or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an Engineering and
Development update on the Red Mountain Gold Project (“Red Mountain”
or the “Project”), located 15 km east of Stewart, B.C., as well as
an update on the ongoing B.C. provincial Environmental Assessment
(“EA”) and federal Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) review
During the EA and EIS review, IDM’s engineering
team and consultants continue to advance the Value Engineering
Phase of predevelopment for Red Mountain. This work has
primarily focused on enhancing economics, quantifying and
de-risking the Project, and defining scope through the completion
of additional engineering and various trade-off studies.
During the past few months, emphasis has been on: metallurgy and
processing, road design, geohazards, and powerline interconnection
with BC Hydro. These studies are in addition to previously
announced engineering updates, which includes options for
underground mine design, since the completion of the 2017
Feasibility Study (“FS”).
“While the Red Mountain Project continues to
advance through the review periods under the BC Environmental
Assessment Act and Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the
engineering team continues to optimize all components of the
proposed mine,” said Robert McLeod, President and CEO of IDM
Mining. “The Value Engineering phase continues to reduce
Project risk and identify potential opportunities to enhance Red
Mountain’s economics. We are on-track to be one of the few
near-term, high-grade underground development projects in North
The EA and EIS review includes respectful,
thorough and ongoing consultation with Nisga’a Nation, as well as
over 50 regulatory members.
“The Red Mountain Project is moving well through
the EA and EIS review processes as anticipated,” stated Michael
McPhie, Chair of IDM Mining. “With only a few issues left to
resolve, and all of those being easily addressed in the near term,
we expect both the provincial and federal environmental assessment
processes to be completed this summer and fall. Permitting a
mine is never an easy endeavour, but at Red Mountain we have a
modern, well-designed, highly-economic project that has tremendous
support locally and positive working relationships with Nisga’a
Nation and the Province of BC. We look forward to completing
these final steps in a timely manner and potentially proceeding
ahead with development.”
Information pertaining to the environmental
assessment for the Red Mountain Underground Gold Project can be
viewed on the BC Environmental Assessment Office’s website at
and on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency’s website at
Metallurgy & Processing
IDM engaged ALS Metallurgy Kamloops to complete
additional fine-grinding (“Signature Plot”) test work to verify
energy requirements and operational costs associated with a
secondary grinding mill to treat Red Mountain ore. The
testing confirmed the required specific energy to achieve a K80 of
25 µm to be approximately 20.9 kWhr/tonne, which has no impact on
the sizing of the vertical stirred mill included in the 2017
In Q4 2017, IDM engaged Ausenco Engineering
Canada (“Ausenco”) to complete an audit of the 2017 FS
metallurgical test work, manage additional testing and complete
multiple trade-off studies with the objective of optimizing and
de-risking processing design.
Ausenco’s audit of the 2017 FS metallurgical
test work verified the work carried out by JDS Energy & Mining
Inc. (“JDS”) met all requirements for a feasibility study level
design and identified opportunities for further evaluation.
This audit was preceded by an earlier audit conducted by BBA Inc.
in October 2017, which recommended that an alternative
flotation-regrind-leach (“FRL”) flowsheet be tested and compared to
the 2017 FS whole ore leach (“WOL”) flowsheet. Ausenco
managed the metallurgical test work required to evaluate the FRL
flowsheet, which was conducted at BaseMet Labs (“BML”), located in
Kamloops, BC (results discussed below).
In addition to the evaluation of the FRL
flowsheet, a comprehensive metallurgical study was developed to
determine the optimal WOL parameters. The additional WOL test
work results were positive and within the ranges expected of gold
and silver recoveries, as outlined in the FS.
In November 2017, IDM engaged Mining Plus
Engineering Canada Ltd. and PHC Inc. to advance the lower portal
design in preparation for BC Mines Act Permitting. During the
summer of 2017, three geotechnical core holes were completed at the
proposed lower portal location. A level of design required for EA
and EIS level of review has been submitted to regulators.
IDM continues to work with BC Hydro to evaluate
the proposed interconnection point and peak load requirements for
the Project, with the grid located approximately 14 km to the east
of the proposed Red Mountain mill site. BC Hydro completed a
System Impact Study (“SIS”), verifying that it is technically
feasible to supply the Project with the anticipated connected
load. Following the SIS, BC Hydro commenced work on the SIS
Conceptual Design phase required to produce a conceptual level
estimate (+100%/-35%).
IDM has had discussions with BC Hydro to
initiate the Basic Transmission Extension (“BTE”) design and
Facilities Study phase required to produce a preliminary budget
estimate (+15%/-10%). IDM remains on schedule for potential
Project energization date in H2 2019.
IDM engaged Allnorth Consultants Ltd.
(“Allnorth”), in partnership with BC Hydro, to conduct an energy
efficiency feasibility study for the Project. The energy
efficiency feasibility study is funded by BC Hydro and evaluates
opportunities to reduce Project energy requirements. Through
the initial phase of the study, several opportunities have been
identified to reduce energy requirements and enhance Project
economics. IDM anticipates completing the energy efficiency
feasibility study in Q2 2018.
Access & Haul Road
IDM continues to work with Onsite Engineering
Ltd. (“Onsite”) to advance the Access and Haul Road design to
incorporate snow management and to meet detailed engineering
requirements necessary for BC Mines Act permitting. During
the 2017 field season, all required field studies, including
surveying and materials testing, were completed throughout the
entire road route from Highway 37A to the lower portal
location. Currently, a wider haul road at a reduced grade is
being contemplated, potentially using articulated rock trucks
rather than highway trucks for haulage from the mine site to the
Avalanche Mitigation & Geohazards
IDM engaged Alpine Solutions Avalanche Services
(“ASAS”), Knight Piesold Ltd. and PHC to conduct detailed mapping
and risk analysis of avalanches and geo-hazards, including rock
slides, debris slides, debris flood hazards, rock slumps and rock
Additional dynamic run-out modeling and
mitigation planning will be incorporated into BC Mines Act
permitting level designs.
WOL vs. FRL Trade-Off Study
The 2017 FS metallurgical optimization study was
based on the results of the test work completed at BML. The
final flowsheet included: three stages of crushing followed
by two stages of grinding to target a grind size of 80% passing
(P80) 25 µm, followed by carbon-in-leach (“CIL”), acid wash,
stripping and electrowinning for the recovery of gold and silver
doré. Based on the 2017 FS mine plan, overall recoveries for
Red Mountain averaged 90.9% for gold and 86.3% for silver.
IDM engaged Ausenco to complete a trade-off
study to evaluate flotation-regrind-leach (“FRL”) as an alternative
flowsheet to WOL based on the BBA test work audit recommendations
to potentially improve Project economics.
On average, both the gold and silver recoveries
for FRL were significantly reduced when compared to WOL. Gold
deportment analysis of flotation gold identified fine gold
associated with gangue minerals, which are unlikely to float by
conventional sulphide flotation methods.
Following recovery analysis, the size and
capital costs were estimated, as well as operating costs at a
+/- 30% level of accuracy. Capital costs for the FRL
flow sheet were estimated to be approximately $1.64 million lower
than WOL due to a smaller secondary grinding mill and CIL
circuit. However, the operating cost estimation for FRL was
estimated to be $17.3 million higher over the life-of-mine compared
to WOL, primarily due to higher reagent consumption during the
leaching process after floatation.
Based on the test work performed and capital and
operating cost estimates completed, IDM has concluded that WOL is
the preferred flowsheet, confirming this method as recommended in
the Feasibility Study.
Leach Residency Trade-Off Study
The 2017 FS concluded that a 48-hour cyanide
leach residency time was recommended to maximize gold and silver
recovery. The Company engaged Ausenco to complete a trade-off
study comparing the capital costs associated and incremental
recoveries associated with 48-hour vs. 24-hour leach residency
Test work revealed potential to reduce residency
time for the Marc and JW Zones; however, the reduced retention time
resulted in reduced gold and silver recoveries for the AV
Zone. Based on the slower leaching kinetics for the AV zone,
it was determined that 48-hour leach residency time is preferred,
as outlined in the FS. However, there may be an opportunity
to potentially defer initial capital, should there be a change in
the sequencing of the various zones.
Fine Grinding Trade-Off Study
The 2017 FS recommended a vertical stirred mill
(“Verti Mill”) for the secondary grinding technology to target a
product P80 of 25 µm. Ausenco completed a trade-off study,
incorporating the results of the Signature Plot test work to
confirm the mill sizing and evaluated alternatives based on
technical capabilities, layout requirements, maintenance
requirements, capital costs and operating costs. In addition,
an evaluation of recently commissioned fine-grinding gold mills was
completed to determine operational performance, including:
Isamills, VXPmills and HIGmills; many recent gold mining operations
have shown excellent performance using these various
IDM will continue to evaluate fine-grinding mill
alternatives through receiving vendor pricing quotes, optimizing
plant throughput, evaluating optimal feed sizes, evaluating
performance metrics and referrals from operating mines.
Process Plant Throughput Trade-Off Study
IDM engaged Ausenco to evaluate the connected
and operating power requirements to increase plant throughput from
1,000 tonnes per day (“tpd”) to 1,200 tpd. The study
concluded that the power requirements for an increase to 1,200 tpd
are within the limitations provided by BC Hydro during the SIS.
Environmental & Permitting Update
Provincial Environmental Assessment Certificate
The Project commenced the 180-day legislated
Application Review period under the BC Environmental Assessment Act
on November 1, 2017. To date, IDM has received and responded
to review comments from the technical working group co-led by the
BC Environmental Assessment Agency (EAO) and the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Agency, which includes the participation
of Nisga’a Nation (as represented by Nisga’a Lisims Government) and
regulatory agencies. IDM has also responded to feedback from
community members and stakeholders during the public consultation
period (November 14 to December 14, 2017).
On March 12, 2018, IDM requested a 30 to 45-day
temporary suspension of the Application Review period from EAO to
allow for final resolution of outstanding technical comments and
information requests.
On March 13, 2018, EAO granted the temporary
suspension, effective on day 134 of the 180-day Application Review
period, which will resume once the final issues have been
resolved. Following the conclusion of the Application Review
period, EAO will finalize their assessment report and submit
recommendations to the Minister of Environment & Climate Change
Strategy and the Minister of Energy, Mines & Petroleum
Resources. IDM anticipates receiving the Environmental
Assessment Certificate (“EAC”) in Q3 2018.
Federal Environmental Impact Statement
The Project is also subject to a coordinated
review by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency under the
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012). On
December 22, 2017, IDM received supplementary information requests
on the EIS, pausing the federal timeline on day 122 of the federal
legislated timeline. IDM is working with the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Agency to finalize remaining information
requests and align on responses in advance of recommencing the
federal review timeline. IDM anticipates receiving federal approval
in Q4 2018.
Engineering work at Red Mountain is performed
under the supervision of Ryan Weymark, P.Eng, Vice President of
Project Development for IDM Mining Ltd. and a ‘Qualified Person’
under NI 43-101. Mr. Weymark has reviewed and approved the
technical content of this release.
About IDM and Red Mountain
IDM Mining Ltd. is an exploration and
development company based in Vancouver, BC, Canada focused on
advancing the Red Mountain Gold Project towards production. The
17,125 hectare Red Mountain Gold Project is located in northwestern
BC, 15 km northeast of the mining town of Stewart. In 2017,
IDM announced the results of a positive Feasibility Study for a
high-grade, underground gold mine, which includes primarily bulk
underground mining methods and the production of gold doré on site.
The Project is advancing through the provincial and federal
Environmental Assessment processes, with comprehensive, thorough,
and ongoing consultation with Nisga’a Nation. The Project is
currently in the Application Review phase of the BC Environmental
Assessment Office and the Canadian Environmental Assessment
Additional information, including the Company’s
NI 43-101 Technical Reports for the Red Mountain Gold Project, are
available at and at
“Robert McLeod”
President, CEO and Director
For more information, contact:
Robert McLeod604-681-5672 office604-617-0616
Investor Relations:Vanessa Pickering604-681-5672 office ext
7112604-202-2940 mobile
“Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies
of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the
adequacy or accuracy of this release.”
Forward-Looking Statements:
Some statements in this news release contain forward-looking
information or forward-looking statements for the purposes of
applicable securities laws. These statements include, among
others, statements with respect to the proposed exploration and
development activities and their timing, resource estimates and
potential mineralization. These statements address future
events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown
risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual
results, performance or achievements to be materially different
from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or
implied by the statements. Such factors include, among others
and in addition to those described elsewhere in this release,
timing and success of future exploration and development
activities, exploration and development risks, delays in obtaining
or inability to obtain required government or other regulatory
approvals, permits or financing, the risk of unexpected variations
in mineral resources, grade or recovery rates, of failure of plant,
equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, of accidents,
labor disputes, and unanticipated delays in completing other
development activities, the risk that estimated costs will be
higher than anticipated and the risk that the proposed mine plan
and recoveries will not be achieved, equipment breakdowns and bad
weather, the timing and success of future exploration and
development activities, exploration and development risks, mineral
resources are not as estimated, title matters, third party
consents, operating hazards, metal prices, political and economic
factors, competitive factors and general economic conditions.
In making the forward-looking statements, the Company has applied
several material assumptions including, but not limited to, the
assumptions that: required regulatory approval, permits and
financing will be obtained; the proposed exploration and
development will proceed as planned; with respect to mineral
resource estimates, the key assumptions and parameters on which
such estimates are based; that the proposed mine plan and
recoveries will be achieved, that capital costs and sustaining
costs will be as estimated, and that no unforeseen accident, fire,
ground instability, flooding, labor disruption, equipment failure,
metallurgical, environmental or other events that could delay or
increase the cost of development will occur, and market
fundamentals will result in sustained metals and minerals
prices. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements
whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise
except as otherwise required by applicable securities
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Idm Mining Ltd (TSXV:IDM)
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