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Burckhardt Compression (0QNN)

Burckhardt Compression Holding Ag
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05/11/202406h05UK RegulatoryBurckhardt Compression verzeichnet erneut starkes Wachstum und steigert ProfitabilitätLSE:0QNNBurckhardt Compression Holding Ag
05/11/202406h05UK RegulatoryBurckhardt Compression continues to deliver strong growth and increased profitabilityLSE:0QNNBurckhardt Compression Holding Ag
05/11/202406h05UK RegulatoryBurckhardt Compression continue d'afficher une forte croissance et une rentabilité accrueLSE:0QNNBurckhardt Compression Holding Ag
04/06/202416h45UK RegulatoryBurckhardt Compression delivers strong growth and profitability increase; raising its sales guidance for 2027LSE:0QNNBurckhardt Compression Holding Ag
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:LSE:0QNN