activities           |   |                     |                    |                  | 
9.            The Interim Statement will be posted shortly to shareholders and 
will be available from the Company's Registered Office at Manor Farm, Bridgham, 
Norwich, NR16 2RX and from the Company's website: www.propertyrecycling.co.uk. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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