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Triad (TRD)

Triad Group Plc
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07/11/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Half-year ReportLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
05/11/202417h30RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Committee changesLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
30/09/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
23/09/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
20/09/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Directorate ChangeLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
16/09/202415h30RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Block listing Interim ReviewLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
05/09/202413h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
23/08/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Result of AGMLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
22/08/202423h04Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTRADING UPDATES: Bluejay Mining raises funds; Novacyt gets VAT refundLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
22/08/202412h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Trading StatementLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
09/08/202416h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
31/07/202416h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Notice of AGMLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
31/07/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
31/07/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
29/07/202415h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
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15/07/202411h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
11/07/202412h45RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
10/07/202414h57RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
10/07/202414h55RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
10/07/202414h50RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
03/07/202413h30RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
03/07/202413h30RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
03/07/202413h30RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
03/07/202413h30RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
01/07/202416h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Directorate ChangeLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
26/06/202411h51Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTriad Chair calls recent progress a "substantial understatement"LSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
26/06/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Annual Financial ReportLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
14/06/202413h00RNS Regulatory NewsTriad Group Plc Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:TRDTriad Group Plc
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