Offices-holdng Companies,nec
Offices-holdng Companies,nec
Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Bra
Dexxos Participacoes S.A is listed in the Offices-holdng Companies sector of the Brasillien Bovespa with ticker DEXP4. The last closing price for Dexxos Participacoes S.A PN was R$8,24. Over the last year, Dexxos Participacoes S.A PN shares have traded in a share price range of R$ 7,94 to R$ 13,45.
Dexxos Participacoes S.A PN currently has 5.771.805 shares in issue. The market capitalisation of Dexxos Participacoes S.A PN is R$47,56 million. Dexxos Participacoes S.A PN has a price to earnings ratio (PE ratio) of 0.25.