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Churchill Capital Corp III

Churchill Capital Corp III (MPLN)

Geschlossen 12 März 9:00PM
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StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
13,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
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32,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-

Professionelle Tools für Privatanleger.


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
13,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
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US$ 24,10
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US$ 6,00
SYRSSyros Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,1334
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US$ 0,68417
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US$ 8,29
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US$ 8,011
HTCOHigh Trend International Group
US$ 1,41
SPGCSacks Parente Golf Inc
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SYRSSyros Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,1334
BHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
US$ 0,0402
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 108,76
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 7,93
CUTRCutera Inc
US$ 0,1079
moondogaz moondogaz 2 Minuten vor
True. Don't understand the hmbl/ buru connection.. lol.. good job...
europa7 europa7 3 Minuten vor
excellent news on the filings...thanks Tadaaa
Ecomike Ecomike 3 Minuten vor
Hmm, can you prove it does not exist?
CaptHowdy CaptHowdy 4 Minuten vor
6 more days until Fernandez baits investors with more lies and false promises. .80s on the horizon for tmrw, charts show support waning in the .90 cent range.
Koog Koog 5 Minuten vor
The DD Support Board ain't what it used to be, is it?

Perhaps it is time to change the board name. Something like "Progressive Politics Unlimited"?
nwsun nwsun 5 Minuten vor
Jay B. I had the foresight to screen shoot that document ( not the link) you posted. Did you copy it too?
Alexulf Alexulf 5 Minuten vor
Inside the Capitol: RADDOG LE2 Demonstrates AI’s Role in Public Safety
badog badog 5 Minuten vor
Maybe you should just post your scenarios to your private group of 70. They believed you enough to throw their money at this as it was tanking so you know they are gullible to believe most anything you tell them now. The rest of the investors in the world are not so gullible. You may have not
hbhmb hbhmb 6 Minuten vor
Boy I must say u are out of touch with reality
Millions disagree that’s funny and absurd . Keep
Defending a warped subhuman who finds it funny to fire hundreds of thousands of hard working Americans. That is why he and Tesla are now hated . Just wait and you will see what consumers
moondogaz moondogaz 7 Minuten vor
Shuhhh.. let Kast enjoy his day off.. lol.
Sunman88 Sunman88 7 Minuten vor
Lid held tight under $4. Trust is low.
Share price is moving at the speed of trust. Raising $200M cash at the ATM twice already since Feb 2024 while revenue growth is anemic (after you tease out Proleukin stock up). This manipulative tactic to make things look better than they actually are
Imindog Imindog 8 Minuten vor
Hoping and reality are 2 totally different things!! Can’t you read ? Did you read the recent s10 that came out a month ago? Do you not hold anyone accountable ? Do you trust Leo and crew ? Exactly the answer is no to all of that now go read the s 10 and revise your mind buddy!! Get into reality worl
gedi8 gedi8 8 Minuten vor
Thanks SF. Great questions. Looking forward to hearing from the company.
arizona1 arizona1 9 Minuten vor
stockanalyze stockanalyze 9 Minuten vor
is pulte getting confirmed this week? don't get this cloture stuff
janice shell janice shell 10 Minuten vor
Yes. The whole thing is ridiculous. He doesn't even know what tariffs ARE, much less how to use them.
TooFrank TooFrank 10 Minuten vor
Battery Swap construction $137,000 - $274,000. %40 percent government subsidies = $82,000 - $164,000.
Firefly with batteries will cost around $200,000
Battery swap will be profitable long before predicted.

Construction costs that previously required between RMB 5 millio
MadBadger MadBadger 11 Minuten vor
Night, your post immediately came to mind as soon as I read it. Thank you too for that gold nugget of information.
HyGro HyGro 11 Minuten vor
The trial design NOT THE DRUG.
toddski toddski 11 Minuten vor
I don't believe it's naked short selling. In fact, I believe that institutional ownership is actually going up based on the "shares available for short selling". That number keeps going up, slowly. Normally those are broker or institution shares. You might be surprised how fast this will turn around
mauiguy2 mauiguy2 13 Minuten vor
Triple zeros???????? Say it ain't so, Joe. I never thought it was possible, but here we are at .0009

Yeah, Creaky, not a word from our 2 illustrious helmsmen. Have they jumped ship? To say the least, the performance of ILUS and its brother/sister stocks have been VERY disappointing. N
stockanalyze stockanalyze 14 Minuten vor
how low tesla stock may go? it is at p/e of 113
janice shell janice shell 15 Minuten vor
The two recipes--Marion's and Jet's--contain pretty much the same ingredients. If you have an Asian market nearby, it would make sense to go there. Fresh galangal might be hard to find, and I've never seen Kaffir lime leaves at any store I frequent. Going to an Asian store first would save on frustr

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