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The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited

The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited (TRIG)

( -0,22% )
Aktualisiert: 09:16:55
Zeit Preis Größe Typ Gebotspreis Briefkurs K/G Kaufen Sie Ind. Gesamtvolumen Nummer Börse
09:14:31 88.6 33 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.835 151 LSE
09:13:37 88.6 10 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.802 150 LSE
09:13:25 88.6 17 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.792 149 LSE
09:13:24 89.289 167 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.775 148 LSE
09:13:12 88.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.608 147 LSE
09:13:12 88.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.607 146 LSE
09:13:11 88.6 3 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.606 145 LSE
09:13:00 88.6 5 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.603 144 LSE
09:12:56 88.6 3 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.598 143 LSE
09:12:51 89.6 2 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.595 142 LSE
09:12:49 89.6 9 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.593 141 LSE
09:12:49 89.6 9 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.584 140 LSE
09:12:49 88.6 5 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.575 139 LSE
09:12:48 88.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.570 138 LSE
09:12:32 88.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.569 137 LSE
09:12:23 89.6 21 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.568 136 LSE
09:12:22 89.6 23 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.547 135 LSE
09:12:18 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.524 134 LSE
09:11:35 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.523 133 LSE
09:11:35 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.522 132 LSE
09:11:35 89.6 3 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
156.521 131 LSE
09:10:42 88.6 5 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.518 130 LSE
09:10:25 88.6 88 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.513 129 LSE
09:10:19 88.6 10 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.425 128 LSE
09:10:09 89.098 561 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
156.415 127 LSE
09:10:05 89.099 2055 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
155.854 126 LSE
09:10:04 89.099 4590 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
153.799 125 LSE
09:10:00 89.6 2 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
149.209 124 LSE
09:10:00 89.6 19 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
149.207 123 LSE
09:09:54 88.6 8 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
149.188 122 LSE
09:09:50 89.6 14 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
149.180 121 LSE
09:09:46 89.355 11 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
149.166 120 LSE
09:09:45 89.1 9404 O 88.6 89.6
149.155 119 LSE
09:09:10 89.6 18 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
139.751 118 LSE
09:09:06 88.6 450 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
139.733 117 LSE
09:09:05 89.1 10000 O 88.6 89.6
139.283 116 LSE
09:07:10 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.283 115 LSE
09:07:10 89.6 2 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.282 114 LSE
09:07:10 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.280 113 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 4 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.279 112 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.275 111 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.274 110 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.273 109 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 2 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.272 108 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.270 107 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 5 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.269 106 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.264 105 LSE
09:07:09 88.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Sell
129.263 104 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 3 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.262 103 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 2 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.259 102 LSE
09:07:09 89.6 1 O 88.6 89.6 Buy
129.257 101 LSE

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