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Geschlossen 14 März 9:00PM
Nach Börsenschluss: 9:18PM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
20,005,005,600,005,300,000,00 %00-
21,004,304,800,004,550,000,00 %00-
22,002,553,600,003,0750,000,00 %00-
23,001,303,400,002,350,000,00 %00-
24,000,301,800,001,050,000,00 %00-
25,000,650,550,650,600,000,00 %07-
26,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
27,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
28,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
29,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-

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StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
20,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
21,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
22,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
23,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
24,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
25,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
26,000,000,950,000,000,000,00 %00-
27,001,301,950,001,6250,000,00 %00-
28,002,352,950,002,650,000,00 %00-
29,003,404,300,003,850,000,00 %00-
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RGCRegencell Bioscience Holdings Ltd
US$ 14,25
LZMHLZ Technology Holdings Ltd
US$ 13,29
HMRHeidmar Maritime Holdings Corporation
US$ 4,08
ICONIcon Energy Corporation
US$ 0,1356
AVAHAveanna Healthcare Holdings Inc
US$ 5,15
CMCTCreative Media and Community Trust Corporation
US$ 0,35
SPHLSpringview Holdings Ltd
US$ 0,7194
ADTXAditxt Inc
US$ 0,0339
ULYUrgent ly Inc
US$ 0,3086
PSTVPlus Therapeutics Inc
US$ 0,7501
SPGCSacks Parente Golf Inc
US$ 0,1388
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 115,58
INTCIntel Corporation
US$ 23,70
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 8,585
TQQQProShares UltraPro QQQ
US$ 57,79
wdereb79 wdereb79 5 Minuten vor
I mean … the man has been locked away from twitter for months. Clearly he has a lot to say. So, you never know. Nights early. Celebratory drinks. Then he gets that phone in his hand … BOOM. Lol
USVIHI22 USVIHI22 5 Minuten vor
Next thing you know Jed's a millionaire and moved away from there.
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 6 Minuten vor
Lol you'll fall for anything won't you?

Snopes says this story is bogus. Two completely different alleged victim lawsuits filed had matching fake abandoned address and were traced to a guy who worked for the Jerry Springer show who had a track record of trolling the media.
MC10459 MC10459 8 Minuten vor
wdereb79 wdereb79 8 Minuten vor
Straight from the man’s fingertips seems like it would be more accurate to me, but what do I know.
robinandthe7hoods robinandthe7hoods 9 Minuten vor
Few people understand the effect of presenting at the Roth Conference will have on Verses' stock price.
It will be massive...
my3sons87 my3sons87 11 Minuten vor
Retribution shall belong to the longs. IDCC seems to be trading with the markets. Which at this time has no knowledge of what good things will soon be announced soon. 

I think IDCC is holding up very well in this fiasco of a market due to the man made societal pervasive fiasco.
Acme Investments Acme Investments 14 Minuten vor
You are aware that the Govt you speak of is creating a Bitcoin Reserve?? Why are you here if you think Bitcoin is a pump and dump??
boston745 boston745 15 Minuten vor
I said this on Mar 9th but it is not the first time i suggested that this reverse merger plan, if it happens as i suspect, was in place since before Amedica became Sintx & NP Aerospace was divested.
If NP-Sintx RM, then watch for Zimmer Biomet to come out of the closet as well as other partne
arizona1 arizona1 15 Minuten vor
Your habitual sexual abuser president was convicted of rape by a jury of his peers. What's up with this?
ron_66271 ron_66271 16 Minuten vor
Please Note That The Signature Page is Blank.

PDF 8/8.

Background proof of the Derivative Market of the ISDA.

manibiotech manibiotech 16 Minuten vor
Ironing issues could have been been done as NWBO owned company as well and hit could have been taken there as well.
Not sure you are even getting the very basics of what my post said . 
Will assist setting up with whose money ?
bigrun bigrun 16 Minuten vor
When is it going pink current? Thx.
Chromosome Chromosome 18 Minuten vor
And the more extreme case of that is called channel stuffing. The CEO of ArthroCare got 20 year prison sentence for inflating revenue by making sweet deals with distributors to take product in exchange for discounts and ability to sell back later.
Obviously that is not the case here but was t
blownaccount9 blownaccount9 18 Minuten vor
Threw back a few to celebrate. Today isn't about share appreciation, but the fact that the 3 most critical people to getting this show on the F'ing road are all ready and in place. I don't care what shares traded at today, tomorrow, or next week. The odds of getting a favorable release I'd say are a
XMaster2023 XMaster2023 18 Minuten vor
First of all, manufacturing is where the risk is. If someone screws up, Advent will take the hit.
Second, we need Advent to iron out the manufacturing issues. They are primarily dedicated to NWBO.
Third, there will be other manufacturers in other locations, but I’m almost positive
FastEddie18585 FastEddie18585 18 Minuten vor
"In a series of tweets Thursday evening, newly confirmed FHFA Director Bill Pulte made it clear that pulling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of conservatorship is his top priority and wrote: “big announcements coming soon.”"
955 955 19 Minuten vor
Tariffs Will Make US Strong
EmpressMonk25 EmpressMonk25 19 Minuten vor
You think I'm over here with diarrhea and ulcers because the price went down? 😂

The question remains... will I get my 0.0002s? By the way, the only way I get my 0.0002s is when we see 0.0001s and not even instantly will the 0.0001s let me buy the 0.0002s!

nowwhat2 nowwhat2 20 Minuten vor
re : Ripple, etc.

thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 20 Minuten vor
Jean Carroll along with Democrat donors lobbied the state of New York to get the law passed that allowed her to bring the suit even though it was far past the statute of limitations even for civil suits.

Jean Carroll helped pass the law, they admitted it on CNN. This whole thing was
Fredddddy Fredddddy 21 Minuten vor
That’s what he says. You would think at least a sustained multi day bounce of some kind. If nothing more than setting up the next leg down.
vdog1776 vdog1776 21 Minuten vor
That was definitely NOT just trading! Someone is buying the question is why? I think this has a lot of potential! The question is can we get something to make it pop and stay there!
Chromosome Chromosome 24 Minuten vor
JRoon, revenue from s booked when drug is shipped to a distributor (in the US it’s McKesson, Cardinal and ABC) and not when customer picks up the script from a pharmacy. Prior to launch, manufacturers will ship a few weeks of inventory into the distribution to make sure there is enough product to me