Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of June, 2023


Commission File Number 1-34129




(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua da Quitanda, 196 – 24th floor,
Centro, CEP 20091-005,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes _______ No___X____





(in thousands of Brazilian Reais)
  Furnas   Chesf   Eletronorte   CGT Eletrosul   Eletropar   Eliminations   Eletrobras
    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
NET OPERATING REVENUE - ROL    13,294   3,568,663   2,151,411   2,802,725    812,976   572    139,808   9,209,833
GENERATION    -    2,661,952   1,092,730   2,489,769    379,122    -     63,348   6,560,225
Procurement     -     1,802,632   133,259    1,770,105   378,065    -    63,348    4,020,713
Supply    -    470,604   200,974   402,674    -     -     -     1,074,252
CCEE    -    29,297   96,543   308,418   1,057    -     -    435,315
Revenue from operation and maintenance    -    359,419   661,954   8,572    -     -     -     1,029,945
Revenue from construction of Plants    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Itaipu Transfer    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
TRANSMISSION    -    1,521,513   1,448,967    802,763    513,934    -     71,005   4,216,172
Revenue from operation and maintenance - Renewed Lines    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Revenue from operation and maintenance    -    537,978   589,197   354,877   222,469    -    71,005    1,633,516
Financial - Return on Investment - RBSE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Construction revenue    -    35,964   153,736   39,156   55,005    -     -    283,861
Contractual revenue - Transmission    -    947,571   706,034   408,730   236,460    -     -     2,298,795
OTHER REVENUES    13,179    9,447    15,401    171,888    15,795   572    5,455    220,827
DEDUCTIONS   115    (624,249)    (405,687)    (661,695)    (95,875)    -     -    (1,787,391)
(-) Encargos setoriais    -    (186,423)   (163,673)   (247,027)   (21,875)    -     -    (618,998)
(-) ICMS     -    (59,648)   (34,628)   (161,249)    (240)    -     -    (255,765)
(-) PASEP e COFINS   115   (378,045)   (207,195)   (251,399)   (73,568)    -     -    (910,092)
(-) Outras Deduções    -     (133)    (191)   (2,020)    (192)    -     -    (2,536)
OPERATING COSTS   (25)   (1,648,621)    (885,473)   (1,172,087)    (443,122)    -     (134,353)   (4,014,975)
Personnel, Supplies and Services    -    (310,097)   (216,231)   (196,851)   (120,884)    -     -    (844,063)
Personnel    -    (188,960)   (155,117)   (122,819)   (82,546)    -     -    (549,442)
Consensual Dismissal Plan (PDC) - Provision    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Supplies    -    (15,067)   (3,024)   (13,635)   (4,198)    -     -    (35,924)
Services    -    (106,070)   (58,090)   (60,397)   (34,140)    -     -    (258,697)
Energy purchased for resale    (25)   (453,667)   (49,447)   (43,919)   (154,795)    -    (63,348)   (638,505)
Charges on the use of the power grid    -    (389,358)   (253,378)   (222,022)   (16,328)    -    (71,005)   (810,081)
Combustível para produção de energia elétrica    -    (98,318)    -    (311,051)   (32,652)    -     -    (442,021)
Construction    -    (35,821)   (268,594)   (38,991)   (54,793)    -     -    (398,199)
Depreciation    -    (263,757)   (28,655)   (106,237)   (51,505)    -     -    (450,154)
Amortization    -    (97,603)   (59,647)   (242,719)   (1,152)    -     -    (401,121)
Provisions/Operational reversals    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Other Costs    -     -    (9,521)   (10,297)   (11,013)    -     -    (30,831)
GROSS INCOME    13,269   1,920,042   1,265,938   1,630,638    369,854   572    5,455   5,194,858
OPERATING EXPENSES    (277,469)    (517,876)    (369,592)    (366,842)    (177,893)    (1,133)    (5,455)   (1,705,350)
Personnel, Supplies and Services   (181,746)   (153,343)   (127,543)   (194,270)   (63,568)   (1,133)    -    (721,603)
Personnel   (95,357)   (85,453)   (93,141)   (164,764)   (47,224)    (421)    -    (486,360)
Extraordinary Retirement Program   (3,654)    -    (3,233)   16,897    -     -     -    10,010
Supplies    (206)   (1,740)   (5,510)    -    (1,195)    -     -    (8,651)
Services   (82,529)   (66,150)   (25,659)   (46,403)   (15,149)    (712)    -    (236,602)
Depreciation   (3,214)   (11,022)   (7,789)   (18,154)   (4,388)    -     -    (44,567)
Amortization   (3)   (2,499)    (247)   (2,135)   (2,657)    -     -    (7,541)
Donations and contributions   (2,534)   (19,684)   (1,535)   (19,577)   (3,191)    -     -    (46,521)
Provisions/Operational reversals   (34,242)   (255,212)   (115,997)   (69,661)   (101,087)    -     -    (576,199)
Other expenses   (55,730)   (76,116)   (116,481)   (63,045)   (3,002)    -    (5,455)   (308,919)
Regulatory remeasurements - Transmission contracts    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL INCOME    (264,200)   1,402,166    896,346   1,263,796    191,961   (561)    -    3,489,508
FINANCIAL INCOME    (589,279)   (1,006,128)    (516,004)    (935,502)    (87,040)    1,132    -    (3,132,821)
Revenue from financial investments   291,690   397,562   46,524   27,376   21,028   1,485    -    785,665
Interest income, fines, commissions and fees   260,951   5,620    -     -     -     -    121,072   145,499
Addition of moratorium on electricity    -    299   2,367   54,362    -     -     -    57,028
Active monetary restatements   108,203   43,499   49,230   23,652   10,059    -    94,464   140,179
Active exchange variations   226,265   7,969    -    8,030   5    -    11,368   230,901
Revenue from Interest on Dividends    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Gains from derivatives    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Other financial income   125,571   6,057   4,338   11,775   2,071    -     -    149,812
(-) Taxation on Financial Revenue   (38,584)   (20,685)    -    (5,758)   (1,541)    (69)    -    (66,637)
Debt charges   (633,094)   (957,502)   (22,658)   (152,420)   (63,707)    -    (121,072)    (1,708,309)
Charges - Obligations to CDE    -    (159,067)   (231,253)   (162,781)    -     -     -    (553,101)
Charges - Revitalization of River Basins    -    (23,196)   (35,298)   (29,751)    -     -     -    (88,245)
Leasing charges    (977)   (2,519)    (55)   (139,090)    (898)    -     -    (143,539)
Charges on shareholders' funds     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Passive monetary adjustments   (451,385)   (59,581)   (5,006)   (80,072)   (32,155)    -    (94,464)   (533,735)
Monetary restatement - Obligations to CDE    -    (173,631)   (252,428)   (177,686)    -     -     -    (603,745)
Monetary restatement - Revitalization of River Basins    -    (33,489)   (50,962)   (42,954)    -     -     -    (127,405)
Passive exchange variations   (75,523)    -     -     -    (3,796)    -    (11,368)   (67,951)
Losses from derivatives    -     -     -    (232,916)    -     -     -    (232,916)
Other financial expenses   (402,396)   (37,464)   (20,803)   (37,269)   (18,106)    (284)    -    (516,322)
INCOME BEFORE EQUITY INVESTMENTS    (853,479)    396,038    380,342    328,294    104,921   571    -     356,687
Income from equity investments    1,354,188   146,663   46,638   (18,893)   891   5,456    1,026,117   508,826
Other income and expenses   (12,699)    (199)    -     -     -    1,441    -    (11,457)
Effect of Law 14,182/2021    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE TAXES    488,010    542,502    426,980    309,401    105,812    7,468   1,026,117    854,056
Current income tax and social contribution   608   (313,131)   (34,215)   (113,992)   (12,496)    (96)   (74,909)   (398,413)
Deferred income tax and social contribution    -    58,081   (89,298)   6,191   (24,654)    -     -    (49,680)
Tax incentive income    -     -    25,174   49,735    -     -    74,909    - 
Portion Attributed to Non-Controlling Shareholders    -    (83,715)    -     -     (90)    -    (83,805)    - 
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD    488,618    371,167    328,641    251,335    68,752    7,372   1,109,922    405,963
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD    488,618    371,167    328,641    251,335    68,752    7,372   1,109,922    405,963



(in thousands of Brazilian Reais)
  Furnas   Chesf   Eletronorte   CGT Eletrosul   Eletropar   Eliminations   Eletrobras
NET OPERATING REVENUE - ROL    19,206   2,792,920   2,002,819   2,510,754    963,983   92    122,165   8,167,609
GENERATION    21,415   1,637,959    942,235   2,319,741    509,810    -     57,167   5,373,993
Procurement    503   737,543   19,064    1,667,460   497,410    -    57,167    2,864,813
Supply    -    333,477   188,913   414,616    -     -     -    937,006
CCEE   16,981   190,009   35,318   228,313   12,400    -     -    483,021
Revenue from operation and maintenance    -    373,512   698,940   9,352    -     -     -     1,081,804
Revenue from construction of Plants    -    3,418    -     -     -     -     -    3,418
Itaipu Transfer   3,931    -     -     -     -     -     -    3,931
TRANSMISSION    -    1,596,733   1,407,983    748,858    550,029    -     62,520   4,241,083
Revenue from operation and maintenance - Renewed Lines    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Revenue from operation and maintenance    -    513,371   542,157   289,912   239,773    -    62,520    1,522,693
Financial - Return on Investment - RBSE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Construction revenue    -    15,638   88,230   10,651   32,923    -     -    147,442
Contractual revenue - Transmission    -     1,067,724   777,596   448,295   277,333    -     -     2,570,948
OTHER REVENUES    25,470    5,396    14,090    145,014    14,419   92    2,572    201,909
DEDUCTIONS    (27,679)    (447,168)    (361,489)    (702,859)    (110,275)    -    (94)   (1,649,376)
(-) Sector charges    -    (149,040)   (147,216)   (263,027)   (21,756)    -     -    (581,039)
(-) ICMS     -    (47,024)   (33,751)   (218,386)    (376)    -     -    (299,537)
(-) PASEP and COFINS   (27,679)   (250,465)   (180,378)   (219,563)   (87,937)    -     (94)   (765,928)
(-) Other Deductions    -     (639)    (144)   (1,883)    (206)    -     -    (2,872)
OPERATING COSTS    (15,967)   (1,162,248)    (651,977)   (1,059,095)    (432,432)   (975)    (119,184)   (3,203,510)
Personnel, Supplies and Services    -    (288,783)   (180,986)   (187,241)   (136,897)    (975)    -    (794,882)
Personnel    -    (210,186)   (143,535)   (123,708)   (78,532)    (416)    -    (556,377)
Consensual Dismissal Plan (PDC) - Provision    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Supplies    -    (5,510)   (4,277)   (12,559)   (2,738)    -     -    (25,084)
Services    -    (73,087)   (33,174)   (50,974)   (55,627)    (559)    -    (213,421)
Energy purchased for resale   (15,967)   (277,262)   (50,012)   (48,375)   (148,006)    -    (56,664)   (482,958)
Charges on the use of the power grid    -    (193,265)   (220,129)   (194,607)   (14,654)    -    (62,520)   (560,135)
Combustível para produção de energia elétrica    -    (301,928)    -    (315,223)   (31,120)    -     -    (648,271)
Construction    -    (18,995)   (132,862)   (10,609)   (32,790)    -     -    (195,256)
Depreciation    -    (61,354)   (23,336)   (109,090)   (51,784)    -     -    (245,564)
Amortization    -    (20,661)   (2,910)   (177,777)   (1,151)    -     -    (202,499)
Provisions/Operational reversals    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Other Costs    -     -    (41,742)   (16,173)   (16,030)    -     -    (73,945)
GROSS INCOME    3,239   1,630,672   1,350,842   1,451,659    531,551   (883)    2,981   4,964,099
OPERATING EXPENSES    (844,044)    (375,847)    (405,581)   (1,192,294)    (83,736)    -     (4,378)   (2,897,124)
Personnel, Supplies and Services   (130,324)   (138,499)   (140,032)   (188,153)   (61,119)    -     -    (658,127)
Personnel   (82,847)   (90,169)   (119,588)   (160,158)   (42,216)    -     -    (494,978)
Extraordinary Retirement Program    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Supplies    (58)    (160)   (5,149)    -    (2,780)    -     -    (8,147)
Services   (47,419)   (48,170)   (15,295)   (27,995)   (16,123)    -     -    (155,002)
Depreciation   (2,820)   (10,727)   (8,116)   (19,832)   (4,234)    -     -    (45,729)
Amortization   (3)   (3,723)    (247)    (895)   (2,657)    -     -    (7,525)
Donations and contributions   (33,277)   (9,509)   (2,051)   (1,650)    (581)    -     -    (47,068)
Provisions/Operational reversals   (648,111)   (163,147)   (158,372)   (901,441)   (14,520)    -    55,559    (1,941,150)
Other expenses   (29,509)   (50,242)   (96,763)   (24,764)    (625)    -    (4,378)   (197,525)
Regulatory remeasurements - Transmission contracts    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL INCOME    (840,805)   1,254,825    945,261    259,365    447,815   (883)    (1,397)   2,066,975
FINANCIAL INCOME    782,292    (66,056)    14,659    (255,986)    57,263    1,097    (55,465)    588,734
Revenue from financial investments   86,862   61,629   65,916   83,586   29,366   1,624    -    328,983
Interest income, fines, commissions and fees   320,681   8,666    -     -     -     -    114,421   214,926
Addition of moratorium on electricity    -    392   2,259   54,326    -     -    (55,559)   112,536
Active monetary restatements   261,111   50,293   12,531   12,907   2,127    -    28,289   310,680
Active exchange variations    1,512,496   63,716    -    56,162   97,189    -    177,221    1,552,342
Revenue from Interest on Dividends   171,223    -     -     -     -     -    109,677   61,546
Gains from derivatives    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Other financial income   64,589   4,152   2,439   2,580   36,198    -    1,760   108,198
(-) Taxation on Financial Revenue   (40,050)   (5,789)    -    (9,897)   (4,389)    -     -    (60,125)
Debt charges   (450,382)   (164,897)   (26,865)   (123,819)   (61,273)    -    (114,421)   (712,815)
Charges - Obligations to CDE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Charges - Revitalization of River Basins    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Leasing charges   (1,106)   (2,767)    (55)   (135,596)    (985)    -     -    (140,509)
Charges on shareholders' funds    (1,882)   (21,288)   (31,488)   (55,634)   (1,678)    -    (109,677)   (2,293)
Passive monetary adjustments   (445,127)   (33,060)   (3,788)   (6,003)   (32,490)    -    (28,289)   (492,179)
Monetary restatement - Obligations to CDE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Monetary restatement - Revitalization of River Basins    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Passive exchange variations   (673,629)   (6,542)    -     (157)    -     -    (177,221)   (503,107)
Losses from derivatives    -     -     -    (79,366)    -     -     -    (79,366)
Other financial expenses   (22,494)   (20,561)   (6,290)   (55,075)   (6,802)    (527)   (1,666)   (110,083)
INCOME BEFORE EQUITY INVESTMENTS    (58,513)   1,188,769    959,920    58,938    505,078   214    (1,303)   2,655,709
Income from equity investments    2,636,665   116,163   45,190   (5,719)   (14,513)   3,431    2,155,166   626,051
Other income and expenses   121,033    -     -     -     -     -     -    121,033
Effect of Law 14,182/2021    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE TAXES   2,699,185   1,304,932   1,005,110    53,219    490,565    3,645   2,153,863   3,402,793
Current income tax and social contribution    -    (343,203)   (169,972)   (236,837)   (82,793)    -    (139,036)   (693,769)
Deferred income tax and social contribution   (78,443)   (47,250)   (83,689)   218,159   (89,079)    -     -    (80,302)
Tax incentive income    -     -    124,267   14,769    -     -    139,036    - 
Portion Attributed to Non-Controlling Shareholders       (6)            (831)        (837)    - 
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FROM CONTINUED OPERATIONS   2,620,742    914,485    875,716    49,310    319,524    3,645   2,154,700   2,628,722
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS    87,600    -     -     -     -     -    (54)    87,654
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD   2,708,342    914,485    875,716    49,310    319,524    3,645   2,154,647   2,716,375

(in thousands of Brazilian Reais)
  Furnas   Chesf   Eletronorte   CGT Eletrosul   Eletropar   Eliminations   Eletrobras
CURRENT   19,678,698   18,487,566   6,601,954   5,219,041   2,342,654    53,455   (3,863,728)   48,519,640
Financial Asset - Itaipu (Parent Company)   308,696    -     -     -     -     -     -    308,696
Restricted cash    2,976,305   186,003    -     -     -     -     -     3,162,308
Accounts Receivable, net    5,559,808    4,914,909   723,627   418,119   1,283    124    -     11,617,870
Customers (Consumers and resellers)   455,706    1,768,102   928,088    1,626,112   322,112    -    (98,801)    5,001,319
Financing and Loans - principal    1,369,047    -     -     -     -     -    (806,120)   562,927
Financing and Loans - charges   106,365    -     -     -     -     -     -    106,365
Marketable Securities    1,654,823    5,538,906   271,790   102,478   917,333   41,492    -     8,526,822
Dividends Receivable (Remuneration of shareholdings)    2,588,179   177,891   54,279   28,300    -    7,838   (2,162,914)   693,573
Deferred Fiscal Assets (Tax and Contributions)   462,650   20,474   88,768   95,083   6,082   1,906    -    674,963
Income Tax and Social Contribution   789,186   644,598   541,407   177,056   38,264    173    -     2,190,684
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -    437,191    -     -     -    437,191
Reimbursement Rights   808,489    -     -    25,974   13,921    -     -    848,384
Guarantees and Linked Deposits    -    324,615   19,256    -    7,597    -     -    351,468
Inventory    241   154,034   125,365   117,751   49,637    -     -    447,028
Amounts Receivable Law 12,783/2013    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Nuclear Fuel Inventory    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Allowed Annual Revenue (Transmission)    -    553,257   553,395   459,266   393,290    -     -     1,959,208
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Transmission)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - RBSE (Transmission)    -     3,807,546    2,360,156    1,056,291   451,611    -     -     7,675,604
Contractual Assets - RBSE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Generation)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets (Parcel A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Hydrological Risk    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others    2,278,512   396,966   792,231   531,316   141,524   1,922   (795,893)    3,346,578
Assets held for sale   320,691    265   143,592   144,104    -     -     -    608,652
NON-CURRENT   149,532,051   77,251,120   54,822,252   49,399,870   12,455,845    195,133   (124,345,034)   219,311,237
LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES   34,085,177   25,143,319   17,438,873   11,127,637   7,713,858    3,766   (25,027,113)   70,485,517
Financial Asset - Itaipu (Parent Company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Receivables - ENBPAR (parent company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Restricted cash    -    987,571   468,876    -     -     -     -     1,456,447
Customers (Consumers and resellers)    -    232,389    -    464,292    -     -     -    696,681
Financing and Loans - principal    3,127,376    -     -     -     -     -    (2,929,242)   198,134
Marketable Securities   415,817    -     234   21,604   39    -     -    437,694
Deferred Fiscal Assets (Tax and Contributions)   3,705   94   216,832   219,053    -    3,766    -    443,450
Income Tax and Social Contribution    -     2,089,987    -     -     1,435,735    -     -     3,525,722
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -    316,755    -     -     -    316,755
Reimbursement Rights    1,881,525    -     -    71,427   67,334    -     -     2,020,286
Guarantees and Linked Deposits    6,364,398    1,210,944   579,665   211,561   273,711    -     -     8,640,279
Rights with Revitalization of Basins    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Nuclear Fuel Inventory    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Allowed Annual Revenue (Transmission)    -     -     6,879,180    3,479,619    3,709,019    -     -     14,067,818
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Transmission)    -     6,172,632   709,313    2,183,640   507,000    -     -     9,572,585
Contractual Assets - RBSE (Transmission)    -     14,240,317    8,519,033    3,656,300    1,648,547    -     -     28,064,197
Contractual Assets - RBSE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Generation)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances for equity interest    20,596,028    -     -     -     -     -    (20,596,028)    - 
Contractual Assets (Parcel A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Hydrological Risk    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others    1,696,328   209,385   65,740   503,386   72,473    -    (1,501,843)    1,045,469
INVESTMENTS   115,138,517   5,160,734   5,697,173   5,536,222   1,947,836    191,331   (99,224,151)   34,447,662
Assessed by equity method   113,532,285    5,145,890    5,680,063    5,536,222    1,940,370   126,065   (99,224,151)    32,736,744
Held at fair value    1,606,232    -     -     -     -    65,266    -     1,671,498
Evaluated at acquisition cost    -    14,844    228    -    7,466    -     -    22,538
Other Investments    -     -    16,882    -     -     -     -    16,882
FIXED ASSETS    231,526   24,520,339   2,968,856   4,524,387   2,603,068   36    (93,770)   34,754,442
INTANGIBLE ASSETS    76,831   22,426,728   28,717,350   28,211,624    191,083    -     -    79,623,616
TOTAL ASSETS   169,210,749   95,738,686   61,424,206   54,618,911   14,798,499    248,588   (128,208,762)   267,830,877
 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                 
CURRENT   12,785,265   5,137,547   3,040,461   5,322,192   1,209,513    9,195   3,863,728   23,640,445
Financial Liabilities - Itaipu (Parent Company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Compulsory loan (Parent company)    1,320,486    -     -     -     -     -     -     1,320,486
Global Reversal Reserve - RGR (Company)   276,833    -     -     -     -     -     -    276,833
Suppliers   758,406   745,588   373,844   501,928   154,081   1,098   77,764    2,457,181
Financing and loans - principal, charges and debentures    2,095,584    2,053,568   197,461    1,429,648   430,267    -    818,447    5,388,081
Charges   938,172    -     -     -     -     -     -    938,172
Debentures   544,953    -     -     -     -     -     -    544,953
Taxes and social contributions   33,649   206,165   113,992   151,279   30,345    867    -    536,297
Income tax and social security contribution    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Reimbursement obligations    1,939,862    -     -     -     -     -     -     1,939,862
Advances from customers (Advance sale of energy)    1,471,321   53,640    -    103,080    -     -     -     1,628,041
Remuneration to shareholders (dividends payable)   900,355   742,797   592,047   742,182   96,690   6,892    2,169,028   911,935
Estimated obligations   164,665   418,798   511,888   485,672   211,792    -     -     1,792,815
Provisions for litigation     2,255,488   62,286    -     -    177,474    -     -     2,495,248
Post-employment benefit    -    8,462   263,161    -    22,249    -     -    293,872
Obligations with CDE    -    177,322   257,794   181,463    -     -     -    616,579
Obligations with revitalization with Watersheds    -    224,813   342,106   288,346    -     -     -    855,265
Leasing - Principal   13,729   22,860   40   197,245   7,731    -     -    241,605
Leasing - Interest   (3,369)   (8,855)    -    (2,885)   (3,435)    -     -    (18,544)
Onerous Contracts    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Concessions payable - Use of the public good    -    30,286    -     -    3,768    -     -    34,054
Sectoral charges    -    177,479   352,027   428,442   32,617    -     -    990,565
Regulatory Liabilities (Portion A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others   75,131   222,338   36,101   815,792   45,934    338   798,489   397,145
Held for sale    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
NON-CURRENT   45,541,368   45,020,030   36,694,513   26,334,443   4,693,259    10,361   25,120,883   133,173,091
Remuneration to shareholders (dividends payable)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Compulsory loan (Parent company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Obligations with revitalization with Watersheds    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Global Reversal Reserve - RGR (Company)   689,706    -     -     -     -     -     -    689,706
Suppliers    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Financing and loans - principal, charges and debentures    7,977,392    26,080,015   788,314    2,509,332    2,759,162    -     2,929,242    37,184,973
Debentures    13,015,094    -     -     -     -     -     -     13,015,094
Taxes and social contributions    -    191,962    -    499,396    -     -     -    691,358
Income tax and social security contribution   409,441    4,184,781   676,913    1,020,333    -    10,361    -     6,301,829
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Reimbursement obligations    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances from customers (Advance sale of energy)    -    117,911    -    61,113    -     -     -    179,024
Estimated obligations    -    4,697    -     -     -     -     -    4,697
Provisions for litigation     22,377,869    2,881,802    4,328,769   506,547   998,653    -     -     31,093,640
Provision for unsecured liabilities in investees    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Post-employment benefit   676,423   122,323    3,458,269   61,073   502,627    -     -     4,820,715
Obligations with CDE    -     8,712,773    12,666,761    8,916,226    -     -     -     30,295,760
Obligations with revitalization with Watersheds    -     1,414,433    2,152,398    1,814,164    -     -     -     5,380,995
Leasing - Principal   35,646   226,748   1,964   244,373   49,811    -     -    558,542
Leasing - Interest   (4,403)   (52,983)    -    (3,281)   (16,948)    -     -    (77,615)
Onerous Contracts    -     -    90,499    -    118,600    -     -    209,099
Concessions payable - Use of the public good    -    330,411    -     -    45,462    -     -    375,873
Sector Charges (regulatory fees)    -    234,638   217,474    -    22,128    -     -    474,240
Obligations to demob. of assets (Discount of nucl. plants)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances for future capital increase   89,744    -     11,766,222    8,829,806    -     -     20,596,028   89,744
Regulatory Liabilities (Portion A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others   274,456   570,519   546,930    1,875,361   213,764    -     1,595,613    1,885,417
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   110,884,116   45,581,109   21,689,232   22,962,276   8,895,727    229,032   99,224,151   111,017,341
Share capital    69,991,640    15,439,373    9,753,953    13,506,377    7,067,586   118,055    45,885,344    69,991,640
Cash-pool   (316,062)    -     -     -     -     -     -    (316,062)
Advances for future capital increase    -     8,400,000    -     -     -     -     8,400,000    - 
Capital Reserves    13,867,170    4,925,031    4,916,199    -     -     -     9,841,230    13,867,170
Profit reserves    33,910,233    18,054,370    9,792,422    9,485,752    1,742,696   50,965    39,126,205    33,910,233
Proposed Additional Dividend    -    299,121   695,808    -     -    21,416    1,016,345    - 
Accumulated profits/losses   498,193   371,167   328,641   251,335   124,075   19,484    1,094,702   498,193
 Other Comprehensive Income    (7,067,058)   (2,003,872)   (3,797,791)   (281,188)   (38,630)   19,112   (6,102,369)   (7,067,058)
Interest of non-controlling shareholders    -    95,919    -     -     -     -    (37,306)   133,225
Participation of controlling shareholders    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
 Participation of non-controlling shareholders    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   110,884,116   45,581,109   21,689,232   22,962,276   8,895,727    229,032   99,224,151   111,017,341
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   169,210,749   95,738,686   61,424,206   54,618,911   14,798,499    248,588   128,208,762   267,830,877

(in thousands of Brazilian Reais)
  Furnas   Chesf   Eletronorte   CGT Eletrosul   Eletropar   Eliminations   Eletrobras
CURRENT   20,065,183   18,829,403   6,816,205   4,781,644   2,942,884    79,361   (3,891,553)   49,623,127
Financial Asset - Itaipu (Parent Company)   389,438    -     -     -     -     -     -    389,438
Restricted cash    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Accounts Receivable, net    7,845,720    4,764,303   874,173   162,518   9,994    267    -     13,656,975
Customers (Consumers and resellers)   462,628    1,771,246   869,168    1,453,289   384,376    -    (145,783)    4,794,924
Financing and Loans - principal    1,456,681    -     -     -     -     -    (831,249)   625,432
Financing and Loans - charges   67,407    -     -     -     -     -     -    67,407
Marketable Securities    3,611,904    6,718,885   386,643   209,271    1,384,157   63,346    -     12,374,206
Dividends Receivable (Remuneration of shareholdings)    3,028,085   117,409   54,279   28,375    -    7,278   (2,527,551)   707,875
Deferred Fiscal Assets (Tax and Contributions)   857,466   5,148   81,575   179,177   5,834   6,713    -     1,135,913
Income Tax and Social Contribution   261,321   592,381   634,263   243,170   18,090    -     -     1,749,225
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -    501,355    -     -     -    501,355
Reimbursement Rights   796,776    -     -    25,463   5,251    -     -    827,490
Guarantees and Linked Deposits    -    137,708   28,782    -    7,506    -     -    173,996
Inventory    262   145,915   121,543   110,745   50,845    -     -    429,310
Amounts Receivable Law 12,783/2013    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Nuclear Fuel Inventory    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Allowed Annual Revenue (Transmission)    -    554,850   563,720   460,898   423,376    -     -     2,002,844
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Transmission)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - RBSE (Transmission)    -     3,590,494    2,271,551    1,041,109   443,128    -     -     7,346,282
Contractual Assets - RBSE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Generation)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets (Parcel A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Hydrological Risk    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others   966,804   430,723   786,886   222,886   130,010   1,757   (386,970)    2,152,096
Assets held for sale   320,691    341   143,622   143,388   80,317    -     -    688,359
NON-CURRENT   149,843,718   77,517,329   54,478,628   49,853,770   12,172,371    180,766   (123,452,247)   220,594,335
LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES   35,807,159   25,189,105   17,245,651   11,252,788   7,598,142    -    (25,204,318)   71,888,527
Financial Asset - Itaipu (Parent Company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Receivables - ENBPAR (parent company)    1,223,316    -     -     -     -     -     -     1,223,316
Restricted cash    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Customers (Consumers and resellers)    -    238,051    -    465,004    -     -     -    703,055
Financing and Loans - principal    3,366,460    -     -     -     -     -    (3,037,654)   328,806
Marketable Securities   411,705   902,780   403,589    118   39    -     -     1,718,231
Deferred Fiscal Assets (Tax and Contributions)   3,705   12,125   214,093   209,273    -     -     -    439,196
Income Tax and Social Contribution    -     2,077,784    -     -     1,463,378    -     -     3,541,162
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -    485,507    -     -     -    485,507
Reimbursement Rights    2,048,517    -     -    76,390    -     -     -     2,124,907
Guarantees and Linked Deposits    6,402,122    1,131,005   541,800   220,855   262,231    -     -     8,558,013
Rights with Revitalization of Basins    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Nuclear Fuel Inventory    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Allowed Annual Revenue (Transmission)    -     -     6,609,150    3,411,943    3,612,894    -     -     13,633,987
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Transmission)    -     6,051,428   709,313    2,125,766   487,724    -     -     9,374,231
Contractual Assets - RBSE (Transmission)    -     14,566,845    8,707,065    3,733,468    1,687,488    -     -     28,694,866
Contractual Assets - RBSE    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Contractual Assets - Indemnifiable concessions (Generation)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances for equity interest    20,596,029    -     -     -     -     -    (20,596,029)    - 
Contractual Assets (Parcel A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Hydrological Risk    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others    1,755,305   209,087   60,641   524,464   84,388    -    (1,570,635)    1,063,250
INVESTMENTS   113,736,819   5,076,612   5,650,536   5,547,620   1,946,945    180,727   (98,153,737)   33,985,522
Assessed by equity method   112,079,558    5,059,419    5,633,425    5,547,620    1,939,479   118,500   (98,153,737)    32,224,264
Held at fair value    1,657,261    -     -     -     -    62,227    -     1,719,488
Evaluated at acquisition cost    -    17,193    229    -    7,466    -     -    24,888
Other Investments    -     -    16,882    -     -     -     -    16,882
FIXED ASSETS    231,883   24,725,671   2,811,656   4,631,490   2,433,158   39    (94,192)   34,739,705
INTANGIBLE ASSETS    67,857   22,525,941   28,770,785   28,421,872    194,126    -     -    79,980,581
TOTAL ASSETS   169,908,901   96,346,732   61,294,833   54,635,414   15,115,255    260,127   (127,343,800)   270,217,462
 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                 
CURRENT   13,546,305   6,282,248   3,377,603   5,494,188   1,597,996    34,088   3,891,552   26,440,876
Financial Liabilities - Itaipu (Parent Company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Compulsory loan (Parent company)    1,289,602    -     -     -     -     -     -     1,289,602
Global Reversal Reserve - RGR (Company)   279,890    -     -     -     -     -     -    279,890
Suppliers   994,922    1,033,888   554,497   616,199   452,136   1,821   136,290    3,517,173
Financing and loans - principal, charges and debentures    2,255,744    2,617,176   207,407    1,398,829   426,256    -    807,600    6,097,812
Charges    1,011,880    -     -     -     -     -     -     1,011,880
Debentures   135,188    -     -     -     -     -     -    135,188
Taxes and social contributions   370,739   296,767   285,739   284,358   33,036   1,061    -     1,271,700
Income tax and social security contribution    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Reimbursement obligations    1,912,423    -     -     -     -     -     -     1,912,423
Advances from customers (Advance sale of energy)    1,486,222   64,270    -    102,630    -     -     -     1,653,122
Remuneration to shareholders (dividends payable)   913,018   742,797   592,047   742,182   96,690   7,427    2,169,517   924,644
Estimated obligations   166,337   511,151   557,716   796,566   286,254    530    -     2,318,554
Provisions for litigation     2,646,711   62,450    -     -     -     -     -     2,709,161
Post-employment benefit    -    36,815   187,658    -    21,964    -     -    246,437
Obligations with CDE    -    174,904   248,146   174,672    -     -     -    597,722
Obligations with revitalization with Watersheds    -    230,764   349,553   294,623    -     -     -    874,940
Leasing - Principal   12,159   28,098   39   194,936   8,395    -     -    243,627
Leasing - Interest   (3,449)   (9,276)    -    (3,084)   (3,499)    -     -    (19,308)
Onerous Contracts    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Concessions payable - Use of the public good    -    29,943    -     -    3,717    -     -    33,660
Sectoral charges    -    186,837   353,427   423,804   32,542    -     -    996,610
Regulatory Liabilities (Portion A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others   74,919   275,664   41,374   468,473   70,057   23,249   778,145   175,591
Held for sale    -     -     -     -    170,448    -     -    170,448
NON-CURRENT   45,857,800   44,581,122   36,460,244   26,428,969   4,708,999    9,327   25,298,511   132,747,950
Remuneration to shareholders (dividends payable)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Compulsory loan (Parent company)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Obligations with revitalization with Watersheds    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Global Reversal Reserve - RGR (Company)   755,530    -     -     -     -     -     -    755,530
Suppliers    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Financing and loans - principal, charges and debentures    8,557,113    25,900,525   827,706    2,813,588    2,807,646    -     3,037,654    37,868,924
Debentures    12,957,298    -     -     -     -     -     -     12,957,298
Taxes and social contributions    -    202,010    -    521,706    -     -     -    723,716
Income tax and social security contribution   427,390    4,242,878   588,229    1,026,523    -    9,327    -     6,294,347
Derivative Financial Instruments    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Reimbursement obligations    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances from customers (Advance sale of energy)    -    129,484    -    84,437    -     -     -    213,921
 Estimated obligations     -    4,697    -     -     -     -     -    4,697
Provisions for litigation     22,084,048    2,706,968    4,208,697   512,258    1,111,587    -     -     30,623,558
Provision for unsecured liabilities in investees    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Post-employment benefit   680,399   122,594    3,579,524   61,073   503,644    -     -     4,947,234
Obligations with CDE    -     8,382,493    12,192,728    8,582,550    -     -     -     29,157,771
Obligations with revitalization with Watersheds    -     1,583,991    2,412,032    2,032,998    -     -     -     6,029,021
Leasing - Principal   37,668   226,878   1,972   290,413   51,314    -     -    608,245
Leasing - Interest   (5,097)   (52,582)    -    (3,925)   (17,792)    -     -    (79,396)
Onerous Contracts    -     -    90,499    -    118,600    -     -    209,099
Concessions payable - Use of the public good    -    327,256    -     -    45,164    -     -    372,420
Sector Charges (regulatory fees)    -    221,777   219,571    -    23,010    -     -    464,358
Obligations to demob. of assets (Discount of nucl. plants)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances for future capital increase   86,919    -     11,766,222    8,829,806    -     -     20,596,028   86,919
Regulatory Liabilities (Portion A - CVA)    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Others   276,532   582,153   573,064    1,677,542   65,826    -     1,664,829    1,510,288
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   110,504,796   45,483,362   21,456,986   22,712,257   8,808,260    216,712   98,153,737   111,028,636
Share capital    69,705,554    15,439,373    9,753,953    13,506,377    7,067,586   118,055    45,885,344    69,705,554
Cash-pool    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
Advances for future capital increase    -     8,400,000    -     -     -     -     8,400,000    - 
Capital Reserves    13,867,170    5,053,045    4,916,199    -     -     -     9,969,244    13,867,170
Profit reserves    33,910,233    18,054,370    9,888,817    9,487,068    1,742,815   84,141    39,257,211    33,910,233
Proposed Additional Dividend    -    299,121   695,808    -     -     -    994,929    - 
Accumulated profits/losses    -     -     -     -    55,323    -    55,323    - 
 Other Comprehensive Income    (6,978,161)   (1,996,130)   (3,797,791)   (281,188)   (26,734)   14,516   (6,087,327)   (6,978,161)
Interest of non-controlling shareholders    -    233,583    -     -    (30,730)    -    (320,987)   523,840
Participation of controlling shareholders    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
 Participation of non-controlling shareholders    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   110,504,796   45,483,362   21,456,986   22,712,257   8,808,260    216,712   98,153,737   111,028,636
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   169,908,901   96,346,732   61,294,833   54,635,414   15,115,255    260,127   127,343,800   270,217,462

(in thousands of Brazilian Reais)
  Furnas   Chesf   Eletronorte   CGT Eletrosul   Eletropar   Eliminations   Eletrobras
OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES                                
Income for the period before income tax and social contribution    488,010    542,502    426,980    309,401    105,812    7,468   (1,026,117)    854,056
Adjustments to reconcile profit with cash generated by operations:    (651,671)    95,227    (406,414)    654,317    (234,249)    (5,456)   1,137,683    589,437
Depreciation and amortization   3,217   374,881   96,338   369,245   59,702    -     (0)   903,383
Net exchange and monetary variations   192,440   215,233   259,166   269,030   25,887    -     -    961,756
Financial charges   416,806    1,136,664   289,264   456,666   64,605    -    (466,599)    1,897,406
Income from the equity method   (1,354,188)   (146,663)   (46,638)   18,893    (891)   (5,456)    1,026,117   (508,826)
Other Income and Expenses   12,699    -     -     -     -     -    (1,242)   11,457
Transmission revenue    -    (1,521,513)   (1,448,967)   (802,763)   (513,934)    -    71,005   (4,216,172)
Construction cost - transmission    -    35,821   268,594   38,991   54,793    -     -    398,199
Operating provisions (reversals)   34,242   255,212   115,997   69,661   101,087    -     -    576,199
Financial instruments - derivatives    -     -     -    232,916    -     -     -    232,916
Others   43,113   (254,408)   59,832   1,678   (25,498)    -    508,402   333,119
Variation in operating assets and liabilities    87,779    (963,842)    (325,597)    (312,291)    (160,505)    (24,013)    4,877   (1,693,592)
Cash from (used in) operating activities                                
Payment of financial charges   (292,140)   (559,184)   (39,975)   (139,621)   (61,676)    -    90,776   (1,001,820)
Receipt of the permitted annual revenue - RAP    -     1,511,378    1,288,689   740,831   436,569    -    (48,497)    3,928,970
Receipt of financial charges   193,777    -     -     -     -     -    (137,997)   55,780
Receipt of compensation for investments in equity investments   8,890    -     -     -     -     -    0   8,890
Payment of disputes   (452,591)    -     -    (15,775)   (35,221)    -     (0)   (503,587)
Bonds and earmarked deposits   (110,249)   (249,653)   5,900   13,816   (4,520)    -     (0)   (344,706)
Payment of income tax and social contribution   (140,274)   (264,081)   (66,684)   (100,423)   (30,424)    -     (0)   (601,886)
Payment of supplementary pension plan   (3,976)   (18,157)   (116,181)   (6,291)   (45,092)    -    0   (189,697)
Net cash from (used in) operating activities of continuing operations   (872,446)   94,190   766,718    1,143,964   (29,306)   (22,001)   20,726    1,101,845
Net cash from (used in) operating activities of discontinued operations                                
Net cash from (used in) operating activities    (872,446)    94,190    766,718   1,143,964    (29,306)    (22,001)    20,726   1,101,845
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                
Loans and financing obtained and debentures obtained    -    14,604    -     -     -     -     -    14,604
Payment of loans and financing and debentures - principal   (664,101)   (827,943)   (49,483)   (289,412)   (107,571)    -    143,547   (1,794,963)
Payment of remuneration to shareholders   (3,070)    -     -     -     -     -    0   (3,070)
Payment to dissenting shareholders - merger of shares    (212)   (128,014)   (96,395)    -     (119)    -    (1,317)   (226,057)
Sharebuyback    (147,683)    -     -     -     -     -     (0)   (147,683)
Payment of obligations with basin revitalization - principal    -    (223,458)   (340,045)   (286,610)    -     -     -    (850,113)
Payment of leases - principal    -    (7,699)    -    (181,978)   (1,257)    -     -    (190,934)
Other    -     -     -    (97,223)    -     -    97,223    - 
Net cash from (used in) financing activities of continuing operations   (815,065)   (1,172,510)   (485,923)   (855,223)   (108,947)    -    239,452   (3,198,216)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities of discontinued operations                                
Net cash from (used in) financing activities    (815,065)   (1,172,510)    (485,923)    (855,223)    (108,947)    -     239,452   (3,198,216)
INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES                                
Receipt of loans and financing   376,307    -     -     -     -     -    (192,954)   183,353
Acquisition of fixed assets   (2,856)   (83,415)   (197,762)   (94,146)   (310,293)   2   0   (688,470)
Acquisition of intangible assets   (8,977)    (682)   (6,459)   (5,191)    (65)    -    0   (21,374)
Net financial investments (TVM)    1,957,082    1,325,103   41,474   112,683   487,852   21,855   1,485    3,947,534
Transmission infrastructure - contractual asset    -    (35,821)   (268,594)   (38,991)   (54,793)    -     -    (398,199)
Acquisition/Capital Contribution in Equity Interests   (2,108)    (289)    -    (7,495)   6,841    -    (68,708)   (71,759)
Others    -    24,030    -     -     -     -     -    24,030
Net cash from (used in) investment activities of continuing operations    2,319,447    1,228,926   (431,341)   (33,140)   129,542   21,857   (260,176)    2,975,115
Net cash from (used in) investment activities from discontinued operations                                
Net cash from (used in) investing activities   2,319,447   1,228,926    (431,341)    (33,140)    129,542    21,857    (260,176)   2,975,115
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents    631,937    150,606    (150,546)    255,601    (8,711)   (144)   1    878,744
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period     4,927,871    4,764,303   874,173   162,518   9,994    267    -     10,739,126
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period    5,559,808    4,914,909   723,627   418,119   1,283    124    -     11,617,870
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 

(in thousands of Brazilian Reais)
  Furnas   Chesf   Eletronorte   CGT Eletrosul   Eletropar   Eliminations   Eletrobras
OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES                                
Income for the period before income tax and social contribution   2,786,785   1,304,932   1,005,110    53,219    490,565    3,645   (2,153,810)   3,490,446
Adjustments to reconcile profit with cash generated by operations:   (2,955,063)   (1,295,195)   (1,018,563)    829,770    (429,797)    (3,431)   2,083,343   (2,788,936)
Depreciation and amortization   2,822   96,465   34,609   307,594   59,826    -     (0)   501,316
Net exchange and monetary variations   (654,851)   (74,407)   (8,743)   (50,560)   (66,826)    -    (12,349)   (867,736)
Financial charges   (38,534)   180,286   58,408   312,597   63,936    -    2,452   579,145
Income from the equity method   (2,636,666)   (116,163)   (45,190)   5,719   14,513   (3,431)    2,155,167   (626,051)
Other Income and Expenses   (121,033)   6    -     166    -     -     (172)   (121,033)
Transmission revenue    -    (1,596,733)   (1,407,983)   (748,858)   (550,029)    -    62,520   (4,241,083)
Construction cost - transmission    -    15,577   132,862   10,609   32,790    -     -    191,838
Operating provisions (reversals)   648,111   249,204   158,372   957,000   14,520    -    (86,057)    1,941,150
Financial instruments - derivatives    -     -     -    79,366    -     -     -    79,366
Others   (154,913)   (49,430)   59,102   (43,863)   1,473    -    (38,218)   (225,848)
Variation in operating assets and liabilities    470,325    (598,383)    (100,882)    (76,016)    (312,160)    1,029    393,837    (222,250)
Cash from (used in) operating activities                                
Payment of financial charges   (252,448)   (146,085)   (27,119)   (122,735)   (42,591)    -    102,886   (488,092)
Receipt of the permitted annual revenue - RAP    -     1,281,616    1,094,859   602,794   411,516    -    (42,431)    3,348,354
Receipt of financial charges   186,700    -     -     -     -     -    (102,886)   83,814
Receipt of compensation for investments in equity investments   67,541   80,357    -    12,250    -     -    (19,346)   140,802
Payment of disputes   (760,725)    -     -    (35,158)   (23,366)    -     -    (819,249)
Bonds and earmarked deposits   (268,619)   (6,141)   (54,324)   (18,542)   30,536    -    (168,197)   (485,287)
Payment of income tax and social contribution   (28,195)   (254,164)   (123,270)   (250,690)   (21,344)    -    0   (677,663)
Payment of supplementary pension plan   (17,789)   (19,619)   (78,225)    -    (1,054)    -    0   (116,687)
Net cash from (used in) operating activities of continuing operations   (771,488)   347,318   697,586   994,892   102,305   1,243   93,396    1,465,252
Net cash from (used in) operating activities of discontinued operations                           239,805   239,805
Net cash from (used in) operating activities    (771,488)    347,318    697,586    994,892    102,305    1,243    333,201   1,705,057
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                
Payment of loans and financing and debentures - principal   (836,102)   (336,013)   (45,324)   (497,498)   (75,428)    -    478,846   (1,311,519)
Payment of remuneration to shareholders    (108)   (19,430)    -     -     -     -    19,345    (193)
Payment of leases - principal    -    (6,895)    -    (172,449)   (1,149)    -     -    (180,493)
Other    -     -    (477,772)   (24,889)    -     -    446,284   (56,377)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities of continuing operations   (836,210)   (362,338)   (523,096)   (694,836)   (76,577)    -    944,475   (1,548,582)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities of discontinued operations                           (87,284)   (87,284)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities    (836,210)    (362,338)    (523,096)    (694,836)    (76,577)    -     857,191   (1,635,866)
INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES                                
Receipt of loans and financing   846,812    -     -     -     -     -    (478,846)   367,966
Acquisition of fixed assets    -    (27,966)   (41,004)   (41,126)   (1,653)   2    -    (111,747)
Acquisition of intangible assets    -    (1,042)   (5,434)    (48)   (2,027)    -     -    (8,551)
Net financial investments (TVM)   771,485    -     -     -     -     -    (792,728)   (21,243)
Transmission infrastructure - contractual asset    -    (15,577)   (132,862)   (10,609)    -     -    (32,790)   (191,838)
Acquisition/Capital Contribution in Equity Interests    -     (396)    -     -     -     -     -     (396)
Others    -    45,101    -    (269,213)   (32,790)   (1,194)   266,493   8,397
Net cash from (used in) investment activities of continuing operations    1,618,297    120   (179,300)   (320,996)   (36,470)   (1,192)   (1,037,871)   42,588
Net cash from (used in) investment activities from discontinued operations                           (155,194)   (155,194)
Net cash from (used in) investing activities   1,618,297   120    (179,300)    (320,996)    (36,470)    (1,192)   (1,193,065)    (112,606)
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents    10,599    (14,900)    (4,810)    (20,940)    (10,742)   51    (2,673)    (43,415)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period    7,384   116,800   9,762   33,529   10,859   3,811   10,514   192,659
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period   17,983   101,900   4,952   12,588    117   3,862   7,842   149,244
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations    -     -     -     -     -     -     -     - 




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: June 5, 2023


/SElvira Baracuhy Cavalcanti Presta


Elvira Baracuhy Cavalcanti Presta

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations






This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.

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