RNS Number : 9745N 
Crown Place VCT PLC 
26 February 2009 

26 February 2009 
Crown Place VCT PLC 
Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 December 2008. 
Crown Place VCT PLC ("the Company"), managed by Albion Ventures LLP, today 
announces the half-yearly results for the six months ended 31 December 2008. The 
announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 26 February 2009. 
You may view the Half-yearly Financial Report at www.albion-ventures.co.uk by 
clicking on the 'Our Funds' section. 
Investment Objectives 
The investment objective and policy of the Company is to achieve long term 
capital and income growth principally through investment in smaller unquoted 
companies in the United Kingdom. 
Financial Calendar 
| Record date for second dividend (subject to approval from HM   |   Estimated March | 
| Revenue & Customs)                                             |              2009 | 
| Payment of second dividend                                     |   Estimated April | 
|                                                                |              2009 | 
| Financial year end                                             |      30 June 2009 | 
Patrick Crosthwaite, Chairman 
Rachel Beagles 
Sir Andrew Cubie 
Vikram Lall 
Geoffrey Vero 
Financial Highlights 
|                    | Six months to      | Six months to      | Year to            | 
|                    | 31 December 2008   | 31 December 2007   | 30 June 2008       | 
|                    | (pence per share)  | (pence per share)  | (pence per share)  | 
| Net asset value    | 36.29              | 43.56              | 41.11              | 
| per share          |                    |                    |                    | 
| Dividends paid     | 1.25               | 1.25               | 2.50               | 
| Revenue return per | 0.53               | 0.74               | 1.27               | 
| share              |                    |                    |                    | 
| Capital return per | (4.14)             | (0.86)             | (2.67)             | 
| share              |                    |                    |                    | 
Shareholder returns and shareholder value 
|                                                                   |   Proforma (i) |   Proforma (i) |                | 
|                                                                   |         Murray |         Murray |    Crown Place | 
|                                                                   |      VCT PLC   |      VCT 2 PLC |       VCT PLC* | 
| Shareholder returns from launch to April 2005 (date that Albion   |                |                |                | 
| Ventures (previously Close Ventures) was appointed investment     |                |                |                | 
| manager):                                                         |                |                |                | 
| Dividends paid to 6 April 2005 (ii)                               |          30.36 |          30.91 |          24.93 | 
| Decrease in net asset value                                       |        (69.90) |        (64.50) |        (56.60) | 
| Total shareholder return to 6 April 2005                          |        (39.54) |        (33.59) |        (31.67) | 
|                                                                   |                |                |                | 
| Shareholder return from April 2005 to 31 December 2008:           |                |                |                | 
| Total dividends paid                                              |           6.02 |           7.00 |           8.05 | 
| Decrease in net asset value                                       |         (4.27) |         (4.62) |         (7.11) | 
| Total shareholder return to 31 December 2008                      |           1.75 |           2.38 |           0.94 | 
|                                                                   |                |                |                | 
| Shareholder value since launch:                                   |                |                |                | 
| Total dividends paid to 31 December 2008 (i)                      |          36.38 |          37.91 |          32.98 | 
| Net asset value as at 31 December 2008                            |          25.83 |          30.88 |          36.29 | 
| Total shareholder value as at 31 December 2008                    |          62.21 |          68.79 |          69.27 | 
|                                                                   |                |                |                | 
| Current annual dividend objective*:                               |                |                |                | 
| Pence per share                                                   |           1.78 |           2.13 |           2.50 | 
| Percentage yield on net asset value                               |           6.9% |           6.9% |           6.9% | 
* Subject to investment performance 
(i) The proforma shareholder returns presented above are based on the dividends 
paid to shareholders before the merger and the pro-rata net asset value per 
share and pro-rata dividends per share paid to 31 December 2008 since the 
merger. This pro-forma is based upon the proportion of shares received by Murray 
VCT PLC (now renamed CP1 VCT PLC) and Murray VCT 2 PLC (now renamed CP2 VCT PLC) 
shareholders at the time of the merger with Crown Place VCT PLC on 13 January 
(ii) Prior to 6 April 1999, venture capital trusts were able to add 20% to 
dividends, and figures for the period up until 6 April 1999 are included at the 
gross equivalent rate actually paid to shareholders. 
*    Formerly Murray VCT 3 PLC 
In addition to the dividends paid above, the Board has declared a second 
dividend for the year ending 30 June 2009, of 1.25 pence per Crown Place VCT PLC 
share (0.25 pence to be paid out of revenue profits and 1.00 pence out of 
realised capital gains), subject to approval from HM Revenue & Customs. The 
record date and payment date for this dividend will be announced on the London 
Stock Exchange RNS Service. 
Interim Management Report 
In the six months to 31 December 2008, the Company's net asset value per share 
declined by 12% from 41.1 pence to 36.3 pence. In the same period, the FTSE All 
Share Index fell by 22%. The reduction in net asset value was largely due to a 
downward revaluation of the investment portfolio, as well as a reduction in 
investment income and deposit interest as a result of the sharp fall in interest 
rates. During the period, the Company made a revenue profit after tax of 
GBP390,000 and a capital loss after tax of GBP3,028,000 resulting in a total 
loss after tax of GBP2,638,000 or 3.6 pence per share. 
The Company's policy is to pay regular and predictable dividends to investors 
out of revenue income and realised capital gains. The first dividend in the 
current financial year of 1.25 pence per share was paid to shareholders on 8 
August 2008. Subject to the performance of the investment portfolio, the Board 
aims to maintain the current annualised dividend distribution of 2.5 pence per 
share going forward. 
The Directors have declared a second dividend of 1.25 pence per Crown Place 
VCT PLC share (of which 0.25 pence is to be paid from revenue and 1.00 pence out 
of realised capital gains), subject to approval from HM Revenue & Customs. The 
record date and payment date for this dividend will be announced on the London 
Stock Exchange RNS Service. 
Portfolio review 
During the half year, the Company made new and follow-on investments totalling 
GBP1.3 million. In September 2008, the Company invested GBP250,000 in Prime Care 
Holdings Limited, a provider of domiciliary care based in East Sussex. The 
domiciliary care sector is a GBP2.4bn industry showing attractive growth rates, 
and is very fragmented. Prime Care Holdings has won a number of awards in 
recognition of the quality of service it provides. The Company also invested 
GBP76,000 in Ivivo Limited, a developer of medical imaging software and 
GBP260,000 in Bravo Inns II Limited, an owner and operator of freehold pubs. 
Following the period end, an investment of GBP210,000 was made in Forth 
Photonics Limited, a medical device company that designs, develops, manufactures 
and markets imaging systems for the non-invasive, in-vivo detection of cancerous 
and pre-cancerous lesions. No investments were sold during the period. 
Overall, the existing investment portfolio, which is well diversified, is 
holding up reasonably well against the background of worsening global economic 
conditions.  An important element of this is that, apart from the investments 
made prior to the change in Manager in 2005, which total GBP2 million on current 
valuations, the majority of investee companies have no bank gearing. In 
addition, many of them are in areas of the economy that still have residual 
growth prospects.  The slowdown in consumer spending has had some impact on the 
hotel and health and fitness investments in the portfolio, which has been 
reflected in their valuations, while the cinemas continue to trade well. Several 
of the technology investments, such as Blackbay Limited and Rostima Limited, 
have made significant progress during the period and are on course to deliver 
shareholder value in the longer term. 
The following is the sector split of the portfolio by valuation as at 31 
December 2008: 
As at 31 December 2008, the Group held cash balances and other liquid 
investments of GBP9,963,000. 
Change of Manager 
On 23 January 2009, the business of Close Ventures Limited ("Close Ventures"), 
the Manager of Crown Place VCT PLC was acquired by Albion Ventures LLP ("Albion 
Ventures") from Close Brothers Group plc ("Close Brothers Group"). Albion 
Ventures has been formed by the executive directors of Close Ventures Limited; 
Close Brothers Group will continue to have an interest in the business of Albion 
Your Board agreed that the Company's management contract should be novated from 
Close Ventures to Albion Ventures on the same terms as the current agreement. 
The investment approach of Albion Ventures and the investment policy of the 
Company remain unchanged, with a continued emphasis on building up a broad 
portfolio of investee companies with no bank borrowings and the maintenance of a 
strong dividend yield.  The Boards of the other VCTs managed by Close Ventures 
have similarly agreed that the management contracts of these companies be 
novated to Albion Ventures. Albion Ventures currently has funds under management 
of approximately GBP220 million. 
As a result of this change, the Company Secretary has changed to Albion Ventures 
LLP.  The Company name will remain unchanged. 
Recovery of historic VAT 
As a result of intensive lobbying by the Association of Investment Companies, 
the welcome review by HM Revenue & Customs in July 2008 of the position 
regarding the exemption of management fees from VAT has meant that the Manager 
has been able to reclaim VAT that it had previously charged to the VCT. 
Following discussions between the Board and the Manager regarding the reclaim of 
historic VAT, GBP369,000 has been recognised in the accounts in respect of the 
repayment. Further details regarding this claim, and its disclosure, are shown 
in note 4 to the Half-yearly Financial Report. With effect from 1 October 2008, 
all management and administration fees charged to the VCT are considered exempt 
from VAT. 
Related Party Transactions 
Details of material related party transactions for the reporting period can be 
found in note 13 to this Half-yearly Financial Report. 
Risks and Uncertainties 
The negative outlook for the UK economy continues to be the key risk affecting 
your Company and, as mentioned above, we are beginning to see the effects of 
this in certain sectors of the portfolio. Nevertheless, the portfolio as a whole 
remains cash generative, while only a few investments have external bank 
borrowings. This leads the Board to anticipate that, although valuations may 
continue to come under further pressure in the short term, over the longer term, 
the current reductions in value represent value deferred rather than 
value permanently lost. Other key risks and uncertainties remain unchanged and 
are as detailed on page 20 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 
year ended 30 June 2008. These include investment risk, venture capital trust 
approval risk, compliance risk, internal control risk, reliance upon third party 
risk and financial risk. 
Dividend Reinvestment Scheme 
I draw shareholders' attention to the introduction of a Dividend 
Reinvestment Scheme whereby shareholders may elect to reinvest future dividends 
by subscribing for New Ordinary Shares. Benefits to individual shareholders 
arising on participation in the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme include: 
? income tax relief on the reinvestment at the rate of 30 per cent. (VCT 
investments cannot exceed GBP200,000 in one tax year to be able to obtain this 
relief and new shares need to be held for at least five years); 
? any gains arising on disposal of shares in a VCT will be exempt from tax (any 
loss will not be an allowable capital loss); and 
? any future dividends on the new shares are not subject to income tax. 
The Circular dated 26 February 2009 which is being sent to shareholders with a 
copy of this Half-Yearly Financial Report, 'Introduction of a Dividend 
Reinvestment Scheme', details the mechanics of this Scheme. 
Discount management and share buy-backs 
It is the Board's policy to buy back shares in the market, subject to the 
overall constraint that such purchases are in the Company's interest, including 
the maintenance of sufficient resources for investment in existing and new 
investee companies. The Company bought back 663,650 shares for cancellation 
during the period at an average price of 32.8 pence per share. The weighted 
average share price discount to net asset value was 13.2%. However, given the 
high level of volatility and the adverse movements apparent in all markets, the 
discount to net asset value per share at which shares are bought back will widen 
from that applied historically. 
The UK economy is now officially in recession, but the length and severity is 
difficult to predict. In the short term, the decline in interest rates to 
historically unprecedented low levels will reduce the income generated by the 
Company's cash resources.  Nevertheless, we believe that your Company's policy 
of ensuring that it has a first charge wherever possible over investee 
companies' assets, will help to mitigate the adverse effects of the severe 
economic downturn.  In addition, your Company's substantial cash resources will 
enable it to take advantage of attractive investment opportunities driven by the 
lower valuations now becoming apparent.  The Board views VCTs as a long term 
savings product and in this context, despite the near-term pressure caused by 
the deterioration in the economy, the Directors consider that the Company 
remains well positioned to deliver long term shareholder value. 
Patrick Crosthwaite 
26 February 2009 
Responsibility Statement 
The Directors have chosen to prepare this Half-yearly Financial Report for the 
Group in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). 
The Directors of the Company as at 26 February 2009 are shown in the Directors 
section at the front of this Half-yearly Financial Statement. 
In preparing the summarised financial statements for the period to 31 December 
2008, we the Directors, confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
(a) the summarised financial statements has been prepared in accordance with 
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" issued 
by the International Accounting Standards Board; 
(b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six 
months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
six months of the year); 
(c) the summarised financial statements give a true an fair view in accordance 
with IFRS of the assets, liabilities, financial position and of the profit and 
loss of the Group for the period and comply with IFRS and Companies Act 1985 and 
2006 and; 
(d) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties' transactions and changes 
This Half-yearly Financial Report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
By order of the Board 
Patrick Crosthwaite 
26 February 2009 
Summary Consolidated Income Statement 
|                  |       | Unaudited                   | Unaudited                   | Audited                     | 
|                  |       | six months to               | six months to               | year to                     | 
|                  |       | 31 December 2008            | 31 December 2007            | 30 June 2008                | 
|                  |       | Revenue | Capital | Total   | Revenue | Capital | Total   | Revenue | Capital | Total   | 
|                  | Notes | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
|                  |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Losses on        | 2     | -       | (3,232) | (3,232) | -       | (476)   | (476)   | -       | (1,818) | (1,818) | 
| investments      |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Investment       |     3 | 622     | -       | 622     | 986     | -       | 986     | 1,714   | -       | 1,714   | 
| income and       |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| deposit interest |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Investment       |       | (63)    | (187)   | (250)   | (87)    | (260)   | (347)   | (167)   | (502)   | (669)   | 
| management fees  |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Recovery of VAT  |     4 | 92      | 277     | 369     | -       | -       | -       | -       | -       | -       | 
| Other expenses   |       | (147)   | -       | (147)   | (160)   | -       | (160)   | (307)   | -       | (307)   | 
| Profit/(loss)    |       | 504     | (3,142) | (2,638) | 739     | (736)   | 3       | 1,240   | (2,320) | (1,080) | 
| before taxation  |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Taxation         |       | (114)   | 114     | -       | (176)   | 85      | (91)    | (283)   | 304     | 21      | 
| Profit/(loss)    |       | 390     | (3,028) | (2,638) | 563     | (651)   | (88)    | 957     | (2,016) | (1,059) | 
| for the period   |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Basic and        |     6 | 0.53    | (4.14)  | (3.61)  | 0.74    | (0.86)  | (0.12)  | 1.27    | (2.67)  | (1.40)  | 
| diluted          |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| return/(loss)    |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| per Ordinary     |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| share            |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (pence)*         |       |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
* (excluding Treasury shares) 
This consolidated income statement has been reclassified to show losses on 
investments at the top of the income statement. 
The total column of this statement represents the Group's income statement, 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
('IFRS'). The supplementary revenue and capital reserve columns are prepared 
under guidance published by the Association of Investment Trust Companies. 
The consolidated income statements include the results of the subsidiaries CP1 
Comparative figures have been extracted from the interim accounts for the six 
month period ended 31 December 2007 and the statutory accounts for the year 
ended 30 June 2008. 
Summary Consolidated Balance Sheet 
|                                       |       | Unaudited    | Audited     | 
|                                       |       | 31 December  | 30 June     | 
|                                       |       | 2008         | 2008        | 
|                                       | Notes | GBP'000      | GBP'000     | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Non-current assets                    |       |              |             | 
| Investments                           | 7     | 16,057       | 18,211      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Current assets                        |       |              |             | 
| Trade and other receivables           |       | 713          | 308         | 
| Current asset investments             |       | 6,608        | 2,686       | 
| Current tax asset                     |       | -            | 53          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents             |       | 3,354        | 9,237       | 
|                                       |       | 10,675       | 12,284      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Total assets                          |       | 26,732       | 30,495      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Current liabilities                   |       |              |             | 
| Trade and other payables              |       | (333)        | (321)       | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Net assets                            |       | 26,399       | 30,174      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Equity attributable to equityholders  |       |              |             | 
| Ordinary share capital                | 8     | 8,000        | 8,066       | 
| Share premium                         |       | 14,422       | 14,422      | 
| Capital redemption reserve            |       | 860          | 793         | 
| Own shares held                       |       | (2,849)      | (2,849)     | 
| Realised capital reserve              |       | (17,252)     | (17,206)    | 
| Unrealised capital reserve            |       | (9,885)      | (6,645)     | 
| Special reserve                       |       | 32,202       | 32,421      | 
| Revenue reserve                       |       | 901          | 1,172       | 
| Total equity shareholders' funds      |       | 26,399       | 30,174      | 
| Net asset value per share (pence)*    |       | 36.3         | 41.1        | 
*(excluding Treasury shares) 
The consolidated balance sheets include the balance sheets of the subsidiaries 
Comparative figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts for the year 
ended 30 June 2008. 
These financial statements were agreed by the Board of Directors, and authorised 
for issue on 26 February 2009 and were signed on its behalf by 
Patrick Crosthwaite 
     Summary Company Balance Sheet 
|                                       |       | Unaudited    | Audited     | 
|                                       |       | 31 December  | 30 June     | 
|                                       |       | 2008         | 2008        | 
|                                       | Notes | GBP'000      | GBP'000     | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Fixed assets                          |       |              |             | 
| Fixed asset investments               | 7     | 16,057       | 18,211      | 
| Investment in subsidiary undertakings |       | 15,089       | 15,059      | 
|                                       |       | 31,146       | 33,270      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Current assets                        |       |              |             | 
| Trade and other debtors               |       | 712          | 302         | 
| Current asset investments             |       | 6,608        | 2,686       | 
| Current tax asset                     |       | -            | 53          | 
| Cash at bank and in hand              |       | 3,236        | 6,548       | 
|                                       |       | 10,566       | 9,589       | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Total assets                          |       | 41,702       | 42,859      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Current liabilities                   |       |              |             | 
| Trade and other creditors             |       | (15,303)     | (12,685)    | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Net assets                            |       | 26,399       | 30,174      | 
|                                       |       |              |             | 
| Equity attributable to equityholders  |       |              |             | 
| Ordinary share capital                | 8     | 8,000        | 8,066       | 
| Share premium                         |       | 14,422       | 14,422      | 
| Capital redemption reserve            |       | 860          | 793         | 
| Own shares held                       |       | (2,849)      | (2,849)     | 
| Realised capital reserve              |       | (17,252)     | (17,206)    | 
| Unrealised capital reserve            |       | (9,885)      | (6,645)     | 
| Special reserve                       |       | 32,202       | 32,421      | 
| Revenue reserve                       |       | 901          | 1,172       | 
| Total equity shareholders' funds      |       | 26,399       | 30,174      | 
| Net asset value per share (pence)*    |       | 36.3         | 41.1        | 
          *(excluding Treasury shares) 
The Company balance sheet has been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. 
Comparative figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts for the year 
ended 30 June 2008. 
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors, and 
authorised for issue on 26 February 2009 and were signed on its behalf by 
Patrick Crosthwaite 
Summary Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited) 
|                      | Ordinary |         |    Capital |     Own | Realised | Unrealised | Special | Revenue |   Total | 
|                      |    share |   Share | redemption |  shares |  capital |    capital | reserve | reserve | GBP'000 | 
|                      |  capital | premium |    reserve |   held* |  reserve |    reserve |       * |       * |         | 
|                      |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | GBP'000 |        * |    GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |         | 
|                      |          |         |            |         |  GBP'000 |            |         |         |         | 
| As at 30 June 2008   |    8,066 |  14,422 |        793 | (2,849) | (17,206) |    (6,645) |  32,421 |   1,172 |  30,174 | 
| Purchase of own      |     (66) |       - |         66 |       - |        - |          - |   (219) |       - |   (219) | 
| shares for           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| cancellation         |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| (including costs)    |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Capitalised          |        - |       - |          - |       - |     (73) |          - |       - |       - |    (73) | 
| management and       |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| performance fees     |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| (net of tax)         |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
|                      |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Capitalised VAT      |        - |       - |          - |       - |      277 |          - |       - |       - |     277 | 
| recoverable on       |        - |       - |          - |       - |        8 |          - |       - |       - |       8 | 
| management and       |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| performance fees     |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Net realised gains   |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| on investments       |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| during the period    |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Movement in          |        - |       - |          - |       - |        - |    (3,240) |       - |       - | (3,240) | 
| unrealised           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| depreciation during  |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| the period           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Revenue profit for   |        - |       - |          - |       - |        - |          - |       - |     390 |     390 | 
| the period           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Dividends paid in    |        - |       - |          - |       - |    (257) |          - |       - |   (661) |   (918) | 
| the period           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| As at 31 December    |    8,000 |  14,422 |        860 | (2,849) | (17,252) |    (9,885) |  32,202 |     901 |  26,399 | 
| 2008                 |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
|                      |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| As at 1 July 2007    |    8,392 |  14,422 |        468 | (2,849) | (11,193) |    (9,558) |  33,686 |   1,006 |  34,374 | 
| Purchase of own      |    (326) |       - |        326 |       - |        - |          - | (1,265) |       - | (1,265) | 
| shares for           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| cancellation         |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| (including costs)    |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Capitalised          |        - |       - |          - |       - |    (197) |          - |       - |       - |   (197) | 
| management and       |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| performance fees     |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| (net of tax)         |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Net realised losses  |        - |       - |          - |       - |  (4,731) |          - |       - |       - | (4,731) | 
| on investments       |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| during the year      |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Movement in          |        - |       - |          - |       - |        - |      2,913 |       - |       - |   2,913 | 
| unrealised           |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| appreciation during  |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| the year             |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Revenue profit for   |        - |       - |          - |       - |        - |          - |       - |     957 |     957 | 
| the year             |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| Dividends paid in    |        - |       - |          - |       - |  (1,085) |          - |       - |   (791) | (1,876) | 
| the year             |          |         |            |         |          |            |         |         |         | 
| As at 30 June 2008   |    8,066 |  14,422 |        793 | (2,849) | (17,206) |    (6,645) |  32,421 |   1,172 |  30,174 | 
| As at 1 July 2007    | 8,392 | 14,422 |     468 | (2,849) | (11,193) |  (9,558) | 33,686 | 1,006 | 34,374 | 
| Purchase of own      | (146) |      - |     146 |       - |        - |        - |  (581) |     - |  (581) | 
| shares for           |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| cancellation         |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| (including costs)    |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| Capitalised          |     - |      - |       - |       - |    (175) |        - |      - |     - |  (175) | 
| management and       |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| performance fees     |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| (net of tax)         |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| Net realised gains   |     - |      - |       - |       - |      258 |        - |      - |     - |    258 | 
| on investments       |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| during the period    |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| Movement in          |     - |      - |       - |       - |        - |    (734) |      - |     - |  (734) | 
| unrealised           |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| depreciation during  |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| the period           |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| Revenue profit for   |     - |      - |       - |       - |        - |        - |      - |   563 |    563 | 
| the period           |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| Dividends paid in    |     - |      - |       - |       - |    (340) |        - |      - | (604) |  (944) | 
| the period           |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
| As at                | 8,246 | 14,422 |     614 | (2,849) | (11,450) | (10,292) | 33,105 |   965 | 32,761 | 
| 31 December 2007     |       |        |         |         |          |          |        |       |        | 
* Included within these reserves is an amount of GBP12,093,000 (June 2008: 
GBP12,620,000; December 2007: GBP18,839,000) which is considered distributable. 
The special reserve has been treated as distributable in determining the 
reserves available for distribution. 
The consolidated statement of changes in equity for the Group also represents 
the Company's reconciliation of movements 
in shareholders' funds. 
Summary Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
|                     |          |               |             |                       | 
|                     | Note     |    Unaudited  |   Unaudited |              Audited  | 
|                     |          | six months to |         six |              year to  | 
|                     |          |               |   months to |               30 June | 
|                     |          |   31 December | 31 December |                  2008 | 
|                     |          |          2008 |        2007 |               GBP'000 | 
|                     |          |       GBP'000 |    GBP'000  |                       | 
|                     |          |               |             |                       | 
| Operating           |          |               |             |                       | 
| activities          |          |               |             |                       | 
| Investment          |          |           591 |         599 |                 1,858 | 
| income              |          |               |             |                       | 
| received            |          |               |             |                       | 
| Deposit             |          |           183 |         213 |                   396 | 
| interest            |          |               |             |                       | 
| received            |          |               |             |                       | 
| Administration      |          |          (27) |        (29) |                  (59) | 
| fees paid           |          |               |             |                       | 
| Investment          |          |         (288) |       (565) |                 (900) | 
| management          |          |               |             |                       | 
| fees paid           |          |               |             |                       | 
| Other               |          |         (123) |        (89) |                 (212) | 
| cash                |          |               |             |                       | 
| payments            |          |               |             |                       | 
| Cash                |          |           336 |         129 |                 1,083 | 
| generated           |          |               |             |                       | 
| from                |          |               |             |                       | 
| operations          |          |               |             |                       | 
|                     |          |               |             |                       | 
| Taxation            |          |               |             |                       | 
| Tax                 |          |            52 |        (52) |                  (52) | 
| received/(paid)     |          |               |             |                       | 
| Net cash            |        9 |           388 |          77 |                 1,031 | 
| flows               |          |               |             |                       | 
| from                |          |               |             |                       | 
| operating           |          |               |             |                       | 
| activities          |          |               |             |                       | 
|                     |          |               |             |                       | 
| Cash                |          |               |             |                       | 
| flows               |          |               |             |                       | 
| from                |          |               |             |                       | 
| investing           |          |               |             |                       | 
| activities          |          |               |             |                       | 
| Purchase            |          |       (1,282) |     (4,949) |               (3,434) | 
| of                  |          |               |             |                       | 
| investments         |          |               |             |                       | 
| Disposal            |          |            25 |       6,690 |                 9,122 | 
| of                  |          |               |             |                       | 
| investments         |          |               |             |                       | 
| Net cash            |          |       (1,257) |       1,741 |                 5,688 | 
| flows               |          |               |             |                       | 
| from                |          |               |             |                       | 
| investing           |          |               |             |                       | 
| activities          |          |               |             |                       | 
|                     |          |               |             |                       | 
| Management          |          |               |             |                       | 
| of liquid           |          |               |             |                       | 
| resources           |          |               |             |                       | 
| Purchase            |          |       (3,835) |           - |               (2,718) | 
| of                  |          |               |             |                       | 
| current             |          |               |             |                       | 
| investments         |          |               |             |                       | 
|                     |          |               |             |                       | 
| Cash                |          |               |             |                       | 
| flows               |          |               |             |                       | 
| from                |          |               |             |                       | 
| financing           |          |               |             |                       | 
| activities          |          |               |             |                       | 
| Equity              |          |         (918) |       (944) |               (1,876) | 
| dividends           |          |               |             |                       | 
| paid                |          |               |             |                       | 
| Purchase            |          |         (261) |       (612) |               (1,255) | 
| of                  |          |               |             |                       | 
| Ordinary            |          |               |             |                       | 
| shares              |          |               |             |                       | 
| for                 |          |               |             |                       | 
| cancellation        |          |               |             |                       | 
| Net cash            |          |       (1,179) |     (1,556) |               (3,131) | 
| flows               |          |               |             |                       | 
| used in             |          |               |             |                       | 
| financing           |          |               |             |                       | 
| activities          |          |               |             |                       | 
| (Decrease)/increase |          |       (5,883) |         262 |                   870 | 
| in cash and cash    |          |               |             |                       | 
| equivalents         |          |               |             |                       | 
| Cash and            |          |         9,237 |       8,367 |                 8,367 | 
| cash                |          |               |             |                       | 
| equivalents         |          |               |             |                       | 
| at the              |          |               |             |                       | 
| start of            |          |               |             |                       | 
| the period          |          |               |             |                       | 
| Cash and            |       10 |         3,354 |       8,629 |                 9,237 | 
| cash                |          |               |             |                       | 
| equivalents         |          |               |             |                       | 
| at the end          |          |               |             |                       | 
| of the              |          |               |             |                       | 
| period              |          |               |             |                       | 
         Notes to the Summarised Set of Financial Statements 
for the six months ended 31 December 2008 (unaudited) 
        1.     Accounting policies 
The following policies refer to the Group and the Company except where noted. 
References to International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') relate to the 
Group financial statements and to Financial Reporting Standards ('FRS') relate 
to the Company financial statements. 
                Basis of accounting 
The Half-yearly Financial Report has been prepared in accordance with the 
historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments 
and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') 
adopted for use in the European Union (and therefore comply with Article 4 of 
the EU IAS regulation), in the case of the Group, and in accordance with 
Financial Reporting Standards ('FRS') in the case of the Company. 
Both the Group and the Company financial statements also apply the Statement of 
Recommended Practice: "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies" 
('SORP') issued by the Association of Investment Trust Companies ("AITC") in 
January 2003 and revised in December 2005, in so far as this does not conflict 
with IFRS or FRS. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
those parts of the Companies Acts 1985 and 2006 applicable to the companies 
reporting under IFRS and FRS. The information in this document does not include 
all of the disclosures required by IFRS and SORP in full annual financial 
statements, and it should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial 
statements of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2008. This Half-yearly 
Financial Report has been prepared applying the accounting policies and 
presentation that were applied in the preparation of the Group's published 
consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2008. 
These financial statements are presented in Sterling to the nearest thousand. 
Accounting policies have been applied consistently in current and prior periods. 
In order to better reflect the activities of a venture capital trust, and in 
accordance with the SORP, supplementary information which analyses the Income 
statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented 
within the Income statement. 
The Directors also consider it more useful to shareholders to separate the 
capital returns to shareholders and the Special reserve from within the revenue 
reserve and have therefore reclassified the comparative reserves on a consistent 
Gains or losses on investments have also been reclassified and presented at the 
top of the Consolidated Income statement. The Directors believe this 
presentation is more relevant to the Group's activities as a venture capital 
Basis of consolidation 
The Group consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements 
of the Company for the period ended 31 December 2008 and the entities controlled 
by the Company (its subsidiaries), for the same period. Where necessary, 
adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the 
accounting policies into line with those used by the Group. All intra-group 
transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. 
As permitted by Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the Company has not 
presented its own profit and loss account. The amount of the Company's loss for 
the period dealt with in the accounts of the Group is GBP2,669,000 (30 June 
2008: loss GBP1,076,000; 31 December 2007: loss GBP107,000). 
Segmental reporting 
The Directors are of the opinion that the Group and the Company are engaged in a 
single segment of business, being investment business. The Group invests in 
smaller companies principally based in the UK. 
Business combinations 
The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the purchase method in 
the Group financial statements. The cost of the acquisition is measured at the 
aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, 
liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the Group in 
exchange for control of the subsidiaries, plus any costs directly attributable 
to the business combination. The subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities 
and contingent liabilities that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 
"Business Combinations" are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition 
The preparation of the Group and Company's Half-yearly Financial Report requires 
estimates, assumptions and judgments to be made, which affect the reported 
results and balances. Actual outcomes may differ from these estimates, with a 
consequent impact on the results of future periods. These estimates and 
assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the 
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are 
those used to determine the fair value of investments at fair value through 
profit or loss. 
The valuation of investments at fair value through the profit or loss is 
determined by using valuation techniques. The Group and the Company use 
judgments to select a variety of methods and makes assumptions that are mainly 
based on market conditions at each balance sheet date. 
Fixed and current asset investments 
Quoted and unquoted equity investments 
In accordance with IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', 
and FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', quoted and 
unquoted equity investments are designated as fair value through profit or loss 
('FVTPL'). Investments listed on recognised exchanges are valued at the closing 
bid prices at the end of the accounting period. Unquoted investments' fair value 
is determined by the Directors in accordance with the International Private 
Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines (IPEVCV guidelines). 
Fair value movements on equity investments and gains and losses arising on the 
disposal of investments are reflected in the capital column of the Income 
statement in accordance with the AITC SORP. Realised gains or losses on the sale 
of investments will be reflected in the Realised capital reserve, and unrealised 
gains or losses arising from the revaluation of investments will be reflected in 
the Unrealised capital reserve. 
               Warrants, convertibles and unquoted equity derived instruments 
Warrants, convertibles and unquoted equity derived instruments are only valued 
if their exercise or contractual conversion terms would allow them to be 
exercised or converted as at the balance sheet date, and if there is additional 
value to the Company in exercising or converting as at the balance sheet date. 
Otherwise these instruments are held at nil value. The valuation techniques used 
are those used for the underlying equity investment. 
Unquoted loan stock and Euro commercial paper 
Unquoted loan stock and Euro commercial paper are classified as loans and 
receivables in accordance with IAS 39 and FRS 26 and carried at amortised cost 
using the Effective Interest Rate method ('EIR') less impairment. Movements in 
the amortised cost relating to interest income are reflected in the revenue 
column of the Income statement, and hence are reflected in the Revenue reserve, 
and movements in respect of capital provisions are reflected in the capital 
column of the Income statement and are reflected in the Realised capital reserve 
following sale, or in the Unrealised capital reserve on revaluation. 
Loan stocks which are not impaired or past due are considered fully performing 
in terms of contractual interest and capital repayments and the Board does not 
consider that there is a current likelihood of a shortfall on security cover 
for these assets. For unquoted loan stock, the amount of the impairment is the 
difference between the asset's cost and the present value of estimated future 
cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate. 
 Unquoted loan stocks are classified as fixed asset investments in the balance 
                Euro commercial paper is classified as a current asset 
investment in the balance sheet. 
                Floating rate notes 
In accordance with IAS 39 and FRS 26, floating rate notes are designated as fair 
value through profit or loss ("FVTPL"). Floating rate notes are valued at market 
bid price at the balance sheet date and are disclosed as current asset 
investments in the balance sheet. 
It is not the Group or the Company's policy to exercise control or significant 
influence over investee companies. Therefore in accordance with the exemptions 
under IAS 28 "Investments in associates" and FRS 9 "Associates and joint 
ventures" those undertakings in which the Group or Company holds more than 20 
per cent. of the equity are not regarded as associated undertakings. 
Investments are recognised as financial assets on legal completion of the 
investment contract and are de-recognised on legal completion of the sale of an 
                Investment income 
Unquoted equity income 
Dividend income is not recognised as part of the fair value movement of an 
investment, but is recognised separately as investment income through the 
Revenue reserve when a share becomes ex-dividend. 
Unquoted loan stock and Euro commercial paper income 
Fixed returns on debt securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis 
using an effective interest rate over the life of the financial instrument. Loan 
stock accrued interest is recognised in the Balance sheet as part of the 
carrying value of the loans and receivables at the end of each reporting period. 
                Returns on cash balances are recognised on an accruals basis 
using the rate agreed with the bank. 
Taxation is applied on a current basis in accordance with IAS 12 and FRS 16 
"Income taxes". Taxation associated with capital expenses is applied in 
accordance with the SORP.  Deferred taxation is provided in full on temporary 
differences in accordance with IAS 12 and timing differences in accordance with 
FRS 16, that result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax 
or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when 
they crystallise based on current tax rates and law. Temporary and timing 
differences arise from the inclusion of items of income and expenditure in 
taxation computations in periods different from those in which they are included 
in the financial statements. 
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future 
taxable profit will be available against which unused tax losses and credits can 
be utilised. 
In accordance with IAS 10 and FRS 21 "Events after the balance sheet date", 
dividends are accounted for in the period in which the dividend has been paid, 
or approved by shareholders. 
                Issue costs 
                Issue costs associated with the allotment of share capital have 
been deducted from the share premium account. 
Investment management fees, performance incentive fees and other expenses 
All expenses have been accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged 
through the Revenue column of the Income statement, except for management fees 
and performance incentive fees which are allocated in part to the capital column 
of the Income statement, to the extent that these relate to an enhancement in 
the value of the investments and in line with the Board's expectation that over 
the long term 75 per cent. of the Group's investment returns will be in the form 
of capital gains. 
Receivables and payables/debtors and creditors 
  *  Receivables are non-interest bearing, are short term in nature and are 
  accordingly stated at their nominal value, as reduced by appropriate allowances 
  for estimated irrecoverable amounts. The Directors consider that the carrying 
  amount of receivables/debtors is not materially different to their fair value. 
  *  Payables are non-interest bearing and are stated at their nominal value. The 
  Directors consider that the carrying amount of payables/creditors is not 
  materially different to their fair value. 
               Realised capital reserves 
                The following are disclosed in this reserve: 
                - gains and losses compared to cost on the realisation 
of investments; 
                - expenses, together with the related taxation effect, charged 
in accordance with the above policies; and 
                - dividends paid to equity holders. 
               Unrealised capital reserves 
                Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held at 
the period end are disclosed in this reserve. 
               Capital redemption reserve 
This reserve accounts for amounts by which the issued share capital is 
diminished through the repurchase and cancellation of the Company's own shares. 
                Own shares held reserve 
This reserve accounts for the reduction in distributable reserves through the 
repurchase of the Company's own shares for Treasury. 
                Special reserve 
The cancellation of the share premium account has created a special reserve that 
can be used to fund market purchases and subsequent cancellation of own shares, 
to cover gross realised losses, and for other distributable purposes. 
2.  Losses on investments 
|                | Unaudited |    Unaudited |  Audited | 
|                |       six |          six |  year to | 
|                | months to |       months |          | 
|                |        31 |          to  | 30 June  | 
|                |  December | 31 December  |     2008 | 
|                |      2008 |         2007 |  GBP'000 | 
|                |   GBP'000 |      GBP'000 |          | 
| Unrealised     |   (2,556) |      (1,208) |  (3,716) | 
| losses on      |           |              |          | 
| non-current    |           |              |          | 
| asset          |           |              |          | 
| investments    |           |              |          | 
| held at        |           |              |          | 
| fair value     |           |              |          | 
| through        |           |              |          | 
| profit and     |           |              |          | 
| loss           |           |              |          | 
| account        |           |              |          | 
| Net            |         - |          235 |    5,515 | 
| unrealised     |           |              |          | 
| losses         |           |              |          | 
| transferred    |           |              |          | 
| to realised    |           |              |          | 
| losses in      |           |              |          | 
| the period     |           |              |          | 
| Unrealised     |     (709) |          243 |    1,145 | 
| (losses)/gains |           |              |          | 
| on non-current |           |              |          | 
| asset          |           |              |          | 
| investments    |           |              |          | 
| held at        |           |              |          | 
| amortised cost |           |              |          | 
| Unrealised     |   (3,265) |        (730) |    2,944 | 
| (losses)/gains |           |              |          | 
| on non-current |           |              |          | 
| asset          |           |              |          | 
| investments    |           |              |          | 
| sub-total      |           |              |          | 
| Unrealised     |        25 |          (4) |     (31) | 
| gains/(losses) |           |              |          | 
| on current     |           |              |          | 
| asset          |           |              |          | 
| investments    |           |              |          | 
| Unrealised     |   (3,240) |        (734) |    2,913 | 
| (losses)/gains |           |              |          | 
| sub-total      |           |              |          | 
| Realised       |         8 |          493 |      784 | 
| gains on       |           |              |          | 
| investments    |           |              |          | 
| held at        |           |              |          | 
| fair value     |           |              |          | 
| through        |           |              |          | 
| profit and     |           |              |          | 
| loss           |           |              |          | 
| account        |           |              |          | 
| Net            |         - |        (235) |  (5,515) | 
| realised       |           |              |          | 
| losses         |           |              |          | 
| transferred    |           |              |          | 
| from           |           |              |          | 
| unrealised     |           |              |          | 
| losses in      |           |              |          | 
| the year       |           |              |          | 
| Realised       |         8 |          258 |  (4,731) | 
| gains/(losses) |           |              |          | 
| sub-total      |           |              |          | 
| Total          |   (3,232) |        (476) |  (1,818) | 
Investments valued on an amortised cost basis are unquoted loan stock 
investments and Euro commercial paper. 
   3. Investment income and deposit interest 
|                                        |  Unaudited |   Unaudited |     Audited | 
|                                        | six months |         six |    year to  | 
|                                        |         to |   months to |     30 June | 
|                                        |         31 | 31 December |        2008 | 
|                                        |   December |        2007 |     GBP'000 | 
|                                        |       2008 |     GBP'000 |             | 
|                                        |    GBP'000 |             |             | 
| Income recognised on investments held  |            |             |             | 
| at fair value through profit and loss  |            |             |             | 
| UK dividend income                     |         37 |          60 |          69 | 
| Management fees received from equity   |          - |           - |           3 | 
| investments                            |            |             |             | 
| Floating rate note interest            |         85 |          63 |         144 | 
| Bank deposit interest                  |        123 |         210 |         441 | 
| Other income                           |          9 |           - |           - | 
|                                        |        254 |         333 |         657 | 
| Income recognised on investments held  |            |             |             | 
| at amortised cost                      |            |             |             | 
| Return on loan stock investments       |        305 |         653 |       1,057 | 
| Euro Commercial Paper income           |         63 |           - |           - | 
|                                        |        622 |         986 |       1,714 | 
4.     Recovery of VAT 
HM Revenue & Customs issued a business briefing on 24 July 2008 which permitted 
the recovery of historic VAT that had been charged on management, performance 
and administration fees, and which made these fees exempt from VAT with effect 
from 1 October 2008. 
The amount of GBP369,000 recoverable from the Manager has been recognised as a 
separate item in the Income statement, allocated between revenue and capital 
return in the same proportion as that at which the original VAT had been 
charged. At 31 December 2008, the amount due to Crown Place VCT PLC from Close 
Ventures Limited in respect of this VAT claim was GBP369,000. This has been 
received by the Company since the balance sheet date. 
It is possible that further amounts may be recoverable in due course, however, 
the Directors are at this stage unable to quantify the amounts involved. 
5.     Dividends 
|                      | Unaudited                   | Unaudited                   | Audited                     | 
|                      | six months to               | six months to               | year to                     | 
|                      | 31 December 2008            | 31 December 2007            | 30 June 2008                | 
|                      | Revenue | Capital | Total   | Revenue | Capital | Total   | Revenue | Capital | Total   | 
|                      | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| First dividend paid  | -       | -       | -       | 604     | 340     | 944     | 604     | 340     | 944     | 
| on 28 December 2007  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (1.25 pence per      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| share)               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Second dividend paid | -       | -       | -       | -       | -       | -       | 187     | 745     | 932     | 
| on 25 April 2008     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (1.25 pence per      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| share)               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| First dividend paid  | 661     | 257     | 918     | -       | -       | -       | -       | -       | -       | 
| on 8 August 2008     |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (1.25 pence per      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| share)               |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                      | 661     | 257     | 918     | 604     | 340     | 944     | 791     | 1,085   | 1,876   | 
In addition, the Board has declared a second dividend of 1.25 pence per share 
(0.25 pence to be paid out of revenue profits and 1.00 pence out of realised 
capital gains). This will be paid subject to HM Revenue & Customs approval. The 
record date and payment date of this dividend will be announced on the London 
Stock Exchange RNS service. 
6.    Basic and diluted return per share 
The return per share has been based on the following figures: 
|                    | Unaudited six months to           | Unaudited six months to        | Audited year                   | 
|                    | 31 December 2008                  | 31 December 2007               | to                             | 
|                    |                                   |                                | 30 June 2008                   | 
|                    |   Revenue |  Capital |      Total | Revenue | Capital |      Total | Revenue | Capital |      Total | 
|                    |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| Return             |       390 |  (3,028) |    (2,638) |     563 |   (651) |       (88) |     957 | (2,016) |    (1,059) | 
| attributable to    |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| equity shares      |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| (GBP'000)          |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| Weighted average   |           |          | 73,181,241 |         |         | 76,215,222 |         |         | 75,364,144 | 
| shares in issue    |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| (excluding         |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| Treasury shares)   |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| Return             |      0.53 |   (4.14) |     (3.61) |    0.74 |  (0.86) |     (0.12) |    1.27 |  (2.67) |     (1.40) | 
| attributable per   |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| equity share       |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
| (pence)            |           |          |            |         |         |            |         |         |            | 
There are no convertible instruments, derivatives or contingent share agreements 
in issue, and therefore no dilution affecting the return per share. 
7.     Non-current asset investments 
|                                                      | Unaudited   | Audited   | 
|                                                      | 31 December | 30 June   | 
|                                                      | 2008        | 2008      | 
|                                                      | GBP'000     | GBP'000   | 
| Investments held at fair value through profit or     | 5,399       | 7,307     | 
| loss                                                 |             |           | 
| Investments held at amortised cost                   | 10,658      | 10,904    | 
|                                                      | 16,057      | 18,211    | 
8.     Ordinary share capital 
|                                                      | Unaudited   | Audited   | 
|                                                      | 31 December | 30 June   | 
|                                                      | 2008        | 2008      | 
|                                                      | GBP'000     | GBP'000   | 
| Authorised                                           |             |           | 
| 140,000,000 Ordinary shares of 10p each              | 14,000      | 14,000    | 
|                                                      |             |           | 
| Allotted, called up and fully paid                   |             |           | 
| 80,000,740 Ordinary shares of 10p each (30 June      | 8,000       | 8,066     | 
| 2008: 80,664,390)                                    |             |           | 
|                                                      |             |           | 
| Allotted, called up and fully paid excluding         | 7,318       | 7,340     | 
| Treasury shares                                      |             |           | 
| 73,181,241 Ordinary shares of 10p each (30 June      |             |           | 
| 2008: 73,403,980)                                    |             |           | 
The Company repurchased for cancellation 663,650 Ordinary shares during the 
period (year to June 2008: 3,256,044; six months to 31 December 2007: 1,456,436) 
at a cost of GBP219,000 (year to June 2008: GBP1,265,000; six months to 31 
December 2007: GBP581,000). This represented approximately 0.9% of the share 
capital (excluding Treasury shares) as at 1 July 2008. The shares purchased for 
cancellation were funded from the special reserve. The total number of shares 
held in Treasury as at 31 December 2008 was 7,260,410 (30 June 2008: 7,260,410; 
31 December 2007: 7,260,410). 
9.    Reconciliation of revenue return on ordinary activities before taxation to 
net cash inflow from operating activities 
|                                  | Unaudited    | Unaudited    | Audited     | 
|                                  | six months   | six months   | year to     | 
|                                  | to           | to           | 30 June     | 
|                                  | 31 December  | 31 December  |  2008       | 
|                                  | 2008         | 2007         | GBP'000     | 
|                                  | GBP'000      | GBP'000      |             | 
|                                  |              |              |             | 
| Revenue return before tax        | 504          | 739          | 1,240       | 
| Capitalised expenses and VAT     | 90           | (260)        | (502)       | 
| recovery                         |              |              |             | 
| Decrease in accrued amortised    | 138          | 232          | 648         | 
| loan stock interest              |              |              |             | 
| Increase in receivables          | (372)        | (501)        | (114)       | 
| Increase/(decrease) in payables  | 28           | (133)        | (241)       | 
| Net cash inflow from operating   | 388          | 77           | 1,031       | 
| activities                       |              |              |             | 
10.    Analysis of changes in cash during the period 
|                                          |               Unaudited |          Unaudited |        Audited | 
|                                          |           six months to |      six months to |        year to | 
|                                          |             31 December |   31 December 2007 |        30 June | 
|                                          |                    2008 |            GBP'000 |           2008 | 
|                                          |                 GBP'000 |                    |        GBP'000 | 
| Opening cash balances                    |                   9,237 |              8,367 |          8,367 | 
| Net cash (outflow)/inflow                |                 (5,883) |                262 |            870 | 
|                                          |                   3,354 |              8,629 |          9,237 | 
11.Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
   The Company did not have any contingencies or guarantees as at 31 December 
2008 (30 June 2008: nil; 31 December 2007:    nil). 
   12.Post Balance Sheet Events 
          Since 31 December 2008 the Company has completed the following 
           - January 2009: Investment in GB Pub Company VCT Limited of GBP4,000 
           - January 2009: Investment in Forth Photonics Limited of GBP210,000 
           -     February 2009: Investment in Xceleron Limited of GBP15,000 
           -     February 2009: Investment in Vibrant Energy Surveys Limited of 
           -     February 2009: Investment in the Dunedin Pub Company VCT 
Limited of GBP8,000 
On 23 January 2009, the business of Close Ventures Limited, the Manager of the 
VCT was acquired by Albion Ventures LLP from Close Brothers Group plc. Further 
details regarding the change are shown in the Interim Management Report. 
13.     Related Party Transactions 
The Manager, Albion Ventures LLP and its predecessor Close Ventures Limited, are 
considered to be related parties by virtue of the fact that they are/were party 
to a management agreement from the Company. During the period, investment 
management and administration services of a total value of GBP275,000 (June 
2008: GBP728,000; December 2007: GBP376,000) were purchased by the Company from 
Close Ventures Limited (which was recently acquired by Albion Ventures LLP as 
described in the Interim Management Report). At the financial period end, the 
amount due to Close Ventures Limited, disclosed as accruals, was GBP236,000 
(June 2008: GBP169,000). The amount due to Crown Place VCT PLC from Close 
Ventures Limited in respect of historic VAT claims, can be found in note 4. 
Buy-backs of Ordinary shares during the period were transacted through 
Winterflood Securities Limited, a subsidiary of Close Brothers Group plc, which, 
at the time of the transactions, was the ultimate parent company of the Manager. 
A total of 663,650 shares were purchased at an average price of 32.8 pence per 
     14.  Other information 
The information set out in the Half-yearly Financial Report does not constitute 
the Group's statutory accounts for the period ended 31 December 2008 or 31 
December 2007 and is unaudited. The financial information for the year ended 
30 June 2008 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of 
the Companies Act 1985. A copy of the statutory accounts for that period has 
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those 
accounts was not qualified and did not contain statements under s237 (2) or (3) 
of the Companies Act 1985. 
This Half-yearly Financial Report is being sent to shareholders and copies will 
be made available to the public at the registered office of the Company and at 
Companies House. The interim report will also be made available to the public 
via the FSA viewing facility and also electronically at 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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