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Banco de Chile

Banco de Chile (BCH)

Geschlossen 09 Februar 10:00PM
Nach Börsenschluss: 1:59AM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
12,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
15,008,2013,000,0010,600,000,00 %00-
17,505,6010,500,008,050,000,00 %00-
20,003,208,000,005,600,000,00 %00-
22,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
25,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
30,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-

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StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
12,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
15,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
17,500,000,750,000,000,000,00 %00-
20,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
22,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
25,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
30,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
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MGOLMGO Global Inc
US$ 0,4191
CDTConduit Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 2,831
GSIWGarden Stage Ltd
US$ 0,79
TOIIWOncology Institute Inc
US$ 0,033
CYTHCyclo Therapeutics Inc
US$ 1,19
FTELFitell Corporation
US$ 2,70
SGBXSafe and Green Holdings Corporation
US$ 0,6401
NKLANikola Corporation
US$ 0,4432
PLRXPliant Therapeutics Inc
US$ 7,785
LIPOLipella Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 3,08
MGOLMGO Global Inc
US$ 0,4191
RIMEAlgorhythm Holdings Inc
US$ 0,0169
GSIWGarden Stage Ltd
US$ 0,79
BHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
US$ 0,0537
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 129,84
boston745 boston745 4 Minuten vor
Lets consider some other positive moves which recently includes trying to hire, may have hired/secured for hire as the positions are no longer on Linkedin, CFO & HR manager suggesting the company is getting ready to expand again. The posts only lasted 2 weeks on Linkedin suggesting the postings were
sortagreen sortagreen 4 Minuten vor
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 4 Minuten vor
I think we forgot how you fk heads acted during covid? You think we forgot how you made old people die alone while you did your riots in large crowds? You think we forgot about how you yell at us if we went in the wrong door at the Walmart? For the people you celebrated when they got fired for not g
zab zab 5 Minuten vor
I never have to trade I do it cause it's easy, but right now I  will sit back and spend my money on better meals and wait for trump to destroy the American economy.  I have enough money. 
Smartypants2 Smartypants2 6 Minuten vor
Why do the XERI haters feel it's necessary to attack anyone who doesn't totally agree with them and their conspiracy theories? Are they that afraid of even the possibility NEXBOARD might be successful? And if so, why?
Zardiw Zardiw 6 Minuten vor
The only real enemy is the human ego. That voice in your head that's always yelling. Our only solution is to instead listen to the Holy Spirit in us. That voice usually whispers. The first step is to observe the thoughts that you are having.....and question whether they are legitimate/true or not.
declaes declaes 7 Minuten vor
Landprot man....
GRST did not do 1RS in the past 20 years. 

This company is not doing as RS to dilute and RS again  they do a RS bc that's part of the plan to get back on track after the 2019-2020 disaster. This company almost went Bankrupt but is now (in the past 2years) takin
Zardiw Zardiw 7 Minuten vor
That should be

m0n m0n 7 Minuten vor
Hilarious isn't it? Posting SEC filings in a takeover by Emil and Vidalia merging in is pumping LoL

Zardiw Zardiw 7 Minuten vor
The only real enemy is the human ego. That voice in your head that's always yelling. Our only solution is to instead listen to the Holy Spirit in us. That voice usually whispers. The first step is to observe the thoughts that you are having.....and question whether they are legitimate/true or not.
misterfishman misterfishman 7 Minuten vor
I like the way you think putting your kids first your a good man.
zab zab 7 Minuten vor
Right now I  can't trade, trump has placed so much uncertainty in the American economy,  it's better to just let trump destroy the economy again,  he is quite good at destroying companies,  it's what he has done his entire life.
Zardiw Zardiw 7 Minuten vor
The only real enemy is the human ego. That voice in your head that's always yelling. Our only solution is to instead listen to the Holy Spirit in us. That voice usually whispers. The first step is to observe the thoughts that you are having.....and question whether they are legitimate/true or not.
PonkenPlonken PonkenPlonken 7 Minuten vor
Why is there an AI LDL-C minion in the newest presentation on slide 12?
Anyways looks much better than previous one. They keep talking about these dreams of sudden massive adoption due to heightened awareness.
Its not going to happen and if it were to happen it would likely be due to
Indeed. Not to mention STGZ was at a penny a couple wks back. So, of course, there's going to be profit taking after a move such as the one we've witnessed. But, not sure everyone was paying attention.....there was nearly 600k bid at 071 on Friday. Got taken out but the bid support here has been ama
CatfishHunter CatfishHunter 8 Minuten vor
Obsession is correct.

Why does one person spend so much time and effort on one board for months and years to post only negative comments.  Are they a bitter ex-employee?  A former disgruntled investor who lost money under Katzaroff? or a paid hit man to specifically target RDGL and Vi
Zardiw Zardiw 8 Minuten vor
The only real enemy is the human ego. That voice in your head that's always yelling. Our only solution is to instead listen to the Holy Spirit in us. That voice usually whispers. The first step is to observe the thoughts that you are having.....and question whether they are legitimate/true or not.
al44 al44 8 Minuten vor
Leftism and mental health

By Noel S. Williams

there’s also evidence that others who suffer childhood trauma, and unstable families, are more prone to become maladjusted adults. And that maladjusted adults are more likely to assume a misguided leftist worldview.
dinogreeves dinogreeves 8 Minuten vor
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 9 Minuten vor
misterfishman misterfishman 9 Minuten vor
Free from my narssasistic wife .
Crawfors Crawfors 9 Minuten vor
Promises made- promises kept.
"Removing the Yield Sign: We are committed to updating our financial disclosures to remove the yield sign on OTC Markets, underscoring our commitment to operational integrity and transparency. "
GameStop GameStop 10 Minuten vor
Form 8-K is a key document filed by publicly traded companies with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to disclose significant events or changes that could impact the company's financial position or operations

The SEC owns and operates an online database called EDGAR (an
zab zab 10 Minuten vor
You are really scared of every American and the freedom they want.
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 10 Minuten vor
RITE-July 2023 ;)

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