Press release
14 March 2013

Landi Renzo: 2012 closes with a profit of 2.9 million, an EBITDA of 28.3 million and a net debt improvement of 28.2 million.
o Revenues of 275.2 million Euro (an increase of 8.5% compared to 253.5 million Euro at 31 December 2011) o EBITDA of 28.3 million Euro (an increase of 45.3% compared to 19.5 million Euro at 31 December 2011) o EBIT profit of 9.8 million Euro (compared to loss of 3.3 million Euro at 31 December 2011) o Consolidated net profit of 2.9 million Euro (compared to net loss of 9.1 million Euro at 31 December 2011) o Net debt of 61.9 million Euro (compared to 90.1 million Euro at 31 December 2011)
Cavriago (Reggio Emilia), 14.03.13

The Board of Directors of Landi Renzo SpA met today under the chairmanship of Stefano Landi to approve the Company's annual draft financial statements for the year ending 31.12.12. Overall, 2012 saw high demand for LPG and CNG systems for motor vehicles, through both the purchase of new cars and the retrofitting of existing ones, despite a very challenging macroeconomic environment and, above all, automotive market. Moreover, the rise of LPG and CNG fuel systems occurred in a global context which, unlike in the past, did not benefit from particular government subsidies. "2012 was a year of very significant results for the Group - says CEO Claudio Carnevale. "The ability and willingness to innovate and improve our products allowed us to gain market share in important areas, as well as to provide LPG and CNG systems for new car models. All this, together with the rationalisation of the manufacturing process, caused a recover of profitability in a challenging and changing market environment. Furthermore, over the past year - continues Carnevale - we have integrated our product portfolio with the new business of building CNG fueling stations through the SAFE operation."

Consolidated results at 31.12.12 Revenues from sales and services of the Group amounted to 275.2 million Euro, up 8.5% over the previous year. Consolidated revenues for 2012 consisted, for a total of 7.5 million Euro, of sales of the new company SAFE S.p.A.; net of this contribution, the increase in sales revenue was 5.6%. EBITDA was 28.3 million Euro, up 45.3% compared to 19.5 million in 2011. This increase is due to: growing sales volumes; manufacturing optimisation aimed at reducing the cost of materials through supplies rationalisating; improved product industrialisation and, finally, the reduction and rationalisation of overheads already put in place during the previous year.


Press release
14 March 2013

EBIT was positive to the tune of 9.8 million Euro, compared to a negative 3.3 million Euro in the previous year. The consolidated pre-tax profit for 2012 was 5.6 million Euro, compared to a pre-tax loss of 8.2 million Euro in 2011. Revenue analysis Revenues from sales of LPG systems stood at 171.5 million Euro, while those related to sales of CNG systems amounted to 82.2 million Euro. Revenues from sales of products of the Other sectors (Alarm Systems, Sound, Aquatronics and Robotics, Compressors) amounted to 21.6 million Euro. With regard to the geographical distribution of revenues, in 2012 71.7% of the Group's sales were made abroad (compared to 82.3% in 2011), with 30.9% coming from Europe and 40.8 % outside Europe, confirming the Group's historically strong international presence. The Italian market is up 74.1% compared to the prior-year period, and sales amounted to approximately 78.0 million Euro; this increase is due to higher demand for cleaner and cheaper fuels (LPG and CNG) and the renewed product range for the car manufacturing market, with Euro V-compliant systems. Revenues in other European countries grew by 28.5% compared to last year: the Group's sales benefited from the growth in the region's main markets and the positive effect generated by the launch of a completely renewed range of products for the After Market segment. The market in South West Asia saw sales drop by 70.0% compared to last year, mainly due to geopolitical factors that caused the Iranian and Pakistani markets to slow down sharply. The American market grew by 16.5% over 2011, while the Rest of the World saw a 25.9% increase due to sustained demand in the Far East Asian markets.

Consolidated financial results at 31 December 2012 The Net financial position at 31 December 2012 was negative at 61.9 million Euro, compared to a negative 90.1 million Euro at 31 December 2011. The significant 28.2 million Euro fall in debt is attributable to higher profits as well as very favourable changes in Net Working Capital. Equity amounted to 139.1 million Euro, compared to 137.0 million Euro at 31 December 2011.

Outlook 2013 As for the outlook, despite the continuation of the difficulties linked to the macroeconomic situation and the key market, the Group expects that turnover in 2013 will be more than 280 million Euro. It also expects that the EBITDA will be over 10% of revenues.

Results of the parent company In 2012 Landi Renzo S.p.A. recorded revenues of 136.7 million Euro compared to 112.6 million Euro in 2011, up by 21.4%. The 24.1 million Euro increase is mainly attributable to growing LPG sales, primarily in Italy and Europe, achieving significant volumes in the OEM segment, as well as the consolidation of the After Market. EBITDA was positive to the tune of 8.9 million Euro, compared to the 3.3 million Euro loss in 2011.

Press release
14 March 2013

EBIT amounted to 470 thousand Euro at 31 December 2012, and was influenced by amortisation and depreciation recognised in the year totalling 8.4 million Euro, of which 5.5 million Euro in amortisation of the tangible assets. Net profit for the year was 5.5 million Euro, compared to the 8.5 million Euro loss for 2011. The net financial position at the end of 2012 was negative to the tune of 59.7 million Euro, of which 33.9 million Euro in medium-to-long term debt, compared to 87.3 million Euro in net debt at 31 December 2011.

Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership and Remuneration Policy The Board of Directors examined and approved the Report on corporate governance and ownership structure as well as the Report on Remuneration for 2012. Shareholders' meeting The Board of Directors resolved to convene the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 24 April 2013 on first call and 26 April 2013 on second call, at 9:00 am, at the Company's registered office in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia), Località Corte Tegge, Via Nobel 2/4. The ordinary Shareholders' Meeting will be asked to resolve upon the approval of the financial statements at 31 December 2012 and the declaration of the financial results, the first part of the Annual Report on Remuneration, the appointment of the new members of the corporate bodies, and the renewal of the authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares. The buyback programme will last 18 months from the resolution date. The extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting will be asked to resolve upon the proposed amendments to Articles 10, 12, 14 and 22 of the company by-laws, mainly concerning the procedure for calling the Shareholders' Meeting. During 2012, the Parent Company did not trade any treasury shares or shares of parent companies, and it currently does not hold treasury shares or shares of parent companies. The subsidiaries do not hold shares in the Parent Company. Paolo Cilloni, Manager in charge of preparing the financial reports, declares ­ pursuant to Article 154­bis, par. 2 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 ­ that the accounting information provided herein is in line with the documented results and the accounting books and entries. This press release, together with a set of slides, is also available on the company's website This press release is a translation. The Italian version prevails.

Landi Renzo is a world leader in the sector of components and LPG and CNG fuel systems for motor vehicles. Based in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia) and with more than 50 years' experience in the sector, Landi Renzo is distinguished by the sustained growth of its revenues and the extent of its international operations, with a presence in over 50 countries and exports accounting for more than 70% of the Company's sales. Landi Renzo S.p.A. has been listed in the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana MTA market since June 2007.


Press release
14 March 2013

For further information:

Landi Renzo Pierpaolo Marziali M&A and Investor Relations Officer Corrado Storchi Public Affairs Manager Tel. +39 0522.94.33

SEC Relazioni Pubbliche e Istituzionali Marco Fraquelli Daniele Pinosa Tel. +39 02.624999.1

IR Top Consulting Maria Antonietta Pireddu Tel. +39 02


Press release
14 March 2013

Landi Renzo S.p.A. ­ Consolidated Financial statements
ASSETS (thousands of Euros) Non - cur r e n t assets Pr oper ty , plant and equipment Dev elopment expenditure Goodw ill Other intangible assets w ith finite useful lives Other non-current financial assets Def er r ed tax assets T o t al non-current assets Cu r r e nt assets Tr ade receivables Tr ade receivables - related parties Inv entor ies Other receivables and current assets Cur r ent financial assets Cas h and cash equivalents T o t al current assets T OTAL ASSETS EQUIT Y AND LIABILITIES (thousands of Euros) Gr o u p shareholders' equity Shar e capital Other reserves Pr of it (loss) for the period T o t al equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent M in or it y interests T OTAL EQUITY Non - cur r e n t liabilities Non- c ur r ent bank loans Other non-current financial liabilities Pr ov is ions for risks and charges Def ined benefit plans Def er r ed tax liabilities T o t al non-current liabilities Cu r r e nt liabilities Bank overdrafts and short-term loans Other current financial liabilities Tr ade payables Tr ade payables - related parties Tax liabilities Other current liabilities To t al current liabilities T OTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 62,017 24 55,722 58 2,445 9,286 129,552 326,226 69,878 125 55,903 61 6,458 7,216 139,641 336,859 38,465 25 5,077 3,466 10,583 57,616 40,119 49 4,860 2,835 12,351 60,214 11,250 124,322 2,863 138,435 623 139,058 11,250 134,154 - 9,138 136,266 738 137,004 69,010 229 65,928 14,213 116 38,629 188,125 326,226 31/12/2012 77,429 361 67,408 27,452 176 20,059 192,885 336,859 31/12/2011 32,972 8,365 55,582 27,169 203 13,810 138,101 35,096 10,346 55,582 29,506 170 13,274 143,974 31/12/2012 31/12/2011


Press release
14 March 2013

CONSOL IDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (thousands of Euros) Re ve nu e s (goods and services) Rev enues (goods and services)- related parties Other revenue and income Cos t of raw materials, consumables and goods and change in inventories Cos ts for services and use of third party assets Cos ts for services and use of third party assets ­ related parties Per s onnel expenses A c c r uals , impairment losses and other operating expenses Gr o s s Operating Profit A mor tiz ation, depreciation and impairment losses of which: non recurring losses Ne t Operating Profit Financ ial income Financ ial expenses Ex c hange rate gains and losses Pr o f it (Loss) before tax Tax es Ne t profit (loss) for the Group and m in o r it y interests, including: Minor ity interests Net Profit (Loss) of the Group

31/12/2012 274,695 507 1,525 - 129,839 - 71,406 - 1,552 - 41,928 - 3,701 28,301 - 18,492 0 9,809 693 - 4,105 - 825 5,572 - 2,974 2,598 - 265 2,863

31/12/2011 252,312 1,217 1,646 - 124,018 - 66,693 - 1,528 - 39,896 - 3,563 19,477 - 22,737 - 4,316 - 3,260 482 - 3,610 - 1,825 - 8,213 - 926 - 9,139 -1 - 9,138


Press release
14 March 2013

CONSOL IDAT ED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (am o u nt in thousands of euro) Cas h flow from operating activities Pr of it (Loss) for the year Adj us tments for: Depr ec iation A mor tiz ation of intangible assets ( Rev er s al of) impairment losses on property, plant and equipment impair ment loss on trade receivables Net finance costs Gain on sale of property,plant and equipment Gain on curtailment Tax expense Changes in: inv entories tr ade and other receivables tr ade and other paybles pr ov is ions and employee benefits - excluding gain on curtailment Cas h generated from operating activities Inter es t paid inc ome taxes paid Ne t cash flow from (for) operating activities

31/12/2012 31/12/2011

2,598 9,896 8,570 25 1,021 4,237 - 89 - 54 2,973 29,177 1,480 20,795 - 2,253 902 50,101 - 2,613 - 7,898 39,590

- 9,139 10,181 8,240 4,316 533 4,737 - 33 7 926 19,768 - 428 - 3,377 - 5,398 450 11,015 - 4,737 - 5,833 445

Cas h flow from investing activities Pr oc eeds from sale of property, plant and equipment A c quis ition of property, plant and equipment A c quis ition of intangible assets A c quis ition of other investments Dev elopment expenditure Ne t cash used in investing activities 2,686 - 9,862 - 845 0 - 3,273 - 11,294 569 - 10,495 - 1,307 52 - 3,089 - 14,270

Cas h flow from financing activities Net repayments and financings pay ment of finance lease liabilities Div idends paid Ne t cash from (used in) financing activities - 9,515 - 9,515 14,392 - 447 - 6,188 7,757

Ne t increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents


- 6,068

Cas h and cash equivalents at 1 January Ef f ec t of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held Cas h and cash equivalents at 31 December

20,059 - 211 38,629

26,297 - 170 20,059


Press release
14 March 2013

Landi Renzo S.p.A. ­ Parent Company Financial statements
ASSETS ( in Euros) Non- cur r e nt assets Pr oper ty , plant and equipment Dev elopment expenditure Goodw ill and other intangible assets w ith finite useful lives Inv es tments in subsidiaries Other non-current financial assets Other non-current assets Def er r ed tax assets Tot al non-current assets Cur r e nt assets Tr ade receivables Tr ade receivables to subsidiaries Inv entor ies Other receivables and current assets Cur r ent financial assets Cas h and cash equivalents Tot al current assets TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (in Euros) Equit y Shar e capital Other reserves Pr of it (loss) for the period TOTAL EQUITY Non- cur r e nt liabilities Non- c ur r ent bank loans Other non-current financial liabilities Pr ov is ions for risks and charges Def ined benefit plans Def er r ed tax liabilities Tot al non-current liabilities Cur r e nt liabilities Bank overdrafts and short-term loans Other current financial liabilities Tr ade payables Tr ade payables - related parties Liabilities to subsidiaries Tax liabilities Other current liabilities Tot al current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 52,558,891 24,072 28,284,168 0 7,275,782 815,424 3,968,183 92,926,520 259,024,920 55,788,687 124,545 27,279,875 4,981 5,978,508 811,580 4,015,107 94,003,283 258,803,470 34,799,095 24,812 2,403,444 1,618,990 974,659 39,821,000 38,087,264 48,883 3,038,309 1,679,707 1,200,527 44,054,690 11,250,000 109,495,495 5,531,905 126,277,400 11,250,000 118,025,250 - 8,529,753 120,745,497 24,854,908 18,587,958 28,662,302 3,791,162 7,769,001 19,108,428 102,773,759 259,024,920 31/12/2012 32,304,547 24,243,496 28,566,101 12,798,635 3,997,053 2,122,670 104,032,502 258,803,470 31/12/2011 17,326,221 5,643,221 3,469,276 121,656,312 890,977 93,693 7,171,461 156,251,161 19,773,270 4,990,547 4,079,283 118,263,787 722,382 69,867 6,871,832 154,770,968 31/12/2012 31/12/2011


Press release
14 March 2013

L ANDI RENZO S.p.A. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (in Euros) Re ve nu e s (goods and services) Other revenue and income Cos t of raw materials, consumables and goods and change in inventories Cos ts for services and use of third party assets Per s onnel expenses A c c r uals , impairment losses and other operating expenses Gr o s s Operating Profit A mor tiz ation, depreciation and impairment losses Op e r at ing Profit Financ ial income Inc ome from investments Financ ial expenses Ex pens es from investments Ex c hange rate gains and losses Pr o f it (Loss) before tax Tax es Pr o f it (loss) for the period

31/12/2012 136,703,141 580,944 - 70,471,878 - 39,156,606 - 17,890,200 - 913,837 8,851,564 - 8,381,251 470,313 217,684 8,535,186 - 3,100,727 - 479,260 - 185,088 5,458,108 73,797 5,531,905

31/12/2011 112,591,892 799,123 - 58,871,929 - 37,572,954 - 19,082,324 - 1,209,711 - 3,345,903 - 9,086,137 - 12,432,040 218,432 7,600,299 - 2,829,527 - 4,551,000 - 233,216 - 12,227,052 3,697,299 - 8,529,753


Press release
14 March 2013

CASH FLOW STATEMENT (am ount in thousands of euros) Cas h flow from operating activities Pr of it (Loss) for the year Adj us tments for: Depr ec iation A mor tiz ation of intangible assets ( Rev er s al of) impairment losses on property, plant and equipment Impair ment losses on intangible assets impair ment loss on trade receivables Net finance costs Gain from investments Gain on sale of property,plant and equipment Gain on curtailment Tax expense




- 8,529

5,504 2,877

6,230 2,814 43

479 197 3,068 - 8,535 - 61 - 61 74 9,074

4,551 291 2,844 - 7,600 - 15 - 186 - 3,698 - 3,255

Changes in: inv entor ies tr ade and other receivables tr ade and other paybles pr ov is ions and employee benefits - excluding gain on curtailment Cas h generated from operating activities - 96 20,363 2,128 - 696 30,773 3,611 5,955 - 4,401 - 1,307 603

Inter es t paid Ne t cash flow from (for) operating activities

- 2,351 28,422

- 2,499 - 1,896

Cas h flow from investing activities Div idends received Pr oc eeds from sale of property, plant and equipment A c quis ition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired A c quis ition of property, plant and equipment A c quis ition of intangible assets Dev elopment expenditure Ne t cash used in investing activities 8,211 2,022 - 2,500 - 5,331 - 310 - 3,065 - 973 - 3,342 - 719 - 2,513 1,540 7,600 514

Cas h flow from financing activities Repay ment of borrow ings Net granted and repaid loans to subsidiaries Div idends paid Ne t cash from (used in) financing activities - 10,464 - 6,519 - 3,945 9,380 - 3,943 - 6,188 - 751

Ne t increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents


- 1,107

Cas h and cash equivalents at 1 January Cas h and cash equivalents at 31 December

2,123 19,108

3,230 2,123


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