TEP Exchange Group PLC 
               Proposed Subscription and Capital Reorganisation 
TEP Exchange plc (the "Company") announces the terms of a proposed subscription 
for New Ordinary Shares and warrants by SL and certain of its connected 
companies. SL is the Company's largest existing shareholder. In connection with 
the new issue, the Company is proposing to effect a capital reorganisation, 
resulting in a reduction in the nominal value of its ordinary share capital. 
The Subscription is conditional, inter alia, upon Shareholders approving 
Resolutions 7.1 and 8.1 at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to approve 
the Capital Reorganisation and to grant to the Directors authority to allot 
shares and power to disapply statutory pre-emption rights on allotment and also 
upon the Subscription Shares being admitted to trading on AIM. The Resolutions 
are contained in a notice of AGM to be dispatched to shareholders shortly. 
Background to and reasons for the Proposals 
The economic environment over the last few years has been exceptionally 
challenging. Not only has this affected the market in traded endowment 
policies, but adverse comment regarding the performance of endowment policies 
as an asset class, has exacerbated the position. As a consequence, the 
Company's revenue has reduced significantly in the three financial years ended 
31 December 2009. As announced previously, the Board has taken drastic action, 
materially reducing the Company's overheads to try to preserve Shareholder 
value and, with the support of the Company's largest Shareholders in recent 
years, has secured the Company's future by entering into licensing agreements 
in November 2010. 
As set out in the Company's results for the year ended 31 December 2010, the 
Company generated GBP164,776 of revenue last year but incurred administrative 
expenses totalling GBP221,573 and finance costs of GBP29,661, resulting in a loss 
of GBP86,458 after tax for the year. The licensing arrangements, set out below, 
were entered into on 12 November 2010 and, therefore, the Company only had the 
benefit of approximately six weeks of the licence revenue in the last financial 
year. The Directors are confident that revenues will increase in the current 
financial year, as licence income continues, although there is a deficiency on 
the Company's balance sheet and this will persist until future licence income 
is received. However, there is likely to be a timing lag before cash is 
received. Accordingly, the Company has arranged the Subscription to fund its 
current short term working capital requirements. The proceeds of the 
Subscription Shares amount to approximately GBP80,000, after expenses. 
The Directors have considered other ways of raising capital and strengthening 
the Company's balance sheet, and have concluded that the Proposals are the only 
means available to the Company of achieving this. The cost of funds raised 
through the Subscription will be substantially less than those associated with 
an open offer or rights issue to Shareholders, and such an offer would have had 
an uncertain outcome, in the light of SL's dominant shareholding in the 
Company. The Directors consider that is it essential that these resolutions are 
passed, so that the Subscription can proceed. 
The Proposals are subject to the passing of the Resolutions at an AGM to be 
held on 3 November 2011. 
Current trading 
On 29 June 2011 the Company announced its final results for the year ended 31 
December 2010. The loss before and after taxation was GBP86,458 compared to the 
loss before and after taxation of GBP215,009 in 2009. Despite the turmoil in the 
financial markets and the current limited demand for traded endowment policies 
the Company's trading performance in the current financial year has improved 
compared with 2010 primarily as a result of the income derived from the licence 
agreements with SL. The results for the six month period ended 30 June 2011 
were announced today. Total revenue for the period was GBP518,000 (six month 
period ended 30 June 2010: GBP15,000), of which licence fee income amounted to GBP 
500,000 (six month period ended 30 June 2010: GBPnil). The Company achieved a 
profit from operations of GBP370,000, compared to a loss from operations of GBP 
79,000 in the same period last year. The profit before and after taxation was GBP 
357,000, compared to a loss before and after taxation of GBP92,000 in the first 
six months of last year. 
Capital Reorganisation 
The Subscription Warrant Price is below the present nominal value of the 
Existing Ordinary Shares. Company law prohibits a company from issuing shares 
at a discount to the nominal, or par, value of its shares. Therefore, in order 
to carry out the Subscription, it is necessary to reduce the nominal value of 
the Company's shares. Accordingly, the Directors, propose to effect a share 
reorganisation so that each of the issued Deferred Shares of 0.99p in the 
capital of the Company will be sub-divided into 990 New Deferred Shares and 
each of the Existing Ordinary Shares of 0.01p will be subdivided and 
redesignated into one New Ordinary Share and nine New Deferred Shares. 
The rights attaching to the Ordinary Shares will, apart from the change in 
nominal value and the entitlement of Shareholders in respect of a return of 
capital arising from them, be identical in all respects to those of the 
Existing Ordinary Shares. 
The New Deferred Shares will have no voting rights and will not carry any 
entitlement to attend general meetings of the Company; nor will they be 
admitted to AIM or any other market. They will carry only a priority right to 
participate in any return of capital to the extent of GBP1 in aggregate over the 
class. In addition, they will carry only a priority right to participate in any 
dividend or other distribution to the extent of GBP1 in aggregate over the class. 
In each case, a payment to any one holder of New Deferred Shares shall satisfy 
the payment required. The Company will be authorised at any time to effect a 
transfer of the New Deferred Shares without reference to the holders thereof 
and for no consideration. 
Accordingly, the New Deferred Shares will, for all practical purposes, be 
valueless and it is the Board's intention, at an appropriate time, to have the 
New Deferred Shares cancelled, whether through an application to the Companies 
Court or otherwise. Existing share certificates will continue to be valid 
following the Capital Reorganisation and no certificates will be issued in 
respect of the New Deferred Shares. 
A notice of AGM, being dispatched to Shareholders as soon as practicable, 
contains resolutions to give effect inter alia to the proposed Capital 
Reorganisation, the Subscription, which are conditional, amongst other matters, 
on the passing of the Resolutions. 
The Subscription 
The Subscribers have agreed to subscribe for the Subscription Shares at 0.02p 
per share to raise GBP90,000 (gross) (approximately GBP80,000 (net of expenses)) 
for the benefit of the Company. The Subscription Shares will represent 52.94 
per cent of the thereby enlarged issued ordinary share capital of the Company. 
The Subscribers will receive 10 Subscription Warrants for each Subscription 
Share. The Subscription Warrants will be exercisable at 0.002p per New Ordinary 
Share, representing a discount of 90 per cent. to the Subscription Price. The 
issue of New Ordinary Shares to the holders of the Subscription Warrants 
following the exercise would generate an additional GBP90,000 for the benefit of 
the Company. Accordingly, the Subscription is expected to generate up to GBP 
180,000 (gross of expenses) for the Company. 
The Warrants may only be exercised if the Company and its wholly owned 
subsidiaries achieves average annual consolidated revenue of over GBP600,000 per 
annum over the three financial years ending 31 December 2013 or, if earlier, 
the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries achieves consolidated revenue of 
at least GBP900,000 in each of the financial years ending 31 December 2011 and 31 
December 2012. 
In either case, the Company will have to have declared, made and paid dividends 
of at least GBP250,000 to all shareholders overall in respect of the period, 
before the Subscription Warrants may be exercised. The Subscription Warrants 
may only be exercised together as a whole and not in part. 
Following the issue of the Subscription Shares, the Concert Party would hold 
79.98 per cent. of the then enlarged ordinary share capital, so the minority 
shareholders would receive 20.02 per cent of the dividends of GBP250,000 referred 
to above. Following the exercise of the Subscription Warrants, a further 
4,500,000,000 New Ordinary Shares would be issued to the Concert Party, which 
would then hold 96.82 per cent of the then enlarged issued share capital. In 
the event that the Subscription Warrants are exercised the Company would offer 
to purchase the outstanding shares owned by the minority shareholders and would 
also consider, at that time whether it was appropriate for the Ordinary Shares 
to remain admitted to trading on AIM. 
The Company will seek authority at the AGM to purchase its own shares and the 
Board intends to propose a renewal of that authority on an annual basis. 
The Subscription is conditional, inter alia, upon the Capital Reorganisation 
being effected and Admission. It is expected that Admission will become 
effective and dealings in the Subscription Shares and the issued New Ordinary 
Shares will commence on 4 November 2011. 
The Subscription Shares, when issued and fully paid, will rank equally in all 
respects with the issued New Ordinary Shares, including the right to receive 
all dividends and other distributions declared, made or paid after issue. 
Shareholder participation in the Subscription 
Certain substantial Shareholders in the Company have agreed to subscribe for 
the Subscription Shares. The respective subscriptions, together with the 
resultant holdings in the enlarged issued share capital are as follows: 
                                        No. of     Shareholding      Percentage 
                                  Subscription        following      holding of 
                                         Shares       Admission enlarged issued 
                                                                  share capital 
SL Investment Management Limited    215,000,000     408,032,798           48.00 
Close Horizons Limited               85,000,000     186,833,333           21.98 
Under the AIM Rules, the Subscription is classified as a related party 
transaction. The Independent Directors (being the directors of the Company 
other than David Roxburgh who is a director of SL) have consulted with Merchant 
Securities Limited in its capacity as the Company's nominated adviser and 
consider the terms of the Proposals to be fair and reasonable insofar as 
Shareholders are concerned. In advising the Independent Directors, Merchant 
Securities Limited has relied upon the commercial assessment of the Independent 
Licensing arrangements 
As stated previously, the Directors are of the view that the Company's 
electronic platform is still a cost effective method for market makers to 
source policies, particularly direct from the public and in addition, the 
technology can be utilised for trading in other assets particularly within the 
financial services sector. With this in mind the Directors have negotiated for 
the Company to receive quarterly fees from licensing the electronic platform 
and all the technology to SL. The Company will continue to be able to utilise 
the electronic platform in order that market makers can continue to source 
traded endowment policies. 
On 12 November 2010 the Company entered into a non-exclusive licence agreement 
with SL to licence its electronic platform and all technology to SL. In 
consideration for this arrangement, the Company is receiving a quarterly fee of 
GBP20,000 plus VAT. In addition, SL was granted exclusive rights to develop and 
modify the electronic platform for a quarterly fee payable to the Company of GBP 
230,000 plus VAT ("the Licence Agreement") to enable SL to put additional 
financial products on to the platform. The Licence Agreement is for a period of 
10 years; however, SL may terminate the agreement on 30 April 2012 and every 
subsequent 30 April during the life of the contract on giving 30 days' prior 
written notice to the Company, in the event that the income generated by SL 
from the licence in the preceding 12 months is less than GBP250,000. 
In addition, TEP Exchange Limited (the trading subsidiary of the Company) has 
entered into a 12 month non-exclusive licence with SL (the Sub-Licence) to 
utilise the electronic platform for a quarterly fee of GBP25,000 plus VAT. The 
Sub-Licence can be renewed annually at the sole discretion of SL. The 
Sub-Licence provides TEP Exchange Limited with access to any developments or 
modifications made by SL to the electronic platform for traded endowment 
The net effect of these licensing arrangements, unless terminated as set out 
above, is to provide annual income to the Company of GBP900,000. 
At the end of June 2011, the Company owed the sum of GBP379,000 to SL in respect 
of loan funding. The loan is repayable on demand and interest is charged at 6 
per cent per annum. The loan is unsecured. It is the current intention of the 
Directors that part of the proceeds of the Subscription will be utilised in 
partially discharging the amount owed to SL. 
Takeover Code Implications 
Two of the Company's major shareholders, SL and CH and also PA, which is not 
currently a Shareholder, are deemed, for the purposes of the Code to be acting 
in concert (together the "Concert Party") SL and CH hold 193,032,798 and 
36,833,333 Ordinary Shares respectively, equivalent to 48.26 per cent and 9.21 
per cent respectively of the Company's share capital. Since SL's shareholding 
is more than 30 per cent and less than 50 per cent of the issued voting share 
capital of the Company, the acquisition of any more shares in the Company would 
normally result in the requirement for it to make a mandatory offer in 
accordance with Rule 9 of the Code ("Rule 9"). Accordingly, SL would usually 
seek to obtain shareholder approval for a waiver of the obligations under Rule 
In March 2007, Shareholders approved, on a poll, a waiver of the obligations of 
Rule 9 of the Code, permitting the Concert Party to participate in a placing 
and open offer carried out by the Company. Shareholders approved the waiver up 
to the potential maximum shareholdings of 211,261,557 Ordinary Shares and 
20,833,333 Ordinary Shares for SL and CH respectively, equivalent to 52.82 per 
cent and 5.21 per cent of the then enlarged share capital of the Company, 
respectively. SL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Portfolio Design Group 
International Limited and the ultimate shareholders of Portfolio Design Group 
International Limited and CH are principally the same entities and persons. 
Following completion of the placing and open offer referred to in the paragraph 
immediately above, SL and CH held 209,032,798 and 20,833,333 Ordinary Shares 
respectively, equivalent to 52.26 per cent and 5.21 per cent of the issued 
voting share capital of the Company and the Concert Party held, in aggregate, 
229,866,131 Ordinary Shares, equivalent to 57.47 per cent of the issued voting 
share capital of the Company. Accordingly, both Portfolio Design Group 
International Limited and the Concert Party became interested in Ordinary 
Shares carrying more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company, 
with the result that, for as long as they continue to be treated as acting in 
concert, both Portfolio Design Group International Limited and the Concert 
Party would be able to acquire further Ordinary Shares, without incurring an 
obligation to make an offer to Shareholders under Rule 9, although CH would not 
be able to increase its percentage interests in Ordinary Shares through 30 per 
cent without incurring such an obligation. 
In December 2007, SL sold 16,000,000 Ordinary shares to CH. The holding of the 
Concert Party remained unchanged, but SL's shareholding fell to less than 50 
per cent of the issued voting share capital of the Company. In such 
circumstances, SL would normally be unable to acquire additional Ordinary 
Shares, without incurring an obligation to make a general offer under Rule 9. 
However, in view of the commonality of the ultimate shareholders of Portfolio 
Design Group International Limited, the parent company of SL, and CH, described 
in the second paragraph of this section, the ultimate controllers, being the 
shareholders of Portfolio Design Group International Limited, are deemed to 
have continued to exercise effective control over more than 50 per cent of the 
issued voting share capital of the Company since March 2007. Accordingly, SL is 
free to participate in the Subscription and exercise the Warrants, without 
incurring any obligation under Rule 9. 
The Concert Party Shareholding at Admission and following exercise of the 
Subscription Warrants, assuming that no other Ordinary Shares have been issued 
by the Company, are as follows: 
                                 At Admission        Maximum holding following 
                                                          exercise of the 
                                                       Subscription Warrants 
                              Number of   Percentage     Number of   Percentage 
                               Ordinary of enlarged       Ordinary  of enlarged 
                                 Shares       issued        Shares       issued 
                                             share c 
                                              apital                      share 
SL Investment Management    408,032,798        48.00 2,558,032,798        47.81 
Close Horizons Limited      186,833,333        21.98 1,536,833,333        28.73 
Preferred Asset Management   85,000,000        10.00 1,085,000,000        20.28 
Totals                      679,866,131        79.98  5,179,866131        96.82 
Annual General Meeting 
A notice convening the AGM to be held at the offices of Merchant Securities 
Limited, 51-55 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HQ at 11 a.m. on 3 November 2011 
will be dispatched to shareholders as soon as practicable. 
Further enquiries: 
TEP Exchange Group plc 
David Roxburgh                                               00 353 87 2431 665 
Merchant Securities Limited 
John East/Simon Clements                                          020 7628 2200 
The following definitions apply throughout this announcement unless the context 
requires otherwise: 
"2012 AGM"                      the annual general meeting of the Company to 
                                take place in 2012 
"Admission"                     admission of the resulting New Ordinary Shares 
                                to trading on AIM 
"Annual General Meeting" or     the annual general meeting of the Company 
"AGM"                           convened for 3 November 2011 pursuant to the 
                                Notice of AGM 
"Articles"                      the articles of association of the Company in 
                                force at the date of this document 
"Board" or "Directors"          the directors of the Company as at the date of 
                                this announcement 
"Capital Reorganisation"        the proposed subdivision of each Existing 
                                Ordinary Share into 1 New Ordinary Share and 9 
                                New Deferred Shares 
"CH"                            Close Horizons Limited 
"City Code"                     The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
"Company"                       TEP Exchange Group PLC 
"Concert Party"                 SL Investment Management Limited, Close 
                                Horizons Limited and Preferred Asset Management 
"Existing Ordinary Shares"      the 399,999,999 issued ordinary shares of 0.01p 
                                each in the capital of the Company 
"Form of Proxy"                 the form of proxy accompanying this Shareholder 
                                circular for use in connection with the Annual 
                                General Meeting 
"Independent Directors"         George Kynoch, Moses Kraus and Abraham Weitz 
"New Deferred Shares"           deferred shares of 0.001p each in the capital 
                                of the Company following the Capital 
"New Ordinary Shares"           ordinary shares of 0.001p each in the capital 
                                of the Company following the Capital 
"Notice of AGM"                 the notice of Annual General Meeting which will 
                                be set out in the circular to Shareholder 
"PA"                            Preferred Asset Management Limited 
"Proposals"                     the Capital Reorganisation and the Subscription 
"Resolutions"                   resolutions 5, 7.1 and 8.1 in the Notice of AGM 
"Shareholders"                  holders of Existing Ordinary Shares 
"SL"                            SL Investment Management Limited 
"Subscribers"                   SL Investment Management Limited, Close 
                                Horizons Limited and Preferred Asset Management 
"Subscription"                  the Subscription by the Subscribers for the 
                                Subscription Shares 
"Subscription Share Price"      0.02p per Share 
"Subscription Shares"           the 450,000,000 New Ordinary Shares to be 
                                issued by the Company pursuant to the 
"Subscription Warrants"         the warrants to subscribe for 4,500,000,000 New 
                                Ordinary Shares at 0.002p to be issued by the 
                                Company to the Subscribers pursuant to the 
"Subscription Warrant Price     0.002p per Share 

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