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Sorted Group Holdings Plc
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06/01/202513h54RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Change of Registered OfficeLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
06/12/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Share Option AwardsLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
21/11/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Change of AuditorLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
04/10/202417h01Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSorted Group Holdings sells returns business for GBP775,000LSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
04/10/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Disposal of Returns businessLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
30/09/202413h27RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC HMRC R&D Tax CreditLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
11/09/202415h47RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Result of AGMLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
16/08/202415h39Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Sorted Group notes loss of subsidiary narrowsLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
16/08/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Trading subsidiary audited resultsLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
12/08/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Notice of Annual General MeetingLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
07/08/202415h27Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Sorted Group slashes costs and narrows loss in first halfLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
07/08/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Half-year ReportLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
19/06/202417h45Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEARNINGS AND TRADING: Zambeef names new ChairLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
19/06/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Annual Financial ReportLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
29/05/202416h45Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEXECUTIVE CHANGES: Resolute Mining hires former Acacia exec as chairLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
28/05/202409h12RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Directorate ChangeLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
30/04/202416h56Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEARNINGS AND TRADING: Card Factory profit climbs; Pebble "consistent"LSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
30/04/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC HMRC R&D Tax CreditLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
22/04/202409h48RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Update on Sorted Holding LimitedLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
27/03/202412h16Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTRADING UPDATES: Sorted renews M&S deal; Tribe completes drill buildLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
27/03/202408h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Renewal of M&S ContractLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
19/02/202419h57Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTRADING UPDATES: Coro seals sale terms, Powerhouse makes good progressLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
19/02/202409h00RNS Regulatory NewsSorted Group Holdings PLC Completion of acquisition and admission to AIMLSE:SORTSorted Group Holdings Plc
17/02/200613h45PR Newswire (US)Gunther International Ltd. Announces Third Quarter Financial ResultsUSOTC:SORT
05/12/200313h52PR Newswire (US)Gunther International Ltd. Announces Intention to Deregister Its Common Stock With the Securities and Exchange CommissionUSOTC:SORT
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