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The consolidated results for the core business show growth in the first quarter of 2012 (vs. the first quarter of 2011), despite the difficult macroeconomic environment: · · · · Revenue from core business : 30.9 million euro (an increase of 4.2% with respect to the 29.7 million recorded in first quarter 2011) Like-for-like growth in Italy: +1.9% Core business EBITDA: 22.2 million (an increase of 1.6% compared to the 21.8 million reported at 31 March 2011) The Group's portion of net profit for the period: 8.4 million (versus 10.4 million at 31 March 2011 which is explained primarily by the financing supporting the investments in development made by the Group in 2011) · Net financial debt: 1.124 billion (an improvement with respect to the 1.129 billion posted at 31 December 2011); "adjusted gearing" came in at 1.36, an improvement with respect to the 1.38 recorded at 31 December 2011)

Bologna, 10 May 2012. Today the Board of Directors of IGD - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. ("IGD" or the "Company"), leading owner and manager of retail shopping centers in Italy and listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, in a meeting chaired by Gilberto Coffari, examined and approved the Interim Management Statement at 31 March 2012.

"The consolidated results for the Group's core business at 31 March 2012, despite a marked worsening of the macroeconomic environment and consumption, show growth in terms of both the key economic indicators, such as revenue and Ebitda, and the financial indicators, which includes an improved gearing. Moreover, the net financial charges, which rose by approximately 2 million, reflect the investments of more than 100 million made in the first part of 2011 and the tightening credit markets". Claudio Albertini, IGD ­ Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A.'s Chief Executive Officer stated. "We will continue to pay close attention to the sustainability of our tenants and our commitment to maintain a balanced financial structure oriented toward the long term ".

Please note that in order to highlight the core business, the Company separated it from the "Porta a Mare" project in Livorno.



Operating income statement at 31 March 2012
/000 Rev en ues from freehold properties Rev en ues from leasehold properties Rev en ues from services Rev en ues from trading

4.3% 3.1% 2.8% -100.0%

4.3% 3.1% 2.8% n .a.

31/ 03/ 2011
26,316 2,101 1,267 1,726

31/03/ 2012
27,455 2,167 1,303 0

31/ 03/2011
26,316 2,101 1,267 0

31/ 03/2012
27,455 2,167 1,303 0

31/03/2011 31/ 03/ 2012
0 0 0 1,726 0 0 0 0 ( 61) 0 183

n .a. n .a. n .a. (100.0) % 22.7% n .a. n .a.

Di r ect costs Pers o n nel expenses In c r eas es, cost of sales and other costs

31, 410
(4,984) (825) (1,159)

30, 925
( 5,695) ( 896) 183

-1. 5%
14.3% 8.6% n .a.

(4,934) (825) 0

30, 925
( 5,634) ( 896) 0

4. 2%
14.2% 8.6% n .a.

( 50) 0 ( 1,159)

0 (100.0)%

Gross Margin
G &A expenses Head q uarter s personnel costs

24, 442
(943) (1,321)

24, 517
( 881) ( 1,443)

0. 3%
- 6.6% 9.3%

(799) (1,311)

24, 395
( 789) ( 1,440)

2. 0%
- 1.3% 9.9%

(144) ( 10)

( 92) (3)

n. a.
n .a. ( 71.5) %

Ebitda Margin Dep rec i ation Dev al uati o n Ch an g e in FV O th er provisions

22, 178
(236) 0 (397) 0

22, 193
( 323) 0 ( 483) 0

0. 1%
37.1% n .a. 21.7% n .a.


22, 166

1. 6%



n. a.

Fi n an cial income Fi n an cial charges

21, 545
146 ( 10,253)

21, 387
96 ( 12,251)

-0. 7%
-34.4% 19.5%

Net Financial Income I ncom e from equity investments PRE-TAX INCOME
In c o me tax for the period Tax rate

(10,107) (200) 11, 238
(829) 7.4%

(12,155) (173) 9, 059
( 733) 8.1%

20. 3% n.a. n.a. -19. 4%

( Pr o fi t)/los ses related to third parties

10, 409

8, 326

-20. 0%


10, 375

8, 355

-19. 5%

N.B.: Certain cost and revenue items have been reclassified or offset which explains the difference with respect to the financial statements. Bank fees, in particular, were reclassified under "financial income/(charges)".

Principal consolidated results at 31 March 2012

In first quarter 2012 the IGD Group's revenue from core business amounted to 30.9 million, an increase of 4.2% with respect to the 29.7 million posted at 31 March 2011 thanks to the positive impact of the new acquisitions made after the close of first quarter 2011. More in detail, rental income rose 4.2% with respect to 31 March 2011, while revenue from services increased 2.8%. There aren't revenues from trading. The like-for-like growth in revenue from properties in Italy at 31 March 2012 reached 0.5 million or 1.9%.

The IGD Group's core business EBITDA at 31 March 2012 amounted to 22.2 million, a rise of 1.6% compared to the 21.8 million recorded in first quarter 2011. Direct costs, pertaining to the core business and including personnel expenses, amounted to 6.5 million, an increase of 13.4% with respect to the same period in the prior year. This change is largely due to the increase in provisions for doubtful accounts and in expected charges linked to the introduction of IMU (a new property tax which will substitute ICI). These costs as a percentage of revenue were at 21.1%. General expenses for the core business, including payroll costs at headquarters, amounted to 2.2 million, versus 2.1 million at 31 March 2011. This increase is explained primarily by a rise in personnel expense linked to organizational changes. General expenses as a percentage of core business revenue reached 7.2%.


The core business EBITDA came in at 71.7%, down with respect to the 73.5% recorded in first quarter 2011 due to the more than proportional increase in direct costs with respect to revenue.

The tax burden, current and deferred, at 31 March 2012 amounted to 0.7 million, reflecting a tax rate of 8.1% compared to 7.4% in the same period of the prior year. The increase of 0.7% is primarily due to the drop in tax deductible expenses.

The Group's portion of net profit at 31 March 2012 amounted to 8.4 million, compared to 10.4 million in first quarter 2011, explained by the impact of the increase in financial charges linked to the loans supporting the investments made in development by the Group in 2011.

The Funds from Operations (FFO), an indicator used widely in the real estate market to define the cash flow generated by a company's core business , dropped from the 11.1 million posted at 31 March 2011 to approximately 9.5 million at 31 March 2012.

At the end of first quarter 2012 the adjusted gearing ratio, calculated as the ratio of net adjusted financial debt to net adjusted equity (which excludes the accounting (non-monetary) effects on fair value recognition of derivatives), came in at 1.36, an improvement with respect to the 1.38 recorded at 31 December 2011. The average cost of debt was 4.4 % compared to 4.1% at 31 December 2011.

The IGD Group's net debt at 31 March 2012 amounted to 1.124 billion, a slight improvement with respect to 1.129 billion recorded at 31 December 2011.

Today the second Corporate Sustainability Report for FY 2011 was also presented to the Board of Directors. The Corporate Sustainability will be made available on the Company's website:à


This data is calculated based on pre-tax profit, net of non-monetary items (deferred tax, writedowns, fair value adjustments, amortization, depreciation and other), as well as the impact of income from equity investments and revenue from property sales. Please note that through 31 December 2011 this figure included the extraordinary items and the gains from disposals, while in 2012 these items were excluded in order to highlight the revenue generated by the core business (which is the primary source of distributable income). The figure for first quarter 2011 was also adjusted.


Grazia Margherita Piolanti, IGD S.p.A.'s Financial Reporting Officer, declares pursuant to para. 2, article 154-bis of Legislative Decree n. 58/1998 ("Testo Unico della Finanza" or TUF) that the information reported in this press release corresponds to the underlying records, ledgers and accounting entries. Please note that in addition to the standard financial indicators provided for as per the IFRS, alternative performance indicators are also provided (for example, EBITDA) in order to allow for a better evaluation of the operating performance. These indicators are calculated in accordance with standard market procedures.

The Interim Management Statement at 31 March 2012 will be made available to the general public at the company's registered office and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., as well in the "Investors" section of the company's website within the time period required by law.

IGD - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A.
Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ S.p.A. is the main player in Italy's retail real estate market: it develops and manages shopping centers throughout the country and has a significant presence in Romanian retail distribution. Listed on the Star Segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, IGD was the first SIIQ (Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata or real estate investment trust) in Italy. IGD has a real estate portfolio valued at 1,924.65 million at 31 December 2011, comprised of, in Italy, 19 hypermarkets and supermarkets, 19 shopping malls and retail parks, 1 city center, 4 plots of land for development, 1 property held for trading and an additional 7 real estate properties. Following the acquisition of the company Winmark Magazine SA in 2008 15 shopping centers and an office building, found in 13 different Romanian cities, were added to the portfolio. An extensive domestic presence, a solid financial structure, the ability to plan, monitor and manage all phases of a center's life cycle: these qualities summarize IGD's strong points.
CONTACTS INVESTOR RELATIONS CLAUDIA CONTARINI Investor Relations +39 051 509213 ELISA ZANICHELI IR Assistant +39 051 509242 CONTACTS MEDIA RELATIONS IMAGE BUILDING Simona Raffaelli, Alfredo Mele, Valentina Bergamelli +39 02 89011300

The press release is available on the website, in the Investor Relations section, and on the website, in the Press Room section.

Please find attached the IGD Group's income statement, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows and consolidated net financial position at 31 March 20123.

The Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione Group's Interim Management Statement and consolidated financial statements at 31 March 2012 are not subject to financial audit by external auditors.



Consolidated income statement at 31 March 2012

31/03/2012 ( /000) Rev enue Other income Rev enue from property sales Tot al revenues and operating incom e (A ) 29.655 2.418 0 32.073 1.750

31/03/2011 ( B) 28.399 2.825 1.726 32.950 658

Change ( A - B) 1.256 ( 407) (1.726) ( 877) 1.092

Change in inventories for assets under construction Tot al revenue and change in inventory Cos ts of assets under construction Purc has e of materials and services Cos t of labour Other operating costs Tot al operating costs ( A mor tiz ation, depreciation and provisions) Change in fair value - increases / (decreases) Tot al Am or t ., depr., provisions, im pair m e nt and change in fair value EBIT Incom e from equity investm e nt s Inc ome from equity investments Financ ial income Financ ial charges Ne t financial incom e /( char ge s ) PRE- TAX PROFIT Inc ome tax for the period NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD Minorities portion of net profit Par e nt Com pany's portion of net profit

33.823 1.567 5.558 2.028 1.777 10.930 ( 1.061) ( 483) ( 1.544) 21.349 (173) ( 173) 96 12.213 ( 12.117) 9.059 733 8.326 29 8.355

33.608 1.778 5.730 1.885 1.440 10.833 (875) (397) ( 1.272) 21.503 (200) (200) 146 10.211 ( 10.065) 11.238 829 10.409 ( 34) 10.375

215 ( 211) ( 172) 143 337 97 ( 186) ( 86) ( 272) ( 154) 27 27 ( 50) 2.002 (2.052) (2.179) ( 96) (2.083) 63 (2.020)

Consolidated statement of financial position at 31 March 2012
31/03/2012 ( /000) NON CURRENT ASSETS: Int angible assets - Intangible assets w ith a finite useful life - Goodw ill Pr ope r t y, plant and equipm e nt - Real estate assets - Building - Plants and machinery - Equipment and other goods - Leasehold improvements - Works in progress Ot he r non-current assets - Prepaid taxes - Miscellaneous receivables and other non-current assets - Non-current financial assets TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS (A) CURRENT ASSETS: 1.779.445 9.531 1.303 2.424 1.416 71.490 1.865.609 20.950 1.688 214 22.852 1.899.961 72.759 5 14.351 6.721 4.393 16.799 115.028 2.014.989 760.661 11.783 772.444 920.999 840 48.813 1.413 20.114 992.179 224.777 10.143 9.361 6.085 250.366 1.242.545 2.014.989 1.779.445 9.592 1.388 2.467 1.460 69.834 1.864.186 19.888 2.177 243 22.308 1.897.999 71.152 7 14.084 11.393 1.704 14.433 112.773 2.010.772 755.241 11.812 767.053 910.432 796 48.366 1.386 20.096 981.076 234.916 13.858 7.869 6.000 262.643 1.243.719 2.010.772 0 ( 61) ( 85) ( 43) ( 44) 1.656 1.423 1.062 ( 489) ( 29) 544 1.962 1.607 ( 2) 267 ( 4.672) 2.689 2.366 2.255 4.217 5.420 ( 29) 5.391 10.567 44 447 27 18 11.103 ( 10.139) ( 3.715) 1.492 85 ( 12.277) ( 1.174) 4.217 73 11.427 11.500 78 11.427 11.505 ( 5) 0 ( 5) (A ) 31/03/2011 ( B) Change ( A - B)

Inven to rie s - works in progress
Inv entor ies Tr ade and other receivables Other current assets Financ ial receivables and other current financial assets Cas h and cash equivalents TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (B) TOTAL ASSETS (A + B) NET EQUITY: Por tion pertaining to the Parent Company Por tion pertaining to minorities TOTAL NET EQUITY (C) NON- CURRENT LIABILITIES: Non- c ur r ent financial liabilities Employ ee severance indemnity fund (TFR) Def er r ed tax liabilities Pr ov is ions for risks and future charges Mis c . payables and other non-current liabilities TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES (D) CURRENT LIABILITIES: Cur r ent financial liabilities Tr ade and other payables Cur r ent tax liabilities Other current liabilities TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (E) TOTAL LIABILITIES (F=D + E) TOTAL NET EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (C + F)

Consolidated statement of cash flows at 31 March 2012
31 03/ 201 / 2 31 03/ 201 / 1

(/000) CA SH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Ne t profit for the period Adjus t m e n ts to reconcile net profit w it h cash flow generated (absorbed) by operating activities: Capital gains/ (losses) and other non-monetary items Deprec iation, amortization and provisions (Impairment) /r ev er s al of assets under construction and goodw ill Net change in (deferred tax assets)/provision for deferred tax liabilities Change in fair value of investment property Change in inventories Net change in current assets and liabilities CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (a) Inv es tments in fixed assets Div es tments of equity investments in subsidiaries CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (b) Change in financial receivables and other current financial assets Change in translation reserve Pay ment of dividends Change in current debt Change in non-current debt CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (c) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH BALANCE CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD CASH BALANCE AT END OF THE PERIOD
8 .3 2 6 10 . 4 0 9

3.546 1061 . 505 483 (1605) . 1375 . 576 14 . 2 6 7 (2.21 ) 9 18 0 ( 2 . 111) 1 5 (2.726) (23) (1 .1 0) 24 5.084 ( 9 .7 9 0 ) 2 .3 6 6 14 . 4 3 3 16 . 7 9 9

3.260 875 368 397 (1 7 ) 9 3.31 7 681 19 . 110 (1 .1 0) 29 0 ( 12 . 19 0 ) (0) (4.1 8) 7 65 (1 .975) 6 (7.21 ) 0 ( 2 8 .2 9 8 ) ( 2 1. 3 7 8 ) 3 2 .2 6 4 10 . 8 8 6

Consolidated net financial position at 31 March 2012
31/03/2012 ( 16.799) ( 4.393) (21.192) 183.134 37.500 2.076 2.067 224.777 203.585 ( 25) ( 189) 10.156 5.651 645.595 220.728 38.869 920.785 1.124.370 (38.680) 31/12/2011 ( 14.433) ( 1.704) ( 16.137) 197.310 35.398 2.142 66 234.916 218.778 ( 41) ( 202) 25.170 5.719 625.304 219.466 34.773 910.189 1.128.968 ( 34.571)

Cas h and cash equivalents Financ ial receivables and other current financial assets L IQUIDIT Y

Cur r ent financial liabilities Mor tgage loans - current portion Leas ing ­ current portion Conv er tible bond loan - current portion CURRENT DEBT CURRENT NET DEBT Non- c ur r ent financial assets Der iv ativ es - assets Non- c ur r ent financial liabilities due to other sources of finance Leas ing ­ non-current portion Non- c ur r ent financial liabilities Conv er tible bond loan Der iv ativ es - liabilities NON- CURRENT DEBT T OTAL NET DEBT as per Consob Bulletin n. DEM/6064293/2006 Elimination of the CFH effect T OTAL AJUSTED NET DEBT



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