Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number: (811-07513)
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter: Putnam Funds Trust
Address of principal executive offices: One Post Office Square, Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Name and address of agent for service: Robert T. Burns, Vice President
One Post Office Square
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Copy to:         John W. Gerstmayr, Esq.
Ropes & Gray LLP
800 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02199-3600
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (617) 292-1000
Date of fiscal year end: July 31, 2013
Date of reporting period : August 1, 2012 — July 31, 2013

Item 1. Report to Stockholders:

The following is a copy of the report transmitted to stockholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940:

Short Duration
Income Fund

Annual report
7 | 31 | 13

Message from the Trustees   1  

About the fund   2  

Performance snapshot   4  

Interview with your fund’s portfolio managers   5  

Your fund’s performance   10  

Your fund’s expenses   12  

Terms and definitions   14  

Other information for shareholders   15  

Important notice regarding Putnam’s privacy policy   16  

Trustee approval of management contract   17  

Financial statements   22  

Federal tax information   57  

About the Trustees   58  

Officers   60  


Consider these risks before investing: Putnam Short Duration Income Fund is not a money market fund. The effects of inflation may erode the value of your investment over time. Funds that invest in government securities are not guaranteed. Mortgage-backed securities are subject to prepayment risk and the risk that they may increase in value less when interest rates decline and decline in value more when interest rates rise. We may have to invest the proceeds from prepaid investments in other investments with less attractive terms and yields. Bond investments are subject to interest-rate risk (the risk of bond prices falling if interest rates rise) and credit risk (the risk of an issuer defaulting on interest or principal payments). Interest-rate risk is greater for longer-term bonds, and credit risk is greater for below-investment-grade bonds. Risks associated with derivatives include increased investment exposure (which may be considered leverage) and, in the case of over-the-counter instruments, the potential inability to terminate or sell derivatives positions and the potential failure of the other party to the instrument to meet its obligations. Unlike bonds, funds that invest in bonds have fees and expenses. Bond prices may fall or fail to rise over time for several reasons, including general financial market conditions and factors related to a specific issuer or industry. You can lose money by investing in the fund.


Message from the Trustees

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

At the midpoint of 2013, U.S. equity market indexes were near record highs, and the overarching theme of the domestic economy appeared to be one of slow healing. Equity investors were encouraged by improving housing and jobs data, as well as by solid corporate earnings. In Europe, the worst of the financial crisis appears to have passed, with some economic forecasts predicting that the eurozone will return to positive growth later this year. Meanwhile, thanks to its government’s massive stimulus initiatives, Japan recently has experienced stronger economic growth after years of stagnation.

A primary question confronting markets is how the U.S. central bank will gradually reduce its $85 billion-a-month bond-buying program without derailing the fragile economic recovery. Investors have reacted positively to public reassurances by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, who said the central bank would not draw down stimulus until the economy finds itself on firm footing.

We cannot predict the pace at which economies will recover, nor can we forecast the full impact of the Fed’s tapering decisions. However, we believe that Putnam’s in-depth fundamental research, active investing, and risk management strategies can serve investors well through changing markets. Putnam’s investment professionals integrate innovative thinking with traditional and alternative approaches to address a diverse range of financial goals.

We also believe that investing in any market environment is most effective when combined with the guidance of a professional advisor who can help you develop a financial plan suited to your goals and risk tolerance.

We would like to welcome new shareholders of the fund and to thank you for investing with Putnam. We would also like to extend our thanks to Elizabeth Kennan, who recently retired from the Board of Trustees, for her 20 years of dedicated service.

Current performance may be lower or higher than the quoted past performance, which cannot guarantee future results. Share price, principal value, and return will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. Performance of class A shares assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes a shareholder may owe on fund distributions or on the redemption of fund shares. See pages 5 and 10–11 for additional performance information. The fund had expense limitations during the period, without which returns would have been lower.

4   Short Duration Income Fund  


Interview with your fund’s portfolio managers

Joanne, what was the short - term bond market environment like during the 12 months ended July 31, 2013?

From the summer of 2012 into the spring of 2013, the market environment was favorable, buoyed by an improving economic backdrop and the tailwind of increased global liquidity that resulted from accommodative monetary policy in the United States and overseas. Within this environment, many financial institutions — whose securities comprise a substantial portion of the portfolio — significantly repaired their balance sheets and generally recovered from the 2007–2008 liquidity crisis and subsequent recession.

In May, however, the market backdrop became less hospitable, as concern about higher interest rates weighed on sentiment, leading investors to take profits. The debate that began in May regarding when the Federal Reserve would begin tapering its bond-buying program intensified in June, when Chairman Ben Bernanke announced that the central bank could begin scaling back its stimulus program later in 2013, and end it by mid 2014, sooner than investors expected. During this time, interest rates rose and yield curves steepened globally. In July, the Fed clarified its stance, stating that monetary policy would remain highly accommodative until the economy was back on its feet. In response, investors breathed a sigh of relief and interest rates declined modestly.

Given the changing market backdrop, including increased volatility during May and June, I am pleased to report that the fund at net asset

This comparison shows your fund’s performance in the context of broad market indexes for the 12 months ended 7/31/13. See pages 4 and 10–11 for additional fund performance information. Index descriptions can be found on pages 14–15.

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value [NAV] outpaced both its benchmark and the average return of its Lipper peer group.

How would you summarize the fund’s investment strategy?

Joanne: We like to describe the fund as targeting the space between money market and short-term bond funds. Because the fund is not a money market fund or subject to the Rule 2a-7 regulations that govern money market funds, we can pursue a range of income opportunities that are not available to money market funds. Of course, that wider range of opportunities potentially includes a greater number of risks, but our goal is to manage the fund so that its performance is consistent with our objectives of preserving capital and maintaining liquidity. In doing so, we seek to outperform U.S. Treasury bills by 0.20% to 0.60% at NAV, while working to maintain an NAV that is less volatile than that of many competing funds.

From a risk-management perspective, we seek to limit the fund’s sensitivity to interest-rate movements by generally keeping the portfolio’s duration at or less than one year. We seek to control the fund’s credit risk by only investing in investment-grade securities and limiting its exposure to individual issuers. Lastly, we utilize high-quality commercial paper and other money-market-eligible securities for liquidity purposes and as a temporary repository for cash that will be invested in short-term bonds.

Turning to you, Mike, how was the fund positioned during the period?

We continued to target opportunities in securities with slightly longer maturities — up to three years — or marginally lower credit

Allocations are shown as a percentage of the fund’s net assets as of 7/31/13. Cash and net other assets, if any, represent the market value weights of cash, derivatives, short-term securities, and other unclassified assets in the portfolio. Summary information may differ from the portfolio schedule included in the financial statements due to the inclusion of derivative securities, any interest accruals, the exclusion of as-of trades, if any, and the use of different classifications of securities for presentation purposes. Holdings and allocations may vary over time.

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quality — generally A-rated and BBB-rated bonds. We sought to mitigate these risks by counterbalancing them. Specifically, the BBB-rated securities that we owned — which provided the fund with higher yields, given their greater credit risk — were generally shorter-maturity bonds, so they entailed relatively little interest-rate risk. Likewise, the higher-rated securities in the portfolio typically carried somewhat longer maturities. This balanced approach allowed us to add incremental income potential without significantly increasing the portfolio’s risk profile.

In terms of sector positioning, at period-end nearly 60% of the portfolio was allocated to corporate bonds issued by financial institutions, with roughly half of this allocation in A-rated bonds. We continued to favor bonds from banks and other types of financial companies because we believe they offered better relative value than securities in other corporate-bond categories. In contrast to certain other areas of the corporate bond market, we believe the credit quality of financial institutions is improving. In our view, risk in the financials sector will continue to fall as regulatory pressure and rule changes force banks to streamline operations and further improve their balance sheets. We remained focused on bonds issued by large, diversified, domestically based institutions that, in our estimation, have demonstrated the greatest progress in increasing their liquidity and capital

Credit qualities are shown as a percentage of the fund’s net assets as of 7/31/13. A bond rated Baa or higher (Prime-3/VMIG3 or higher, for short-term debt) is considered investment grade. The chart reflects Moody’s ratings; percentages may include bonds or derivatives not rated by Moody’s but rated by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) or, if unrated by S&P, by Fitch ratings, and then included in the closest equivalent Moody’s rating. Ratings may vary over time.

Credit quality includes bonds and represents only the fixed-income portion of the portfolio. Cash and net other assets, if any, represent the market value weights of cash, derivatives, short-term securities, and other unclassified assets in the portfolio. The fund itself has not been rated by an independent rating agency.

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positions, and these securities performed well during the period.

You had less than 10% of the portfolio invested in securitized sectors, such as collateralized mortgage obligations [CMOs], commercial mortgage - backed securities, and asset - backed securities. Why wasn’t more of the fund allocated to these areas?

Michael: Given that one of our key objectives in managing the fund is to keep its NAV relatively stable, we tend not to invest significantly in these areas because the degree of extension risk, primarily with mortgage-backed securities, is inconsistent with this objective. To explain further, extension risk is the risk of a security’s duration lengthening due to a deceleration in prepayments, which typically occurs when interest rates are rising. As rates rise, the likelihood of prepayment decreases as mortgage holders become less likely to refinance. A material decline in refinancing activity can hamper the performance of CMOs and other mortgage-related securities.

What is your outlook for the coming months, and how are you positioning the fund?

Joanne: In our view, the Fed has concluded that the economy is in a much healthier state than when the latest round of quantitative easing began, and that if this pace of improvement continues, it would be prudent to begin drawing the program to a close. We expect the Fed to discuss the time frame for tapering its bond-buying program at its September 2013 meeting. If our forecast proves correct, we believe the central bank may begin to reduce its bond buying in September or October, and will end its purchases roughly six months later. This would conclude a period of monetary expansion and move the Fed to a neutral stance. From that point, we believe that many more months will pass before the Fed begins to increase the federal funds rate.

This chart shows how the fund’s top weightings have changed over the past six months. Allocations are shown as a percentage of the fund’s net assets. Cash and net other assets, if any, represent the market value weights of cash, derivatives, short-term securities, and other unclassified assets in the portfolio. Current period summary information may differ from the portfolio schedule included in the financial statements due to the inclusion of derivative securities, any interest accruals, the exclusion of as-of trades, if any, and the use of different classifications of securities for presentation purposes. Holdings and allocations may vary over time.

8   Short Duration Income Fund  


Against this backdrop, we are positioning the fund for the possibility of higher rates in the future, and plan to continue slowly reducing the portfolio’s duration while increasing its allocation to floating-rate securities. Many of the fund’s floating-rate holdings are linked to the London interbank offered rate [LIBOR], which is the rate at which financial institutions lend reserves to each other on the short-term international interbank market. LIBOR rates tend to be slightly higher than yields on short-term Treasuries or other U.S. government securities, and the yields on securities linked to LIBOR reset, in most cases, monthly or quarterly. We plan to increase the fund’s allocation to floating-rate securities to gain access to these higher yields and heighten its sensitivity to rising rates. At period-end, about 35% of the portfolio was invested in floating-rate bonds.

Thanks for your time and for bringing us up to date.

The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of Putnam Management and are subject to change. They are not meant as investment advice.

Please note that the holdings discussed in this report may not have been held by the fund for the entire period. Portfolio composition is subject to review in accordance with the fund’s investment strategy and may vary in the future. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk.

Portfolio Manager Michael V. Salm is Co-Head of Fixed Income at Putnam. He has a B.A. from Cornell University. Michael joined Putnam in 1997 and has been in the investment industry since 1989.

Portfolio Manager Joanne M. Driscoll has an M.B.A. from the Northeastern College of Business Administration and a B.S. from Westfield State College. A CFA charterholder, Joanne joined Putnam in 1995 and has been in the investment industry since 1992.

In addition to Michael and Joanne, your fund is also managed by Kevin F. Murphy.


Citing a lengthier economic slowdown in emerging-market economies, the deep recession in the eurozone, and the expected tapering of the U.S. Fed’s monetary stimulus, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has downgraded its growth projections for economies world- wide. Economic growth around the world is projected to remain subdued at 3.1% in 2013, the same as it was in 2012, the IMF stated in a mid-year update. Worldwide growth in 2014 will be 3.8%, the IMF predicted. As for the IMF’s regional economic forecasts, growth in the United States is projected to rise from 1.75% in 2013 to 2.75% in 2014. In Japan, growth will average 2% this year, while slowing but remaining positive in 2014. The eurozone economy, however, had a slightly positive second quarter, at 0.3%, according to the European Union’s statistics office, bringing to an end six straight quarters of negative growth. Still, the IMF believes that the 17-nation currency bloc overall will remain mired in recession this year, with negative growth, and in 2014 growth will rise to just below 1%, which is weaker than previously reported.

Short Duration Income Fund   9  


Your fund’s performance

This section shows your fund’s performance, price, and distribution information for periods ended July 31, 2013, the end of its most recent fiscal year. In accordance with regulatory requirements for mutual funds, we also include performance information as of the most recent calendar quarter-end and expense information taken from the fund’s current prospectus. Performance should always be considered in light of a fund’s investment strategy. Data represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. Performance information does not reflect any deduction for taxes a shareholder may owe on fund distributions or on the redemption of fund shares. For the most recent month-end performance, please visit the Individual Investors section at putnam.com or call Putnam at 1-800-225-1581. Class R, class R5, class R6, and class Y shares are not available to all investors. See the Terms and Definitions section in this report for definitions of the share classes offered by your fund.

Fund performance Total return for periods ended 7/31/13

  Class A   Class B   Class C   Class M   Class R   Class R5   Class R6   Class Y  
(inception dates)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (7/2/12)   (7/2/12)   (10/17/11)  

Life of fund   1.20%   0.47%   0.47%   1.02%   0.47%   1.47%   1.47%   1.47%  
Annual average   0.67   0.26   0.26   0.57   0.26   0.82   0.82   0.82  

1 year   0.69   0.29   0.29   0.54   0.29   0.79   0.79   0.79  


Current performance may be lower or higher than the quoted past performance, which cannot guarantee future results. None of the share classes generally carry an initial sales charge or a contingent deferred sales charge. Performance for class R5 and class R6 shares before their inception is derived from the historical performance of class Y shares.

For a portion of the periods, the fund had expense limitations, without which returns would have been lower.

Comparative index returns For periods ended 7/31/13

  BofA Merrill Lynch   Lipper Ultra-Short Obligations Funds  
  U.S. Treasury Bill Index   category average*  

Life of fund   0.19%   2.01%  
Annual average   0.11   1.12  

1 year   0.13   0.63  


Index and Lipper results should be compared with fund performance before sales charge, before CDSC, or at net asset value.

* Over the 1-year and life-of-fund periods ended 7/31/13, there were 98 and 88 funds, respectively, in this Lipper category.

10   Short Duration Income Fund  


Past performance does not indicate future results. At the end of the same time period, a $10,000 investment in the fund’s class B, C, M, R, R5, R6, and Y shares would have been valued at $10,047, $10,047, $10,102, $10,047, $10,147, $10,147, and $10,147, respectively.

Fund price and distribution information For the 12-month period ended 7/31/13

Distributions   Class A   Class B   Class C   Class M   Class R   Class R5   Class R6   Class Y  

Number   12   12   12   12   12   12   12   12  

Income   $0.0578   $0.0178   $0.0177   $0.0527   $0.0176   $0.0679   $0.0678   $0.0679  

Capital gains — Long-term                  

Capital gains — Short-term   0.0009   0.0009   0.0009   0.0009   0.0009   0.0009   0.0009   0.0009  

Total   $0.0587   $0.0187   $0.0186   $0.0536   $0.0185   $0.0688   $0.0687   $0.0688  

Share value at                  
net asset value                  

7/31/12   $10.02   $10.01   $10.01   $10.02   $10.01   $10.03   $10.03   $10.03  

7/31/13   10.03   10.02   10.02   10.02   10.02   10.04   10.04   10.04  


The classification of distributions, if any, is an estimate. Final distribution information will appear on your year-end tax forms.

Fund performance as of most recent calendar quarter
Total return for periods ended 6/30/13

  Class A   Class B   Class C   Class M   Class R   Class R5   Class R6   Class Y  
(inception dates)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (10/17/11)   (7/2/12)   (7/2/12)   (10/17/11)  

Life of fund   1.06%   0.36%   0.36%   0.98%   0.36%   1.32%   1.32%   1.32%  
Annual average   0.62   0.21   0.21   0.57   0.21   0.77   0.77   0.77  

1 year   0.68   0.29   0.28   0.53   0.28   0.78   0.78   0.78  


See the discussion following the fund performance table on page 10 for information about the calculation of fund performance.


Short Duration Income Fund   11  


Your fund’s expenses

As a mutual fund investor, you pay ongoing expenses, such as management fees, distribution fees (12b-1 fees), and other expenses. In the most recent six-month period, your fund’s expenses were limited; had expenses not been limited, they would have been higher. Using the following information, you can estimate how these expenses affect your investment and compare them with the expenses of other funds. You may also pay one-time transaction expenses, including sales charges (loads) and redemption fees, which are not shown in this section and would have resulted in higher total expenses. For more information, see your fund’s prospectus or talk to your financial representative.

Expense ratios

  Class A   Class B   Class C   Class M   Class R   Class R5   Class R6   Class Y  

Net expenses for the fiscal year                  
ended 7/31/12*   0.40%   0.80%   0.80%   0.45%   0.80%   0.30%‡   0.30%‡   0.30%  

Total annual operating expenses for                  
the fiscal year ended 7/31/12   0.72%   1.12%   1.12%   0.77%   1.12%   0.72%‡   0.65%‡   0.62%  

Annualized expense ratio for the                  
six-month period ended 7/31/13†   0.40%   0.80%   0.80%   0.45%   0.80%   0.30%   0.30%   0.30%  


Fiscal-year expense information in this table is taken from the most recent prospectus, is subject to change, and may differ from that shown for the annualized expense ratio and in the financial highlights of this report. Expenses are shown as a percentage of average net assets.

* Reflects Putnam Management’s contractual obligation to limit expenses through 11/30/13.

† For the fund’s most recent fiscal half year; may differ from expense ratios based on one-year data in the financial highlights.

‡ Other expenses for class R5 and class R6 shares have been annualized.

Expenses per $1,000

The following table shows the expenses you would have paid on a $1,000 investment in the fund from February 1, 2013, to July 31, 2013. It also shows how much a $1,000 investment would be worth at the close of the period, assuming actual returns and expenses.

  Class A   Class B   Class C   Class M   Class R   Class R5   Class R6   Class Y  

Expenses paid per $1,000*†   $1.99   $3.97   $3.97   $2.23   $3.97   $1.49   $1.49   $1.49  

Ending value (after expenses)   $1,001.90   $999.90   $999.90   $1,001.60   $999.90   $1,002.40   $1,002.40   $1,002.40  


* Expenses for each share class are calculated using the fund’s annualized expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing expenses as a percentage of average net assets for the six months ended 7/31/13. The expense ratio may differ for each share class.

† Expenses are calculated by multiplying the expense ratio by the average account value for the period; then multiplying the result by the number of days in the period; and then dividing that result by the number of days in the year.

12   Short Duration Income Fund  


Estimate the expenses you paid

To estimate the ongoing expenses you paid for the six months ended July 31, 2013, use the following calculation method. To find the value of your investment on February 1, 2013, call Putnam at 1-800-225-1581.

Compare expenses using the SEC’s method

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has established guidelines to help investors assess fund expenses. Per these guidelines, the following table shows your fund’s expenses based on a $1,000 investment, assuming a hypothetical 5% annualized return . You can use this information to compare the ongoing expenses (but not transaction expenses or total costs) of investing in the fund with those of other funds. All mutual fund shareholder reports will provide this information to help you make this comparison. Please note that you cannot use this information to estimate your actual ending account balance and expenses paid during the period.

  Class A   Class B   Class C   Class M   Class R   Class R5   Class R6   Class Y  

Expenses paid per $1,000*†   $2.01   $4.01   $4.01   $2.26   $4.01   $1.51   $1.51   $1.51  

Ending value (after expenses)   $1,022.81   $1,020.83   $1,020.83   $1,022.56   $1,020.83   $1,023.31   $1,023.31   $1,023.31  


* Expenses for each share class are calculated using the fund’s annualized expense ratio for each class, which represents the ongoing expenses as a percentage of average net assets for the six months ended 7/31/13. The expense ratio may differ for each share class.

† Expenses are calculated by multiplying the expense ratio by the average account value for the period; then multiplying the result by the number of days in the period; and then dividing that result by the number of days in the year.

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Terms and definitions

Important terms

Total return shows how the value of the fund’s shares changed over time, assuming you held the shares through the entire period and reinvested all distributions in the fund.

Net asset value (NAV) is the price, or value, of one share of a mutual fund, without a sales charge. Net asset values fluctuate with market conditions, and are calculated by dividing the net assets of each class of shares by the number of outstanding shares in the class.

Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) is generally a charge applied at the time of the redemption of class B or C shares and assumes redemption at the end of the period. Your fund’s class B CDSC declines over time from a 5% maximum during the first year to 1% during the sixth year. After the sixth year, the CDSC no longer applies. The CDSC for class C shares is 1% for one year after purchase.

Share classes

Class A shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or a CDSC, except that a CDSC may apply to certain redemptions of class A shares obtained by exchanging shares from another Putnam fund that were originally purchased without an initial sales charge if the shares are redeemed within nine months of the original purchase. Exchange of your fund’s class A shares into another Putnam fund may involve an initial sales charge.

Class B shares are not subject to an initial sales charge. They may be subject to a CDSC.

Class C shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or a CDSC, except that a CDSC of 1.00% may apply to class C shares obtained in an exchange for class C shares of another Putnam fund if exchanged within one year of the original purchase date.

Class M shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or a CDSC, except that a CDSC may apply to class M shares that were obtained either directly, or by exchanging shares from another Putnam fund that were originally purchased without a sales charge, from certain rollover accounts if redeemed within one year of purchase. Exchange of your fund’s class M shares into another Putnam fund may involve an initial sales charge.

Class R shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or CDSC and are available only to certain defined contribution plans.

Class R5 shares and class R6 shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or CDSC, and carry no 12b-1 fee. They are only available to certain defined contribution plans with assets of at least $50 million.

Class Y shares are not subject to an initial sales charge or CDSC, and carry no 12b-1 fee. They are generally only available to corporate and institutional clients and clients in other approved programs.

Fixed-income terms

Current rate is the annual rate of return earned from dividends or interest of an investment. Current rate is expressed as a percentage of the price of a security, fund share, or principal investment.

Yield curve is a graph that plots the yields of bonds with equal credit quality against their differing maturity dates, ranging from shortest to longest. It is used as a benchmark for other debt, such as mortgage or bank lending rates.

Comparative indexes Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S. investment-grade fixed-income securities.

14   Short Duration Income Fund  


BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Treasury Bill Index tracks the performance of U.S. dollar denominated U.S. Treasury bills, which represent obligations of the U.S. Government having a maturity of one year or less, and is intended as an approximate measure of the rate of inflation.

S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of common stock performance.

Indexes assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not account for fees. Securities and performance of a fund and an index will differ. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Lipper is a third-party industry-ranking entity that ranks mutual funds. Its rankings do not reflect sales charges. Lipper rankings are based on total return at net asset value relative to other funds that have similar current investment styles or objectives as determined by Lipper. Lipper may change a fund’s category assignment at its discretion. Lipper category averages reflect performance trends for funds within a category.

Other information for shareholders

Proxy voting

Putnam is committed to managing our mutual funds in the best interests of our shareholders. The Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures, as well as information regarding how your fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the 12-month period ended June 30, 2013, are available in the Individual Investors section of putnam.com, and on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website, www.sec.gov. If you have questions about finding forms on the SEC’s website, you may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain the Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures at no charge by calling Putnam’s Shareholder Services at 1-800-225-1581.

Fund portfolio holdings

The fund will file a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Shareholders may obtain the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. In addition, the fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. You may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for information about the SEC’s website or the operation of the Public Reference Room.

Trustee and employee fund ownership

Putnam employees and members of the Board of Trustees place their faith, confidence, and, most importantly, investment dollars in Putnam mutual funds. As of July 31, 2013, Putnam employees had approximately $394,000,000 and the Trustees had approximately $94,000,000 invested in Putnam mutual funds. These amounts include investments by the Trustees’ and employees’ immediate family members as well as investments through retirement and deferred compensation plans.

Short Duration Income Fund   15  


Important notice regarding Putnam’s privacy policy

In order to conduct business with our shareholders, we must obtain certain personal information such as account holders’ names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth. Using this information, we are able to maintain accurate records of accounts and transactions.

It is our policy to protect the confidentiality of our shareholder information, whether or not a shareholder currently owns shares of our funds. In particular, it is our policy not to sell information about you or your accounts to outside marketing firms. We have safeguards in place designed to prevent unauthorized access to our computer systems and procedures to protect personal information from unauthorized use.

Under certain circumstances, we must share account information with outside vendors who provide services to us, such as mailings and proxy solicitations. In these cases, the service providers enter into confidentiality agreements with us, and we provide only the information necessary to process transactions and perform other services related to your account. Finally, it is our policy to share account information with your financial representative, if you’ve listed one on your Putnam account.

16   Short Duration Income Fund  


Trustee approval of management contract

General conclusions

The Board of Trustees of the Putnam funds oversees the management of each fund and, as required by law, determines annually whether to approve the continuance of your fund’s management contract with Putnam Investment Management (“Putnam Management”) and the sub-management contract with respect to your fund between Putnam Management and its affiliate, Putnam Investments Limited (“PIL”). The Board of Trustees, with the assistance of its Contract Committee, requests and evaluates all information it deems reasonably necessary under the circumstances in connection with its annual contract review. The Contract Committee consists solely of Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as this term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)) of the Putnam funds (“Independent Trustees”).

At the outset of the review process, members of the Board’s independent staff and independent legal counsel met with representatives of Putnam Management to review the annual contract review materials furnished to the Contract Committee during the course of the previous year’s review and to discuss possible changes in these materials that might be necessary or desirable for the coming year. Following these discussions and in consultation with the Contract Committee, the Independent Trustees’ independent legal counsel requested that Putnam Management furnish specified information, together with any additional information that Putnam Management considered relevant, to the Contract Committee. Over the course of several months ending in June 2013, the Contract Committee met on a number of occasions with representatives of Putnam Management, and separately in executive session, to consider the information that Putnam Management provided. Throughout this process, the Contract Committee was assisted by the members of the Board’s independent staff and by independent legal counsel for the Putnam funds and the Independent Trustees.

In May 2013, the Contract Committee met in executive session to discuss and consider its preliminary recommendations with respect to the continuance of the contracts. At the Trustees’ June 20, 2013 meeting, the Contract Committee met in executive session with the other Independent Trustees to review a summary of the key financial data that the Contract Committee considered in the course of its review. The Contract Committee then presented its written report, which summarized the key factors that the Committee had considered and set forth its final recommendations. The Contract Committee then recommended, and the Independent Trustees approved, the continuance of your fund’s management and sub-management contracts, effective July 1, 2013, subject to certain changes in these contracts noted below. (Because PIL is an affiliate of Putnam Management and Putnam Management remains fully responsible for all services provided by PIL, the Trustees have not evaluated PIL as a separate entity, and all subsequent references to Putnam Management below should be deemed to include reference to PIL as necessary or appropriate in the context.)

The Independent Trustees’ approval was based on the following conclusions:

That the fee schedule in effect for your fund represented reasonable compensation in light of the nature and quality of the services being provided to the fund, the fees paid by competitive funds, and the costs incurred by Putnam Management in providing services to the fund, and

That the fee schedule represented an appropriate sharing between fund shareholders and Putnam Management of such economies of

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scale as may exist in the management of the fund at current asset levels.

These conclusions were based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees and were not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations and how the Trustees considered these factors are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently, giving different weights to various factors. It is also important to recognize that the management arrangements for your fund and the other Putnam funds are the result of many years of review and discussion between the Independent Trustees and Putnam Management, that some aspects of the arrangements may receive greater scrutiny in some years than others, and that the Trustees’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their consideration of fee arrangements in previous years. For example, with some minor exceptions, the current fee arrangements in the management contracts for the Putnam funds were implemented at the beginning of 2010 following extensive review and discussion by the Trustees, as well as approval by shareholders.

As noted above, the Trustees considered certain changes to the management contracts of all funds that are organized as series of Putnam Funds Trust, including your fund, that were proposed by Putnam Management in an attempt to consolidate the contracts of these funds into three separate contracts based on the structure of each fund’s management fee. The Independent Trustees’ approval of these consolidated management contracts was based on their conclusion that the changes were purely for administrative convenience and would not result in any substantive change to the terms of a fund’s existing management contract with Putnam Management or any reduction in the nature and quality of services provided to your fund.

The Trustees also considered certain administrative revisions to your fund’s sub-management contract. Putnam Management recommended that the sub-management contract be revised to reduce the sub-management fee that Putnam Management pays to PIL from 40 basis points to 25 basis points with respect to the portion of the portfolios of certain funds, including your fund, that may be allocated to PIL from time to time. These revisions had no effect on the management fees paid by your fund to Putnam Management. The Independent Trustees’ approval of this recommendation was based on their conclusion that these changes would have no practical effect on Putnam Management’s continued responsibility for the management of these funds or the costs borne by fund shareholders and would not result in any reduction in the nature and quality of services provided to the funds.

Management fee schedules and total expenses

The Trustees reviewed the management fee schedules in effect for all Putnam funds, including fee levels and breakpoints. The Trustees also reviewed the total expenses of each Putnam fund, recognizing that in most cases management fees represented the major, but not the sole, determinant of total costs to shareholders.

In reviewing fees and expenses, the Trustees generally focus their attention on material changes in circumstances — for example, changes in assets under management, changes in a fund’s investment style, changes in Putnam Management’s operating costs or profitability, or changes in competitive practices in the mutual fund industry — that suggest that consideration of fee changes might be warranted. The Trustees concluded that the circumstances did not warrant changes to the management fee structure of your fund.

Under its management contract, your fund has the benefit of breakpoints in its management

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fee schedule that provide shareholders with economies of scale in the form of reduced fee levels as assets under management in the Putnam family of funds increase. The Trustees concluded that the fee schedule in effect for your fund represented an appropriate sharing of economies of scale between fund shareholders and Putnam Management.

As in the past, the Trustees also focused on the competitiveness of each fund’s total expense ratio. In order to ensure that expenses of the Putnam funds continue to meet competitive standards, the Trustees and Putnam Management have implemented certain expense limitations. These expense limitations were: (i) a contractual expense limitation applicable to all retail open-end funds of 32 basis points on investor servicing fees and expenses and (ii) a contractual expense limitation applicable to all open-end funds of 20 basis points on so-called “other expenses” (i.e., all expenses exclusive of management fees, investor servicing fees, distribution fees, investment-related expenses, interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses and acquired fund fees and expenses). These expense limitations serve in particular to maintain competitive expense levels for funds with large numbers of small shareholder accounts and funds with relatively small net assets. Most funds had sufficiently low expenses that these expense limitations did not apply. However, in the case of your fund, the second of the expense limitations applied during its fiscal year ending in 2012. In addition, Putnam Management agreed to waive fees (and, to the extent necessary, bear other expenses) through at least November 30, 2014 to the extent that the expenses of your fund (excluding brokerage, interest, taxes, investment-related expenses, extraordinary expenses, payments under the fund’s distribution plans, and acquired fund fees and expenses, but including payments under the fund’s investor servicing and investment management contracts) would exceed an annual rate of 0.30% of the fund’s average net assets. Putnam Management’s support for these expense limitations was an important factor in the Trustees’ decision to approve the continuance of your fund’s management and sub-management contracts.

The Trustees reviewed comparative fee and expense information for a custom group of competitive funds selected by Lipper Inc. This comparative information included your fund’s percentile ranking for effective management fees and total expenses (excluding any applicable 12b-1 fee), which provides a general indication of your fund’s relative standing. In the custom peer group, your fund ranked in the 2nd quintile in effective management fees (determined for your fund and the other funds in the custom peer group based on fund asset size and the applicable contractual management fee schedule) and in the 1st quintile in total expenses (excluding any applicable 12b-1 fees) as of December 31, 2012 (the first quintile representing the least expensive funds and the fifth quintile the most expensive funds). The fee and expense data reported by Lipper as of December 31, 2012 reflected the most recent fiscal year-end data available in Lipper’s database at that time.

In connection with their review of the management fees and total expenses of the Putnam funds, the Trustees also reviewed the costs of the services provided and the profits realized by Putnam Management and its affiliates from their contractual relationships with the funds. This information included trends in revenues, expenses and profitability of Putnam Management and its affiliates relating to the investment management, investor servicing and distribution services provided to the funds. In this regard, the Trustees also reviewed an analysis of Putnam Management’s revenues, expenses and profitability, allocated on a fund-by-fund basis, with respect to the funds’ management, distribution, and investor servicing contracts.

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For each fund, the analysis presented information about revenues, expenses and profitability for each of the agreements separately and for the agreements taken together on a combined basis. The Trustees concluded that, at current asset levels, the fee schedules in place represented reasonable compensation for the services being provided and represented an appropriate sharing of such economies of scale as may exist in the management of the Putnam funds at that time.

The information examined by the Trustees as part of their annual contract review for the Putnam funds has included for many years information regarding fees charged by Putnam Management and its affiliates to institutional clients such as defined benefit pension plans, college endowments, and the like. This information included comparisons of those fees with fees charged to the funds, as well as an assessment of the differences in the services provided to these different types of clients. The Trustees observed that the differences in fee rates between institutional clients and mutual funds are by no means uniform when examined by individual asset sectors, suggesting that differences in the pricing of investment management services to these types of clients may reflect historical competitive forces operating in separate markets. The Trustees considered the fact that in many cases fee rates across different asset classes are higher on average for mutual funds than for institutional clients, as well as the differences between the services that Putnam Management provides to the Putnam funds and those that it provides to its institutional clients. The Trustees did not rely on these comparisons to any significant extent in concluding that the management fees paid by your fund are reasonable.

Investment performance

The quality of the investment process provided by Putnam Management represented a major factor in the Trustees’ evaluation of the quality of services provided by Putnam Management under your fund’s management contract. The Trustees were assisted in their review of the Putnam funds’ investment process and performance by the work of the investment oversight committees of the Trustees, which meet on a regular basis with the funds’ portfolio teams and with the Chief Investment Officer and other senior members of Putnam Management’s Investment Division throughout the year. The Trustees concluded that Putnam Management generally provides a high-quality investment process — based on the experience and skills of the individuals assigned to the management of fund portfolios, the resources made available to them, and in general Putnam Management’s ability to attract and retain high-quality personnel — but also recognized that this does not guarantee favorable investment results for every fund in every time period.

The Trustees considered that 2012 was a year of strong competitive performance for many of the Putnam funds, with only a relatively small number of exceptions. They noted that this strong performance was exemplified by the fact that the Putnam funds were recognized by Barron’s as the best performing mutual fund complex for 2012—the second time in four years that Putnam Management has achieved this distinction for the Putnam funds. They also noted, however, the disappointing investment performance of some funds for periods ended December 31, 2012 and considered information provided by Putnam Management regarding the factors contributing to the underperformance and actions being taken to improve the performance of these particular funds. The Trustees indicated their intention to continue to monitor performance trends to assess the effectiveness of these efforts and to evaluate whether additional actions to address areas of underperformance are warranted.

For purposes of evaluating investment performance, the Trustees generally focus on

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competitive industry rankings for the one-year, three-year, and five-year periods. For a number of Putnam funds with relatively unique investment mandates, the Trustees evaluated performance based on comparisons of their absolute gross returns with the returns of selected investment benchmarks or targeted annualized returns. In the case of your fund, the Trustees considered that its class A share cumulative total return performance at net asset value was in the 3rd quartile of its Lipper Inc. peer group (Lipper Ultra-Short Obligations Funds) for the one-year period ended December 31, 2012 (the first quartile representing the best-performing funds and the fourth quartile the worst-performing funds). Over the one-year period ended December 31, 2012, there were 88 funds in your fund’s Lipper peer group. Because your fund had only commenced operations on November 17, 2011, the Trustees considered that there had not been a sufficiently long period of time to allow for definitive conclusions about the fund’s performance. (When considering performance information, shareholders should be mindful that past performance is not a guarantee of future results.)

The Trustees also considered a number of other changes that Putnam Management had made in recent years in efforts to support and improve fund performance generally. In particular, the Trustees recognized that Putnam Management has adjusted the compensation structure for portfolio managers and research analysts so that only those who achieve top-quartile returns over a rolling three-year basis are eligible for full bonuses.

Brokerage and soft-dollar allocations; investor servicing

The Trustees considered various potential benefits that Putnam Management may receive in connection with the services it provides under the management contract with your fund. These include benefits related to brokerage allocation and the use of soft dollars, whereby a portion of the commissions paid by a fund for brokerage may be used to acquire research services that are expected to be useful to Putnam Management in managing the assets of the fund and of other clients. Subject to policies established by the Trustees, soft dollars generated by these means are used primarily to acquire brokerage and research services that enhance Putnam Management’s investment capabilities and supplement Putnam Management’s internal research efforts. However, the Trustees noted that a portion of available soft dollars continues to be used to pay fund expenses. The Trustees indicated their continued intent to monitor regulatory and industry developments in this area with the assistance of their Brokerage Committee and also indicated their continued intent to monitor the allocation of the Putnam funds’ brokerage in order to ensure that the principle of seeking best price and execution remains paramount in the portfolio trading process.

Putnam Management may also receive benefits from payments that the funds make to Putnam Management’s affiliates for investor or distribution services. In conjunction with the annual review of your fund’s management and sub-management contracts, the Trustees reviewed your fund’s investor servicing agreement with Putnam Investor Services, Inc. (“PSERV”) and its distributor’s contracts and distribution plans with Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership (“PRM”), both of which are affiliates of Putnam Management. The Trustees concluded that the fees payable by the funds to PSERV and PRM, as applicable, for such services are reasonable in relation to the nature and quality of such services, the fees paid by competitive funds, and the costs incurred by PSERV and PRM, as applicable, in providing such services.

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Financial statements

These sections of the report, as well as the accompanying Notes, preceded by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, constitute the fund’s financial statements.

The fund’s portfolio lists all the fund’s investments and their values as of the last day of the reporting period. Holdings are organized by asset type and industry sector, country, or state to show areas of concentration and diversification.

Statement of assets and liabilities shows how the fund’s net assets and share price are determined. All investment and non-investment assets are added together. Any unpaid expenses and other liabilities are subtracted from this total. The result is divided by the number of shares to determine the net asset value per share, which is calculated separately for each class of shares. (For funds with preferred shares, the amount subtracted from total assets includes the liquidation preference of preferred shares.)

Statement of operations shows the fund’s net investment gain or loss. This is done by first adding up all the fund’s earnings — from dividends and interest income — and subtracting its operating expenses to determine net investment income (or loss). Then, any net gain or loss the fund realized on the sales of its holdings — as well as any unrealized gains or losses over the period — is added to or subtracted from the net investment result to determine the fund’s net gain or loss for the fiscal year.

Statement of changes in net assets shows how the fund’s net assets were affected by the fund’s net investment gain or loss, by distributions to shareholders, and by changes in the number of the fund’s shares. It lists distributions and their sources (net investment income or realized capital gains) over the current reporting period and the most recent fiscal year-end. The distributions listed here may not match the sources listed in the Statement of operations because the distributions are determined on a tax basis and may be paid in a different period from the one in which they were earned.

Financial highlights provide an overview of the fund’s investment results, per-share distributions, expense ratios, net investment income ratios, and portfolio turnover in one summary table, reflecting the five most recent reporting periods. In a semiannual report, the highlights table also includes the current reporting period.

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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Trustees and Shareholders
Putnam Funds Trust:

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Putnam Short Duration Income Fund (the fund), a series of Putnam Funds Trust, including the fund’s portfolio, as of July 31, 2013, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, and the statements of changes in net assets and the financial highlights for the year then ended and the period from October 17, 2011 (commencement of operations) to July 31, 2012. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 2013, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Putnam Short Duration Income Fund as of July 31, 2013, the results of its operations, the changes in its net assets and the financial highlights for the periods specified in the first paragraph above, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Boston, Massachusetts
September 11, 2013

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The fund’s portfolio 7/31/13

  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)*   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banking (33.8%)          
Abbey National Treasury Services PLC (London) bank          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   2.875   4/25/14   $4,410,000   $4,477,279  

Abbey National Treasury Services PLC/London          
bank guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes FRN          
(United Kingdom)   1.844   4/25/14   3,597,000   3,628,467  

ABN Amro Bank NV 144A sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Netherlands)   2.035   1/30/14   1,000,000   1,007,050  

ABN Amro Bank NV 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Netherlands)   3.000   1/31/14   6,100,000   6,163,214  

ABN Amro Bank NV 144A sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Netherlands)   1.375   1/22/16   2,000,000   1,996,000  

American Express Centurion Bank company guaranty          
sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.725   11/13/15   1,000,000   1,001,145  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. sr.          
unsec. notes (Australia)   2.125   9/19/14   586,000   593,753  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. 144A          
bank guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes (Australia)   0.466   5/7/15   4,850,000   4,853,240  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. 144A sr.          
unsec. notes (Australia)   3.700   1/13/15   850,000   883,235  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. 144A sr.          
unsec. unsub. FRN notes (Australia)   1.009   1/10/14   1,450,000   1,454,597  

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. 144A sr.          
unsec. unsub. FRN notes (Australia)   0.943   9/24/13   1,000,000   1,000,918  

Bank of America Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   1.093   3/22/16   7,000,000   6,998,219  

Bank of America Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.603   9/15/14   2,000,000   1,998,040  

Bank of America Corp. sr. unsec. notes   5.375   6/15/14   1,250,000   1,303,966  

Bank of America Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   1.819   7/11/14   1,000,000   1,010,944  

Bank of America Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   7.375   5/15/14   530,000   556,580  

Bank of America Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.500   4/1/15   440,000   462,394  

Bank of Montreal sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes          
Ser. MTN (Canada)   0.788   7/15/16   5,000,000   5,007,325  

Bank of Montreal sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes          
Ser. MTN (Canada)   0.745   9/11/15   790,000   793,073  

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The) sr.          
unsec. FRN notes   0.495   10/23/15   7,390,000   7,402,142  

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The) sr. unsec.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.534   7/28/14   1,080,000   1,081,315  

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The) sr. unsec. unsub.          
FRN notes Ser. MTN   1.124   11/24/14   400,000   403,420  

Bank of Nova Scotia sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes (Canada)   0.788   7/15/16   3,000,000   3,002,646  

Bank of Nova Scotia sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes (Canada)   0.673   3/15/16   3,000,000   3,000,025  

Bank of Nova Scotia sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Canada)   3.400   1/22/15   711,000   739,451  

Bank of Nova Scotia sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Canada)   0.750   10/9/15   1,000,000   997,078  

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec.          
FRN notes (Japan)   0.934   2/24/14   550,000   551,622  


24   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banking cont.          
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   3.850   1/22/15   $670,000   $698,408  

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   2.450   9/11/15   1,295,000   1,333,733  

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   1.600   9/11/13   1,265,000   1,266,262  

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (The) 144A sr.          
unsec. FRN notes (Japan)   0.723   2/26/16   5,160,000   5,156,040  

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (The) 144A sr.          
unsec. notes (Japan)   1.000   2/26/16   500,000   496,292  

Barclays Bank PLC sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes          
(United Kingdom)   1.308   1/13/14   200,000   200,848  

Barclays Bank PLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   5.200   7/10/14   1,300,000   1,353,443  

Barclays Bank PLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   3.900   4/7/15   1,814,000   1,901,798  

Barclays Bank PLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   2.375   1/13/14   1,405,000   1,416,424  

Barclays Bank PLC unsec. sub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   5.015   11/12/13   2,600,000   2,624,960  

BB&T Corp. sr. unsec. notes   5.700   4/30/14   2,081,000   2,160,398  

BB&T Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes Ser. MTN   3.375   9/25/13   1,670,000   1,676,799  

BB&T Corp. unsec. sub. notes   5.200   12/23/15   1,915,000   2,091,155  

BNP Paribas SA sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes          
Ser. MTN (France)   3.022   12/20/14   3,136,000   3,235,935  

BNY Mellon NA unsec. sub. notes   4.750   12/15/14   472,000   495,475  

BPCE SA sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes          
Ser. MTN (France)   1.516   4/25/16   1,000,000   1,007,517  

BPCE SA 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (France)   2.023   2/7/14   3,550,000   3,574,357  

BPCE SA 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes (France)   2.375   10/4/13   6,070,000   6,087,536  

Branch Banking & Trust Co. unsec. sub. FRN notes   0.592   9/13/16   4,665,000   4,596,900  

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce/Canada sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes (Canada)   0.900   10/1/15   1,200,000   1,202,668  

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce/Canada sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes (Canada)   0.786   7/18/16   3,000,000   3,004,440  

Capital One Financial Corp. sr. unsec.          
unsub. FRN notes   1.418   7/15/14   1,900,000   1,912,627  

Capital One Financial Corp. sr. unsec.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.913   11/6/15   890,000   890,993  

Capital One Financial Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   7.375   5/23/14   3,195,000   3,364,543  

Capital One Financial Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   6.250   11/15/13   250,000   253,992  

Capital One Financial Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   2.150   3/23/15   1,000,000   1,017,126  

Capital One Financial Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   2.125   7/15/14   500,000   506,317  

Capital One NA/Mclean VA sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.723   3/22/16   3,000,000   2,986,600  

Citigroup, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes   1.226   7/25/16   3,000,000   3,007,987  

Citigroup, Inc. sr. unsec. FRN notes   1.064   4/1/16   3,700,000   3,708,799  

Citigroup, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   6.010   1/15/15   1,131,000   1,209,529  

Citigroup, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   6.000   12/13/13   550,000   560,731  


Short Duration Income Fund   25  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banking cont.          
Citigroup, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   5.500   10/15/14   $4,251,000   $4,472,851  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Australia)   1.073   9/18/15   4,600,000   4,641,372  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Australia)   3.750   10/15/14   2,029,000   2,101,199  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia/New York, NY sr.          
unsec. FRN notes   1.250   9/18/15   480,000   484,743  

Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank          
B.A. (Netherlands) sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Netherlands)   0.753   3/18/16   4,000,000   4,006,343  

Credit Agricole SA (London) 144A sr. unsec. notes          
(United Kingdom)   2.625   1/21/14   4,750,000   4,787,050  

Credit Agricole SA/London 144A company guaranty          
sr. unsec. unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   1.428   4/15/16   2,000,000   2,011,174  

Credit Suisse of New York sr. unsec. notes   5.500   5/1/14   500,000   518,250  

Credit Suisse of New York sr. unsec. notes   2.200   1/14/14   450,000   453,493  

Danske Bank A/S 144A sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes (Denmark)   1.318   4/14/14   9,150,000   9,190,040  

DNB Boligkreditt AS 144A sr. unsub. bonds (Norway)   2.100   10/14/15   2,500,000   2,566,500  

Fifth Third Bank/Cincinnati, Ohio sr. unsec. notes   0.900   2/26/16   3,340,000   3,299,870  

Fifth Third Bank/Cincinnati, Ohio sr. unsec.          
notes Ser. BKNT   4.750   2/1/15   800,000   841,919  

Fifth Third Bank/Ohio sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.683   2/26/16   6,700,000   6,693,134  

HBSC Bank USA NA /New York NY unsec. sub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   4.625   4/1/14   4,235,000   4,345,686  

HSBC Bank PLC 144A sr. unsec. notes          
(United Kingdom)   1.625   8/12/13   200,000   200,053  

HSBC Bank PLC 144A sr. unsec. sub. FRN notes          
(United Kingdom)   1.068   1/17/14   750,000   752,855  

HSBC Finance Corp. notes   5.000   6/30/15   1,943,000   2,078,079  

HSBC Finance Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   5.250   4/15/15   1,981,000   2,116,562  

HSBC Finance Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.518   1/15/14   2,225,000   2,224,557  

ING Bank N.V. 144A sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Netherlands)   1.224   3/7/16   2,000,000   2,004,612  

ING Bank NV 144A sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Netherlands)   1.913   9/25/15   5,226,000   5,322,806  

ING Bank NV 144A sr. unsec. notes (Netherlands)   2.375   6/9/14   2,500,000   2,531,650  

ING Bank NV 144A sr. unsec. notes (Netherlands)   2.000   10/18/13   850,000   852,304  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.715   4/23/15   1,000,000   998,445  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. unsec. sub. FRN notes   1.476   9/1/15   2,412,000   2,412,620  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. unsec. sub. notes   5.125   9/15/14   950,000   993,086  

JPMorgan Chase Bank NA unsec. sub. FRN notes   0.602   6/13/16   8,155,000   8,032,757  

KeyBank N.A./Cleveland OH unsec. sub. notes   5.800   7/1/14   2,240,000   2,341,228  

KeyBank NA/Cleveland, OH company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes Ser. MTN   5.450   3/3/16   5,000,000   5,513,378  

KeyCorp sr. unsec. unsub. notes   3.750   8/13/15   2,500,000   2,637,732  

Lloyds TSB Bank PLC bank guaranty sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (United Kingdom)   2.615   1/24/14   445,000   449,389  


26   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banking cont.          
Lloyds TSB Bank PLC bank guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (United Kingdom)   4.875   1/21/16   $1,025,000   $1,110,722  

Lloyds TSB Bank PLC 144A bank guaranty sr. unsec.          
notes (United Kingdom)   4.375   1/12/15   9,379,000   9,796,647  

Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. sr. unsec.          
notes Ser. BKNT   0.574   3/7/16   10,000,000   9,961,108  

Mellon Funding Corp. company guaranty          
unsec. sub. notes   5.000   12/1/14   1,600,000   1,688,651  

Mizuho Financial Group Cayman, Ltd. 144A unsec.          
sub. notes (Cayman Islands)   5.790   4/15/14   6,675,000   6,900,034  

National Australia Bank, Ltd. sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Australia)   1.403   8/7/15   1,000,000   1,016,941  

National Australia Bank, Ltd. sr. unsec.          
notes (Australia)   1.700   12/10/13   290,000   291,247  

National Australia Bank, Ltd. 144A FRN          
notes (Australia)   0.975   11/8/13   520,000   520,915  

National Australia Bank, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Australia)   0.566   1/22/15   1,350,000   1,352,267  

National Australia Bank, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Australia)   1.700   12/10/13   350,000   351,505  

National Australia Bank, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec. unsub.          
FRN notes (Australia)   1.214   7/25/14   1,520,000   1,533,686  

National Australia Bank, Ltd./New York company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes (Australia)   0.816   7/25/16   6,000,000   6,000,000  

National Australia Bank, Ltd./New York sr. unsec.          
notes (Australia)   1.600   8/7/15   362,000   367,323  

National Australia Bank, Ltd./New York sr. unsec.          
notes Ser. MTN (Australia)   2.000   3/9/15   140,000   142,928  

National Bank of Canada bank guaranty sr. unsec.          
notes (Canada)   1.500   6/26/15   3,285,000   3,328,766  

Nationwide Building Society 144A sr. unsec. notes          
(United Kingdom)   4.650   2/25/15   354,000   370,985  

Nationwide Building Society 144A sr. unsec. sub.          
notes (United Kingdom)   5.250   1/15/14   8,169,000   8,309,646  

Nordea Bank AB 144A sr. unsec. FRN notes (Sweden)   1.168   1/14/14   1,350,000   1,355,704  

Nordea Bank AB 144A sr. unsec. notes (Sweden)   2.250   3/20/15   210,000   214,326  

Nordea Bank AB 144A sr. unsec. notes (Sweden)   0.735   5/13/16   3,500,000   3,498,060  

Nordea Bank AB 144A sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Sweden)   3.700   11/13/14   2,400,000   2,486,400  

Northern Trust Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.625   5/1/14   438,000   451,648  

PNC Bank N.A. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
notes Ser. BKNT   0.584   4/29/16   3,000,000   2,997,666  

PNC Bank N.A. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.574   1/28/16   1,954,000   1,950,315  

PNC Funding Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.466   1/31/14   250,000   250,011  

PNC Funding Corp. sr. unsec. notes   5.400   6/10/14   1,768,000   1,841,001  

PNC Funding Corp. sr. unsec. notes   3.000   5/19/14   1,598,000   1,629,592  

PNC Funding Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   5.250   11/15/15   1,884,000   2,047,833  

Rabobank Nederland 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Netherlands)   4.200   5/13/14   2,000,000   2,057,178  


Short Duration Income Fund   27  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banking cont.          
Royal Bank of Canada sr. unsec. FRN notes (Canada)   0.965   10/30/14   $6,650,000   $6,700,008  

Royal Bank of Canada sr. unsec. FRN notes (Canada)   0.644   3/8/16   2,000,000   2,003,143  

Royal Bank of Canada sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes          
Ser. MTN1 (Canada)   0.568   4/17/14   570,000   571,271  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The) bank guaranty sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   4.375   3/16/16   1,785,000   1,902,971  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The) company guaranty          
sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes (United Kingdom)   2.694   8/23/13   967,000   967,916  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The) company guaranty          
sr. unsec. unsub. notes Ser. 2 (United Kingdom)   3.400   8/23/13   1,350,000   1,351,769  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The) sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (United Kingdom)   3.250   1/11/14   500,000   504,900  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The) sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (United Kingdom)   2.550   9/18/15   615,000   627,783  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The) 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   4.875   8/25/14   4,100,000   4,248,680  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC/The sr. unsec. notes          
(United Kingdom)   4.875   3/16/15   750,000   788,583  

Santander Holdings USA, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.625   4/19/16   2,000,000   2,125,266  

Societe Generale SA 144A company guaranty sr.          
notes (France)   1.319   4/11/14   1,400,000   1,405,940  

Societe Generale SA 144A sr. unsec. notes (France)   2.500   1/15/14   5,218,000   5,254,004  

Societe Generale SA 144A sr. unsec. notes (France)   2.200   9/14/13   1,700,000   1,702,720  

Societe Generale SA 144A sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes (France)   3.100   9/14/15   1,450,000   1,499,829  

Standard Chartered PLC 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   5.500   11/18/14   1,825,000   1,927,206  

Standard Chartered PLC 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes          
(United Kingdom)   3.850   4/27/15   4,480,000   4,682,250  

State Street Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.624   3/7/14   795,000   796,855  

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   1.350   7/18/15   1,450,000   1,462,631  

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   0.936   7/19/16   3,250,000   3,250,001  

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   1.950   1/14/14   1,500,000   1,508,736  

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 144A sr. unsec.          
notes (Japan)   1.900   7/22/14   380,000   384,343  

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. 144A sr. unsec.          
unsub. bonds (Japan)   3.150   7/22/15   1,600,000   1,665,491  

Svenska Handelsbanken AB sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Sweden)   0.722   3/21/16   8,410,000   8,423,380  

Swetbank Hypotek AB 144A bank guaranty sr. unsub.          
bonds (Sweden)   2.950   3/28/16   425,000   446,509  

Swetbank Hypotek AB 144A bank guaranty unsub.          
notes (Sweden)   0.726   3/28/14   1,110,000   1,110,175  

Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes Ser. MTN (Canada)   0.453   5/1/15   4,000,000   4,000,002  

UBS AG/Stamford CT sr. unsec. FRN notes   1.264   1/28/14   1,331,000   1,337,248  


28   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banking cont.          
UBS AG/Stamford CT sr. unsec. notes   2.250   1/28/14   $1,393,000   $1,405,866  

UBS AG/Stamford CT sr. unsec. notes Ser. DPNT   3.875   1/15/15   1,500,000   1,564,809  

UBS AG/Stamford, CT sr. notes   7.375   7/15/15   3,375,000   3,713,840  

US Bancorp sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.200   5/15/14   100,000   103,040  

US Bank NA unsec. sub. FRN notes   0.548   10/14/14   2,114,000   2,118,025  

US Bank NA unsec. sub. notes   6.300   2/4/14   288,000   296,177  

US Bank NA unsec. sub. notes   4.950   10/30/14   2,958,000   3,112,467  

US Bank NA unsec. sub. notes   4.800   4/15/15   3,250,000   3,465,534  

Wachovia Corp. unsec. sub. FRN notes   0.638   10/15/16   1,000,000   986,586  

Wachovia Corp. unsec. sub. FRN notes   0.605   10/28/15   7,544,000   7,476,066  

Wells Fargo & Co. unsec. sub. notes   4.950   10/16/13   170,000   171,503  

Wells Fargo Bank NA unsec. sub. FRN notes   0.484   5/16/16   2,000,000   1,975,990  

Westpac Banking Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes (Australia)   1.033   9/25/15   3,245,000   3,277,184  

Westpac Banking Corp. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Australia)   4.200   2/27/15   150,000   158,083  

Westpac Banking Corp. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Australia)   3.000   8/4/15   2,000,000   2,088,678  

Westpac Banking Corp. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Australia)   1.125   9/25/15   1,330,000   1,336,635  

Westpac Banking Corp. 144A sr. unsec. FRN          
notes (Australia)   1.204   2/24/14   700,000   703,600  

Basic materials (0.6%)          
Airgas, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   2.850   10/1/13   5,448,000   5,466,153  

BHP Billiton Finance USA, Ltd. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. FRN notes (Australia)   0.544   2/18/14   1,117,000   1,118,454  

Capital goods (1.0%)          
Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. sr.          
unsec. FRN notes   0.575   12/11/13   350,000   350,482  

Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. sr.          
unsec. FRN notes   0.564   4/1/14   1,290,000   1,292,276  

Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. sr. unsec. notes   6.125   2/17/14   880,000   907,210  

Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. sr. unsec.          
notes Ser. MTN   4.750   2/17/15   585,000   621,823  

Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   1.125   12/15/14   650,000   655,601  

Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes Ser. MTN   4.900   8/15/13   354,000   354,447  

John Deere Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.416   4/25/14   1,000,000   1,001,156  

John Deere Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.371   10/8/14   480,000   480,123  

John Deere Capital Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.674   10/4/13   564,000   564,513  

John Deere Capital Corp. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes Ser. MTN   2.950   3/9/15   1,000,000   1,036,438  

John Deere Capital Corp. unsec. FRN notes   0.339   1/12/15   2,000,000   2,000,014  

United Technologies Corp. sr. unsec.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.545   12/2/13   1,700,000   1,701,698  



Short Duration Income Fund   29  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Communication services (2.6%)          
Alltel Corp. sr. unsec. notes   6.500   11/1/13   $250,000   $253,508  

AT&T, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.660   2/12/16   3,000,000   3,006,477  

AT&T, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.800   12/1/15   3,000,000   2,992,345  

BellSouth Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. bonds   5.200   9/15/14   3,645,000   3,819,570  

British Telecommunications PLC sr. unsec. unsub.          
FRN notes (United Kingdom)   1.397   12/20/13   3,550,000   3,562,599  

Cellco Partnership/Verizon Wireless Capital, LLC sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes   7.375   11/15/13   2,400,000   2,444,150  

Comcast Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   5.850   11/15/15   2,700,000   3,001,334  

Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes (Netherlands)   4.875   7/8/14   4,484,000   4,655,943  

Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Netherlands)   5.875   8/20/13   2,315,000   2,319,676  

Verizon New England, Inc. sr. unsec. debs. Ser. C   4.750   10/1/13   3,300,000   3,322,167  

Consumer cyclicals (5.0%)          
Clorox Co. (The) sr. unsec. notes   3.550   11/1/15   1,000,000   1,054,962  

Daimler Finance North America, LLC 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. FRN notes   1.472   9/13/13   2,902,000   2,904,980  

Daimler Finance North America, LLC 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes   1.950   3/28/14   2,685,000   2,701,421  

Daimler Finance North America, LLC 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.886   3/28/14   710,000   711,638  

Daimler Finance North America, LLC 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.945   8/1/16   4,000,000   4,003,532  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   1.525   5/9/16   2,315,000   2,320,007  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes   8.700   10/1/14   500,000   541,321  

Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc. 144A          
company guaranty sr. unsec. notes   1.150   9/15/15   1,200,000   1,198,777  

Harley-Davidson Funding Corp. 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes   5.750   12/15/14   2,572,000   2,736,755  

Home Depot, Inc. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.400   3/1/16   5,266,000   5,860,658  

Home Depot, Inc. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.250   12/16/13   360,000   366,342  

Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   7.625   8/15/13   300,000   300,520  

Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   5.750   7/15/14   7,010,000   7,335,930  

NBCUniversal Enterprise, Inc. 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.805   4/15/16   4,350,000   4,366,148  

Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp. 144A sr. unsec. notes   4.500   1/30/15   2,135,000   2,246,639  

Toyota Motor Credit Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.424   3/10/15   2,210,000   2,208,240  

Toyota Motor Credit Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.564   5/17/16   3,000,000   2,999,170  

Toyota Motor Credit Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN          
notes Ser. MTN   0.719   10/11/13   500,000   500,490  

Toyota Motor Credit Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   3.200   6/17/15   214,000   224,071  

Toyota Motor Credit Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.875   7/17/15   1,000,000   1,005,733  


30   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Consumer cyclicals cont.          
Toyota Motor Credit Corp. unsec. FRN notes   0.443   12/5/14   $2,369,000   $2,370,665  

Volkswagen International Finance NV 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. FRN notes (Germany)   1.022   3/21/14   1,270,000   1,274,023  

Volkswagen International Finance NV 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. FRN notes (Germany)   0.874   11/20/14   1,550,000   1,555,410  

Volkswagen International Finance NV 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. FRN notes (Germany)   0.873   9/22/13   900,000   900,821  

Volkswagen International Finance NV 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes (Germany)   0.884   4/1/14   350,000   350,964  

Volkswagen International Finance NV 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Germany)   1.875   4/1/14   960,000   969,435  

Volkswagen International Finance NV 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Germany)   1.625   8/12/13   260,000   260,057  

Walt Disney Co. (The) company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   1.350   8/16/16   1,543,000   1,559,746  

Walt Disney Co. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.500   12/15/13   2,876,000   2,921,194  

Consumer finance (1.8%)          
American Express Co. sr. unsec. notes   7.250   5/20/14   2,182,000   2,296,725  

American Express Credit Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.774   7/29/16   3,000,000   3,000,882  

American Express Credit Corp. sr. unsec. FRN          
notes Ser. MTN   5.300   12/2/15   2,000,000   2,191,838  

American Express Credit Corp. sr. unsec.          
sub. FRN notes   1.374   6/12/15   2,468,000   2,503,500  

American Express Credit Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   7.300   8/20/13   315,000   315,897  

American Honda Finance Corp. 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.648   5/26/16   4,940,000   4,937,955  

American Honda Finance Corp. 144A sr. unsec. notes   1.450   2/27/15   3,275,000   3,308,523  

American Honda Finance Corp. 144A unsec. bonds   0.725   5/8/14   1,405,000   1,408,640  

Capital One Bank USA NA sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.125   2/15/14   550,000   562,741  

Consumer staples (6.0%)          
Altria Group, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes   7.750   2/6/14   2,250,000   2,331,122  

Altria Group, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   8.500   11/10/13   2,591,000   2,644,657  

Anheuser-Busch Cos., LLC company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   4.950   1/15/14   595,000   606,633  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes   0.800   1/15/16   1,000,000   1,000,041  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes FRN   0.628   7/14/14   1,290,000   1,293,114  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.375   11/15/14   3,390,000   3,592,159  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes   3.625   4/15/15   1,000,000   1,049,891  

Bacardi, Ltd. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes (Bermuda)   7.450   4/1/14   1,235,000   1,287,716  

Bottling Group, LLC company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   6.950   3/15/14   3,503,000   3,641,579  


Short Duration Income Fund   31  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Consumer staples cont.          
Cadbury Schewppes US Finance, LLC 144A company          
guaranty sr. unsec. notes (United Kingdom)   5.125   10/1/13   $1,800,000   $1,812,145  

Cargill, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes   5.000   11/15/13   215,000   217,529  

ConAgra Foods, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   5.875   4/15/14   3,388,000   3,509,236  

ConAgra Foods, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   1.350   9/10/15   1,000,000   1,007,266  

Costco Wholesale Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.650   12/7/15   4,500,000   4,499,069  

Diageo Capital PLC company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   7.375   1/15/14   3,350,000   3,451,505  

Diageo Capital PLC company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   0.625   4/29/16   2,000,000   1,988,185  

Diageo Finance BV company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes (Netherlands)   5.300   10/28/15   1,090,000   1,199,259  

Erac USA Finance Co. 144A company guaranty notes   2.250   1/10/14   6,626,000   6,668,082  

Foster’s Finance Corp. 144A company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   4.875   10/1/14   410,000   429,375  

Kellogg Co. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   1.125   5/15/15   5,000,000   5,032,250  

Kroger Co. (The) company guaranty sr. unsec. notes   7.500   1/15/14   3,476,000   3,583,408  

Kroger Co. (The) company guaranty sr. unsec. notes   3.900   10/1/15   1,000,000   1,057,956  

Mondelez International, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   5.250   10/1/13   290,000   292,193  

PepsiAmericas, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   4.375   2/15/14   1,876,000   1,914,679  

PepsiCo, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.483   2/26/16   3,420,000   3,427,080  

PepsiCo, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   3.750   3/1/14   250,000   254,478  

PepsiCo, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.800   8/25/14   659,000   661,387  

SABMiller Holdings, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes   1.850   1/15/15   925,000   938,130  

SABMiller PLC 144A sr. unsec. notes          
(United Kingdom)   5.500   8/15/13   5,770,000   5,777,899  

Walgreen Co. company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   4.875   8/1/13   2,683,000   2,683,000  

WPP Finance UK company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (United Kingdom)   5.875   6/15/14   1,307,000   1,359,960  

Yale University sr. unsec. unsub. notes Ser. MTN   2.900   10/15/14   380,000   390,805  

Energy (2.2%)          
BP Capital Markets PLC company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes (United Kingdom)   5.250   11/7/13   345,000   349,361  

Canadian Natural Resources, Ltd. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Canada)   4.900   12/1/14   1,000,000   1,054,821  

Canadian Natural Resources, Ltd. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes (Canada)   1.450   11/14/14   5,919,000   5,969,276  

Chevron Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.889   6/24/16   2,000,000   2,004,594  

Devon Energy Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.625   1/15/14   3,385,000   3,456,545  

EnCana Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Canada)   4.750   10/15/13   2,675,000   2,695,745  

EnCana Holdings Finance Corp. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes (Canada)   5.800   5/1/14   6,200,000   6,431,196  

ONEOK, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.200   6/15/15   3,047,000   3,267,161  



32   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Financial (1.1%)          
General Electric Capital Corp. sr. notes Ser. GMTN   0.919   7/12/16   $2,000,000   $2,002,949  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   1.102   12/20/13   500,000   501,430  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.871   1/8/16   1,500,000   1,504,439  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.471   1/8/16   4,880,000   4,855,580  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.461   10/6/15   1,675,000   1,666,211  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec. FRN notes   0.423   9/15/14   100,000   99,904  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec.          
unsub. FRN notes   1.303   7/2/15   700,000   709,149  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.272   9/20/13   100,000   99,995  

General Electric Capital Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.375   9/21/15   700,000   749,471  

Health care (1.7%)          
AbbVie, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr.          
unsec. FRN notes   1.033   11/6/15   5,624,000   5,675,566  

AbbVie, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes   1.200   11/6/15   1,795,000   1,801,816  

Coventry Health Care, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   6.125   1/15/15   1,310,000   1,406,446  

Merck & Co., Inc. FRB bonds   0.464   5/18/16   2,000,000   2,003,244  

Quest Diagnostics, Inc. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   5.450   11/1/15   1,000,000   1,088,964  

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance III BV company          
guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes (Israel)   1.700   3/21/14   250,000   252,083  

WellPoint, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   6.000   2/15/14   5,113,000   5,257,463  

WellPoint, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   1.250   9/10/15   750,000   755,301  

Zoetis Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes   1.150   2/1/16   1,735,000   1,738,473  

Insurance (4.9%)          
Aflac, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   3.450   8/15/15   2,790,000   2,935,453  

Allstate Corp. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes   6.200   5/16/14   2,072,000   2,162,553  

Allstate Corp. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes   5.000   8/15/14   780,000   814,378  

American International Group, Inc. sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   4.250   9/15/14   5,381,000   5,578,512  

American International Group, Inc. sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   3.000   3/20/15   1,857,000   1,916,216  

Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes   4.000   3/30/15   1,150,000   1,202,470  

Hartford Life Global Funding Trusts sr.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.453   6/16/14   1,800,000   1,798,970  

Hartford Life Institutional Funding 144A sr. FRN          
notes Ser. MTN   0.595   8/15/13   1,200,000   1,200,130  

Lincoln National Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.750   2/15/14   2,107,000   2,150,322  

Mass Mutual Global Funding II 144A sr. FRN notes   0.434   12/6/13   678,000   678,439  

Mass Mutual Global Funding II 144A sr.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.648   1/14/14   148,000   148,266  

Mass Mutual Global Funding II 144A sr. unsub. notes   2.300   9/28/15   500,000   516,921  

MetLife Institutional Funding II 144A FRN notes   1.174   4/4/14   500,000   502,966  

MetLife Institutional Funding II 144A FRN notes   0.641   1/6/15   6,500,000   6,513,123  


Short Duration Income Fund   33  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Insurance cont.          
Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 144A sr. notes   2.000   1/9/15   $725,000   $738,273  

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 144A sr. notes   2.000   1/10/14   112,000   112,813  

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 144A sr.          
unsec. notes   0.798   7/15/16   3,000,000   3,000,010  

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 144A sr.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.623   3/19/14   500,000   499,848  

Monumental Global Funding III 144A sr.          
unsub. FRN notes   0.468   1/15/14   1,200,000   1,200,006  

Monumental Global Funding, Ltd. 144A sr.          
unsub. notes   5.250   1/15/14   385,000   393,060  

New York Life Global Funding 144A FRN notes   0.534   4/4/14   500,000   501,059  

New York Life Global Funding 144A sr.          
unsec. FRN notes   0.615   5/23/16   5,000,000   4,999,990  

Pricoa Global Funding I 144A sr. FRN notes   0.476   9/27/13   795,000   795,257  

Principal Life Global Funding II 144A company          
guaranty sr. FRN notes   0.895   7/9/14   500,000   501,759  

Principal Life Global Funding II 144A notes   1.000   12/11/15   4,835,000   4,840,457  

Principal Life Income Funding Trusts sr. FRN notes   0.455   11/8/13   270,000   270,057  

Prudential Covered Trust 2012-1 144A company          
guaranty mtge. notes   2.997   9/30/15   2,731,500   2,824,904  

Prudential Financial, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes Ser. MTN   4.750   4/1/14   2,881,000   2,956,733  

Prudential Financial, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub.          
notes Ser. MTNB   5.100   9/20/14   3,985,000   4,174,128  

Investment banking/Brokerage (1.2%)          
Credit Suisse First Boston USA, Inc. bank guaranty sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes   5.500   8/15/13   210,000   210,305  

Deutsche Bank AG Ser. EMTN (Germany)   1.074   2/17/15   875,000   871,500  

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) sr. unsec. FRN notes   1.273   2/7/14   7,188,000   7,209,852  

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) sr. unsec. notes   5.250   10/15/13   2,000,000   2,018,384  

Macquarie Group, Ltd. 144A bonds (Australia)   7.300   8/1/14   1,536,000   1,617,993  

TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes   4.150   12/1/14   2,245,000   2,345,253  

Real estate (7.2%)          
Boston Properties, LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.625   4/15/15   2,354,000   2,538,873  

Boston Properties, LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.000   6/1/15   5,225,000   5,607,185  

Camden Property Trust sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.375   12/15/13   6,750,000   6,861,925  

Camden Property Trust sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.000   6/15/15   2,596,000   2,775,929  

Colonial Realty LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes   6.250   6/15/14   580,000   606,028  

Duke Realty LP company guaranty sr. unsec. notes  R   7.375   2/15/15   398,000   433,684  

Duke Realty LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.400   8/15/14   1,394,000   1,452,432  

ERP Operating LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.250   9/15/14   3,875,000   4,071,941  

Federal Realty Investment Trust sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes  R   5.950   8/15/14   2,620,000   2,753,625  

HCP, Inc. sr. unsec. notes  R   7.072   6/8/15   3,500,000   3,865,613  

HCP, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   2.700   2/1/14   3,346,000   3,378,707  


34   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Real estate cont.          
Health Care REIT, Inc. sr. unsec. notes  R   6.000   11/15/13   $2,315,000   $2,349,090  

Health Care REIT, Inc. sr. unsec. notes  R   3.625   3/15/16   4,000,000   4,215,940  

Hospitality Properties Trust sr. unsec. notes  R   7.875   8/15/14   1,741,000   1,803,758  

Kimco Realty Corp. sr. unsec. notes Ser. MTN  R   5.190   10/1/13   2,453,000   2,472,051  

Kimco Realty Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   4.820   6/1/14   6,729,000   6,946,791  

Liberty Property LP sr. unsec. FRN notes  R   5.125   3/2/15   600,000   634,611  

Pan Pacific Retail Properties, Inc. company guaranty          
sr. unsec. notes  R   5.950   6/1/14   1,197,000   1,246,877  

Realty Income Corp. sr. unsec. notes  R   5.500   11/15/15   4,000,000   4,361,472  

Regency Centers LP company guaranty sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   4.950   4/15/14   3,550,000   3,649,411  

Simon Property Group LP sr. unsec. notes  R   6.750   5/15/14   5,507,000   5,689,786  

Simon Property Group LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.750   12/1/15   1,024,000   1,129,095  

Simon Property Group LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.625   8/15/14   795,000   834,509  

Simon Property Group LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.100   6/15/15   1,000,000   1,081,961  

Simon Property Group LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   4.900   1/30/14   1,105,000   1,128,087  

Simon Property Group LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   4.200   2/1/15   819,000   854,390  

UDR, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.250   1/15/15   4,511,000   4,767,045  

UDR, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.500   4/1/14   750,000   772,477  

UDR, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   5.130   1/15/14   1,745,000   1,778,792  

Vornado Realty LP sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   4.250   4/1/15   1,165,000   1,213,399  

WEA Finance, LLC/WT Finance Aust. Pty. Ltd. 144A          
company guaranty sr. unsec. notes   5.750   9/2/15   195,000   213,073  

Weingarten Realty Investors sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   4.990   9/3/13   1,500,000   1,504,390  

Weingarten Realty Investors sr. unsec. unsub. notes  R   4.857   1/15/14   400,000   406,975  

Technology (0.3%)          
IBM Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   6.500   10/15/13   835,000   845,004  

IBM Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   1.000   8/5/13   500,000   500,000  

Western Union Co. (The) sr. unsec. notes   6.500   2/26/14   2,000,000   2,063,954  

Transportation (0.4%)          
Burlington Northern Santa Fe, LLC sr. unsec. notes   7.000   2/1/14   4,500,000   4,637,687  

Utilities and power (5.5%)          
Appalachian Power Co. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.649   8/16/13   1,000,000   1,000,087  

Atmos Energy Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.950   10/15/14   2,000,000   2,098,228  

Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. (The) sr.          
unsec. notes   5.650   12/15/13   183,000   186,309  

CMS Energy Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.250   9/30/15   2,000,000   2,117,850  

Dayton Power & Light Co. (The) 1st mtge.   5.125   10/1/13   1,200,000   1,208,136  

DTE Electric Co. sr. notes (Canada)   4.800   2/15/15   2,000,000   2,106,826  

DTE Energy Co. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   7.625   5/15/14   1,201,000   1,265,204  

Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes   6.300   2/1/14   5,641,000   5,794,841  

FPL Group Capital, Inc. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes   7.875   12/15/15   2,500,000   2,886,713  


Short Duration Income Fund   35  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (75.3%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Utilities and power cont.          
Georgia Power Co. sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   0.593   3/15/16   $3,209,000   $3,209,625  

Georgia Power Co. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   6.000   11/1/13   3,793,000   3,842,453  

Georgia Power Co. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   0.625   11/15/15   2,000,000   1,991,609  

Great Plains Energy, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes   2.750   8/15/13   450,000   450,230  

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP sr. unsec. notes   5.125   11/15/14   2,801,000   2,956,468  

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP sr. unsec.          
unsub. notes   5.000   12/15/13   4,500,000   4,568,810  

LG&E and KU Energy, LLC company guaranty sr.          
unsec. unsub. notes   2.125   11/15/15   4,000,000   4,094,784  

MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. sr. unsec. notes   5.000   2/15/14   2,660,000   2,722,263  

Nevada Power Co. sr. notes   5.875   1/15/15   628,000   673,781  

Northeast Utilities sr. unsec. unsub. FRN notes   1.022   9/20/13   1,255,000   1,256,032  

Oncor Electric Delivery Co., LLC sr. notes   6.375   1/15/15   1,910,000   2,056,589  

Peco Energy Co. bonds   5.000   10/1/14   500,000   524,346  

Potomac Edison Co. (The) sr. unsub. notes   5.125   8/15/15   3,675,000   3,954,719  

Progress Energy, Inc. sr. notes   6.050   3/15/14   3,650,000   3,768,793  

PSI Energy, Inc. sr. unsec. notes   5.000   9/15/13   400,000   402,059  

Southern Co. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes   4.150   5/15/14   115,000   118,228  

TransCanada Pipelines, Ltd. company guaranty sr.          
unsec. notes (Canada)   0.953   6/30/16   7,000,000   7,016,338  

Westar Energy, Inc. bonds   6.000   7/1/14   500,000   524,119  

Total corporate bonds and notes (cost $866,614,739)         $866,316,150  
  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (8.4%)*   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Agency collateralized mortgage obligations (5.3%)          
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.          
Ser. 2430, Class UD   6.000   3/15/17   $85,145   $90,285  
Ser. 3724, Class CM   5.500   6/15/37   724,450   788,159  
Ser. 3316, Class CD   5.500   5/15/37   392,027   423,603  
Ser. 3302, Class DA   5.500   12/15/17   303,648   309,341  
Ser. 3662, Class QA   5.000   3/15/38   581,975   597,354  
Ser. 3593, Class KP   5.000   6/15/36   144,423   146,043  
Ser. 3028, Class BA   5.000   4/15/34   207,629   214,753  
Ser. 2938, Class ND   5.000   10/15/33   88,580   91,105  
Ser. 2888, Class CG   5.000   8/15/33   263,034   272,370  
Ser. 2840, Class OE   5.000   2/15/33   149,071   152,662  
Ser. 2875, Class GM   5.000   1/15/33   254,653   259,336  
Ser. 2750, Class NE   5.000   4/15/32   133,214   134,090  
Ser. 2903, Class LA   5.000   10/15/31   214,903   217,620  
Ser. 3331, Class NV   5.000   6/15/29   286,000   305,288  
Ser. 2513, Class DB   5.000   10/15/17   71,693   75,229  
Ser. 3539, Class PM   4.500   5/15/37   174,772   181,909  
Ser. 3580, Class VB   5.000   4/15/29   253,741   263,469  
Ser. 3730, Class PL   4.500   1/15/33   97,194   98,340  


36   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (8.4%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Agency collateralized mortgage obligations cont.          
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.          
Ser. 3697, Class BM   4.500   9/15/31   $79,390   $81,078  
Ser. 2931, Class AM   4.500   7/15/19   44,162   45,091  
Ser. 3825, Class AP   4.000   3/15/39   3,465,312   3,534,619  
Ser. 3845, Class KP   4.000   4/15/38   547,986   556,981  
Ser. 3681, Class AH   4.000   10/15/27   1,038,966   1,053,252  
Ser. 3891, Class UK   3.500   3/15/41   241,166   246,733  
Ser. 3805, Class AK   3.500   4/15/24   200,225   207,113  
Ser. 3896, Class PG   3.000   3/15/40   302,319   306,098  
Ser. 3952, Class C   3.000   11/15/26   426,555   426,795  
Ser. 3683, Class JH   2.500   12/15/23   107,223   108,525  
Ser. 3611, Class PO, PO   0.000   7/15/34   195,088   179,255  
Ser. 1420, Class B, PO   0.000   11/15/22   85,219   79,145  

Federal National Mortgage Association          
Ser. 13-9, Class BA   6.500   7/25/42   2,692,483   2,701,739  
Ser. 06-10, Class GC   6.000   9/25/34   6,624,553   6,831,570  
Ser. 06-124, Class A   5.625   11/25/36   101,446   106,029  
Ser. 08-8, Class PA   5.000   2/25/38   427,299   447,310  
Ser. 09-86, Class PC   5.000   3/25/37   5,744,570   5,866,642  
Ser. 05-101, Class ND   5.000   6/25/34   250,039   255,836  
Ser. 03-92, Class VH   5.000   2/25/19   650,000   670,313  
Ser. 02-65, Class HC   5.000   10/25/17   43,693   45,701  
Ser. 11-121, Class JP   4.500   12/25/41   813,062   845,585  
Ser. 09-100, Class PA   4.500   4/25/39   82,874   85,491  
Ser. 04-8, Class GD   4.500   10/25/32   252,739   261,513  
Ser. 04-26, Class PD   4.500   8/25/32   385,898   399,513  
Ser. 11-60, Class PA   4.000   10/25/39   119,306   125,086  
Ser. 11-4, Class JP   4.000   6/25/39   1,457,776   1,511,723  
Ser. 11-36, Class PA   4.000   2/25/39   964,565   998,604  
Ser. 11-113, Class LA   4.000   6/25/37   170,198   171,933  
Ser. 03-43, Class YA   4.000   3/25/33   881,239   909,152  
Ser. 10-109, Class JB   4.000   8/25/28   602,274   632,093  
Ser. 10-17, Class CA   4.000   11/25/23   226,080   230,301  
Ser. 11-89, Class VA   4.000   9/25/23   755,722   778,945  
Ser. 11-111, Class VA   4.000   1/25/23   469,971   473,122  
Ser. 11-111, Class VC   4.000   1/25/23   469,971   471,528  
Ser. 11-20, Class PC   3.500   3/25/39   242,058   248,676  
Ser. 11-40, Class DA   3.500   11/25/37   1,097,834   1,115,815  
Ser. 10-155, Class A   3.500   9/25/25   74,713   76,020  
Ser. 11-42, Class BJ   3.000   8/25/25   1,700,673   1,738,938  
Ser. 10-81, Class AP   2.500   7/25/40   459,088   463,332  
FRB Ser. 10-90, Class GF   0.690   8/25/40   6,447,060   6,466,401  
FRB Ser. 06-74, Class FL   0.540   8/25/36   1,614,919   1,617,821  
FRB Ser. 05-63, Class FC   0.440   10/25/31   2,159,133   2,158,037  


Short Duration Income Fund   37  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (8.4%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Agency collateralized mortgage obligations cont.          
Government National Mortgage Association          
Ser. 07-2, Class PB   5.500   6/20/35   $178,237   $181,788  
Ser. 09-46, Class HC   5.000   11/20/34   202,981   206,052  
Ser. 09-79, Class MB   5.000   2/20/34   270,000   272,237  
Ser. 10-61, Class EA   5.000   9/20/31   463,712   486,272  
Ser. 10-31, Class VA   5.000   3/20/21   751,332   792,485  
Ser. 09-38, Class AB   4.750   9/16/31   260,818   264,242  
Ser. 10-162, Class PQ   4.500   6/16/39   179,544   189,354  
Ser. 10-39, Class PH   4.500   11/20/38   736,241   768,452  
Ser. 11-7, Class CA   4.500   11/20/37   311,588   322,366  
Ser. 09-109, Class NK   4.500   7/20/37   843,821   884,548  
Ser. 09-94, Class MB   4.500   4/20/37   907,304   937,925  
Ser. 10-29, Class PA   4.500   8/20/36   730,312   744,006  
Ser. 09-116, Class EK   4.500   12/20/34   397,770   415,771  
Ser. 09-54, Class HT   4.500   12/20/34   245,397   253,959  
Ser. 09-29, Class NP   4.500   6/16/34   122,387   124,262  
Ser. 09-31, Class MA   4.500   8/20/33   67,674   68,775  
Ser. 09-59, Class P   4.250   9/20/33   312,441   328,617  
Ser. 09-32, Class AB   4.000   5/16/39   84,208   87,847  
Ser. 10-32, Class CJ   4.000   1/20/38   777,317   819,922  
Ser. 08-31, Class PN   4.000   11/20/36   45,109   45,898  
Ser. 09-55, Class HC   3.500   6/20/39   251,142   259,807  
Ser. 08-38, Class PS   3.500   5/20/37   78,480   80,244  
Ser. 09-93, Class EJ   3.500   5/20/35   45,034   45,595  
Ser. 09-118, Class AW   3.000   5/20/37   1,798,019   1,829,485  
Ser. 10-57, Class PJ   3.000   6/20/33   274,363   275,358  
Ser. 12-15, Class PA   2.500   4/16/40   420,822   425,616  

Commercial mortgage-backed securities (3.0%)          
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust          
Ser. 06-5, Class A2   5.317   9/10/47   4,047,861   4,089,036  
Ser. 06-6, Class A2   5.309   10/10/45   354,512   356,510  
Ser. 07-1, Class A3   5.449   1/15/49   879,921   895,320  

Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.          
Ser. 07-PW15, Class AAB   5.315   2/11/44   1,642,714   1,653,392  
Ser. 05-PWR9, Class A2   4.735   9/11/42   382,873   385,400  
Ser. 03-T12, Class A4   4.680   8/13/39   2,043,893   2,048,390  

Citigroup/Deutsche Bank Commercial Mortgage          
Trust Ser. 06-CD3, Class A4   5.658   10/15/48   1,343,343   1,382,031  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates FRB          
Ser. 07-C4, Class A2   5.762   9/15/39   2,142,701   2,149,847  

GE Capital Commercial Mortgage Corp.          
Ser. 07-C1, Class AAB   5.477   12/10/49   612,131   632,141  

GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation Trust          
Ser. 05-C2, Class A3   4.839   5/10/43   535,754   536,089  


38   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (8.4%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Commercial mortgage-backed securities cont.          
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp.          
Ser. 07-GG9, Class A2   5.381   3/10/39   $684,961   $694,550  
Ser. 05-GG3, Class AAB   4.619   8/10/42   389,180   394,896  

Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp.          
Commercial Mortgage Trust Ser. 06-GG7, Class AAB   5.860   7/10/38   1,155,733   1,171,300  

GS Mortgage Securities Trust Ser. 06-GG6, Class A2   5.506   4/10/38   2,817,181   2,873,525  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage          
Securities Corp.          
Ser. 07-LD12, Class A2   5.827   2/15/51   620,037   626,238  
FRB Ser. 07-LD11, Class A2  F   5.799   6/15/49   3,539,751   3,610,393  
FRB Ser. 06-CB14, Class A3B   5.489   12/12/44   1,359,758   1,368,137  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust          
Ser. 05-CIP1, Class A2   4.960   7/12/38   693,319   693,942  
Ser. 04-BPC1, Class AJ   4.922   10/12/41   1,715,000   1,763,020  

Merrill Lynch/Countrywide Commercial Mortgage          
Trust Ser. 2006-3, Class A2   5.291   7/12/46   405,587   408,082  

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust          
Ser. 07-IQ15, Class A2   5.853   6/11/49   2,486,492   2,486,492  
FRB Ser. 06-T23, Class A2  F   5.741   8/12/41   59,766   59,992  
FRB Ser. 07-HQ12, Class A2FX   5.579   4/12/49   1,541,330   1,572,619  
Ser. 04-T13, Class A4   4.660   9/13/45   2,053,285   2,073,982  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust          
Ser. 07-C34, Class A2  F   5.569   5/15/46   680,877   686,562  
Ser. 07-C31, Class A2   5.421   4/15/47   300,544   301,071  

Residential mortgage-backed securities (non-agency) (0.1%)        
Chase Funding Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates        
Ser. 04-2, Class 1A4   5.323   2/25/35   189,269   190,215  
Ser. 04-1, Class 1A6   4.266   6/25/15   14,166   14,450  

Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates          
FRB Ser. 05-1, Class MV3   0.670   7/25/35   600,000   555,000  
FRB Ser. 05-4, Class MV1   0.650   10/25/35   79,431   79,114  

Home Equity Asset Trust FRB Ser. 06-3, Class 2A3   0.370   7/25/36   67,938   67,258  

Total mortgage-backed securities (cost $97,360,769)         $97,080,287  
    Maturity   Principal    
COMMERCIAL PAPER (6.1%)*   Yield (%)   date   amount   Value  

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentar (Spain)   0.842   10/21/13   $5,000,000   $4,989,815  

British Telecommunications PLC (United Kingdom)   0.725   3/27/14   1,000,000   996,355  

British Telecommunications PLC (United Kingdom)   0.740   3/10/14   2,000,000   1,993,513  

CRC Funding LLC   0.827   12/17/13   1,000,000   998,691  

Daimler Finance North America, LLC   0.674   3/13/14   400,000   398,675  

Daimler Finance North America, LLC   0.978   8/15/13   700,000   699,933  

DCP Midstream, LLC   0.260   8/1/13   5,000,000   4,999,971  

DCP Midstream, LLC 144A   0.360   8/9/13   1,000,000   999,946  


Short Duration Income Fund   39  


    Maturity   Principal    
COMMERCIAL PAPER (6.1%)* cont.   Yield (%)   date   amount   Value  

Devon Energy Corp.   0.401   8/13/13   $3,000,000   $2,999,751  

ENI Finance USA, Inc.   0.410   8/13/13   1,500,000   1,499,793  

ENI Finance USA, Inc.   0.350   8/6/13   1,250,000   1,249,925  

Entergy Corp.   0.750   8/19/13   5,000,000   4,998,884  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   0.550   8/12/13   2,000,000   1,999,456  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   1.007   12/19/13   1,000,000   996,318  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   1.018   11/22/13   1,000,000   997,030  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   1.008   11/12/13   1,000,000   997,299  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   1.170   9/30/13   1,000,000   998,458  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   1.006   8/30/13   300,000   299,790  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC   1.211   8/16/13   1,000,000   999,635  

KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Co. 144A   0.600   8/1/13   3,200,000   3,199,981  

Marriott International, Inc./DE   0.200   8/1/13   4,900,000   4,899,972  

Nabors Industries, Inc.   0.350   8/13/13   1,123,000   1,122,909  

NiSource Finance Corp.   1.051   8/7/13   2,970,000   2,969,549  

Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.   0.320   8/26/13   4,997,000   4,996,076  

Northeast Utilities   0.220   8/1/13   5,000,000   4,999,972  

SCANA Corp.   0.420   8/7/13   1,300,000   1,299,901  

Spectra Energy Capital, LLC   0.390   8/19/13   2,500,000   2,499,680  

Spectra Energy Capital, LLC   0.420   8/8/13   1,500,000   1,499,902  

Spectra Energy Capital, LLC   0.260   8/1/13   4,000,000   3,999,977  

Textron, Inc.   0.701   8/5/13   2,000,000   1,999,886  

Textron, Inc.   0.650   8/2/13   3,000,000   2,999,932  

Total commercial paper (cost $70,593,406)         $70,600,975  
  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (2.4%)*   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Bank of Montreal/Chicago, IL FRN (Canada)   0.723   10/3/13   $500,000   $500,423  

Bank of Montreal/Chicago, IL FRN (Canada)   0.475   8/15/13   1,100,000   1,100,167  

Bank of Nova Scotia/Houston FRN   0.814   1/27/14   300,000   301,012  

Bank of Nova Scotia/Houston FRN   0.715   9/11/15   2,044,000   2,048,497  

Bank of Nova Scotia/Houston FRN   0.623   9/17/13   700,000   700,559  

Bank of Nova Scotia/Houston FRN   0.474   9/12/13   400,000   400,222  

Bank of Nova Scotia/Houston FRN   0.445   11/10/14   2,000,000   2,000,004  

Barclays Bank PLC/New York, NY FRN          
(United Kingdom)   0.753   2/3/14   2,600,000   2,605,340  

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce/New York,          
NY FRN (Canada)   0.974   2/20/15   1,000,000   1,007,070  

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce/New York,          
NY FRN (Canada)   0.538   11/26/14   1,000,000   1,001,200  

Commonwealth Bank of Australia FRN   1.518   1/17/14   350,000   352,260  

Credit Suisse New York FRN   0.668   1/15/15   3,000,000   2,998,677  

National Australia Bank, Ltd./New York          
FRN (Australia)   1.465   1/30/14   500,000   502,307  

National Bank Canada/New York, NY FRN   0.344   8/16/13   1,000,000   1,000,060  

Nordea Bank Finland PLC/New York FRN   0.764   2/19/16   2,000,000   2,005,050  

Sumitomo Mitsui Bank/New York FRN (Japan)   0.625   5/8/14   2,000,000   2,004,242  


40   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Interest   Maturity   Principal    
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (2.4%)* cont.   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Svenska Handelsbanken/New York,          
NY FRN (Sweden)   1.068   7/17/14   $1,650,000   $1,653,161  

Toronto-Dominion Bank/NY (Canada)   0.400   11/7/13   300,000   300,148  

Toronto-Dominion Bank/NY (Canada)   0.272   9/13/13   1,400,000   1,400,375  

UBS AG/Stamford, CT   0.520   2/26/14   2,500,000   2,503,631  

Westpac Banking Corp./NY (Australia)   0.325   11/6/13   1,100,000   1,100,307  

Total certificates of deposit (cost $27,464,738)         $27,484,712  
    Maturity   Principal    
ASSET-BACKED COMMERCIAL PAPER (2.5%)*   Yield (%)   date   amount   Value  

CAFCO, LLC   0.695   2/26/14   $2,400,000   $2,396,360  

CAFCO, LLC   0.735   2/4/14   1,000,000   998,642  

CAFCO, LLC   0.734   8/9/13   800,000   799,966  

CAFCO, LLC 144A   0.806   12/27/13   2,000,000   1,997,122  

CHARTA, LLC   0.735   2/4/14   1,000,000   998,642  

CHARTA, LLC   0.458   11/20/13   4,200,000   4,197,387  

CHARTA, LLC 144A   0.807   12/3/13   1,500,000   1,498,922  

CIESCO, LP   0.431   12/23/13   4,000,000   3,994,581  

CIESCO, LP 144A   0.806   12/27/13   2,000,000   1,997,122  

CIESCO-LP   0.441   8/12/13   275,000   274,984  

CRC Funding, LLC   0.695   2/28/14   1,700,000   1,695,976  

CRC Funding, LLC   0.494   12/4/13   1,615,000   1,613,157  

CRC Funding, LLC   0.694   9/30/13   2,000,000   1,999,116  

Govco, LLC   0.451   8/19/13   1,000,000   999,880  

Govco, LLC   0.431   8/2/13   250,000   249,997  

Northern Pines Funding, LLC (Germany)   0.603   10/28/13   3,000,000   2,998,302  

Total asset-backed commercial paper (cost $28,675,982)       $28,710,156  


REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS (1.2%)*   amount   Value  

Interest in $45,850,000 joint tri-party repurchase agreement dated      
7/31/13 with BNP Paribas Securities Corp. due 8/1/13 — maturity value of      
$7,500,040 for an effective yield of 0.19% (collateralized by various corporate      
bonds and notes with coupon rates ranging from zero % to 9.875% and due      
dates ranging from 1/30/14 to 4/1/43, valued at $48,142,501)   $7,500,000   $7,500,000  

Interest in $74,900,000 joint tri-party repurchase agreement dated      
7/31/13 with Credit Suisse Securities (USA) due 8/1/13 — maturity value of      
$6,500,034 for an effective yield of 0.19% (collateralized by various corporate      
bonds and notes with coupon rates ranging from 0.72% to 6.50% and due      
dates ranging from 5/30/14 to 6/15/37, valued at $78,648,543)   6,500,000   6,500,000  

Total repurchase agreements (cost $14,000,000)     $14,000,000  


    Maturity   Principal    
MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES (0.8%)*   Yield (%)   date   amount   Value  

Athens-Clark Cnty., GA Indl. Dev. Auth. VRDN          
(Allen Properties, Inc.)   0.280   12/1/24   $955,000   $955,000  

Union Cnty., AZ Indl. Dev. VRDN (Del-Tin Fiber LLC)   0.280   10/1/27   3,200,000   3,200,000  

WI Hsg. & Econ. Dev. Auth. VRDN, Ser. D   0.450   3/1/38   4,305,000   4,305,000  

WI Hsg. & Econ. Dev. Auth. VRDN, Ser. D   0.450   9/1/34   850,000   849,980  

Total municipal bonds and notes (cost $9,309,999)         $9,309,980  


Short Duration Income Fund   41  


U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY   Interest   Maturity   Principal    
MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS (0.1%)*   rate (%)   date   amount   Value  

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation   4.500   10/1/18   $59,199   $61,602  

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation          
Pass-Through Certificates   6.000   9/1/17   334,356   357,682  

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation          
Pass-Through Certificates   4.500   8/1/18   54,913   58,098  

Federal National Mortgage Association          
Pass-Through Certificates   6.000   9/1/19   168,639   180,763  

Total U.S. government agency mortgage obligations (cost $665,963)     $658,145  

Total investments (cost $1,114,685,596)         $1,114,160,405  


Key to holding’s abbreviations


BKNT   Bank Note  
EMTN   Euro Medium Term Notes  
FRB   Floating Rate Bonds: the rate shown is the current interest rate at the close of the reporting period  
FRN   Floating Rate Notes: the rate shown is the current interest rate at the close of the reporting period  
GMTN   Global Medium Term Notes  
MTN   Medium Term Notes  
MTNB   Medium Term Notes Class B  
PO   Principal Only  
VRDN   Variable Rate Demand Notes, which are floating-rate securities with long-term maturities, that carry  coupons that reset every one or seven days. The rate shown is the current interest rate at the close of the  reporting period.  


Notes to the fund’s portfolio

Unless noted otherwise, the notes to the fund’s portfolio are for the close of the fund’s reporting period, which ran from August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2013 (the reporting period). Within the following notes to the portfolio, references to “ASC 820” represent Accounting Standards Codification 820 Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures and references to “OTC”, if any, represent over-the-counter.

* Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $1,151,155,979.

F Is valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees. Securities may be classified as Level 2 or Level 3 for ASC 820 based on the securities’ valuation inputs.

R Real Estate Investment Trust.

Debt obligations are considered secured unless otherwise indicated.

144A after the name of an issuer represents securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

The dates shown on debt obligations are the original maturity dates.

42   Short Duration Income Fund  




Distribution of investments by country of risk at the close of the reporting period, excluding collateral received, if any (as a percentage of Portfolio Value):


United States   70.9   Sweden   1.7%  

United Kingdom   8.0   Denmark   0.8  

Canada   5.8   Germany   0.8  

Australia   3.5   Cayman Islands   0.6  

Netherlands   3.1   Other   0.9  

France   2.1   Total   100.0%  

Japan   1.8      



ASC 820 establishes a three-level hierarchy for disclosure of fair value measurements. The valuation hierarchy is based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of the fund’s investments. The three levels are defined as follows:

Level 1: Valuations based on quoted prices for identical securities in active markets.

Level 2: Valuations based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3: Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement.

The following is a summary of the inputs used to value the fund’s net assets as of the close of the reporting period:

    Valuation inputs    

Investments in securities:   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  

Asset-backed commercial paper   $—   $28,710,156   $—  

Certificates of deposit     27,484,712    

Commercial paper     70,600,975    

Corporate bonds and notes     866,316,150    

Mortgage-backed securities     97,080,287    

Municipal bonds and notes     9,309,980    

Repurchase agreements     14,000,000    

U.S. government agency mortgage obligations     658,145    

Totals by level   $—   $1,114,160,405   $—  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Short Duration Income Fund   43  


Statement of assets and liabilities 7/31/13


Investment in securities, at value (Note 1):    
Unaffiliated issuers (identified cost $1,114,685,596)   $1,114,160,405  

Cash   228,061  

Interest and other receivables   6,702,583  

Receivable for shares of the fund sold   34,086,195  

Receivable for investments sold   6,169,306  

Total assets   1,161,346,550  

Payable for investments purchased   6,435,444  

Payable for shares of the fund repurchased   3,267,310  

Payable for compensation of Manager (Note 2)   117,240  

Payable for custodian fees (Note 2)   12,456  

Payable for investor servicing fees (Note 2)   26,065  

Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)   11,270  

Payable for administrative services (Note 2)   1,764  

Payable for distribution fees (Note 2)   84,552  

Distributions payable to shareholders   4,697  

Other accrued expenses   229,773  

Total liabilities   10,190,571  
Net assets   $1,151,155,979  


Paid-in capital (Unlimited shares authorized) (Notes 1 and 4)   $1,151,423,076  

Distributions in excess of net investment income (Note 1)   (4,696)  

Accumulated net realized gain on investments (Note 1)   262,790  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments   (525,191)  

Total — Representing net assets applicable to capital shares outstanding   $1,151,155,979  

Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per class A share    
($1,005,695,129 divided by 100,262,767 shares)   $10.03  

Net asset value and offering price per class B share ($326,173 divided by 32,563 shares)*   $10.02  

Net asset value and offering price per class C share ($6,291,648 divided by 628,005 shares)*   $10.02  

Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per class M share    
($1,266,975 divided by 126,411 shares)   $10.02  

Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per class R share    
($1,171,684 divided by 116,960 shares)   $10.02  

Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per class R5 share    
($10,096 divided by 1,006 shares)   $10.04  

Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per class R6 share    
($229,149 divided by 22,822 shares)   $10.04  

Net asset value, offering price and redemption price per class Y share    
($136,165,125 divided by 13,560,894 shares)   $10.04  


* Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

44   Short Duration Income Fund  


Statement of operations Year ended 7/31/13


Interest (including interest income of $46 from investments in affiliated issuers) (Note 6)   $5,791,146  

Total investment income   5,791,146  

Compensation of Manager (Note 2)   2,189,000  

Investor servicing fees (Note 2)   154,282  

Custodian fees (Note 2)   25,514  

Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)   46,013  

Distribution fees (Note 2)   580,555  

Administrative services (Note 2)   17,253  

Amortization of offering costs (Note 1)   33,510  

Other   309,811  

Fees waived and reimbursed by Manager (Note 2)   (895,367)  

Total expenses   2,460,571  
Expense reduction (Note 2)   (1,434)  

Net expenses   2,459,137  
Net investment income   3,332,009  

Net realized gain on investments (Notes 1 and 3)   420,153  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments during the year   (634,777)  

Net loss on investments   (214,624)  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   $3,117,385  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Short Duration Income Fund   45  


Statement of changes in net assets

    For the period 10/17/11  
    (commencement of  
INCREASE IN NET ASSETS   Year ended 7/31/13   operations) to 7/31/12  

Net investment income   $3,332,009   $251,518  

Net realized gain on investments   420,153   35,715  

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   (634,777)   109,586  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   3,117,385   396,819  

Distributions to shareholders (Note 1):      
From ordinary income      
Net investment income      

Class A   (3,130,875)   (199,887)  

Class B   (689)   (165)  

Class C   (5,979)   (988)  

Class M   (3,412)   (491)  

Class R   (785)   (81)  

Class R5   (68)   (4)  

Class R6   (774)   (4)  

Class Y   (380,306)   (15,623)  

Net realized short-term gain on investments      

Class A   (37,493)    

Class B   (52)    

Class C   (307)    

Class M   (56)    

Class R   (9)    

Class R5   (1)    

Class R6   (1)    

Class Y   (3,251)    

Increase from capital share transactions (Note 4)   959,053,698   172,369,378  

Total increase in net assets   958,607,025   172,548,954  

Beginning of year (Note 5)   192,548,954   20,000,000  

End of year (including distributions in excess of net      
investment income of $4,696 and undistributed net      
investment income of $34,275, respectively)   $1,151,155,979   $192,548,954  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

46   Short Duration Income Fund  







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Short Duration Income Fund   47  


Financial highlights (For a common share outstanding throughout the period)


                        Ratio of net    
                      Ratio   investment    
  Net asset     Net realized                 of expenses   income (loss)    
  value,     and unrealized   Total from   From   From   Total   Net asset   Total return   Net assets,   to average   to average   Portfolio  
  beginning   Net investment   gain (loss)   investment   net investment   net realized gain   distribu-   value, end   at net asset   end of period   net assets   net assets   turnover  
Period ended   of period   income (loss) a   on investments   operations   income   on investments   tions   of period   value (%) b   (in thousands)   (%) c,d   (%) d   (%)  

Class A                            
July 31, 2013   $10.02   .05   .02   .07   (.06)   e   (.06)   $10.03   .69   $1,005,695   .40   .53   24  
July 31, 2012†   10.00   .03   .02   .05   (.03)     (.03)   10.02   .53 *   178,371   .32 *   .37 *   2 *  

Class B                            
July 31, 2013   $10.01   .01   .02   .03   (.02)   e   (.02)   $10.02   .29   $326   .80   .14   24  
July 31, 2012†   10.00   .01   .01   .02   (.01)     (.01)   10.01   .20 *   386   .63 *   .05 *   2 *  

Class C                            
July 31, 2013   $10.01   .01   .02   .03   (.02)   e   (.02)   $10.02   .29   $6,292   .80   .13   24  
July 31, 2012†   10.00   .01   .01   .02   (.01)     (.01)   10.01   .20 *   2,054   .63 *   .07 *   2 *  

Class M                            
July 31, 2013   $10.02   .05   e   .05   (.05)   e   (.05)   $10.02   .54   $1,267   .45   .49   24  
July 31, 2012†   10.00   .03   .02   .05   (.03)     (.03)   10.02   .49 *   212   .36 *   .32 *   2 *  

Class R                            
July 31, 2013   $10.01   .01   .02   .03   (.02)   e   (.02)   $10.02   .29   $1,172   .80   .10   24  
July 31, 2012†   10.00   .01   .01   .02   (.01)     (.01)   10.01   .20 *   100   .63 *   .02 *   2 *  

Class R5                            
July 31, 2013   $10.03   .06   .02   .08   (.07)   e   (.07)   $10.04   .79   $10   .30   .65   24  
July 31, 2012††   10.02   .01   e   .01   e     e   10.03   .13 *   10   .02 *   .05 *   2 *  

Class R6                            
July 31, 2013   $10.03   .06   .02   .08   (.07)   e   (.07)   $10.04   .79   $229   .30   .61   24  
July 31, 2012††   10.02   .01   e   .01   e     e   10.03   .13 *   10   .02 *   .05 *   2 *  

Class Y                            
July 31, 2013   $10.03   .06   .02   .08   (.07)   e   (.07)   $10.04   .79   $136,165   .30   .61   24  
July 31, 2012†   10.00   .04   .03   .07   (.04)     (.04)   10.03   .67 *   11,405   .24 *   .47 *   2 *  


* Not annualized.

† For the period October 17, 2011 (commencement of operations) to July 31, 2012.

†† For the period July 3, 2012 (commencement of operations) to July 31, 2012.

a Per share net investment income (loss) has been determined on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

b Total return assumes dividend reinvestment and does not reflect the effect of sales charges.

c Includes amounts paid through expense offset arrangements (Note 2).

d Reflects an involuntary contractual expense limitation in effect during the period. As a result of such limitation, the expenses of each class reflect a reduction of the following amounts as a percentage of net assets (Note 2):

  7/31/13   7/31/12  

Class A   0.14   0.47%  

Class B   0.14   0.47  

Class C   0.14   0.47  

Class M   0.14   0.47  

Class R   0.14   0.47  

Class R5   0.24   0.04  

Class R6   0.17   0.04  

Class Y   0.14   0.47  


e Amount represents less than $0.01 per share.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

48   Short Duration Income Fund   Short Duration Income Fund   49  


Notes to financial statements 7/31/13

Within the following Notes to financial statements, references to “State Street” represent State Street Bank and Trust Company, references to “the SEC” represent the Securities and Exchange Commission, references to “Putnam Management” represent Putnam Investment Management, LLC, the fund’s manager, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Putnam Investments, LLC and references to “OTC”, if any, represent over-the-counter. Unless otherwise noted, the “reporting period” represents the period from August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2013.

Putnam Short Duration Income Fund (the fund) is a diversified series of Putnam Funds Trust (the Trust), a Massachusetts business trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end management investment company. The investment objective of the fund is to seek as high a rate of current income as Putnam Management believes is consistent with preservation of capital and maintenance of liquidity. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of fixed income securities comprised of short duration, investment-grade money market and other fixed income securities. The fund’s investments may include obligations of the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States ( e.g. , U.S. Treasury bonds and Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed bonds) or only by the credit of a federal agency or government sponsored entity ( e.g. , Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac mortgage backed bonds), domestic corporate debt obligations, taxable municipal debt securities, securitized debt instruments (such as mortgage- and asset backed securities), repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit, bankers acceptances, commercial paper (including asset-backed commercial paper), time deposits, Yankee Eurodollar securities and money market instruments. We may also invest in U.S.-dollar denominated foreign securities of these types. Under normal circumstances, the effective duration of the fund’s portfolio will generally not be greater than one year. Effective duration provides a measure of a fund’s interest-rate sensitivity. The longer a fund’s duration, the more sensitive the fund is to shifts in interest rates. Under normal circumstances, the dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of the fund is not expected to exceed three and one-half years. We may consider, among other factors, credit, interest rate and prepayment risks, as well as general market conditions, when deciding whether to buy or sell investments. We may also use derivatives, such as futures, options and swap contracts, for both hedging and non-hedging purposes.

The fund offers class A, class B (only in exchange for class B shares of another Putnam fund), class C, class M, class R, class R5, class R6 and class Y shares. Each class of shares is sold without a front-end sales charge. Class A, class M, class R, class R5, class R6 and class Y shares also are generally not subject to a contingent deferred sales charge. Class B shares, which are only available through exchange of class B shares of another Putnam fund, convert to class A shares after approximately eight years after the original purchase date and are subject to a contingent deferred sales charge on certain redemptions. Class C shares obtained in an exchange for class C shares of another Putnam fund, have a one-year 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge on certain redemptions and do not convert to class A shares. Class R shares are not available to all investors. The expenses for class A, class B, class C, class M, and class R shares may differ based on each class’ distribution fee, which is identified in Note 2. Class R5, class R6 and class Y shares are generally subject to the same expenses as class A, class B, class C, class M and class R shares, but do not bear a distribution fee. Class R5, class R6 and class Y shares are not available to all investors.

In the normal course of business, the fund enters into contracts that may include agreements to indemnify another party under given circumstances. The fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be, but have not yet been, made against the fund. However, the fund’s management team expects the risk of material loss to be remote.

Note 1: Significant accounting policies

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the fund in the preparation of its financial statements. The preparation of financial statements is in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Subsequent events after the Statement of assets and liabilities date through the date that the financial statements were issued have been evaluated in the preparation of the financial statements.

Investment income, realized and unrealized gains and losses and expenses of the fund are borne pro-rata based on the relative net assets of each class to the total net assets of the fund, except that each class bears expenses unique to that class (including the distribution fees applicable to such classes). Each class votes as a class only with respect to its own distribution plan or other matters on which a class vote is required by law or determined by the Trustees.

50   Short Duration Income Fund  


If the fund were liquidated, shares of each class would receive their pro-rata share of the net assets of the fund. In addition, the Trustees declare separate dividends on each class of shares.

Security valuation Market quotations are not considered to be readily available for certain debt obligations and other investments; such investments are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by an independent pricing service approved by the Trustees or dealers selected by Putnam Management. Such services or dealers determine valuations for normal institutional-size trading units of such securities using methods based on market transactions for comparable securities and various relationships, generally recognized by institutional traders, between securities (which consider such factors as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings). These securities will generally be categorized as Level 2. Securities quoted in foreign currencies, if any, are translated into U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate.

Investments in open-end investment companies (excluding exchange traded funds), if any, which can be classified as Level 1 or Level 2 securities, are valued based on their net asset value. The net asset value of such investment companies equals the total value of their assets less their liabilities and divided by the number of their outstanding shares.

To the extent a pricing service or dealer is unable to value a security or provides a valuation that Putnam Management does not believe accurately reflects the security’s fair value, the security will be valued at fair value by Putnam Management. Certain investments, including certain restricted and illiquid securities and derivatives, are also valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees. These valuations consider such factors as significant market or specific security events such as interest rate or credit quality changes, various relationships with other securities, discount rates, U.S. Treasury, U.S. swap and credit yields, index levels, convexity exposures and recovery rates. These securities are classified as Level 2 or as Level 3 depending on the priority of the significant inputs.

Such valuations and procedures are reviewed periodically by the Trustees. Certain securities may be valued on the basis of a price provided by a single source. The fair value of securities is generally determined as the amount that the fund could reasonably expect to realize from an orderly disposition of such securities over a reasonable period of time. By its nature, a fair value price is a good faith estimate of the value of a security in a current sale and does not reflect an actual market price, which may be different by a material amount.

Joint trading account Pursuant to an exemptive order from the SEC, the fund may transfer uninvested cash balances into a joint trading account along with the cash of other registered investment companies and certain other accounts managed by Putnam Management. These balances may be invested in issues of short-term investments having maturities of up to 90 days.

Repurchase agreements The fund, or any joint trading account, through its custodian, receives delivery of the underlying securities, the market value of which at the time of purchase is required to be in an amount at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest. Collateral for certain tri-party repurchase agreements is held at the counterparty’s custodian in a segregated account for the benefit of the fund and the counterparty. Putnam Management is responsible for determining that the value of these underlying securities is at all times at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings.

Security transactions and related investment income Security transactions are recorded on the trade date (the date the order to buy or sell is executed). Gains or losses on securities sold are determined on the identified cost basis.

Interest income, net of any applicable withholding taxes, is recorded on the accrual basis. All premiums/discounts are amortized/accreted on a yield-to-maturity basis.

Stripped securities The fund may invest in stripped securities which represent a participation in securities that may be structured in classes with rights to receive different portions of the interest and principal. Interest-only securities receive all of the interest and principal-only securities receive all of the principal. If the interest-only securities experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the fund may fail to recoup fully its initial investment in these securities. Conversely, principal-only securities increase in value if prepayments are greater than anticipated and decline if prepayments are slower than anticipated. The market value of these securities is highly sensitive to changes in interest rates.

Interfund lending The fund, along with other Putnam funds, may participate in an interfund lending program pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the SEC. This program allows the fund to borrow from or lend to other Putnam funds that permit such transactions. Interfund lending transactions are subject to each fund’s investment

Short Duration Income Fund   51  


policies and borrowing and lending limits. Interest earned or paid on the interfund lending transaction will be based on the average of certain current market rates. During the reporting period, the fund did not utilize the program.

Line of credit The fund participates, along with other Putnam funds, in a $315 million unsecured committed line of credit and a $185 million unsecured uncommitted line of credit, both provided by State Street. Borrowings may be made for temporary or emergency purposes, including the funding of shareholder redemption requests and trade settlements. Interest is charged to the fund based on the fund’s borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds rate plus 1.25% for the committed line of credit and the Federal Funds rate plus 1.30% for the uncommitted line of credit. A closing fee equal to 0.02% of the committed line of credit and $50,000 for the uncommitted line of credit has been paid by the participating funds. In addition, a commitment fee of 0.11% per annum on any unutilized portion of the committed line of credit is allocated to the participating funds based on their relative net assets and paid quarterly. During the reporting period, the fund had no borrowings against these arrangements.

Federal taxes It is the policy of the fund to distribute all of its taxable income within the prescribed time period and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), applicable to regulated investment companies. It is also the intention of the fund to distribute an amount sufficient to avoid imposition of any excise tax under Section 4982 of the Code.

The fund is subject to the provisions of Accounting Standards Codification 740 Income Taxes (ASC 740). ASC 740 sets forth a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefit of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. The fund did not have a liability to record for any unrecognized tax benefits in the accompanying financial statements. No provision has been made for federal taxes on income, capital gains or unrealized appreciation on securities held nor for excise tax on income and capital gains. Each of the fund’s federal tax returns for the prior periods remains subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service.

Distributions to shareholders Income dividends are recorded daily by the fund and are paid monthly. Distributions from capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date and paid at least annually. The amount and character of income and gains to be distributed are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. For the reporting period ended, there were no material temporary or permanent differences. Reclassifications are made to the fund’s capital accounts to reflect income and gains available for distribution (or available capital loss carryovers) under income tax regulations. For the reporting period ended, the fund reclassified $151,908 to decrease distributions in excess of net investment income and $151,908 decrease accumulated net realized gain.

The tax basis components of distributable earnings and the federal tax cost as of the close of the reporting period were as follows:

Unrealized appreciation   $825,495  
Unrealized depreciation   (1,350,686)  

Net unrealized depreciation   (525,191)  
Undistributed short-term gain   262,790  
Cost for federal income tax purposes   $1,114,685,596  


Expenses of the Trust Expenses directly charged or attributable to any fund will be paid from the assets of that fund. Generally, expenses of the Trust will be allocated among and charged to the assets of each fund on a basis that the Trustees deem fair and equitable, which may be based on the relative assets of each fund or the nature of the services performed and relative applicability to each fund.

Offering costs The offering costs of $160,937 have been fully amortized on a straight-line basis over a twelve-month period as of July 31, 2013. As of the close of the reporting period, the fund has reimbursed Putnam Management for the payment of these expenses.

Note 2: Management fee, administrative services and other transactions

The fund pays Putnam Management a management fee (based on the fund’s average net assets and computed and paid monthly) at annual rates that may vary based on the average of the aggregate net assets of most open-end funds, as defined in the fund’s management contract, sponsored by Putnam Management. Such annual rates may vary as follows:

52   Short Duration Income Fund  


0.500%   of the first $5 billion,   0.300%   of the next $50 billion,  

0.450%   of the next $5 billion,   0.280%   of the next $50 billion,  

0.400%   of the next $10 billion,   0.270%   of the next $100 billion and  

0.350%   of the next $10 billion,   0.265%   of any excess thereafter.  



Putnam Management has agreed to waive fees (and, to the extent necessary, bear other expenses) of the fund through November 30, 2014, to the extent that expenses of the fund (excluding brokerage, interest, taxes, investment-related expenses, such as borrowing costs, payments under distribution plans, extraordinary expenses and acquired fund fees and expenses) would exceed an annual rate of 0.30% of the fund’s average net assets. During the reporting period, the fund’s expenses were reduced by $895,367 as a result of this limit.

Putnam Management has also contractually agreed, through June 30, 2014, to waive fees or reimburse the fund’s expenses to the extent necessary to limit the cumulative expenses of the fund, exclusive of brokerage, interest, taxes, investment-related expenses, extraordinary expenses, acquired fund fees and expenses and payments under the fund’s investor servicing contract, investment management contract and distribution plans, on a fiscal year-to-date basis to an annual rate of 0.20% of the fund’s average net assets over such fiscal year-to-date period. During the reporting period, the fund’s expenses were not reduced as a result of this limit.

Effective June 21, 2013, Putnam Investments Limited (PIL), an affiliate of Putnam Management, is authorized by the Trustees to manage a separate portion of the assets of the fund as determined by Putnam Management from time to time. Putnam Management pays a quarterly sub-management fee to PIL for its services at an annual rate of 0.25% of the average net assets of the portion of the fund managed by PIL. Prior to June 21, 2013, the annual rate that Putnam Management paid for these services was 0.40% of the average net assets of the portion of the fund managed by PIL.

The fund reimburses Putnam Management an allocated amount for the compensation and related expenses of certain officers of the fund and their staff who provide administrative services to the fund. The aggregate amount of all such reimbursements is determined annually by the Trustees.

Custodial functions for the fund’s assets are provided by State Street. Custody fees are based on the fund’s asset level, the number of its security holdings and transaction volumes.

Putnam Investor Services, Inc., an affiliate of Putnam Management, provides investor servicing agent functions to the fund. Putnam Investor Services, Inc. received fees for investor servicing (except for Class R5 and R6 shares) based on the fund’s retail asset level, the number of shareholder accounts in the fund and the level of defined contribution plan assets in the fund. Class R5 shares pay a monthly fee based on the average net assets of class R5 shares at an annual rate of 0.12%. Class R6 shares pay a monthly fee based on the average net assets of class R6 shares at an annual rate of 0.05%. Investor servicing fees will not exceed an annual rate of 0.32% of the fund’s average net assets. During the reporting period, the expenses for each class of shares related to investor servicing fees were as follows:

Class A   $138,370   Class R5   12  

Class B   99   Class R6   57  

Class C   937   Class Y   14,527  

Class M   156   Total   $154,282  

Class R   124      



The fund has entered into expense offset arrangements with Putnam Investor Services, Inc. and State Street whereby Putnam Investor Services, Inc.’s and State Street’s fees are reduced by credits allowed on cash balances. For the reporting period, the fund’s expenses were reduced by $1,434 under the expense offset arrangements.

Each independent Trustee of the fund receives an annual Trustee fee, of which $775, as a quarterly retainer, has been allocated to the fund, and an additional fee for each Trustees meeting attended. Trustees also are reimbursed for expenses they incur relating to their services as Trustees.

The fund has adopted a Trustee Fee Deferral Plan (the Deferral Plan) which allows the Trustees to defer the receipt of all or a portion of Trustees fees payable on or after July 1, 1995. The deferred fees remain invested in certain Putnam funds until distribution in accordance with the Deferral Plan.

Short Duration Income Fund   53  


The fund has adopted an unfunded noncontributory defined benefit pension plan (the Pension Plan) covering all Trustees of the fund who have served as a Trustee for at least five years and were first elected prior to 2004. Benefits under the Pension Plan are equal to 50% of the Trustee’s average annual attendance and retainer fees for the three years ended December 31, 2005. The retirement benefit is payable during a Trustee’s lifetime, beginning the year following retirement, for the number of years of service through December 31, 2006. Pension expense for the fund is included in Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of operations. Accrued pension liability is included in Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of assets and liabilities. The Trustees have terminated the Pension Plan with respect to any Trustee first elected after 2003.

The fund has adopted distribution plans (the Plans) with respect to its class A, class B, class C, class M and class R shares pursuant to Rule 12b–1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The purpose of the Plans is to compensate Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Putnam Investments, LLC, for services provided and expenses incurred in distributing shares of the fund. The Plans provide for payments by the fund to Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership at an annual rate of up to 0.35%, 0.75%, 1.00%, 1.00% and 1.00% of the average net assets attributable to class A, class B, class C, class M and class R shares, respectively. The Trustees have approved payment by the fund at an annual rate of 0.10%, 0.50%, 0.50%, 0.15% and 0.50% of the average net assets attributable to class A, class B, class C, class M and class R shares, respectively. During the reporting period, the class specific expenses related to distribution fees were as follows:

Class A   $556,577   Class M   907  

Class B   1,931   Class R   2,569  

Class C   18,571   Total   $580,555  



For the reporting period, Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership, acting as underwriter, received net commissions of $156 and $72, respectively, in contingent deferred sales charges from redemptions of class B and class C shares purchased by exchange from another Putnam fund.

A deferred sales charge of up to 1.00% for class A shares and up to 0.15% for class M shares may be assessed on certain redemptions. For the reporting period, Putnam Retail Management Limited Partnership, acting as underwriter, received $1,675 and no monies, respectively in contingent deferred sales charges from redemptions of class A and class M shares purchased by exchange from another Putnam fund.

Note 3: Purchases and sales of securities

During the reporting period, cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities other than short-term investments aggregated $591,691,638 and $90,297,330, respectively. There were no purchases or proceeds from sales of long-term U.S. government securities.

Note 4: Capital shares

At the close of the reporting period, there was an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest authorized. Transactions in capital shares were as follows:

      For the period 10/17/11  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class A   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   168,216,682   $1,688,356,580   21,437,881   $214,611,492  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   309,649   3,107,960   19,637   196,618  

  168,526,331   1,691,464,540   21,457,518   214,808,110  

Shares repurchased   (86,068,633)   (863,779,803)   (5,602,449)   (56,104,277)  

Net increase   82,457,698   $827,684,737   15,855,069   $158,703,833  


54   Short Duration Income Fund  


      For the period 10/17/11  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class B   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   46,328   $464,401   34,033   $340,300  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   70   696   16   158  

  46,398   465,097   34,049   340,458  

Shares repurchased   (52,402)   (525,195)   (5,482)   (54,840)  

Net increase (decrease)   (6,004)   $(60,098)   28,567   $285,618  

      For the period 10/17/11  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class C   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   687,372   $6,890,208   329,544   $3,293,421  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   627   6,286   99   986  

  688,009   6,896,494   329,643   3,294,407  

Shares repurchased   (265,291)   (2,659,498)   (134,356)   (1,342,537)  

Net increase   422,718   $4,236,996   195,287   $1,951,870  

      For the period 10/17/11  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class M   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   146,443   $1,468,513   11,373   $113,781  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   143   1,433   48   491  

  146,586   1,469,946   11,421   114,272  

Shares repurchased   (41,384)   (415,154)   (212)   (2,120)  

Net increase   105,202   $1,054,792   11,209   $112,152  

      For the period 10/17/11  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class R   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   110,031   $1,103,560   1   $9  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   80   794   7   81  

  110,111   1,104,354   8   90  

Shares repurchased   (3,159)   (31,686)      

Net increase   106,952   $1,072,668   8   $90  


Short Duration Income Fund   55  


      For the period 7/3/12  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class R5   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold     $—   998   $10,000  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   8   72     4  

  8   72   998   10,004  

Shares repurchased          

Net increase   8   $72   998   $10,004  

      For the period 7/3/12  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class R6   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   50,970   $512,245   998   $10,000  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   78   775   —*   4  

  51,048   513,020   998   10,004  

Shares repurchased   (29,224)   (293,652)      

Net increase   21,824   $219,368   998   $10,004  

      For the period 10/17/11  
      (commencement of operations)  
  Year ended 7/31/13   to 7/31/12  

Class Y   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  

Shares sold   26,385,387   $265,082,243   2,350,615   $23,554,193  

Shares issued in connection with          
reinvestment of distributions   37,584   377,489   1,011   10,141  

  26,422,971   265,459,732   2,351,626   23,564,334  

Shares repurchased   (13,999,304)   (140,614,569)   (1,224,399)   (12,268,527)  

Net increase   12,423,667   $124,845,163   1,127,227   $11,295,807  


* Represents less than 1 share.

At the close of the reporting period, Putnam Investments, LLC owned the following class shares of the fund:

  Shares owned   Percentage of ownership   Value  

Class R   10,027   8.6%   $100,471  

Class R5   1,006   100.0%   $10,096  

Class R6   1,006   4.4%   $10,096  


Note 5: Initial capitalization and offering of shares

The fund was established as a series of the Trust on October 17, 2011. Prior to October 17, 2011, the fund had no operations other than those related to organizational matters, including as noted below, the initial capital contributions by Putnam Investments, LLC and issuance of shares:

56   Short Duration Income Fund  


  Capital contribution   Shares issued  

Class A   $19,500,000   1,950,000  

Class B   100,000   10,000  

Class C   100,000   10,000  

Class M   100,000   10,000  

Class R   100,000   10,000  

Class Y   100,000   10,000  


Note 6: Transactions with affiliated issuer

Transactions during the reporting period with Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund, which is under common ownership and control, were as follows:

  Market value at         Market value  
  the beginning         at the end of  
  of the reporting       Investment   the reporting  
Name of affiliate   period   Purchase cost   Sale proceeds   income   period  

Putnam Money Market            
Liquidity Fund*   $—   $672,918   $672,918   $46   $—  


* Management fees charged to Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund have been waived by Putnam Management.

Note 7: Market, credit and other risks

In the normal course of business, the fund trades financial instruments and enters into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk) or failure of the contracting party to the transaction to perform (credit risk). The fund may be exposed to additional credit risk that an institution or other entity with which the fund has unsettled or open transactions will default. The fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in securitized debt instruments, including mortgage-backed and asset-backed investments. The yields and values of these investments are sensitive to changes in interest rates, the rate of principal payments on the underlying assets and the market’s perception of the issuers. The market for these investments may be volatile and limited, which may make them difficult to buy or sell. Investments in foreign securities involve certain risks, including those related to economic instability, unfavorable political developments, and currency fluctuations. The fund may invest in higher yielding, lower rated bonds that may have a higher rate of default.

Note 8: New accounting pronouncement

In January 2013, ASU 2013–01, “Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities,” amended ASU No. 2011–11, “Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities.” The ASUs create new disclosure requirements requiring entities to disclose both gross and net information for derivatives and other financial instruments that are either offset in the Statement of assets and liabilities or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement. The disclosure requirements are effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013 and interim periods within those annual periods. Putnam Management is currently evaluating the application of ASUs 2013–01 and 2011–11 and their impact, if any, on the fund’s financial statements.

Federal tax information (Unaudited)

The Form 1099 that will be mailed to you in January 2014 will show the tax status of all distributions paid to your account in calendar 2013.

Short Duration Income Fund   57  


About the Trustees

Independent Trustees

58   Short Duration Income Fund  


* Mr. Reynolds is an “interested person” (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) of the fund, Putnam Management, and Putnam Retail Management. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments, as well as the President of your fund and each of the other Putnam funds.

The address of each Trustee is One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109.

As of July 31, 2013, there were 116 Putnam funds. All Trustees serve as Trustees of all Putnam funds.

Each Trustee serves for an indefinite term, until his or her resignation, retirement at age 75, removal, or death.

Short Duration Income Fund   59  



In addition to Robert L. Reynolds, the other officers of the fund are shown below:

Jonathan S. Horwitz (Born 1955)   Janet C. Smith (Born 1965)  
Executive Vice President, Principal Executive   Vice President, Principal Accounting Officer,  
Officer, and Compliance Liaison   and Assistant Treasurer  
Since 2004   Since 2007  
  Director of Fund Administration Services,  
Steven D. Krichmar (Born 1958)   Putnam Investments and Putnam Management  
Vice President and Principal Financial Officer    
Since 2002   Susan G. Malloy (Born 1957)  
Chief of Operations, Putnam Investments and   Vice President and Assistant Treasurer  
Putnam Management   Since 2007  
  Director of Accounting & Control Services,  
Robert T. Burns (Born 1961)   Putnam Investments and Putnam Management  
Vice President and Chief Legal Officer    
Since 2011   James P. Pappas (Born 1953)  
General Counsel, Putnam Investments, Putnam   Vice President  
Management, and Putnam Retail Management   Since 2004  
  Director of Trustee Relations,  
Robert R. Leveille (Born 1969)   Putnam Investments and Putnam Management  
Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer    
Since 2007   Mark C. Trenchard (Born 1962)  
Chief Compliance Officer, Putnam Investments,   Vice President and BSA Compliance Officer  
Putnam Management, and Putnam Retail   Since 2002  
Management   Director of Operational Compliance,  
  Putnam Investments and Putnam  
Michael J. Higgins (Born 1976)   Retail Management  
Vice President, Treasurer, and Clerk    
Since 2010   Nancy E. Florek (Born 1957)  
Manager of Finance, Dunkin’ Brands (2008–   Vice President, Director of Proxy Voting and  
2010); Senior Financial Analyst, Old Mutual Asset   Corporate Governance, Assistant Clerk,  
Management (2007–2008); Senior Financial   and Associate Treasurer  
Analyst, Putnam Investments (1999–2007)   Since 2000  


The principal occupations of the officers for the past five years have been with the employers as shown above although in some cases, they have held different positions with such employers. The address of each Officer is One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109.

60   Short Duration Income Fund  


Fund information

Founded over 75 years ago, Putnam Investments was built around the concept that a balance between risk and reward is the hallmark of a well-rounded financial program. We manage over 100 funds across income, value, blend, growth, asset allocation, absolute return, and global sector categories.

Investment Manager   Trustees   Robert R. Leveille  
Putnam Investment   Jameson A. Baxter, Chair   Vice President and  
Management, LLC   Liaquat Ahamed   Chief Compliance Officer  
One Post Office Square   Ravi Akhoury    
Boston, MA 02109   Barbara M. Baumann   Michael J. Higgins  
  Charles B. Curtis   Vice President, Treasurer,  
Investment Sub-Manager   Robert J. Darretta   and Clerk  
Putnam Investments Limited   Katinka Domotorffy    
57–59 St James’s Street   John A. Hill   Janet C. Smith  
London, England SW1A 1LD   Paul L. Joskow   Vice President,  
  Kenneth R. Leibler   Principal Accounting Officer,  
Marketing Services   Robert E. Patterson   and Assistant Treasurer  
Putnam Retail Management   George Putnam, III    
One Post Office Square   Robert L. Reynolds   Susan G. Malloy  
Boston, MA 02109   W. Thomas Stephens   Vice President and  
    Assistant Treasurer  
Custodian   Officers    
State Street Bank   Robert L. Reynolds   James P. Pappas  
and Trust Company   President   Vice President  
Legal Counsel   Jonathan S. Horwitz   Mark C. Trenchard  
Ropes & Gray LLP   Executive Vice President,   Vice President and  
  Principal Executive Officer, and   BSA Compliance Officer  
Independent Registered   Compliance Liaison    
Public Accounting Firm     Nancy E. Florek  
KPMG LLP   Steven D. Krichmar   Vice President, Director of  
  Vice President and   Proxy Voting and Corporate  
  Principal Financial Officer   Governance, Assistant Clerk,  
    and Associate Treasurer  
  Robert T. Burns    
  Vice President and    
  Chief Legal Officer    


This report is for the information of shareholders of Putnam Short Duration Income Fund. It may also be used as sales literature when preceded or accompanied by the current prospectus, the most recent copy of Putnam’s Quarterly Performance Summary, and Putnam’s Quarterly Ranking Summary. For more recent performance, please visit putnam.com. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of a fund, which are described in its prospectus. For this and other information or to request a prospectus or summary prospectus, call 1-800-225-1581 toll free. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. The fund’s Statement of Additional Information contains additional information about the fund’s Trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling 1-800-225-1581.

Item 2. Code of Ethics:
(a) The fund’s principal executive, financial and accounting officers are employees of Putnam Investment Management, LLC, the Fund’s investment manager. As such they are subject to a comprehensive Code of Ethics adopted and administered by Putnam Investments which is designed to protect the interests of the firm and its clients. The Fund has adopted a Code of Ethics which incorporates the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments with respect to all of its officers and Trustees who are employees of Putnam Investment Management, LLC. For this reason, the Fund has not adopted a separate code of ethics governing its principal executive, financial and accounting officers.

(c) In July 2013, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investment Management, LLC was amended. The changes to the Code of Ethics were as follows: (i) eliminating the requirement for employees to hold their shares of Putnam mutual funds for specified periods of time, (ii) removing the requirement to preclear transactions in certain kinds of exchange-traded funds and exchange-traded notes, although reporting of all such instruments remains required; (iii) eliminating the excessive trading rule related to employee transactions in securities requiring preclearance under the Code; (iv) adding provisions related to monitoring of employee trading; (v) changing from a set number of shares to a set dollar value of stock of mid- and large-cap companies on the Restricted List that can be purchased or sold; (vi) adding a requirement starting in March 2014 for employees to generally use certain approved brokers that provide Putnam with an electronic feed of transactions and statements for their personal brokerage accounts; and (vii) certain other changes.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert:
The Funds’ Audit and Compliance Committee is comprised solely of Trustees who are “independent” (as such term has been defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in regulations implementing Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (the “Regulations”)). The Trustees believe that each of the members of the Audit and Compliance Committee also possess a combination of knowledge and experience with respect to financial accounting matters, as well as other attributes, that qualify them for service on the Committee. In addition, the Trustees have determined that each of Mr. Leibler, Mr. Hill, Mr. Darretta and Ms. Baumann qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” (as such term has been defined by the Regulations) based on their review of his or her pertinent experience and education. The SEC has stated that the designation or identification of a person as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to this Item 3 of Form N-CSR does not impose on such person any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than the duties, obligations and liability imposed on such person as a member of the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Board of Trustees in the absence of such designation or identification.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services:
The following table presents fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to the fund by the fund’s independent auditor:

Fiscal year ended Audit Fees Audit-Related Fees Tax Fees All Other Fees

July 31, 2013 $64,867 $-- $4,100 $ —
July 31, 2012* $62,909 $-- $7,000 $ —

*   For the period October 17, 2011 (commencement of operations) to July 31, 2012.
For the fiscal years ended July 31, 2013 and July 31, 2012, the fund’s independent auditor billed aggregate non-audit fees in the amounts of $4,100 and $7,000 respectively, to the fund, Putnam Management and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with Putnam Management that provides ongoing services to the fund.

Audit Fees represent fees billed for the fund’s last two fiscal years relating to the audit and review of the financial statements included in annual reports and registration statements, and other services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

Audit-Related Fees represent fees billed in the fund’s last two fiscal years for services traditionally performed by the fund’s auditor, including accounting consultation for proposed transactions or concerning financial accounting and reporting standards and other audit or attest services not required by statute or regulation.

Tax Fees represent fees billed in the fund’s last two fiscal years for tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice services. Tax planning and tax advice services include assistance with tax audits, employee benefit plans and requests for rulings or technical advice from taxing authorities.

Pre-Approval Policies of the Audit and Compliance Committee. The Audit and Compliance Committee of the Putnam funds has determined that, as a matter of policy, all work performed for the funds by the funds’ independent auditors will be pre-approved by the Committee itself and thus will generally not be subject to pre-approval procedures.

The Audit and Compliance Committee also has adopted a policy to pre-approve the engagement by Putnam Management and certain of its affiliates of the funds’ independent auditors, even in circumstances where pre-approval is not required by applicable law. Any such requests by Putnam Management or certain of its affiliates are typically submitted in writing to the Committee and explain, among other things, the nature of the proposed engagement, the estimated fees, and why this work should be performed by that particular audit firm as opposed to another one. In reviewing such requests, the Committee considers, among other things, whether the provision of such services by the audit firm are compatible with the independence of the audit firm.

The following table presents fees billed by the fund’s independent auditor for services required to be approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

Fiscal year ended Audit-Related Fees Tax Fees All Other Fees Total Non-Audit Fees

July 31, 2013 $ — $ — $ — $ —
July 31, 2012* $ — $ — $ — $ —

*   For the period October 17, 2011 (commencement of operations) to July 31, 2012.
Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants
Not applicable
Item 6. Schedule of Investments:
The registrant’s schedule of investments in unaffiliated issuers is included in the report to shareholders in Item 1 above.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures For Closed-End Management Investment Companies:

Not applicable
Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Investment Companies
Not Applicable
Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers:

Not applicable
Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders:
Not applicable
Item 11. Controls and Procedures:
(a) The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report, that the design and operation of such procedures are generally effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by the registrant in this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms.

(b) Changes in internal control over financial reporting: Not applicable
Item 12. Exhibits:
(a)(1) The Code of Ethics of The Putnam Funds, which incorporates the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments, is filed herewith.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.

(b) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Putnam Funds Trust
By (Signature and Title):
/s/Janet C. Smith
Janet C. Smith
Principal Accounting Officer

Date: September 27, 2013
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title):
/s/Jonathan S. Horwitz
Jonathan S. Horwitz
Principal Executive Officer

Date: September 27, 2013
By (Signature and Title):
/s/Steven D. Krichmar
Steven D. Krichmar
Principal Financial Officer

Date: September 27, 2013
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