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Trimble Inc

Trimble Inc (TRMB)

( -0,47% )
Aktualisiert: 17:31:00


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
40,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
45,0020,7022,900,0021,800,000,00 %00-
50,0015,7017,900,0016,800,000,00 %00-
55,0010,7013,000,0011,850,000,00 %00-
60,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
65,002,302,706,402,500,000,00 %04-
70,000,550,650,730,600,000,00 %0239-
75,000,050,200,050,125-0,08-61,54 %1001.50414:58:16
80,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
85,000,100,050,100,0750,000,00 %0175-
90,000,051,300,050,6750,000,00 %0103-
95,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
100,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
105,000,001,300,000,000,000,00 %00-

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StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
40,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
45,000,001,300,000,000,000,00 %00-
50,000,001,300,000,000,000,00 %00-
55,000,011,350,010,680,000,00 %04.699-
60,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
65,001,051,401,251,2250,1513,64 %11.00514:44:33
70,004,204,504,404,350,000,00 %04.714-
75,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
80,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
85,0017,4019,600,0018,500,000,00 %00-
90,0022,6024,600,0023,600,000,00 %00-
95,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
100,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
105,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
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SYRSSyros Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,187
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US$ 1,6792
LYTLytus Technologies Holdings PTV Ltd
US$ 0,2832
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US$ 4,935
HSAIHesai Group
US$ 22,28
WCTWellchange Holdings Company Limited
US$ 0,5901
ARVNArvinas Inc
US$ 8,09
LZMHLZ Technology Holdings Ltd
US$ 9,3162
SHOTWSafety Shot Inc
US$ 0,13
SPGCSacks Parente Golf Inc
US$ 0,10215
SYRSSyros Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,187
BHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
US$ 0,0435
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 7,8012
CUTRCutera Inc
US$ 0,1552
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 108,9398
urge2surge urge2surge 28 Sekunden vor
Markets waiting on news here. Something's a brewing imo.
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 34 Sekunden vor
I think he posted on X in a comment yesterday that they can't buy around material events so I doubt anything has been them yet considering the Q report that is supposed to drop tomorrow morning. Still crazy to me that we ahve dropped this low again. Not sure how many more catalysts we will need to f
DewDiligence DewDiligence 1 Minute vor
I suppose, but that seems like an odd way to parse the sentence.
sloppyjones sloppyjones 1 Minute vor
True true. He did announce the radio stations that were already listed, so we might see something like that with Bloomberg. Just wondering if there is any monetization tied to it.

I wonder if Speed Connect and Digithrive news will be after VuMe live goes live live, .....Live
jackson73 jackson73 2 Minuten vor
RAY 1.85 let's see 2.00+ 
searay2701 searay2701 3 Minuten vor
pitcook, it is what it is. As long as going forward, each new quarter shows continued revenue increases we will be fine. I am betting on being fine with my load of shares. I am looking forward to that conference call and getting more information in what is happening overall with IVDN and asking if w
Ooou812 Ooou812 3 Minuten vor

Market Outlook
The bulls have taken full control of the market. The negative sentiment that led to the last bearish pattern has dissipated. The current price is significantly distant from the confirmation level, greatly reducing the chances of a bearish confirmation. Besi
Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 3 Minuten vor
Why don't you Lead by example ?
rich2 rich2 3 Minuten vor
Got any more lies ?
only if you keep posting
What's key to NBRI is they are exploring in an area that previously ignited a California gold rush years ago
Now prices are much higher for copper, silver and gold

A key point:Copper in the oxide form generally has low
makinezmoney makinezmoney 3 Minuten vor
$GMNI: Wronggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Now $0.001

Nice try

JustJack JustJack 3 Minuten vor
14.61 BILLION shares DILUTED! WOW!

08/24/2018 Reverse 1:100
03/27/2020 Reverse 1:10000
March 2023 AS announced to increase to 7 Billion

April 2020. 400k. ( following 10000:1 RS was 4 billion)
May 2020. 2.3 Million
June 2020 17.2 Million
Monksdream Monksdream 3 Minuten vor
RAY there it goes
Redoocs Redoocs 3 Minuten vor
Like I'm really going to listen to a Casmuck. Your liberal nominee is a Wall Street economist with no political experience.
No political experience sounds like our president during his first term, except President Trump isn't a flaiming lib.
I'll stick with a real president, Trump th
Prudent Capitalist Prudent Capitalist 3 Minuten vor
As Karl Rove, the leading Republican strategist said yesterday, Trump's claims that he and Musk have "already found $hundreds of billions in fraud and corruption" in the federal government will totally backfire on Trump when everyone starts to question why we have not yet seen any criminal prosecuti
Aquahoya Aquahoya 3 Minuten vor
This isn't a battle of who is right. You could be right. But my point is you aren't certain. You are stating opinion. And that is my point.
Slim6 Slim6 3 Minuten vor
36,000 NOW software licences are getting cancelled today. The government was not needing and was not using them. Others are realizing the same. Hundreds of thousands are getting terminated as useless.
ChannelTrader ChannelTrader 3 Minuten vor
You have to admit she's fallen short of expectations. Maybe the bee is not so far off after all.
RuudSaltis RuudSaltis 4 Minuten vor
It seems that there are not that many shares available…. To buy!!
layton layton 4 Minuten vor
Tissues? more like F'd
Anvil Anvil 4 Minuten vor
Scope08 Scope08 5 Minuten vor
Where is Tedpeele, as all of this is going on? Preparing a statement, no doubt....
jour_trader jour_trader 6 Minuten vor
This is always the excuse why insiders aren't buying. They can buy via 10b5-1 plan option, if available. If insiders weren't buying years ago when the stock was at a huge discount, they aren't now. I'm guessing certain employees have a nice Change of Control/Ownership option for a healthy payout whe
Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 6 Minuten vor
Absolutely no support! How can our project being shovel ready and with the current favorable environment for domestic mining of critical minerals be failing so miserably?!?!?! What say you Mark Smith?
Torez Torez 6 Minuten vor
Cmon man, its called more cheapies or in more formal terms - buying opportunity 

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