RNS Number:7090Z
Waterline Group plc
05 July 2007

                              Waterline Group plc

                          ("Waterline" or "the Group")

                            Results to 31 March 2007

      Financial and corporate highlights for the year ended 31 March 2007


The Board of Waterline Group Plc ("Waterline" or the "Group") one of the larger
suppliers to the fitted kitchen industry in the UK, announces its results for
the twelve month period to 31 March 2007, where it reports turnover, profit
before tax, basic EPS and net assets per share.

Financial Highlights

   * Turnover up to #83.7m
   * Profit before tax #1.7m (excluding one off costs #0.8m)
   * Basic EPS down 56 per cent to 2.54p
   * Net assets per share down by 0.5 per cent to 56.0p
   * Net debt reduced from #4.2m to #4.1m
   * No proposed dividend payment for the year
   * Current trading remains challenging

Corporate Highlights

   *Successful integration of Coolectric now completed
   *Acquisition of Brian Donaldson Distribution on 1 October 2007
   *Substantial investment in logistics operation
   *Completion of the re-structuring of the Operating Board
   *"Blue Book 14" the industry reference book to be launched in July 2007

Waterline provides a one-stop shop for top high street kitchen brands, supplying
retailers and builders merchants.  Additional services that Waterline provides
to its customers - such as training, product advice, stock management and 
logistics - sets the Group apart from the more conventional distributors in the


Chairman's statement for the year ended 31 March 2007

I am pleased to report the Group's results for the year ending 31 March 2007.
This has been a year of continued integration and consolidation from the
Waterline team against a backdrop of a continually challenging refurbishment
sector. The Group has continued to grow its turnover focusing its efforts at the
mid to high end of the independent kitchen retailer channel. The sector's
principal growth area continues to be at the high end price points. During the
year considerable efforts were made with the aims to:

   *Consolidate the Group as a one-stop trade supplier
   *Complete the integration of the Coolectric "Liebherr" operation
   *Expand our UK presence through the purchase of Brian Donaldson
    Distribution Limited
   *Continue our successful UK Road Show programme
   *Develop our furniture portfolio with the introduction of "Sigma"

I am pleased to report good progress was made on all the above targets,
maintaining the Group's position as a key player in the sector.

Overall turnover for the Group has increased by 11.9% to #83.7m from #74.8m in
the previous year. The gross margin has increased to 24.8% in line with

The Group's operating profit decreased by 15.4% to #1.62m compared with #1.98m
in the previous year. Profit before tax decreased by 35.3% to #0.87m whilst
basic earnings per share fell by 56% from 5.05p to 2.54. These results are lower
than those forecast at the time of the IPO due in part to the increased
logistical spend in the Coolectric business.

During the year there have been one-off costs for the compensation for loss of
office for two former operational board directors, a stock adjustment within
Coolectric, excess IT costs relating to the completion of certain projects and
excess logistical costs related to the Coolectric business. Due to the decrease
in profitability and the continuing requirement for investment the Board of
Directors do not propose a dividend this year.

Cash flow again continued to be strong with #3.2m generated from trading
operations. The Group's net debt position decreased slightly from #4.2 million
to #4.1 million although interest costs showed an increase as a result of higher
interest rates during the year. The acquisition of Brian Donaldson Distribution
Limited was financed from internal resources.

The Board is confident that the investments made during the year combined with
management changes and the acquisition of Brian Donaldson Distribution Limited
provide a platform for future growth notwithstanding somewhat less buoyant
trading conditions experienced during the early part of the current year.

I would like to thank all our customers and suppliers together with our own
dedicated teams for their support, commitment and enthusiasm during what has
been a challenging year.

Peter Dicks
3 July 2007


Chief Executive's report for the year ended 31 March 2007

I am pleased to report that the Group has continued to increase market share
despite the year being dominated by a challenging market place. The details
relating to our financial performance are highlighted in the financial review,
following this report.

The Group remain one of the UK's largest suppliers to the fitted kitchen sector
supplying products to over 8,000 retailers. No single customer represents more
than 2% of the Group's total turnover putting the Group in a very healthy
position as risk is spread right across the sector.

It is important that our customers view us as a "One Stop" shop able to provide
a highly efficient delivery service of all the best brands in our industry and
integral to their business. The Group seeks to manage the risk of losing
customers to competitors by ensuring local representation and maintaining strong
progressive relationships with them.

Acquisition of BDD Limited

During the year, the Group purchased BDD Limited, a competitor in the fitted
kitchen sector and supplier to contractors in Scotland. The acquisition
strengthened Waterline's market share in Scotland and has proven to be a wholly
complementary addition to the Group.

BDD Limited has now been integrated into the Waterline premises in Cumbernauld,
whilst we are currently refurbishing a neighbouring unit which will be a
showroom for both BDD and Waterline and give us additional storage space.

Logistics Updates

During the year, the Group re-branded its fleet under the "Hydra Logistics"
name. Hydra delivers all Group products maximising Waterline's delivery
capabilities; be it a trade, site or home delivery.

Whilst the 2005 Coolectric acquisition went smoothly, there was not the level of
expertise given to understanding the products wholly, which resulted in an
overspend in our logistics budget. Mistakes that were made resulted in changes
in personnel, with the appointment of a new Logistics Director, together with
new managers in transport and warehousing. The logistics operation is now run
more efficiently and provides the platform for the acquisition of further
companies in our sector in due course.

UK Road Show Programme

The Group's successful Road Show programme continued in April and May 2007
where, once again, over 2,000 trade customers attended over six weeks in six
stimulating and well situated locations throughout the UK. The Road Shows gave
the Group a much needed boost at a time when trading has become less buoyant due
to prevailing economic conditions.


Waterline's manufacturers have continued to update their product ranges and the
Group shall be releasing the latest edition of its Blue Book - the industry
Bible - on 1 July 2007. The Blue Book 14 will continue to be the main reference
book in our sector and will ensure that Waterline is at the forefront of our
customers' attention.


Chief Executive's report for the year ended 31 March 2007

Continuing price changes, due to raw material increases against a backdrop of
interest rate hikes, have meant that the New Year has been slower than expected.
Whilst business continues to flourish at the very top end of our sector, the
middle market, due to these influences has partially eroded. Whilst the Group is
not dependent on new house build, it is important that refurbishment continues
to grow and whilst consumers still enjoy considerable equity in their
properties, we do not envisage a slow down in kitchen refurbishment.

Our customers recognise the level of service that all our Group companies
achieve and, more importantly, the quality of products offered. We are an
important cog in their supply chain and we continually aspire to offer a more
efficient and "best in class" service than they would expect from our
competitors. As a consequence the Group is also ensuring that the individual
businesses focus resources to the assist in improving and adapting the current
business continuity procedures and program. This will help to mitigate the risk
from any external factors that can lead to a business interruption.

The Board continues to recognise the importance of our teams in all our Group
companies. Staff have remained energetic and enthusiastic in delivering an
exemplary level of service, and the Group looks forward to maintaining our
position as the premier supplier in the independent kitchen retail sector.

Michael Lawrence

Chief Executive

3 July 2007


Financial review for the year ended 31 March 2007

Trading performance

The underlying turnover of the existing Group amounted to #82.9m, significantly
above the #74.8m recorded in the year ending 31 March 2006. In a very
challenging and competitive market place, this represents an excellent
performance and has led to an increase in market share for the existing Group
based on a static sector.

The acquisition and integration of the Coolectric business has brought with it a
number of challenges during the year. Primarily this has been the need to
re-assess and restructure the logistics and warehousing function in order to
improve effectiveness and efficiency for the future growth of the "Liebherr"
brand. The increase in the turnover for the Coolectric business to #10.9m (2006:
#5.5m) primarily relates to an additional five months turnover compared to 2006.

The overall turnover for the Group in comparison to 2006 has increased from
#74.8m to #83.7m, representing an increase of 11.9 per cent. The acquisition of
Brian Donaldson Distribution on 1 October 2006 has contributed approximately
#0.8m of the overall total. Against a background of increased competition and
rising costs, the Group has achieved a gross margin of 24.8 per cent which is in
line with the expected performance for 2006.

The profit before tax for the Group of #0.87m includes the exceptional costs
outlined below. The Group has incurred significant non recurring one-off costs
during the year. The most significant of these are the compensation for loss of
office for two former directors and a stock adjustment within Coolectric in
total amounting to #390,000. In addition, the Group has also suffered excess IT
costs relating to the completion of certain projects and leases amounting to
#66,000. Finally there have also been additional costs in the year relating to
Health and Safety improvements, customer promotions, legislative interest
penalties and the share based payment charge of #75,000.

As a result of the reduced profitability of the Group, basic earnings per share
decreased by 56 per cent to 2.54p per share. The Group Board is therefore unable
to recommend the payment of a final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2007.

Balance sheet

The Group's US based investments have been revalued during 2007. Consequently
the book value of the foreign investments has increased by #23,000 to #39,000.

Cash flow for the Group has again continued to be strong with #3.2m generated
from trading operations. The cost of servicing the finance required by the Group
has increased as a consequence of the increase in interest rates during the
year. Even in the light of this and higher tax payments, than in previous years,
the strong cash flow has allowed the Group to pay a maiden dividend of 2.75p,
while also acquiring Brian Donaldson Distribution Limited for #0.5m.

In addition to the above, the Group has also marginally decreased its net debt
position from #4.2m to #4.1m at 31 March 2007. Net assets per share have
marginally decreased to 56.0p (2006 : 56.5p).


Any surplus cash is held in deposit accounts which have variable interest rates.
Where the money market deposits offer better returns, the Treasury Supervisor
seeks to maximise these opportunities.

Steven Steel FCCA

Chief Financial Officer

3 July 2007


Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                  Continuing operations
                                                                           Acquisitions          Total            Total
                                             Note                 2007             2007           2007             2006
                                                                     #                #              #                #

Turnover                                        2           82,909,926          828,172     83,738,098       74,805,533
Cost of sales                                               62,402,018          581,171     62,983,189       57,221,026
                                                              ________         ________      _________        _________
Gross profit                                                20,507,908          247,001     20,754,909       17,584,507

Distribution costs                                           6,676,869           68,442      6,745,311        4,881,113
Administrative expenses                                     12,238,573          149,353     12,387,926       10,716,013
                                                              ________        _________      _________        _________
Operating profit                                             1,592,466           29,206      1,621,672        1,987,381
Other interest and receivable
similar income                                                                                  11,178           32,048
Interest payable and similar charges                                                          (761,701)        (673,168)
                                                                                             _________        _________
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                                  871,149        1,346,261
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities       3                                              538,109          714,663
                                                                                             _________        _________

Profit for the financial year                                                                  333,040          631,598
                                                                                             =========        ========= 
Earnings per share

Basic (pence per share)                         5                                                 2.54             5.05

Diluted (pence per share)                       5                                                 2.51             4.99
                                                                                             =========        ========= 

All amounts relate to continuing activities.

The notes form part of these financial statements.


Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses and reconciliation
of movements in shareholders' funds for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                                               2007                 2006
                                                                                                  #                    #
Statement of total recognised gains and losses

   Profit for the financial year                                                            333,040              631,598
   Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investments/properties                               23,100              405,670
   Currency translation differences on foreign currency
    net investments                                                                        (140,786)              92,519
                                                                                           ________             ________

   Total recognised gains and losses for the year                                           215,354            1,129,787
                                                                                           ========             ========

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
                                                                   Group         Group         Company         Company
                                                                    2007          2006            2007            2006
                                                                       #             #               #               #

     Profit/(loss) for the year                                  333,040       631,598       1,316,423        (413,154)

     Dividend                                                   (360,628)            -        (360,628)              -
     Issue of shares                                                   -     2,000,000               -       2,000,000
     Cost of share issue                                               -      (192,044)              -        (192,044)
     Share based payment                                          75,743       183,774          75,743         183,774
     Other net recognised gains and losses                      (117,686)      498,189               -               -
                                                                ________      ________        ________        ________

                                                                 (69,531)    3,121,517       1,031,538       1,578,576

     Opening shareholders' funds                               7,413,217     4,291,700       1,582,704           4,128
                                                                ________      ________        ________        ________

     Closing shareholders' funds                               7,343,686     7,413,217       2,614,242       1,582,704  
                                                                ========      ========        ========        ========  

The notes form part of these financial statements.


Consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2007

                                                                2007             2007             2006             2006
                                                                   #                #                #                #
Fixed assets
   Intangible assets                                                        1,489,338                         1,157,519
   Tangible assets                                                          6,833,443                         6,955,359
   Investments                                                                 38,930                            18,707
                                                                            _________                         _________

                                                                            8,361,711                         8,131,585
Current assets
   Stocks                                                 10,526,199                         9,541,907
   Debtors                                                12,919,033                        13,246,264
   Cash at bank and in hand                                  368,903                           405,637
                                                           _________                         _________

                                                          23,814,135                        23,193,808
Creditors: amounts falling due
 within one year                                         (22,799,330)                      (21,249,959)
                                                           _________                         _________
Net current assets                                                          1,014,805                         1,943,849
                                                                            _________                         _________

Total assets less current liabilities                                       9,376,516                        10,075,434

Creditors: amounts falling due
 after more than one year                                                  (1,798,737)                      (2,413,706)

Provision for liabilities and charges                                        (234,093)                        (248,511)
                                                                            _________                         _________

                                                                            7,343,686                         7,413,217
                                                                            =========                         ========= 
Capital and reserves
   Called up share capital                                                     65,568                            65,568
   Share premium account                                                    1,796,052                         1,796,052
   Share option reserve                                                       259,517                           183,774
   Revaluation reserve                                                        509,213                           495,926
   Merger reserve                                                              55,926                            55,926
   Profit and loss account                                                  4,657,410                         4,815,971
                                                                            _________                         _________

Shareholders' funds                                                         7,343,686                         7,413,217
                                                                            =========                         ========= 

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board on
3 July 2007

M W Lawrence                       S J Steel
Director                           Director

The notes form part of these financial statements.


Company balance sheet at 31 March 2007

                                                                2007             2007              2006            2006
                                                                   #                #                #                #
Fixed assets
   Investments                                                              1,189,541                         1,189,541
Current assets
   Debtors                                                 1,429,228                           308,063
   Cash at bank and in hand                                    8,660                            96,994
                                                           _________                         _________

                                                           1,437,888                           405,057
Creditors: amounts falling due
 within one year                                             (13,187)                          (11,894)
                                                           _________                         _________

Net current assets                                                          1,424,701                           393,163
                                                                             ________                         _________

Total assets less current liabilities                                       2,614,242                         1,582,704
                                                                             ========                         ========= 
Capital and reserves
   Called up share capital                                                     65,568                            65,568
   Share premium account                                                    1,796,052                         1,796,052
   Share option reserve                                                       259,517                           183,774
   Profit and loss account                                                    493,105                          (462,690)
                                                                             ________                          ________
Shareholders' funds                                                         2,614,242                         1,582,704
                                                                             ========                          ======== 

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board on
3 July 2007

M W Lawrence               S J Steel
Director                   Director

The notes form part of these financial statements.


Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                  Note          2007              2007            2006            2006
                                                                   #                #                #               #
Net cash inflow from operating
 activities                                         7                       3,159,027                        3,023,878

Returns on investments and
 servicing of finance
   Interest received                                          11,178                            32,048
   Interest paid                                            (707,840)                         (626,681)
   Interest element of finance lease
    rental payments                                          (53,861)                          (46,487)
                                                            ________                          ________
Net cash outflow from returns on
 investments and servicing of finance                                        (750,523)                        (641,120)

   UK corporation tax paid                                  (806,862)                         (512,677)
   Overseas tax (paid)/refunded                              (95,394)                           18,378
                                                            ________                          ________
                                                                             (902,256)                        (494,299)
Capital expenditure and financial
   Purchase of tangible fixed assets                        (515,177)                         (540,478)
   Sale of tangible fixed assets                             165,577                           146,601
                                                            ________                          ________
                                                                             (349,600)                        (393,877)
Acquisitions and disposals
   Acquisition of subsidiary                                (221,100)                       (1,185,412)
   Cash acquired with subsidiary                             (50,960)                          443,737
                                                            ________                          ________
                                                                             (272,060)                        (741,675)

Dividends paid                                                               (360,628)                                -
                                                                             ________                          ________
Cash inflow before use of financing                                           523,960                           752,907
   Issue of ordinary shares (net of issue costs)                   -                         1,807,902
   Bank loan repayments                             8       (225,710)                         (758,022)
Capital element of finance lease
    rental payments                                 8       (580,476)                         (510,203)
                                                            ________                          ________
                                                                             (806,186)                          539,677
                                                                             ________                          ________

(Decrease)/increase in cash                        8,9                       (282,226)                        1,292,584
                                                                             ========                          ======== 
     �                                  �

The notes on pages 16 to 37 form part of these financial statements.


Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007

1 Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention, as modified by the revaluation of land and buildings and fixed asset
investments, and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

2          Segmental analysis

Analysis of group�s principal
activity by geographical market:
                                                    Turnover               Profit before tax              Net assets
                                               2007         2006          2007          2006          2007          2006
                                                  #            #             #             #             #             #
         Turnover by origin and destination

         United Kingdom                  78,530,837   69,010,726       553,521     1,030,834     5,562,670     5,671,537
         United States of America         5,207,261    5,794,807       317,628       315,427     1,781,016     1,741,680
                                            _______      _______       _______       _______       _______       _______
                                         83,738,098   74,805,533       871,149     1,346,261     7,343,686     7,413,217
                                            _______      _______       _______       _______       _______       _______

3     Taxation on profit from ordinary activities
                                                                2007             2007             2006              2006
                                                                   #                #                #                 #
         UK corporation tax
         UK corporation tax on profits of the year           422,994                           607,203
         Adjustments in respect of previous periods                -                             5,521
                                                             _______          422,994          _______           612,724
         Foreign tax
         Current tax on foreign income for the year                           142,586                             86,624
                                                                              _______                            _______

         Total current tax                                                    565,580                            699,348
                                                                2007             2007             2006              2006
                                                                   #                #                #                 #
         Total current tax b/fwd                                              565,580                            699,348

         Deferred tax

         Origination and reversal of timing differences                       (27,471)                            15,315
                                                                              _______                            _______
         Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                            538,109                            714,663
                                                                              _______                            _______


Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007

3 Taxation on profit from ordinary activities (continued)

The tax assessed for the period is higher than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK. The differences are explained below:

                                                                                                  2007              2006
                                                                                                     #                 #

         Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                         871,149         1,346,261
����������������                                                                               =======          ========
         Profit on ordinary activities at the standard rate of corporation tax
         In the UK 30% (2006 � 30%)                                                            261,344           403,878

         Effects of:
         Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                              220,959           238,729
         Excess of depreciation for the period over capital allowances                          28,872            14,278
         Goodwill amortisation                                                                  22,734            18,291
         Higher tax rates on overseas earnings                                                  39,550            18,651
         Lower tax rates on UK earnings                                                           (873)                -
         Adjustment re tax charge in respect of prior period                                         -             5,521
         Utilisation of tax losses brought forward                                              (7,006)                -
                                                                                              ________          ________

                                                                                               565,580           699,348
                                                                                              ========          ========
      �                 �

4   Dividends

The final dividend paid of 2.75p per ordinary shares, in respect of the year 
ended 31 March 2006, amounted to #360,628. No dividend has been proposed for the 
year ended 31 March 2007.

5    Earnings per share

                                                                                                  2007              2006
                                                                                                     #                 #
         Earnings used for calculation of basic and diluted EPS                                333,040           631,598
                                                                                               _______           _______

                                                                                                Number            Number
         Weighted average number of shares used in basic EPS                                13,113,752        12,518,514
         Weighted average number of share options                                              181,094           145,131
                                                                                               _______           _______

         Weighted average number of shares used in diluted EPS                              13,294,846        12,663,645
                                                                                               _______           _______

The weighted average number of shares used in the diluted earnings per share 
calculation assumes the conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, 
being certain outstanding share options. There were 563,677 anti-dilutive 
options held at 31 March 2007.


Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007

6     Acquisitions
      Acquisition of Brian Donaldson Distribution Limited

On 1 October 2006 the group acquired Brian Donaldson Distribution Limited 
for #502,500 paid by cash.

In calculating the goodwill arising on acquisition, the fair value of net assets 
of Brian Donaldson Distribution Limited has been assessed and no adjustments 
from book value were made. The net assets of Brian Donaldson Distribution 
Limited at 1 October 2006 are set out below. 

       Fixed Assets                                                           #
            Tangibles                                                    33,851

       Current Assets           
            Stock                                                       183,597
            Debtors                                                     280,806
            Cash                                                          2,872
       Total assets                                                     501,126

         Creditors                                                      407,144
         Net Assets                                                      93,982
����������������                                                              #
         Cash consideration                                             221,100
         Deferred consideration                                         281,400
         Net assets acquired                                            (93,982)
         Goodwill arising on acquisition (note 12)                      408,518


Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007

6     Acquisitions (continued)

The results of Brian Donaldson Distribution Limited prior to its acquisition 
were as follows:
         Profit and loss account                                                             1 January       Year ended
                                                                                            2006 to 30      31 December
                                                                                        September 2006             2005
                                                                                                     #                #
         Turnover                                                                            1,389,599        1,683,871
                                                                                              ________         ________
         Operating profit                                                                       68,477           45,274
         Net interest                                                                          (11,413)         (14,451)
                                                                                               _______          _______
         Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                          57,064           30,823
         Taxation on profit from ordinary activities                                                 -                -
                                                                                               _______          _______
         Profit for the period                                                                  57,064           30,823
                                                                                               =======          =======
         Cash flows                                                                                                   #
         Cash consideration as above                                                                            221,100
         Cash acquired                                                                                          (50,960)
         Net outflow of cash                                                                                    272,060

7     Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities
                                                                                                  2007              2006
                                                                                                     #                 #

         Operating profit                                                                    1,621,672         1,987,381
         Depreciation                                                                          917,769           765,243
         Amortisation                                                                           76,298            61,520
         Loss on sale of fixed assets                                                           63,108            92,438
         Currency translation differences                                                     (117,911)           77,525
         (Increase) in stocks                                                                 (800,694)        (298,613)
         Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                                        606,272          (39,284)
         Increase in creditors                                                                 716,770           193,894
                                                                                              ________          ________

                                                                                             3,083,284         2,840,104
         Share based payment charges                                                            75,743           183,774
                                                                                              ________          ________
         Net cash inflow from operating activities                                           3,159,027         3,023,878
����������������                                                                              ========          ========


Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007

8     Reconciliation of net cash inflow to movement in net debt
                                                                2007             2007             2006              2006
                                                                   #                #                #                 #
         Decrease/(increase) in cash in the year            (282,226)                        1,292,584
         Cash movements relating to debt                     225,710                           758,022
         Capital element of hire purchase and
          finance lease rentals                              580,476                           510,203
                                                            ________                         _________

         Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                         523,960                          2,560,809
         New finance leases                                                  (506,023)                         (732,423)
                                                                             ________                           ________

         Movement in net debt in the year                                      17,937                          1,828,386
         Opening net debt                                                  (4,174,041)                       (6,002,427)
                                                                             ________                           ________

         Closing net debt                                                  (4,156,104)                       (4,174,041)
      ����������������                                                       ========                           ========

9     Analysis of net debt
                                                                  At                             Other                At
                                                             1 April             Cash         non-cash          31 March
                                                                2006             flow          changes              2007
                                                                   #                #                #                 #
         Cash in hand and at bank                            405,637          (36,734)               -           368,903
         Bank overdrafts                                  (1,471,338)        (245,492)               -       (1,716,830)
                                                            ________         ________         ________          ________

                                                          (1,065,701)        (282,226)               -       (1,347,927)
         Debt due within one year                           (284,391)         225,710         (558,505)        (617,186)
         Debt due after one year                          (2,150,683)               -          558,505       (1,592,178)
         Obligations under finance leases                   (673,266)         580,476         (506,023)        (598,813)
                                                            ________         ________         ________         ________
         Total                                            (4,174,041)         523,960         (506,023)      (4,156,104)
                                                            ========         ========         ========         ======== 
     �                �                �                 �

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company�s 
statutory  accounts for the years ended 31 March 2007 or 2006, but is derived 
from those accounts.  Statutory accounts for 2006 have been  delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies and those for 2007 will be delivered following the
Company�s annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts;  
their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s.237(2) or 
(3) Companies Act 1985.

Further enquiries:

Waterline Group plc
Michael Lawrence, Chief Executive Officer       Tel: 01908 219 777

Daniel Stewart & Company plc
Lindsay Mair                                    Tel: 020 7776 6577

Bishopsgate Communications Ltd
Dominic Barretto                                Tel: 020 7562 3350

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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