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Nach Börsenschluss: 12:43AM


StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
6,008,5011,300,009,900,000,00 %00-
7,007,5010,400,008,950,000,00 %00-
8,007,509,200,008,350,000,00 %00-
9,006,508,200,007,350,000,00 %00-
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
11,004,606,000,005,300,000,00 %00-
12,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
13,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
14,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
15,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
16,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
17,000,050,250,150,150,000,00 %064-
18,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
19,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
20,000,050,100,060,075-0,04-40,00 %750914.3.2025
21,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
22,000,070,350,070,210,000,00 %0449-
23,000,050,050,050,050,000,00 %0404-
24,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
25,000,050,150,050,100,000,00 %0262-

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StrikeGebotFragenLetzter PreisMittelpreisÄnderungÄnderung %VolumenOPEN-INTLetzte Trade
6,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
7,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
8,000,001,550,000,000,000,00 %00-
9,000,001,550,000,000,000,00 %00-
10,000,051,550,050,800,000,00 %04-
11,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
12,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
13,000,051,600,050,8250,000,00 %01-
14,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
15,000,050,850,300,45-0,30-50,00 %8610914.3.2025
16,000,451,750,701,10-0,15-17,65 %1119414.3.2025
17,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
18,001,002,552,051,775-1,45-41,43 %515414.3.2025
19,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
20,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
21,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
22,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
23,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
24,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
25,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 %00-
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RDUSRadius Recycling Inc
US$ 27,902
BONBon Natural Life Ltd
US$ 1,40
SUNESUNation Energy Inc
US$ 0,5213
WHLRLWheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc
US$ 255,00
AAOIApplied Optoelectronics Inc
US$ 22,105
GLSTUGlobal Star Acquisition Inc
US$ 2,00
CURRCurrenc Group Inc
US$ 2,03
ADTXAditxt Inc
US$ 0,0201
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,0228
WKSPWorksport Ltd
US$ 0,36205
SUNESUNation Energy Inc
US$ 0,5213
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 121,67
ADTXAditxt Inc
US$ 0,0201
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,0228
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 9,225
janice shell janice shell 14 Minuten vor
He's trying. But he is still MUCH crazier than we are. Thanks to whichever Meidas brother that was, we know he put that bit of madness on Truth Social at 12:36 a.m. Was he in bed? That would be my guess, so probably no one else was around.

So there wasn't even anyone there to say, wi
$2.00 or no deal $2.00 or no deal 16 Minuten vor
From Reddit:

ELTP Vyvanse pricing!! (see image below)

ABC ( Amerisource Bergen) started showing the pricing for ELTP Vyvanse since few days. It's usually a good sign as product will follow shortly and I will update you guys once I see the product coming. As you can s
Tom turtles Tom turtles 19 Minuten vor
Bitcoin going bizerk next week ....CORZ !
pgsd pgsd 21 Minuten vor
Dr. Thomas Ichim
Why are "lysate" vaccines like those developed by $NWBO better than peptide vaccines? Because lysate has all the antigens. See this paper showing immunity to multiple cancer antigens after melanoma lysate.
janice shell janice shell 22 Minuten vor
No. I have never seen anyone like Trump. He is insane. And seriously, is NO ONE trying to stop him? Somebody should be. An associate. A family member. Flag officers who feel a sense of duty. A combination of all of them.

The associates and family members ought to realize as well that
arizona1 arizona1 24 Minuten vor
He's trying to break our brains. Is it working?
RealDutch RealDutch 26 Minuten vor
Just SIRI, for now.
MaterialMind MaterialMind 28 Minuten vor
The initial cash grants will be paid on SIRI? I think that was the latest I heard, but my memory is not good. Or is it an average over SIRI / AERO / ... ?
janice shell janice shell 30 Minuten vor
He is insane. He needs to be removed from office.
arizona1 arizona1 30 Minuten vor
Have you ever witnessed a human being who needs revenge on his enemies the same way people need air? We need the 25th amendment NOW!!!!
Pacha78 Pacha78 30 Minuten vor
I get your theory but MCIC has had very strong stable buying over the past few month.  This isn't an OTC pump and dump over a few days
janice shell janice shell 33 Minuten vor
You're right. If he has so many great ideas about how to cure serious diseases, what about his own?

And speaking of crazy, this is bizarre. Trump is insane. And he's getting crazier by the day.
arizona1 arizona1 36 Minuten vor
Yeah, well, if all his vitamin remedies are so good for him, why does he still talk like he's under water? Surely Vitamin A and leeches should be able to cure him.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a raspy, strained voice due to a neurological condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which caus
RealDutch RealDutch 37 Minuten vor
Only SIRI has been updated. The rest will follow shortly.

SIRI, AERO and Rice are the three big verticals.
Together they will probably account for 50%+ of total revenue, in the long run.
And we will have another 40 or so smaller verticals.

Rice is big beca
janice shell janice shell 42 Minuten vor
Seems the non-effectiveness has been verified. But of course RFK Jr can always raise the issue again. Treating measles with Vitamin A isn't new, either.
getmenews getmenews 47 Minuten vor
Breaking news, XRP drops to 1.51 Over-Night?
rooster rooster 53 Minuten vor
arizona1 arizona1 53 Minuten vor
There were and are some people with multiple sclerosis who believe bee stings treat their disease.

My first husband had MS. I can verify bee stings didn't do diddly squat. I remember once, he was chopping wood and axed into a beehive. He and my daughter got pelted with bees. She m
MaterialMind MaterialMind 54 Minuten vor
were all of your verticals updated or just SIRI?
As I understand it, the other verticals will be adjusted later. For now I've only checked SIRI.
It's the one I care most about tbh. I really like the gold business model.
MaterialMind MaterialMind 55 Minuten vor
Thanks, that sorts out that last question mark!
I've gotten confirmation that my tokens will be adjusted, it was as I suspected.
The team has a lot on their plates, no wonder some details have to be corrected.
Getting it sorted out before things are set in motion is the importan
karlacorn3 karlacorn3 57 Minuten vor
Material, were all of your verticals updated or just SIRI?
Riley4 Riley4 58 Minuten vor

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