American Dental Partners, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADPI) announced financial results today for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2008.

The Company's financial results reflect income and expenses, including non-cash items, required by generally accepted accounting principles as a result of the previously announced settlement of litigation among PDG, P.A. ("PDG"), PDHC, Ltd., one of the Company's subsidiaries, and the Company effective February 29, 2008. In addition to its actual results, the Company has provided a pro forma financial presentation that excludes the operating results of 25 dental facilities transferred to PDG on February 29, 2008 and the accounting impact associated with the litigation settlement from both periods of comparison (see "PDG Litigation Settlement Accounting" and "Supplemental Operating Data" tables).

Comparing actual results and pro forma results for the third quarter of 2008 with the third quarter of 2007:

--  Net revenue was $71,548,000 as compared to $67,162,000. Pro forma net
    revenue was $68,215,000 as compared to $55,749,000.
--  Earnings from operations were $7,958,000 as compared to $5,252,000.
    Pro forma earnings from operations were $5,046,000 as compared to
--  Net earnings were $3,310,000 as compared to $2,701,000. Pro forma net
    earnings were $1,534,000 as compared to $1,977,000.
--  Diluted net earnings per share were $0.25 as compared to $0.20. Pro
    forma diluted net earnings per share were $0.12 as compared to $0.15.
--  Diluted cash net earnings per share were $0.35 as compared to $0.28.
    Pro forma diluted cash net earnings per share were $0.22 during both
    periods of comparison.

Comparing actual results and pro forma results for the first nine months of 2008 with the first nine months of 2007:

--  Net revenue was $225,998,000 as compared to $199,172,000. Pro forma
    net revenue was $208,301,000 as compared to $162,590,000.
--  Earnings from operations were $54,920,000 as compared to $20,662,000.
    Pro forma earnings from operations were $16,097,000 as compared to
--  Net earnings were $28,808,000 as compared to $11,108,000. Pro forma
    net earnings were $5,125,000 as compared to $7,904,000.
--  Diluted net earnings per share were $2.19 as compared to $0.84. Pro
    forma diluted net earnings per share were $0.39 as compared to $0.60.
--  Diluted cash net earnings per share were $2.50 as compared to $1.04.
    Pro forma diluted cash net earnings per share were $0.70 as compared to

Operating Results

Patient revenue of the Company's affiliated dental group practices was $103,560,000 for the quarter, which includes $97,133,000 from dental group practices which are affiliated with the Company by means of service agreements and $6,427,000 from Arizona's Tooth Doctor for Kids. Same market patient revenue growth was 4.8% for the quarter and 1.5% excluding in-market affiliations.

Cash flow from operations was $13,112,000 for the quarter. Capital expenditures were $2,547,000 for the quarter. The Company relocated one dental facility during the quarter. Amounts paid for affiliations and acquisitions, including contingent amounts and affiliation costs, amounted to $1,605,000 during the quarter. The Company completed one in-market affiliation during the quarter.

The Company entered into agreements to amend its $75,000,000 revolving credit facility and its $100,000,000 term loan with its existing lenders. The maturity of both facilities was extended to January 20, 2010 and the Company will borrow on both facilities at the Eurodollar rate plus 450 basis points. All other covenants and material terms remain unchanged.

The Company recognized $506,000 in stock-based compensation expense, $309,000 net of tax or $.02 per diluted share, during the quarter as compared to $490,000, $306,000 net of tax or $.02 per diluted share, for the prior year's same quarter.

PDG Litigation Settlement Accounting

As previously reported, the Company completed the settlement of the litigation with PDG effective February 29, 2008 which included transferring the operating assets of 25 dental facilities to PDG and entering into a transition services agreement with PDG in which the Company was obligated to provide interim management services to PDG through September 30, 2008. The Company largely completed the obligations required under the transition service agreement as of September 30, 2008. PDG has paid the Company nine of the required monthly installments under the transition service agreement with the remainder to be paid during the fourth quarter. During the quarter, the Company recognized $3,333,333 of income under the transition services agreement with PDG and incurred approximately $428,000 of associated expenses.

Cash net earnings and cash earnings from operations are non-GAAP financial measures. In accordance with the requirement of SEC Regulation G, please see the attached financial tables for a presentation of the most comparable GAAP measures and the reconciliation to the nearest GAAP measure and all additional reconciliations required by Regulation G.

For further discussion of these events and a comprehensive review of the third quarter ended September 30, 2008, the Company will host its previously announced conference call on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. EDT, which will be broadcast live over the Internet at The call will be hosted by Gregory A. Serrao, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. To access the webcast, participants should visit the Investor Relations section of the website at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of the conference call to download and install any necessary audio software. A replay of the webcast will be available at approximately two hours after the call through 6:00 p.m. EST Tuesday, November 4, 2008.

American Dental Partners is one of the nation's leading business partners to dental group practices. The Company is affiliated with 26 dental group practices which have 244 dental facilities with approximately 2,115 operatories located in 18 states.

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: With the exception of the historical information contained in this news release, the matters described herein contain "forward-looking" statements that involve risk and uncertainties that may individually or collectively impact the matters herein described, including but not limited to the possibility that we may not realize the benefits expected from our acquisition and affiliation strategy, economic, regulatory and/or other factors outside the control of the Company, settlements or judgments of pending litigation, which are detailed from time to time in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's SEC reports, including the annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007.

                           AMERICAN DENTAL PARTNERS, INC.
                               FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                     (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                 Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                    September 30,         September 30,
                                --------------------  --------------------
                                  2008       2007       2008       2007
                                ---------  ---------- ---------  ----------

Net revenue                     $  71,548  $   67,162 $ 225,998  $  199,172
Operating expenses:
     Salaries and benefits         30,491      28,730    97,347      83,895
     Lab fees and dental
      supplies                      9,967      10,550    33,091      31,230
     Office occupancy expenses      8,291       7,885    25,784      22,294
     Other operating expenses       6,726       5,807    20,206      16,867
     General corporate expenses     3,055       4,164    10,150      10,867
     Depreciation expense           2,658       2,225     8,116       6,535
     Amortization of intangible
      assets                        2,409       1,723     7,205       4,648
     Litigation settlement
      (gain) expense                   (7)        826   (30,821)      2,174
                                ---------  ---------- ---------  ----------
          Total operating
           expenses                63,590      61,910   171,078     178,510
                                ---------  ---------- ---------  ----------
Earnings from operations            7,958       5,252    54,920      20,662
     Interest expense, net          2,390         823     7,264       2,026
     Minority interest                140         102       431         349
                                ---------  ---------- ---------  ----------
Earnings before income taxes        5,428       4,327    47,225      18,287
     Income taxes                   2,118       1,626    18,417       7,179
                                ---------  ---------- ---------  ----------
Net earnings                    $   3,310  $    2,701 $  28,808  $   11,108
                                =========  ========== =========  ==========

Net earnings per common share:
     Basic                      $    0.26  $     0.21 $    2.24  $     0.88
                                =========  ========== =========  ==========
     Diluted                    $    0.25  $     0.20 $    2.19  $     0.84
                                =========  ========== =========  ==========
Weighted average common shares
     Basic                         12,900      12,779    12,867      12,636
                                =========  ========== =========  ==========
     Diluted                       13,230      13,395    13,167      13,267
                                =========  ========== =========  ==========

                        AMERICAN DENTAL PARTNERS, INC.
                             FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                               (in thousands)

                                                September 30, December 31,
                                                    2008          2007
                                                ------------- -------------
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                  $       6,482 $       6,376
     Accounts receivable, net                          31,245        23,621
     Other current assets                               7,104        25,261
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total current assets                         44,831        55,258
                                                ------------- -------------

Property and equipment, net                            52,606        60,445
                                                ------------- -------------
Other non-current assets:
     Goodwill                                          76,187        70,602
     Intangible assets, net                           175,837       179,969
     Other assets                                       2,648         2,232
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total non-current assets                    254,672       252,803
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total assets                          $     352,109 $     368,506
                                                ============= =============

Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses      $      33,377 $      40,524
     Accrued litigation expense                             -        30,968
     Other current liabilities                              6         3,475
     Current maturities of debt                           194           188
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total current liabilities                    33,577        75,155
                                                ------------- -------------
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term debt                                   135,527       140,986
     Other liabilities                                 36,285        36,568
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total non-current liabilities               171,812       177,554
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total liabilities                           205,389       252,709
                                                ------------- -------------

Minority Interest                                         833           894

Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders' equity                                  145,887       114,903
                                                ------------- -------------
          Total liabilities and stockholders'
           equity                               $     352,109 $     368,506
                                                ============= =============

                     AMERICAN DENTAL PARTNERS, INC.
               (in thousands, except per share amounts)

              Pro forma consolidated statement of income
            for the three months ended September 30, 2008

                                      Pro Forma Adjustments
                                     Settlement     Management     Pro
                            Actual     Assets      Services (a)   Forma
                           --------  ----------    ------------ --------

Net revenue                $ 71,548  $        -    $      3,333 $ 68,215
Operating expenses
   Salaries and benefits     30,491           -             246   30,245
   Lab fees and dental
    supplies                  9,967           -               -    9,967
   Office occupancy
    expenses                  8,291           -              60    8,231
   Other operating
    expenses                  6,726           -             108    6,618
   General corporate
    expenses                  3,055           -               -    3,055
   Litigation expenses           (7)         (7)(b)           -        -
                           --------  ----------    ------------ --------
EBITDA                       13,025           7           2,919   10,099
   Depreciation               2,658           -              14    2,644
   Amortization               2,409           -               -    2,409
                           --------  ----------    ------------ --------
Earnings from operations      7,958           7           2,905    5,046
   Interest expense, net      2,390           -               -    2,390
   Minority interest            140           -               -      140
                           --------  ----------    ------------ --------
Earnings before income
 taxes                        5,428           7           2,905    2,516
   Income taxes               2,118                                  982
                           --------                             --------
Net earnings                  3,310                                1,534
Amortization of service
 agreements, net of tax       1,364                                1,364
                           --------                             --------
Cash net earnings (c)      $  4,674                             $  2,898
                           ========                             ========

Diluted net earnings per
 common share              $   0.25                             $   0.12
                           ========                             ========
Diluted cash net earnings
 per common share (c)      $   0.35                             $   0.22
                           ========                             ========

(a) The Company agreed to provide interim management services to PDG
    through September 30, 2008.  Includes interim management fee revenue
    and expenses associated with providing such services.
(b) Includes miscellaneous income and expenses, including professional
    fees, associated with the PDG litigation settlement.
(c) Cash net earnings and diluted cash net earnings per share are not
    measures of financial performance under GAAP.  Cash net earnings
    excludes amortization expense related to service agreement intangible
    assets, net of tax.  The Company incurs significant amortization
    expense related to its service agreements while many companies, both in
    the same industry and other industries, no longer amortize a
    significant portion of their intangible assets pursuant to Statement of
    Financial Accounting Standards No. 142 - Goodwill and Other Intangible
    Assets.  The Company believes that cash net earnings and diluted cash
    net earnings per share are important financial measures for
    understanding its relative financial performance.

             (in thousands, except per share amounts)

             Pro forma consolidated statement of income
           for the three months ended September 30, 2007

                                      Pro Forma Adjustments
                                     Settlement   Management      Pro
                            Actual   Assets (d)   Services (e)   Forma
                           --------  ----------   ------------ --------

Net revenue                $ 67,162  $    8,825   $      2,588 $ 55,749
Operating expenses
   Salaries and benefits     28,730       4,970            481   23,279
   Lab fees and dental
    supplies                 10,550       1,626              -    8,924
   Office occupancy
    expenses                  7,885       1,167             49    6,669
   Other operating
    expenses                  5,807         715             58    5,034
   General corporate
    expenses                  4,164           -              -    4,164
   Litigation expenses          826         826(f)           -        -
                           --------  ----------   ------------ --------
EBITDA                        9,200        (479)         2,000    7,679
   Depreciation               2,225         347             13    1,865
   Amortization               1,723           -              -    1,723
                           --------  ----------   ------------ --------
Earnings from operations      5,252        (826)         1,987    4,091
   Interest expense, net        823           -              -      823
   Minority interest            102           -              -      102
                           --------  ----------   ------------ --------
Earnings before income
 taxes                        4,327        (826)         1,987    3,166
   Income taxes               1,626                               1,189
                           --------                            --------
Net earnings                  2,701                               1,977
Amortization of service
 agreements, net of tax       1,024                               1,024
                           --------                            --------
Cash net earnings (g)      $  3,725                            $  3,001
                           ========                            ========

Diluted net earnings per
 common share              $   0.20                            $   0.15
                           ========                            ========
Diluted cash net earnings
 per common share (g)      $   0.28                            $   0.22
                           ========                            ========

(d) Includes expense reimbursement associated with 25 dental facilities
    transferred to PDG as part of litigation settlement.
(e) The Company provided management services pursuant to a Service
    Agreement with PDG through December 31, 2007.  Includes estimated
    proportion of service fee revenue and associated expenses for 25 of the
    31 dental facilities transferred to PDG.
(f) Includes professional fees associated with PDG litigation.
(g) Cash net earnings and diluted cash net earnings per share are not
    measures of financial performance under GAAP.  Cash net earnings
    excludes amortization expense related to service agreement intangible
    assets, net of tax.  The Company incurs significant amortization
    expense related to its service agreements while many companies, both in
    the same industry and other industries, no longer amortize a
    significant portion of their intangible assets pursuant to Statement of
    Financial Accounting Standards No. 142 - Goodwill and Other Intangible
    Assets.  The Company believes that cash net earnings and diluted cash
    net earnings per share are important financial measures for
    understanding its relative financial performance.

                     AMERICAN DENTAL PARTNERS, INC.
               (in thousands, except per share amounts)

              Pro forma consolidated statement of income
             for the nine months ended September 30, 2008

                                     Pro Forma Adjustments
                                   Settlement     Management
                          Actual   Assets (h)     Services (i) Pro Forma
                        ---------  -----------    ------------ ---------

Net revenue             $ 225,998  $     7,697    $     10,000 $ 208,301
Operating expenses
   Salaries and
    benefits               97,347        4,717           1,453    91,177
   Lab fees and dental
    supplies               33,091        1,436               -    31,655
   Office occupancy
    expenses               25,784        1,092             180    24,512
   Other operating
    expenses               20,206          135             323    19,748
   General corporate
    expenses               10,150            -               -    10,150
   Litigation expenses    (30,821)     (30,821)(j)           -         -
                        ---------  -----------    ------------ ---------
EBITDA                     70,241       31,138           8,044    31,059
   Depreciation             8,116          317              42     7,757
   Amortization             7,205            -               -     7,205
                        ---------  -----------    ------------ ---------
Earnings from
 operations                54,920       30,821           8,002    16,097
   Interest expense,
    net                     7,264            -               -     7,264
   Minority interest          431            -               -       431
                        ---------  -----------    ------------ ---------
Earnings before income
 taxes                     47,225       30,821           8,002     8,402
   Income taxes            18,417                                  3,277
                        ---------                              ---------
Net earnings               28,808                                  5,125
Amortization of service
 agreements, net of tax     4,079                                  4,079
                        ---------                              ---------
Cash net earnings (k)   $  32,887                              $   9,204
                        =========                              =========

Diluted net earnings
 per common share       $    2.19                              $    0.39
                        =========                              =========
Diluted cash net
 earnings per common
 share (k)              $    2.50                              $    0.70
                        =========                              =========

(h) Includes expense reimbursement associated with (i) 25 dental facilities
    transferred on February 29, 2008 to PDG as part of litigation
    settlement and (ii) the PDG doctors who practiced temporarily in the
    six dental facilities retained by the Company.
(i) The Company agreed to provide interim management services to PDG
    through September 30, 2008.  Includes interim  management fee revenue,
    expenses associated with providing such services, and salaries and
    benefits expense of  management staff, including severance, who have
    been terminated as a result of realigning the Company's Minnesota-based
    management team.
(j) Includes gain on disposal of assets of $30,763,000 and insurance
    proceeds of $1,002,000 for professional fees associated with the PDG
    litigation which were partially reimbursable pursuant to insurance
    coverage offset by professional fees and other net expenses associated
    with the litigation of $944,000.
(k) Cash net earnings and diluted cash net earnings per share are not
    measures of financial performance under GAAP.  Cash net earnings
    excludes amortization expense related to service agreement intangible
    assets, net of tax.  The Company incurs significant amortization
    expense related to its service agreements while many companies, both in
    the same industry and other industries, no longer amortize a
    significant portion of their intangible assets pursuant to Statement of
    Financial Accounting Standards No. 142 - Goodwill and Other Intangible
    Assets.  The Company believes that cash net earnings and diluted cash
    net earnings per share are important financial measures for
    understanding its relative financial performance.

              (in thousands, except per share amounts)

             Pro forma consolidated statement of income
            for the nine months ended September 30, 2007

                                     Pro Forma Adjustments
                                     Settlement   Management
                            Actual   Assets (l)   Services (m)Pro Forma
                          ---------  -----------   ---------- ---------

Net revenue               $ 199,172  $    27,163   $    9,419 $ 162,590
Operating expenses
    Salaries and benefits    83,895       15,185        1,489    67,221
    Lab fees and dental
     supplies                31,230        5,199            -    26,031
    Office occupancy
     expenses                22,294        3,444          147    18,703
    Other operating
     expenses                16,867        2,298          290    14,279
    General corporate
     expenses                10,867            -            -    10,867
    Litigation expenses       2,174        2,174(n)         -         -
                          ---------  -----------   ---------- ---------
EBITDA                       31,845       (1,137)       7,493    25,489
    Depreciation              6,535        1,037           44     5,454
    Amortization              4,648            -            -     4,648
                          ---------  -----------   ---------- ---------
Earnings from operations     20,662       (2,174)       7,449    15,387
    Interest expense, net     2,026            -            -     2,026
    Minority interest           349            -            -       349
                          ---------  -----------   ---------- ---------
Earnings before income
 taxes                       18,287       (2,174)       7,449    13,012
    Income taxes              7,179                               5,108
                          ---------                           ---------
Net earnings                 11,108                               7,904
Amortization of service
 agreements, net of tax       2,712                               2,712
                          ---------                           ---------
Cash net earnings (o)     $  13,820                           $  10,616
                          =========                           =========

Diluted net earnings per
 common share             $    0.84                           $    0.60
                          =========                           =========
Diluted cash net earnings
 per common share (o)     $    1.04                           $    0.80
                          =========                           =========

(l) Includes expense reimbursement associated with 25 dental facilities
    transferred to PDG as part of litigation settlement.
(m) The Company provided management services pursuant to a Service
    Agreement with PDG through December 31, 2007. Includes estimated
    proportion of service fee revenue and associated expenses for 25 of
    the 31 dental facilities transferred  to PDG.
(n) Includes professional fees associated with PDG litigation of
(o) Cash net earnings and diluted cash net earnings per share are not
    measures of financial performance under GAAP.  Cash net earnings
    excludes amortization expense related to service agreement intangible
    assets, net of tax.  The Company incurs significant amortization
    expense related to its service agreements while many companies, both
    in the same industry and other industries, no longer amortize a
    significant portion of their intangible assets pursuant to Statement
    of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142 - Goodwill and Other
    Intangible Assets.  The Company believes that cash net earnings and
    diluted cash net earnings per share are important financial measures
    for understanding its relative financial performance.

           (in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Change in pro forma consolidated statements of income
   for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2008 and 2007

                       Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                         September 30,               September 30,
                   -------------------------- ----------------------------
                                     Change                       Change
                                       in                           in
                     Pro      Pro      Pro       Pro       Pro      Pro
                    Forma    Forma    Forma     Forma     Forma    Forma
                     2008     2007   Results     2008      2007   Results
                   -------- -------- -------  --------- --------- -------

Net revenue       $ 68,215 $ 55,749      22%  $ 208,301 $ 162,590      28%
Operating expenses
    Salaries and
     benefits       30,245   23,279      30%     91,177    67,221      36%
    Lab fees and
     dental supplies 9,967    8,924      12%     31,655    26,031      22%
    Office occupancy
     expenses        8,231    6,669      23%     24,512    18,703      31%
    Other operating
     expenses        6,618    5,034      31%     19,748    14,279      38%
    General corporate
     expenses        3,055    4,164     (27%)    10,150    10,867      (7%)
     expenses            -        -       0%          -         -       0%
                  -------- -------- -------   --------- --------- -------
EBITDA              10,099    7,679      32%     31,059    25,489      22%
    Depreciation     2,644    1,865      42%      7,757     5,454      42%
    Amortization     2,409    1,723      40%      7,205     4,648      55%
                  -------- -------- -------   --------- --------- -------
Earnings from
 operations          5,046    4,091      23%     16,097    15,387       5%
     expense, net    2,390      823     190%      7,264     2,026     259%
     interest          140      102      36%        431       349      24%
                  -------- -------- -------   --------- --------- -------
Earnings before
 income taxes        2,516    3,166     (21%)     8,402    13,012     (35%)
    Income taxes       982    1,189     (17%)     3,277     5,108     (36%)
                  -------- -------- -------   --------- --------- -------
Net earnings         1,534    1,977     (22%)     5,125     7,904     (35%)
Amortization of
 agreements, net of
 tax                 1,364    1,024      33%      4,079     2,712      50%
                  -------- -------- -------   --------- --------- -------
Cash net earnings $  2,898 $  3,001      (3%) $   9,204 $  10,616     (13%)
                  ======== ======== =======   ========= ========= =======

Diluted net
 earnings per
 common share     $   0.12 $   0.15     (21%) $    0.39 $    0.60     (35%)
                  ======== ======== =======   ========= ========= =======
Diluted cash net
 earnings per
 common share     $   0.22 $   0.22       0%  $    0.70 $    0.80     (13%)
                  ======== ======== =======   ========= ========= =======

           (in thousands, except selected statistical data)


                       Selected statistical data

                                              September September
                                                30,       30,         %
                                                2008      2007     Change
                                              --------- --------- --------

Number of dental facilities                         244       261     -6.5%
Number of operatories (p)                         2,115     2,301     -8.1%
Number of affiliated dentists (q)                   551       609     -9.5%

(p) An operatory is an area where dental care is performed and generally
    contains a dental chair, a hand piece delivery system and other
    essential equipment.
(q) Includes full-time equivalent general or specialty dentists employed by
    or contracted with the affiliated practices, including Arizona's Tooth
    Doctor for Kids.

     Patient revenue and same market patient revenue growth (r)

                                        Three Months Ended
                                          September 30,
                                      -----------------------         %
                                        2008          2007         Change
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Patient revenue of affiliated
  Platform dental group practices
   affiliated with us in both
   periods of comparison              $  83,565     $  79,738          4.8%
  Platform dental group practices
   that affiliated with us during
   periods of comparison                 19,995 (s)    22,043 (s)     -9.3%
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Total patient revenue                   103,560       101,781          1.7%
Patient revenue of Arizona's Tooth
 Doctor for Kids                          6,427         5,691         12.9%
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Patient revenue of platform dental
 group practices affiliated with us
 by means of service agreements          97,133        96,090          1.1%
Amounts due to us under service
 agreements                              60,979        60,195          1.3%
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Amounts retained by platform dental
 group practices affiliated with us
 by means of service agreements       $  36,154     $  35,895          0.7%
                                      =========     =========     ========

                                        Nine Months Ended
                                          September 30,
                                      -----------------------        %
                                        2008          2007         Change
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Patient revenue of affiliated
  Platform dental group practices
   affiliated with us in both
   periods of comparison              $ 245,221     $ 228,726          7.2%
  Platform dental group practices
   that affiliated with us
   during periods of comparison          71,664 (t)    71,720 (t)     -0.1%
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Total patient revenue                   316,885       300,446          5.5%
Patient revenue of Arizona's Tooth
 Doctor for Kids                         18,592        17,246          7.8%
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Patient revenue of platform dental
 group practices affiliated with us
 by means of service agreements         298,293       283,200          5.3%
Amounts due to us under service
 agreements                             186,805       178,234          4.8%
                                      ---------     ---------     --------
Amounts retained by platform dental
 group practices affiliated with us
 by means of service agreements       $ 111,488     $ 104,966          6.2%
                                      =========     =========     ========

(r) Includes patient revenue of affiliated dental group practices which are
    not consolidated with the Company's financial results and patient
    revenue of Arizona's Tooth Doctor for Kids which is consolidated with
    the Company's financial results.
(s) In addition to platform affiliations completed since July 1, 2007, also
    includes patient revenue of the six dental facilities retained by the
    Company for the three months ended September 30, 2008 and the 31 dental
    facilities comprising Park Dental for the three months ended September
    30, 2007.
(t) In addition to platform affiliations completed since January 1, 2007,
    also includes patient revenue of the six dental facilities retained by
    the Company for the nine months ended September 30, 2008 and the 31
    dental facilities comprising Park Dental for the nine months ended
    September 30, 2007.

Contacts: Gregory A. Serrao Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer 781-224-0880 Breht T. Feigh Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 781-224-0880 American Dental Partners, Inc. 401 Edgewater Place, Suite 430 Wakefield, MA 01880 Phone: 781/224-0880 Fax: 781/224-4216

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American Dental Partners (NASDAQ:ADPI)
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