employees, legal counsel, officers, directors, managers, shareholders, stockholders, stakeholders, owners,
predecessors, successors, assigns, successors in interest of assigns, subrogees, insurers, trustees, trusts, administrators, fiduciaries and representatives, legal representatives, personal representatives and any firm, trust, corporation or
partnership investment vehicle, fund or other entity managed or controlled by such Holder or in which such Holder has or had a controlling interest, if any (collectively, the “Holder Releasees”), of and from any and all
federal, state, local, foreign and any other jurisdiction’s statutory or common law claims (including claims for contribution and indemnification), causes of action, complaints, actions, suits, defenses, debts, sums of money, accounts,
covenants, controversies, agreements, promises, losses, damages, orders, judgments and demands of any nature whatsoever, in law or equity, known or unknown, of any kind, including, but not limited to, claims or other legal forms of action or from
any other conduct, act, omission or failure to act, other than arising out of the gross negligence, willful and/or malicious misconduct of any Holder Releasee (as determined by a final, non-appealable judgment
from a court of competent jurisdiction), that the Company ever had, now have, may have, may claim to have, or may hereafter have or claim to have, against the Holder Releasees, from the beginning of time up to and including the date hereof (the
“Released Company Claims”) that arise solely from or are related to this Agreement, the Purchase Agreement, the Notes, and the Warrant and the transactions contemplated thereby. Nothing in the foregoing release shall release
any claim to enforce this Agreement.
3. Release of Unknown Claims.
(a) The Company Releasors expressly waive the provisions, rights and benefits conferred by any law of any state or any territory of the United States or of any
other nation, or principle of common law relating to claims arising in connection to this Agreement, the Purchase Agreement, the Notes, and the Warrant and the transactions contemplated thereby and which the Company Releasors did not know or suspect
to exist in the Holder Releasees’ favor at the time of executing this Agreement, which, if known by the Company Releasors, would have materially affected the Company Releasors’ agreement with Holder; and
(b) The Company Releasors may hereafter discover facts in addition to or different from those that any of them now knows or believes to be true, but the
Company Releasors fully, finally, and forever settle and release any and all claims arising in connection to this Agreement, the Purchase Agreement, the Notes, and the Warrant and the transactions contemplated thereby, known or unknown, suspected or
unsuspected, contingent or non-contingent, that now exist, or heretofore have existed upon any theory of law or equity now existing or coming into existence in the future without regard to the subsequent
discovery or existence of such different or additional facts other than arising out of the gross negligence, willful and/or malicious misconduct of any Holder Releasee (as determined by a final, non-appealable
judgment from a court of competent jurisdiction). If the Company Releasors should subsequently discover that its understanding of the facts or of the law was or is incorrect, the Company Releasors shall not be entitled to relief in connection
therewith, including without limitation of the generality of the foregoing, any alleged right or claim to set aside or rescind this Agreement. This Agreement is intended to be, and is, final and binding upon the Company Releasors according to the
terms hereof regardless of any claims of mistake of fact or law.