RNS No 2473n
26 April 1999

              for the year ended 28 February 1999

I am pleased to report a very successful, and eventful, second
year for your Company, which was itself the successor vehicle
to Aberdeen Preferred Income Investment Trust PLC.

During the year the net asset value per Ordinary share rose to
141.23p from 116.14p at 28 February 1998, a rise of 21.6%.

We have declared a fourth interim dividend of 1p net and a
fifth interim dividend of 3p net, per Ordinary Share, a total
for the quarter of 4p net (1998 - 3.25p).   This was in line
with our dividend forecast, making total dividends per
Ordinary Share for the year of 15.25p (1998 - 14p).   The
decision to split the last interim dividend into two parts
reflects the Board's desire to maximise the tax benefits to
shareholders ahead of the changes in taxation relating to
dividends received after 6 April 1999.   The fourth interim
was paid on 1 April 1999 and the fifth interim on 15 April

As I reported in my 31 August 1998 Interim Chairman's
Statement, in March 1998 we extended the life of our
subsidiary, Aberdeen Preferred Securities PLC, to 31 March
2003, and varied the rights of the Zero dividend preference
("ZDP") shares, to provide a final capital entitlement at that
date of 318p per ZDP share.    At the same time, the Company
raised #64.4 million (before expenses) by way of the issue of
Ordinary shares and Debenture Stock under a Placing and Open
Offer and increased its bank debt to #12m at a fixed rate of
7.22% until 31 December 2002.

This exercise prolonged the life of the Company and
effectively made the Ordinary shares undated by maintaining
the dated gearing in the form of the ZDPs through the
subsidiary company.   At the same time it allowed us to
announce both an increase in anticipated dividends and a rise
in net asset value.

In July 1998 we raised a further #87.0 million (before
expenses) through a placing of Subordinated Unsecured Loan
Stock, ZDPs and Ordinary shares.   This placing was in
conjunction with an Offer to acquire all the stepped
preference shares, zero dividend preference shares, income
shares and capital shares of The Scottish National Trust Plc
not already owned by the Company.   We were delighted to
receive over #70 million of acceptances from the various
classes of shares when the Offer closed in August 1998.
Since then we have taken out borrowings of #55 million, fixed
at a rate of 6.58%, also until 31 December 2002.

The year saw significant falls in interest rates in the UK as
the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England  cut base
rates from 7.25% at the end of February 1998 to 5.5% at the
end of February 1999.   Since the year-end this has been cut
further to 5.25%.   The yield on long-dated British Government
securities fell sharply during the year, touching 4.17% before
rising back towards 4.5%.   Our fixed interest investments
performed well during the period despite the setbacks suffered
in the Autumn as a result of the widening in spreads of high
yielding bonds over government securities, due mainly to
problems in emerging markets, particularly Russia.   The knock-
on effects that forced a number of hedge funds to unwind their
positions presented us with a number of attractive
opportunities to invest the new funds we had raised through
the Placing in July and the Company's subsequently increased

During the year the major western equity markets attained new
all-time highs, impacting positively upon our investment trust
and equity-linked investments.   The yield requirement of both
institutions and retail investors has led to a positive re-
rating of the investment trust income share sector, but we
believe it continues to offer attractive yields at undemanding
hurdle rates.   During the year we supported a number of new
issues and rollovers in the split capital market and are
encouraged by the increase in awareness by both institutions
and private individuals in this growing sector of the
investment trust market.

The Monetary Policy Committee's rapid response to fears of a
slowdown in the economy appears to have calmed market
concerns.   The present low-interest rate, low-inflation
scenario could make headway difficult for lower-yielding
equities but we believe that our portfolio, with its exposure
to higher-yielding investments, should perform satisfactorily.

Derek Morgan
26 April 1999

The unaudited results were:

Group Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue
account of the Group*) for the year to 28 February 1999 (note 2)

                                                       Year ended
                                                    28 February 1999
                                            Revenue     Capital     Total
                                              #'000       #'000     #'000
Gains on investments                              -       8,147     8,147
Income                                       20,516           -    20,516
Investment management fee                    (1,448)       (917)   (2,365)
Other expenses                                 (340)          -      (340)
                                              -----       -----     -----
Net return before finance                                  
costs and taxation                           18,728       7,230    25,958
Interest payable and                                       
similar charges:                                           
- Interest                                   (2,798)     (1,857)   (4,655)
- Indexation of Debenture                         -        (716)     (716)
- Zero dividend preference                                  
  shares of subsidiary                            -      (4,380)   (4,380)
                                              -----       -----     -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities before tax                        15,930         277    16,207
Tax on ordinary activities                   (3,723)      1,273    (2,450)
                                              -----       -----     -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities after tax                         12,207       1,550    13,757
Dividends in respect of                                    
equity shares                               (14,975)          -   (14,975)
                                              -----       -----     -----
Transfers (from)/to reserves                 (2,768)      1,550    (1,218)
                                              =====       =====     =====
Return per share (pence):                                  
Ordinary                                      14.22        1.80     16.02
                                              =====       =====     =====

                                                21 month period ended
                                               28 February 1998 (note 2)
                                            Revenue     Capital     Total
                                              #'000       #'000     #'000
Gains on investments                              -      12,932    12,932
Income                                        9,525           -     9,525
Investment management fee                      (933)        (60)     (993)
Other expenses                                 (368)          -      (368)
                                              -----      ------    ------
Net return before finance                                  
costs and taxation                            8,224      12,872    21,096
Interest payable and                                       
similar charges:                                           
- Interest                                     (940)       (203)   (1,143)
- Indexation of Debenture                         -        (251)     (251)
                                              -----      ------    ------
Return on ordinary                                         
activities before tax                         7,284      12,418    19,702
Tax on ordinary activities                   (1,473)         65    (1,408)
                                              -----      ------    ------
Return on ordinary                                         
activities after tax                          5,811      12,483    18,294
Dividends and other                                        
Appropriations in respect                                  
of non-equity shares                 
   Zero dividend                                  
   preference                                     -      (4,504)   (4,504)
Dividends in respect of                                   
equity shares                                (5,234)          -    (5,234)
                                              -----       -----     -----
Transfers to reserves                           577       7,979     8,556
                                              =====       =====     =====
Return per Ordinary share                                  
Ordinary                                      24.35       33.44     57.79
                                              =====       =====     =====

* The Statements of total return presented above are in
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for
Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies

Balance Sheets as at 28 February 1999 (note 2)

                            Group       Company         Group       Company
                      28 February   28 February   28 February   28 February
                             1999          1999          1998          1998
                       (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited)     (audited)
                            #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000
Fixed assets                                                    
Investments               356,262       355,790         63,483       15,580
Subsidiary undertaking          -         5,090              -       21,502
                          -------       -------         ------       ------
                          356,262       360,880         63,483       37,082
                          -------       -------         ------       ------
Current assets                                                  
Debtors                     7,678         9,033          1,402          462
Cash at bank and in hand    6,801         6,689              -            - 
                          -------       -------          -----        -----
                           14,479        15,722          1,402          462
Creditors: amounts                                              
falling due within                                              
one year                  (15,278)     (104,810)        (4,123)      (2,225)
                          -------       -------          -----        -----
Net current                 
liabilities                  (799)      (89,088)        (2,721)      (1,763)
                          -------       -------          -----        -----

Total assets less                                               
current liabilities       355,463       271,792         60,762       35,319
Creditors: amounts                                              
falling due after
one year excluding
Zero dividend
preference shares
Debenture Stock 2007      (19,691)      (19,691)        (7,271)      (7,271)
Bank loans                (67,000)      (67,000)             -            -
Unsecured Loan 
Stock 2023                (18,779)      (18,779)             -            -
                          -------       -------          -----        ----- 
                         (105,470)     (105,470)        (7,271)      (7,271)
                          -------       -------          -----        -----
Zero dividend                                                   
preference shares                                               
(see note 7)              (83,671)            -        (25,442)           -
Provision for                                                   
liabilities and charges         -             -             (1)           -
                          -------       -------         ------       ------
Total net assets          166,322       166,322         28,048       28,048
                          =======       =======         ======       ======
Share capital and                                               
Called-up share            11,777        11,777          2,415        2,415
Share premium account     133,695       133,695          3,576        3,576
Merger reserve             15,958        12,687         15,958       12,687
Capital reserves:                                               
Realised (including                                             
accrued finance                                                 
costs)                    (17,726)       (5,202)        (9,812)        (422)
Unrealised                 22,654        13,356         13,179        8,957
Revenue reserve               (36)            9          2,732          835
                          -------       -------         ------       ------
Total equity                                                    
shareholders' funds       166,322       166,322         28,048       28,048
                          =======       =======         ======       ======
Net asset value per                                             
share (pence):
Ordinary share             141.23        141.23         116.14       116.14
                           ======        ======         ======       ======   

1  The  financial information set out above does not constitute  the
   Company's  statutory accounts for the periods ended  28  February
   1998 or 28 February 1999.  The financial information for 1998  is
   derived  from  the statutory accounts for 1998  which  have  been
   delivered  to  the  Registrar of Companies.   The  Auditors  have
   reported  on the 1998 accounts; their report was unqualified  and
   did  not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3)  of  the
   Companies  Act  1985.  The statutory accounts for  1999  will  be
   finalised on the basis of the financial information presented  by
   the  Directors  in  this  preliminary announcement  and  will  be
   delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course.
2  The   Group  accounts  consolidate  the  accounts,  on  a  merger
   accounting  basis,  of  the Company and its  subsidiary  Aberdeen
   Preferred  Securities  PLC.   The  comparative  figures  in   the
   financial  statements cover the 21 month period  to  28  February
3  The  basic revenue return per share is based on net revenue after
   taxation  of  #12,207,000 (1998: #5,811,000) and  on  a  weighted
   average 85,850,168 (1998: 23,860,937) Ordinary shares of 10p each
   in  issue for the period.  The basic capital return per share  is
   based  on  the net capital gains of #1,550,000 (1998: #7,979,000)
   and  on a weighted average 85,850,168 (1998: 23,860,937) Ordinary
   shares  of 10p each in issue for the period.  The diluted revenue
   return is the same as the basic return above.
4  Basic  net asset value per Ordinary share is based on net  assets
   of   #166,322,000  (28  February  1998:  #28,048,000),   and   on
   117,767,312 (28 February 1998: 24,150,042) Ordinary shares, being
   the number of Ordinary shares in issue at the end of the period.
5  On  8  April  1998, inter alia, 36,225,063 Ordinary  shares  were
   allotted and issued in connection with a placing.
6  On  26  August 1998, inter alia, 25,549,957 Ordinary shares  were
   allotted  and issued in connection with the offers for shares  in
   The  Scottish  National Trust Plc and 31,842,250 Ordinary  shares
   were allotted and issued in connection with a placing.
7  Following the issue of the unsecured subordinated loan note  2003
   on 16 April 1998 by Aberdeen Preferred Securities PLC to Aberdeen
   Preferred  Income  Trust PLC the zero dividend preference  shares
   require  to be treated as debt rather than as minority non-equity
   interests  in  the Group's financial statements.   In  the  Group
   statement of total return for the current year the financing cost
   of  the  Zero  dividend  preference shares  is  now  shown  under
   interest  payable and similar charges rather than  dividends  and
   other appropriations.
8  Copies of the Annual Report will be posted in due course and
   further copies may be obtained from the registered office, One
   Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London EC4M 9HH

26 April 1999                                  Aberdeen Asset
                                               Management PLC
                                               - Secretaries



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