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23andMe Holding Company

23andMe Holding Company (ME)

Geschlossen 15 November 10:00PM
Nach Börsenschluss: 1:59AM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
0,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
0,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,002,603,300,002,950,000,00 %00-
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
2,001,602,300,001,950,000,00 %00-
2,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
3,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
3,000,750,951,200,85-0,15-11,11 %2514.11.2024
4,000,150,200,130,175-0,27-67,50 %393414.11.2024
5,000,050,050,010,05-0,04-80,00 %451414.11.2024
6,000,020,050,030,0350,0150,00 %1667414.11.2024
7,000,110,110,110,110,000,00 %017-
8,000,100,100,100,100,000,00 %0220-
9,000,050,050,050,050,000,00 %02-

Stärken Sie Ihr Portfolio: Diskussionen in Echtzeit und umsetzbare Handelsideen.


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
0,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
0,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
1,500,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
2,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
2,000,000,050,000,000,000,00 %00-
3,000,040,040,040,040,000,00 %010-
3,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
4,000,100,250,220,1750,15214,29 %35031714.11.2024
5,000,951,251,091,100,3445,33 %268014.11.2024
6,002,002,251,252,1250,000,00 %03-
7,003,003,300,003,150,000,00 %00-
8,004,004,304,164,150,5113,97 %1114.11.2024
9,005,005,300,005,150,000,00 %00-
  • Volumen
  • % Tops
  • % Flops
MTEMMolecular Templates Inc
US$ 0,60
QUBTQuantum Computing Inc
US$ 4,43
OMEROmeros Corporation
US$ 6,96
ADGMAdagio Medical Holdings Inc
US$ 3,71
VVPRVivoPower International PLC
US$ 1,18
SOWGSow Good Inc
US$ 4,23
WCTWellchange Holdings Company Limited
US$ 4,08
NVCTNuvectis Pharma Inc
US$ 5,73
KXINKaixin Holdings
US$ 2,525
TRNRInteractive Strength Inc
US$ 3,59
ELABElevai Labs Inc
US$ 0,024658
XTIAXTI Aerospace Inc
US$ 0,0565
MTEMMolecular Templates Inc
US$ 0,60
US$ 0,0268
QUBTQuantum Computing Inc
US$ 4,43
janice shell janice shell 21 Sekunden vor
Yes. That part that was unexpected, at least by me, was that he won.
WolfOfGrnStreet WolfOfGrnStreet 37 Sekunden vor
People are starting to see what the B R I D G E currency will be. 

That's my 2 DOLL HAIRS!$$$$$$$$$$$$
arizona1 arizona1 50 Sekunden vor
?I signed up for Bluesky today.......

Seth Abramson? ?
And it couldn't have happened to a more odious site.

Thank you, Bluesky.
newmedman newmedman 1 Minute vor
da fuq are you talking about? I'm concerned with you being around children so prove to me I shouldn't be.
weedtrader420 weedtrader420 1 Minute vor
Gary Gansler is being investigated
fuagf fuagf 2 Minuten vor
Right. As if totally wrecking a car is the best way to improve it's performance.

"'History could be made in the coming two years', Right, as though the length an severity of recessions can be predicted.
Everyone remembers that the effects of the Great Recession were over by 20
Susie924 Susie924 2 Minuten vor
I am in Aruba so I haven’t watched it yet.
mr34 mr34 3 Minuten vor
Who’s short ? Not me , why are you guys so sensitive when other counter points are brought up?? I literally have been hearing for two years about “dollars very soon” which would be great but nobody calls this out
janice shell janice shell 3 Minuten vor
thinking it was a children's book'.....Well parents have and they don't like those that tried to put it in their child's path.....

It's an autobiography. By person who was born a woman but didn't really feel like a woman. But she didn't feel like a guy, either. She correctly assumed t
frrol frrol 3 Minuten vor
Take a minute to think about the disease, the population that has the disease, the duration of those trials, and the washout periods.
Lime Time Lime Time 3 Minuten vor
You're being dumped on by the CEO.

Watch the OS go up in the next couple of months.
johnydollar johnydollar 4 Minuten vor
Someone here told me their job was to get under shareholders skin.......

Frustrating them to sell their positions 😒 🙄...........

Very sad indeed........
ace65 ace65 5 Minuten vor
If .0003s get hammered early tomorrow we will have.
Massive 270 million on the bid eod...
FORDGT FORDGT 5 Minuten vor
SASKEN TECHNOLOGIES LTD SASKEN TECHNOLOGIES LTD - good news - Pat Chan has a deal. Hope we are able to recover the years of losses. Should know with in the month.
TightCoil TightCoil 5 Minuten vor
Let's talk about the Freddie Mac Lamberth 8-0 Jury Verdict
Tell me again how much we're supposed to get, please?
How much per share?
newmedman newmedman 6 Minuten vor
You didn't give thumbs up to your own post enough yet. If you try it 20 more times it could change the outcome.
B402 B402 6 Minuten vor
I can believe you're weirded out to that depth, simps always are in one way or the other......

Janice though......
SilverKidd SilverKidd 7 Minuten vor
It looks like the 10-Q is out.
littlejohn littlejohn 7 Minuten vor
They will want to break 20 put, 21,

and 22 put buyers for Thursday on Friday...

That would need price above 22...

About 3 million bet on each of 21 and

22 put on Thursday...

Massive bets on below 20 puts for Friday
frrol frrol 8 Minuten vor
2-73 isn't an "mRNA approach". The company has just used mRNA biomarker analysis to help confirm S1 agonism and expression.
arizona1 arizona1 9 Minuten vor
It's just a side gig. Probably not 80 hours but they're incels and have no social life.
Acme Investments Acme Investments 9 Minuten vor
Jake are you taking a page out of Bankman Freid's playbook?? What's the overseas thing about?? Is this for tax purposes or is the process illegal in the US??
Yolo Yolo 9 Minuten vor
They haven't revised any reports earlier than that, so it isn't clear when or where he acquired those extra 15M shares.

I guess it's a good thing, as I've been complaining for years that Sharp doesn't accurately report his ownership of shares (never filed a Form 4 or anything). But it