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23,004,406,600,005,500,000,00 %00-
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30,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
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24,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
25,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
26,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
27,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
28,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
29,000,000,650,000,000,000,00 %00-
30,001,451,650,001,550,000,00 %00-
31,002,352,650,002,500,000,00 %00-
32,003,503,700,003,600,000,00 %00-
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US$ 8,9506
LXRXLexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,609
DBVTDBV Technologies SA
US$ 5,86
LXEHLixiang Education Holding Company Ltd
US$ 18,9699
SNSESensei Biotherapeutics Inc
US$ 0,5732
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US$ 0,0401
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US$ 0,924001
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US$ 0,0258
XTIAXTI Aerospace Inc
US$ 1,2657
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US$ 0,0536
LXRXLexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,609
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US$ 0,0401
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US$ 9,8999
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 110,1889
SNSESensei Biotherapeutics Inc
US$ 0,5732
pdmihopefull pdmihopefull 5 Minuten vor
Ooo8 is a. Good buy
CommodityCoverage CommodityCoverage 5 Minuten vor
Giving governments, businesses, and researchers real-time access to wildfire risk data for the first time, AISIX Solutions (AISX.v AISXF) just launched its Wildfire 3.0 API. As climate threats are rising, this API delivers next-gen tools to predict fire probability, intensity, and ignition patterns
oldstocks oldstocks 5 Minuten vor
OneMind Technologies SL is a Spanish company that is subject to Spanish accounting.
Financials of OneMind Technologies would be filed in Spain.
The Spanish accounting sends the financials to Affluence Corp. Affluence Corp sends the OneMind Technologies financials to their accountants
blue-ape0065 blue-ape0065 6 Minuten vor Z live..
MightyX MightyX 6 Minuten vor
Will let the public reach the truth
gitreal gitreal 7 Minuten vor
Lol, James Gilbert? Do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? Coming soon to your house with his little basket of goodies!
jasmin8192 jasmin8192 7 Minuten vor
I was thinking the same thing. Hey, at least for the moment it is still breathing. If we time it right, maybe we can break even and head to greener pastures and leave NFTM behind.
Wayne R Wayne R 7 Minuten vor
Cool, screw everyone, get jailed, fined, and Trump says, well that is Ok
Tradingguru06 Tradingguru06 7 Minuten vor
That's fantastic news! Thats is a significant step forward for Delex/BNCM. This kind of transparency can really help build confidence and could potentially drive the stock price up. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for positive updates and insights that could come from this information! Exciting times
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 7 Minuten vor
Yeah but as long as Baron is there Trump won't cut funding to NYU. Baron's there for 4 years just like Trump.
jhdf51 jhdf51 7 Minuten vor
I was not on the call that I will defer to you on that. You are correct as you have long said..Time Will Tell.

So lead me through this...yes a DST must hold assets but if they were ever legally tied to WMI they would have needed to be disclosed in BK proceedings.
The c
georgie18 georgie18 8 Minuten vor
I took profit on some today and put it into averaging down on this dip on others...🥳
peafunke peafunke 9 Minuten vor
What public.  Public knows you make up narrative to suit whatever you're thinking not even once acknowledging the company performance over the years had nothing to do with some fictitious 'group'
If you acknowledge the company share structure, revenues, PRs and how they didn't transpire... th
hondaboost hondaboost 9 Minuten vor
NKLAQ, $0.14. Running! It was $34.5 before delisting from NASDAQ.
StayHumble StayHumble 9 Minuten vor
💹 7/7/23 $HCMC entered a✅VapePatent LicensingAgreement💹✅

Granting licensee a non-exclusive right & license to make|use|offer|sell, sell,& import licensed products in the USA. Licensee will pay based on net sales of all products @healthiercmc
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 10 Minuten vor
No argument to what you say, but I am only wondering if all of that and more is not already priced into the stock. Trading well below cash.
lager lager 10 Minuten vor
Yep. That's what I mean.
kgromax kgromax 10 Minuten vor
As usual: you b*shit all along, crying victory when the stock moves up, crying silently when it moves down.

And trying to make stupid bets about PRs. Ah I understand why: because the only business of Cytodyn is to write PRs and to sell shares

That is literally the defin
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 10 Minuten vor
I take it you didn't live in NYC for 40 plus years. I had some free time yesterday and saw the running gun battle Janice was having with the Trump supporters. I believe in brevity and cutting to the chase.

Now do I care what a
georgie18 georgie18 11 Minuten vor
It seems like the day of correction...🥳
kindo kindo 11 Minuten vor
Because of the numerous reverse splits.
Was in this 10 years ago, company had a lot of promise, even has a special section in the Wall St Journal. Technology could have saved many lives and you could of felt good about an investment here.
Turns out it is nothing more than a share print
misterfishman misterfishman 11 Minuten vor
Naa we sleep so be quiet lol.
Researchfyi Researchfyi 11 Minuten vor
Seriously? You want to go there with dishonesty?

Here we go again. Start with your beliefs in receiving emails from Lugee Li.

You get past that one and I have a whole list of your 1/2 baked posts on dishonesty.