RNS Number:7033P
St. Barbara Mines Limited
12 September 2003


Preliminary Final Result 2002/03 and Outlook

Preliminary Final Result

*  Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and change in
   accounting policy $3.7 million

*  Gold sales 98,080 ounces (down 7 percent)

     -       realised gold price $572 per ounce (up $57/oz)

     -       net cash cost $465 per ounce (down $217/oz)

*  Net loss after tax $32.7 million after charging:

     -       change in accounting policy $9.9 million

     -       non-cash charges of $18.4 million (including $10 million in accelerated
             write-down of underground operations)

*  The Company remains unhedged


*  Finance - first two months of 2004 financial year

      -       Short term debt reduced $5.0 million

      -       Production 11,380 ounces at net cash cost of $438 per ounce, and
              realised price $537 per ounce

*  Production Schedule

      -       Paddys Flat No. 2 and No. 3 low grade stockpiles to provide 1.8 million
              tonnes of mill feed supplemented by Bluebird low grade stockpiles

      -       Development plans for Paddys Flat high grade orebodies particularly
              Prohibition well advanced

*  Paulsens Project

      -       Revised development plan to examine smaller tonnage - higher grade
              underground mine.

Stephen W. Miller
Executive Chairman

12 September 2003

Financial details in the form of Appendix 4E are attached.

The Company recorded a consolidated net loss of $32.7 million (of which $28.3
million were non-cash charges), with higher gold sales revenue offset by
accelerated mine development writedown of underground operations and a change in
accounting policy.

Financial Performance

Gold revenue from operations was $1.6 million higher (up 3 percent).  A higher
realised price ($572 per ounce, up 11 percent) off-set lower sales (98,080
ounces, down 7 percent).  The higher realised price reflected an improved spot
gold price and 66 percent of sales at spot (previous year nil).  There were no
outstanding hedge positions at the year end.

The net operating cost of production (equivalent to the Gold Institute total
cash cost) at $575 per ounce reflected difficulties with both underground mines.

In the last three months of the year costs were significantly lower at $433
per ounce based on high throughput of Paddys Flat low grade stockpiles.

Production and Sales Statistics

Period 12 months to 30 June                               2003      2002

Ore mined                                              483,041 1,386,084
Ore milled                                           2,284,599 1,888,829
Grade milled (g/                                          1.47      1.84
Recovery                                                  89.7      92.3
Gold produced                                           96,611   103,246
Gold sold                                               98,080   105,844

Production Cost Statement ($/oz)
Modified Gold Institute Standard

Period 12 months to 30 June                                 2003   2002

Mine site cash                                               448    669
State                                                         17     13
Net Cash                                                     465    682
Mine development capital cost amortisation.                  103  (127)
Inventory movements....................................        7      2
Net Operating Cost........................................   575    553
Realised Gold                                                572    515
Spot Price                                                   572    552

St Barbara calculates cost of production using a modified Gold Institute
Standard.  The modification is designed to clearly identify the actual cash cost
incurred, which is then normalised depending upon over or under development
against the life-of-mine plan.  The resultant 'net operating cost' per ounce is
equivalent to the GI 'total cash cost' per ounce.

Simplified Statement of Financial Performance
for the year ended 30 June                                                2003     2002

Gold revenue from operations.......................                     56,110   54,516
Other revenue.................................................           1,494   31,977
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation and         3,717   16,112
change in accounting
Change in accounting policy.........................                   (9,897)        -
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and                        (6,180)   16,112
Depreciation...................................................        (2,750)  (2,044)
Amortisation and write-down of mine                                   (15,641) (28,176)
Earning/(loss) before interest and tax                                (24,571) (14,108)
Interest (expense)............................................         (5,449)  (3,941)
Income tax expense.........................................            (2,965)        -
Outside equity interests..................................                 252      155
Net profit/(loss)..............................................       (32,733) (17,894)

Segmental Analysis
for the year ended 30 June                                            2003     2002

Results from Operations..................................            2,899    9,150
Amortisation and depreciation........................              (8,319) (24,470)
Profit on sale of shares and property, plant and                       818   11,557
Change in accounting policy.........................               (9,897)        -
-   Mine development costs............................            (10,072)  (5,750)
-   Exploration expenditure...............................               -  (3,381)
-   AIM listing costs.........................................           -  (1,214)
Earnings/(loss) before interest and tax                           (24,571) (14,108)

Prepared in accordance with
Australian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

Other revenue, in the corresponding twelve month period, was dominated by the
sale of the shareholding in Goldfields Limited for $26.7 million, and a net
profit of $9.2 million.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $3.7 million was
determined after state royalties ($1.7 million) and before an accounting charge
of $9.9 million ($4.4 million relating to prior year capitalised exploration
expenditures) associated with reconciliation to Canadian GAAP to achieve
alignment with proposed merger partner Defiance Mining Corporation.

Higher interest costs reflect an increase in RCF loan drawdown and associated
extension fees.

Accelerated amortisation of underground mine development costs due to early
closure and sterilisation of ore reserves recorded charges of $7.6 million
against Gibraltar and $2.6 million against Great Northern Highway.

Cash Flow Statement

Available cash (net of security bonds) decreased to $0.6 million.

Capital allocations included Great Northern Highway and Gibraltar underground
mine development ($3.9 million) and Mulla Mulla and regional exploration ($1.9

Additional security bonds ($1.7 million) previously secured by guarantee were
cash backed during the period.

Loan and finance repayments, principally the Taipan convertible note ($7.4
million) was financed from cash and a further drawdown of the RCF loan.

Financial Position

Total shareholders' equity decreased by $22.1 million, reflecting the change in
accounting policy and accelerated amortisation of underground mine development.

Current assets include the investment in Dioro Exploration NL at cost ($4.9
million).  Working capital at year end was negative $7.4 million.

Interest bearing debt at balance date was $24.0 million.  This comprises the
fully drawn RCF $12.0 million loan (10 percent interest per annum which was
satisfied by the issue of shares), the Ocean Resource Capital Holdings
convertible loan ($7.3 million with accrued interest at a rate of 12 percent per
annum or exchangeable into shares at 8 cents per share) and lease commitments.
The RCF loan was reduced by $5.0 million in July 2003 on receipt of the proceeds
on sale of the Dioro shares.

Three placements of shares (64.3 million) were made for working capital
principally to UK institutions.  Ocean Resource Capital Holdings part exercised
their convertible note (15.0 million).

Simplified Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 30 June                                           2003     2002

Operating Activities
Cash                                                               63,043   59,968
Payments - suppliers/employees......................             (64,593) (81,280)
Other                                                               (341)  (1,709)
Net cash                                                          (1,891) (23,021)
Investing Activities
Payments - exploration/evaluation/development                    (13,050) (10,558)
Payments - listed investments...........................            (365)  (4,526)
Investment                                                              -   26,736
Sale -property/plant/equipment (net)................                  777    2,551
Net cash                                                         (12,638)   14,203
Financing Activities
Loan and finance repayments.............................          (2,263) (14,295)
Repayment of convertible loan..........................           (7,372)        -
Restricted cash (bonds)......................................     (1,736)        -
Proceeds from borrowings................................            9,830    9,653
Issue of                                                            7,635   19,088
Share                                                                   -  (1,066)
Net cash                                                            6,094   13,380
Cash - beginning of period.................................         9,032    4,470
Net change in cash.............................................   (8,435)    4,562
Cash - end of period...........................................       597    9,032

Simplified Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 June 2003                                                            2003     2002

Current................................................................     19,164   24,384
Non-current.........................................................        58,128   77,654
Total....................................................................   77,292  102,038
Current................................................................     26,610   29,868
Non-current.........................................................        12,709   12,062
Total....................................................................   39,319   41,930
Net assets...........................................................       37,973   60,108
Share capital & reserves.....................................              129,493  118,643
Accumulated losses............................................            (91,520) (58,787)
Outside equity interests......................................                   -      252
Total shareholders' equity..................................                37,973   60,108


Financial Position

The financial position was improved immediately post the year end with a $5
million repayment of the interest bearing RCF loan (leaving an outstanding $7
million).  This was financed by the sale of the Dioro Exploration investment.

Meekatharra Production

Production for the first eight months of 2003/04 financial year will be
dominated by the processing of Paddys Flat No. 2 and No. 3 low grade stockpiles
at a throughput rate of approximately 3.0 million tonnes per annum to deliver
40,000 ounces.  Evaluation of several small nearby shallow oxide pit
possibilities continues.

The production schedule for the balance of the year includes Bluebird low grade
stockpiles (0.46 Mt) and Batavia open pit (0.12 Mt) for an additional recovered
20,000 ounces.

Detailed evaluation of the higher grade underground Vivians, Consols,
Prohibition and Mickey Doolan deposits at Paddys Flat is ongoing.

The priority is Prohibition where the orebody has reasonable width and is hosted
in a competent banded iron formation.  Subject to board approval, decline
development is planned to commence in the first quarter of 2004, with the first
ore deliveries early in 2004/05 financial year.

Meekatharra Exploration

Gold Fields have completed their minimum expenditure of $0.75 million and
withdrawn from the JV.  Upgraded targets will be scheduled for further

Paulsens Development

A revised mine development plan (smaller tonnage-higher grade underground mine
with either toll or contract processing) with substantial reductions in start-up
capital nears completion.

Defiance Merger Proposal

The merger between St Barbara and the now listed Defiance Mining Corporation
remains on the agenda notwithstanding advancement of their Tasiast Project and
recent equity raisings.


  CORPORATE INFORMATION                                                                                               
  Board of Directors and Executive Management      Issued Capital                      Shareholder Enquiries          

  S. W. Miller     Executive Chairman          As at the date of this report,      Matters related to shares      
  K. A. Dundo      Non-Executive Director      issued capital is 431,464,225       held, change                   
  G. B. Speechly   Non-Executive Director      shares.                             of address and tax file        
  H. G. Tuten      Non-Executive Director                                          numbers should                 
  A. D. Rule       Chief Financial Officer     There were 44,329,772 listed        be directed to:                
                   and Company Secretary       options, exercisable at 30 cents                                   
                                               up until 29 February 2004 and       Australia:                     
 Registered Office                             71,682,563 unlisted options         Advanced Share Registry        
 Level 2, 16 Ord Street                        exercisable at various prices       Services                       
 West Perth WA 6005                            between 11 cents and 40 cents up    Level 7, 200 Adelaide Terrace  
 Telephone:     +61 8 9476 5555                to 17 January 2008.                 Perth WA 6000                  
 Facsimile:     +61 8 9476 5500                                                    Telephone:     +61 8 9221 7288
 Email:     perth@stbarbara.com.au             Major Shareholders                  Facsimile:     +61 8 9221 7869 
 Website:     www.stbarbara.com.au             National Nominees     11.16%                                       
                                               Westpac Custodians    10.64%        United Kingdom:                
 Stock Exchange Listings                       Resource Capital Fund II            Computershare Investor         
 Australian Stock Exchange                     LP     7.89%                        Services PLC                   
 AIM Board of London Stock Exchange            Strata Mining Corporation           PO Box 435, Owen House         
 Ticker Symbol: SBM                            Ltd     7.46%                       8 Bankhead Crossway North      
                                               ANZ Nominees     3.72%              Edinburgh EH11 4BR             
                                                                                   Telephone:     +44 870 703 6088     
                                               Substantial Shareholders            Facsimile:      +44 870 703 6142    
                                               RAB Europe Fund Ltd     10.43%                                 
                                               GAM International Growth                                           
                                               Fund     9.41%                      ADR Depositary                 
                                               Resource Capital Fund II            The Bank of New York           
                                               LP     7.89%                        101 Barclay Street             
                                               Strata Mining Corporation           New York NY10286 USA           
                                               Ltd     7.46%                       Telephone:     +1 212 815 2218 

This preliminary final report presents consolidated financial information
relating to St Barbara Mines Limited and its controlled entities for the year
ended 30 June 2003.  The comparative information is for the year ended 30 June

Results for announcement to the market

                                                                 %                         $000

Revenues from ordinary activities                     down      33                 to       57,604

Loss from ordinary activities after tax               down      82                 to       32,733
attributable to members

Net loss for the period attributable to members       down      82                 to       32,733

Dividends                                 Amount per security            Franked amount per security

Final dividend                                    Nil                                Nil

Previous corresponding period                     Nil                                Nil

Record date for determining entitlements to the dividend                        Not applicable


                                                                           30 June 2003          30 June 2002
                                                                                 A$'000                A$'000

Revenue from sale of gold                                                        56,111                54,516
Other revenues from outside operating activities                                  1,493                31,977
Total revenue from ordinary activities                                           57,604                86,493

Changes in inventories of finished goods                                        (2,453)                 (278)
Raw materials and consumables used                                             (11,543)              (13,425)
Cost of investments sold                                                              -              (17,506)
Cost of property, plant and equipment sold                                        (184)               (1,964)
Cost of tenements sold                                                                -                 (186)
Contract mining expense                                                        (11,442)               (9,146)
Contract cartage                                                                (4,845)               (3,036)
Contract milling                                                                (2,616)               (2,483)
Contract maintenance                                                            (1,163)               (1,473)
Contract labour and consultants                                                 (1,396)               (3,606)
Tenement rent and rates                                                         (1,110)               (1,224)
Royalty                                                                         (1,728)               (1,386)
Employee expenses                                                               (8,626)              (10,788)
Exploration drilling and assay expenditure                                      (1,803)                     -
Exploration consultant expenditure                                              (1,447)                     -
Cumulative effect of exploration write off prior to 1 July 2002                 (4,422)                     -
Shares issued for native title                                                    (616)                     -
AIM admission costs                                                                   -               (1,214)
Other expenses from ordinary activities                                         (8,390)               (2,666)
Earnings/(loss) before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation             (6,180)                16,112
Amortisation of mining development expenses                                    (15,641)              (22,426)
Write down of mining development expenses                                             -               (5,750)
Depreciation and amortisation expenses                                          (2,750)               (2,044)
Earnings/(loss) before interest and tax (EBIT)                                 (24,571)              (14,108)
Borrowing costs                                                                 (5,449)               (3,941)
(Loss) from ordinary activities before income tax                              (30,020)              (18,049)
Income tax expense                                                              (2,965)                     -
Net (loss) after income tax                                                    (32,985)              (18,049)
Net (loss) attributable to outside equity interests                                 252                   155
Net (loss) attributable to members of the Company                              (32,733)              (17,894)

                                                                          30 June 2003           30 June 2002
                                                                                A$'000                 A$'000
Current assets
Cash assets                                                                        597                  9,032
Restricted cash                                                                    280                      -
Receivables                                                                      3,688                  3,287
Other financial assets                                                           4,891                      -
Inventories                                                                      4,264                  5,151
Assets held for resale                                                           4,194                  5,409
Other                                                                            1,250                  1,505
                                                                                19,164                 24,384
Non-current assets
Restricted cash                                                                  3,293                  1,837
Other financial assets                                                               -                  4,526
Property, plant and equipment                                                    8,380                  9,906
Other                                                                               83                    232
Deferred tax assets                                                                  -                  2,965
Mining properties                                                               46,372                 58,188
                                                                                58,128                 77,654
Total Assets                                                                    77,292                102,038
Current liabilities
Payables                                                                        10,561                 15,905
Interest bearing liabilities                                                    15,151                 12,926
Provisions                                                                         898                  1,037
                                                                                26,610                 29,868
Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing liabilities                                                     8,833                  9,393
Provisions                                                                       3,876                  2,669
                                                                                12,709                 12,062
Total Liabilities                                                               39,319                 41,930
Net Assets                                                                      37,973                 60,108

Contributed equity                                                             127,534                118,213
Option reserve                                                                   1,959                    430
Accumulated losses                                                            (91,520)               (58,787)
Parent entity interest                                                          37,973                 59,856
Outside equity interest                                                              -                    252
Total Equity                                                                    37,973                 60,108


                                                                            30 June 2003         30 June 2002
                                                                                  A$'000               A$'000
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash receipts in the course of operations                                         63,043               59,968
      (inclusive of goods and services tax)
Payments to suppliers and employees                                             (64,593)             (81,280)
      (inclusive of goods and services tax)
Other cash receipts                                                                    -                  405
Interest received                                                                    292                  124
Borrowing costs paid and gold lease fees                                            (68)              (1,842)
Finance charges        -        finance leases                                     (340)                (270)
                       -        hire purchase agreements                           (225)                (126)

Net cash flows (used in) operating activities operating                          (1,891)             (23,021)
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Payments in respect of exploration, evaluation and development                  (13,050)             (10,558)
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                         (205)              (1,749)
Cash received from investments sold                                                    -               26,736
Payments for investment in listed securities                                       (365)              (4,526)
Cash received from sale of property, plant and equipment                             982                4,300
Net cash flows provided by / (used in) investing activities                     (12,638)               14,203
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Principal repayments under secured loans                                               -             (12,700)
Repayment of convertible loan                                                    (7,372)                    -
Restricted cash                                                                  (1,736)                    -
Share buy back                                                                         -              (1,066)
Proceeds from borrowings                                                           9,830                9,653
Net proceeds from issue of securities                                              7,635               19,088
Principal repayments -     finance leases                                        (1,204)              (1,078)
                                         -     hire purchase agreements          (1,059)                (517)
Net cash flows provided by financing activities                                    6,094               13,380
Net increase / (decrease)  in cash                                               (8,435)                4,562
Cash at the beginning of the financial year                                        9,032                4,470
Cash at the end of the financial year                                                597                9,032

Reconciliation of loss after income tax to net cash outflow from operating
activities is as follows:

                                                                          30 June                    30 June
                                                                             2003                       2002
                                                                           A$'000                     A$'000
Operating loss after income tax                                          (32,985)                   (18,049)
Write down FITB                                                             2,965                          -
Depreciation and amortisation                                               2,828                      2,044
Development mining expenses                                                     -                   (35,201)
Mining properties change in accounting policies                             9,897                          -
Amortisation and write down of mining expenses                             15,641                     28,176
Write down of exploration tenements                                             -                      3,381
(Profit)/loss on sale of tenements                                              -                       (24)
Write down of feasibility studies                                               -                        924
(Profit) on sale of property, plant and equipment                           (818)                    (2,336)
(Profit)/loss on sale of shares                                                 -                    (9,221)
Borrowing expenses paid with shares                                         1,015                      1,000
Convertible note interest                                                     303                        669
Issuance of options in lieu facility fees                                   1,529                        430
Changes in assets and liabilities:
-     (Increase)/decrease in trade & other debtors                            969                    (1,185)
-     Decrease/(increase) in inventories                                      887                      1,159
-     Decrease/(increase) in other assets                                     172                        377
-     Increase in trade & other creditors, employee                       (4,294)                      4,835
entitlements and provisions
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                 (1,891)                   (23,021)


No dividend has been declared.

                                                                               30 June 2003         30 June 2002
                                                                                     A$'000               A$'000
Accumulated losses at the beginning of the financial period                        (58,787)             (40,893)
Net profit attributable to members of the Company                                  (32,733)             (17,894)
Accumulated losses at the end of the financial period                              (91,520)             (58,787)

                                                                              30 June 2003         30 June 2002
Net tangible assets                                               A$'000            77,292               99,073
Fully paid ordinary shares on issues                                           415,553,303          319,758,267
Net tangible asset per share                                          A$             0.186                0.309


No controlled entities were acquired or disposed of during the period.


The commentary on the results and activities is set out on the attached

                                                                                  30 June                30 June
                                                                                     2003                   2002
                                                                              cents/share            cents/share
Basic and diluted earnings per share                                               (0.08)                 (0.08)
                                                                                   A$'000                 A$'000
Retained (loss) for the year used in the calculation of basic earnings           (32,733)               (17,894)
per share
                                                                                   Number                 Number
Weighted average number of fully paid ordinary shares on issue during         409,326,900            228,375,474
the year used in the calculation of basic earnings per share


The consolidated entity operates predominantly in the gold mining industry in

The consolidated entity's head office is in Australia.


This report is based on accounts which are in the process of being audited.

Enquiries regarding this report may be directed to:

Stephen W. Miller Executive Chairman

Telephone          (08) 9476 5555
Overseas           +61 8 9476 5555


Colin G. Jackson
Investor Relations

Telephone          0417 929 107

St Barbara Mines Limited
Level 2, 16 Ord Street
West Perth
Western Australia    6005

Telephone          (08) 9476 5555
Overseas           +61 8 9476 5555

Dollar values in this report are Australian Dollars unless otherwise stated.

Comparatives are twelve months to 30 June 2003.

St Barbara is a dedicated gold company listed on both the Australian Stock
Exchange and the AIM (London Stock Exchange) - ticker symbol SBM - with over
12,000 shareholders.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange