RNS Number:3677E
Bristol Water PLC
28 November 2002


Bristol Water plc is a subsidiary of Bristol Water Holdings plc
which is also reporting its results today



Six months ended 30 September                                            2002                   2001         % change
                                                                  (unaudited)            (unaudited)
                                                                           #m                     #m

Turnover                                                                 35.0                   34.0               3 %
Operating profit                                                         10.1                   10.0               1 %
Profit before tax                                                         7.4                    8.0              (6)%

Profit after tax                                                          4.5                    5.7             (21)%
Earnings per ordinary share                                             65.7p                  85.1p             (23)%

 Before application of FRS19 deferred tax:

   Profit after tax                                                       6.1                    6.4              (5)%
   Earnings per ordinary share                                          91.9p                  97.2p              (5)%

Interim dividend per ordinary share                                    27.73p                 26.40p               5 %

*    Turnover increased by 3% reflecting impact of RPI + K price formula

*    Profit before tax down by 6% - as anticipated due to
relatively low RPI+K price increase of 1.9% together with increased financing
and depreciation costs from continuing capital programme

*    Joint billing with Wessex Water now fully operational

*    Net capital expenditure #9.1m

*    High service levels maintained - rated third overall by Ofwat for 2001/02

*    Effective tax rate of 40%, including non-cash adverse impact of discounting 
     rate changes on deferred tax compared to positive impact in 2001/ 02 full 

*    Interim ordinary dividend increased by 5%

The company is one of the largest independent water supply companies in the
country, providing an average of 300 million litres of water each day through
6,500 kilometres of mains.

It is responsible for supplying over one million people and businesses in an
area of almost 2,400 square kilometres, centred on Bristol.

The area served covers Bristol and surrounding parts of Somerset,
Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.


I am pleased to announce another good performance - the company has delivered a
good financial result  in line with expectations whilst maintaining high levels
of service to customers.

In last year's Annual Report we signalled that the progressive build up of the
regulated business's capital programme, with its consequent additional
financing, depreciation and operating costs, together with the relatively low
level of increase in charges under the RPI+K price limits of 1.9%, would have a
significant impact on profits.

During the period we have continued to consolidate the considerable cost
reductions made in recent years.

A major focus has been the continued development of the joint venture with
Wessex Water to enable the two companies to issue combined bills to customers.
The first joint bills for unmetered customers were issued in April 2002 with the
first metered bills currently being issued.  With the billing system now fully
operational this will allow us to achieve the significant planned efficiency
savings during 2003, together with the provision of a simplified and improved
service to customers.  High standards of service to customers have been
maintained throughout this complex process.

Operating profits increased by 1% to #10.1m reflecting the permitted increase in
charges to customers offset by the impact of inflation on costs.

In the next six months, operating costs are expected to increase during the
winter operating conditions. Depreciation and interest costs will also increase
further as a result of the continuing investment programme.

Capital investment, including infrastructure renewals, net of grants and
contributions in the period, totalled #9.1m.  Key projects included the
installation of a barrier to remove cryptosporidium oocysts at the Chelvey water
treatment works, bringing the total of smaller works with such barriers to
eight.  We have recently commenced a #12m project for a major upgrade of our
Barrow treatment plant,  with completion planned for March 2004.  In accordance
with the Drinking Water Inspectorate's protocol, we have not yet commenced the
lead pipe replacement programme that was incorporated in Ofwat's price
determination, pending the results of orthophosphate dosing trials currently in
progress.  These are currently demonstrating substantial compliance with the
standard that comes into force in 2013.

The results include a total effective tax charge of some 40%.  This includes a
deferred tax charge of  #1.6m (2001 - #0.7m) in addition to the underlying
current tax charge of #1.4m.  The deferred tax element is unusually high because
of a reduction in the discount rates used to calculate our overall deferred tax
liability. As required by FRS19, the discount rates applied are based on
government gilts for relevant periods.  The effect of the change in rates has
been spread in relation to the expected total tax charge for the year, and
essentially reverses a corresponding gain made in the second half of the
previous year when discount rates increased.  Before deferred tax, net profits
declined by 5% to #6.1m.

Earnings per share for the six months were 65.7p (2001 - 85.1p), the equivalent
figure before deferred tax was 91.9p (2001 - 97.2p).

Net debt increased by #3.6m in the period to #75.1m, this represents
approximately 43% of the average Regulatory Capital Value for 2002/03.  Net
gearing before the deferred tax provision increased to 81% compared to 80% at 31
March 2002.  Taking the deferred tax provision into account net gearing
increased to 99% from 97% at 31 March 2002.

We have received the provisional results of the April 2002 actuarial review of
our defined benefit pension schemes.  As at April 2002, these show, measured on
an ongoing actuarial basis, a surplus of #6.3m.  These schemes are closed to new

We have declared a 5% increase in the interim ordinary dividend.  This reflects
the good underlying performance of the business.

Ofwat have set out details of the planned Periodic Review process that will set
price limits for the 5 years from 2005 to 2010.  Ofwat's process will take
almost two years to complete and the outcome will of course be important to the

We were pleased by our ranking in the recent Ofwat report on service levels by
water companies in 2001/02.  We were ranked third of all water companies in
England and Wales.  We have been the most consistently highly rated company over
the past few years.  This recognises our commitment to the delivery of high
levels of service to customers.


The business has continued to deliver high quality services to customers while
making further operational efficiency gains and putting in place key initiatives
that will form the basis of future success. The full year result is expected to
reflect an increase in operating costs during the winter operating conditions.
Depreciation and interest costs will also increase further as a result of the
continuing investment programme.

As previously highlighted the continued progressive build up of the capital
programme together with the low level of permitted increases under the RPI+K
price limits, with K's of 0% in 2003/04 and -1.9% in 2004/05, will have a
significant impact on profits for those years.

Alan Parsons
28 November 2002

                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                        Note                 #000                #000              #000

Turnover                                                   2               35,038              34,025            68,013
Operating costs                                            3              (24,963)            (24,030)          (50,272)

Operating profit                                                           10,075               9,995            17,741

Profit on disposals of tangible fixed assets                                   27                 303               760
Net interest payable                                       4               (2,664)             (2,344)           (4,598)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                               7,438               7,954            13,903

Taxation                                                   5               (2,950)             (2,304)           (3,622)

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                4,488               5,650            10,281

Dividends -                                                6                
On irredeemable preference shares                                            (547)               (547)           (1,094)
On ordinary shares                                                         (1,663)             (1,583)           (5,512)

Total dividends                                                            (2,210)             (2,130)           (6,606)

Profit retained                                                             2,278               3,520             3,675

Earnings per share                                         7                65.7p               85.1p            153.2p
Earnings per share before application of

FRS19 deferred tax                                                          91.9p               97.2p            174.5p

Dividend per ordinary share                                6               27.73p              26.40p             91.9p

The profit on ordinary activities after taxation includes all recognised gains
and losses.

Details of restatements are set out in Note 1.


                                                                 At 30  September      At 30 September      At 31 March
                                                                             2002                 2001             2002
                                                                      (unaudited)          (unaudited)
                                                                                              Restated         Restated
                                                      Note                   #000                 #000             #000

Tangible fixed assets                                    8                181,216              175,263          179,426

Current assets
Stocks                                                                        609                  566              437
Debtors                                                                    13,805               12,448           12,311
Cash and term deposits                                   9                  8,496               13,844           14,454
                                                                           22,910               26,858           27,202

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Short term borrowings                                    9                  1,630                1,756            3,133
Other creditors                                                            19,075               21,193           23,092
                                                                           20,705               22,949           26,225

Net current assets                                                          2,205                3,909              977

Total assets less current liabilities                                     183,421              179,172          180,403

Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year                                            9                (81,955)             (83,253)         (82,825)

Deferred income                                                            (8,434)              (8,428)          (8,396)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                  10                (16,808)             (13,700)         (15,236)

Net operating assets                                                       76,224               73,791           73,946

Shareholders' funds
Called up share capital                                                    18,498               18,498           18,498
Share premium account                                                       4,415                4,415            4,415
Other reserves                                                              5,770                5,770            5,770
Profit and loss account                                                    47,541               45,108           45,263

Total shareholders' funds                               11                 76,224               73,791           73,946

Analysed as:
Equity shareholders' funds                                                 63,724               61,291           61,446
Non-equity shareholders' funds                                             12,500               12,500           12,500

Details of restatements are set out in Note 1

                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                                             Restated          Restated
                                                        Note                 #000                #000              #000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                 12               14,927              13,149            28,869

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Net interest paid                                                          (3,192)             (2,881)           (4,615)
Dividends paid on preference (non-equity) shares                             (547)               (547)           (1,094)
                                                                           (3,739)             (3,428)           (5,709)
Taxation paid                                                              (1,553)               (989)           (1,995)

Capital expenditure and investing activities
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                         (10,586)            (14,166)          (26,237)
Contributions received                                                      1,808                 912             2,588
Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets                               146                 384               888
                                                                           (8,632)            (12,870)          (22,761)

Dividends paid on ordinary (equity) shares                                 (3,929)             (3,568)           (5,151)

Net cash outflow before management
of liquid resources and financing                                          (2,926)             (7,706)           (6,747)

Management of liquid resources
Decrease/(increase) in short term deposits                                  5,500              (5,200)           (5,200)

New loans and leases                                                            -              13,159            13,159
Capital element of loan and lease repayments                               (3,032)             (1,078)           (1,427)
                                                                           (3,032)             12,081            11,732

Decrease in cash                                          12                 (458)               (825)             (215)

Cash, beginning of period                                                     454                 669               669

Cash, end of period                                                            (4)               (156)              454

Details of restatements are set out in Note 1.


Note 1:   Accounting policies

          The financial information contained in this interim announcement does 
          not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of s.240 of the 
          Companies Act 1985.  The interim results, which have not been audited
          but have been reviewed by the company's auditors, have been prepared 
          on the basis of the accounting policies adopted by Bristol Water plc 
          for the year ended 31 March 2002 as set out in the Annual Report and 
          Accounts.  Those accounts (on which the auditors gave an unqualified 
          report) have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

          The accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2001 have been 
          restated to reflect a change in the basis of recognition of turnover 
          from metered supplies which was incorporated for the first time into 
          the results for the year ended 31 March 2002.  The impact of the 
          restatement is to increase turnover by #234,000, increase profit after 
          tax by #209,000, increase accrued income in the balance sheet by
          #2,199,000 and increase net assets after provision for tax by 

          The 31 March 2002 results have been restated in respect of a bank 
          overdraft of #222,000 previously reported within short term 
          borrowings.  This has now been offset against cash balances held at 
          the same bank to give a net cash position.

          The 30 September 2001 results have been restated to treat capital 
          expenditure of #433,000, payable on deferred terms, as a loan not 
          affecting cash flow, in accordance with the treatment adopted for the 
          31 March 2002 results, rather than as working capital.

Note 2:   Turnover
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             Turnover comprises -

             Metered water supply                                          12,450              11,884            23,865
             Unmetered water supply                                        20,325              20,200            40,765
             Other services                                                 2,263               1,941             3,383

                                                                           35,038              34,025            68,013
Note 3:      Operating costs
             Operating costs comprise -

             Payroll cost, net of recharges to fixed assets                4,743               5,227             10,078
             Other operating expenses                                     13,208              12,153             26,464
             Depreciation, net                                             7,012               6,650             13,730

                                                                          24,963              24,030             50,272

Note 4:      Net interest payable
             Net interest payable and similar charges comprise -

             Interest payable and similar charges                          2,934               2,791              5,441
             Interest receivable and similar income                         (270)               (447)              (843)

                                                                           2,664               2,344              4,598

Note 5:      Taxation
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             The charge for taxation comprises -

             Current tax:
             Corporation Tax at 30%                                         1,157               2,291             4,202
             Less Advance Corporation Tax set off                               -                (717)             (473)
             Adjustment to prior periods                                      221                   -            (1,389)

             Total current tax                                              1,378               1,574             2,340

             Deferred tax:
             Current year movement                                            821                 (67)             (176)
             Advance Corporation Tax movement                                 110                 717                 -
             Adjustment to prior periods                                      291                   -             2,851
             Effect of discounting                                            350                  80            (1,393)

             Total deferred tax                                             1,572                 730             1,282

             Total tax on profit on ordinary activities                     2,950               2,304             3,622

          Included within the effect of discounting charge for the six months to 
          30 September 2002 is #796,000 relating to the effect of the change in 
          discount rates since 31 March 2002, offset by other discounting 
          movements of #446,000.

Note 6:   Dividends

          The dividend on the 8.75% Irredeemable Preference Shares for the first 
          half of the financial year was paid on 1 October 2002 and amounted to 
          #547,000.  The Board has declared an interim dividend of 27.73 pence
          (2001 - 26.40 pence) on each Ordinary share amounting to #1,663,000 
          (2001 - #1,583,000), payable on 28 November 2002.

Note 7:   Earnings per share
          Earnings per share attributable to ordinary shares have been 
          calculated as follows:

                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                              000                 000               000
             On average number of shares in issue:
             Earnings                                                      #3,941              #5,103            #9,187
             Earnings before application of FRS19
             deferred tax                                                  #5,513              #5,833           #10,469

             Number of ordinary shares in issue                             5,998               5,998             5,998

Note 8:   Movement in tangible fixed assets
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             The movement in tangible fixed assets comprises -
             Net book value, beginning of period                          179,426             170,029           170,029
             Additions                                                     10,873              12,987            26,076
             Disposals                                                       (119)                (51)              (78)
             Grants and contributions                                      (1,808)               (912)           (2,588)
             Depreciation                                                  (7,156)             (6,790)          (14,013)

             Net book value, end of period                                181,216             175,263           179,426

Note 9:   Net debt          
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)          Restated
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             Net debt comprises -
             Debt due after one year                                       81,955              83,253            82,825
             Debt due within one year                                       1,630               1,756             3,133
             Less cash balances and short term
             deposits                                                     (8,496)             (13,844)          (14,454)
             Net debt                                                      75,089              71,165            71,504

Note 10:  Provisions for liabilities and charges
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             Deferred taxation provision
             Deferred tax liability                                        30,661              26,430            29,439
             Effect of discounting                                       (13,853)             (12,730)          (14,203)

                                                                           16,808              13,700            15,236

Note 11:  Shareholders' funds
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             Movement in shareholders' funds -

             Beginning of period                                           73,946              70,271            70,271
             Profit for the period                                          4,488               5,650            10,281
             Dividends                                                     (2,210)             (2,130)           (6,606)

             End of period                                                 76,224              73,791            73,946

Note 12:  Supplementary cashflow information
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to           Year to
                                                                     30 September        30 September          31 March
                                                                             2002                2001              2002
                                                                      (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                                                             Restated          Restated
                                                                             #000                #000              #000
             a)    Reconciliation of operating profit to net
                   cash inflow from operating activities

                   Operating profit                                        10,075               9,995            17,741
                   Depreciation, net                                        7,012               6,650            13,730

                   Cashflow from operations                                17,087              16,645            31,471
                   Working capital movements                               (2,160)             (3,496)           (2,602)

                   Net cash inflow from operating activities               14,927              13,149            28,869

             b)    Reconciliation of net cashflow to
                   movement in net debt -

                   (Decrease) in cash in the period                          (458)               (825)            (215)
                   Cash used to repay borrowings                            3,032               1,078             1,427
                   Cash from new borrowings                                     -             (13,159)          (13,159)
                   Cash (inflow)/outflow from management
                   of liquid resources                                     (5,500)              5,200             5,200

                   Increase in net debt in period                          (2,926)             (7,706)           (6,747)
                   New debt not affecting cash flow                          (659)               (433)           (1,731)
                   Net debt, beginning of period                          (71,504)            (63,026)          (63,026)

                   Net debt, end of period                                (75,089)            (71,165)          (71,504)

Note 13:  Pensions

          We have received provisional results of the April 2002 actuarial 
          review of our defined benefit schemes. As at April 2002, these show, 
          measured on an ongoing actuarial basis, a surplus of #6.3m.  These 
          schemes are closed to new entrants.

          We will be making the appropriate disclosures under FRS17, the new 
          accounting standard on pensions, in the full year accounts and 
          following recent ASB announcements we are reviewing the timing of the 
          full adoption of the standard.

Note 14:  Circulation

          This interim announcement is being sent to all shareholders and 
          debenture holders.  Copies are available to the public from the 
          Company's registered office at PO Box 218, Bridgwater Road, Bristol 
          BS99 7AU and on the Bristol Water web site : 



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information, for
the six months ended 30 September 2002, set out on pages 4 to 10.  We have read
the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing  Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A review
consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 September 2002.

Chartered Accountants
28 November 2002

(a)  The maintenance and integrity of the Bristol Water group website is the 
     responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors does 
     not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors
     accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the 
     interim report since it was initially presented on the website.
(b)  Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and       
     dissemination of financial information may differ from legislation in other 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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