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CrossingBridge Pre Merge... (SPC)

CrossingBridge Pre Merger SPAC ETF
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12/12/200815h30PR Newswire (US)Rayovac(R) Awarded Global Marketing and Distribution and Rights for a New Line of Switch and Outlet Plates that Illuminate AutomNYSE:SPC
17/05/200717h00PR Newswire (US)Be 'Summer W-I-S-E' to Decrease the Threat of West Nile VirusNYSE:SPC
27/10/200619h35PR Newswire (US)Business Travelers Avoid Extra Security Lines at AirportsNYSE:SPC
01/09/200522h54Business WireSpectrum Brands to Webcast Presentation at the Prudential Equity Group Back-To-School ConferenceNASDAQ:SPCCrossingBridge Pre Merger SPAC ETF
17/11/200314h49PR Newswire (US)/C O R R E C T I O N -- The St. Paul Companies, Inc.; Travelers Property Casualty Corp./NYSE:SPC
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