Contract Update
18 November 2003 - 8:00AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:1636S
ServicePower Technologies PLC
18 November 2003
ServicePower Technologies PLC
("ServicePower" or the "Company")
contract update
ServicePower announces extension to contract
Contractor scheduling solution
ServicePower, the recognised market leader in artificial intelligence based,
field service scheduling applications, today announced an extension to the
existing contractor-scheduling contract with Installs, Inc. In the Chairman's
Statement in March, ServicePower announced Installs had gone live with the
implementation of a new product to schedule the work of contractors, rather than
employed technicians. The number of contractors on the system has risen quickly
over recent months to more than 600. Following this successful implementation
the directors are pleased to report Installs is now able to offer a
substantially improved service to its clients. It has recently won an exclusive
contract with Cablevision to install satellite systems across the US for the new
"Voom" high definition television (HDTV) service launched in October. It is
anticipated this will result in at least 300 additional contract installers
being scheduled by SERVICEPower.
Also in March, ServicePower announced the commencement of work with one of the
largest electrical retailers in the US to develop and implement a contractor
scheduling system. The company, which can now be identified as Radioshack has
recently sold its service business, Amerilink, to Installs and the work of
installing home satellite receiver systems will now be scheduled through the
existing Installs infrastructure. This will accelerate the scheduling by
SERVICEPower of a further 150 contract staff. The Amerilink project also
involved the deployment of ServiceMobility, Servicepower's state of the art
mobile application which allows technicians to send status and job completion
details back to ServicePower and the billing systems. Installs will be extending
the rollout to all parts of their business.
Whilst initially the concept uptake was slow, it is now very clear that in the
US service delivery companies are moving to use more contract staff and less
employed staff in an effort to minimise their cost base and better map resources
to the shifting patterns of their work. The directors are confident this market
development is set to continue.
Note: ServicePower refers to the company and SERVICEPower refers to the product.
Barry Welck, Chairman Tel: 01923 850863
David Brisco, Chief Executive Officer Tel: 0161 476 2277
Tom Price, Evolution Beeson Gregory Limited Tel: 020 7488 4300
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange