Action packed 2018 will result in
substantial resource increase
BonTerra Resources (BTR.V) is taking advantage of the
strong capital markets and its exceptional exploration results of
the past few years, and the company has now raised enough cash to
complete a 70,000 meter drill program on its Gladiator gold project
in Québec's Urban-Barry gold camp.
This year will be full of catalysts; the substantial drill program
will result in a continuous news flow with exploration results from
the drill program and these results will subsequently be used in a
resource update. And this will be the very first resource update
since 2012 incorporating in excess of 100,000 meters of additional
The Gladiator project (previously called
'Eastern Extension') is located in Québec's Chibougamau mining
district, and right on a southern lobe of the Abitibi greenstone
belt. This is a very prolific area and whilst the exploration
activities in the greater Abitibi region were scaled back during
the more difficult years for the mining sector, this now is one of
the most active exploration regions in the world. Osisko
Mining (OSK.TO) was the first company to announce huge
drill programs, but BonTerra immediatey followed suit with a 70,000
meter drill program for 2018.
And there's a very good reason for this
region to heat up. The existing infrastructure in this part of
Québec is pretty good, and the Gladiator property is located just
100 kilometers east of Lebel-sur-Quevillion (which has a small
airfield) and is just a 4- hour drive from Val D'Or. And whilst the
powerlines are a little bit further away, there's plenty of (cheap)
power available. Much better than the logistical nightmare other
exploration projects around the world have to deal with. Back in
2012, the company engaged Snowden to complete a maiden resource
estimate on the project. The expectations and hopes weren't very
high as BonTerra was just getting started on the property and very
little work had been completed by then. Just to give you an idea:
the first resource estimate was based on a total of 15,000 meters
of drilling on the quartz-carbonate vein system on the property.
Since the resource estimate in 2012, BonTerra has completed tens of
thousands of meters of drilling, and it would be an understatement
to say drilling was just 'successful'.
Every other few weeks or so, BonTerra announces assay results from
new drill holes, and even now, almost 6 years after that first
resource estimate, BonTerra is still figuring out where the
mineralization is actually ending as the Gladiator project is still
open in all directions and at depth.
That's why BonTerra embarked on a very aggressive drill program
this year, and the first assay results are expected any day
The mineralization at Gladiator could best be described as a set of
veins, running pretty much parallel to each other. Right now, 5
veins (with a 'mineable' width) have been identified and drilled
over a total (horizontal) length of 1,200 meters. BonTerra was also
smart enough to drill a few deep holes to figure out the total
extent of the mineralization, but even at depths of in excess of
1,000 meters the mineralization seems to be continuing. That's not
a huge surprise as the gold deposits in Québec are notorious for
their depths, and in several cases in the province, gold was traced
until a depth of 1,500-2,000 meters. We're not saying the gold will
be economical at depth (it could be), but we hope it's clear the
potential at depth could be enormous. Time will tell!
Unfortunately the 2012 technical report
does not contain any information on the anticipated recovery rate
of the gold from the Gladiator ore. BonTerra is conducting some
metallurgical testing activities as we speak, and the company plans
to release the results of its test work sometime in the second
quarter of this year. A positive outcome would be an incredibly
important step forward for BonTerra as the viability of the project
will depend on the recovery rate of the gold as well. Fortunately
most of the other gold projects in the belt have pretty good
metallurgical recovery rates so we don't anticipate BonTerra to run
into any issues on this front. But it will be nice to have some
official numbers to rely on! The current resource estimate of less
than 300,000 ounces of gold is actually meaningless as it's based
on just 15,000 meters of drilling. This is obviously a negligible
amount of drilling for a project of this size. BonTerra hasn't
updated this resource yet, but is planning to do so by the end of
this year, and this new resource estimate will incorporate well
over 100,000 meters of 'new' drill data on the property.
As approximately 25% of the total amount
of new drilling will only be completed in the first semester of
this year, it's still too early to put an exploration target
together for the updated resource estimate. You should also keep in
mind the resource will be calculated based on the zones closer to
surface. As only a very few holes were drilled really deep, we
expect the updated resource estimate to show additional exploration
Elsewhere in Canada, BonTerra also owns
the Larder Lake gold project in Ontario, literally within a
30-minute walking distance from the border with Québec. Despite an
existing resource estimate confirming in excess of 950,000 ounces
of gold at an average grade of approximately 5.5 g/t, BonTerra was
able to purchase the property for a cash payment of C$1.15M
(completed) and issuing 10 million shares (for a total pro forma
value of C$3.8M) to Kerr Mines (KER.TO).
The Larder Lake property (which consists
of a 9-kilometer-long land package on the Cadillac Larder break)
actually contains a past producing mine and two shafts are 'silent
witnesses' of the heydays in the district. The entire
Cadillac-Larder trend produced a total of 13 million ounces of
gold, with the majority coming from the Kerr Addison mine, that
produced in excess of 10 million ounces of gold.
It's also interesting to mention that Gold Fields (GFI) worked for
three years on the property as part of a 60% earn-in deal (which
required Gold Fields to spend $40M on exploration and development
activities) but cancelled the earn-in a few years ago. Gold Fields
was quite aggressive as the company completed approximately 25,000
meters of drilling in 59 holes and all data has been handed over to
BonTerra as part of the property acquisition deal.
The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines of the province of
Ontario has actually made a historic report on the Larder Lake and
nearby Kerr Addison mines available for consultation
(find it here).
Besides completing a 3D model at Larder Lake, BonTerra hasn't done
much work on the property since it was acquired in the summer of
Whilst we obviously understand the company's main focus is the
Gladiator deposit as it's aggressively expanding the existing
resource, we do hope BonTerra will spend some money on the Larder
gold project as well.
After raising C$21.5M by issuing 13.3
million super flow through shares at C$0.75 and 19.2 million
'normal' flow-through shares at C$0.60 per share, the current share
count has increased to approximately 226.6M shares. We expect the
share count to gradually increase as warrant holders will be
exercising their in-the-money warrants. Using the current share
price of C$0.50, this represents a total market capitalization of
C$113M resulting in an enterprise value of C$83M after deducting an
estimated C $30M in net cash. This is our own estimate based on the
cash position at the end of November (C$18.5M), the slightly higher
share count after warrant exercises, the net proceeds of the
C$21.5M financing and the expected incurred exploration
expenditures in the past four months.
Some people were surprised to see BonTerra raising more money, but
our view is pretty clear: if you're being offered money at decent
terms (in this case: a good flowthrough premium and no warrants) as
an exploration company, you should ALWAYS take it.
We would expect BonTerra's treasury to remain very healthy as a
bunch of warrants will be expiring within the next 12 months. The
next table provides you with an overview of the amount of warrants
and strike prices but please note, the amount of warrants is the
situation as of November 30th, and some of those warrants have
already been exercised.
As you can see, C$0.50 is the key level.
Should the warrant holders exercise their C $0.50 warrants by July
and August, BonTerra will be able to raise an additional C $4.4M.
In case this doesn't happen, the remaining (cheaper) warrants will
allow BonTerra to add C$1.6M to the treasury by issuing 5.2 million
new shares.
There are some big names represented in the company's share capital
as for instance ETF issuer Van Eck and Kirkland Lake Gold (KL,
KL.TO) have substantial positions in BonTerra Resources. Kirkland
Lake Gold already has a huge presence in the greater area and is
probably keeping tabs on BonTerra's exploration program.
BonTerra is aggressively drilling and
expanding its Gladiator deposit and we are anticipating a
substantial increase in the gold resources when the new resource
estimate will be published in the second half of this year. We
expect the total gold resource to increase to well in excess of 1
million ounces, and we will particularly focus on the grade (which
will very likely decrease compared to the previous resource
estimate) and the potential viability of the project.
Drilling is ongoing and shareholders could expect a steady news
flow throughout the next two quarters which will ultimately result
in an updated resource estimate in the second half of this
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