RNS Number : 9531B

Ophir Energy Plc

07 April 2017

7 April 2017

Ophir Energy plc

Annual Financial Report

As required by DTR 6.3.5(3), Ophir Energy plc ("Ophir" or the "Company") announces that its Annual Report, Notice of Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and Form of Proxy for the 2017 AGM have been published and (excepting the Form of Proxy) are now available on the Ophir website: www.ophir-energy.com. This follows the release on 9 March 2017 of the Full Year Results Announcement for the year ended 31 December 2016.

In compliance with 9.6.1 of the Listing Rules, the Company has today submitted copies of the following documents to the National Storage Mechanism and these will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

   --     Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 
   --     Notice of 2017 AGM 
   --     Form of Proxy for the 2017 AGM 

The Ophir Annual Report will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. Copies of the Annual Report and Notice of AGM may also be obtained from the:

General Counsel & Company Secretary

Ophir Energy plc

Level 4

123 Victoria Street

London SW1E 6DE

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7811 2400

The AGM will take place on 17 May 2017. The total of the votes cast by shareholders for or against or withheld on each resolution to be put to the meeting will be released to the market and published on www.ophir-energy.com as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the AGM.

The Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") require an announcement of the publication of certain information in full unedited text in compliance with DTR 6.3.5(2). As such the following disclosures are made below, referencing page numbers and notes to those in the accounts in the Company's Annual Report.

Audit Report and Accounts

The Full Year results announcement on 9 March 2017 included a set of condensed, financial statements and management commentary. The audited financial statements are contained in the Ophir Annual Report and Accounts. The independent Audit report of the Group and Company are contained on pages 79 to 86.

For further enquiries please contact:

Ophir Energy plc +44 (0)20 7811 2400

Philip Laing, General Counsel & Company Secretary

Geoff Callow, Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications

Brunswick Group +44 (0)20 7404 5959

Patrick Handley

Wendel Verbeek


Appendix A

The following list of principal risks is extracted from pages 14 to 19 of the Annual Report and Accounts and is repeated here solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5.

Principal Risks

Ophir works in often challenging, complex and uncertain environments that present a potential risk to our objectives; to counter this we maintain robust and effective risk management as an integral part of our decision-making.

The key elements of Ophir's risk management are to:

   --      establish the risk context with reference to Ophir's strategic business objectives. 
   --      conduct a risk assessment through: 

o understanding the causes, impacts and likelihood of risk events

o assessing if the risks can be reduced to a tolerable level and are consequently within the acceptable constraints of the Group's risk appetite. This process informs us of where the risk event lies on Ophir's risk matrix

o determining appropriate controls to deal with the risk, allocating responsibility for managing risk controls and executing activities based on plans and procedures

-- regularly communicate and consult on the risks through established management control procedures

   --      recurrent monitoring and review of our risks 

The principal risks that have been identified within the Group are summarised as follows:

 Risk          Description of                                                Objective/Control                                               Responsibility   Change 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Compliance                                                                                                                                  General          No 
  breach         *    The Group conducts business in jurisdictions that        *    Top down leadership of the Group's values.                Counsel         change 
                      have been allocated low scores on Transparency                                                                          & Company 
                      International's "Corruption Perceptions Index" and                                                                    Secretary 
                      where changes in the regulatory and legislative          *    A strong Code of Conduct that all employees and 
                      environment are possible.                                     contractors are expected to follow. 
                 *    Ethical wrongdoing and non-compliance, or failure to     *    A Group Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy in place. 
                      accurately report our data can lead to litigation 
                      against the Group which could materially impact our 
                      strategy. Potential impacts could be:                    *    Compliance training conducted across the Group. 
                o Reputational                                                 *    Due diligence carried out on counterparties and in 
                damage leading                                                      contract management. 
                to withdrawal of 
                support by shareholders, 
                governments, lenders                                           *    Anti-bribery and corruption provisions in agreements. 
                and/or co-venture 
                o Litigation and                                               *    Compliance controls and actions reviewed by the Board 
                regulatory action                                                   and its Committees. 
                leading to penalties 
                and business disruption 
                from investigation                                             *    Annual employee sign-off confirming observance of the 
                leading to unplanned                                                Code of Conduct and relevant ethical policies and 
                cost impact.                                                        standards. 
                o Loss of assets, 
                PSCs and projects. 
                o Prosecution.                                                 *    A 'Letter of Assurance' signed off annually by 
                                                                               *    Primary controls to be monitored as a key leading 
                                                                                    indicator during 2017. 
                                                                               *    All material information released to the market on a 
                                                                                    timely basis and in accordance with all applicable 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Adverse                                                                                                                                     Chief            No 
  market        *    The sector continued to be depressed through 2016 and     *    NAV/share growth is our key metric and we will           Financial        change 
  sentiment          there remains a limited appetite for oil and gas               benchmark against this more explicitly going forward.    Officer 
  towards            investments. 
  the E&P 
  sector                                                                       *    Deliver an appropriate capital structure to 
                *    The impact can negatively affect project value and             internally fund core exploration and appraisal 
                     modelling.                                                     activities from the addition of production assets and 
                                                                                    monetisation of resources to generate sustainable 
                                                                                    cash flow. 
                                                                               *    Ensure that commercial terms on new acreage reflect 
                                                                                    the changing landscape and involve minimal financial 
                                                                                    commitments with options to exit early. 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Political                                                                                                                                   Director         Up 
                *    The Group operates in jurisdictions that are subject      *    Regularly monitor and seek to understand changes          - Security 
                     to significant political, economic, legal, regulatory          taking place in political and regulatory                  and Surface 
                     and social uncertainties.                                      environments.                                             Risk 
                *    The impacts can affect the safety of our people,          *    Work to the highest industry standards with 
                     operational continuity and lead to a loss in value             regulators, closely monitoring compliance with the 
                     and uncertain financial outcomes.                              Group's licence and PSC obligations. 
                                                                               *    Seek to reduce exposure by maintaining a diverse 
                                                                               *    Maintain positive relationships with governments and 
                                                                                    key stakeholders in host countries. 
                                                                               *    Ensure appropriate legal agreements are in place to 
                                                                                    protect our interests. 
                                                                               *    When reviewing new positions/ acquisitions, evaluate 
                                                                                    and compare the potential political risks within the 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Stakeholder                                                                                                                                 Director         No 
  sentiment     *    Actual or perceived failure to address socio-economic     *    Pursue a shared value approach to support sustainable     - Security      change 
                     development, environmental issues or corporate                 development goals and achieve a mutually-beneficial       and Surface 
                     responsibility matters in the regions where we                 and constructive relationship with stakeholders.          Risk 
                     operate may adversely affect the Group. 
                                                                               *    Conduct all business in an ethical, responsible, 
                *    This may impact our reputation, lead to loss of                apolitical and transparent manner. 
                     investor confidence and loss of our licence to 
                                                                               *    Monitor public sentiment towards the Group and its 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Global                                                                                                                                      Director         Up 
  economic      *    We are exposed to a variety of changes in the macro       *    Regularly review how external risks impact the            - Commercial 
  volatility         environment around global affairs and international            Group's strategy and remain agile to change.              and Planning 
                     economics that are leading to greater global economic 
                                                                               *    Re-engineer value chains where appropriate to improve 
                *    Slower global demand and weaker prices for major 
                     commodities are dampening growth prospects. 
                *    These changes can impact the operating and regulatory 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Low                                                                                                                                         Chief            No 
  commodity     *    There were oversupply and demand concerns through         *    Reflect the effects of 'lower for longer' in              Financial       change 
  price              2016 and we anticipate a 'lower for longer' forecast.          strategic planning.                                       Officer 
                *    This can lead to loss of value and have an adverse        *    Continue to review the Group's cost structure and 
                     effect on revenue, margins, profitability and cash             make sure it reflects the lower oil price 
                     flow.                                                          environment. 
                                                                               *    Re-work economics of development plans to reflect 
                                                                                    downside sensitivities of oil price scenarios. 
                                                                               *    Selectively exploit low service costs resulting from 
                                                                                    the drop in the oil price. 
                                                                               *    Pursue acquisition opportunities that seek to protect 
                                                                                    shareholder value and sustain exploration. 
                                                                               *    Manage balance sheet strength. 
                                                                               *    Only invest in high-quality assets below the shale 
                                                                                    threshold with transformational potential, minimal 
                                                                                    commitments, and fiscal terms that enable value 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Climate                                                                                                                                     Director         Up 
  change        *    The global ambition to limit mean temperature rise to     *    Climate change will remain on the Board's strategic       - Security 
                     below 2 C above pre-industrial levels will                     agenda going forward.                                     and Surface 
                     potentially require significant and sustained                                                                            Risk 
                     reductions in fossil fuel emissions. 
                                                                               *    Understanding of the implications of a '2-degree 
                                                                                    world' for the business and what actions to take 
                *    It is hard to predict what changes in laws,                    across a range of areas. 
                     regulations and obligations relating to manmade 
                     climate change will be, but they may increase costs, 
                     reduce value and constrain future opportunities.          *    Systematically track trends to provide commercial 
                                                                                    foresight on how quickly the world is moving toward 
                                                                               *    Continue to report our emissions and climate change 
                                                                                    strategies through CDP. 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Divestment                                                                                                                                  Director         No 
                *    The divestment environment through 2016 was difficult     *    Continued focus on increasing NAV/share.                  - Commercial    change 
                     and in the short term is likely to remain so.                                                                            and Planning 
                                                                               *    Monitor and tailor projects to fit the macro 
                *    The main potential impact for Ophir is our inability           environment. 
                     to successfully divest assets at an acceptable price 
                     and/or time. 
                                                                               *    Maximise transparency with equity buyers. 
                                                                               *    Contingency planning and preparedness to change the 
                                                                                    course of action as situations change. 
                                                                               *    Capital selectively directed at those assets which 
                                                                                    offer the highest risk-weighted returns. 
                                                                               *    Appropriate balance between growth by exploration and 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Investment                                                                                                                                  Director         No 
  decisions      *    The Group may not be able to identify appropriate        *    Investments are not dictated by production or             Africa -        change 
                      expansion opportunities or be able to manage such             reserves growth targets; instead each investment is       Global New 
                      expansion effectively.                                        assessed on an IRR and materiality basis.                 Ventures/ 
                                                                               *    Focus on growing a revenue-generating business to 
                                                                                    fund exploration activities and minimise the overall 
                                                                                    cost of capital. 
                                                                               *    Allocate capital to the highest return opportunities 
                                                                                    following rigorous risk/reward analysis. 
                                                                               *    Risk assessment and due diligence process undertaken 
                                                                                    on all potential new country entries and 
                                                                               *    Endeavour to transact at the most appropriate time to 
                                                                                    create value for shareholders. 
                                                                               *    Continue the momentum on the Fortuna FLNG project and 
                                                                                    achieve FID in mid-2017. 
                                                                               *    Facilitate buyer access/relationships with host 
                                                                               *    Ongoing strategic objective to capture high-quality 
                                                                                    exploration acreage. 
                                                                               *    Pace our exploration and high-grade the plays. We 
                                                                                    will not rush to drill. 
                                                                               *    Continue to build a portfolio of low-cost 
                                                                                    opportunities with defined exit options for investors 
                                                                                    in order to decide whether or not to progress to the 
                                                                                    next phase of exploration. 
                                                                               *    Manage risk with partners in existing assets and new 
                                                                               *    Only continue to hold and progress assets if they can 
                                                                                    demonstrably create substantial value for 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Health,                                                                                                                                     Director         Up 
 Safety          *    Oil and gas exploration, development and production       *    Ophir has rebuilt its exploration portfolio in Africa    - Security 
 and                  can present challenging operational environments and           and Asia with                                            and 
 Environment          exposure to a wide range of health, safety, security                                                                    Surface 
 (HSE) and            and environmental risks.                                                                                                Risk 
 Security                                                                      high quality operated 
 incident                                                                      positions where Ophir 
                 *    Our most significant risks are:                          has competitive 
                                                                               advantage, where drilling 
                                                                               commitments are minimised 
                o The potential                                                and where the fiscal 
                loss of hydrocarbon                                            regime allows material 
                containment caused                                             value creation at current 
                by integrity failure,                                          prices 
                human error, natural                                            *    This approach enables Ophir to manage the exploration 
                disasters or other                                                   risk by high grading plays in prospective acreage; 
                unforeseen events.                                                   this focuses attention (and ultimately drilling) 
                o The risk of harm                                                   solely on the most prospective plays 
                to our workforce 
                during transportation. 
                 *    Major Health, Safety, Security or Environmental           *    Ongoing strategic objective to execute operations 
                      events could lead to regulatory action and legal               safely and with excellence. 
                      liability, including penalties, increased costs and 
                      potential loss of our licence to operate. 
                                                                                *    Commitment to maintaining robust health, safety, 
                                                                                     security and environmental management, and procedures 
                                                                                     in place to respond to unexpected events that could 
                                                                                     have a direct impact on the Group and the communities 
                                                                                     in which we work. 
                                                                                *    Comprehensive HSE and operations management systems 
                                                                                     including emergency response and oil spill response 
                                                                                     capability in place. 
                                                                                *    Active security monitoring and management. 
                                                                                *    Learn from Group and third-party incidents. 
                                                                                *    Use of leading indicators. 
                                                                                *    Contracting and procurement process ensures 
                                                                                     suitably-qualified contractors are employed to meet 
                                                                                     Ophir's requirements and industry best practices. 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Exploration                                                                                                                                 Director         Down 
  success       *    Successful exploration and/or appraisal is                *    Generate leads and mature top-ranked prospects.           - Subsurface 
                     fundamental to the purpose of our business and value 
                     creation for shareholders. 
                                                                               *    Board's Technical Advisory Committee reviews 
                                                                                    subsurface risk and there is a robust peer review 
                *    Persistent lack of success would lead to a loss of             process embedded within the Group. 
                     investor confidence and ultimately the failure of the 
                     business model. 
                                                                               *    Application of technical excellence and use of 
                                                                                    appropriate technologies in exploration 
                                                                               *    Review of new opportunities without impacting focus 
                                                                                    on strategic core growth areas. 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Inability                                                                                                                                   Chief            No 
 to fund        *    Failure to forecast and work within our financial         *    Ongoing strategic objective to optimise the use of       Financial        change 
 exploration         structure could impact our liquidity and lead to an            our capital by capturing highest commercial returns      Officer 
 work                inability to deliver the business plan.                        on our assets and exploration opportunities. 
                *    Gas discoveries may require the Group to invest in        *    Regular review of cash flow, working capital and 
                     LNG development projects which require long lead               funding options, and prudent approach to budgeting 
                     times and material investment in receipt, processing           and planning, to ensure we have sufficient capital to 
                     and transportation infrastructure and the marketing            meet commitments. 
                     of LNG. 
                                                                               *    Effective portfolio management via farm-outs/asset 
                *    The Group's business will require significant capital          sales as appropriate. 
                     expenditure and the future expansion and development 
                     of its business could require future debt and equity 
                     financing. The future availability of such funding is     *    Budgets are focused on high and medium ranked 
                     not certain.                                                   assets/projects to deliver value creation and to 
                                                                                    ensure the Group can live within its means. 
                *    Revenues, profitability and cash flows concentrated 
                     in a small number of producing assets.                    *    Formalised annual budget process and ongoing monthly 
                                                                                    reviews and analysis of actuals. 
                *    The Group may face the possibility of future 
                     decommissioning costs that it cannot accurately           *    Board approval of Annual Work Programme. 
                                                                               *    Diversify the sources of funding and apply prudent 
                *    Inability to access internal or external funding               levels of debt to development and production 
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 

Appendix B

The following responsibility statement is extracted from the Statement of Directors' responsibility on page 78 of the Annual Report and Accounts and is repeated here solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5. This statement relates to the full Annual Report and Accounts and not the extracted information presented in the Full Year Results announcement.

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Annual Report and Accounts

I confirm on behalf of the Board that to the best of their knowledge:

-- the financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and

-- the Strategic Report and Directors' Report include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.

Directors' statement under the UK Corporate Governance Code

The Board considers that the Annual Report and Accounts, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and that it provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.

Approved by the Board on 8 March 2017.

Nick Cooper

Chief Executive Officer

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 07, 2017 07:17 ET (11:17 GMT)

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