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Aviat Networks Inc

Aviat Networks Inc (AVNW)

Geschlossen 15 März 9:00PM
Nach Börsenschluss: 10:30PM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
2,5015,1018,400,0016,750,000,00 %00-
5,0012,6015,900,0014,250,000,00 %00-
7,5010,1013,400,0011,750,000,00 %00-
10,007,6010,900,009,250,000,00 %00-
12,506,308,400,007,350,000,00 %00-
15,002,655,9010,704,275-0,000,00 %01-
17,501,403,307,512,350,000,00 %010-
20,000,100,500,050,30-1,26-96,18 %11314.3.2025
22,500,050,400,050,2250,000,00 %012-
25,000,350,150,350,250,000,00 %0126-
30,000,010,750,010,380,000,00 %012-

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StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
2,500,000,750,000,000,000,00 %00-
5,000,000,750,000,000,000,00 %00-
7,500,000,750,000,000,000,00 %00-
10,000,000,750,000,000,000,00 %00-
12,500,000,750,000,000,000,00 %00-
15,000,001,500,000,000,000,00 %00-
17,500,150,350,150,250,000,00 %05-
20,000,901,501,251,200,000,00 %08-
22,503,303,800,943,550,000,00 %06-
25,004,407,502,405,950,000,00 %079-
30,0010,7012,100,0011,400,000,00 %00-
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US$ 0,5213
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US$ 255,00
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US$ 22,105
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US$ 2,00
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US$ 2,03
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US$ 0,0201
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US$ 0,0228
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US$ 0,36205
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US$ 0,5213
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US$ 121,67
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US$ 0,0201
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US$ 0,0228
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 9,225
Doc logic Doc logic 4 Minuten vor

The lack of change is about control of the funding as much as it is about the funding itself. If something comes along that creates so much demand that control of funding is lost then how will the distribution of funds affect those who currently support the status quo? This
Decon6 Decon6 4 Minuten vor
Think shareholders could file a lawsuit against Zimbler for hurting the stock of the company?
redspinelpinktopaz redspinelpinktopaz 4 Minuten vor
He said everything. What can the supporters say on this board?
surfer44 surfer44 4 Minuten vor
Can't go wrong with dividends.
positiveonstocks101 positiveonstocks101 5 Minuten vor
Great to hear the news about the lawsuit verdict. Now looking forward to receive the actual cash to be distributed based on the lawsuit verdict. 
Also looking forward to enjoy the Vegas Trip with fellow shareholders!
I am no longer active posting on this board, but I do read messages r
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 6 Minuten vor
What exactly do you hope to see? The report could simply say that they’re working with MHRA but won’t report the details. Maybe they’re “getting closer” to submitting to NICE.

>>No more hiding
SC8 SC8 6 Minuten vor
Funny! Just take one example. MK said in May of 2024 he'd submit IDE application within 90-120 days (aka no later than Sept 21, 2021). Here we are in March 2025, 3.5 years later, still waiting! But per you sycophants, MK isn't a liar, nor is he incompetent. Sorry, but it's been clear for many y
DTGoody DTGoody 6 Minuten vor
This indeed is very impressive! Why in the world isn't management screaming from the rooftops on what they got here??? Just unbelievable!! If something like this were to hit the wires, we would already be at silver even with the current OS.

I got an idea why don't you apply for a PR
Ecomike Ecomike 7 Minuten vor
For all the whiners and complainers here, I have held stocks for ages and been handsomely reward for my patience. Whiners either want more cheap shares and they are willing to lie and trash talk to get them, or they are just ignorant to how the OTC market is...

One that was a Stop sig
gyro 1 gyro 1 8 Minuten vor
One of our old friends. not free to ID.
Investor082 Investor082 8 Minuten vor
Add Atlinsider, Greg Zivic, Maverick, Peter Davis, Annie, etc. The more they post the more it becomes clear there will be no significant news post UK approval to support the share price. Endless dilution in store!
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 8 Minuten vor
Just like RNAZ cancer cure sabotage it’s the most shorted stock on all the market next to MULN King of bankruptcy
misterfishman misterfishman 9 Minuten vor
Hahaha kegs is at .0001 and below it's a scam you shouldn't have admit that here.
theorysuit theorysuit 10 Minuten vor
Come back to me in one year. Let's see who is right. 3.59$ mark this number. Mar 15 2026....better make sure you check back.
Investor082 Investor082 10 Minuten vor
It’s coming for sure in Q4, 2025. No more hiding. Also, I have a sneaky feeling that it might get messy for a couple of paid pumpers on X, as their identity is well known.
theorysuit theorysuit 10 Minuten vor
What the downside risk here? Sure cash burn is high, they are running trials and commercialization. Go invest in a index fund if you don't want risk.
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 11 Minuten vor
Positive news hits the wires and it collapsed, it’s a declaration of war against all shorts in bed with big pharma to sabotage the only hope for terminally ill cancer patients
chemist72 chemist72 11 Minuten vor
Looks like I wasted my time with my explanation* as your reply is excellent.

al44 al44 11 Minuten vor
We’re not living in a Smoot-Hawley world, and smart tariffs will benefit America

By Andrea Widburg

A lot of people are worried about tariffs. I get that, because they drive up prices, which makes manufacturers and consumers very sad. However, I’m not worried (I’ll expla
condor1 condor1 11 Minuten vor
Sometimes , misery is the only thing people live for. The welding is highly professional, and it is undeniably recent and is progressing toward nearing completion. A bona fide investor would enjoy and appreciate this factual reality, but for some reason, you don't/ I guess you are a fake investor.
juicyjuice10002 juicyjuice10002 15 Minuten vor
The best way to settle is to issue special dividend to stockholders.
100lbStriper 100lbStriper 15 Minuten vor
lol!!! true story, i actually just realised i have 150 trillion zimbabwe dollars somewhere in this room and cant find it!!!!
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 15 Minuten vor
I'm sure RITE CEO will address that issue

actually, they will be forced to address that issue and if RITE has already received some funding from Alpine, thats on Alpine not on RITE as RITE is not in any legal disputes etc

feel free to message RITE IR here

researcher59 researcher59 15 Minuten vor
Walmart merchandise is now 60% from China, down from 80% in 2018 ..... India has become a significant supplier as well. So they've shifted some merchandise to India. Cheap labor is what they want. I think they also increasingly import from Vietnam and Bangladesh.

100lbStriper 100lbStriper 16 Minuten vor
lol!!! true story, i actually just realised i have 150 trillion zimbabwe dollars somewhere in this room and cant find it!!!!