Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number: (811-05452)
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter: Putnam Premier Income Trust
Address of principal executive offices: One Post Office Square, Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Name and address of agent for service: Beth S. Mazor, Vice President
One Post Office Square
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Copy to:         John W. Gerstmayr, Esq.
Ropes & Gray LLP
800 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02199-3600
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (617) 292-1000
Date of fiscal year end: July 31, 2011
Date of reporting period: August 1, 2010 – July 31, 2011

Item 1. Report to Stockholders:

The following is a copy of the report transmitted to stockholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940:

Premier Income

Annual report
7 | 31 | 11


Message from the Trustees   1  

About the fund   2  

Performance snapshot   4  

Interview with your fund’s portfolio manager   5  

Your fund’s performance   11  

Terms and definitions   13  

Trustee approval of management contract   14  

Other information for shareholders   18  

Financial statements   19  

Federal tax information   97  

Shareholder meeting results   97  

About the Trustees   98  

Officers   100  


Message from the Trustees

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

In early August, equity markets around the world were rocked by indications of slowing economic growth and worsening debt issues in Europe and the United States. Significantly, Standard & Poor’s downgraded U.S. sovereign debt to AA+ from AAA on August 5. Markets did show signs of stabilizing after the initial shock wore off, but it seems clear that volatility will be with us in the near term.

Putnam’s investment team believes the downgrade will have limited impact on the real economy today and that many investment opportunities still exist. Long-term investors are wise to seek the counsel of their financial advisors during volatile times and to remember that market volatility historically has served as an opportunity for nimble managers to both guard against risk and pursue new opportunities. We believe that Putnam’s active, research-intensive investment approach offers shareholders a potential advantage in this environment.

We would like to thank John A. Hill, who has served as Chairman of the Trustees since 2000 and who continues on as a Trustee, for his service. We are pleased to announce that Jameson A. Baxter is the new Chair, having served as Vice Chair since 2005 and a Trustee since 1994. Ms. Baxter is President of Baxter Associates, Inc., a private investment firm, and Chair of the Mutual Fund Directors Forum. In addition, she serves as Chair Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, Director of the Adirondack Land Trust, and Trustee of the Nature Conservancy’s Adirondack Chapter.

Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome new shareholders to the fund and to thank all of our investors for your continued confidence in Putnam.

About the fund

Seeking broad diversification across global bond markets

When Putnam Premier Income Trust was launched in 1988, its three-pronged focus on U.S. investment-grade bonds, high-yield corporate bonds, and non-U.S. bonds was considered innovative. Lower-rated, higher-yielding corporate bonds were relatively new, having just been established in the late 1970s. And, at the time of the fund’s launch, few investors were venturing outside the United States for fixed-income opportunities.

The bond investment landscape has undergone a transformation since the fund’s launch. The U.S. investment-grade market added new sectors, and the high-yield corporate bond sector has grown significantly. Outside the United States, the advent of the euro has resulted in a large market of European bonds. And there are also growing opportunities to invest in the debt of emerging-market countries.

The fund is designed to keep pace with this market expansion. To process the market’s increasing complexity, Putnam’s fixed-income group aligns teams of specialists with the varied investment opportunities. Each group identifies what it considers to be compelling strategies within its area of expertise. The fund’s portfolio managers select from among these strategies, systematically building a diversified portfolio that seeks to carefully balance risk and return.

As different factors drive the performance of the various fixed-income sectors, the managers seek to take advantage of changing market leadership in pursuit of high current income.

Consider these risks before investing: International investing involves certain risks, such as currency fluctuations, economic instability, and political developments. Additional risks may be associated with emerging-market securities, including illiquidity and volatility. Funds that invest in government securities are not guaranteed. Mortgage-backed securities are subject to prepayment risk. Funds that invest in bonds are subject to certain risks including interest-rate risk, credit risk, and inflation risk. As interest rates rise, the prices of bonds fall. Long-term bonds are more exposed to interest-rate risk than short-term bonds. Unlike bonds, bond funds have ongoing fees and expenses. The fund’s shares trade on a stock exchange at market prices, which may be lower than the fund’s net asset value.

How do closed-end funds differ from open-end funds?

More assets at work While open-end funds need to maintain a cash position to meet redemptions, closed-end funds are not subject to redemptions and can keep more of their assets invested in the market.

Traded like stocks Closed-end fund shares are traded on stock exchanges, and their market prices fluctuate in response to supply and demand, among other factors.

Net asset value vs. market price Like an open-end fund’s net asset value (NAV) per share, the NAV of a closed-end fund share is equal to the current value of the fund’s assets, minus its liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding. However, when buying or selling closed-end fund shares, the price you pay or receive is the market price. Market price reflects current market supply and demand and may be higher or lower than the NAV.



Data are historical. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return and net asset value will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares. Performance assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes. Fund returns in the bar chart are at NAV. See pages 5 and 11–12 for additional performance information, including fund returns at market price. Index and Lipper results should be compared to fund performance at NAV. Lipper calculates performance differently than the closed-end funds it ranks, due to varying methods for determining a fund’s monthly reinvestment NAV.


Interview with your fund’s portfolio manager

D. William Kohli

What was the investment environment like in the bond markets during the fund’s fiscal year?

The bond market’s non-Treasury sectors generally delivered solid returns during the past 12 months. In early November, the Federal Reserve Board [the Fed] announced a second round of quantitative easing, dubbed “QE2.” Under the program, the Fed committed to purchase an additional $600 billion of Treasury bonds by the end of June 2011. Investors had widely anticipated the Fed’s announcement, and Treasury rates jumped higher in the fourth quarter of 2010 and early months of 2011.

During this time, so-called “spread sectors” generally performed well as investors regained their appetite for risk. After relative stability in the first quarter, however, in June and July some weaker-than-expected economic data and political gridlock surrounding attempts to raise the U.S. debt ceiling reignited fears of a double-dip recession. Many investors responded by selling off riskier assets and moving money into U.S. Treasuries and global government bonds. Despite these recent declines, the non-government sectors of the market generated solid total returns during the past year, with corporate and mortgage-related bonds among the top-performing sectors.

The fund outperformed its benchmark by a substantial margin during the past 12 months. What factors drove those gains?

The fund’s benchmark, the Barclays Capital Government Bond Index, is composed primarily of U.S. government-backed securities, which continued to offer extremely low yields during the period and lagged the returns of bond market segments with greater perceived risks. Although 2008 may

This comparison shows your fund’s performance in the context of broad market indexes for the 12 months ended 7/31/11. See pages 4 and 11–12 for additional fund performance information. Index descriptions can be found on page 13.


seem rather distant to some investors, the price declines that certain non-Treasury sectors experienced during the financial crisis were so severe that even today, nearly three years later, we believe many areas of the market still appear undervalued relative to their historical averages.

One example is high-yield corporate debt. The yield spread relative to U.S. Treasuries in the high-yield sector had widened to record levels during the height of the financial crisis, as weaker companies defaulted on their debt or went out of business entirely. Those companies that survived the crisis, however, emerged much stronger. Today, the default rate among high-yield issuers is well below its long-term average, as companies have much stronger balance sheets and continue to generate solid earnings. The fund’s significant allocation to high-yield bonds was a key contributor to its outperformance of the benchmark, as the high-yield category was among the top-performing bond market sectors for the period.

Our positioning in the mortgage-backed securities market also continued to produce solid gains, particularly within non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities [RMBS]. Non-agency mortgages lack the support of any government entity, such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. And like high-yield corporate debt, valuations in this

Credit qualities are shown as a percentage of net assets as of 7/31/11. A bond rated Baa or higher (Prime-3 or higher, for short-term debt) is considered investment grade. The chart reflects Moody’s ratings; percentages may include bonds or derivatives not rated by Moody’s but rated by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) or, if unrated by S&P, by Fitch, and then included in the closest equivalent Moody’s rating. Ratings will vary over time.

Credit quality includes bonds and represents only the fixed-income portion of the portfolio. Derivative instruments, including currency forwards, are only included to the extent of any unrealized gain or loss on such instruments and are shown in the not-rated category. Cash is also shown in the not-rated category. The fund itself has not been rated by an independent rating agency.


sector still appear depressed relative to their pre-crisis levels. Because of this, even if home prices continue to deteriorate and defaults on mortgage payments increase, we believe our holdings in this sector would still be undervalued relative to the cash flows that we anticipate they will generate. Late in the period, the Fed began to sell portions of its “Maiden Lane” portfolio — a name taken from a street that runs beside the New York Federal Reserve in Manhattan. This led to some weakness in the market, as demand failed to keep pace with the increased supply.

Another form of mortgage-backed security that performed well during the year was interest-only collateralized mortgage obligations, or CMO IOs. By way of background, CMOs are securities backed by the payments from pools of mortgages, and, as the name suggests, IO securities are tied specifically to the interest payments on those mortgages. CMO IOs are designed so that the longer homeowners take to pay down their mortgages, the more money security holders will earn from interest payments on those loans. Refinancing activity on the mortgage pools underlying the CMO IOs that we held remained at low levels, as bank-lending standards remained fairly tight over the period. We also believe that most homeowners who are capable of refinancing already have. This particular strategy has been a strong contributor to the fund’s performance for some time, and over the course of 2011 we’ve been paring our exposure, given that valuations are not as attractive as they had


This table shows the fund’s top holdings across three key sectors and the percentage of the fund’s net assets that each represented as of 7/31/11. Short-term holdings are excluded. Holdings will vary over time.


been a year ago. In implementing our CMO IO strategy, we used interest-rate swaps and options to hedge the fund’s duration — or sensitivity to interest-rate changes — to isolate the prepayment risks associated with the securities, which we believed offered attractive return potential.

Throughout the period, we took tactical positions designed to benefit from a flattening yield curve. As a reminder, the yield curve is a graphical representation of how the yields of bonds of various maturities compare. Usually, bonds with longer maturities offer higher yields than short-term bonds. This is true today, but the difference between the short and the long end of the curve is greater than is typical. For more than two years, the Fed has kept the short end of the curve anchored around zero after it cut the benchmark for short-term interest rates, the federal funds rate, to a target of less than 0.25%. For comparison, for the first half of 2011, the yield on the 30-year U.S. Treasury bond was more than 4%. Although long-term rates declined slightly in 2011, short-term rates remained essentially unchanged, and our strategy produced mixed results, and we have recently reduced the size of our position. In implementing this strategy, we primarily used Treasury futures, as well as interest-rate swaps and swaptions, which involve the transfer — or “swap” — of a fixed amount and a variable amount between two parties.

How is the fund positioned in the international markets?

The fund has a modest allocation to emerging-market debt, one of the better-performing asset classes in recent years. Our allocation is primarily divided between two types of markets: those that we believe were oversold during the 2008 financial crisis and are still in the process of recovering, such as Argentina and Venezuela, and those countries that

This chart shows how the fund’s top weightings have changed over the past six months. Weightings are shown as a percentage of net assets. Summary information may differ from the portfolio schedule included in the financial statements due to the inclusion of derivative securities and the exclusion of as-of trades, if any, and the use of different classifications of securities for presentation purposes. Holdings will vary over time.


export commodities and stand to benefit from a global economic recovery, such as Russia and Brazil. While we believe the fundamentals are attractive in emerging markets — where governments and households have manageable debt loads and inflation remains relatively subdued — we feel that valuations have become somewhat stretched, and we are being highly selective with our investments. That said, our exposure to emerging markets was a contributor to relative performance over the fund’s fiscal year.

Our active currency management detracted from returns during the period. The fund’s exposure to the Norwegian krone and Swedish krona proved negative for performance, as did the fund’s short positions to the Japanese yen and British pound. The fund’s exposure to the Australian dollar as well as some emerging-market currencies helped returns somewhat, as did the fund’s short position to the euro, but these positive contributors were not enough to fully offset the detractors. Throughout the period, we primarily implemented our currency views by buying and selling forward currency contracts.

The fund reduced its distribution rate during the year. What led to that decision?

The fund’s distribution rate was lowered during the period to $0.051 per share from $0.059 per share. During the past 12 months, we’ve been adopting a more conservative stance and, as a result, the fund has generated less current income. That said, we are always monitoring the fund’s risk profile and will adjust it going forward based on market opportunities.

What is your outlook for the bond markets over the coming months, and how do you plan to position the fund?

Since the close of the fund’s fiscal year, volatility in riskier asset classes has increased significantly. Part of the downturn stems from investors’ concerns over an uncertain political climate: The eleventh-hour agreement to raise the federal debt ceiling was followed closely by Standard & Poor’s unprecedented downgrade of U.S. Treasury debt from AAA to AA+. The Fed, meanwhile, recently stated that its near-zero interest-rate policy would remain in place through the middle of 2013, which many market-watchers have interpreted as a response to increased weakness in the U.S. economy. At Putnam, we believe the chance of a double-dip recession is higher today than six months ago, but we do not believe that a recession is the most likely outcome. Rather, our analysis suggests that, as was the case in 2010, the second half of this year has the potential to be stronger than the first. In our view, temporary setbacks stemming from supply disruptions due to the natural disasters in Japan, as well as from spikes in food and energy prices, should give way to more stable growth in the third and fourth quarters of 2011 barring any unforeseen global economic shocks.

Turning to the bond markets, as I mentioned earlier, credit spreads have narrowed greatly since late 2008, but we believe there are still pockets of opportunity in many market segments. As a result, we plan to maintain the fund’s positions in high-yield bonds, CMO IOs, and non-agency RMBS.

With regard to credit, we have a favorable view of both investment-grade and high-yield corporate bonds, as a wide range of companies are benefiting from improving fundamentals and a supportive technical environment in the corporate debt market. And we believe our positions in non-agency RMBS can continue to produce attractive cash flows even under most worst-case scenarios.

With regard to our prepayment strategies, although we are more mindful of valuations today, we still believe IO CMOs should fare relatively well amid ongoing weakness in the housing market and an environment of tighter


standards for borrowers. Given the prospect of government budget challenges for years to come, combined with increased inflationary pressures, our inclination is to keep duration short in the portfolio. We believe there are more attractive opportunities than taking on interest-rate risk, including those in our credit and prepayment strategies.

Thank you, Bill, for bringing us up to date.

The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of Putnam Management, and are subject to change. They are not meant as investment advice.

Please note that the holdings discussed in this report may not have been held by the fund for the entire period. Portfolio composition is subject to review in accordance with the fund’s investment strategy and may vary in the future. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk.

Portfolio Manager D. William Kohli is Co-Head of Fixed Income at Putnam. He has an M.B.A. from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego. Bill joined Putnam in 1994 and has been in the investment industry since 1987.

Bill manages your fund with a team of portfolio managers, including Michael Atkin, Kevin Murphy, Michael Salm, and Paul Scanlon. (Former portfolio manager Rob Bloemker departed from Putnam Investments during the fund’s fiscal year ended 7/31/11. Mr. Salm joined the portfolio team for the fund in April 2011. From 1977 to present, he has been employed by Putnam Investment Management, LLC, currently as Co-Head of Fixed Income and previously as Team Leader, Liquid Markets and as Mortgage Specialist.)


Citing its belief that the U.S. deficit reduc tion plan “falls short” of what is needed to stabilize the federal debt situation, ratings agency Standard & Poor’s on August 5 reduced the credit rating of long-term U.S. debt to AA+, one notch below the top grade of AAA, with a negative outlook. U.S. short-term debt retained its top rating of A-1+. The historic action triggered a sell-off in global equity markets, adding to recent market volatility stemming from investor concerns regarding the European sovereign debt crisis. The downgrade came just days after Congress and the White House agreed to raise the federal debt ceiling by at least $2.1 trillion, removing the threat of default through 2012. The accord, reached after weeks of contentious debate, includes more than $900 billion in spending cuts during the next 10 years, and establishes a joint congressional committee to identify $1.5 trillion in additional cuts.


Your fund’s performance

This section shows your fund’s performance, price, and distribution information for periods ended July 31, 2011, the end of its most recent fiscal year. In accordance with regulatory requirements for mutual funds, we also include performance as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. Performance should always be considered in light of a fund’s investment strategy. Data represent past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return, net asset value, and market price will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your shares.

Fund performance Total return and comparative index results for periods ended 7/31/11

        Lipper Flexible  
      Barclays Capital   Income Funds  
      Government   (closed-end)  
  NAV   Market price   Bond Index   category average*  

Annual average          
Life of fund (since 2/29/88)   7.98%   7.58%   6.93%   7.44%  

10 years   116.13   126.55   68.08   97.18  
Annual average   8.01   8.52   5.33   7.01  

5 years   41.50   62.86   35.02   40.35  
Annual average   7.19   10.25   6.19   6.98  

3 years   34.09   45.21   17.50   32.12  
Annual average   10.27   13.24   5.52   9.71  

1 year   8.65   1.45   3.26   9.59  

Performance assumes reinvestment of distributions and does not account for taxes.

Index and Lipper results should be compared to fund performance at net asset value. Lipper calculates performance differently than the closed-end funds it ranks, due to varying methods for determining a fund’s monthly reinvestment NAV.

* Over the 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year, and life-of-fund periods ended 7/31/11, there were 5, 4, 4, 3, and 1 fund(s), respectively, in this Lipper category.


Fund price and distribution information For the 12-month period ended 7/31/11


Number     12    

Income     $0.676    

Capital gains        

Total     $0.676    

Share value   NAV     Market price  

7/31/10   $6.31     $6.67  

7/31/11   6.17     6.09  

Current yield (end of period)   NAV     Market price  

Current dividend rate*   9.92%     10.05%  

The classification of distributions, if any, is an estimate. Final distribution information will appear on your year-end tax forms.

* Most recent distribution, excluding capital gains, annualized and divided by NAV or market price at end of period.

Fund performance as of most recent calendar quarter
Total return for periods ended 6/30/11

  NAV   Market price  

Annual average      
Life of fund (since 2/29/88)   7.97%   7.91%  

10 years   117.19   142.22  
Annual average   8.06   9.25  

5 years   42.26   74.87  
Annual average   7.30   11.83  

3 years   31.95   54.72  
Annual average   9.68   15.66  

1 year   9.46   12.43  



Terms and definitions

Important terms

Total return shows how the value of the fund’s shares changed over time, assuming you held the shares through the entire period and reinvested all distributions in the fund.

Net asset value (NAV) is the value of all your fund’s assets, minus any liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares.

Market price is the current trading price of one share of the fund. Market prices are set by transactions between buyers and sellers on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange.

Current yield is the annual rate of return earned from dividends or interest of an investment. Current yield is expressed as a percentage of the price of a security, fund share, or principal investment.

Comparative indexes

Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S. investment-grade fixed-income securities.

Barclays Capital Government Bond Index is an unmanaged index of U.S. Treasury and agency securities.

BofA (Bank of America) Merrill Lynch U.S. 3-Month Treasury Bill Index is an unmanaged index that seeks to measure the performance of U.S. Treasury bills available in the marketplace.

S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of common stock performance.

Indexes assume reinvestment of all distributions and do not account for fees. Securities and performance of a fund and an index will differ. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Lipper is a third-party industry-ranking entity that ranks mutual funds. Its rankings do not reflect sales charges. Lipper rankings are based on total return at net asset value relative to other funds that have similar current investment styles or objectives as determined by Lipper. Lipper may change a fund’s category assignment at its discretion. Lipper category averages reflect performance trends for funds within a category.


Trustee approval of management contract

General conclusions

The Board of Trustees of the Putnam funds oversees the management of each fund and, as required by law, determines annually whether to approve the continuance of your fund’s management contract with Putnam Investment Management (“Putnam Management”) and the sub-management contract with respect to your fund between Putnam Management and its affiliate, Putnam Investments Limited (“PIL”).

The Board of Trustees, with the assistance of its Contract Committee, which consists solely of Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as this term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) of the Putnam funds (“Independent Trustees”), requests and evaluates all information it deems reasonably necessary under the circumstances in connection with its annual contract review. Over the course of several months ending in June 2011, the Contract Committee met on a number of occasions with representatives of Putnam Management, and separately in executive session, to consider the information that Putnam Management provided and other information developed with the assistance of the Board’s independent counsel and independent staff. The Contract Committee reviewed and discussed key aspects of this information with all of the Independent Trustees on a number of occasions. At the Trustees’ June 17, 2011 meeting, the Contract Committee recommended, and the Independent Trustees approved, the continuance of your fund’s management and sub-management contracts, effective July 1, 2011. (Because PIL is an affiliate of Putnam Management and Putnam Management remains fully responsible for all services provided by PIL, the Trustees have not evaluated PIL as a separate entity, and all subsequent references to Putnam Management below should be deemed to include reference to PIL as necessary or appropriate in the context.)

The Independent Trustees’ approval was based on the following conclusions:

That the fee schedule in effect for your fund represented reasonable compensation in light of the nature and quality of the services being provided to the fund, the fees paid by competitive funds, and the costs incurred by Putnam Management in providing services, and

That the fee schedule represented an appropriate sharing between fund shareholders and Putnam Management of such economies of scale as may exist in the management of the fund at current asset levels.

These conclusions were based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees and were not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations and how the Trustees considered these factors are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently, giving different weights to various factors. It is also important to recognize that the management arrangements for your fund and the other Putnam funds are the result of many years of review and discussion between the Independent Trustees and Putnam Management, that some aspects of the arrangements may receive greater scrutiny in some years than others, and that the Trustees’ conclusions may be based, in part, on their consideration of fee arrangements in previous years.

Management fee schedules and total expenses

The Trustees reviewed the management fee schedules in effect for all Putnam funds, including fee levels and breakpoints. In reviewing management fees, the Trustees


generally focus their attention on material changes in circumstances — for example, changes in assets under management or investment style, changes in Putnam Management’s operating costs, or changes in competitive practices in the mutual fund industry — that suggest that consideration of fee changes might be warranted. The Trustees concluded that the circumstances did not warrant changes to the management fee structure of your fund.

Your fund currently has the benefit of breakpoints in its management fee that provide shareholders with significant economies of scale in the form of reduced fee levels as the fund’s assets under management increase. In recent years, the Trustees have examined the operation of the existing breakpoint structure during periods of both growth and decline in asset levels. The Trustees concluded that the fee schedule in effect for your fund represented an appropriate sharing of economies of scale at that time.

The Trustees reviewed comparative fee and expense information for a custom group of competitive funds selected by Lipper Inc. This comparative information included your fund’s percentile ranking for effective management fees and total expenses, which provides a general indication of your fund’s relative standing. In the custom peer group, your fund ranked in the 3rd quintile in effective management fees (determined for your fund and the other funds in the custom peer group based on fund asset size and the applicable contractual management fee schedule) and in the 1st quintile in total expenses as of December 31, 2010 (the first quintile representing the least expensive funds and the fifth quintile the most expensive funds). The fee and expense data reported by Lipper as of December 31, 2010 reflected the most recent fiscal year-end data available in Lipper’s database at that time.

In connection with their review of the management fees and total expenses of the Putnam funds, the Trustees also reviewed the costs of the services provided and the profits realized by Putnam Management and its affiliates from their contractual relationships with the funds. This information included trends in revenues, expenses and profitability of Putnam Management and its affiliates relating to the investment management, investor servicing and distribution services provided to the funds. In this regard, the Trustees also reviewed an analysis of Putnam Management’s revenues, expenses and profitability, allocated on a fund-by-fund basis, with respect to the funds’ management, distribution, and investor servicing contracts. For each fund, the analysis presented information about revenues, expenses and profitability for each of the agreements separately and for the agreements taken together on a combined basis. The Trustees concluded that, at current asset levels, the fee schedules in place represented reasonable compensation for the services being provided and represented an appropriate sharing of such economies of scale as may exist in the management of the funds at that time.

The information examined by the Trustees as part of their annual contract review for the Putnam funds has included for many years information regarding fees charged by Putnam Management and its affiliates to institutional clients such as defined benefit pension plans, college endowments, and the like. This information included comparisons of those fees with fees charged to the funds, as well as an assessment of the differences in the services provided to these different types of clients. The Trustees observed that the differences in fee rates between institutional clients and mutual funds are by no means uniform when examined by individual asset sectors, suggesting that differences in the pricing of investment management services to these types of clients may reflect historical competitive forces


operating in separate markets. The Trustees considered the fact that in many cases fee rates across different asset classes are higher on average for mutual funds than for institutional clients, as well as the differences between the services that Putnam Management provides to the Putnam funds and those that it provides to its institutional clients. The Trustees did not rely on these comparisons to any significant extent in concluding that the management fees paid by your fund are reasonable.

Investment performance

The quality of the investment process provided by Putnam Management represented a major factor in the Trustees’ evaluation of the quality of services provided by Putnam Management under your fund’s management contract. The Trustees were assisted in their review of the Putnam funds’ investment process and performance by the work of several investment oversight committees of the Trustees, which met on a regular basis with the funds’ portfolio teams and with the Chief Investment Officer and other members of Putnam Management’s Investment Division throughout the year. The Trustees concluded that Putnam Management generally provides a high-quality investment process — based on the experience and skills of the individuals assigned to the management of fund portfolios, the resources made available to them, and in general Putnam Management’s ability to attract and retain high-quality personnel — but also recognized that this does not guarantee favorable investment results for every fund in every time period. The Trustees considered the investment performance of each fund over multiple time periods and considered information comparing each fund’s performance with various benchmarks and with the performance of competitive funds.

The Committee noted the substantial improvement in the performance of most Putnam funds during the 2009–2010 period and Putnam Management’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its investment personnel and processes. The Committee also noted the disappointing investment performance of some funds for periods ended December 31, 2010 and considered information provided by Putnam Management regarding the factors contributing to the underperformance and actions being taken to improve the performance of these particular funds. The Trustees indicated their intention to continue to monitor performance trends to assess the effectiveness of these efforts and to evaluate whether additional actions to address areas of underperformance are warranted.

In the case of your fund, the Trustees considered that its common share cumulative total return performance at net asset value was in the following quartiles of its Lipper Inc. peer group (Lipper Flexible Income Funds (closed-end)) for the one-year, three-year and five-year periods ended December 31, 2010 (the first quartile representing the best-performing funds and the fourth quartile the worst-performing funds):

One-year period   1st  

Three-year period   2nd  

Five-year period   2nd  


Over the one-year, three-year and five-year periods ended December 31, 2010, there were 6, 5 and 5 funds, respectively, in your fund’s Lipper peer group. (When considering performance information, shareholders should be mindful that past performance is not a guarantee of future results.)

Brokerage and soft-dollar allocations; investor servicing

The Trustees considered various potential benefits that Putnam Management may receive in connection with the services it provides under the management contract with your fund. These include benefits related to brokerage allocation and the use of soft dollars, whereby a portion of the commissions paid by a fund for brokerage may be used to


acquire research services that are expected to be useful to Putnam Management in managing the assets of the fund and of other clients. Subject to policies established by the Trustees, soft-dollar credits acquired through these means are used primarily to supplement Putnam Management’s internal research efforts. However, the Trustees noted that a portion of available soft-dollar credits continues to be allocated to the payment of fund expenses. The Trustees indicated their continued intent to monitor regulatory developments in this area with the assistance of their Brokerage Committee and also indicated their continued intent to monitor the potential benefits associated with fund brokerage and soft-dollar allocations and trends in industry practices to ensure that the principle of seeking best price and execution remains paramount in the portfolio trading process.

Putnam Management may also receive benefits from payments that the funds make to Putnam Management’s affiliates for investor services. In conjunction with the annual review of your fund’s management contract, the Trustees reviewed your fund’s investor servicing agreement with Putnam Investor Services, Inc. (“PSERV”), an affiliate of Putnam Management. The Trustees concluded that the fees payable by the funds to PSERV for such services are reasonable in relation to the nature and quality of such services.


Other information for shareholders

Important notice regarding share repurchase program

In September 2011, the Trustees of your fund approved the renewal of a share repurchase program that had been in effect since 2005. This renewal will allow your fund to repurchase, in the 12 months beginning October 8, 2011, up to 10% of the fund’s common shares outstanding as of October 7, 2011.

Important notice regarding Putnam’s privacy policy

In order to conduct business with our shareholders, we must obtain certain personal information such as account holders’ names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth. Using this information, we are able to maintain accurate records of accounts and transactions.

It is our policy to protect the confidentiality of our shareholder information, whether or not a shareholder currently owns shares of our funds. In particular, it is our policy not to sell information about you or your accounts to outside marketing firms. We have safeguards in place designed to prevent unauthorized access to our computer systems and procedures to protect personal information from unauthorized use.

Under certain circumstances, we must share account information with outside vendors who provide services to us, such as mailings and proxy solicitations. In these cases, the service providers enter into confidentiality agreements with us, and we provide only the information necessary to process transactions and perform other services related to your account. Finally, it is our policy to share account information with your financial representative, if you’ve listed one on your Putnam account.

Proxy voting

Putnam is committed to managing our mutual funds in the best interests of our shareholders. The Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures, as well as information regarding how your fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the 12-month period ended June 30, 2011, are available in the Individual Investors section at putnam.com, and on the SEC’s website, www.sec.gov. If you have questions about finding forms on the SEC’s website, you may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain the Putnam funds’ proxy voting guidelines and procedures at no charge by calling Putnam’s Shareholder Services at 1-800-225-1581.

Fund portfolio holdings

The fund will file a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Shareholders may obtain the fund’s Forms N-Q on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. In addition, the fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. You may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for information about the SEC’s website or the operation of the Public Reference Room.

Trustee and employee fund ownership

Putnam employees and members of the Board of Trustees place their faith, confidence, and, most importantly, investment dollars in Putnam mutual funds. As of July 31, 2011, Putnam employees had approximately $350,000,000 and the Trustees had approximately $74,000,000 invested in Putnam mutual funds. These amounts include investments by the Trustees’ and employees’ immediate family members as well as investments through retirement and deferred compensation plans.


Financial statements

These sections of the report, as well as the accompanying Notes, preceded by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, constitute the fund’s financial statements.

The fund’s portfolio lists all the fund’s investments and their values as of the last day of the reporting period. Holdings are organized by asset type and industry sector, country, or state to show areas of concentration and diversification.

Statement of assets and liabilities shows how the fund’s net assets and share price are determined. All investment and non-investment assets are added together. Any unpaid expenses and other liabilities are subtracted from this total. The result is divided by the number of shares to determine the net asset value per share. (For funds with preferred shares, the amount subtracted from total assets includes the liquidation preference of preferred shares.)

Statement of operations shows the fund’s net investment gain or loss. This is done by first adding up all the fund’s earnings — from dividends and interest income — and subtracting its operating expenses to determine net investment income (or loss). Then, any net gain or loss the fund realized on the sales of its holdings — as well as any unrealized gains or losses over the period — is added to or subtracted from the net investment result to determine the fund’s net gain or loss for the fiscal year.

Statement of changes in net assets shows how the fund’s net assets were affected by the fund’s net investment gain or loss, by distributions to shareholders, and by changes in the number of the fund’s shares. It lists distributions and their sources (net investment income or realized capital gains) over the current reporting period and the most recent fiscal year-end. The distributions listed here may not match the sources listed in the Statement of operations because the distributions are determined on a tax basis and may be paid in a different period from the one in which they were earned.

Financial highlights provide an overview of the fund’s investment results, per-share distributions, expense ratios, net investment income ratios, and portfolio turnover in one summary table, reflecting the five most recent reporting periods. In a semiannual report, the highlights table also includes the current reporting period.


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Trustees and Shareholders
Putnam Premier Income Trust:

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Putnam Premier Income Trust, including the fund’s portfolio, as of July 31, 2011, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 2011 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Putnam Premier Income Trust as of July 31, 2011, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Boston, Massachusetts
September 16, 2011


The fund’s portfolio 7/31/11

CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)*   Principal amount   Value  

Basic materials (2.6%)        
Associated Materials, LLC company guaranty sr. notes        
9 1/8s, 2017     $602,000   $608,020  

Atkore International, Inc. 144A sr. notes 9 7/8s, 2018     415,000   438,863  

Catalyst Paper Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 11s,        
2016 (Canada)     240,000   189,000  

Celanese US Holdings, LLC company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6 5/8s, 2018 (Germany)     620,000   669,600  

Celanese US Holdings, LLC sr. notes 5 7/8s, 2021 (Germany)     430,000   455,800  

Clondalkin Acquisition BV 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
FRN 2.247s, 2013 (Netherlands)     165,000   156,750  

Dynacast International, LLC/Dynacast Finance, Inc. 144A        
notes 9 1/4s, 2019     140,000   142,800  

Exopack Holding Corp. 144A sr. notes 10s, 2018     345,000   346,725  

Ferro Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 7/8s, 2018     960,000   1,010,400  

FMG Resources August 2006 Pty, Ltd. 144A sr. notes 7s, 2015        
(Australia)     657,000   690,274  

FMG Resources August 2006 Pty, Ltd. 144A sr. notes 6 7/8s,        
2018 (Australia)     535,000   554,162  

Georgia-Pacific, LLC 144A company guaranty 7 1/8s, 2017     135,000   145,148  

Hexion U.S. Finance Corp./Hexion Nova Scotia Finance, ULC        
company guaranty notes 9s, 2020     476,000   492,660  

Hexion U.S. Finance Corp./Hexion Nova Scotia Finance, ULC        
company guaranty sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2018     375,000   397,500  

Huntsman International, LLC company guaranty sr. unsec.        
sub. notes 8 5/8s, 2021     661,000   736,189  

INEOS Finance PLC 144A company guaranty sr. notes 9 1/4s,        
2015 (United Kingdom)   EUR   270,000   409,093  

INEOS Finance PLC 144A company guaranty sr. notes 9s, 2015        
(United Kingdom)     $445,000   475,038  

INEOS Group Holdings, PLC company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes Ser. REGS, 7 7/8s, 2016 (United Kingdom)   EUR   815,000   1,135,770  

JMC Steel Group 144A sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2018     $160,000   166,000  

Kronos International, Inc. sr. notes 6 1/2s, 2013 (Germany)   EUR   678,400   984,223  

Lyondell Chemical Co. sr. notes 11s, 2018     $2,150,000   2,434,875  

Lyondell Chemical Co. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
8s, 2017     1,008,000   1,139,040  

Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. notes 9s, 2021     691,000   711,730  

NewPage Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 11 3/8s, 2014     291,000   261,900  

Nexeo Solutions, LLC/Nexeo Solutions Finance Corp. 144A        
company guaranty sr. sub. notes 8 3/8s, 2018     140,000   145,600  

Novelis, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 3/4s, 2020     500,000   556,250  

Novelis, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 1/4s, 2015     546,000   556,920  

PE Paper Escrow GmbH sr. notes Ser. REGS, 11 3/4s, 2014        
(Austria)   EUR   834,000   1,344,573  

PE Paper Escrow GmbH 144A sr. notes 12s, 2014 (Austria)     $125,000   141,875  

Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
sub. notes 7 5/8s, 2014   EUR   130,000   188,374  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Basic materials cont.        
SGL Carbon SE company guaranty sr. sub. notes FRN        
Ser. EMTN, 2.67s, 2015 (Germany)   EUR   339,000   $480,942  

Smurfit Kappa Funding PLC sr. unsec. sub. notes 7 3/4s,        
2015 (Ireland)     $259,000   264,180  

Solutia, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 3/4s, 2017     341,000   378,510  

Solutia, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 7/8s, 2020     732,000   803,370  

Steel Dynamics, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7 3/8s, 2012     98,000   103,513  

Steel Dynamics, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 3/4s, 2016     550,000   583,000  

Styrolution Group GmbH 144A sr. notes 7 5/8s, 2016 (Germany)     245,000   340,794  

Teck Resources Limited sr. notes 10 1/4s, 2016 (Canada)     291,000   349,200  

Thompson Creek Metals Co., Inc. 144A company guaranty        
sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2018 (Canada)     240,000   237,900  

TPC Group, LLC 144A sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2017     531,000   564,851  

Tube City IMS Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes        
9 3/4s, 2015     502,000   517,060  

USG Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 8 3/8s, 2018     165,000   160,875  

Verso Paper Holdings, LLC/Verso Paper, Inc. sr. notes        
11 1/2s, 2014     494,000   524,875  

Verso Paper Holdings, LLC/Verso Paper, Inc. 144A sr. notes        
8 3/4s, 2019     200,000   185,500  

Capital goods (1.9%)        
Alliant Techsystems, Inc. sr. sub. notes 6 3/4s, 2016     466,000   478,815  

Allison Transmission, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 1/8s, 2019     17,000   16,660  

Altra Holdings, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 8 1/8s, 2016     225,000   241,875  

American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. notes 5 1/4s, 2014     244,000   243,695  

American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 7/8s, 2017     80,000   81,700  

American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. 144A company guaranty        
sr. notes 9 1/4s, 2017     185,000   204,194  

ARD Finance SA 144A 11 1/8s, 2018 (Luxembourg)   EUR   100,000   147,541  

Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC sr. notes Ser. REGS, 7 3/8s,        
2017 (Ireland)   EUR   190,000   271,059  

Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC 144A company guaranty        
sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2017 (Ireland)   EUR   130,000   185,461  

BE Aerospace, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 6 7/8s, 2020     $689,000   740,675  

Berry Plastics Corp. company guaranty notes FRN 4.122s, 2014     450,000   416,250  

Berry Plastics Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 9 1/2s, 2018     225,000   225,563  

Berry Plastics Corp. notes 9 3/4s, 2021     56,000   55,720  

Briggs & Stratton Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 7/8s, 2020     330,000   349,800  

Crown Americas, LLC/Crown Americas Capital Corp. III 144A        
sr. notes 6 1/4s, 2021     330,000   337,425  

Crown Euro Holdings SA 144A sr. notes 7 1/8s, 2018 (France)   EUR   100,000   148,279  

Delphi Corp. 144A sr. notes 6 1/8s, 2021     $345,000   348,450  

Exide Technologies 144A sr. notes 8 5/8s, 2018     220,000   224,400  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Capital goods cont.        
Graham Packaging Co., LP/GPC Capital Corp. company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 1/4s, 2017     $230,000   $243,225  

Griffon Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 1/8s, 2018     160,000   159,600  

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. company guaranty        
sr. notes 10s, 2017     367,000   391,773  

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 10s, 2017     155,000   165,463  

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. 144A sr. notes        
10s, 2017     525,000   560,438  

Legrand SA unsec. unsub. debs. 8 1/2s, 2025 (France)     860,000   1,131,005  

Mueller Water Products, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
unsub. notes 8 3/4s, 2020     70,000   76,300  

Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC 144A sr. notes 8 1/2s, 2016     587,000   609,013  

Polypore International, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 1/2s, 2017     265,000   281,563  

Pregis Corp. company guaranty notes FRN 6.605s, 2013   EUR   80,000   110,530  

Pregis Corp. company guaranty sr. sub. notes 12 3/8s, 2013     $255,000   252,450  

Rexam PLC unsec. sub. bonds FRB 6 3/4s, 2067        
(United Kingdom)   EUR   350,000   491,676  

Rexel SA company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 1/4s,        
2016 (France)   EUR   824,000   1,273,396  

Reynolds Group DL Escrow, Inc./Reynolds Group Escrow, LLC        
144A sr. notes 8 1/2s, 2016 (Luxembourg)   EUR   843,000   1,234,433  

Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
7 1/8s, 2019     $310,000   301,475  

Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 9s, 2019     185,000   184,075  

Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. 144A sr. notes 6 7/8s, 2021        
(New Zealand)     100,000   96,000  

Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 1/4s,        
2021 (New Zealand)     120,000   110,700  

Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2019     150,000   151,500  

Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 9 7/8s, 2019     150,000   151,500  

Ryerson, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 12s, 2015     777,000   825,563  

Teleflex, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes        
6 7/8s, 2019     370,000   381,100  

Tenneco, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7 3/4s, 2018     345,000   368,288  

Tenneco, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsub. notes 6 7/8s, 2020     330,000   341,550  

Terex Corp. sr. unsec. sub. notes 8s, 2017     137,000   139,569  

Thermadyne Holdings Corp. 144A sr. notes 9s, 2017     742,000   788,375  

Thermon Industries, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes        
9 1/2s, 2017     320,000   347,200  

TransDigm, Inc. 144A sr. sub. notes 7 3/4s, 2018     665,000   708,225  

Zinc Capital SA 144A sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2018 (Luxembourg)   EUR   250,000   357,263  




CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Communication services (4.3%)        
AMC Networks, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec notes        
7 3/4s, 2021     $200,000   $210,500  

Bresnan Broadband Holdings, LLC 144A company guaranty        
sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8s, 2018     170,000   176,800  

Cablevision Systems Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8 5/8s, 2017     200,000   221,000  

Cablevision Systems Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8s, 2020     400,000   438,000  

CCH II, LLC/CCH II Capital company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
13 1/2s, 2016     496,525   585,900  

CCO Holdings, LLC/CCO Holdings Capital Corp. company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 7/8s, 2018     145,000   155,875  

CCO Holdings, LLC/CCO Holdings Capital Corp. company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 6 1/2s, 2021     415,000   412,925  

CCO Holdings, LLC/CCO Holdings Capital Corp. company        
guaranty sr. unsub. notes 7s, 2019     330,000   344,025  

Cequel Communications Holdings I LLC/Cequel Capital Corp.        
144A sr. notes 8 5/8s, 2017     347,000   369,121  

Cincinnati Bell, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2015     195,000   197,438  

Cincinnati Bell, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes        
8 3/4s, 2018     620,000   598,300  

Clearwire Communications, LLC/Clearwire Finance, Inc. 144A        
company guaranty sr. notes 12s, 2015     1,745,000   1,782,081  

Cricket Communications, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 3/4s, 2020     670,000   664,975  

Cricket Communications, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
unsub. notes 10s, 2015     870,000   939,600  

Cricket Communications, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsub.        
notes 7 3/4s, 2016     1,110,000   1,183,538  

Crown Castle International Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/8s, 2019     160,000   170,600  

CSC Holdings LLC sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2012     196,000   201,390  

CSC Holdings LLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8 1/2s, 2014     285,000   317,775  

Digicel Group, Ltd. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 1/4s, 2017 (Jamaica)     755,000   783,464  

EH Holding Corp. 144A sr. notes 6 1/2s, 2019     340,000   349,775  

EH Holding Corp. 144A sr. unsec. notes 7 5/8s, 2021     691,000   711,730  

Equinix, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2021     305,000   317,200  

Frontier Communications Corp. sr. unsec. notes 8 1/4s, 2017     140,000   153,650  

Frontier Communications Corp. sr. unsec. notes 8 1/8s, 2018     1,586,000   1,740,635  

Inmarsat Finance PLC 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
7 3/8s, 2017 (United Kingdom)     979,000   1,038,964  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
7 1/2s, 2021 (Bermuda)     491,000   498,365  

Intelsat Luxembourg SA company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
11 1/2s, 2017 (Luxembourg) ‡‡     2,168,562   2,331,204  

Intelsat Luxembourg SA company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
11 1/4s, 2017 (Luxembourg)     586,000   627,020  

Intelsat Luxembourg SA 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 11 1/2s, 2017 (Luxembourg) ‡‡     310,000   333,250  

Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH/Kabel Baden-Wurttemberg        
GmbH & Co. KG 144A company guaranty sr. notes 7 1/2s,        
2019 (Germany)   EUR   305,000   448,041  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Communication services cont.        
Kabel Deutchland V&S 144A sr. notes 6 1/2s, 2018 (Germany)   EUR   245,000   $358,748  

Level 3 Escrow, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 1/8s, 2019     $85,000   85,638  

Level 3 Financing, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes 9 1/4s, 2014     529,000   543,878  

Level 3 Financing, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes 9 3/8s, 2019     285,000   297,825  

Mediacom LLC/Mediacom Capital Corp. sr. unsec. notes        
9 1/8s, 2019     131,000   139,515  

MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 7/8s, 2018     1,064,000   1,130,500  

MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 5/8s, 2020     326,000   326,815  

NII Capital Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
10s, 2016     839,000   966,948  

NII Capital Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7 5/8s, 2021     195,000   206,213  

PAETEC Holding Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 9 7/8s, 2018     371,000   397,898  

PAETEC Holding Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2017     616,000   662,200  

Phones4U Finance PLC 144A sr. notes 9 1/2s, 2018        
(United Kingdom)   GBP   410,000   596,162  

Qwest Communications International, Inc. company guaranty        
7 1/2s, 2014     $359,000   364,385  

Qwest Communications International, Inc. company guaranty        
Ser. B, 7 1/2s, 2014     140,000   142,100  

Qwest Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2014     145,000   163,850  

Qwest Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8 7/8s, 2012     1,566,000   1,636,470  

Qwest Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 1/4s, 2025     382,000   400,145  

SBA Telecommunications, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 8 1/4s, 2019     235,000   253,800  

SBA Telecommunications, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 8s, 2016     405,000   432,844  

Sprint Capital Corp. company guaranty 8 3/4s, 2032     140,000   151,550  

Sprint Capital Corp. company guaranty 6 7/8s, 2028     270,000   256,500  

Sprint Capital Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 3/8s, 2012     145,000   150,438  

Sprint Nextel Corp. sr. notes 8 3/8s, 2017     2,450,000   2,676,625  

Sprint Nextel Corp. sr. unsec. notes 6s, 2016     263,000   263,000  

Sunrise Communications Holdings SA 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 8 1/2s, 2018 (Luxembourg)   EUR   145,000   219,715  

Sunrise Communications International SA 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 7s, 2017 (Luxembourg)   CHF   160,000   215,111  

Sunrise Communications International SA 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 7s, 2017 (Luxembourg)   EUR   100,000   148,269  

Unitymedia GmbH company guaranty sr. notes Ser. REGS,        
9 5/8s, 2019 (Germany)   EUR   678,000   1,050,020  

Unitymedia Hessen GmbH & Co. KG/Unitymedia NRW GmbH        
144A company guaranty sr. notes 8 1/8s, 2017 (Germany)   EUR   489,000   734,646  

UPC Holdings BV sr. notes 9 3/4s, 2018 (Netherlands)   EUR   677,000   1,037,219  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Communication services cont.        
Virgin Media Finance PLC company guaranty sr. unsec. bond        
8 7/8s, 2019 (United Kingdom)   GBP   79,000   $143,754  

Wind Acquisition Finance SA sr. notes Ser. REGS, 11 3/4s,        
2017 (Netherlands)   EUR   350,000   553,328  

Wind Acquisition Finance SA 144A company guaranty        
sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2018 (Netherlands)   EUR   760,000   1,081,494  

Wind Acquisition Holding company guaranty sr. notes        
Ser. REGS, 12 1/4s, 2017 (Luxembourg) ‡‡   EUR   257,000   417,861  

Windstream Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
8 1/8s, 2018     $140,000   149,800  

Windstream Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7 7/8s, 2017     584,000   624,150  

Windstream Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7 3/4s, 2021     315,000   333,900  

Conglomerates (0.1%)        
SPX Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 5/8s, 2014     270,000   299,700  

SPX Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 6 7/8s, 2017     160,000   171,600  

Consumer cyclicals (6.1%)        
Academy Ltd./Academy Finance Corp. 144A company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9 1/4s, 2019     60,000   60,900  

Affinion Group Holdings, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
11 5/8s, 2015     50,000   50,125  

Affinion Group, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes        
11 1/2s, 2015     560,000   575,400  

Affinion Group, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2018     955,000   902,475  

AMC Entertainment, Inc. sr. sub. notes 8s, 2014     68,000   68,170  

AMC Entertainment, Inc. 144A sr. sub. notes 9 3/4s, 2020     410,000   418,200  

American Casino & Entertainment Properties LLC sr. notes        
11s, 2014     551,000   574,418  

Ameristar Casinos, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 1/2s, 2021     390,000   405,600  

ARAMARK Holdings Corp. 144A sr. notes 8 5/8s, 2016 ‡‡     167,000   172,010  

Aston Martin Capital, Ltd. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9 1/4s, 2018 (Jersey)   GBP   245,000   383,724  

Autonation, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 6 3/4s, 2018     $600,000   645,000  

Beazer Homes USA, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 7/8s, 2015     172,000   147,490  

Beazer Homes USA, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 9 1/8s, 2019     164,000   136,940  

Bon-Ton Department Stores, Inc. (The) company guaranty        
10 1/4s, 2014     675,000   673,313  

Brickman Group Holdings, Inc. 144A sr. notes 9 1/8s, 2018     117,000   119,633  

Building Materials Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
7 1/2s, 2020     235,000   247,631  

Building Materials Corp. 144A sr. notes 7s, 2020     140,000   146,650  

Building Materials Corp. 144A sr. notes 6 7/8s, 2018     180,000   185,400  

Building Materials Corp. 144A sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2021     360,000   364,950  

Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp. 144A company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 10s, 2019     320,000   320,800  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Consumer cyclicals cont.        
Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc. company guaranty        
sr. notes 10s, 2018     $1,150,000   $1,029,250  

Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc. sr. notes 11 1/4s, 2017     845,000   930,556  

Carlson Wagonlit BV company guaranty sr. sec. notes FRN        
Ser. REGS, 7.36s, 2015 (Netherlands)   EUR   506,000   675,961  

Cedar Fair LP/Canada’s Wonderland Co./Magnum        
Management Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9 1/8s,        
2018     $170,000   183,813  

Cenveo Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2018     265,000   256,388  

Cenveo Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
10 1/2s, 2016     265,000   261,025  

Chrysler Group, LLC/CG Co-Issuer, Inc. 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2021     705,000   675,919  

Cinemark USA, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. sub. notes        
7 3/8s, 2021     100,000   100,000  

CityCenter Holdings LLC/CityCenter Finance Corp. 144A        
company guaranty sr. notes 10 3/4s, 2017 ‡‡     627,000   674,025  

Clear Channel Communications, Inc. company guaranty unsec.        
unsub. notes 10 3/4s, 2016     214,000   189,390  

Clear Channel Communications, Inc. 144A company guaranty        
sr. notes 9s, 2021     428,000   400,180  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. unsub. notes Ser. B, 9 1/4s, 2017     1,083,000   1,183,178  

Compucom Systems, Inc. 144A sr. sub. notes 12 1/2s, 2015     305,000   318,725  

Conti-Gummi Finance B.V. company guaranty bonds Ser. REGS,        
7 1/8s, 2018 (Netherlands)   EUR   708,000   1,050,194  

Cumulus Media, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 3/4s, 2019     $540,000   518,400  

DIRECTV Holdings, LLC/DIRECTV Financing Co., Inc. company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 5/8s, 2016     262,000   284,598  

DISH DBS Corp. company guaranty 7 1/8s, 2016     135,000   144,113  

DISH DBS Corp. company guaranty 6 5/8s, 2014     1,488,000   1,586,580  

DISH DBS Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 3/4s, 2021     443,000   457,398  

DR Horton, Inc. sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2011     60,000   60,000  

Enterprise Inns PLC sr. unsub. mtge. notes 6 1/2s, 2018        
(United Kingdom)   GBP   300,000   427,063  

FelCor Lodging Escrow, LP 144A sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2019 R     $695,000   677,625  

Fiat Finance Lux, Ltd. SA company guaranty notes Ser. EMTN,        
7 3/8s, 2018 (Italy)   EUR   600,000   842,902  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC sr. unsec. notes 5s, 2018     $890,000   894,846  

Ford Motor Credit Co., LLC sr. unsec. unsub. notes 5 7/8s, 2021     250,000   250,000  

General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 144A sr. notes 6 3/4s, 2018     240,000   244,800  

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (The) sr. unsec. notes 10 1/2s, 2016     45,000   50,681  

Gray Television, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 10 1/2s, 2015     480,000   498,000  

Grohe Holding GmbH 144A company guaranty sr. notes FRN        
5.471s, 2017 (Germany)   EUR   721,000   1,035,660  

Grupo Televisa SA sr. unsec. bonds 6 5/8s, 2040 (Mexico)     $195,000   214,457  

Grupo Televisa SA sr. unsec. notes 6s, 2018 (Mexico)     260,000   291,379  

Gymboree Corp. (The) sr. unsec. notes 9 1/8s, 2018     200,000   193,000  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Consumer cyclicals cont.        
Hanesbrands, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 3/8s, 2020     $407,000   $404,965  

Host Hotels & Resorts LP company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes Ser. Q, 6 3/4s, 2016 R     140,000   144,375  

Interactive Data Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
10 1/4s, 2018     1,007,000   1,122,805  

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. company guaranty 7s, 2014     350,000   350,000  

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 3/4s, 2019     821,000   837,420  

ISS Holdings A/S sr. sub. notes Ser. REGS, 8 7/8s, 2016        
(Denmark)   EUR   1,165,000   1,706,065  

Jarden Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes        
7 1/2s, 2017     $615,000   643,444  

Jarden Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes Ser. 1,        
7 1/2s, 2020   EUR   75,000   108,591  

Lamar Media Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 9 3/4s, 2014     $225,000   260,156  

Lender Processing Services, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
unsub. notes 8 1/8s, 2016     1,760,000   1,786,400  

Levi Strauss & Co. sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2016     155,000   161,975  

Limited Brands, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 5/8s, 2021     360,000   372,600  

Lottomatica SpA sub. notes FRN Ser. REGS, 8 1/4s, 2066 (Italy)   EUR   1,747,000   2,473,991  

Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
5.9s, 2016     $460,000   523,792  

Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe 144A bonds Ser. A, 8 1/2s,        
2015 (In default) †     760,000   41,800  

Masonite International Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
8 1/4s, 2021 (Canada)     125,000   125,938  

MGM Resorts International company guaranty sr. notes 9s, 2020     240,000   267,000  

MGM Resorts International company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 7/8s, 2016     145,000   138,475  

MTR Gaming Group, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes        
12 5/8s, 2014     595,000   623,263  

MTR Gaming Group, Inc. 144A notes 11 1/2s, 2019     1,195,000   1,135,250  

Navistar International Corp. sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2021     760,000   829,350  

Needle Merger Sub Corp. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 1/8s, 2019     315,000   318,150  

Nielsen Finance, LLC/Nielsen Finance Co. 144A company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 3/4s, 2018     345,000   365,700  

Nortek, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 8 1/2s, 2021     355,000   331,038  

Nortek, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 10s, 2018     266,000   270,655  

Owens Corning company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9s, 2019     1,248,000   1,503,840  

Penn National Gaming, Inc. sr. unsec. sub. notes 8 3/4s, 2019     115,000   126,788  

Penske Automotive Group, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
sub. notes 7 3/4s, 2016     380,000   397,100  

PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9 1/4s, 2018     235,000   254,388  

PHH Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 9 1/4s, 2016     230,000   251,850  

Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 5/8s, 2017     120,000   130,500  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Consumer cyclicals cont.        
Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
sub. notes 7 1/2s, 2015     $625,000   $643,750  

Ply Gem Industries, Inc. 144A sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2018     71,000   67,805  

Polish Television Holding BV sr. notes stepped-coupon        
Ser. REGS, 11 1/4s (13s, 11/15/14), 2017 (Netherlands) ††   EUR   870,000   1,402,024  

QVC Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 1/2s, 2019     $275,000   303,188  

Realogy Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2019     120,000   118,200  

Roofing Supply Group, LLC/Roofing Supply Finance, Inc. 144A        
sr. notes 8 5/8s, 2017     325,000   330,688  

Sabre Holdings Corp. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8.35s, 2016     354,000   314,175  

Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. (The) 144A sr. notes 6 5/8s, 2020     330,000   340,725  

Sealy Mattress Co. sr. sub. notes 8 1/4s, 2014     145,000   145,725  

Sealy Mattress Co. 144A company guaranty sr. sec. notes        
10 7/8s, 2016     344,000   384,420  

Sears Holdings Corp. 144A sr. notes 6 5/8s, 2018     323,000   294,738  

Standard Pacific Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes 7s, 2015     81,000   81,000  

SugarHouse HSP Gaming Prop. Mezz LP/SugarHouse HSP        
Gaming Finance Corp. 144A notes 8 5/8s, 2016     165,000   171,600  

Toys “R” Us, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 7/8s, 2013     45,000   47,813  

Toys R Us - Delaware, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
7 3/8s, 2016     105,000   107,625  

Toys R Us Property Co., LLC company guaranty sr. notes        
8 1/2s, 2017     135,000   144,450  

Toys R Us Property Co., LLC company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
10 3/4s, 2017     607,000   682,875  

Travelport LLC company guaranty 11 7/8s, 2016     299,000   266,110  

Travelport LLC company guaranty 9 7/8s, 2014     325,000   303,875  

Travelport, LLC/Travelport, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 9s, 2016     581,000   527,258  

TRW Automotive, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes Ser. REGS, 6 3/8s, 2014   EUR   235,000   351,701  

TRW Automotive, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
7 1/4s, 2017     $800,000   880,000  

TVN Finance Corp. III AB 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 7/8s, 2018 (Sweden)   EUR   50,000   74,404  

Universal City Development Partners, Ltd. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2015     $371,000   421,085  

Univision Communications, Inc. 144A sr. notes 6 7/8s, 2019     455,000   451,588  

Vertis, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 13 1/2s, 2014        
(In default) † ‡‡ F     554,961   27,748  

Vulcan Materials Co. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 1/2s, 2021     175,000   175,543  

Wynn Las Vegas, LLC/Wynn Las Vegas Capital Corp. company        
guaranty 1st mtge. notes 7 3/4s, 2020     250,000   276,250  

XM Satellite Radio, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 13s, 2013     205,000   240,363  

XM Satellite Radio, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 7 5/8s, 2018     1,206,000   1,278,360  

Yankee Candle Co. company guaranty sr. notes Ser. B,        
8 1/2s, 2015     310,000   320,850  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Consumer cyclicals cont.        
YCC Holdings, LLC/Yankee Finance, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes        
10 1/4s, 2016     $305,000   $308,050  

Yonkers Racing Corp. 144A sr. notes 11 3/8s, 2016     641,000   695,485  

Consumer staples (1.7%)        
Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. notes 9 3/4s, 2015   BRL   1,500,000   976,856  

Archibald Candy Corp. company guaranty sub. notes 10s,        
2011 (In default) † F     $170,069   5,442  

Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC company guaranty sr. unsec.        
unsub. notes 9 5/8s, 2018     275,000   298,031  

Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC company guaranty sr. unsec.        
unsub. notes 7 3/4s, 2016     730,000   748,250  

Bumble Bee Acquisition Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9s, 2017     465,000   469,069  

Burger King Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
9 7/8s, 2018     432,000   471,960  

Central Garden & Pet Co. company guaranty sr. sub. notes        
8 1/4s, 2018     380,000   391,400  

CKE Holdings, Inc. 144A sr. notes 10 1/2s, 2016 ‡‡     220,000   224,400  

CKE Restaurants, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 11 3/8s, 2018     471,000   519,278  

Claire’s Stores, Inc. 144A sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2019     320,000   300,800  

Constellation Brands, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes 7 1/4s, 2016     142,000   156,555  

Dean Foods Co. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7s, 2016     279,000   276,210  

DineEquity, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9 1/2s, 2018     265,000   291,169  

Dole Food Co. 144A sr. notes 8s, 2016     207,000   219,161  

Dunkin Brands, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 9 5/8s, 2018     110,000   110,961  

EC Finance PLC company guaranty sr. bonds Ser. REGS,        
9 3/4s, 2017 (United Kingdom)   EUR   907,000   1,349,532  

Elizabeth Arden, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 3/8s, 2021     $380,000   395,200  

Europcar Groupe SA company guaranty sr. sub. bonds FRB        
Ser. REGS, 4.92s, 2013 (France)   EUR   119,000   164,435  

Foodcorp (Pty), Ltd. 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 8 3/4s, 2018 (South Africa)   EUR   180,000   251,786  

Hertz Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2014     $13,000   13,341  

Hertz Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 1/2s, 2018     155,000   160,038  

Hertz Holdings Netherlands BV 144A sr. bonds 8 1/2s, 2015        
(Netherlands)   EUR   360,000   534,881  

JBS USA LLC/JBS USA Finance, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes        
7 1/4s, 2021     $1,430,000   1,412,125  

Landry’s Restaurants, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
11 5/8s, 2015     164,000   179,170  

Libbey Glass, Inc. sr. notes 10s, 2015     114,000   123,690  

Prestige Brands, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 1/4s, 2018     330,000   347,325  

Prestige Brands, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 1/4s, 2018     170,000   178,925  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Consumer staples cont.        
Refresco Group BV 144A company guaranty sr. bonds 7 3/8s,        
2018 (Netherlands)   EUR   380,000   $556,572  

Rite Aid Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 7 1/2s, 2017     $620,000   632,400  

Rite Aid Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
9 1/2s, 2017     643,000   594,775  

Rite Aid Corp. company guaranty sr. unsub. notes 8s, 2020     125,000   138,438  

Roadhouse Financing, Inc. notes 10 3/4s, 2017     270,000   281,475  

RSC Equipment Rental, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 1/4s, 2021     220,000   227,150  

Service Corporation International sr. notes 7s, 2019     180,000   192,150  

Smithfield Foods, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 10s, 2014     130,000   151,938  

Spectrum Brands, Inc. sr. notes 9 1/2s, 2018     614,000   683,075  

Stewart Enterprises, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 1/2s, 2019     430,000   434,300  

Tyson Foods, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 10 1/2s, 2014     120,000   143,100  

United Rentals North America, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
sub. notes 8 3/8s, 2020     170,000   177,013  

West Corp. 144A sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2019     447,000   445,883  

West Corp. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 5/8s, 2018     51,000   52,913  

Energy (5.8%)        
Alpha Natural Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6 1/4s, 2021     345,000   355,350  

Alpha Natural Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6s, 2019     369,000   380,070  

Anadarko Finance Co. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes Ser. B, 7 1/2s, 2031     255,000   305,977  

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. sr. notes 5.95s, 2016     666,000   767,795  

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. sr. unsec. notes 6 3/8s, 2017     384,000   452,675  

Arch Coal, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 1/4s, 2020     720,000   753,300  

Arch Coal, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2019     465,000   487,088  

Arch Western Finance, LLC company guaranty sr. notes        
6 3/4s, 2013     582,000   585,638  

ATP Oil & Gas Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 11 7/8s, 2015     150,000   153,000  

Brigham Exploration Co. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 3/4s, 2018     669,000   752,625  

Brigham Exploration Co. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6 7/8s, 2019     120,000   126,000  

Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec notes        
8 5/8s, 2018     814,000   866,910  

Chaparral Energy, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
9 7/8s, 2020     325,000   355,063  

Chaparral Energy, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 7/8s, 2017     914,000   941,420  

Chaparral Energy, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 1/4s, 2021     5,000   5,163  

Chesapeake Energy Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
9 1/2s, 2015     1,150,000   1,351,250  

Chesapeake Midstream Partners LP/CHKM Finance Corp. 144A        
company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 5 7/8s, 2021     309,000   308,228  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Energy cont.        
Complete Production Services, Inc. company guaranty 8s, 2016     $770,000   $808,500  

Concho Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6 1/2s, 2022     515,000   538,175  

Connacher Oil and Gas, Ltd. 144A notes 8 3/4s, 2018 (Canada)   CAD   515,000   529,700  

CONSOL Energy, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8 1/4s, 2020     $293,000   325,963  

CONSOL Energy, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8s, 2017     1,667,000   1,837,868  

CONSOL Energy, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6 3/8s, 2021     65,000   65,650  

Crosstex Energy LP/Crosstex Energy Finance Corp. company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2018     850,000   924,375  

Denbury Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub.        
notes 8 1/4s, 2020     302,000   333,710  

Denbury Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub.        
notes 6 3/8s, 2021     225,000   231,750  

EXCO Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 1/2s, 2018     945,000   942,638  

Ferrellgas LP/Ferrellgas Finance Corp. sr. unsec. notes        
6 1/2s, 2021     234,000   225,810  

Forbes Energy Services Ltd. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 9s, 2019     340,000   340,000  

Frac Tech Services, LLC/Frac Tech Finance, Inc. 144A company        
guaranty sr. notes 7 1/8s, 2018     420,000   437,850  

Gaz Capital SA sr. unsec. notes Ser. REGS, 7.288s, 2037 (Russia)     780,000   869,700  

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA 144A sr. sec. bond 9 1/4s,        
2019 (Russia)     1,855,000   2,361,267  

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA 144A sr. unsec. 6.51s, 2022        
(Russia)     485,000   529,863  

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA 144A sr. unsec. notes 7.288s,        
2037 (Russia)     575,000   641,125  

Gazprom Via Gaz Capital SA 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
bond 8.146s, 2018 (Russia)     316,000   380,906  

Gazprom Via OAO White Nights Finance BV notes 10 1/2s,        
2014 (Netherlands)     485,000   580,802  

Goodrich Petroleum Corp. 144A sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2019     451,000   463,403  

Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes        
9 1/2s, 2016     1,043,000   1,095,150  

Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. sr. notes Ser. B, 6 1/8s, 2014     790,000   790,000  

Inergy LP/Inergy Finance Corp. 144A sr. notes 6 7/8s, 2021     492,000   494,460  

Infinis PLC 144A sr. notes 9 1/8s, 2014 (United Kingdom)   GBP   222,000   381,415  

James River Escrow, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2019     $160,000   161,200  

Key Energy Services, Inc. company guaranty unsec. unsub.        
notes 6 3/4s, 2021     220,000   227,150  

Laredo Petroleum, Inc. 144A sr. notes 9 1/2s, 2019     433,000   461,145  

Lukoil International Finance BV 144A company guaranty        
sr. unsec. unsub. bonds 6.656s, 2022 (Russia)     1,080,000   1,154,304  

Lukoil International Finance BV 144A company guaranty        
sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 1/4s, 2019 (Russia)     450,000   503,109  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Energy cont.      
MEG Energy Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes      
6 1/2s, 2021 (Canada)   $320,000   $332,800  

Milagro Oil & Gas 144A notes 10 1/2s, 2016   520,000   504,400  

Nak Naftogaz Ukraine govt. guaranty unsec. notes 9 1/2s,      
2014 (Ukraine)   620,000   681,405  

Newfield Exploration Co. sr. unsec. sub. notes 6 5/8s, 2014   698,000   708,470  

Offshore Group Investments, Ltd. company guaranty sr. notes      
11 1/2s, 2015 (Cayman Islands)   265,000   293,488  

Offshore Group Investments, Ltd. 144A company guaranty      
sr. notes 11 1/2s, 2015 (Cayman Islands)   110,000   121,825  

OPTI Canada, Inc. company guaranty sr. sec. notes 8 1/4s,      
2014 (Canada) (In default) †   589,000   380,641  

OPTI Canada, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 9 3/4s,      
2013 (Canada)   675,000   692,719  

OPTI Canada, Inc. 144A sr. notes 9s, 2012 (Canada)   210,000   215,775  

Peabody Energy Corp. company guaranty 7 3/8s, 2016   1,146,000   1,297,845  

Peabody Energy Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.      
notes 6 1/2s, 2020   44,000   47,520  

Pemex Project Funding Master Trust company guaranty      
sr. unsec. unsub. bonds 6 5/8s, 2035 (Mexico)   340,000   370,535  

Pemex Project Funding Master Trust company guaranty unsec.      
unsub. notes 6 5/8s, 2038 (Mexico)   325,000   354,347  

Petrobras International Finance Co. company guaranty sr. unsec.      
notes 7 7/8s, 2019 (Brazil)   960,000   1,171,200  

Petrobras International Finance Co. company guaranty sr. unsec.      
notes 6 7/8s, 2040 (Brazil)   540,000   607,754  

Petrobras International Finance Co. company guaranty sr. unsec.      
notes 5 3/8s, 2021 (Brazil)   960,000   1,022,502  

Petrohawk Energy Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes      
10 1/2s, 2014   225,000   255,938  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA company guaranty sr. unsec. notes      
5 1/4s, 2017 (Venezuela)   5,035,000   3,242,540  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.      
notes 5 1/2s, 2037 (Venezuela)   650,000   323,375  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.      
notes 5 3/8s, 2027 (Venezuela)   650,000   337,350  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA sr. unsec. notes 4.9s, 2014 (Venezuela)   600,000   463,500  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA sr. unsec. sub. bonds 5s,      
2015 (Venezuela)   1,705,000   1,186,356  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA 144A company guaranty sr. notes      
8 1/2s, 2017 (Venezuela)   300,000   228,000  

Petroleos de Venezuela SA 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.      
notes 8s, 2013 (Venezuela)   315,000   295,313  

Petroleos Mexicanos company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes      
5 1/2s, 2021 (Mexico)   800,000   853,600  

Petroleum Co. of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd. 144A sr. unsec. notes      
9 3/4s, 2019 (Trinidad)   215,000   262,300  

Petroleum Development Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec.      
notes 12s, 2018   539,000   600,985  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Energy cont.        
Plains Exploration & Production Co. company guaranty        
7 3/4s, 2015     $280,000   $290,500  

Plains Exploration & Production Co. company guaranty 7s, 2017     150,000   156,750  

Plains Exploration & Production Co. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 10s, 2016     645,000   728,850  

Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corp. 144A        
govt. guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7.39s, 2024 (Philippines)     690,000   831,450  

Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corp. 144A        
govt. guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7 1/4s, 2019 (Philippines)     950,000   1,144,750  

Range Resources Corp. company guaranty sr. sub. notes        
6 3/4s, 2020     350,000   382,375  

Rosetta Resources, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
9 1/2s, 2018     290,000   324,075  

SandRidge Energy, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 1/2s, 2021     95,000   99,750  

SandRidge Energy, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
unsub. notes 8s, 2018     1,344,000   1,424,640  

SM Energy Co. 144A sr. unsec. notes 6 5/8s, 2019     190,000   195,700  

Unit Corp. company guaranty sr. sub. notes 6 5/8s, 2021     135,000   137,707  

Williams Cos., Inc. (The) notes 7 3/4s, 2031     256,000   308,680  

Financials (5.4%)        
ACE Cash Express, Inc. 144A sr. notes 11s, 2019     320,000   322,400  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 6 1/4s, 2017     335,000   341,333  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2012     117,000   119,633  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 7/8s, 2012     818,000   842,540  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 5/8s, 2012     851,000   870,148  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
8.3s, 2015     240,000   262,800  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7 1/2s, 2020     1,320,000   1,386,000  

Ally Financial, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
FRN 2.454s, 2014     85,000   81,170  

American International Group, Inc. jr. sub. bonds FRB        
8.175s, 2058     440,000   479,600  

Banco Do Brasil 144A sr. unsec. 9 3/4s, 2017 (Brazil)   BRL   855,000   579,824  

Banco do Brasil SA 144A unsec. sub. notes 5 7/8s, 2022 (Brazil)     $1,350,000   1,372,568  

Boparan Holdings LTD 144A sr. notes 9 3/4s, 2018        
(United Kingdom)   EUR   135,000   180,223  

Bosphorus Financial Services, Ltd. 144A sr. notes FRN        
2.061s, 2012     $530,250   528,315  

Capital One Capital IV company guaranty jr. unsec. sub. notes        
FRN 6.745s, 2037     374,000   376,805  

CB Richard Ellis Services, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
6 5/8s, 2020     135,000   138,375  

CIT Group, Inc. sr. bonds 7s, 2014     59,113   59,557  

CIT Group, Inc. 144A bonds 7s, 2017     2,438,000   2,444,095  

CIT Group, Inc. 144A bonds 7s, 2016     1,148,000   1,150,870  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Financials cont.        
CIT Group, Inc. 144A company guaranty notes 6 5/8s, 2018     $470,000   $495,850  

CNO Financial Group, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9s, 2018     130,000   140,075  

Commerzbank Capital Funding Trust jr. unsec. sub. bonds bank        
guaranty zero %, 2016   EUR   500,000   539,238  

Community Choice Financial, Inc. 144A sr. notes 10 3/4s, 2019     $395,000   405,863  

Corrections Corporation of America company guaranty sr. notes        
7 3/4s, 2017     599,000   649,915  

Dresdner Funding Trust I 144A bonds 8.151s, 2031     579,000   523,995  

HBOS Capital Funding LP 144A bank guaranty jr. unsec. sub.        
FRB 6.071s, Perpetual maturity (Jersey)     399,000   329,175  

HSBC Capital Funding LP bank guaranty jr. unsec. sub. FRB        
5.13s, Perpetual maturity (Jersey)   EUR   486,000   654,947  

HUB International Holdings, Inc. 144A sr. sub. notes        
10 1/4s, 2015     $185,000   185,000  

HUB International Holdings, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
9s, 2014     135,000   136,688  

Icahn Enterprises LP/Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp. company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 8s, 2018     895,000   924,088  

ING Groep NV jr. unsec. sub. notes 5.775s, perpetual maturity        
(Netherlands)     540,000   488,700  

International Lease Finance Corp. sr. unsec. notes 6 1/4s, 2019     120,000   118,500  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 144A sr. unsec. notes FRN zero %, 2017     600,000   632,110  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 144A unsec. unsub. notes 8s, 2012   INR   37,500,000   862,864  

Leucadia National Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/8s, 2017     $641,000   667,441  

Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. 144A notes 7.697s, 2097     1,330,000   1,267,251  

MPT Operating Partnership LP/MPT Finance Corp. 144A        
company guaranty sr. notes 6 7/8s, 2021 R     225,000   220,500  

National Money Mart Co. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes 10 3/8s, 2016 (Canada)     300,000   330,750  

Nuveen Investments, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. unsub.        
notes 10 1/2s, 2015     444,000   462,870  

Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 6 3/4s, 2022 R     447,000   454,823  

RBS Capital Trust III jr. unsec. sub. notes bank guaranty zero %,        
2049 (United Kingdom)     525,000   370,125  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC jr. sub. notes FRN Ser. MTN,        
7.64s, 2049 (United Kingdom)     600,000   447,000  

Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB Capital SA sub. bonds        
FRB 6.97s, 2016 (Russia)     5,400,000   5,390,604  

Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB Capital SA 144A notes        
7 3/4s, 2018 (Russia)     775,000   892,258  

Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB Capital SA 144A notes        
7 1/8s, 2014 (Russia)     775,000   840,875  

Sabra Health Care LP/Sabra Capital Corp. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8 1/8s, 2018 R     133,000   134,496  

Shinhan Bank 144A sr. unsec. bond 6s, 2012 (South Korea)     257,000   267,311  

State Bank of India/London 144A sr. unsec. notes 4 1/2s,        
2015 (India)     360,000   375,127  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Financials cont.        
UBS AG/Jersey Branch jr. unsec. sub. FRB 4.28s, 2015 (Jersey)   EUR   327,000   $415,247  

UBS AG/Jersey Branch jr. unsec. sub. notes FRN Ser. EMTN,        
7.152s, 2017 (Jersey)   EUR   400,000   582,240  

Ukreximbank Via Biz Finance PLC sr. unsec. unsub. bonds        
8 3/8s, 2015 (United Kingdom)     $425,000   441,197  

USI Holdings Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
FRN 4.136s, 2014     120,000   110,100  

Vnesheconombank Via VEB Finance PLC 144A bank guaranteed        
bonds 6.8s, 2025 (Russia)     1,100,000   1,149,500  

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA sr. notes 6 1/4s,        
2035 (Russia)     1,065,000   1,119,635  

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA 144A sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s,        
2011 (Russia)     935,000   944,444  

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA 144A sr. unsec. notes 6 7/8s,        
2018 (Russia)     4,520,000   4,802,500  

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA 144A sr. unsec. notes 6 1/4s,        
2035 (Russia)     2,934,000   3,084,514  

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
6.609s, 2012 (Russia)     3,965,000   4,159,999  

Government (0.2%)        
Export-Import Bank of Korea 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes 5.1s,        
2013 (India)   INR   53,200,000   1,175,842  

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development        
sr. disc. unsec. unsub. notes Ser. GDIF, 5 1/4s, 2014   RUB   22,650,000   825,804  

Health care (2.0%)        
Aviv Healthcare Properties LP 144A sr. notes 7 3/4s, 2019     $325,000   331,094  

Bayer AG jr. unsec. sub. bonds FRB 5s, 2105 (Germany)   EUR   364,000   525,226  

Biomet, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 10s, 2017     $236,000   257,240  

Capella Healthcare, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9 1/4s, 2017     380,000   401,850  

Capsugel FinanceCo SCA 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 9 7/8s, 2019   EUR   455,000   665,030  

CDRT Merger Sub, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 8 1/8s, 2019     $504,000   504,000  

CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. sub. notes 8 7/8s, 2015     857,000   885,924  

ConvaTec Healthcare E SA 144A sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2017        
(Luxembourg)   EUR   160,000   229,830  

ConvaTec Healthcare E SA 144A sr. unsec. notes 10 1/2s,        
2018 (Luxembourg)     $1,070,000   1,102,100  

DaVita, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 6 5/8s, 2020     110,000   112,200  

DaVita, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 6 3/8s, 2018     340,000   347,225  

Elan Finance PLC/Elan Finance Corp. company guaranty        
sr. unsec. notes 8 3/4s, 2016 (Ireland)     383,000   407,895  

Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. 144A company        
guaranty sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2019     290,000   303,775  

Fresenius US Finance II, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 9s, 2015     125,000   141,875  

Giant Funding Corp. 144A sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2018 (Spain)     511,000   537,828  

HCA Holdings, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 7 3/4s, 2021     236,000   240,130  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Health care cont.      
HCA, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes 9 5/8s, 2016 ‡‡   $1,028,000   $1,099,960  

HCA, Inc. sr. notes 6 1/2s, 2020   1,580,000   1,603,700  

HCA, Inc. sr. sec. notes 9 1/4s, 2016   1,587,000   1,693,131  

HCA, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2022   450,000   456,188  

IASIS Healthcare, LLC/IASIS Capital Corp. 144A sr. notes      
8 3/8s, 2019   865,000   856,350  

Multiplan, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 9 7/8s, 2018   345,000   370,013  

Select Medical Corp. company guaranty 7 5/8s, 2015   201,000   196,478  

Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc. 144A sr. sub. notes 10s, 2017   640,000   656,000  

Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 8 7/8s, 2015 ‡‡   329,569   336,160  

Tenet Healthcare Corp. company guaranty sr. notes 10s, 2018   276,000   313,950  

Tenet Healthcare Corp. sr. notes 9s, 2015   749,000   797,685  

Tenet Healthcare Corp. sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2019   471,000   520,455  

Tenet Healthcare Corp. sr. unsec. notes 8s, 2020   306,000   312,120  

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International 144A company guaranty      
sr. notes 7s, 2020   70,000   67,550  

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International 144A company guaranty      
sr. unsec. notes 6 7/8s, 2018   170,000   164,900  

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International 144A sr. notes      
6 3/4s, 2017   70,000   68,425  

Vanguard Health Systems, Inc. sr. unsec. notes zero %, 2016   74,000   49,210  

Ventas Realty LP/Capital Corp. company guaranty 9s, 2012 R   590,000   621,633  

Technology (1.4%)      
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 7 3/4s, 2020   468,000   492,570  

Avaya, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 9 3/4s, 2015   149,000   151,608  

Avaya, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 7s, 2019   430,000   416,025  

Buccaneer Merger Sub, Inc. 144A sr. notes 9 1/8s, 2019   431,000   450,934  

Ceridian Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 12 1/4s,      
2015 ‡‡   310,000   319,300  

Ceridian Corp. sr. unsec. notes 11 1/4s, 2015   718,000   728,770  

CommScope, Inc. 144A sr. notes 8 1/4s, 2019   96,000   99,840  

Eagle Parent Inc. 144A sr. notes 8 5/8s, 2019 (Canada)   275,000   264,000  

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. company guaranty      
sr. unsec. notes 7 7/8s, 2020   193,000   206,028  

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. company guaranty      
sr. unsec. notes 7 5/8s, 2017   462,000   492,608  

First Data Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 10.55s,      
2015 ‡‡   1,148,044   1,193,966  

First Data Corp. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes      
11 1/4s, 2016   351,000   345,735  

First Data Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 8 7/8s, 2020   175,000   187,250  

First Data Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 7 3/8s, 2019   110,000   110,825  

First Data Corp. 144A sr. bonds 12 5/8s, 2021   907,000   961,420  

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes      
10 1/8s, 2018   855,000   953,325  

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.      
notes 10 3/4s, 2020   140,000   157,850  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Technology cont.        
Iron Mountain, Inc. company guaranty sr. unsec. sub. notes        
8s, 2020     $1,035,000   $1,086,750  

Iron Mountain, Inc. sr. sub. notes 8 3/8s, 2021     290,000   310,300  

NXP BV/NXP Funding, LLC 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9 3/4s, 2018 (Netherlands)     1,091,000   1,224,648  

Seagate HDD Cayman 144A company guaranty sr. unsec.        
notes 7 3/4s, 2018 (Cayman Islands)     433,000   454,650  

SunGard Data Systems, Inc. company guaranty 10 1/4s, 2015     817,000   847,638  

SunGard Data Systems, Inc. 144A sr. unsec. notes 7 5/8s, 2020     344,000   350,020  

Transportation (0.2%)        
AMGH Merger Sub, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. notes        
9 1/4s, 2018     466,000   499,785  

Swift Services Holdings, Inc. company guaranty sr. notes        
10s, 2018     655,000   704,944  

Western Express, Inc. 144A sr. notes 12 1/2s, 2015     294,000   276,360  

Utilities and power (2.1%)        
AES Corp. (The) sr. unsec. unsub. notes 8s, 2017     1,140,000   1,231,200  

AES Corp. (The) 144A sr. note 7 3/8s, 2021     310,000   320,850  

Aguila 3 SA company guaranty sr. notes Ser. REGS, 7 7/8s,        
2018 (Luxembourg)   CHF   1,111,000   1,430,903  

Calpine Corp. 144A company guaranty sr. notes 7 7/8s, 2020     $380,000   401,850  

Calpine Corp. 144A sr. notes 7 1/4s, 2017     995,000   1,019,875  

Colorado Interstate Gas Co. debs. 6.85s, 2037 (Canada)     615,000   694,893  

Dynegy Holdings, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 7 3/4s, 2019     1,160,000   788,800  

Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7 3/4s, 2016     289,000   249,985  

Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2013     135,000   135,000  

Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7.2s, 2019     292,000   219,730  

Edison Mission Energy sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2017     44,000   33,440  

El Paso Corp. sr. unsec. notes 7s, 2017     160,000   185,295  

El Paso Natural Gas Co. debs. 8 5/8s, 2022     577,000   762,122  

Energy Future Holdings Corp. company guaranty sr. notes        
10s, 2020     1,390,000   1,459,700  

Energy Future/Energy Future Intermediate Holdings        
Finance Co., LLC sr. notes 10s, 2020     784,000   827,233  

Energy Transfer Equity LP company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 1/2s, 2020     692,000   740,440  

GenOn Energy, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 9 7/8s, 2020     685,000   722,675  

GenOn Energy, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 9 1/2s, 2018     105,000   109,988  

Ipalco Enterprises, Inc. 144A sr. notes 7 1/4s, 2016     220,000   245,283  

Majapahit Holding BV 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
8s, 2019 (Indonesia)     525,000   644,438  

Majapahit Holding BV 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 3/4s, 2020 (Indonesia)     2,425,000   2,955,736  

NRG Energy, Inc. 144A company guaranty sr. unsec. notes        
7 7/8s, 2021     1,375,000   1,385,313  

NV Energy, Inc. sr. unsec. notes 6 1/4s, 2020     255,000   274,436  

NV Energy, Inc. sr. unsec. unsub. notes 6 3/4s, 2017     120,000   123,351  



CORPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (33.8%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Utilities and power cont.        
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. sr. unsec. unsub. debs. 7s, 2028     $145,000   $171,361  

Texas Competitive/Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co., LLC        
144A company guaranty sr. notes 11 1/2s, 2020     310,000   286,750  

Vattenfall Treasury AB company guaranty jr. unsec. sub. bond        
FRB 5 1/4s, 2049 (Sweden)   EUR   364,000   534,980  

Total corporate bonds and notes (cost $284,257,748)       $295,323,402  
MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (23.7%)*   Principal amount   Value  

Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc. 144A        
Ser. 01-1, Class J, 6 1/8s, 2036     $318,946   $255,157  
Ser. 01-1, Class K, 6 1/8s, 2036     718,000   535,987  
Ser. 07-5, Class XW, IO, 0.421s, 2051     212,931,003   3,553,776  

Banc of America Funding Corp.        
FRB Ser. 06-D, Class 6A1, 5.403s, 2036     4,852,305   2,984,168  
FRB Ser. 07-B, Class A1, 0.396s, 2047     3,111,914   1,929,387  

Barclays Capital, LLC Trust FRB Ser. 07-AA2, Class 12A1,        
0.397s, 2047     3,601,820   1,962,992  

Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust FRB Ser. 07-1,        
Class 2A1, 5.159s, 2047     2,431,249   1,482,302  

Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust        
FRB Ser. 06-3, Class 36A1, 5.969s, 2036     9,503,635   6,129,844  
FRB Ser. 06-3, Class 35A1, 5.627s, 2036     6,578,719   4,267,944  
FRB Ser. 07-1, Class 21A1, 5.138s, 2047     2,596,968   1,441,317  

Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust        
FRB Ser. 06-IM1, Class A3, 0.467s, 2036     2,812,240   759,305  
FRB Ser. 06-IM1, Class A1, 0.417s, 2036     1,106,085   530,921  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.        
FRB Ser. 07-AR5, Class 1A1A, 5.344s, 2037     1,259,889   702,984  
FRB Ser. 06-AR5, Class 2A5A, 5.242s, 2036     2,416,066   1,241,097  
FRB Ser. 07-AR1, Class A3, 0.407s, 2037     5,687,720   3,298,878  

Citigroup/Deutsche Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A        
Ser. 07-CD5, Class XS, IO, 0.056s, 2044     65,840,752   285,356  

Cornerstone Titan PLC 144A        
FRB Ser. 05-CT1A, Class D, 1.869s, 2014 (United Kingdom)   GBP   868,987   999,421  
FRB Ser. 05-CT2A, Class E, 1.789s, 2014 (United Kingdom)   GBP   444,138   547,289  

Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust        
FRB Ser. 05-84, Class 4A1, 5.76s, 2036     $10,569,230   6,552,923  
Ser. 07-HY5R, Class 2A1A, 5.544s, 2047     2,078,799   1,993,698  
FRB Ser. 06-18CB, Class A7, 0.537s, 2036     3,546,377   1,844,116  
FRB Ser. 06-HY11, Class A1, 0.307s, 2036     4,025,983   2,355,200  

Countrywide Home Loans FRB Ser. 05-HYB4, Class 2A1,        
2.74s, 2035     1,063,858   723,424  

Countrywide Home Loans 144A        
Ser. 05-R3, Class AS, IO, 5.618s, 2035     188,764   26,236  
FRB Ser. 05-R3, Class AF, 0.587s, 2035     185,486   154,881  

CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. 144A Ser. 02-CP5,        
Class M, 5 1/4s, 2035     691,000   225,026  



MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (23.7%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Deutsche Alt-A Securities, Inc. Mortgage Loan Trust        
FRB Ser. 06-AR1, Class 3A1, 2.938s, 2036     $1,987,463   $1,291,851  
FRB Ser. 06-AR1, Class 1A3, 0.517s, 2036     7,462,643   3,283,563  
FRB Ser. 06-AR6, Class A6, 0.377s, 2037     5,526,061   2,818,291  
FRB Ser. 06-AR3, Class A1, 0.377s, 2036     2,327,772   992,940  
FRB Ser. 07-AR3, Class 2A2A, 0.367s, 2037     5,008,012   3,205,128  
FRB Ser. 06-AR6, Class A4, 0.357s, 2037     1,525,052   945,532  
FRB Ser. 06-AR3, Class A5, 0.357s, 2036     5,696,364   3,645,673  

DLJ Commercial Mortgage Corp. Ser. 98-CF2, Class B4,        
6.04s, 2031     552,708   538,890  

European Prime Real Estate PLC 144A FRB Ser. 1-A, Class D,        
1.683s, 2014 (United Kingdom)   GBP   303,775   99,820  

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.        
IFB Ser. 3182, Class SP, 27.854s, 2032     $566,704   941,342  
IFB Ser. 3408, Class EK, 25.043s, 2037     411,656   638,435  
IFB Ser. 2979, Class AS, 23.59s, 2034     227,820   318,709  
IFB Ser. 3072, Class SM, 23.113s, 2035     638,173   966,153  
IFB Ser. 3072, Class SB, 22.966s, 2035     571,621   861,477  
IFB Ser. 3031, Class BS, 16.259s, 2035     868,195   1,160,199  
IFB Ser. 3727, Class PS, IO, 6.514s, 2038     7,149,657   1,241,884  
IFB Ser. 3287, Class SE, IO, 6.514s, 2037     3,058,366   523,500  
IFB Ser. 3398, Class SI, IO, 6.464s, 2036     4,031,515   528,814  
IFB Ser. 3485, Class SI, IO, 6.364s, 2036     798,220   138,595  
IFB Ser. 3751, Class SB, IO, 5.854s, 2039     16,237,504   2,600,111  
IFB Ser. 3852, Class TB, 5.814s, 2041     3,212,115   3,080,740  
IFB Ser. 3768, Class PS, IO, 5.814s, 2036     5,040,734   800,815  
Ser. 3645, Class ID, IO, 5s, 2040     2,866,219   449,968  
Ser. 3653, Class KI, IO, 5s, 2038     6,345,384   995,464  
Ser. 3632, Class CI, IO, 5s, 2038     3,338,416   538,887  
Ser. 3626, Class DI, IO, 5s, 2037     2,337,806   249,561  
Ser. 3740, Class IP, IO, 5s, 2037     13,342,263   2,122,887  
Ser. 3623, Class CI, IO, 5s, 2036     2,104,412   356,984  
Ser. 3747, Class HI, IO, 4 1/2s, 2037     1,490,931   221,156  
Ser. 3738, Class MI, IO, 4s, 2034     15,771,694   1,957,921  
Ser. 3736, Class QI, IO, 4s, 2034     19,019,721   2,351,462  
Ser. 3751, Class MI, IO, 4s, 2034     21,048,628   2,657,810  
Ser. 3740, Class KI, IO, 4s, 2033     10,219,279   1,228,051  
Ser. 3707, Class HI, IO, 4s, 2023     2,994,870   271,964  
Ser. 3707, Class KI, IO, 4s, 2023     5,327,305   406,207  
Ser. T-57, Class 1AX, IO, 0.425s, 2043     2,506,815   35,920  
Ser. 3124, Class DO, PO, zero %, 2036     48,709   37,655  
FRB Ser. 3251, Class TC, zero %, 2036     27,670   27,604  
FRB Ser. 3072, Class TJ, zero %, 2035     15,337   15,335  
FRB Ser. 3326, Class WF, zero %, 2035     31,163   25,698  
FRB Ser. 3030, Class EF, zero %, 2035     41,920   37,728  
FRB Ser. 3033, Class YF, zero %, 2035     1,481   1,459  
FRB Ser. 3412, Class UF, zero %, 2035     16,925   15,926  
FRB Ser. 3007, Class LU, zero %, 2035     20,260   16,208  

Federal National Mortgage Association        
IFB Ser. 06-62, Class PS, 38.777s, 2036     815,475   1,482,222  
IFB Ser. 07-53, Class SP, 23.513s, 2037     571,148   875,156  



MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (23.7%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Federal National Mortgage Association      
IFB Ser. 08-24, Class SP, 22.597s, 2038   $488,906   $730,777  
IFB Ser. 05-75, Class GS, 19.688s, 2035   624,686   873,612  
IFB Ser. 05-83, Class QP, 16.907s, 2034   624,640   842,685  
IFB Ser. 10-135, Class SP, IO, 6.413s, 2040   7,942,011   1,536,755  
IFB Ser. 11-51, Class SK, IO, 6.263s, 2041   8,641,714   1,620,149  
IFB Ser. 10-35, Class SG, IO, 6.213s, 2040   12,046,367   2,462,277  
IFB Ser. 11-51, Class SM, IO, 5.663s, 2041   14,900,783   2,286,227  
IFB Ser. 10-46, Class WS, IO, 5.563s, 2040   12,195,024   1,637,060  
Ser. 374, Class 6, IO, 5 1/2s, 2036   2,628,723   523,011  
Ser. 10-21, Class IP, IO, 5s, 2039   5,939,127   1,259,546  
Ser. 10-92, Class CI, IO, 5s, 2039   3,452,478   730,161  
Ser. 398, Class C5, IO, 5s, 2039   2,378,873   475,775  
Ser. 10-13, Class EI, IO, 5s, 2038   1,620,905   197,254  
Ser. 378, Class 19, IO, 5s, 2035   7,069,246   1,474,574  
Ser. 366, Class 22, IO, 4 1/2s, 2035   2,408,253   246,846  
Ser. 406, Class 2, IO, 4s, 2041   9,066,236   2,062,569  
Ser. 406, Class 1, IO, 4s, 2041   5,675,199   1,291,108  
Ser. 03-W10, Class 1, IO, 1.492s, 2043   1,109,909   49,946  
Ser. 00-T6, IO, 0.774s, 2030   4,565,120   98,666  
Ser. 99-51, Class N, PO, zero %, 2029   68,295   62,428  
FRB Ser. 05-45, Class FG, zero %, 2035   130,035   131,450  
IFB Ser. 06-48, Class FG, zero %, 2036   35,557   32,442  

FFCA Secured Lending Corp. 144A Ser. 00-1, Class X, IO,      
1.106s, 2020 F   5,667,028   169,363  

First Union Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A Ser. 99-C1,      
Class G, 5.35s, 2035   891,000   594,870  

GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc. 144A Ser. 99-C3,      
Class G, 6.974s, 2036   131,765   119,906  

Government National Mortgage Association      
IFB Ser. 11-56, Class MS, 6.89s, 2041   6,832,344   6,886,593  
IFB Ser. 11-56, Class SG, 6.89s, 2041   3,802,621   3,840,267  
IFB Ser. 10-142, Class SA, IO, 6.514s, 2039   7,270,542   1,272,345  
IFB Ser. 10-151, Class SL, IO, 6.514s, 2039   3,744,896   744,560  
IFB Ser. 10-85, Class AS, IO, 6.464s, 2039   7,109,767   1,324,194  
IFB Ser. 10-98, Class QS, IO, 6.414s, 2040   7,445,453   1,369,219  
IFB Ser. 10-88, Class SA, IO, 6.364s, 2040   7,696,078   1,544,295  
IFB Ser. 10-157, Class SN, IO, 6.364s, 2038   7,202,065   1,236,090  
IFB Ser. 11-79, Class AS, IO, 5.924s, 2037   8,472,051   1,275,327  
IFB Ser. 10-113, Class DS, IO, 5.914s, 2039   5,758,179   959,658  
IFB Ser. 10-115, Class SN, IO, 5.914s, 2038   3,606,025   596,184  
IFB Ser. 10-115, Class AS, IO, 5.864s, 2040   5,224,573   990,840  
IFB Ser. 10-116, Class SL, IO, 5.864s, 2039   3,648,896   643,008  
IFB Ser. 10-168, Class SL, IO, 5.814s, 2040   4,622,276   836,493  
IFB Ser. 10-121, Class SE, IO, 5.814s, 2040   6,462,842   1,131,644  
IFB Ser. 10-89, Class SD, IO, 5.744s, 2040   5,637,595   1,037,148  
IFB Ser. 10-116, Class SA, IO, 5.714s, 2040   9,518,281   1,754,314  
IFB Ser. 11-70, Class SM, IO, 5.704s, 2041   5,451,000   1,400,198  
IFB Ser. 11-70, Class SH, IO, 5.704s, 2041   5,599,000   1,437,263  
Ser. 11-70, PO, zero %, 2041   12,639,095   9,449,872  
Ser. 06-36, Class OD, PO, zero %, 2036   33,328   30,925  



MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (23.7%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

GS Mortgage Securities Corp. II 144A Ser. 05-GG4, Class XC,      
IO, 0.331s, 2039   $152,971,504   $2,715,991  

HSI Asset Loan Obligation FRB Ser. 07-AR1, Class 2A1,      
5.344s, 2037   6,156,485   3,817,021  

IndyMac Indx Mortgage Loan Trust      
FRB Ser. 07-AR15, Class 1A1, 5.434s, 2037   4,099,942   2,582,964  
FRB Ser. 07-AR9, Class 2A1, 5.369s, 2037   2,445,682   1,467,409  
FRB Ser. 06-AR25, Class 5A1, 5.365s, 2036   3,835,315   2,247,601  
FRB Ser. 07-AR11, Class 1A1, 4.657s, 2037   1,618,641   849,787  
FRB Ser. 06-AR25, Class 3A1, 4.082s, 2036   2,103,652   1,009,753  
FRB Ser. 06-AR3, Class 2A1A, 2.791s, 2036   2,161,079   1,102,150  
FRB Ser. 06-AR39, Class A1, 0.367s, 2037   8,628,656   4,637,902  
FRB Ser. 06-AR35, Class 2A1A, 0.357s, 2037   3,104,515   1,667,960  
FRB Ser. 06-AR15, Class A1, 0.307s, 2036   3,216,282   1,551,856  

JPMorgan Alternative Loan Trust      
FRB Ser. 07-A2, Class 12A1, 0.387s, 2037   4,460,082   2,230,041  
FRB Ser. 06-A7, Class 1A1, 0.347s, 2036   2,397,748   1,209,364  
FRB Ser. 06-A6, Class 1A1, 0.347s, 2036   1,831,776   1,047,365  
FRB Ser. 07-A1, Class 1A1A, 0.327s, 2037   1,802,378   738,975  

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp. 144A      
Ser. 07-CB20, Class X1, IO, 0.143s, 2051   126,496,523   1,377,054  

LB Commercial Conduit Mortgage Trust 144A      
Ser. 99-C1, Class G, 6.41s, 2031   492,082   465,017  
Ser. 98-C4, Class J, 5.6s, 2035   965,000   980,054  

LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A Ser. 02-C2, Class K,      
6.529s, 2035 F   1,440,000   1,406,512  

Lehman XS Trust FRB Ser. 07-8H, Class A1, 0.317s, 2037 F   1,746,772   877,753  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors, Inc. Ser. 96-C2, Class JS, IO,      
2.394s, 2028 F   1,109,368   30,523  

Mezz Cap Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A      
Ser. 04-C1, Class X, IO, 8.195s, 2037   1,033,545   62,013  
Ser. 07-C5, Class X, IO, 4.721s, 2049   4,366,289   316,556  

Morgan Stanley Capital I 144A FRB Ser. 04-RR, Class F7, 6s, 2039   3,360,000   2,923,200  

Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust FRB Ser. 06-3AR,      
Class 3A1, 5.385s, 2036   1,317,074   816,586  

Mortgage Capital Funding, Inc. Ser. 97-MC2, Class X, IO,      
1.731s, 2012   2,771   15  

PNC Mortgage Acceptance Corp. 144A Ser. 00-C1, Class J,      
6 5/8s, 2033   285,000   11,400  

STRIPS 144A Ser. 03-1A, Class N, 5s, 2018   376,000   376,000  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust      
FRB Ser. 06-9, Class 1A1, 5.11s, 2036   1,441,134   879,828  
FRB Ser. 07-4, Class 1A1, 0.427s, 2037   1,911,441   831,477  

Structured Asset Securities Corp.      
IFB Ser. 07-4, Class 1A3, IO, 6.029s, 2045   7,966,171   1,115,264  
Ser. 07-4, Class 1A4, IO, 1s, 2045   11,075,714   449,951  

Structured Asset Securities Corp. 144A      
Ser. 05-RF1, Class A, IO, 5.526s, 2035   1,733,807   213,346  
Ser. 05-RF3, Class 1A, IO, 5.341s, 2035   1,538,344   225,349  
FRB Ser. 05-RF3, Class 1A, 0.537s, 2035   1,538,344   1,153,758  
FRB Ser. 05-RF1, Class A, 0.537s, 2035   1,733,807   1,300,355  



MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES (23.7%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Ursus PLC 144A FRB Ser. 1-A, Class D, 6.938s, 2012 (Ireland)   GBP   409,617   $33,650  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust Ser. 07-C34, IO,        
0.379s, 2046     $34,142,566   529,893  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust 144A FRB        
Ser. 05-WL5A, Class L, 3.487s, 2018     917,000   550,200  

Wachovia Mortgage Loan Trust, LLC FRB Ser. 06-AMN1,        
Class A2, 0.337s, 2036     3,760,815   1,729,975  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates        
FRB Ser. 07-0C2, Class A3, 0.497s, 2037     2,293,597   1,250,010  
FRB Ser. 07-0C2, Class A1, 0.287s, 2037     6,611,079   3,735,259  

Total mortgage-backed securities (cost $203,297,090)       $207,572,355  
ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.6%)*   Principal amount   Value  

Ace Securities Corp. FRB Ser. 06-HE3, Class A2C, 0.337s, 2036     $271,000   $115,927  

Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities, Inc. FRB Ser. 04-FR3,        
Class M6, 5.062s, 2034     82,308   26,455  

Bombardier Capital Mortgage Securitization Corp. Ser. 00-A,        
Class A4, 8.29s, 2030     1,443,845   996,253  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc. FRB Ser. 07-OPX1,        
Class A1A, 0.257s, 2037     915,344   347,831  

Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.        
Ser. 00-5, Class A7, 8.2s, 2032     3,448,117   2,823,146  
Ser. 00-1, Class A5, 8.06s, 2031     1,536,009   1,182,727  
Ser. 00-4, Class A5, 7.97s, 2032     306,747   248,465  
Ser. 00-5, Class A6, 7.96s, 2032     1,464,731   1,186,432  
Ser. 02-1, Class M1F, 7.954s, 2033     1,584,000   1,753,160  
Ser. 00-6, Class A5, 7.27s, 2031     3,084,901   3,239,764  
FRB Ser. 02-1, Class M1A, 2.236s, 2033     4,468,000   3,871,980  
FRB Ser. 01-4, Class M1, 1.936s, 2033     573,000   306,166  

Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates        
FRB Ser. 06-6, Class 2A3, 0.467s, 2036     9,381,000   2,884,658  
FRB Ser. 07-3, Class 2A2, 0.357s, 2047     2,977,000   2,092,599  
FRB Ser. 07-8, Class 2A2, 0.317s, 2037     4,125,000   2,980,313  
FRB Ser. 06-25, Class 2A2, 0.307s, 2047     1,900,000   1,752,750  
FRB Ser. 07-1, Class 2A2, 0.287s, 2037     2,985,000   2,186,513  

Crest, Ltd. 144A Ser. 03-2A, Class E2, 8s, 2038     907,078   45,354  

First Franklin Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Certificates FRB        
Ser. 06-FF11, Class 2A3, 0.337s, 2036     2,540,000   1,295,400  

Granite Mortgages PLC        
FRB Ser. 03-2, Class 2C1, 3.562s, 2043 F   EUR   2,785,000   1,848,592  
FRB Ser. 03-2, Class 3C, 3.326s, 2043 F   GBP   1,337,631   887,876  

Green Tree Financial Corp.        
Ser. 94-6, Class B2, 9s, 2020     $1,682,107   1,076,548  
Ser. 94-4, Class B2, 8.6s, 2019     627,569   318,331  
Ser. 93-1, Class B, 8.45s, 2018     320,529   248,114  
Ser. 96-6, Class M1, 7.95s, 2027     1,075,000   1,032,000  
Ser. 96-8, Class M1, 7.85s, 2027     754,000   773,828  
Ser. 99-5, Class A6, 7 1/2s, 2030     1,341,305   1,153,522  
Ser. 95-8, Class B1, 7.3s, 2026     704,416   701,682  
Ser. 95-4, Class B1, 7.3s, 2025     726,329   748,239  
Ser. 97-6, Class M1, 7.21s, 2029     1,842,000   1,628,989  



ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.6%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Green Tree Financial Corp.      
Ser. 95-F, Class B2, 7.1s, 2021   $18,545   $18,264  
Ser. 98-2, Class A6, 6.81s, 2028   502,727   536,319  
Ser. 99-3, Class A7, 6.74s, 2031   1,265,503   1,266,690  
Ser. 99-2, Class A7, 6.44s, 2030   206,512   216,815  
Ser. 99-1, Class A6, 6.37s, 2025   20,494   21,128  
Ser. 98-4, Class A5, 6.18s, 2030   607,019   622,672  

Greenpoint Manufactured Housing Ser. 00-3, Class IA,      
8.45s, 2031   2,588,757   2,614,645  

GSAA Home Equity Trust      
FRB Ser. 06-3, Class A3, 0.487s, 2036   5,856,536   3,162,529  
FRB Ser. 05-15, Class 2A2, 0.437s, 2036   3,144,322   2,040,136  
FRB Ser. 05-14, Class 2A2, 0.437s, 2035   8,576,212   4,759,798  
FRB Ser. 05-11, Class 3A4, 0.437s, 2035   2,939,226   2,424,862  
FRB Ser. 06-19, Class A3A, 0.427s, 2036   1,065,473   532,737  
FRB Ser. 07-3, Class A4A, 0.407s, 2047   3,731,818   1,791,273  
FRB Ser. 06-1, Class A2, 0.407s, 2036   2,687,514   1,269,850  
FRB Ser. 07-4, Class A2, 0.387s, 2037   1,921,793   855,198  
FRB Ser. 06-17, Class A2, 0.367s, 2036   1,670,455   751,705  
FRB Ser. 06-8, Class 2A2, 0.367s, 2036   20,076,807   9,084,755  
FRB Ser. 06-11, Class 2A2, 0.347s, 2036   10,306,673   4,689,536  
FRB Ser. 06-12, Class A2A, 0.337s, 2036   2,281,221   1,174,829  
FRB Ser. 06-19, Class A1, 0.277s, 2036   3,485,764   1,559,879  
FRB Ser. 06-17, Class A1, 0.247s, 2036   4,225,528   1,922,615  
FRB Ser. 06-16, Class A1, 0.247s, 2036   3,786,475   1,703,914  
FRB Ser. 06-8, Class 2A1, 0.247s, 2036   3,934,286   1,770,429  
FRB Ser. 06-12, Class A1, 0.237s, 2036   4,358,015   2,026,477  
FRB Ser. 07-3, Class 2A1A, 0.188s, 2047   2,737,299   1,354,963  

Guggenheim Structured Real Estate Funding, Ltd. 144A FRB      
Ser. 05-2A, Class E, 2.187s, 2030   763,271   24,806  

Lehman XS Trust FRB Ser. 05-6, Class 1A4, 0.567s, 2035   2,700,000   1,066,500  

Madison Avenue Manufactured Housing Contract FRB Ser. 02-A,      
Class B1, 3.437s, 2032   2,417,781   2,200,181  

Merrill Lynch First Franklin Mortgage Loan Asset Backed      
Certificates FRB Ser. 07-1, Class A2B, 0.357s, 2037   2,529,739   1,264,870  

Mid-State Trust Ser. 11, Class B, 8.221s, 2038   190,321   188,019  

Morgan Stanley Capital, Inc. FRB Ser. 04-HE8, Class B3,      
3.387s, 2034   104,635   26,375  

Novastar Home Equity Loan      
FRB Ser. 06-1, Class A2C, 0.347s, 2036   223,107   108,611  
FRB Ser. 06-2, Class A2C, 0.337s, 2036   298,000   162,454  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.      
Ser. 00-A, Class A3, 7.945s, 2022   42,408   33,425  
Ser. 99-D, Class A1, 7.84s, 2029   1,342,702   1,275,567  
Ser. 95-B, Class B1, 7.55s, 2021   270,314   201,357  
Ser. 00-D, Class A4, 7.4s, 2030   3,181,617   2,020,327  
Ser. 02-B, Class A4, 7.09s, 2032   675,391   707,634  
Ser. 99-B, Class A4, 6.99s, 2026   1,278,375   1,266,790  
Ser. 02-A, Class A4, 6.97s, 2032   90,259   89,554  
Ser. 01-D, Class A4, 6.93s, 2031   1,080,542   873,551  
Ser. 01-E, Class A4, 6.81s, 2031   2,003,630   1,761,942  



ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES (12.6%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc.      
Ser. 99-B, Class A3, 6.45s, 2017   $297,353   $287,410  
Ser. 01-C, Class A2, 5.92s, 2017   1,816,639   962,819  
Ser. 02-C, Class A1, 5.41s, 2032   2,244,103   2,154,339  
Ser. 01-E, Class A2, 5.05s, 2031   1,433,179   1,132,211  
Ser. 02-A, Class A2, 5.01s, 2020   365,207   346,269  

Oakwood Mortgage Investors, Inc. 144A Ser. 01-B, Class A4,      
7.21s, 2030   335,328   321,391  

Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc. FRB Ser. 07-RZ1,      
Class A2, 0.347s, 2037   286,512   173,179  

Residential Asset Securities Corp. Ser. 01-KS3, Class AII,      
0.647s, 2031   2,299,081   1,773,120  

SG Mortgage Securities Trust FRB Ser. 06-OPT2, Class A3D,      
0.397s, 2036   2,389,000   769,220  

Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust FRB Ser. 06-OPT3,      
Class 2A3, 0.357s, 2036   229,413   171,692  

TIAA Real Estate CDO, Ltd. Ser. 03-1A, Class E, 8s, 2038   961,121   115,335  

TIAA Real Estate CDO, Ltd. 144A Ser. 02-1A, Class IV,      
6.84s, 2037   756,000   378,000  

Total asset-backed securities (cost $122,169,424)     $109,782,580  
MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS (10.0%)*   Principal amount   Value  

U.S. Government Guaranteed Mortgage Obligations (0.3%)      
Government National Mortgage Association Pass-Through      
Certificates 6 1/2s, November 20, 2038   $1,990,349   $2,228,646  

U.S. Government Agency Mortgage Obligations (9.7%)      
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Pass-Through      
Certificates 3 1/2s, January 1, 2041   660,280   645,785  

Federal National Mortgage Association Pass-Through Certificates      
6 1/2s, April 1, 2016   11,150   12,023  
4 1/2s, TBA, August 1, 2041   68,000,000   70,985,622  
4s, TBA, August 1, 2041   13,000,000   13,207,188  
3 1/2s, December 1, 2040   450,279   441,062  

Total U.S. government and agency mortgage obligations (cost $86,716,252)   $87,520,326  
FOREIGN GOVERNMENT BONDS AND NOTES (9.5%)*   Principal amount   Value  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. bonds 7s, 2017   $1,665,000   $1,581,750  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. bonds Ser. VII, 7s, 2013   1,136,000   1,171,875  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. bonds FRB 0.45s, 2013   3,113,000   734,263  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. bonds 7s, 2015   13,260,000   12,963,904  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. bonds Ser. $V,      
10 1/2s, 2012   4,110,000   983,065  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. bonds FRB      
0.438s, 2012   43,339,000   10,480,237  

Argentina (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. notes Ser. NY,      
8.28s, 2033   2,792,630   2,499,403  



FOREIGN GOVERNMENT BONDS AND NOTES (9.5%)* cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social 144A        
notes 5 1/2s, 2020 (Brazil)     $170,000   $180,200  

Brazil (Federal Republic of) notes 10s, 2017   BRL   3,500   2,031,621  

Brazil (Federal Republic of) unsub. notes 10s, 2014   BRL   2,365   1,449,027  

Chile (Republic of) notes 5 1/2s, 2020   CLP   397,500,000   880,490  

Colombia (Government of) bonds 6 1/8s, 2041     $1,000,000   1,115,000  

Colombia (Republic of) unsec. unsub. bonds 4 3/8s, 2021     700,000   720,300  

Croatia (Republic of) 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes 6 3/8s, 2021     620,000   628,556  

Ghana (Republic of) 144A unsec. notes 8 1/2s, 2017     1,590,000   1,808,911  

Hungary (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. notes 7 5/8s, 2041     470,000   502,396  

Hungary (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. notes 6 3/8s, 2021     210,000   217,613  

Indonesia (Republic of) 144A sr. unsec. notes 11 5/8s, 2019     1,305,000   1,950,923  

Indonesia (Republic of) 144A sr. unsec. unsub. bonds        
7 3/4s, 2038     920,000   1,200,600  

Indonesia (Republic of) 144A sr. unsec. unsub. bonds        
6 7/8s, 2018     750,000   890,625  

Indonesia (Republic of) 144A sr. unsec. unsub. bonds        
6 3/4s, 2014     460,000   513,309  

Indonesia (Republic of) 144A sr. unsec. unsub. bonds        
6 5/8s, 2037     1,555,000   1,802,665  

Industrial Bank of Korea 144A sr. notes 7 1/8s, 2014     1,475,000   1,665,650  

Iraq (Republic of) 144A bonds 5.8s, 2028     1,275,000   1,158,975  

Peru (Republic of) bonds 6.95s, 2031   PEN   5,885,000   2,161,497  

Philippines (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. bonds 6 1/2s, 2020     $1,350,000   1,601,438  

Philippines (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. bonds 6 3/8s, 2034     1,800,000   2,063,412  

Russia (Federation of) sr. unsec. unsub. bonds 7 1/2s, 2030     57,955   69,399  

Russia (Federation of) 144A unsec. unsub. bonds 7 1/2s, 2030     4,854,986   5,813,699  

South Africa (Republic of) sr. unsec. unsub. notes 6 7/8s, 2019     950,000   1,143,563  

Sri Lanka (Republic of) 144A notes 7.4s, 2015     440,000   490,208  

Turkey (Republic of) bonds 16s, 2012   TRY   385,000   237,497  

Turkey (Republic of) sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2019     $815,000   974,414  

Turkey (Republic of) sr. unsec. notes 7 1/2s, 2017     4,335,000   5,128,132  

Ukraine (Government of ) Financing of Infrastructural Projects        
State Enterprise 144A govt. guaranty notes 8 3/8s, 2017     425,000   450,500  

Ukraine (Government of) sr. unsec. bonds 6.385s, 2012     1,900,000   1,935,815  

Ukraine (Government of) 144A bonds 7 3/4s, 2020     2,910,000   3,055,500  

Ukraine (Government of) 144A sr. unsec. notes 7.95s, 2021     2,380,000   2,524,014  

Ukraine (Government of) 144A sr. unsec. unsub. notes        
7.65s, 2013     790,000   833,450  

Venezuela (Republic of) bonds 8 1/2s, 2014     310,000   289,763  

Venezuela (Republic of) sr. unsec. bonds 9 1/4s, 2027     300,000   224,250  

Venezuela (Republic of) unsec. notes 10 3/4s, 2013     2,510,000   2,530,155  

Venezuela (Republic of) 144A unsec. bonds 13 5/8s, 2018     2,215,000   2,242,267  

Total foreign government bonds and notes (cost $74,404,657)       $82,900,331  



PURCHASED OPTIONS   Expiration date/   Contract    
OUTSTANDING (3.1%)*   strike price   amount   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate        
of 1.70175% versus the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing January 23, 2014.   Jan-12/1.70175   CHF 36,660,000   $1,394  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 4.47%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 25, 2041.   Aug-11/4.47   $1,370,200   164,177  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.52%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 1, 2022.   Jul-12/3.52   28,283,159   1,299,045  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.36%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 1, 2022.   Jul-12/3.36   28,283,159   1,093,144  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.36% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 1, 2022.   Jul-12/3.36   28,283,159   1,091,730  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.52% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 1, 2022.   Jul-12/3.52   28,283,159   929,385  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.51%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 30, 2022.   Jul-12/3.51   11,313,264   512,943  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.51% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 30, 2022.   Jul-12/3.51   11,313,264   372,093  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.5375%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 27, 2022.   Jul-12/3.5375   28,283,159   1,325,349  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.5375% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 27, 2022.   Jul-12/3.5375   28,283,159   897,425  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.54%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 25, 2022.   Jul-12/3.54   15,899,614   747,282  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.54%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 25, 2022.   Jul-12/3.54   15,899,614   500,043  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.49%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 24, 2022.   Jul-12/3.49   28,466,127   1,262,188  



PURCHASED OPTIONS   Expiration date/   Contract    
OUTSTANDING (3.1%)* cont.   strike price   amount   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.49%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing July 24, 2022.   Jul-12/3.49   $28,466,127   $940,521  

Option on an interest rate swap with UBS AG        
for the right to pay a fixed rate of 1.722% versus        
the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
January 23, 2014.   Jan-12/1.722   CHF 36,660,000   1,301  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 3.60% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing January 5, 2042.   Jan-12/3.6   $19,720,121   529,880  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.60%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
January 5, 2042.   Jan-12/4.6   19,720,121   186,750  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate of 1.578%        
versus the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 24, 2013.   Dec-11/1.578   CHF 36,660,000   558  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate of 1.602%        
versus the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 22, 2013.   Dec-11/1.602   CHF 36,660,000   465  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 4.12%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 16, 2041.   Dec-11/4.12   $17,317,395   1,212,391  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.12% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 16, 2041.   Dec-11/4.12   17,317,395   457,006  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A.        
for the right to receive a fixed rate of 4.1175% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 9, 2041.   Dec-11/4.1175   10,999,227   760,047  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A.        
for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.1175% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 9, 2041.   Dec-11/4.1175   10,999,227   274,299  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.11% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing December 8, 2041.   Dec-11/4.11   10,199,433   694,785  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.11%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 8, 2041.   Dec-11/4.11   10,199,433   260,290  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.855%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 6, 2041.   Dec-11/3.855   14,911,957   613,925  



PURCHASED OPTIONS   Expiration date/   Contract    
OUTSTANDING (3.1%)* cont.   strike price   amount   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.355% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 6, 2041.   Dec-11/4.355   $14,911,957   $194,601  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 2.31% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing November 30, 2016.   Nov-11/2.31   23,674,688   602,284  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate of 2.31%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
November 30, 2016.   Nov-11/2.31   23,674,688   86,886  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.21%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
November 23, 2021.   Nov-11/3.21   25,663,580   715,501  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.21% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
November 23, 2021.   Nov-11/3.21   25,663,580   385,467  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.0325% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing November 4, 2041.   Nov-11/4.0325   13,024,182   722,451  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate        
of 4.0325% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing November 4, 2041.   Nov-11/4.0325   13,024,182   306,589  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.17%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
October 21, 2021.   Oct-11/3.17   22,361,836   551,219  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.17% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
October 21, 2021.   Oct-11/3.17   22,361,836   262,304  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 1.97%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing October 11, 2016.   Oct-11/1.97   1,789,110   24,815  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 2.47% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
October 11, 2016.   Oct-11/2.47   1,789,110   1,252  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 3.99% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing September 29, 2041.   Sep-11/3.99   20,755,851   949,995  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.99%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 29, 2041.   Sep-11/3.99   20,755,851   371,945  



PURCHASED OPTIONS   Expiration date/   Contract    
OUTSTANDING (3.1%)* cont.   strike price   amount   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 3.14%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 21, 2021.   Sep-11/3.14   $18,867,799   $407,922  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 3.14% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 21, 2021.   Sep-11/3.14   18,867,799   150,942  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.0275% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing September 8, 2041.   Sep-11/4.0275   16,377,000   757,289  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 2.14%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 8, 2016.   Sep-11/2.14   33,530,000   727,266  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.0275%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 8, 2041.   Sep-11/4.0275   16,377,000   162,853  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 2.64% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 8, 2016.   Sep-11/2.64   33,530,000   1,006  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the right to receive a fixed rate of 4.09% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 25, 2041.   Aug-11/4.09   26,946,367   1,448,098  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.09% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 25, 2041.   Aug-11/4.09   26,946,367   106,977  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.47% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 25, 2041.   Aug-11/4.47   1,370,200   219  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to receive a fixed rate of 2.065%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 8, 2016.   Aug-11/2.065   31,130,000   633,184  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the right to pay a fixed rate of 2.565% versus        
the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 8, 2016.   Aug-11/2.565   31,130,000    

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.555% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 5, 2041.   Aug-11/4.555   11,420,900   1,571,629  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the right to pay a fixed rate of 4.555%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 5, 2041.   Aug-11/4.555   11,420,900    

Total purchased options outstanding (cost $27,040,030)     $27,271,110  



SENIOR LOANS (2.7%)* c   Principal amount   Value  

Basic materials (0.2%)      
American Rock Salt Co., LLC / American Rock Capital Corp. bank      
term loan FRN 5 1/2s, 2017   $114,713   $114,713  

Exopack, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6 1/2s, 2017   205,000   204,488  

Georgia-Pacific, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B2, 2.246s, 2012   188,648   188,255  

INEOS U.S. Finance, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B2, 7.501s,      
2013 (United Kingdom)   162,557   167,993  

INEOS Group Holdings, Ltd. bank term loan FRN Ser. C2, 8.001s,      
2014 (United Kingdom)   216,220   223,450  

Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. bank term loan FRN      
3.688s, 2013   371,114   364,001  

Nexeo Solutions, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5s, 2017   204,487   203,785  

Univar, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5s, 2017   204,486   203,902  

Capital goods (—%)      
SRAM Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. 2nd, 8 1/2s, 2018   135,000   135,000  

Communication services (0.4%)      
Charter Communications Operating, LLC bank term loan FRN      
Ser. l, 7 1/4s, 2014   11,854   11,891  

Charter Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. C,      
3 1/2s, 2016   1,462,824   1,460,724  

Insight Midwest, LP bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 1.961s, 2014   224,114   221,731  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA bank term loan FRN 3.246s,      
2014 (Luxembourg)   885,000   841,303  

Level 3 Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN 2.479s, 2014   379,000   365,803  

Level 3 Financing, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 11 1/2s, 2014   185,000   194,558  

Consumer cyclicals (1.2%)      
Brickman Group Holdings, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,      
7 1/4s, 2016   1,034,800   1,045,148  

Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp. bank term loan FRN      
Ser. B, 6 1/4s, 2017   113,563   113,406  

Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc. bank term loan FRN      
Ser. B1, 3.274s, 2015   625,000   563,021  

Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc. bank term loan FRN      
Ser. B2, 3.23s, 2015   724,196   651,259  

CCM Merger, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 7s, 2017   574,163   580,622  

Cengage Learning Acquisitions, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,      
2 1/2s, 2014   670,807   585,280  

Clear Channel Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,      
3.836s, 2016   1,003,622   836,017  

Compucom Systems, Inc. bank term loan FRN 3.69s, 2014   201,485   194,433  

Dex Media West, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. A, 7s, 2014   305,301   249,256  

Federal Mogul Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 2.128s, 2014   87,558   83,415  

Federal Mogul Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. C, 2.128s, 2015   44,672   42,559  

GateHouse Media, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 2.44s, 2014   425,048   147,173  

GateHouse Media, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 2.19s, 2014   454,999   157,543  

GateHouse Media, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. DD, 2.19s, 2014   169,776   58,785  

Golden Nugget, Inc. bank term loan FRN 2.19s, 2014 ‡‡   113,384   98,998  



SENIOR LOANS (2.7%)* c cont.   Principal amount   Value  

Consumer cyclicals cont.      
Golden Nugget, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 2.19s, 2014 ‡‡   $199,183   $173,912  

Goodman Global, Inc. bank term loan FRN 9s, 2017   286,000   293,567  

Goodman Global, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. 1st, 5 3/4s, 2016   568,703   570,361  

KAR Auction Services, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5s, 2017   165,000   165,442  

Michaels Stores, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 2.522s, 2013   210,712   206,787  

National Bedding Co., LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 3 3/4s, 2013   149,945   148,820  

Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. (The) bank term loan FRN 4 3/4s, 2018   370,000   364,818  

Nortek, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5 1/4s, 2017   134,663   134,550  

R.H. Donnelley, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 9s, 2014   1,322,068   831,802  

Realogy Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 4.518s, 2016   800,784   720,038  

ServiceMaster Co. (The) bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 2.705s, 2014   526,515   508,380  

ServiceMaster Co. (The) bank term loan FRN Ser. DD, 2.69s, 2014   52,454   50,647  

Six Flags Theme Parks bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5 1/4s, 2016   493,442   495,292  

Tribune Co. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5 1/4s, 2014 (In default) †   670,438   462,243  

Univision Communications, Inc. bank term loan FRN 4.436s, 2017   345,227   329,561  

Consumer staples (0.2%)      
Claire’s Stores, Inc. bank term loan FRN 3.023s, 2014   537,394   490,775  

Del Monte Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 4 1/2s, 2018   260,000   258,700  

Revlon Consumer Products bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 4 3/4s, 2017   565,000   564,798  

Rite-Aid Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 1.94s, 2014   179,586   170,794  

West Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B2, 2.638s, 2013   44,736   44,410  

West Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B5, 4 1/2s, 2016   108,804   109,008  

Energy (0.1%)      
EPCO Holdings, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. A, 1.186s, 2012   356,000   348,880  

Frac Tech International, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6 1/4s, 2016   352,059   351,374  

Hercules Offshore, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5.69s, 2013   271,549   270,870  

Financials (0.1%)      
AGFS Funding Co. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5 1/2s, 2017   395,000   386,051  

HUB International Holdings, Inc. bank term loan FRN 6 3/4s, 2014   164,078   163,667  

Health care (0.4%)      
Ardent Health Services bank term loan FRN 6 1/2s, 2015   165,000   164,794  

Ardent Health Services bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6 1/2s, 2015   354,411   353,968  

Emergency Medical Services Corp. bank term loan FRN Ser. B,      
5 1/4s, 2018   418,950   416,556  

Grifols SA bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 6s, 2016 (Spain)   235,000   235,832  

Health Management Associates, Inc. bank term loan FRN      
1.996s, 2014   1,294,099   1,261,887  

IASIS Healthcare, LLC bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 5s, 2018   623,438   620,060  

Multiplan, Inc. bank term loan FRN Ser. B, 4 3/4s, 2017   333,012   331,035  

Utilities and power (0.1%)      
Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co., LLC bank term loan      
FRN 4.728s, 2017   1,360,286   1,012,563  

Total senior loans (cost $24,938,227)     $23,320,754  



CONVERTIBLE BONDS AND NOTES (0.2%)*   Principal amount   Value  

Ford Motor Co. cv. sr. unsec. notes 4 1/4s, 2016   $345,000   $539,494  

Meritor, Inc. cv. company guaranty sr. unsec. notes 4s, 2027   265,000   235,519  

Steel Dynamics, Inc. cv. sr. notes 5 1/8s, 2014   440,000   519,200  

Trinity Industries, Inc. cv. unsec. sub. notes 3 7/8s, 2036   425,000   420,750  

Total convertible bonds and notes (cost $1,543,929)     $1,714,963  
PREFERRED STOCKS (0.1%)*   Shares   Value  

Ally Financial, Inc. 144A Ser. G, 7.00% cum. pfd.   440   $399,740  

GMAC Capital Trust I Ser. 2, $2.031 cum. pfd. †   28,680   734,782  

Total preferred stocks (cost $881,238)     $1,134,522  

General Motors Co. Ser. B, $2.375 cv. pfd.   9,017   $417,600  

Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. Ser. P, 7.25% cv. pfd. (In default) †   1,477   886  

Lucent Technologies Capital Trust I 7.75% cv. pfd.   407   397,334  

Total convertible preferred stocks (cost $2,242,405)     $815,820  


WARRANTS (—%)* †   Expiration   Strike      
  date   price   Warrants   Value  

Charter Communications, Inc. Class A   11/30/14   $46.86   117   $1,697  

Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 144A (Ireland) F   10/1/13   EUR 0.001   960   51,323  

Total warrants (cost $35,777)         $53,020  


COMMON STOCKS (—%)*   Shares   Value  

Bohai Bay Litigation, LLC (Escrow) † F   1,327   $4,141  

Trump Entertainment Resorts, Inc. † F   224   952  

Total common stocks (cost $5,941)     $5,093  
SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (28.3%)*   Principal amount/shares   Value  

Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund 0.05% e   148,405,763   $148,405,763  

U.S. Treasury Bills, for an effective yield of 0.10%,      
April 5, 2012 ##   $7,000,000   6,995,178  

U.S. Treasury Bills, for an effective yield of 0.05%,      
February 9, 2012 ##   200,000   199,691  

U.S. Treasury Bills, for effective yields ranging from 0.20%      
to 0.22%, November 17, 2011 # ##   44,879,000   44,866,207  

U.S. Treasury Bills, for effective yields ranging from 0.23%      
to 0.26%, October 20, 2011 # ##   41,191,000   41,172,588  

U.S. Treasury Bills, for effective yields ranging from 0.19%      
to 0.24%, August 25, 2011 # ##   5,569,000   5,568,161  

Total short-term investments (cost $247,188,307)     $247,207,588  

Total investments (cost $1,074,721,025)     $1,084,621,864  



Key to holding’s currency abbreviations  
ARS   Argentine Peso  
AUD   Australian Dollar  
BRL   Brazilian Real  
CAD   Canadian Dollar  
CHF   Swiss Franc  
CLP   Chilean Peso  
EUR   Euro  
GBP   British Pound  
INR   Indian Rupee  
JPY   Japanese Yen  
KRW   South Korean Won  
MXN   Mexican Peso  
PEN   Peruvian Neuvo Sol  
RUB   Russian Ruble  
SEK   Swedish Krona  
TRY   Turkish Lira  
USD/$   United States Dollar  
ZAR   South African Rand  
Key to holding’s abbreviations  
EMTN   Euro Medium Term Notes  
FRB   Floating Rate Bonds  
FRN   Floating Rate Notes  
IFB   Inverse Floating Rate Bonds  
IO   Interest Only  
MTN   Medium Term Notes  
OAO   Open Joint Stock Company  
OJSC   Open Joint Stock Company  
PO   Principal Only  
TBA   To Be Announced Commitments  

Notes to the fund’s portfolio

Unless noted otherwise, the notes to the fund’s portfolio are for the close of the fund’s reporting period, which ran from August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2011 (the reporting period).

* Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $874,403,567.

† Non-income-producing security.

The interest rate and date shown parenthetically represent the new interest rate to be paid and the date the fund will begin accruing interest at this rate.

‡‡ Income may be received in cash or additional securities at the discretion of the issuer.

# This security, in part or in entirety, was pledged and segregated with the broker to cover margin requirements for futures contracts at the close of the reporting period.

## This security, in part or in entirety, was pledged and segregated with the custodian for collateral on certain derivatives contracts at the close of the reporting period.

c Senior loans are exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, but contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. These loans pay interest at rates which adjust periodically. The interest rates shown for senior loans are the current interest rates at the close of the reporting period. Senior loans are also subject to mandatory and/or optional prepayment which cannot be predicted. As a result, the remaining maturity may be substantially less than the stated maturity shown (Notes 1 and 7).

e See Note 6 to the financial statements regarding investments in Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund. The rate quoted in the security description is the annualized 7-day yield of the fund at the close of the reporting period.


F Is valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees. Securities may be classified as Level 2 or Level 3 for Accounting Standards Codification ASC 820 Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (ASC 820) based on the securities’ valuation inputs.

R Real Estate Investment Trust.

At the close of the reporting period, the fund maintained liquid assets totaling $627,948,864 to cover certain derivatives contracts.

Debt obligations are considered secured unless otherwise indicated.

144A after the name of an issuer represents securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

See Note 1 to the financial statements regarding TBA’s.

The rates shown on FRB and FRN are the current interest rates at the close of the reporting period.

The dates shown on debt obligations are the original maturity dates.

IFB are securities that pay interest rates that vary inversely to changes in the market interest rates. As interest rates rise, inverse floaters produce less current income. The interest rates shown are the current interest rates at the close of the reporting period.

FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS at 7/31/11 (aggregate face value $455,435,728)

    Contract   Delivery     Aggregate   appreciation/  
Counterparty   Currency   type   date   Value   face value   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.            

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   $652,585   $618,863   $(33,722)  

  Brazilian Real   Buy   8/17/11   2,170,614   2,158,731   11,883  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   3,039,689   2,959,446   (80,243)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   2,352,837   2,345,315   7,522  

  Chilean Peso   Buy   8/17/11   135,004   131,220   3,784  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   1,942,033   1,900,928   41,105  

  Euro   Buy   8/17/11   818,557   824,402   (5,845)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   1,098,486   1,106,021   (7,535)  

  Japanese Yen   Buy   8/17/11   2,652,765   2,608,768   43,997  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   936,931   931,344   5,587  

  Norwegian Krone   Sell   8/17/11   644,164   634,068   (10,096)  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,257   1,337,842   18,415  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,771,476   1,735,439   36,037  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   1,312,154   1,303,022   9,132  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   2,585,428   2,514,529   70,899  

  Swedish Krona   Sell   8/17/11   1,996,537   1,910,804   (85,733)  

  Swiss Franc   Sell   8/17/11   6,283,056   5,906,420   (376,636)  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,493,167   1,501,762   8,595  

  Turkish Lira   Sell   8/17/11   729,961   737,008   7,047  

Barclays Bank PLC            

  Australian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   2,210,362   2,131,774   78,588  

  Brazilian Real   Buy   8/17/11   3,518,198   3,447,818   70,380  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   1,655,862   1,641,185   (14,677)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,760,311   1,741,369   18,942  

  Chilean Peso   Sell   8/17/11   4,852   4,740   (112)  



FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS at 7/31/11 (aggregate face value $455,435,728) cont.

    Contract   Delivery     Aggregate   appreciation/  
Counterparty   Currency   type   date   Value   face value   (depreciation)  

Barclays Bank PLC cont.            

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   $776,605   $755,905   $20,700  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   6,865,109   6,829,486   (35,623)  

  Hungarian Forint   Sell   8/17/11   841,192   860,284   19,092  

  Indian Rupee   Sell   8/17/11   2,703,965   2,643,705   (60,260)  

  Japanese Yen   Buy   8/17/11   6,338,642   6,163,905   174,737  

  Malaysian Ringgit   Buy   8/17/11   1,390,523   1,370,278   20,245  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   991,199   995,536   (4,337)  

  New Zealand Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,079,319   1,015,508   (63,811)  

  Norwegian Krone   Buy   8/17/11   1,003,756   987,898   15,858  

  Philippines Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,178,588   1,147,777   30,811  

  Polish Zloty   Sell   8/17/11   735,625   742,382   6,757  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,257   1,337,842   18,415  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,537,400   1,506,739   30,661  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,512,516   1,497,374   15,142  

  Swedish Krona   Sell   8/17/11   2,711,367   2,689,006   (22,361)  

  Swiss Franc   Sell   8/17/11   285,616   269,285   (16,331)  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,525,709   1,530,458   4,749  

  Thai Baht   Buy   8/17/11   1,152,707   1,117,714   34,993  

  Turkish Lira   Buy   8/17/11   224,118   232,731   (8,613)  

Citibank, N.A.              

  Australian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   5,525,301   5,239,025   286,276  

  Brazilian Real   Sell   8/17/11   488,606   482,383   (6,223)  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   5,875,681   5,715,369   (160,312)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   570,080   569,124   956  

  Chilean Peso   Buy   8/17/11   809,718   778,083   31,635  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   734,427   735,038   (611)  

  Danish Krone   Buy   8/17/11   515,364   519,698   (4,334)  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   8,400,262   8,360,201   (40,061)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   1,304,852   1,334,176   (29,324)  

  Japanese Yen   Sell   8/17/11   6,896,844   6,570,546   (326,298)  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   605,967   603,625   2,342  

  New Zealand Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   38,585   36,299   2,286  

  Norwegian Krone   Buy   8/17/11   978,088   972,864   5,224  

  Polish Zloty   Buy   8/17/11   2,109,470   2,125,918   (16,448)  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   387,715   379,980   7,735  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   1,216,123   1,209,415   6,708  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,424,585   1,387,017   37,568  

  Swedish Krona   Buy   8/17/11   750,175   731,776   18,399  

  Swiss Franc   Buy   8/17/11   1,823,990   1,719,901   104,089  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,351,589   1,360,080   8,491  

  Turkish Lira   Buy   8/17/11   587,298   610,355   (23,057)  



FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS at 7/31/11 (aggregate face value $455,435,728) cont.

    Contract   Delivery     Aggregate   appreciation/  
Counterparty   Currency   type   date   Value   face value   (depreciation)  

Credit Suisse AG            

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   $861,847   $861,109   $(738)  

  Brazilian Real   Buy   8/17/11   2,762,950   2,726,948   36,002  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   1,745,226   1,739,187   (6,039)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   864,852   872,475   (7,623)  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   1,405,615   1,400,230   5,385  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   1,638,407   1,609,973   (28,434)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   1,098,486   1,105,310   (6,824)  

  Indian Rupee   Sell   8/17/11   1,543,886   1,509,479   (34,407)  

  Japanese Yen   Buy   8/17/11   4,792,835   4,643,387   149,448  

  Malaysian Ringgit   Buy   8/17/11   3,263,344   3,217,753   45,591  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,592,559   1,582,810   9,749  

  Norwegian Krone   Sell   8/17/11   4,796,836   4,762,124   (34,712)  

  Polish Zloty   Sell   8/17/11   46,495   46,866   371  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,257   1,337,413   18,844  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   1,752,716   1,736,889   15,827  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   2,750,905   2,737,167   13,738  

  Swedish Krona   Buy   8/17/11   1,787,552   1,779,004   8,548  

  Swiss Franc   Sell   8/17/11   1,868,107   1,801,335   (66,772)  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,514,773   1,525,887   11,114  

  Turkish Lira   Sell   8/17/11   401,842   417,349   15,507  

Deutsche Bank AG            

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   3,265,559   3,087,586   (177,973)  

  Brazilian Real   Buy   8/17/11   1,147,314   1,126,631   20,683  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   309,653   303,277   (6,376)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   4,961,414   5,003,228   (41,814)  

  Chilean Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,812,590   1,780,459   32,131  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   447,717   447,970   (253)  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   2,972,367   2,944,808   (27,559)  

  Hungarian Forint   Sell   8/17/11   196,921   191,549   (5,372)  

  Malaysian Ringgit   Buy   8/17/11   2,110,083   2,078,879   31,204  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   2,322,075   2,315,243   6,832  

  New Zealand Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,081,862   1,018,370   (63,492)  

  Norwegian Krone   Buy   8/17/11   424,689   418,185   6,504  

  Peruvian New Sol   Sell   8/17/11   1,912,132   1,889,362   (22,770)  

  Philippines Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,185,394   1,153,606   31,788  

  Polish Zloty   Buy   8/17/11   1,599,210   1,612,789   (13,579)  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   386,968   379,111   7,857  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,691,497   1,644,353   47,144  

  Swedish Krona   Buy   8/17/11   1,928,231   1,879,331   48,900  

  Swiss Franc   Buy   8/17/11   2,475,343   2,332,967   142,376  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,834,017   1,837,376   3,359  

  Turkish Lira   Sell   8/17/11   680,085   678,124   (1,961)  



FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS at 7/31/11 (aggregate face value $455,435,728) cont.

    Contract   Delivery     Aggregate   appreciation/  
Counterparty   Currency   type   date   Value   face value   (depreciation)  

Goldman Sachs International            

  Australian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   $6,613,748   $6,507,280   $106,468  

  British Pound   Buy   8/17/11   439,263   427,297   11,966  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,879,235   1,874,126   5,109  

  Chilean Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,322,529   1,284,511   38,018  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   3,965,263   3,928,967   (36,296)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   184,055   185,871   (1,816)  

  Japanese Yen   Sell   8/17/11   485,206   462,262   (22,944)  

  Norwegian Krone   Buy   8/17/11   2,543,514   2,528,811   14,703  

  Polish Zloty   Buy   8/17/11   1,042,599   1,053,244   (10,645)  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   217,081   214,962   2,119  

  Swedish Krona   Buy   8/17/11   1,624,079   1,582,721   41,358  

  Swiss Franc   Buy   8/17/11   207,018   195,118   11,900  

HSBC Bank USA, National Association          

  Australian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   7,124,258   6,762,213   362,045  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   6,881,995   6,774,151   (107,844)  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   13,323,955   13,204,685   (119,270)  

  Indian Rupee   Sell   8/17/11   406,996   399,071   (7,925)  

  Japanese Yen   Sell   8/17/11   4,657,276   4,436,386   (220,890)  

  New Zealand Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,387,997   1,306,696   (81,301)  

  Norwegian Krone   Sell   8/17/11   1,688,016   1,664,220   (23,796)  

  Philippines Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,185,394   1,153,739   31,655  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,375,118   1,347,677   27,441  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,135,998   1,106,418   29,580  

  Swiss Franc   Buy   8/17/11   2,225,222   2,097,847   127,375  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,508,117   1,519,023   10,906  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.            

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,190,390   2,077,082   (113,308)  

  Brazilian Real   Buy   8/17/11   1,371,205   1,345,723   25,482  

  British Pound   Buy   8/17/11   2,588,270   2,569,410   18,860  

  Canadian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,314,329   2,268,748   (45,581)  

  Chilean Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,467,358   1,425,933   41,425  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   634,810   635,187   (377)  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   4,321,550   4,320,332   (1,218)  

  Hungarian Forint   Sell   8/17/11   877,830   859,017   (18,813)  

  Japanese Yen   Buy   8/17/11   5,316,649   5,158,565   158,084  

  Malaysian Ringgit   Buy   8/17/11   1,649,694   1,625,029   24,665  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,611,165   1,615,006   (3,841)  

  New Zealand Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   175,736   172,925   2,811  

  Norwegian Krone   Buy   8/17/11   1,221,135   1,202,282   18,853  

  Peruvian New Sol   Sell   8/17/11   420,386   417,519   (2,867)  

  Polish Zloty   Sell   8/17/11   4,661,521   4,698,039   36,518  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,257   1,336,390   19,867  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,781,862   1,745,614   36,248  



FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS at 7/31/11 (aggregate face value $455,435,728) cont.

    Contract   Delivery     Aggregate   appreciation/  
Counterparty   Currency   type   date   Value   face value   (depreciation)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. cont.            

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   $905,457   $896,897   $8,560  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,047,311   1,017,559   29,752  

  Swedish Krona   Sell   8/17/11   193,941   192,489   (1,452)  

  Swiss Franc   Buy   8/17/11   3,444,259   3,245,842   198,417  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,275,231   2,293,163   17,932  

  Thai Baht   Buy   8/17/11   1,158,560   1,121,751   36,809  

  Turkish Lira   Sell   8/17/11   406,209   421,601   15,392  

Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (The)            

  Australian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   3,583,896   3,536,262   47,634  

  Brazilian Real   Buy   8/17/11   1,161,692   1,141,758   19,934  

  British Pound   Buy   8/17/11   3,210,861   3,108,537   102,324  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,094,328   1,103,921   (9,593)  

  Chilean Peso   Buy   8/17/11   60,844   58,945   1,899  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   511,293   511,369   (76)  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   11,977,931   11,908,993   (68,938)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   59,012   59,670   (658)  

  Indian Rupee   Sell   8/17/11   2,288,373   2,236,881   (51,492)  

  Japanese Yen   Buy   8/17/11   3,060,026   3,009,197   50,829  

  Malaysian Ringgit   Buy   8/17/11   1,913,240   1,885,009   28,231  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,421,138   1,425,925   (4,787)  

  New Zealand Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   665,674   611,873   53,801  

  Norwegian Krone   Buy   8/17/11   2,275,763   2,239,794   35,969  

  Polish Zloty   Sell   8/17/11   1,087,586   1,047,061   (40,525)  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,257   1,339,035   17,222  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   1,403,703   1,375,204   28,499  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   2,489,518   2,454,799   34,719  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,714,135   1,665,822   48,313  

  Swedish Krona   Sell   8/17/11   1,627,939   1,621,589   (6,350)  

  Swiss Franc   Sell   8/17/11   1,485,130   1,400,143   (84,987)  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,585,789   2,604,762   18,973  

  Turkish Lira   Sell   8/17/11   99,339   103,125   3,786  

State Street Bank and Trust Co.            

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   735,653   707,366   (28,287)  

  Brazilian Real   Sell   8/17/11   285,320   281,954   (3,366)  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   508,422   494,568   (13,854)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   331,291   330,239   1,052  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   1,351,226   1,312,983   38,243  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   6,639,503   6,577,341   (62,162)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   496,735   498,579   (1,844)  

  Japanese Yen   Sell   8/17/11   4,386,524   4,179,768   (206,756)  

  Malaysian Ringgit   Buy   8/17/11   1,342,667   1,322,373   20,294  

  Mexican Peso   Sell   8/17/11   296,495   298,289   1,794  

  Norwegian Krone   Sell   8/17/11   1,890,874   1,860,859   (30,015)  

  Philippines Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,185,394   1,153,818   31,576  



FORWARD CURRENCY CONTRACTS at 7/31/11 (aggregate face value $455,435,728) cont.

    Contract   Delivery     Aggregate   appreciation/  
Counterparty   Currency   type   date   Value   face value   (depreciation)  

State Street Bank and Trust Co. cont.            

  Polish Zloty   Sell   8/17/11   $321,551   $324,752   $3,201  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,257   1,341,475   14,782  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   959,982   940,675   19,307  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   1,383,360   1,373,042   10,318  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   1,305,816   1,309,634   (3,818)  

  Swedish Krona   Buy   8/17/11   2,589,846   2,525,389   64,457  

  Swiss Franc   Buy   8/17/11   4,465,150   4,209,633   255,517  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,298,626   2,315,088   16,462  

  Thai Baht   Buy   8/17/11   1,158,567   1,125,040   33,527  

  Turkish Lira   Sell   8/17/11   12,100   12,181   81  

UBS AG              

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   1,778,670   1,707,018   (71,652)  

  Brazilian Real   Sell   8/17/11   5,328   5,254   (74)  

  British Pound   Sell   8/17/11   1,314   1,303   (11)  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   3,708,765   3,745,493   (36,728)  

  Czech Koruna   Buy   8/17/11   1,715,453   1,714,492   961  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   14,127,720   14,040,494   (87,226)  

  Hungarian Forint   Buy   8/17/11   480,671   490,753   (10,082)  

  Indian Rupee   Sell   8/17/11   3,382,076   3,307,433   (74,643)  

  Japanese Yen   Sell   8/17/11   3,646,229   3,467,077   (179,152)  

  Mexican Peso   Buy   8/17/11   1,441,762   1,432,462   9,300  

  New Zealand Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   175,823   165,459   (10,364)  

  Norwegian Krone   Sell   8/17/11   806,035   776,781   (29,254)  

  Polish Zloty   Sell   8/17/11   530,976   535,155   4,179  

  Russian Ruble   Buy   8/17/11   1,356,250   1,339,338   16,912  

  Singapore Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   998,538   978,026   20,512  

  South African Rand   Buy   8/17/11   1,521,089   1,509,761   11,328  

  South Korean Won   Buy   8/17/11   2,211,990   2,178,810   33,180  

  Swedish Krona   Sell   8/17/11   608,241   582,121   (26,120)  

  Swiss Franc   Sell   8/17/11   3,890,495   3,668,081   (222,414)  

  Taiwan Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,113,514   2,124,568   11,054  

  Thai Baht   Buy   8/17/11   1,152,707   1,118,441   34,266  

  Turkish Lira   Buy   8/17/11   30,929   32,104   (1,175)  

Westpac Banking Corp.            

  Australian Dollar   Sell   8/17/11   2,646,004   2,539,533   (106,471)  

  British Pound   Buy   8/17/11   197,291   190,740   6,551  

  Canadian Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   28,358   27,438   920  

  Euro   Sell   8/17/11   17,732,904   17,575,090   (157,814)  

  Japanese Yen   Buy   8/17/11   6,554,052   6,346,182   207,870  

  New Zealand Dollar   Buy   8/17/11   10,786   10,150   636  

  Norwegian Krone   Sell   8/17/11   3,341,036   3,290,164   (50,872)  

  Swedish Krona   Sell   8/17/11   1,895,047   1,847,761   (47,286)  

  Swiss Franc   Sell   8/17/11   4,441,706   4,260,724   (180,982)  

Total             $206,102  




  Number of     Expiration   appreciation/  
  contracts   Value   date   (depreciation)  

Australian Government Treasury          
Bond 10 yr (Long)   253   $26,485,543   Sep-11   $289,131  

Canadian Government Bond          
10 yr (Long)   96   12,814,068   Sep-11   115,997  

Euro-Bobl 5 yr (Short)   8   1,373,457   Sep-11   (35,426)  

Euro-Bund 10 yr (Long)   210   39,326,430   Sep-11   385,359  

Euro-Dollar 90 day (Short)   1,078   267,963,850   Jun-12   (956,995)  

Euro-Schatz 2 yr (Short)   130   20,250,405   Sep-11   (188,158)  

Euro-Swiss Franc 3 Month (Short)   87   27,515,176   Dec-11   (131,085)  

Euro-Swiss Franc 3 Month (Short)   87   27,490,368   Jun-12   (227,657)  

Euro-Swiss Franc 3 Month (Short)   87   27,440,752   Dec-12   (274,993)  

Euro-Swiss Franc 3 Month (Short)   87   27,506,907   Mar-12   (179,149)  

Euro-Swiss Franc 3 Month (Short)   87   27,517,933   Sep-11   (76,019)  

Japanese Government Bond          
10 yr (Long)   46   84,652,653   Sep-11   366,203  

Japanese Government Bond          
10 yr Mini (Long)   25   4,599,715   Sep-11   27,780  

U.K. Gilt 10 yr (Long)   63   12,947,935   Sep-11   231,032  

U.S. Treasury Bond 20 yr (Short)   458   58,681,250   Sep-11   (1,932,026)  

U.S. Treasury Bond 30 yr (Long)   91   12,006,313   Sep-11   257,171  

U.S. Treasury Note 2 yr (Short)   337   74,113,672   Sep-11   (137,547)  

U.S. Treasury Note 10 yr (Long)   886   111,359,125   Sep-11   1,161,566  

Total         $(1,304,816)  


WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780)

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the obligation to pay a fixed rate        
of 0.578% versus the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing December 24, 2013.   CHF 36,660,000   Dec-11/0.578   $137,013  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the obligation to pay a fixed rate        
of 0.602% versus the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing December 22, 2013.   CHF CHF36,660,000   Dec-11/0.602   155,691  

Option on an interest rate swap with Credit Suisse        
International for the obligation to pay a fixed rate        
of 0.70175% versus the six month CHF-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing January 23, 2014.   CHF 36,660,000   Jan-12/0.70175   219,528  

Option on an interest rate swap with UBS AG for the        
obligation to pay a fixed rate of 0.722% versus the six        
month CHF-LIBOR-BBA maturing January 23, 2014.   CHF 36,660,000   Jan-12/0.722   234,628  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.8675% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing April 12, 2022.   CHF $14,182,400   Apr-12/4.8675   34,180  



WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780) cont.

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of        
4.8675% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing April 12, 2022.   $14,182,400   Apr-12/4.8675   $2,063,114  

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.475%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 19, 2021.   16,701,000   Aug-11/4.475    

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.475%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 19, 2021.   16,701,000   Aug-11/4.475   2,283,528  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A.        
for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.49%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 17, 2021.   24,738,000   Aug-11/4.49   3,421,760  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A. for        
the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.49% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing August 17, 2021.   24,738,000   Aug-11/4.49    

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.55%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 17, 2021.   12,369,000   Aug-11/4.55    

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.55%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 17, 2021.   12,369,000   Aug-11/4.55   1,777,302  

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.70%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 8, 2021.   27,401,000   Aug-11/4.7    

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.70%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 8, 2021.   27,401,000   Aug-11/4.7   4,335,934  

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.765%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 16, 2021.   24,616,000   Aug-11/4.765    

Option on an interest rate swap with Bank of America,        
N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.765%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 16, 2021.   24,616,000   Aug-11/4.765   4,013,393  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.375% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 10, 2045.   7,284,400   Aug-15/4.375   951,780  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of        
4.375% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 10, 2045.   7,284,400   Aug-15/4.375   841,640  



WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780) cont.

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.46%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 7, 2045.   $7,284,400   Aug-15/4.46   $889,935  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.46% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing August 7, 2045.   7,284,400   Aug-15/4.46   902,756  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A.        
for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 2.225%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 9, 2016.   28,001,245   Dec-11/2.225   140,566  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A.        
for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 2.225%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 9, 2016.   28,001,245   Dec-11/2.225   613,787  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 2.24%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 8, 2016.   25,800,117   Dec-11/2.24   123,737  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 2.24%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 8, 2016.   25,800,117   Dec-11/2.24   580,503  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 2.28%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 16, 2016.   42,713,808   Dec-11/2.28   206,393  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 2.28%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
December 16, 2016.   42,713,808   Dec-11/2.28   1,014,453  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 5.27% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing February 12, 2025.   14,006,560   Feb-15/5.27   556,831  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 5.27%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
February 12, 2025.   14,006,560   Feb-15/5.27   1,562,068  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclays Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 5.36%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
February 13, 2025.   4,389,140   Feb-15/5.36   166,256  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclays Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 5.36%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
February 13, 2025.   4,389,140   Feb-15/5.36   511,958  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A. for        
the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.12% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing June 6, 2021.   4,622,106   Jun-16/4.12   162,282  



WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780) cont.

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.39%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
June 6, 2021.   $4,548,270   Jun-16/4.39   $186,343  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.575% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing June 6, 2021.   4,519,392   Jun-16/4.575   173,951  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate        
of 4.575% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing June 6, 2021.   4,519,392   Jun-16/4.575   204,638  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.815% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing June 10, 2026.   13,521,750   Jun-16/4.815   900,413  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate        
of 4.815% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing June 10, 2026.   13,521,750   Jun-16/4.815   1,079,441  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.89%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
June 6, 2021.   4,548,270   Jun-16/4.89   149,765  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A. for        
the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 5.12% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing June 6, 2021.   4,622,106   Jun-16/5.12   137,397  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 5.51%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
May 14, 2022.   19,551,000   May-12/5.51   3,842,749  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 5.51% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing May 14, 2022.   19,551,000   May-12/5.51   23,070  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 2.065%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 8, 2016.   29,996,182   Sep-11/2.065   28,796  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 2.065%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 8, 2016.   29,996,182   Sep-11/2.065   551,630  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.82%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 12, 2018.   38,999,000   Sep-13/4.82   3,426,062  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.82% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing September 12, 2018.   38,999,000   Sep-13/4.82   361,131  



WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780) cont.

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.04%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
September 11, 2025.   $96,509,800   Sep-15/4.04   $5,032,021  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.04% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing September 11, 2025.   96,509,800   Sep-15/4.04   8,449,433  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.34%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 30, 2024.   3,718,396   Jul-14/4.34   211,105  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.34%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 30, 2024.   3,718,396   Jul-14/4.34   255,688  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.36% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing July 24, 2024.   5,225,818   Jul-14/4.36   291,606  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.36%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 24, 2024.   5,225,818   Jul-14/4.36   365,065  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.80%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 28, 2026.   6,017,693   Jul-16/4.80   399,960  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.80%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 28, 2026.   6,017,693   Jul-16/4.80   466,474  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.79% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing July 26, 2026.   8,457,241   Jul-16/4.79   564,563  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.79%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 26, 2026.   8,457,241   Jul-16/4.79   652,848  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.19%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 31, 2024.   9,295,989   Jul-14/4.19   586,577  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.19%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 31, 2024.   9,295,989   Jul-14/4.19   586,577  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.35%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 30, 2024.   9,295,989   Jul-14/4.35   524,628  



WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780) cont.

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.35%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 30, 2024.   $9,295,989   Jul-14/4.35   $643,552  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.3725%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 29, 2024.   9,296,013   Jul-14/4.3725   516,273  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.3725%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 29, 2024.   9,296,013   Jul-14/4.375   654,793  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.29% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing July 23, 2024.   9,356,126   Jul-14/4.29   543,872  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.29%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 23, 2024.   9,356,126   Jul-14/4.29   623,455  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.67%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 2, 2026.   15,044,234   Jul-16/4.67   1,092,211  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.67%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 2, 2026.   15,044,234   Jul-16/4.67   1,092,211  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.80%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 1, 2026.   15,044,234   Jul-16/4.80   1,002,127  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.80%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
August 1, 2026.   15,044,234   Jul-16/4.80   1,165,793  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.815%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 27, 2026.   15,044,234   Jul-16/4.815   992,528  

Option on an interest rate swap with Barclay’s Bank        
PLC for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.815%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 27, 2026.   15,044,234   Jul-16/4.815   1,175,842  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.74% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing July 22, 2026.   15,141,557   Jul-16/4.74   1,033,850  

Option on an interest rate swap with JPMorgan Chase        
Bank, N.A. for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.74%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
July 22, 2026.   15,141,557   Jul-16/4.74   1,137,025  



WRITTEN OPTIONS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (premiums received $73,780,780) cont.

  Contract   Expiration date/    
  amount   strike price   Value  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.60%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
June 1, 2021.   $24,005,421   May-16/4.60   $911,006  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank AG        
for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.60% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing June 1, 2021.   24,005,421   May-16/4.60   1,102,569  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the obligation to receive a fixed rate        
of 4.86% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing June 1, 2021.   24,125,492   May-16/4.86   799,519  

Option on an interest rate swap with Goldman Sachs        
International for the obligation to pay a fixed rate        
of 4.36% versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA        
maturing June 1, 2021.   24,125,492   May-16/4.36   972,981  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A. for        
the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 5.11% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing June 1, 2021.   24,502,934   May-16/5.11   730,579  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A. for        
the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.11% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing June 1, 2021.   24,502,934   May-16/4.11   856,133  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.765%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
May 23, 2021.   44,321,532   May-16/4.765   1,500,638  

Option on an interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank        
AG for the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.765%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
May 23, 2021.   44,321,532   May-16/4.765   2,207,877  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A.        
for the obligation to receive a fixed rate of 4.705%        
versus the three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing        
May 17, 2021.   71,799,174   May-16/4.705   2,544,994  

Option on an interest rate swap with Citibank, N.A. for        
the obligation to pay a fixed rate of 4.705% versus the        
three month USD-LIBOR-BBA maturing May 17, 2021.   71,799,174   May-16/4.705   3,497,335  

Total       $84,150,110  


TBA SALE COMMITMENTS OUTSTANDING at 7/31/11 (proceeds receivable $13,419,492)

  Principal   Settlement    
Agency   amount   date   Value  

FNMA, 4 1/2s, August 1, 2041   $11,000,000   8/11/11   $11,482,968  

FNMA, 4s, August 1, 2041   2,000,000   8/11/11   2,031,875  

Total       $13,514,843  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.            
  $253,134,200   $29,095   7/8/13   0.68%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   $(522,892)  

  9,415,800   (29,823)   7/8/26   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.76%   349,995  

  12,332,000     8/2/21   2.97236%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (51,757)  

AUD   5,940,000     4/18/21   6.1%   6 month AUD-    
          BBR-BBSW   (314,570)  

AUD   12,800,000     7/19/16   6 month AUD-      
        BBR-BBSW   5.085%   (26,523)  

CAD   9,430,000     6/28/21   3.25%   3 month CAD-    
          BA-CDOR   (174,461)  

CAD   13,121,000     7/14/21   3.26%   3 month CAD-    
          BA-CDOR   (237,011)  

CAD   11,781,000     7/14/21   3.2575%   3 month CAD-    
          BA-CDOR   (210,078)  

CAD   4,452,000     7/21/21   3.31%   3 month CAD-    
          BA-CDOR   (98,147)  

CAD   16,553,000     7/29/21   3 month CAD-      
        BA-CDOR   3.093%   27,164  

EUR   36,200,000     6/14/13   1 year EUR-      
        COMPOUND   1.711561%   290,999  

GBP   23,662,000     6/29/20   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.355%   1,263,833  

GBP   7,230,000     6/30/21   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.4725%   383,210  

GBP   35,690,000     2/3/13   1.875%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (798,688)  

GBP   15,960,000     2/3/16   3.0625%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,494,483)  

GBP   23,200,000 E     2/3/31   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   4.87%   383,844  

Barclays Bank PLC            
  $248,793,800   (95,687)   2/17/14   1.62%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (7,444,323)  

  145,366,700   27,412   6/17/13   0.64%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (225,086)  

  7,666,300   (28,590)   6/17/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   4.04%   339,634  

  1,700,000     6/20/41   3.91625%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (42,113)  

  20,588,600     3/10/18   3.06%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,369,215)  

  61,690,000     6/27/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.88882%   1,171,069  

  25,538,000     6/28/41   3.885%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (464,247)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Barclays Bank PLC cont.          
  $7,440,000   $—   6/28/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.88%   $128,370  

  23,640,000     6/29/14   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.85488%   303,332  

  13,800,000     6/30/14   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.92%   342,062  

  16,951,100     7/5/41   4.08%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (906,924)  

  14,374,000     7/13/41   3.948%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (406,413)  

  121,957,000     7/13/13   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   0.645%   167,891  

  12,787,000     7/14/41   3.88%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (199,448)  

  54,869,000     7/20/13   0.66%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (84,823)  

  146,000     7/20/21   3.014%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,404)  

  1,357,000     7/20/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.888%   22,356  

  35,348,000     7/22/21   3.049%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (442,980)  

  36,821,600   (48,626)   3/30/31   4.17%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (3,392,821)  

  89,709,500   211,873   7/22/20   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   2.86%   1,120,156  

  6,380,000     7/25/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.111%   113,113  

  5,144,000     7/25/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.126%   98,105  

  8,459,000     7/25/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.97%   263,180  

  55,803,000     7/28/13   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   0.635%   51,051  

  6,879,000     7/28/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.9675%   208,726  

  10,160,000     8/1/21   3.06%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (124,358)  

  40,332,000     8/2/13   0.6425%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (41,665)  

  7,615,000     8/2/41   3.8925%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (117,960)  

  9,397,000     8/2/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.0215%   80,797  

  183,370,900   (8,240)   5/4/13   0.78%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (967,469)  

AUD   12,800,000     6/29/21   5.735%   6 month AUD-    
          BBR-BBSW   (251,626)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Barclays Bank PLC cont.          
AUD   25,600,000   $—   6/30/16   5.42%   6 month AUD-    
          BBR-BBSW   $(343,479)  

AUD   16,884,000     7/15/21   5.6075%   6 month AUD-    
          BBR-BBSW   (151,458)  

AUD   41,210,000     3/21/16   5.57%   6 month AUD-    
          BBR-BBSW   (952,495)  

AUD   31,330,000     3/21/21   6 month AUD-      
        BBR-BBSW   5.88%   1,102,832  

AUD   9,160,000     4/21/21   6.0675%   6 month AUD-    
          BBR-BBSW   (460,178)  

EUR   63,910,000     6/15/13   1 year EUR-      
        COMPOUND   1.67%   448,099  

EUR   79,887,500     6/15/13   1.95%   3 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (541,946)  

EUR   13,291,000     7/29/21   3.159%   6 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (47,792)  

EUR   39,514,000     2/9/21   3.53%   6 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (2,657,464)  

GBP   16,070,000     6/13/21   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.406%   736,107  

GBP   16,070,000     6/13/21   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.406%   736,107  

GBP   3,047,000     7/22/21   3.326%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (86,970)  

GBP   43,680,000     4/6/16   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.05%   3,761,626  

GBP   14,840,000     4/6/31   4.2375%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,987,041)  

GBP   22,720,000     1/18/21   3.7875%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (2,316,527)  

GBP   21,410,000 E     2/3/31   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   4.86%   333,474  

GBP   49,960,000     2/3/13   1.895%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,150,607)  

GBP   32,290,000     5/17/13   1.555%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (320,787)  

GBP   32,290,000     5/18/13   1.555%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (320,142)  

Citibank, N.A.            
  $1,332,317     7/27/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.06%   17,287  

  532,927     7/28/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.04375%   6,078  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Citibank, N.A. cont.            
  $21,475,000   $1,350,778   7/26/21   4.5475%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   $(1,793,795)  

  42,950,000   2,702,629   7/26/21   4.52%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (3,480,265)  

GBP   10,920,000     4/5/16   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.075%   851,506  

GBP   3,710,000     4/5/31   4.21075%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (413,276)  

GBP   21,290,000     8/3/15   2.9225%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,488,726)  

GBP   6,310,000     8/3/20   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.885%   749,143  

GBP   26,610,000     8/3/12   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   1.61%   196,741  

SEK   31,980,000     6/10/21   3.62%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (210,342)  

SEK   64,670,000     7/8/16   3.275%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (180,557)  

SEK   65,979,000     7/11/16   3.2825%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (187,242)  

SEK   49,830,000     3/24/21   3 month SEK-      
        STIBOR-SIDE   3.8025%   505,870  

SEK   48,484,000     7/25/21   3 month SEK-      
        STIBOR-SIDE   3.495%   211,296  

SEK   33,150,000     4/15/21   3.93%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (388,191)  

SEK   38,470,000     5/23/21   3.6575%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (263,281)  

SEK   31,980,000     6/9/21   3.6225%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (211,479)  

SEK   35,730,000     2/4/21   3.79%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (361,477)  

Credit Suisse International          
  $88,920,600   22,877   5/27/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.21%   2,985,718  

  42,870,000     6/30/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.159%   1,073,542  

  46,552,700   106,717   3/14/41   4.36%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (5,409,820)  

  58,600,000 E     3/21/13   1.15625%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (311,752)  

  86,500   15   2/24/15   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   2.04%   3,707  

  153,589,900   11,841   4/19/13   0.89%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,270,862)  

  158,510,700   11,303   5/27/13   0.72%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (570,815)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Credit Suisse International cont.          
CHF   6,437,000   $—   7/14/21   6 month CHF-      
        LIBOR-BBA   1.93%   $31,479  

CHF   3,206,000     7/19/21   6 month CHF-      
        LIBOR-BBA   1.91%   6,806  

CHF   5,183,000     7/25/21   6 month CHF-      
        LIBOR-BBA   2.025%   78,071  

CHF   113,000,000     5/19/13   0.7125%   6 month CHF-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,005,353)  

EUR   13,291,000     7/26/21   6 month EUR-      
        REUTERS   3.277%   244,995  

EUR   5,610,000     4/19/21   3.691%   6 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (446,850)  

GBP   25,610,000     2/3/16   3.065%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (2,403,241)  

GBP   14,160,000     2/3/21   6 month GBP-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.93%   2,011,834  

MXN   78,540,000     7/21/20   1 month MXN-      
        TIIE-BANXICO   6.895%   71,960  

SEK   35,730,000     2/7/21   3.82%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (376,487)  

SEK   32,960,000     3/29/21   3 month SEK-      
        STIBOR-SIDE   3.81125%   337,052  

SEK   25,610,000     4/4/21   3.815%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (261,778)  

SEK   35,174,000     7/28/21   3.35%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (84,066)  

SEK   61,400,000     3/4/21   3 month SEK-      
        STIBOR-SIDE   3.78%   609,830  

Deutsche Bank AG            
  $31,899,900   (17,402)   7/18/14   0.96%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (132,993)  

  94,830,000   144,310   7/18/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.04%   1,295,608  

  7,502,000     7/21/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.057%   100,243  

  140,362,000     7/27/13   0.6325%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (122,854)  

  6,665,000     7/27/41   3.95%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (181,380)  

  189,905,400   394,650   8/1/18   2.45%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,515,798)  

  1,332,317     8/1/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.06375%   16,761  

  230,834,500   (40,784)   5/13/13   0.75%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,079,129)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Deutsche Bank AG cont.          
  $70,873,400   $105,719   5/13/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.28%   $3,027,396  

  19,591,784   334,040   7/21/21   3.55%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (794,038)  

EUR   54,940,000     12/23/20   3.325%   6 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (3,012,661)  

KRW   8,022,000,000    5/9/16   4.115%   3 month KRW-    
          BLOOMBERG   (88,084)  

KRW   8,022,000,000     4/22/16   4.135%   3 month KRW-    
          BLOOMBERG   (83,618)  

KRW   7,955,000,000     4/29/16   4.14%   3 month KRW-    
          BLOOMBERG   (83,987)  

MXN   78,540,000     7/17/20   1 month MXN-      
        TIIE-BANXICO   6.95%   94,646  

ZAR   226,930,000     7/22/12   5.8%   3 month ZAR-    
          JIBAR-SAFEX   (5,740)  

ZAR   52,518,000     7/22/16   3 month ZAR-      
        JIBAR-SAFEX   7.38%   21,506  

Goldman Sachs International          
  $1,651,000     7/1/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   4.02625%   72,600  

  8,497,300     7/5/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   4.055%   415,385  

  32,843,400     7/19/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.075%   499,378  

  126,976,600   (53,977)   7/20/16   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   1.79%   1,057,474  

  1,741,000     7/21/13   0.665%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (2,851)  

  3,900,000     7/21/21   3.06125%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (53,560)  

  5,066,000     7/21/41   3.935%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (126,883)  

  39,513,000     7/25/13   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   0.65625%   55,325  

  5,769,000     7/25/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.0675%   79,739  

  188,000     7/25/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.9325%   4,547  

  76,167,000     7/25/13   0.65625%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (106,648)  

  40,789,500 E     3/19/13   1.09375%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (192,119)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Goldman Sachs International cont.          
  $37,533,000   $—   7/25/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.127%   $719,206  

  63,818,000     7/26/21   3.09125%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,013,249)  

  102,529,000     7/26/13   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   0.63%   87,696  

  22,907,000     7/26/41   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.93625%   567,510  

  1,737,000     7/27/21   3.062%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (22,851)  

  49,071,000     7/28/13   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   0.61875%   29,123  

  8,112,000     7/28/41   3.935%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (197,526)  

  15,785,000     8/1/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.0625%   196,681  

  6,102,000     8/2/41   3.8725%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (72,018)  

  10,277,000     8/2/21   3.00125%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (69,724)  

  7,323,000     8/2/41   3.81625%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (10,466)  

  1,332,317     8/2/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   2.918%   (895)  

CHF   55,520,000     12/15/12   0.538%   6 month CHF-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (445,670)  

EUR   29,610,000     6/9/21   6 month EUR-      
        REUTERS   3.409%   1,165,355  

EUR   27,640,000     6/21/13   1 year EUR-      
        COMPOUND   1.632%   218,003  

EUR   47,900,000     5/26/13   2.224%   6 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (484,441)  

GBP   6,308,000     7/21/21   3.3375%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (191,486)  

GBP   10,990,000     1/21/21   3.81%   6 month GBP-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (1,150,520)  

KRW   12,777,000,000     7/11/16   4.035%   3 month KRW-    
          BLOOMBERG   (85,131)  

KRW   7,688,000,000     4/21/16   4.12%   3 month KRW-    
          BLOOMBERG   (75,451)  

SEK   36,900,000     12/10/20   3.5775%   3 month SEK-    
          STIBOR-SIDE   (311,064)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

Goldman Sachs International cont.          
SEK   61,400,000   $—   3/2/21   3 month SEK-      
        STIBOR-SIDE   3.7575%   $590,090  

SEK   48,095,000     7/14/21   3 month SEK-      
        STIBOR-SIDE   3.275%   68,581  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.          
  $117,300,000 E     3/21/13   1.1685%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (638,112)  

  57,200,000 E     3/22/13   1.185%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (319,748)  

  21,234,000     7/19/21   3.074%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (320,941)  

  1,340,936     7/22/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.046%   16,455  

  748,973     7/26/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.08%   11,141  

  93,652,325   (1,804,961)   4/28/21   3 month USD-      
        LIBOR-BBA   3.59%   4,902,053  

  45,798,000   2,870,390   7/26/21   4.46%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (3,476,173)  

  45,798,000   2,876,114   7/26/21   4.525%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (3,737,406)  

  68,697,000   4,347,318   7/27/21   4.745%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (6,919,829)  

  202,900,000     5/9/13   0.7475%   3 month USD-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (918,472)  

CAD   7,738,000     7/11/21   3.23875%   3 month CAD-    
          BA-CDOR   (126,397)  

CAD   20,405,000     7/15/21   3 month CAD-      
        BA-CDOR   3.213%   278,547  

CAD   8,100,000     9/21/20   3.105%   3 month CAD-    
          BA-CDOR   (183,199)  

EUR   63,910,000     6/13/13   1 year EUR-      
        COMPOUND   1.74%   714,487  

EUR   63,910,000     6/13/13   1.9865%   3 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (502,742)  

EUR   30,150,000     6/15/21   6 month EUR-      
        REUTERS   3.2715%   650,997  

EUR   25,170,000     6/15/13   2.085%   6 month EUR-    
          REUTERS   (148,313)  

EUR   6,300,000     5/31/15   6 month EUR-      
        REUTERS   2.0975%   (36,440)  

EUR   31,420,000     5/31/20   6 month EUR-      
        REUTERS   2.949%   (141,256)  




    Upfront     Payments   Payments   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   made by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   fund per annum   (depreciation)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. cont.          
JPY   1,383,000,000   $—   2/22/21   1.36375%   6 month JPY-    
          LIBOR-BBA   $(664,940)  

JPY   3,056,730,000     5/25/15   0.674375%   6 month JPY-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (419,139)  

JPY   3,048,260,000     9/16/15   6 month JPY-      
        LIBOR-BBA   0.59125%   296,399  

JPY   799,200,000 E     7/28/29   6 month JPY-      
        LIBOR-BBA   2.67%   157,206  

JPY   1,074,500,000 E     7/28/39   2.40%   6 month JPY-    
          LIBOR-BBA   7,389  

MXN   11,220,000     7/16/20   1 month MXN-      
        TIIE-BANXICO   6.99%   15,406  

MXN   57,160,000     8/19/20   1 month MXN-      
        TIIE-BANXICO   6.615%   (46,802)  

MXN   88,180,000     11/4/20   1 month MXN-      
        TIIE-BANXICO   6.75%   (21,071)  

UBS, AG            
AUD   7,080,000 E     4/11/21   6 month AUD-      
        BBR-BBSW   6.65%   176,272  

AUD   7,080,000     4/12/21   6 month AUD-      
        BBR-BBSW   6.61%   165,761  

CHF   65,659,000     5/23/13   0.7625%   6 month CHF-    
          LIBOR-BBA   (643,878)  

Total             $(41,850,706)  

See Note 1 to the financial statements regarding extended effective dates.



  Upfront     Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.            
$1,178,296   $—   1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   $10,228  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,232,040     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (12,950)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,177,880     1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   10,225  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,232,040     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (12,950)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    




  Upfront     Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Barclays Bank PLC            
$1,759,952   $—   1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   $16,824  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

8,187,793     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (86,060)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

10,501,462     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (110,379)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

6,288,490     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (66,097)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

2,183,501     1/12/40   4.50% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   25,421  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

11,141,047     1/12/38   (6.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   63,003  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 6.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

3,182,954     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   30,427  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

2,360,922     1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   23,306  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

13,478,226     1/12/38   (6.50%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (179,454)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 6.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

13,674,778     1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   134,989  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

11,488,716     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (120,755)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

2,570,487     1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (22,606)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    




  Upfront     Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Barclays Bank PLC cont.          
$12,280,000   $—   4/7/16   (2.63%)   USA Non Revised   $(17,720)  
        Consumer Price    
        Index — Urban    

3,354,985     1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   29,123  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

2,599,646     1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   22,566  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,252,501     1/12/40   (4.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   11,146  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

8,011,583     1/12/38   (6.50%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (106,669)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 6.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

7,875,120     1/12/40   4.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   110,543  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 4.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

32,953,194     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (346,364)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

6,727,925     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (70,716)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

13,514,098     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (142,044)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

14,009     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (147)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

16,698,953     1/12/40   4.50% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   194,411  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

8,323,457     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (87,486)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    




  Upfront     Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Barclays Bank PLC cont.          
$50,159,423   $—   1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   $495,142  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

20,076,129     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (211,016)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

25,304,372     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (265,969)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

7,334,774     1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   72,404  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,542,446     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   14,745  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

5,001,890     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   47,816  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

3,626,075     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   34,663  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

4,710,398     1/12/38   (6.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   26,638  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 6.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

Citibank, N.A.            
1,146,719     1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   9,954  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,252,501     1/12/40   4.50% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (11,146)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

6,945,223     1/12/41   (4.50%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (70,003)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    




  Upfront     Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Citibank, N.A. cont.            
$9,824,796   $—   1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   $96,984  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

GBP     16,980,000   5/18/13   (3.38%)   GBP Non-revised   715,727  
        UK Retail Price    

Credit Suisse International          
$12,923,424     1/12/41   4.50% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   130,260  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

3,536,962     1/12/41   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic MBX   34,915  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

3,611,660     1/12/41   (4.50%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (36,403)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 4.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

6,057,221     1/12/38   (6.50%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (80,648)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 6.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,232,040     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (12,950)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

1,178,296     1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   10,228  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

Deutsche Bank AG            
4,785,122     1/12/40   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   50,298  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

6,057,221     1/12/38   (6.50%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (80,648)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 6.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

Goldman Sachs International          
6,635,762     1/12/40   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   69,747  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

2,427,214     1/12/40   5.00% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (25,512)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    




  Upfront     Fixed payments   Total return   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /   premium   Termination   received (paid) by   received by   appreciation/  
Notional amount   received (paid)   date   fund per annum   or paid by fund   (depreciation)  

Goldman Sachs International cont.          
7,020,000   $—   3/1/16   2.47%   USA Non Revised   $(61,179)  
        Consumer Price    
        Index — Urban    

5,265,000     3/3/16   2.45%   USA Non Revised   (50,718)  
        Consumer Price    
        Index — Urban    

128,291     1/12/40   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   1,348  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

4,321,802     1/12/39   5.50% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (37,516)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

3,766,901     1/12/40   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   39,593  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

2,570,487     1/12/41   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   22,606  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

855,054     1/12/39   (5.50%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   7,422  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

8,576,979     1/12/40   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic TRS   90,151  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

30,420,524   99,817   1/12/41   (5.00%) 1 month   Synthetic MBX   (135,582)  
      USD-LIBOR   Index 5.00%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

7,169,073     1/12/39   5.50% (1 month   Synthetic TRS   (62,240)  
      USD-LIBOR)   Index 5.50%    
        30 year Fannie Mae    

Total           $128,926  




    Upfront       Fixed payments    
    premium     Termi-   received   Unrealized  
Swap counterparty /     received   Notional   nation   (paid) by fund   appreciation/  
Referenced debt*   Rating***   (paid)**   amount    date   per annum   (depreciation)  

Bank of America, N.A.              
Ford Motor Credit Co.,              
7%, 10/1/13   Ba2   $—   $2,805,000   3/20/12   285 bp   $46,619  

Credit Suisse International            
Bonos Y Oblig Del Estado,              
5 1/2%, 7/30/17     (41,661)   4,680,000   12/20/19 (100 bp)   705,563  

Ukraine (Government              
of), 7.65%, 6/11/13   B2     2,175,000   10/20/11 194 bp   11,620  

Deutsche Bank AG              
Federal Republic of Brazil              
12 1/4%, 3/6/30   Baa2     1,500,000   10/20/17 105 bp   (14,169)  

Russian Federation,              
7 1/2%, 3/31/30       442,500   4/20/13   (112 bp)   (4,463)  

United Mexican States              
7.5%, 4/8/33   Baa1     2,945,000   3/20/14   56 bp   (9,545)  

Smurfit Kappa Funding              
7 3/4%, 4/1/15   B2     EUR935,000   9/20/13   715 bp   154,329  

Virgin Media Finance PLC,              
8 3/4%, 4/15/14   BB–     EUR880,000   9/20/13   477 bp   83,685  

Virgin Media Finance PLC,              
8 3/4%, 4/15/14   BB–     EUR880,000   9/20/13   535 bp   99,807  

Goldman Sachs International            
International Co.,              
SA, 8%, 4/30/14   Ca     EUR815,000   3/20/13   680 bp   (728,693)  

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.            
DJ CDX NA HY Series              
16 Version 1 Index   B+   (124,616)   $6,042,000   6/20/16   500 bp   (69,795)  

Republic of Argentina,              
8.28%, 12/31/33   B3     1,385,000   6/20/14   235 bp   (100,783)  

Russian Federation,              
7 1/2%, 3/31/30   Baa1     225,000   9/20/13   276 bp   11,724  

Morgan Stanley Capital Services, Inc.          
Dominican Republic,              
8 5/8%, 4/20/27       2,340,000   11/20/11 (170 bp)   1,518  

Republic of Venezuela,              
9 1/4%, 9/15/27   B2     1,570,000   10/20/12 339 bp   (47,994)  

Total             $139,423  

Payments related to the referenced debt are made upon a credit default event.

** Upfront premium is based on the difference between the original spread on issue and the market spread on day of execution.

*** Ratings are presented for credit default contracts in which the fund has sold protection on the underlying referenced debt. Ratings for an underlying index represent the average of the ratings of all the securities included in that index. The Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s or Fitch ratings are believed to be the most recent ratings available at July 31, 2011.


ASC 820 establishes a three-level hierarchy for disclosure of fair value measurements. The valuation hierarchy is based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of the fund’s investments. The three levels are defined as follows:

Level 1 — Valuations based on quoted prices for identical securities in active markets.

Level 2 — Valuations based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or for which all significant inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3 — Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement.

The following is a summary of the inputs used to value the fund’s net assets as of the close of the reporting period:

    Valuation inputs  

Investments in securities:   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  

Common stocks:        

Consumer cyclicals   $—   $—   $952  

Energy       4,141  

Total common stocks       5,093  
Asset-backed securities     107,046,112   2,736,468  

Convertible bonds and notes     1,714,963    

Convertible preferred stocks     815,820    

Corporate bonds and notes     295,290,212   33,190  

Foreign government bonds and notes     82,900,331    

Mortgage-backed securities     207,372,469   199,886  

Preferred stocks     1,134,522    

Purchased options outstanding     27,271,110    

Senior loans     23,320,754    

U.S. Government and Agency Mortgage Obligations     87,520,326    

Warrants     1,697   51,323  

Short-term investments   148,405,763   98,801,825    

Totals by level   $148,405,763   $933,190,141   $3,025,960  
    Valuation inputs  

Other financial instruments:   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  

Forward currency contracts   $—   $206,102   $—  

Futures contracts   (1,304,816)      

Written options     (84,150,110)    

TBA sale commitments     (13,514,843)    

Interest rate swap contracts     (55,269,697)    

Total return swap contracts     29,109    

Credit default contracts     305,700    

Totals by level   $(1,304,816)   $(152,393,739)   $—  

At the start and/or close of the reporting period, Level 3 investments in securities were not considered a significant portion of the fund’s portfolio.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of assets and liabilities 7/31/11


Investment in securities, at value (Note 1):    
Unaffiliated issuers (identified cost $926,315,262)   $936,216,101  
Affiliated issuers (identified cost $148,405,763) (Note 6)   148,405,763  

Cash   2,383,403  

Cash collateral for certain derivative contracts (Note 1)   16,574,000  

Foreign currency (cost $33,821) (Note 1)   32,433  

Dividends, interest and other receivables   8,370,199  

Receivable for investments sold   18,321,931  

Receivable for sales of delayed delivery securities (Notes 1 and 7)   13,561,577  

Unrealized appreciation on swap contracts (Note 1)   45,762,732  

Receivable for variation margin (Note 1)   780,116  

Unrealized appreciation on forward currency contracts (Note 1)   4,915,415  

Premium paid on swap contracts (Note 1)   2,294,367  

Total assets   1,197,618,037  

Distributions payable to shareholders   7,230,559  

Payable for investments purchased   24,936,415  

Payable for purchases of delayed delivery securities (Notes 1 and 7)   83,651,632  

Payable for compensation of Manager (Note 2)   1,570,823  

Payable for investor servicing fees (Note 2)   36,466  

Payable for custodian fees (Note 2)   73,718  

Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)   203,915  

Payable for administrative services (Note 2)   4,517  

Unrealized depreciation on forward currency contracts (Note 1)   4,709,313  

Written options outstanding, at value (premiums received $73,780,780) (Notes 1 and 3)   84,150,110  

Premium received on swap contracts (Note 1)   15,646,898  

Unrealized depreciation on swap contracts (Note 1)   87,345,089  

TBA sale commitments, at value (proceeds receivable $13,419,492) (Note 1)   13,514,843  

Other accrued expenses   140,172  

Total liabilities   323,214,470  
Net assets   $874,403,567  


Paid-in capital (Unlimited shares authorized) (Notes 1 and 4)   $1,071,771,250  

Undistributed net investment income (Note 1)   24,219,272  

Accumulated net realized loss on investments and foreign currency transactions (Note 1)   (178,228,946)  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments and assets and liabilities in foreign currencies   (43,358,009)  

Total — Representing net assets applicable to capital shares outstanding   $874,403,567  

Net asset value per share ($874,403,567 divided by 141,775,790 shares)   $6.17  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of operations Year ended 7/31/11


Interest (net of foreign tax of $157,715) (including interest income of $56,847 from    
investments in affiliated issuers) (Note 6)   $71,834,732  

Dividends   34,311  

Total investment income   71,869,043  

Compensation of Manager (Note 2)   6,333,970  

Investor servicing fees (Note 2)   447,829  

Custodian fees (Note 2)   145,550  

Trustee compensation and expenses (Note 2)   77,630  

Administrative services (Note 2)   27,011  

Other   603,229  

Total expenses   7,635,219  
Expense reduction (Note 2)   (2,765)  

Net expenses   7,632,454  
Net investment income   64,236,589  

Net realized gain on investments (Notes 1 and 3)   91,786,130  

Net realized loss on swap contracts (Note 1)   (43,135,906)  

Net realized loss on futures contracts (Note 1)   (7,198,138)  

Net realized loss on foreign currency transactions (Note 1)   (9,980,952)  

Net realized gain on written options (Notes 1 and 3)   26,486,196  

Net unrealized depreciation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies during the year   (1,679,369)  

Net unrealized depreciation of investments, futures contracts, swap contracts, written options,    
and TBA sale commitments during the year   (44,879,982)  

Net gain on investments   11,397,979  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   $75,634,568  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Statement of changes in net assets

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS   Year ended 7/31/11   Year ended 7/31/10  

Net investment income   $64,236,589   $85,496,992  

Net realized gain on investments      
and foreign currency transactions   57,957,330   86,572,814  

Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments      
and assets and liabilities in foreign currencies   (46,559,351)   26,794,606  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   75,634,568   198,864,412  

Distributions to shareholders (Note 1):      
From ordinary income      
Net investment income   (95,470,350)   (118,145,298)  

Increase from capital share transactions from reinvestment      
of distributions   7,024,055   3,172,110  

Total increase (decrease) in net assets   (12,811,727)   83,891,224  

Beginning of year   887,215,294   803,324,070  

End of year (including undistributed net investment      
income of $24,219,272 and $46,691,475, respectively)   $874,403,567   $887,215,294  

Shares outstanding at beginning of year   140,677,816   140,174,621  

Shares issued in connection with reinvestment      
of distributions   1,097,974   503,195  

Shares outstanding at end of year   141,775,790   140,677,816  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Financial highlights (For a common share outstanding throughout the period)

      Year ended    

  7/31/11   7/31/10   7/31/09   7/31/08   7/31/07  

Net asset value, beginning of period   $6.31   $5.73   $6.55   $7.10   $7.02  
Investment operations:            

Net investment income a   .45   .61   .30   .50   .36  

Net realized and unrealized            
gain (loss) on investments   .09   .81   (.64)   (.69)   .03  

Total from investment operations   .54   1.42   (.34)   (.19)   .39  
Less distributions:            

From net investment income   (.68)   (.84)   (.52)   (.42)   (.36)  

Total distributions   (.68)   (.84)   (.52)   (.42)   (.36)  

Increase from shares repurchased       .04   .06   .05  

Net asset value, end of period   $6.17   $6.31   $5.73   $6.55   $7.10  

Market price, end of period   $6.09   $6.67   $5.37   $5.97   $6.21  

Total return at market price (%) b   1.45   42.21   0.65   2.84   9.06  

Net assets, end of period            
(in thousands)   $874,404   $887,215   $803,324   $979,577   $1,141,997  

Ratio of expenses to average            
net assets (%) c   .85   .87 e   .93 e,f   .83 f   .82 f  

Ratio of expenses to average            
net assets, excluding interest            
expense (%) c   .85   .86   .88 f   .83 f   .82 f  

Ratio of net investment income            
to average net assets (%)   7.16   9.78   5.92 f   7.20 f   5.02 f  

Portfolio turnover (%) d   294   85   230   134   84  

Per share net investment income has been determined on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

b Total return assumes dividend reinvestment.

c Includes amounts paid through expense offset arrangements (Note 2).

d Portfolio turnover excludes dollar roll transactions.

e Includes interest accrued in connection with certain terminated derivatives contracts, which amounted to 0.01% and 0.05% of average net assets for the periods ended July 31, 2010 and July 31, 2009, respectively.

f Reflects waivers of certain fund expenses in connection with Putnam Prime Money Market Fund in effect during the period. As a result of such waivers, the expenses of the fund for the periods ended July 31, 2009, July 31, 2008 and July 31, 2007, reflect a reduction of less than 0.01%, less than 0.01% and 0.01% of average net assets, respectively.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Notes to financial statements 7/31/11

Note 1: Significant accounting policies

Putnam Premier Income Trust (the fund), a non-diversified Massachusetts business trust, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a closed-end management investment company. The fund’s investment objective is to seek high current income consistent with the preservation of capital by allocating its investments among the U.S. government sector, high yield sector and international sector of the fixed-income securities market. The fund invests in higher yielding, lower-rated bonds that have a higher rate of default due to the nature of the investments. The fund may invest a significant portion of their assets in securitized debt instruments, including mortgage-backed and asset-backed investments. The yields and values of these investments are sensitive to changes in interest rates, the rate of principal payments on the underlying assets and the market’s perception of the issuers. The market for these investments may be volatile and limited, which may make them difficult to buy or sell.

In the normal course of business, the fund enters into contracts that may include agreements to indemnify another party under given circumstances. The fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be, but have not yet been, made against the fund. However, the fund’s management team expects the risk of material loss to be remote.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the fund in the preparation of its financial statements. The preparation of financial statements is in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Subsequent events after the Statement of assets and liabilities date through the date that the financial statements were issued have been evaluated in the preparation of the financial statements. Unless otherwise noted, the “reporting period” represents the period from August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2011.

A) Security valuation Investments for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the last reported sales price on their principal exchange, or official closing price for certain markets, and are classified as Level 1 securities. If no sales are reported — as in the case of some securities traded over-the-counter — a security is valued at its last reported bid price and is generally categorized as a Level 2 security.

Market quotations are not considered to be readily available for certain debt obligations and other investments; such investments are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by an independent pricing service approved by the Trustees or dealers selected by Putnam Investment Management, LLC (Putnam Management), the fund’s manager, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Putnam Investments, LLC. Such services or dealers determine valuations for normal institutional-size trading units of such securities using methods based on market transactions for comparable securities and various relationships, generally recognized by institutional traders, between securities (which considers such factors as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings). These securities will generally be categorized as Level 2.

Many securities markets and exchanges outside the U.S. close prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange and therefore the closing prices for securities in such markets or on such exchanges may not fully reflect events that occur after such close but before the close of the New York Stock Exchange. Accordingly, on certain days, the fund will fair value foreign equity securities taking into account multiple factors including movements in the U.S. securities markets, currency valuations and comparisons to the valuation of American Depository Receipts, exchange-traded funds and futures contracts. These securities, which will generally represent a transfer from a Level 1 to a Level 2 security, will be classified as Level 2. The number of days on which fair value prices will be used will depend on market activity and it is possible that fair value prices will be used by the fund to a significant extent. Securities quoted in foreign currencies, if any, are translated into U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate.

To the extent a pricing service or dealer is unable to value a security or provides a valuation that Putnam Management does not believe accurately reflects the security’s fair value, the security will be valued at fair value by Putnam Management. Certain investments, including certain restricted and illiquid securities and derivatives, are also valued at fair value following procedures approved by the Trustees. These valuations consider such factors as significant market or specific security events such as interest rate or credit quality changes, various relationships with other securities, discount rates, U.S. Treasury, U.S. swap and credit yields, index levels, convexity


exposures and recovery rates. These securities are classified as Level 2 or as Level 3 depending on the priority of the significant inputs.

Such valuations and procedures are reviewed periodically by the Trustees. Certain securities may be valued on the basis of a price provided by a single source. The fair value of securities is generally determined as the amount that the fund could reasonably expect to realize from an orderly disposition of such securities over a reasonable period of time. By its nature, a fair value price is a good faith estimate of the value of a security in a current sale and does not reflect an actual market price, which may be different by a material amount.

B) Joint trading account Pursuant to an exemptive order from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC), the fund may transfer uninvested cash balances into a joint trading account along with the cash of other registered investment companies and certain other accounts managed by Putnam Management. These balances may be invested in issues of short-term investments having maturities of up to 90 days.

C) Repurchase agreements The fund, or any joint trading account, through its custodian, receives delivery of the underlying securities, the market value of which at the time of purchase is required to be in an amount at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest. Collateral for certain tri-party repurchase agreements is held at the counterparty’s custodian in a segregated account for the benefit of the fund and the counterparty. Putnam Management is responsible for determining that the value of these underlying securities is at all times at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings.

D) Security transactions and related investment income Security transactions are recorded on the trade date (the date the order to buy or sell is executed). Gains or losses on securities sold are determined on the identified cost basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income, net of applicable withholding taxes, is recognized on the ex-dividend date except that certain dividends from foreign securities, if any, are recognized as soon as the fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Non-cash dividends, if any, are recorded at the fair market value of the securities received. Dividends representing a return of capital or capital gains, if any, are reflected as a reduction of cost and/or as a realized gain. All premiums/discounts are amortized/accreted on a yield-to-maturity basis.

Securities purchased or sold on a forward commitment or delayed delivery basis may be settled a month or more after the trade date; interest income is accrued based on the terms of the securities. Losses may arise due to changes in the market value of the underlying securities or if the counterparty does not perform under the contract.

The fund earned certain fees in connection with its senior loan purchasing activities. These fees are treated as market discount and are recorded as income in the Statement of operations.

E) Stripped securities The fund may invest in stripped securities which represent a participation in securities that may be structured in classes with rights to receive different portions of the interest and principal. Interest-only securities receive all of the interest and principal-only securities receive all of the principal. If the interest-only securities experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the fund may fail to recoup fully its initial investment in these securities. Conversely, principal-only securities increase in value if prepayments are greater than anticipated and decline if prepayments are slower than anticipated. The market value of these securities is highly sensitive to changes in interest rates.

F) Foreign currency translation The accounting records of the fund are maintained in U.S. dollars. The market value of foreign securities, currency holdings, and other assets and liabilities is recorded in the books and records of the fund after translation to U.S. dollars based on the exchange rates on that day. The cost of each security is determined using historical exchange rates. Income and withholding taxes are translated at prevailing exchange rates when earned or incurred. The fund does not isolate that portion of realized or unrealized gains or losses resulting from changes in the foreign exchange rate on investments from fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of the securities. Such gains and losses are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss on investments. Net realized gains and losses on foreign currency transactions represent net realized exchange gains or losses on closed forward currency contracts, disposition of foreign currencies, currency gains and losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions and the difference between the amount of investment income and foreign withholding taxes recorded on the fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized appreciation and depreciation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies arise from changes in the value of open forward currency contracts and assets and liabilities other than investments at the period end, resulting from changes in the exchange rate. Investments in foreign securities involve certain risks, including those related to economic instability, unfavorable political developments, and currency fluctuations, not


present with domestic investments. The fund may be subject to taxes imposed by governments of countries in which it invests. Such taxes are generally based on either income or gains earned or repatriated. The fund accrues and applies such taxes to net investment income, net realized gains and net unrealized gains as income and/or capital gains are earned. In some cases, the fund may be entitled to reclaim all or a portion of such taxes, and such reclaim amounts, if any, are reflected as an asset on the fund’s books. In many cases, however, the fund may not receive such amounts for an extended period of time, depending on the country of investment.

G) Futures contracts The fund uses futures contracts to hedge interest rate risk. The potential risk to the fund is that the change in value of futures contracts may not correspond to the change in value of the hedged instruments. In addition, losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments if there is an illiquid secondary market for the contracts, if interest or exchange rates move unexpectedly or if the counterparty to the contract is unable to perform. With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the fund since futures are exchange traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange traded futures, guarantees the futures against default. Risks may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. When the contract is closed, the fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed.

Futures contracts are valued at the quoted daily settlement prices established by the exchange on which they trade. The fund and the broker agree to exchange an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in the value of the futures contract. Such receipts or payments are known as “variation margin.” Futures contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio. Outstanding number of contracts on futures contracts at the close of the reporting period are indicative of the volume of activity during the reporting period.

H) Options contracts The fund uses options contracts to hedge duration, convexity and prepayment risk and to gain exposure to interest rates. The potential risk to the fund is that the change in value of options contracts may not correspond to the change in value of the hedged instruments. In addition, losses may arise from changes in the value of the underlying instruments if there is an illiquid secondary market for the contracts, if interest or exchange rates move unexpectedly or if the counterparty to the contract is unable to perform. Realized gains and losses on purchased options are included in realized gains and losses on investment securities. If a written call option is exercised, the premium originally received is recorded as an addition to sales proceeds. If a written put option is exercised, the premium originally received is recorded as a reduction to the cost of investments.

Exchange traded options are valued at the last sale price or, if no sales are reported, the last bid price for purchased options and the last ask price for written options. Options traded over-the-counter are valued using prices supplied by dealers. Written option contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio. See Note 3 for the volume of written options contracts activity for the reporting period. The fund had an average contract amount of approximately $708,000,000 on purchased options contracts for the reporting period.

I) Forward currency contracts The fund buys and sells forward currency contracts, which are agreements between two parties to buy and sell currencies at a set price on a future date. These contracts are used to hedge foreign exchange risk and to gain exposure on currency. The U.S. dollar value of forward currency contracts is determined using current forward currency exchange rates supplied by a quotation service. The market value of the contract will fluctuate with changes in currency exchange rates. The contract is marked to market daily and the change in market value is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. When the contract is closed, the fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. The fund could be exposed to risk if the value of the currency changes unfavorably, if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the terms of their contracts or if the fund is unable to enter into a closing position. Risks may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Forward currency contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio. Outstanding contracts on forward currency contracts at the close of the reporting period are indicative of the volume of activity during the reporting period.

J) Total return swap contracts The fund entered into total return swap contracts, which are arrangements to exchange a market linked return for a periodic payment, both based on a notional principal amount to hedge sector exposure, to manage exposure to specific sectors or industries, to manage exposure to credit risk, to gain exposure to specific markets/countries and to gain exposure to specific sectors/industries. To the extent that the total return of the security, index or other financial measure underlying the transaction exceeds or falls short of the offsetting interest rate obligation, the fund will receive a payment from or make a payment to the counterparty. Total return swap contracts are marked to market daily based upon quotations from an independent pricing service or market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. Payments received or made are recorded


as realized gains or losses. Certain total return swap contracts may include extended effective dates. Payments related to these swap contracts are accrued based on the terms of the contract. The fund could be exposed to credit or market risk due to unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates or in the price of the underlying security or index, the possibility that there is no liquid market for these agreements or that the counterparty may default on its obligation to perform. The fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk is the fair value of the contract. This risk may be mitigated by having a master netting arrangement between the fund and the counterparty. Risk of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Total return swap contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio. The fund had an average notional amount of approximately $277,600,000 on total return swap contracts for the reporting period.

K) Interest rate swap contracts The fund entered into interest rate swap contracts, which are arrangements between two parties to exchange cash flows based on a notional principal amount, to hedge interest rate risk and to gain exposure on interest rates. An interest rate swap can be purchased or sold with an upfront premium. An upfront payment received by the fund is recorded as a liability on the fund’s books. An upfront payment made by the fund is recorded as an asset on the fund’s books. Interest rate swap contracts are marked to market daily based upon quotations from an independent pricing service or market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. Payments received or made are recorded as realized gains or losses. Certain interest rate swap contracts may include extended effective dates. Payments related to these swap contracts are accrued based on the terms of the contract. The fund could be exposed to credit or market risk due to unfavorable changes in the fluctuation of interest rates or if the counterparty defaults on its obligation to perform. The fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk is the fair value of the contract. This risk may be mitigated by having a master netting arrangement between the fund and the counterparty. Risk of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Interest rate swap contracts outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio. The fund had an average notional amount of approximately $7,960,500,000 on interest rate swap contracts for the reporting period.

L) Credit default contracts The fund entered into credit default contracts to hedge credit risk and to gain exposure on individual names and/or baskets of securities. In a credit default contract, the protection buyer typically makes an up front payment and a periodic stream of payments to a counterparty, the protection seller, in exchange for the right to receive a contingent payment upon the occurrence of a credit event on the reference obligation or all other equally ranked obligations of the reference entity. Credit events are contract specific but may include bankruptcy, failure to pay, restructuring and obligation acceleration. An upfront payment received by the fund, as the protection seller, is recorded as a liability on the fund’s books. An upfront payment made by the fund, as the protection buyer, is recorded as an asset on the fund’s books. Periodic payments received or paid by the fund are recorded as realized gains or losses. The credit default contracts are marked to market daily based upon quotations from an independent pricing service or market makers and the change, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. Upon the occurrence of a credit event, the difference between the par value and market value of the reference obligation, net of any proportional amount of the upfront payment, is recorded as a realized gain or loss.

In addition to bearing the risk that the credit event will occur, the fund could be exposed to market risk due to unfavorable changes in interest rates or in the price of the underlying security or index or the possibility that the fund may be unable to close out its position at the same time or at the same price as if it had purchased the underlying reference obligations. In certain circumstances, the fund may enter into offsetting credit default contracts which would mitigate its risk of loss. Risks of loss may exceed amounts recognized on the Statement of assets and liabilities. The fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk, either as the protection seller or as the protection buyer, is the fair value of the contract. This risk may be mitigated by having a master netting arrangement between the fund and the counterparty. Where the fund is a seller of protection, the maximum potential amount of future payments the fund may be required to make is equal to the notional amount of the relevant credit default contract. Credit default contracts outstanding, including their respective notional amounts at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio. Outstanding notional amount on credit default swap contracts at the close of the reporting period are indicative of the volume of activity during the reporting period.

M) Master agreements The fund is a party to ISDA (International Swap and Derivatives Association, Inc.) Master Agreements (Master Agreements) with certain counterparties that govern over-the-counter derivative and foreign exchange contracts entered into from time to time. The Master Agreements may contain provisions regarding, among other things, the parties’ general obligations, representations, agreements, collateral requirements, events of default and early termination. With respect to certain counterparties, in accordance with the terms of the Master Agreements, collateral posted to the fund is held in a segregated account by the fund’s custodian and with respect


to those amounts which can be sold or repledged, are presented in the fund’s portfolio. Collateral posted to the fund which cannot be sold or repledged totaled $212,877 at the close of the reporting period. Collateral pledged by the fund is segregated by the fund’s custodian and identified in the fund’s portfolio. Collateral can be in the form of cash or debt securities issued by the U.S. Government or related agencies or other securities as agreed to by the fund and the applicable counterparty. Collateral requirements are determined based on the fund’s net position with each counterparty. Termination events applicable to the fund may occur upon a decline in the fund’s net assets below a specified threshold over a certain period of time. Termination events applicable to counterparties may occur upon a decline in the counterparty’s long-term and short-term credit ratings below a specified level. In each case, upon occurrence, the other party may elect to terminate early and cause settlement of all derivative and foreign exchange contracts outstanding, including the payment of any losses and costs resulting from such early termination, as reasonably determined by the terminating party. Any decision by one or more of the fund’s counterparties to elect early termination could impact the fund’s future derivative activity.

At the close of the reporting period, the fund had a net liability position of $114,607,523 on derivative contracts subject to the Master Agreements. Collateral posted by the fund totaled $109,768,343, which includes $16,574,000 of segregated cash.

N) TBA purchase commitments The fund may enter into TBA (to be announced) commitments to purchase securities for a fixed unit price at a future date beyond customary settlement time. Although the unit price has been established, the principal value has not been finalized. However, it is anticipated that the amount of the commitments will not significantly differ from the principal amount. The fund holds, and maintains until settlement date, cash or high-grade debt obligations in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price, or the fund may enter into offsetting contracts for the forward sale of other securities it owns. Income on the securities will not be earned until settlement date. TBA purchase commitments may be considered securities themselves, and involve a risk of loss if the value of the security to be purchased declines prior to the settlement date, which risk is in addition to the risk of decline in the value of the fund’s other assets. Unsettled TBA purchase commitments are valued at fair value of the underlying securities, according to the procedures described under “Security valuation” above. The contract is marked to market daily and the change in market value is recorded by the fund as an unrealized gain or loss.

Although the fund will generally enter into TBA purchase commitments with the intention of acquiring securities for its portfolio or for delivery pursuant to options contracts it has entered into, the fund may dispose of a commitment prior to settlement if Putnam Management deems it appropriate to do so.

O) TBA sale commitments The fund may enter into TBA sale commitments to hedge its portfolio positions or to sell mortgage-backed securities it owns under delayed delivery arrangements. Proceeds of TBA sale commitments are not received until the contractual settlement date. During the time a TBA sale commitment is outstanding, equivalent deliverable securities or an offsetting TBA purchase commitment deliverable on or before the sale commitment date, are held as “cover” for the transaction.

Unsettled TBA sale commitments are valued at the fair value of the underlying securities, generally according to the procedures described under “Security valuation” above. The contract is marked to market daily and the change in market value is recorded by the fund as an unrealized gain or loss. If the TBA sale commitment is closed through the acquisition of an offsetting TBA purchase commitment, the fund realizes a gain or loss. If the fund delivers securities under the commitment, the fund realizes a gain or a loss from the sale of the securities based upon the unit price established at the date the commitment was entered into. TBA sale commitments outstanding at period end, if any, are listed after the fund’s portfolio.

P) Dollar rolls To enhance returns, the fund may enter into dollar rolls (principally using TBAs) in which the fund sells securities for delivery in the current month and simultaneously contracts to purchase similar securities on a specified future date. During the period between the sale and subsequent purchase, the fund will not be entitled to receive income and principal payments on the securities sold. The fund will, however, retain the difference between the initial sales price and the forward price for the future purchase. The fund will also be able to earn interest on the cash proceeds that are received from the initial sale on settlement date. The fund may be exposed to market or credit risk if the price of the security changes unfavorably or the counterparty fails to perform under the terms of the agreement.

Q) Interfund lending The fund, along with other Putnam funds, may participate in an interfund lending program pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the SEC. This program allows the fund to lend to other Putnam funds that permit such transactions. Interfund lending transactions are subject to each fund’s investment policies and borrowing and lending limits. Interest earned or paid on the interfund lending transaction will be based on the average of certain current market rates. During the reporting period, the fund did not utilize the program.


R) Federal taxes It is the policy of the fund to distribute all of its taxable income within the prescribed time period and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), applicable to regulated investment companies. It is also the intention of the fund to distribute an amount sufficient to avoid imposition of any excise tax under Section 4982 of the Code. The fund is subject to the provisions of Accounting Standards Codification ASC 740 Income Taxes (ASC 740). ASC 740 sets forth a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefit of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. The fund did not have a liability to record for any unrecognized tax benefits in the accompanying financial statements. No provision has been made for federal taxes on income, capital gains or unrealized appreciation on securities held nor for excise tax on income and capital gains. Each of the fund’s federal tax returns for the prior three fiscal years remains subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service.

At July 31, 2011, the fund had a capital loss carryover of $168,918,502 available to the extent allowed by the Code to offset future net capital gain, if any. The amount of the carryover and the expiration dates are:

Loss carryover   Expiration  

$6,338,093   July 31, 2015  

17,302,669   July 31, 2016  

58,742,308   July 31, 2017  

86,535,432   July 31, 2018  


Under the recently enacted Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, the fund will be permitted to carry forward capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning after December 22, 2010 for an unlimited period. However, any losses incurred during those future years will be required to be utilized prior to the losses incurred in pre-enactment tax years. As a result of this ordering rule, pre-enactment capital loss carryforwards may be more likely to expire unused. Additionally, post-enactment capital losses that are carried forward will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term as under previous law.

S) Distributions to shareholders Distributions to shareholders from net investment income are recorded by the fund on the ex-dividend date. Distributions from capital gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date and paid at least annually. The amount and character of income and gains to be distributed are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. These differences include temporary and/or permanent differences of foreign currency gains and losses, the expiration of a capital loss carryover, dividends payable, unrealized gains and losses on certain futures contracts, realized gains and losses on certain futures contracts, income on swap contracts and interest only securities. Reclassifications are made to the fund’s capital accounts to reflect income and gains available for distribution (or available capital loss carryovers) under income tax regulations. For the reporting period ended, the fund reclassified $8,761,558 to increase undistributed net investment income and $45,647,503 to decrease paid-in-capital, with a decrease to accumulated net realized losses of $36,885,945.

The tax basis components of distributable earnings and the federal tax cost as of the close of the reporting period   were as follows:
Unrealized appreciation   $41,362,204  
Unrealized depreciation   (42,184,843)  

Net unrealized depreciation   (822,639)  
Undistributed ordinary income   26,112,490  
Capital loss carryforward   (168,918,502)  
Cost for federal income tax purposes   $1,085,444,503  


Note 2: Management fee, administrative services and other transactions

The fund pays Putnam Management for management and investment advisory services quarterly based on the average net assets (including assets, but excluding liabilities, attributable to leverage for investment purposes) of the fund. The fee is based on the following annual rates: 0.75% of the first $500 million, 0.65% of the next $500 million, 0.60% of the next $500 million, and 0.55% of the next $5 billion, with additional breakpoints at higher asset levels.


Putnam Investments Limited (PIL), an affiliate of Putnam Management, is authorized by the Trustees to manage a separate portion of the assets of the fund as determined by Putnam Management from time to time. Putnam Management pays a quarterly sub-management fee to PIL for its services at an annual rate of 0.40% of the average net assets (including assets, but excluding liabilities, attributable to leverage for investment purposes) of the portion of the fund managed by PIL.

The fund reimburses Putnam Management an allocated amount for the compensation and related expenses of certain officers of the fund and their staff who provide administrative services to the fund. The aggregate amount of all such reimbursements is determined annually by the Trustees.

Custodial functions for the fund’s assets are provided by State Street Bank and Trust Company (State Street). Custody fees are based on the fund’s asset level, the number of its security holdings and transaction volumes.

Putnam Investor Services, a division of Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company (PFTC), which is an affiliate of Putnam Management, provided investor servicing agent functions to the fund through December 31, 2010. Subsequent to December 31, 2010 these services were provided by Putnam Investor Services, Inc., an affiliate of Putnam Management. Both Putnam Investor Services and Putnam Investor Services, Inc. were paid a monthly fee for investor servicing at an annual rate of 0.05% of the fund’s average net assets. The amounts incurred for investor servicing agent functions during the reporting period are included in Investor servicing fees in the Statement of operations.

The fund has entered into expense offset arrangements with PFTC and State Street whereby PFTC’s and State Street’s fees are reduced by credits allowed on cash balances. For the reporting period, the fund’s expenses were reduced by $2,765 under the expense offset arrangements.

Each independent Trustee of the fund receives an annual Trustee fee, of which $601, as a quarterly retainer, has been allocated to the fund, and an additional fee for each Trustees meeting attended. Trustees also are reimbursed for expenses they incur relating to their services as Trustees.

The fund has adopted a Trustee Fee Deferral Plan (the Deferral Plan) which allows the Trustees to defer the receipt of all or a portion of Trustees fees payable on or after July 1, 1995. The deferred fees remain invested in certain Putnam funds until distribution in accordance with the Deferral Plan.

The fund has adopted an unfunded noncontributory defined benefit pension plan (the Pension Plan) covering all Trustees of the fund who have served as a Trustee for at least five years and were first elected prior to 2004. Benefits under the Pension Plan are equal to 50% of the Trustee’s average annual attendance and retainer fees for the three years ended December 31, 2005. The retirement benefit is payable during a Trustee’s lifetime, beginning the year following retirement, for the number of years of service through December 31, 2006. Pension expense for the fund is included in Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of operations. Accrued pension liability is included in Payable for Trustee compensation and expenses in the Statement of assets and liabilities. The Trustees have terminated the Pension Plan with respect to any Trustee first elected after 2003.

Note 3: Purchases and sales of securities

During the reporting period, cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities other than short-term investments aggregated $2,363,050,330 and $2,505,168,844, respectively. There were no purchases or proceeds from sales of long-term U.S. government securities.

Written option transactions during the reporting period are summarized as follows:

    Written swap option   Written swap option  
    contract amounts   premiums received  

Written options outstanding at the   USD   1,072,209,000   $55,803,959  
beginning of the reporting period   CHF     $—  

Options   USD   1,900,269,517   68,226,971  
opened   CHF   146,640,000   160,099  

Options   USD   (1,401,517,323)   (49,211,770)  
exercised   CHF      

Options   USD   (28,067,900)   (1,198,479)  
expired   CHF      

Written options outstanding at the   USD   1,542,893,294   $73,620,681  
end of the reporting period   CHF   146,640,000   $160,099  



Note 4: Shares repurchased

In September 2010, the Trustees approved the renewal of the repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12-month period ending October 7, 2011 (based on shares outstanding as of October 7, 2010). Prior to this renewal, the Trustees had approved a repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12-month period ending October 7, 2010 (based on shares outstanding as of October 7, 2009). Repurchases are made when the fund’s shares are trading at less than net asset value and in accordance with procedures approved by the fund’s Trustees. For the reporting period, the fund did not repurchase any shares.

In September 2011, the Trustees approved the renewal of the repurchase program to allow the fund to repurchase up to 10% of its outstanding common shares over the 12 month period ending October 7, 2012 (based on shares outstanding as of October 7, 2011).

Note 5: Summary of derivative activity

The following is a summary of the market values of derivative instruments as of the close of the reporting period:

Market values of derivative instruments as of the close of the reporting period

    Asset derivatives    Liability derivatives   

Derivatives not          
accounted for as   Statement of     Statement of    
hedging instruments   assets and     assets and    
under ASC 815   liabilities location   Market value   liabilities location   Market value  

Credit contracts   Receivables   $1,211,347   Payables   $905,647  

Foreign exchange          
contracts   Receivables   4,915,415   Payables   4,709,313  

Equity contracts   Receivables   53,020   Payables    

  Receivables, Net assets —     Payables, Net assets —    
  Unrealized appreciation/     Unrealized appreciation/    
Interest rate contracts   (depreciation)   76,185,773*   (depreciation)   189,610,177*  

Total     $82,365,555     $195,225,137  

* Includes cumulative appreciation/depreciation of futures contracts as reported in The fund’s portfolio. Only current day’s variation margin is reported within the Statement of assets and liabilities.

The following is a summary of realized and change in unrealized gains or losses of derivative instruments on the Statement of operations for the reporting period (see Note 1):

Amount of realized gain or (loss) on derivatives recognized in net gain or (loss) on investments

Derivatives not              
accounted for as         Forward      
hedging instruments         currency      
under ASC 815   Options   Warrants†   Futures   contracts   Swaps   Total  

Credit contracts   $—   $—   $—   $—   $467,176   $467,176  

Foreign exchange              
contracts         (9,573,193)     (9,573,193)  

Equity contracts     (202)         (202)  

Interest rate              
contracts   24,751,231     (7,198,138)     (43,603,082)   (26,049,989)  

Total   $24,751,231   $(202)   $(7,198,138)   $(9,573,193)   $(43,135,906)   $(35,156,208)  



Change in unrealized appreciation or (depreciation) on derivatives recognized in net gain or (loss) on investments

Derivatives not              
accounted for as         Forward      
hedging instruments         currency      
under ASC 815   Options   Warrants†   Futures   contracts   Swaps   Total  

Credit contracts   $—   $—   $—   $—   $478,738   $478,738  

Foreign exchange              
contracts         (1,619,869)     (1,619,869)  

Equity contracts     1,136         1,136  

Interest rate              
contracts   (24,650,355)     (7,769,296)     34,657,534   2,237,883  

Total   $(24,650,355)   $1,136   $(7,769,296)   $(1,619,869)   $35,136,272   $1,097,888  

† For the reporting period, the transaction volume for warrants was minimal.

Note 6: Investment in Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund

The fund invested in Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund, an open-end management investment company managed by Putnam Management. Investments in Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund are valued at its closing net asset value each business day. Income distributions earned by the fund are recorded as interest income in the Statement of operations and totaled $56,847 for the reporting period. During the reporting period, cost of purchases and proceeds of sales of investments in Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund aggregated $687,233,954 and $542,055,843, respectively. Management fees charged to Putnam Money Market Liquidity Fund have been waived by Putnam Management.

Note 7: Senior loan commitments

Senior loans are purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis and may be settled a month or more after the trade date, which from time to time can delay the actual investment of available cash balances; interest income is accrued based on the terms of the securities. Senior loans can be acquired through an agent, by assignment from another holder of the loan, or as a participation interest in another holder’s portion of the loan. When the fund invests in a loan or participation, the fund is subject to the risk that an intermediate participant between the fund and the borrower will fail to meet its obligations to the fund, in addition to the risk that the borrower under the loan may default on its obligations.

Note 8: Market and credit risk

In the normal course of business, the fund trades financial instruments and enters into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk) or failure of the contracting party to the transaction to perform (credit risk). The fund may be exposed to additional credit risk that an institution or other entity with which the fund has unsettled or open transactions will default.


Federal tax information (Unaudited)

The fund designated 0.05% of ordinary income distributions as qualifying for the dividends received deduction for corporations.

For its tax year ended July 31, 2011, the fund hereby designates 0.05%, or the maximum amount allowable, of its taxable ordinary income distributions as qualified dividends taxed at the individual net capital gain rates.

For the tax year ended July 31, 2011, pursuant to §871(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, the fund hereby designates $74,111,382 of distributions paid as qualifying to be taxed as interest-related dividends, and $— to be taxed as short-term capital gain dividends for nonresident alien shareholders.

The Form 1099 that will be mailed to you in January 2012 will show the tax status of all distributions paid to your account in calendar 2011.

Shareholder meeting results (Unaudited)

January 28, 2011 meeting

At the meeting, each of the nominees for Trustees was elected, as follows:

  Votes for   Votes withheld  

Ravi Akhoury   124,995,682   2,833,995  

Barbara M. Baumann   125,219,653   2,610,024  

Jameson A. Baxter   125,028,717   2,800,960  

Charles B. Curtis   124,850,801   2,978,876  

Robert J. Darretta   125,199,983   2,629,695  

Myra R. Drucker*   125,142,656   2,687,021  

John A. Hill   125,102,028   2,727,649  

Paul L. Joskow   125,175,960   2,653,717  

Kenneth R. Leibler   125,178,545   2,651,132  

George Putnam, III   125,181,578   2,648,099  

Robert E. Patterson   125,089,603   2,740,074  

Robert L. Reynolds   125,212,500   2,617,177  

W. Thomas Stephens   125,052,179   2,777,499  

* Myra Drucker retired from the Board of Trustees of the Putnam funds effective January 30, 2011.

All tabulations are rounded to the nearest whole number.


About the Trustees

Independent Trustees    
Year of birth      
Position held   Principal occupations during past five years   Other directorships  

Ravi Akhoury   Advisor to New York Life Insurance Company. Trustee of   Jacob Ballas Capital  
Born 1947   American India Foundation and of the Rubin Museum.   India, a non-banking  
Trustee since 2009   From 1992 to 2007, was Chairman and CEO of MacKay   finance company  
  Shields, a multi-product investment management firm   focused on private  
  with over $40 billion in assets under management.   equity advisory services;  
    RAGE Frameworks,  
    Inc., a private software  

Barbara M. Baumann   President and Owner of Cross Creek Energy Corporation,   SM Energy Company, a  
Born 1955   a strategic consultant to domestic energy firms and direct   domestic exploration  
Trustee since 2010   investor in energy projects. Trustee of Mount Holyoke   and production  
  College and member of the Investment Committee for the   company; UniSource  
  college’s endowment. Former Chair and current board   Energy Corporation,  
  member of Girls Incorporated of Metro Denver. Member of   an Arizona utility; CVR  
  the Finance Committee, The Children’s Hospital of Denver.   Energy, a petroleum  
    refiner and fertilizer  
    manufacturer; Cody  
    Resources Management,  
    LLP, a privately held  
    energy, ranching, and  
    commercial real estate  

Jameson A. Baxter   President of Baxter Associates, Inc., a private investment   None  
Born 1943   firm. Chair of Mutual Fund Directors Forum. Chair Emeritus    
Trustee since 1994,   of the Board of Trustees of Mount Holyoke College.    
Vice Chair from 2005   Director of the Adirondack Land Trust and Trustee of the    
to 2011, and Chair   Nature Conservancy’s Adirondack Chapter.    
since 2011      

Charles B. Curtis   Former President and Chief Operating Officer of the   Edison International;  
Born 1940   Nuclear Threat Initiative, a private foundation dealing   Southern California  
Trustee since 2001   with national security issues. Senior Advisor to the Center   Edison  
for Strategic and International Studies. Member of the    
  Council on Foreign Relations.    

Robert J. Darretta   Health Care Industry Advisor to Permira, a global private   UnitedHealth  
Born 1946   equity firm. Until April 2007, was Vice Chairman of the   Group, a diversified  
Trustee since 2007   Board of Directors of Johnson & Johnson. Served as   health-care company  
Johnson & Johnson’s Chief Financial Officer for a decade.    

John A. Hill   Founder and Vice-Chairman of First Reserve   Devon Energy  
Born 1942   Corporation, the leading private equity buyout firm   Corporation, a leading  
Trustee since 1985 and   focused on the worldwide energy industry. Serves as a   independent natural gas  
Chairman from 2000   Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Sarah   and oil exploration and  
to 2011   Lawrence College. Also a member of the Advisory Board   production company  
  of the Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and    
  Performance at the Yale School of Management.    



Year of birth      
Position held   Principal occupations during past five years   Other directorships  

Paul L. Joskow   Economist and President of the Alfred P. Sloan   TransCanada  
Born 1947   Foundation, a philanthropic institution focused primarily   Corporation, an energy  
Trustee since 1997   on research and education on issues related to science,   company focused on  
  technology, and economic performance. Elizabeth and   natural gas transmission  
  James Killian Professor of Economics, Emeritus at the   and power services;  
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior to   Exelon Corporation, an  
  2007, served as the Director of the Center for Energy and   energy company focused  
  Environmental Policy Research at MIT.   on power services  

Kenneth R. Leibler   Founder and former Chairman of Boston Options   Northeast Utilities,  
Born 1949   Exchange, an electronic marketplace for the trading   which operates New  
Trustee since 2006   of derivative securities. Vice Chairman of the Board of   England’s largest energy  
  Trustees of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston,   delivery system  
Massachusetts. Until November 2010, director of Ruder    
Finn Group, a global communications and advertising firm.    

Robert E. Patterson   Senior Partner of Cabot Properties, LP and Co-Chairman   None  
Born 1945   of Cabot Properties, Inc., a private equity firm investing in    
Trustee since 1984   commercial real estate. Past Chairman and Trustee of the    
  Joslin Diabetes Center.    

George Putnam, III   Chairman of New Generation Research, Inc., a publisher   None  
Born 1951   of financial advisory and other research services, and    
Trustee since 1984   founder and President of New Generation Advisors, LLC,    
  a registered investment advisor to private funds.    
Director of The Boston Family Office, LLC, a registered    
  investment advisor.    

W. Thomas Stephens   Retired as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Boise   TransCanadaPipelines  
Born 1942   Cascade, LLC, a paper, forest products, and timberland   Ltd., an energy  
Trustee from 1997 to 2008   assets company, in December 2008. Prior to 2010,   infrastructure company  
and since 2009   Director of Boise Inc., a manufacturer of paper and    
  packaging products.    

Interested Trustee      

Robert L. Reynolds*   President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam   None  
Born 1952   Investments since 2008. Prior to joining Putnam    
Trustee since 2008 and   Investments, served as Vice Chairman and Chief    
President of the Putnam   Operating Officer of Fidelity Investments from    
Funds since July 2009   2000 to 2007.    

The address of each Trustee is One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109.

As of July 31, 2011, there were 106 Putnam funds. All Trustees serve as Trustees of all Putnam funds.

Each Trustee serves for an indefinite term, until his or her resignation, retirement at age 72, removal, or death.

* Mr. Reynolds is an “interested person” (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) of the fund, Putnam Management, and/or Putnam Retail Management. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of Putnam Investments, as well as the President of your fund and each of the other Putnam funds.



In addition to Robert L. Reynolds, the other officers of the fund are shown below:

Jonathan S. Horwitz (Born 1955)   Robert T. Burns (Born 1961)  
Executive Vice President, Principal Executive   Vice President and Chief Legal Officer  
Officer, Treasurer and Compliance Liaison   Since 2011  
Since 2004   General Counsel, Putnam Investments and  
  Putnam Management
Steven D. Krichmar (Born 1958)    
Vice President and Principal Financial Officer   James P. Pappas (Born 1953)  
Since 2002   Vice President  
Chief of Operations, Putnam Investments and   Since 2004  
Putnam Management   Director of Trustee Relations,  
  Putnam Investments and Putnam Management
Janet C. Smith (Born 1965)    
Vice President, Assistant Treasurer and   Judith Cohen (Born 1945)  
Principal Accounting Officer   Vice President, Clerk and Assistant Treasurer  
Since 2007   Since 1993  
Director of Fund Administration Services,  
Putnam Investments and Putnam Management Michael Higgins (Born 1976)  
  Vice President, Senior Associate Treasurer and  
Beth S. Mazor (Born 1958)   Assistant Clerk  
Vice President   Since 2010  
Since 2002   Manager of Finance, Dunkin’ Brands (2008–  
Manager of Trustee Relations, Putnam   2010); Senior Financial Analyst, Old Mutual Asset  
Investments and Putnam Management   Management (2007–2008); Senior Financial  
  Analyst, Putnam Investments (1999–2007)
Robert R. Leveille (Born 1969)  
Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer   Nancy E. Florek (Born 1957)  
Since 2007   Vice President, Assistant Clerk, Assistant  
Chief Compliance Officer, Putnam Investments,   Treasurer and Proxy Manager  
Putnam Management, and Putnam Retail   Since 2000  
  Susan G. Malloy (Born 1957)  
Mark C. Trenchard (Born 1962)   Vice President and Assistant Treasurer  
Vice President and BSA Compliance Officer   Since 2007  
Since 2002   Director of Accounting & Control Services,  
Director of Operational Compliance,   Putnam Management  
Putnam Investments and Putnam    
Retail Management    

The principal occupations of the officers for the past five years have been with the employers as shown above although in some cases, they have held different positions with such employers. The address of each Officer is One Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109.


Fund information

About Putnam Investments

Founded over 70 years ago, Putnam Investments was built around the concept that a balance between risk and reward is the hallmark of a well-rounded financial program. We manage over 100 funds across income, value, blend, growth, asset allocation, absolute return, and global sector categories.

Investment Manager   John A. Hill   Mark C. Trenchard  
Putnam Investment   Paul L. Joskow   Vice President and  
Management, LLC   Kenneth R. Leibler   BSA Compliance Officer  
One Post Office Square   Robert E. Patterson    
Boston, MA 02109   George Putnam, III   Robert T. Burns  
  Robert L. Reynolds   Vice President and  
Investment Sub-Manager   W. Thomas Stephens   Chief Legal Officer  
Putnam Investments Limited      
57–59 St James’s Street   Officers   James P. Pappas  
London, England SW1A 1LD   Robert L. Reynolds   Vice President  
Marketing Services     Judith Cohen  
Putnam Retail Management   Jonathan S. Horwitz   Vice President, Clerk and  
One Post Office Square   Executive Vice President,   Assistant Treasurer  
Boston, MA 02109   Principal Executive    
  Officer, Treasurer and   Michael Higgins
Custodian   Compliance Liaison Vice President, Senior Associate  
State Street Bank     Treasurer and Assistant Clerk  
and Trust Company   Steven D. Krichmar    
  Vice President and Nancy E. Florek  
Legal Counsel   Principal Financial Officer Vice President, Assistant Clerk,  
Ropes & Gray LLP     Assistant Treasurer and  
  Janet C. Smith Proxy Manager
Independent Registered   Vice President, Assistant  
Public Accounting Firm   Treasurer and Principal Susan G. Malloy  
KPMG LLP   Accounting Officer Vice President and  
  Assistant Treasurer  
Trustees   Beth S. Mazor    
Jameson A. Baxter, Chair   Vice President  
Ravi Akhoury      
Barbara M. Baumann   Robert R. Leveille    
Charles B. Curtis   Vice President and  
Robert J. Darretta   Chief Compliance Officer  

Call 1-800-225-1581 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or visit putnam.com anytime for up-to-date information about the fund’s NAV.

Item 2. Code of Ethics:
(a) The Fund’s principal executive, financial and accounting officers are employees of Putnam Investment Management, LLC, the Fund’s investment manager. As such they are subject to a comprehensive Code of Ethics adopted and administered by Putnam Investments which is designed to protect the interests of the firm and its clients. The Fund has adopted a Code of Ethics which incorporates the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments with respect to all of its officers and Trustees who are employees of Putnam Investment Management, LLC. For this reason, the Fund has not adopted a separate code of ethics governing its principal executive, financial and accounting officers.

(c) In May 2008, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investment Management, LLC was updated in its entirety to include the amendments adopted in August 2007 as well as a several additional technical, administrative and non-substantive changes. In May of 2009, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investment Management, LLC was amended to reflect that all employees will now be subject to a 90-day blackout restriction on holding Putnam open-end funds, except for portfolio managers and their supervisors (and each of their immediate family members), who will be subject to a one-year blackout restriction on the funds that they manage or supervise. In June 2010, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments was updated in its entirety to include the amendments adopted in May of 2009 and to change certain rules and limits contained in the Code of Ethics. In addition, the updated Code of Ethics included numerous technical, administrative and non-substantive changes, which were intended primarily to make the document easier to navigate and understand. In July 2011, the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments was updated to reflect several technical, administrative and non-substantive changes resulting from changes in employee titles.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert:
The Funds’ Audit and Compliance Committee is comprised solely of Trustees who are “independent” (as such term has been defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) in regulations implementing Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (the “Regulations”)). The Trustees believe that each of the members of the Audit and Compliance Committee also possess a combination of knowledge and experience with respect to financial accounting matters, as well as other attributes, that qualify them for service on the Committee. In addition, the Trustees have determined that each of Mr. Leibler, Mr. Hill, Mr. Darretta and Ms. Baumann qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” (as such term has been defined by the Regulations) based on their review of his or her pertinent experience and education. The SEC has stated that the designation or identification of a person as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to this Item 3 of Form N-CSR does not impose on such person any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than the duties, obligations and liability imposed on such person as a member of the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Board of Trustees in the absence of such designation or identification.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services:
The following table presents fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to the fund by the fund’s independent auditor:

Fiscal year ended Audit Fees Audit-Related Fees Tax Fees All Other Fees

July 31, 2011 $96,074 $-- $6,100 $ —
July 31, 2010 $85,941 $-- $5,800 $ —

For the fiscal years ended July 31, 2011 and July 31, 2010, the fund’s independent auditor billed aggregate non-audit fees in the amounts of $6,100 and $5,800 respectively, to the fund, Putnam Management and any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with Putnam Management that provides ongoing services to the fund.

Audit Fees represent fees billed for the fund’s last two fiscal years relating to the audit and review of the financial statements included in annual reports and registration statements, and other services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

Audit-Related Fees represent fees billed in the fund’s last two fiscal years for services traditionally performed by the fund’s auditor, including accounting consultation for proposed transactions or concerning financial accounting and reporting standards and other audit or attest services not required by statute or regulation.

Tax Fees represent fees billed in the fund’s last two fiscal years for tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice services. Tax planning and tax advice services include assistance with tax audits, employee benefit plans and requests for rulings or technical advice from taxing authorities.

Pre-Approval Policies of the Audit and Compliance Committee. The Audit and Compliance Committee of the Putnam funds has determined that, as a matter of policy, all work performed for the funds by the funds’ independent auditors will be pre-approved by the Committee itself and thus will generally not be subject to pre-approval procedures.

The Audit and Compliance Committee also has adopted a policy to pre-approve the engagement by Putnam Management and certain of its affiliates of the funds’ independent auditors, even in circumstances where pre-approval is not required by applicable law. Any such requests by Putnam Management or certain of its affiliates are typically submitted in writing to the Committee and explain, among other things, the nature of the proposed engagement, the estimated fees, and why this work should be performed by that particular audit firm as opposed to another one. In reviewing such requests, the Committee considers, among other things, whether the provision of such services by the audit firm are compatible with the independence of the audit firm.

The following table presents fees billed by the fund’s independent auditor for services required to be approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

Fiscal year ended Audit-Related Fees Tax Fees All Other Fees Total Non-Audit Fees

July 31, 2011 $ — $ — $ — $ —
July 31, 2010 $ — $ — $ — $ —

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants
(a) The fund has a separately-designated Audit and Compliance Committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Audit and Compliance Committee of the fund’s Board of Trustees is composed of the following persons:

Kenneth R. Leibler (Chairperson)
Robert J. Darretta
John A. Hill
Barbara M. Baumann
Charles B. Curtis
(b) Not applicable
Item 6. Schedule of Investments:
The registrant’s schedule of investments in unaffiliated issuers is included in the report to shareholders in Item 1 above.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures For Closed-End Management Investment Companies:

Proxy voting guidelines of the Putnam funds
The proxy voting guidelines below summarize the funds’ positions on various issues of concern to investors, and give a general indication of how fund portfolio securities will be voted on proposals dealing with particular issues. The funds’ proxy voting service is instructed to vote all proxies relating to fund portfolio securities in accordance with these guidelines, except as otherwise instructed by the Proxy Manager, a member of the Office of the Trustees who is appointed to assist in the coordination and voting of the funds’ proxies.

The proxy voting guidelines are just that – guidelines. The guidelines are not exhaustive and do not address all potential voting issues. Because the circumstances of individual companies are so varied, there may be instances when the funds do not vote in strict adherence to these guidelines. For example, the proxy voting service is expected to bring to the Proxy Manager’s attention proxy questions that are company-specific and of a non-routine nature and that, even if covered by the guidelines, may be more appropriately handled on a case-by-case basis.

Similarly, Putnam Management’s investment professionals, as part of their ongoing review and analysis of all fund portfolio holdings, are responsible for monitoring significant corporate developments, including proxy proposals submitted to shareholders, and notifying the Proxy Manager of circumstances where the interests of fund shareholders may warrant a vote contrary to these guidelines. In such instances, the investment professionals submit a written recommendation to the Proxy Manager and the person or persons designated by Putnam Management’s Legal and Compliance Department to assist in processing referral items under the funds’ “Proxy Voting Procedures.” The Proxy Manager, in consultation with the funds’ Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President, and/or the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee, as appropriate, will determine how the funds’ proxies will be voted. When indicated, the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee may consult with other members of the Committee or the full Board of Trustees.

The following guidelines are grouped according to the types of proposals generally presented to shareholders. Part I deals with proposals submitted by management and approved and recommended by a company’s board of directors. Part II deals with proposals submitted by shareholders. Part III addresses unique considerations pertaining to non-U.S. issuers.

The Trustees of the Putnam funds are committed to promoting strong corporate governance practices and encouraging corporate actions that enhance shareholder value through the judicious voting of the funds’ proxies. It is the funds’ policy to vote their proxies at all shareholder meetings where it is practicable to do so. In furtherance of this, the funds’ have requested that their securities lending agent recall each domestic issuer’s voting securities that are on loan, in advance of the record date for the issuer’s shareholder meetings, so that the funds may vote at the meetings.

The Putnam funds will disclose their proxy votes not later than August 31 of each year for the most recent 12-month period ended June 30, in accordance with the timetable established by SEC rules.

The vast majority of matters presented to shareholders for a vote involve proposals made by a company itself (sometimes referred to as “management proposals”), which have been approved and recommended by its board of directors. In view of the enhanced corporate governance practices currently being implemented in public companies and of the funds’ intent to hold corporate boards accountable for their actions in promoting shareholder interests, the funds’ proxies generally will be voted for the decisions reached by majority independent boards of directors, except as otherwise indicated in these guidelines. Accordingly, the funds’ proxies will be voted for board-approved proposals, except as follows:

Matters relating to the Board of Directors
Uncontested Election of Directors
The funds’ proxies will be voted for the election of a company’s nominees for the board of directors, except as follows:

The funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have a majority of independent directors,

the board has not established independent nominating, audit, and compensation committees,

the board has more than 19 members or fewer than five members, absent special circumstances,

the board has not acted to implement a policy requested in a shareholder proposal that received the support of a majority of the shares of the company cast at its previous two annual meetings, or

the board has adopted or renewed a shareholder rights plan (commonly referred to as a “poison pill”) without shareholder approval during the current or prior calendar year.

The funds will on a case-by-case basis withhold votes from the entire board of directors, or from particular directors as may be appropriate, if the board has approved compensation arrangements for one or more company executives that the funds determine are unreasonably excessive relative to the company’s performance or has otherwise failed to observe good corporate governance practices.

The funds will withhold votes from any nominee for director:

who is considered an independent director by the company and who has received compensation within the last three years from the company other than for service as a director ( e.g. , investment banking, consulting, legal, or financial advisory fees),

who attends less than 75% of board and committee meetings without valid reasons for the absences ( e.g. , illness, personal emergency, etc.),

of a public company (Company A) who is employed as a senior executive of another company (Company B), if a director of Company B serves as a senior executive of Company A (commonly referred to as an “interlocking directorate”), or

who serves on more than five unaffiliated public company boards (for the purpose of this guideline, boards of affiliated registered investment companies will count as one board).
Commentary :
Board independence : Unless otherwise indicated, for the purposes of determining whether a board has a majority of independent directors and independent nominating, audit, and compensation committees, an “independent director” is a director who (1) meets all requirements to serve as an independent director of a company under the NYSE Corporate Governance Rules ( e.g. , no material business relationships with the company and no present or recent employment relationship with the company including employment of an immediate family member as an executive officer), and (2) has not within the last three years accepted directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory, or other compensatory fee from the company other than in his or her capacity as a member of the board of directors or any board committee. The funds’ Trustees believe that the recent ( i.e. , within the last three years) receipt of any amount of compensation for services other than service as a director raises significant independence issues.

Board size : The funds’ Trustees believe that the size of the board of directors can have a direct impact on the ability of the board to govern effectively. Boards that have too many members can be unwieldy and ultimately inhibit their ability to oversee management performance. Boards that have too few members can stifle innovation and lead to excessive influence by management.

Time commitment : Being a director of a company requires a significant time commitment to adequately prepare for and attend the company’s board and committee meetings. Directors must be able to commit the time and attention necessary to perform their fiduciary duties in proper fashion, particularly in times of crisis. The funds’ Trustees are concerned about over-committed directors. In some cases, directors may serve on too many boards to make a meaningful contribution. This may be particularly true for senior executives of public companies (or other directors with substantially full-time employment) who serve on more than a few outside boards. The funds may withhold votes from such directors on a case-by-case basis where it appears that they may be unable to discharge their duties properly because of excessive commitments.

Interlocking directorships : The funds’ Trustees believe that interlocking directorships are inconsistent with the degree of independence required for outside directors of public companies.

Corporate governance practices : Board independence depends not only on its members’ individual relationships, but also on the board’s overall attitude toward management. Independent boards are committed to good corporate governance practices and, by providing objective independent judgment, enhancing shareholder value. The funds may withhold votes on a case-by-case basis from some or all directors who, through their lack of independence or otherwise, have failed to observe good corporate governance practices or, through specific corporate action, have demonstrated a disregard for the interests of shareholders. Such instances may include cases where a board of directors has approved compensation arrangements for one or more members of management that, in the judgment of the funds’ Trustees, are excessive by reasonable corporate standards relative to the company’s record of performance.

Contested Elections of Directors

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis in contested elections of directors.
Classified Boards

The funds will vote against proposals to classify a board, absent special circumstances indicating that shareholder interests would be better served by this structure.
Commentary :  Under a typical classified board structure, the directors are divided into three classes, with each class serving a three-year term. The classified board structure results in directors serving staggered terms, with usually only a third of the directors up for re-election at any given annual meeting. The funds’ Trustees generally believe that it is appropriate for directors to stand for election each year, but recognize that, in special circumstances, shareholder interests may be better served under a classified board structure.

Other Board-Related Proposals
The funds will generally vote for proposals that have been approved by a majority independent board, and on a case-by-case basis on proposals that have been approved by a board that fails to meet the guidelines’ basic independence standards ( i.e. , majority of independent directors and independent nominating, audit, and compensation committees).

Executive Compensation
The funds generally favor compensation programs that relate executive compensation to a company’s long-term performance. The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals relating to executive compensation, except as follows:

Except where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors, the funds will vote for stock option and restricted stock plans that will result in an average annual dilution of 1.67% or less (based on the disclosed term of the plan and including all equity-based plans).

The funds will vote against stock option and restricted stock plans that will result in an average annual dilution of greater than 1.67% (based on the disclosed term of the plan and including all equity-based plans).

The funds will vote against any stock option or restricted stock plan where the company’s actual grants of stock options and restricted stock under all equity-based compensation plans during the prior three (3) fiscal years have resulted in an average annual dilution of greater than 1.67%.

The funds will vote against stock option plans that permit the replacing or repricing of underwater options (and against any proposal to authorize a replacement or repricing of underwater options).

The funds will vote against stock option plans that permit issuance of options with an exercise price below the stock’s current market price.

Except where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors, the funds will vote for an employee stock purchase plan that has the following features: (1) the shares purchased under the plan are acquired for no less than 85% of their market value; (2) the offering period under the plan is 27 months or less; and (3) dilution is 10% or less.

The funds will vote for proposals to approve a company’s executive compensation program ( i.e., “say on pay” proposals in which the company’s board proposes that shareholders indicate their support for the company’s compensation philosophy, policies, and practices), except that the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis if the company is assigned to the lowest category, through independent third party benchmarking performed by the funds’ proxy voting service, for the correlation of the company’s executive compensation program with its performance.

The funds will vote for bonus plans under which payments are treated as performance-based compensation that is deductible under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, except that the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis if any of the following circumstances exist:

the award pool or amount per employee under the plan is unlimited, or

the plan’s performance criteria is undisclosed, or

the company is assigned to the lowest category, through independent third party benchmarking performed by the funds’ proxy voting service, for the correlation of the company’s executive compensation program with its performance.
Commentary :  Companies should have compensation programs that are reasonable and that align shareholder and management interests over the longer term. Further, disclosure of compensation programs should provide absolute transparency to shareholders regarding the sources and amounts of, and the factors influencing, executive compensation. Appropriately designed equity-based compensation plans can be an effective way to align the interests of long-term shareholders with the interests of management. However, the funds may vote against these or other executive compensation proposals on a case-by-case basis where compensation is excessive by reasonable corporate standards, where a company fails to provide transparent disclosure of executive compensation, or, in some instances, where independent third-party benchmarking indicates that compensation is inadequately correlated with performance, relative to peer companies. (Examples of excessive executive compensation may include, but are not limited to, equity incentive plans that exceed the dilution criteria noted above, excessive perquisites, performance-based compensation programs that do not properly correlate reward and performance, “golden parachutes” or other severance arrangements that present conflicts between management’s interests and the interests of shareholders, and “golden coffins” or unearned death benefits.) In voting on a proposal relating to executive compensation, the funds will consider whether the proposal has been approved by an independent compensation committee of the board.

Many proxy proposals involve changes in a company’s capitalization, including the authorization of additional stock, the issuance of stock, the repurchase of outstanding stock, or the approval of a stock split. The management of a company’s capital structure involves a number of important issues, including cash flow, financing needs, and market conditions that are unique to the circumstances of the company. As a result, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals involving changes to a company’s capitalization, except that where the funds are not otherwise withholding votes from the entire board of directors:

The funds will vote for proposals relating to the authorization and issuance of additional common stock (except where such proposals relate to a specific transaction).

The funds will vote for proposals to effect stock splits (excluding reverse stock splits).

The funds will vote for proposals authorizing share repurchase programs.
Commentary :  A company may decide to authorize additional shares of common stock for reasons relating to executive compensation or for routine business purposes. For the most part, these decisions are best left to the board of directors and senior management. The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis, however, on other proposals to change a company’s capitalization, including the authorization of common stock with special voting rights, the authorization or issuance of common stock in connection with a specific transaction ( e.g. , an acquisition, merger or reorganization), or the authorization or issuance of preferred stock. Actions such as these involve a number of considerations that may affect a shareholder’s investment and that warrant a case-by-case determination.

Acquisitions, Mergers, Reincorporations, Reorganizations and Other Transactions

Shareholders may be confronted with a number of different types of transactions, including acquisitions, mergers, reorganizations involving business combinations, liquidations, and the sale of all or substantially all of a company’s assets, which may require their consent. Voting on such proposals involves considerations unique to each transaction. As a result, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals to effect these types of transactions, except as follows:

The funds will vote for mergers and reorganizations involving business combinations designed solely to reincorporate a company in Delaware.
Commentary :  A company may reincorporate into another state through a merger or reorganization by setting up a “shell” company in a different state and then merging the company into the new company. While reincorporation into states with extensive and established corporate laws – notably Delaware – provides companies and shareholders with a more well-defined legal framework, shareholders must carefully consider the reasons for a reincorporation into another jurisdiction, including especially an offshore jurisdiction.

Anti-Takeover Measures
Some proxy proposals involve efforts by management to make it more difficult for an outside party to take control of the company without the approval of the company’s board of directors. These include the adoption of a shareholder rights plan, requiring supermajority voting on particular issues, the adoption of fair price provisions, the issuance of blank check preferred stock, and the creation of a separate class of stock with disparate voting rights. Such proposals may adversely affect shareholder rights, lead to management entrenchment, or create conflicts of interest. As a result, the funds will vote against board-approved proposals to adopt such anti-takeover measures, except as follows:

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to ratify or approve shareholder rights plans; and

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to adopt fair price provisions.
Commentary :  The funds’ Trustees recognize that poison pills and fair price provisions may enhance or protect shareholder value under certain circumstances. For instance, where a company has incurred significant operating losses, a shareholder rights plan may be appropriately tailored to protect shareholder value by preserving a company’s net operating losses. Thus, the funds will consider proposals to approve such matters on a case-by-case basis.

Other Business Matters
Many proxies involve approval of routine business matters, such as changing a company’s name, ratifying the appointment of auditors, and procedural matters relating to the shareholder meeting. For the most part, these routine matters do not materially affect shareholder interests and are best left to the board of directors and senior management of the company. The funds will vote for board-approved proposals approving such matters, except as follows:

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to amend a company’s charter or bylaws (except for charter amendments necessary to effect stock splits, to change a company’s name or to authorize additional shares of common stock).

The funds will vote against authorization to transact other unidentified, substantive business at the meeting.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to ratify the selection of independent auditors if there is evidence that the audit firm’s independence or the integrity of an audit is compromised.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on other business matters where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors.
Commentary :  Charter and bylaw amendments and the transaction of other unidentified, substantive business at a shareholder meeting may directly affect shareholder rights and have a significant impact on shareholder value. As a result, the funds do not view these items as routine business matters. Putnam Management’s investment professionals and the funds’ proxy voting service may also bring to the Proxy Manager’s attention company-specific items that they believe to be non-routine and warranting special consideration. Under these circumstances, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis.

The fund’s proxy voting service may identify circumstances that call into question an audit firm’s independence or the integrity of an audit. These circumstances may include recent material restatements of financials, unusual audit fees, egregious contractual relationships, and aggressive accounting policies. The funds will consider proposals to ratify the selection of auditors in these circumstances on a case-by-case basis. In all other cases, given the existence of rules that enhance the independence of audit committees and auditors by, for example, prohibiting auditors from performing a range of non-audit services for audit clients, the funds will vote for the ratification of independent auditors.

SEC regulations permit shareholders to submit proposals for inclusion in a company’s proxy statement. These proposals generally seek to change some aspect of the company’s corporate governance structure or to change some aspect of its business operations. The funds generally will vote in accordance with the recommendation of the company’s board of directors on all shareholder proposals, except as follows:

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals requiring that the chairman’s position be filled by someone other than the chief executive officer.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals asking that director nominees receive support from holders of a majority of votes cast or a majority of shares outstanding in order to be (re)elected.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals to declassify a board, absent special circumstances which would indicate that shareholder interests are better served by a classified board structure.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals to eliminate supermajority vote requirements in the company’s charter documents.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals to require shareholder approval of shareholder rights plans.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals requiring companies to make cash payments under management severance agreements only if both of the following conditions are met:

the company undergoes a change in control, and

the change in control results in the termination of employment for the person receiving the severance payment.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals requiring companies to accelerate vesting of equity awards under management severance agreements only if both of the following conditions are met:

the company undergoes a change in control, and

the change in control results in the termination of employment for the person receiving the severance payment.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals to limit a company’s ability to make excise tax gross-up payments under management severance agreements.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals requesting that the board adopt a policy to recoup, in the event of a significant restatement of financial results or significant extraordinary write-off, to the fullest extent practicable, for the benefit of the company, all performance-based bonuses or awards that were paid to senior executives based on the company having met or exceeded specific performance targets to the extent that the specific performance targets were not, in fact, met.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals calling for the company to obtain shareholder approval for any future golden coffins or unearned death benefits (payments or awards of unearned salary or bonus, accelerated vesting or the continuation of unvested equity awards, perquisites or other payments or awards in respect of an executive following his or her death), and for shareholder proposals calling for the company to cease providing golden coffins or unearned death benefits.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals requiring a company to report on its executive retirement benefits ( e.g. , deferred compensation, split-dollar life insurance, SERPs and pension benefits).

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals requiring a company to disclose its relationships with executive compensation consultants ( e.g. , whether the company, the board or the compensation committee retained the consultant, the types of services provided by the consultant over the past five years, and a list of the consultant’s clients on which any of the company’s executives serve as a director).

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals that are consistent with the funds’ proxy voting guidelines for board-approved proposals.

The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on other shareholder proposals where the funds are otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors.
Commentary :  In light of the substantial reforms in corporate governance that are currently underway, the funds’ Trustees believe that effective corporate reforms should be promoted by holding boards of directors – and in particular their independent directors – accountable for their actions, rather than by imposing additional legal restrictions on board governance through piecemeal proposals. Generally speaking, shareholder proposals relating to business operations are often motivated primarily by political or social concerns, rather than the interests of shareholders as investors in an economic enterprise. As stated above, the funds’ Trustees believe that boards of directors and management are responsible for ensuring that their businesses are operating in accordance with high legal and ethical standards and should be held accountable for resulting corporate behavior. Accordingly, the funds will generally support the recommendations of boards that meet the basic independence and governance standards established in these guidelines. Where boards fail to meet these standards, the funds will generally evaluate shareholder proposals on a case-by-case basis. The funds will also consider proposals requiring that the chairman’s position be filled by someone other than the company’s chief executive officer on a case-by-case basis, recognizing that in some cases this separation may advance the company’s corporate governance while in other cases it may be less necessary to the sound governance of the company. The funds will take into account the level of independent leadership on a company’s board in evaluating these proposals.

However, the funds generally support shareholder proposals to implement majority voting for directors, observing that majority voting is an emerging standard intended to encourage directors to be attentive to shareholders’ interests. The funds also generally support shareholder proposals to declassify a board, to eliminate supermajority vote requirements, or to require shareholder approval of shareholder rights plans. The funds’ Trustees believe that these shareholder proposals further the goals of reducing management entrenchment and conflicts of interest, and aligning management’s interests with shareholders’ interests in evaluating proposed acquisitions of the company. The Trustees also believe that shareholder proposals to limit severance payments may further these goals in some instances. In general, the funds favor arrangements in which severance payments are made to an executive only when there is a change in control and the executive loses his or her job as a result. Arrangements in which an executive receives a payment upon a change of control even if the executive retains employment introduce potential conflicts of interest and may distract management focus from the long term success of the company.

In evaluating shareholder proposals that address severance payments, the funds distinguish between cash and equity payments. The funds generally do not favor cash payments to executives upon a change in control transaction if the executive retains employment. However, the funds recognize that accelerated vesting of equity incentives, even without termination of employment, may help to align management and shareholder interests in some instances, and will evaluate shareholder proposals addressing accelerated vesting of equity incentive payments on a case-by-case basis.

When severance payments exceed a certain amount based on the executive’s previous compensation, the payments may be subject to an excise tax. Some compensation arrangements provide for full excise tax gross-ups, which means that the company pays the executive sufficient additional amounts to cover the cost of the excise tax. The funds are concerned that the benefits of providing full excise tax gross-ups to executives may be outweighed by the cost to the company of the gross-up payments. Accordingly, the funds will vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals to curtail excise tax gross-up payments. The funds generally favor arrangements in which severance payments do not trigger an excise tax or in which the company’s obligations with respect to gross-up payments are limited in a reasonable manner.

The funds’ Trustees believe that performance-based compensation can be an effective tool for aligning management and shareholder interests. However, to fulfill its purpose, performance compensation should only be paid to executives if the performance targets are actually met. A significant restatement of financial results or a significant extraordinary write-off may reveal that executives who were previously paid performance compensation did not actually deliver the required business performance to earn that compensation. In these circumstances, it may be appropriate for the company to recoup this performance compensation. The funds will consider on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals requesting that the board adopt a policy to recoup, in the event of a significant restatement of financial results or significant extraordinary write-off, performance-based bonuses or awards paid to senior executives based on the company having met or exceeded specific performance targets to the extent that the specific performance targets were not, in fact, met. The funds do not believe that such a policy should necessarily disadvantage a company in recruiting executives, as executives should understand that they are only entitled to performance compensation based on the actual performance they deliver.

The funds’ Trustees disfavor golden coffins or unearned death benefits, and the funds will generally support shareholder proposals to restrict or terminate these practices. The Trustees will also consider whether a company’s overall compensation arrangements, taking all of the pertinent circumstances into account, constitute excessive compensation or otherwise reflect poorly on the corporate governance practices of the company. As the Trustees evaluate these matters, they will be mindful of evolving practices and legislation relevant to executive compensation and corporate governance.

The funds’ Trustees also believe that shareholder proposals that are intended to increase transparency, particularly with respect to executive compensation, without establishing rigid restrictions upon a company’s ability to attract and motivate talented executives, are generally beneficial to sound corporate governance without imposing undue burdens. The funds will generally support shareholder proposals calling for reasonable disclosure.

Many of the Putnam funds invest on a global basis, and, as a result, they may hold, and have an opportunity to vote, shares in non-U.S. issuers – i.e., issuers that are incorporated under the laws of foreign jurisdictions and whose shares are not listed on a U.S. securities exchange or the NASDAQ stock market.

In many non-U.S. markets, shareholders who vote proxies of a non-U.S. issuer are not able to trade in that company’s stock on or around the shareholder meeting date. This practice is known as “share blocking.” In countries where share blocking is practiced, the funds will vote proxies only with direction from Putnam Management’s investment professionals.

In addition, some non-U.S. markets require that a company’s shares be re-registered out of the name of the local custodian or nominee into the name of the shareholder for the shareholder to be able to vote at the meeting. This practice is known as “share re-registration.” As a result, shareholders, including the funds, are not able to trade in that company’s stock until the shares are re-registered back in the name of the local custodian or nominee following the meeting. In countries where share re-registration is practiced, the funds will generally not vote proxies.

Protection for shareholders of non-U.S. issuers may vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Laws governing non-U.S. issuers may, in some cases, provide substantially less protection for shareholders than do U.S. laws. As a result, the guidelines applicable to U.S. issuers, which are premised on the existence of a sound corporate governance and disclosure framework, may not be appropriate under some circumstances for non-U.S. issuers. However, the funds will vote proxies of non-U.S. issuers in accordance with the guidelines applicable to U.S. issuers , except as follows:

Uncontested Board Elections

For companies subject to “co-determination,” the funds will vote on a case by- case basis for the election of nominees to the supervisory board.

The funds will withhold votes for the election of a former member of the company’s managerial board to chair of the supervisory board.
Commentary :  German corporate governance is characterized by a two-tier board system — a managerial board composed of the company’s executive officers, and a supervisory board. The supervisory board appoints the members of the managerial board. Shareholders elect members of the supervisory board, except that in the case of companies with more than 2,000 employees, company employees are allowed to elect half of the supervisory board members. This “co-determination” practice may increase the chances that the supervisory board of a large German company does not contain a majority of independent members. In this situation, under the Fund’s proxy voting guidelines applicable to U.S. issuers, the funds would vote against all nominees. However, in the case of companies subject to “co-determination,” the Funds will vote for supervisory board members on a case-by-case basis, so that the funds can support independent nominees.

Consistent with the funds’ belief that the interests of shareholders are best protected by boards with strong, independent leadership, the funds will withhold votes for the election of former chairs of the managerial board to chair of the supervisory board.


For companies that have established a U.S.-style corporate governance structure, the funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have a majority of outside directors ,

the board has not established nominating and compensation committees composed of a majority of outside directors , or

the board has not established an audit committee composed of a majority of independent directors .

The funds will withhold votes for the appointment of members of a company’s board of statutory auditors if a majority of the members of the board of statutory auditors is not independent.
Commentary :
Board structure : Recent amendments to the Japanese Commercial Code give companies the option to adopt a U.S.-style corporate governance structure ( i.e. , a board of directors and audit, nominating, and compensation committees). The funds will vote for proposals to amend a company’s articles of incorporation to adopt the U.S.-style corporate structure.

Definition of outside director and independent director : Corporate governance principles in Japan focus on the distinction between outside directors and independent directors. Under these principles, an outside director is a director who is not and has never been a director, executive, or employee of the company or its parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates. An outside director is “independent” if that person can make decisions completely independent from the managers of the company, its parent, subsidiaries, or affiliates and does not have a material relationship with the company ( i.e. , major client, trading partner, or other business relationship; familial relationship with current director or executive; etc.). The guidelines have incorporated these definitions in applying the board independence standards above.


The funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have a majority of outside directors,

the board has not established a nominating committee composed of at least a majority of outside directors, or

the board has not established an audit committee composed of at least three members and in which at least two-thirds of its members are outside directors.
Commentary :  For purposes of these guidelines, an “outside director” is a director that is independent from the management or controlling shareholders of the company, and holds no interests that might impair performing his or her duties impartially from the company, management or controlling shareholder. In determining whether a director is an outside director, the funds will also apply the standards included in Article 415-2(2) of the Korean Commercial Code ( i.e. , no employment relationship with the company for a period of two years before serving on the committee, no director or employment relationship with the company’s largest shareholder, etc.) and may consider other business relationships that would affect the independence of an outside director.


The funds will vote on a case-by-case basis for the election of nominees to the board of directors.
Commentary :  In Russia, director elections are typically handled through a cumulative voting process. Cumulative voting allows shareholders to cast all of their votes for a single nominee for the board of directors, or to allocate their votes among nominees in any other way. In contrast, in “regular” voting, shareholders may not give more than one vote per share to any single nominee. Cumulative voting can help to strengthen the ability of minority shareholders to elect a director.
In Russia, as in some other emerging markets, standards of corporate governance are usually behind those in developed markets. Rather than vote against the entire board of directors, as the funds generally would in the case of a company whose board fails to meet the funds’ standards for independence, the funds may, on a case by case basis, cast all of their votes for one or more independent director nominees. The funds believe that it is important to increase the number of independent directors on the boards of Russian companies to mitigate the risks associated with dominant shareholders.

United Kingdom

The funds will withhold votes from the entire board of directors if

the board does not have at least a majority of independent non-executive directors,

the board has not established a nomination committee composed of a majority of independent non-executive directors, or

the board has not established compensation and audit committees composed of (1) at least three directors (in the case of smaller companies, two directors) and (2) solely independent non-executive directors, provided that, to the extent permitted under the United Kingdom’s Combined Code on Corporate Governance, the company chairman may serve on (but not serve as chairman of) the compensation and audit committees if the chairman was considered independent upon his or her appointment as chairman.

The funds will withhold votes from any nominee for director who is considered an independent director by the company and who has received compensation within the last three years from the company other than for service as a director, such as investment banking, consulting, legal, or financial advisory fees.

The funds will vote for proposals to amend a company’s articles of association to authorize boards to approve situations that might be interpreted to present potential conflicts of interest affecting a director.
Commentary :
Application of guidelines : Although the United Kingdom’s Combined Code on Corporate Governance (“Combined Code”) has adopted the “comply and explain” approach to corporate governance, the funds’ Trustees believe that the guidelines discussed above with respect to board independence standards are integral to the protection of investors in U.K. companies. As a result, these guidelines will generally be applied in a prescriptive manner.

Definition of independence : For the purposes of these guidelines, a non-executive director shall be considered independent if the director meets the independence standards in section A.3.1 of the Combined Code ( i.e. , no material business or employment relationships with the company, no remuneration from the company for non-board services, no close family ties with senior employees or directors of the company, etc.), except that the funds do not view service on the board for more than nine years as affecting a director’s independence. Company chairmen in the U.K. are generally considered affiliated upon appointment as chairman due to the nature of the position of chairman. Consistent with the Combined Code, a company chairman who was considered independent upon appointment as chairman: may serve as a member of, but not as the chairman of, the compensation (remuneration) committee; and, in the case of smaller companies, may serve as a member of, but not as the chairman of, the audit committee.

Smaller companies : A smaller company is one that is below the FTSE 350 throughout the year immediately prior to the reporting year.

Conflicts of interest : The Companies Act 2006 requires a director to avoid a situation in which he or she has, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the company. This broadly written requirement could be construed to prevent a director from becoming a trustee or director of another organization. Provided there are reasonable safeguards, such as the exclusion of the relevant director from deliberations, the funds believe that the board may approve this type of potential conflict of interest in its discretion.

All other jurisdictions

The funds will vote for supervisory board nominees when the supervisory board meets the funds’ independence standards, otherwise the funds will vote against supervisory board nominees.
Commentary :  Companies in many jurisdictions operate under the oversight of supervisory boards. In the absence of jurisdiction-specific guidelines, the funds will generally hold supervisory boards to the same standards of independence as it applies to boards of directors in the United States.

Contested Board Elections

The funds will vote for the management- or board-sponsored slate of nominees if the board meets the funds’ independence standards, and against the management- or board-sponsored slate of nominees if the board does not meet the funds’ independence standards; the funds will not vote on shareholder-proposed slates of nominees.
Commentary :  Contested elections in Italy may involve a variety of competing slates of nominees. In these circumstances, the funds will focus their analysis on the board- or management-sponsored slate.

Corporate Governance

The funds will vote for proposals to change the size of a board if the board meets the funds’ independence standards, and against proposals to change the size of a board if the board does not meet the funds’ independence standards.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals calling for a majority of a company’s directors to be independent of management.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals seeking to increase the independence of board nominating, audit, and compensation committees.

The funds will vote for shareholder proposals that implement corporate governance standards similar to those established under U.S. federal law and the listing requirements of U.S. stock exchanges, and that do not otherwise violate the laws of the jurisdiction under which the company is incorporated.

The funds will vote against proposals to release directors from their non-competition obligations (their obligations not to engage in any business that is competitive with the company), unless the proposal is narrowly drafted to permit directors to engage in a business that is competitive with the company only on behalf of a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

The funds will vote for proposals to approve annual directors’ fees, except that the funds will consider these proposals on a case-by-case basis in each case in which the funds’ proxy voting service has recommended a vote against such a proposal.

The funds will vote for non-binding proposals to approve remuneration reports, except that the funds will vote against proposals to approve remuneration reports that indicate that awards under a long-term incentive plan are not linked to performance targets.
Commentary:   Since proposals relating to directors’ fees for non-U.S. issuers generally address relatively modest fees paid to non-executive directors, the funds generally support these proposals, provided that the fees are consistent with directors’ fees paid by the company’s peers and do not otherwise appear unwarranted. Consistent with the approach taken for U.S. issuers, the funds generally favor compensation programs that relate executive compensation to a company’s long-term performance and will support non-binding remuneration reports unless such a correlation is not made.


The funds will vote for proposals

to issue additional common stock representing up to 20% of the company’s outstanding common stock, where shareholders do not have preemptive rights, or

to issue additional common stock representing up to 100% of the company’s outstanding common stock, where shareholders do have preemptive rights.

The funds will vote for proposals to authorize share repurchase programs that are recommended for approval by the funds’ proxy voting service; otherwise, the funds will vote against such proposals.

The funds will vote for proposals to carve out, from the general cap on non- pro rata share issues of 15% of total equity in a rolling 12-month period, a particular proposed issue of shares or a particular issue of shares made previously within the 12-month period, if the company’s board meets the funds’ independence standards; if the company’s board does not meet the funds’ independence standards, then the funds will vote against these proposals.
Hong Kong

The funds will vote for proposals to approve a general mandate permitting the company to engage in non- pro rata share issues of up to 20% of total equity in a year if the company’s board meets the funds’ independence standards; if the company’s board does not meet the funds’ independence standards, then the funds will vote against these proposals.
Commentary :  In light of the prevalence of certain types of capitalization proposals in Australia and Hong Kong, the funds have adopted guidelines specific to those jurisdictions.

Other Business Matters

The funds will vote for proposals permitting companies to deliver reports and other materials electronically ( e.g. , via website posting).

The funds will vote for proposals permitting companies to issue regulatory reports in English.

The funds will vote against proposals to shorten shareholder meeting notice periods to fourteen days.
Commentary:   Under Directive 2007/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, companies have the option to request shareholder approval to set the notice period for special meetings at 14 days provided that certain electronic voting and communication requirements are met. The funds believe that the 14 day notice period is too short to provide overseas shareholders with sufficient time to analyze proposals and to participate meaningfully at special meetings and, as a result, have determined to vote against such proposals.


The funds will vote in accordance with the recommendation of the company’s board of directors on shareholder countermotions added to a company’s meeting agenda, unless the countermotion is directly addressed by one of the funds’ other guidelines.
Commentary:   In Germany, shareholders are able to add both proposals and countermotions to a meeting agenda. Countermotions, which must correspond to a proposal on the agenda, generally call for shareholders to oppose the existing proposal, although they may also propose separate voting decisions. Countermotions may be proposed by any shareholder and they are typically added throughout the period between the publication of the meeting agenda and the meeting date. This guideline reflects the funds’ intention to focus on the original proposal, which is expected to be presented a reasonable period of time before the shareholder meeting so that the funds will have an appropriate opportunity to evaluate it.

As adopted February 4, 2011
Proxy voting procedures of the Putnam funds
The proxy voting procedures below explain the role of the funds’ Trustees, the proxy voting service and the Proxy Manager, as well as how the process will work when a proxy question needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis, or when there may be a conflict of interest.

The role of the funds’ Trustees
The Trustees of the Putnam funds exercise control of the voting of proxies through their Board Policy and Nominating Committee, which is composed entirely of independent Trustees. The Board Policy and Nominating Committee oversees the proxy voting process and participates, as needed, in the resolution of issues that need to be handled on a case-by-case basis. The Committee annually reviews and recommends, for Trustee approval, guidelines governing the funds’ proxy votes, including how the funds vote on specific proposals and which matters are to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Trustees are assisted in this process by their independent administrative staff (“Office of the Trustees”), independent legal counsel, and an independent proxy voting service. The Trustees also receive assistance from Putnam Investment Management, LLC (“Putnam Management”), the funds’ investment advisor, on matters involving investment judgments. In all cases, the ultimate decision on voting proxies rests with the Trustees, acting as fiduciaries on behalf of the shareholders of the funds.

The role of the proxy voting service
The funds have engaged an independent proxy voting service to assist in the voting of proxies. The proxy voting service is responsible for coordinating with the funds’ custodians to ensure that all proxy materials received by the custodians relating to the funds’ portfolio securities are processed in a timely fashion. To the extent applicable, the proxy voting service votes all proxies in accordance with the proxy voting guidelines established by the Trustees. The proxy voting service will refer proxy questions to the Proxy Manager (described below) for instructions under circumstances where: (1) the application of the proxy voting guidelines is unclear; (2) a particular proxy question is not covered by the guidelines; or (3) the guidelines call for specific instructions on a case-by-case basis. The proxy voting service is also requested to call to the Proxy Manager’s attention specific proxy questions that, while governed by a guideline, appear to involve unusual or controversial issues. The funds also utilize research services relating to proxy questions provided by the proxy voting service and by other firms.

The role of the Proxy Manager
Each year, a member of the Office of the Trustees is appointed Proxy Manager to assist in the coordination and voting of the funds’ proxies. The Proxy Manager will deal directly with the proxy voting service and, in the case of proxy questions referred by the proxy voting service, will solicit voting recommendations and instructions from the Office of the Trustees, the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee, and Putnam Management’s investment professionals, as appropriate. The Proxy Manager is responsible for ensuring that these questions and referrals are responded to in a timely fashion and for transmitting appropriate voting instructions to the proxy voting service.

Voting procedures for referral items
As discussed above, the proxy voting service will refer proxy questions to the Proxy Manager under certain circumstances. When the application of the proxy voting guidelines is unclear or a particular proxy question is not covered by the guidelines (and does not involve investment considerations), the Proxy Manager will assist in interpreting the guidelines and, as appropriate, consult with one or more senior staff members of the Office of the Trustees and the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee on how the funds’ shares will be voted.

For proxy questions that require a case-by-case analysis pursuant to the guidelines or that are not covered by the guidelines but involve investment considerations, the Proxy Manager will refer such questions, through an electronic request form, to Putnam Management’s investment professionals for a voting recommendation. Such referrals will be made in cooperation with the person or persons designated by Putnam Management’s Legal and Compliance Department to assist in processing such referral items. In connection with each referral item, the Legal and Compliance Department will conduct a conflicts of interest review, as described below under “Conflicts of interest,” and provide electronically a conflicts of interest report (the “Conflicts Report”) to the Proxy Manager describing the results of such review. After receiving a referral item from the Proxy Manager, Putnam Management’s investment professionals will provide a recommendation electronically to the Proxy Manager and the person or persons designated by the Legal and Compliance Department to assist in processing referral items. Such recommendation will set forth (1) how the proxies should be voted; (2) the basis and rationale for such recommendation; and (3) any contacts the investment professionals have had with respect to the referral item with non-investment personnel of Putnam Management or with outside parties (except for routine communications from proxy solicitors). The Proxy Manager will then review the investment professionals’ recommendation and the Conflicts Report with one or more senior staff members of the Office of the Trustees in determining how to vote the funds’ proxies. The Proxy Manager will maintain a record of all proxy questions that have been referred to Putnam Management’s investment professionals, the voting recommendation, and the Conflicts Report.

In some situations, the Proxy Manager and/or one or more senior staff members of the Office of the Trustees may determine that a particular proxy question raises policy issues requiring consultation with the Chair of the Board Policy and Nominating Committee, who, in turn, may decide to bring the particular proxy question to the Committee or the full Board of Trustees for consideration.

Conflicts of interest
Occasions may arise where a person or organization involved in the proxy voting process may have a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if Putnam Management has a business relationship with (or is actively soliciting business from) either the company soliciting the proxy or a third party that has a material interest in the outcome of a proxy vote or that is actively lobbying for a particular outcome of a proxy vote. Any individual with knowledge of a personal conflict of interest (e.g., familial relationship with company management) relating to a particular referral item shall disclose that conflict to the Proxy Manager and the Legal and Compliance Department and otherwise remove himself or herself from the proxy voting process. The Legal and Compliance Department will review each item referred to Putnam Management’s investment professionals to determine if a conflict of interest exists and will provide the Proxy Manager with a Conflicts Report for each referral item that (1) describes any conflict of interest; (2) discusses the procedures used to address such conflict of interest; and (3) discloses any contacts from parties outside Putnam Management (other than routine communications from proxy solicitors) with respect to the referral item not otherwise reported in an investment professional’s recommendation. The Conflicts Report will also include written confirmation that any recommendation from an investment professional provided under circumstances where a conflict of interest exists was made solely on the investment merits and without regard to any other consideration.

As adopted March 11, 2005 and revised June 12, 2009
Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

(a)(1) Portfolio Managers. The officers of Putnam Management identified below are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the fund’s portfolio as of the filing date of this report.

During the period, Michael Salm was named Portfolio Manager following the departure of Portfolio Manager Rob Bloemker

Portfolio managers Joined Fund Employer Positions Over Past Five Years

D. William Kohli 2002 Putnam Management 1994-Present Co-Head Fixed Income, Previously, Team Leader, Portfolio Construction and Global Strategy and Director, Global Core
Michael Atkin 2007 Putnam Management 1997-Present Portfolio Manager, Previously Director of Sovereign Research, Previously, Senior Economist, and Team Leader Country Analysis
Kevin Murphy 2007 Putnam Management 1999-Present Portfolio Manager, Previously, Team Leader, High Grade Credit
Michael Salm 2011 Putnam Management 1997-Present Co-Head Fixed Income, Previously, Team Leader, Liquid Markets and Mortgage Specialist
Paul Scanlon 2005 Putnam Management 1999-Present Team Leader, High-Yield. Previously, Portfolio Manager

(a)(2) Other Accounts Managed by the Fund’s Portfolio Managers.
The following table shows the number and approximate assets of other investment accounts (or portions of investment accounts) that the fund’s Portfolio Managers managed as of the fund’s most recent fiscal year-end. Unless noted, none of the other accounts pays a fee based on the account’s performance.

Portfolio Leader or Member Other SEC-registered open-end and closed-end funds Other accounts that pool assets from more than one client Other accounts (including separate accounts, managed account programs and single-sponsor defined contribution plan offerings)

Number of accounts Assets Number of accounts Assets Number of accounts Assets
William Kohli 14* $9,983,000,000 20** $5,348,300,000 15*** $12,012,000,000
Michael Salm 28* $15,258,200,000 26+ $9,032,700,000 19++ $8,284,600,000
Michael Atkin 5 $6,297,000,000 10 $2,694,300,000 7*** $4,208,000,000
Paul Scanlon 25* $13,551,600,000 24+++ $5,823,400,000 13 $2,808,200,000
Kevin Murphy 23* $12,656,800,000 21+ $5,875,500,000 12++++ $7,086,400,000

*   4 accounts, with total assets of $2,809,800,000, pay an advisory fee based on account performance.

**   1 accounts, with total assets of $70,400,000, pay an advisory fee based on account performance.

***   2 accounts, with total assets of $817,100,000 pay an advisory fee based on account performance.
+   2 accounts, with total assets of $134,500,000 pay an advisory fee based on account performance

+++   4 accounts, with total assets of $870,700,000, pay an advisory fee based on account performance

+++   3 accounts, with total assets of $250,600,000, pay an advisory fee based on account performance

++++   1 accounts, with total assets of $355,200,000, pay an advisory fee based on account performance

Potential conflicts of interest in managing multiple accounts. Like other investment professionals with multiple clients, the fund’s Portfolio Managers may face certain potential conflicts of interest in connection with managing both the fund and the other accounts listed under “Other Accounts Managed by the Fund’s Portfolio Managers” at the same time. The paragraphs below describe some of these potential conflicts, which Putnam Management believes are faced by investment professionals at most major financial firms. As described below, Putnam Management and the Trustees of the Putnam funds have adopted compliance policies and procedures that attempt to address certain of these potential conflicts.

The management of accounts with different advisory fee rates and/or fee structures, including accounts that pay advisory fees based on account performance (“performance fee accounts”), may raise potential conflicts of interest by creating an incentive to favor higher-fee accounts. These potential conflicts may include, among others:

The most attractive investments could be allocated to higher-fee accounts or performance fee accounts.

The trading of higher-fee accounts could be favored as to timing and/or execution price. For example, higher-fee accounts could be permitted to sell securities earlier than other accounts when a prompt sale is desirable or to buy securities at an earlier and more opportune time.

The trading of other accounts could be used to benefit higher-fee accounts (front- running).

The investment management team could focus their time and efforts primarily on higher-fee accounts due to a personal stake in compensation.
Putnam Management attempts to address these potential conflicts of interest relating to higher-fee accounts through various compliance policies that are generally intended to place all accounts, regardless of fee structure, on the same footing for investment management purposes. For example, under Putnam Management’s policies:

Performance fee accounts must be included in all standard trading and allocation procedures with all other accounts.

All accounts must be allocated to a specific category of account and trade in parallel with allocations of similar accounts based on the procedures generally applicable to all accounts in those groups (e.g., based on relative risk budgets of accounts).

All trading must be effected through Putnam’s trading desks and normal queues and procedures must be followed (i.e., no special treatment is permitted for performance fee accounts or higher-fee accounts based on account fee structure).

Front running is strictly prohibited.

The fund’s Portfolio Manager(s) may not be guaranteed or specifically allocated any portion of a performance fee.
As part of these policies, Putnam Management has also implemented trade oversight and review procedures in order to monitor whether particular accounts (including higher-fee accounts or performance fee accounts) are being favored over time.

Potential conflicts of interest may also arise when the Portfolio Manager(s) have personal investments in other accounts that may create an incentive to favor those accounts. As a general matter and subject to limited exceptions, Putnam Management’s investment professionals do not have the opportunity to invest in client accounts, other than the Putnam funds. However, in the ordinary course of business, Putnam Management or related persons may from time to time establish “pilot” or “incubator” funds for the purpose of testing proposed investment strategies and products prior to offering them to clients. These pilot accounts may be in the form of registered investment companies, private funds such as partnerships or separate accounts established by Putnam Management or an affiliate. Putnam Management or an affiliate supplies the funding for these accounts. Putnam employees, including the fund’s Portfolio Manager(s), may also invest in certain pilot accounts. Putnam Management, and to the extent applicable, the Portfolio Manager(s) will benefit from the favorable investment performance of those funds and accounts. Pilot funds and accounts may, and frequently do, invest in the same securities as the client accounts. Putnam Management’s policy is to treat pilot accounts in the same manner as client accounts for purposes of trading allocation – neither favoring nor disfavoring them except as is legally required. For example, pilot accounts are normally included in Putnam Management’s daily block trades to the same extent as client accounts (except that pilot accounts do not participate in initial public offerings).

A potential conflict of interest may arise when the fund and other accounts purchase or sell the same securities. On occasions when the Portfolio Manager(s) consider the purchase or sale of a security to be in the best interests of the fund as well as other accounts, Putnam Management’s trading desk may, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, aggregate the securities to be sold or purchased in order to obtain the best execution and lower brokerage commissions, if any. Aggregation of trades may create the potential for unfairness to the fund or another account if one account is favored over another in allocating the securities purchased or sold – for example, by allocating a disproportionate amount of a security that is likely to increase in value to a favored account. Putnam Management’s trade allocation policies generally provide that each day’s transactions in securities that are purchased or sold by multiple accounts are, insofar as possible, averaged as to price and allocated between such accounts (including the fund) in a manner which in Putnam Management’s opinion is equitable to each account and in accordance with the amount being purchased or sold by each account. Certain exceptions exist for specialty, regional or sector accounts. Trade allocations are reviewed on a periodic basis as part of Putnam Management’s trade oversight procedures in an attempt to ensure fairness over time across accounts.

“Cross trades,” in which one Putnam account sells a particular security to another account (potentially saving transaction costs for both accounts), may also pose a potential conflict of interest. Cross trades may be seen to involve a potential conflict of interest if, for example, one account is permitted to sell a security to another account at a higher price than an independent third party would pay, or if such trades result in more attractive investments being allocated to higher-fee accounts. Putnam Management and the fund’s Trustees have adopted compliance procedures that provide that any transactions between the fund and another Putnam-advised account are to be made at an independent current market price, as required by law.

Another potential conflict of interest may arise based on the different investment objectives and strategies of the fund and other accounts. For example, another account may have a shorter-term investment horizon or different investment objectives, policies or restrictions than the fund. Depending on another account’s objectives or other factors, the Portfolio Manager(s) may give advice and make decisions that may differ from advice given, or the timing or nature of decisions made, with respect to the fund. In addition, investment decisions are the product of many factors in addition to basic suitability for the particular account involved. Thus, a particular security may be bought or sold for certain accounts even though it could have been bought or sold for other accounts at the same time. More rarely, a particular security may be bought for one or more accounts managed by the Portfolio Manager(s) when one or more other accounts are selling the security (including short sales). There may be circumstances when purchases or sales of portfolio securities for one or more accounts may have an adverse effect on other accounts. As noted above, Putnam Management has implemented trade oversight and review procedures to monitor whether any account is systematically favored over time.

The fund’s Portfolio Manager(s) may also face other potential conflicts of interest in managing the fund, and the description above is not a complete description of every conflict that could be deemed to exist in managing both the fund and other accounts.

(a)(3) Compensation of portfolio managers. Putnam’s goal for our products and investors is to deliver strong performance versus peers or performance ahead of benchmark, depending on the product, over a rolling 3-year period. Portfolio managers are evaluated and compensated, in part, based on their performance relative to this goal across the products they manage. In addition to their individual performance, evaluations take into account the performance of their group and a subjective component.

Each portfolio manager is assigned an industry competitive incentive compensation target consistent with this goal and evaluation framework. Actual incentive compensation may be higher or lower than the target, based on individual, group, and subjective performance, and may also reflect the performance of Putnam as a firm. Typically, performance is measured over the lesser of three years or the length of time a portfolio manager has managed a product.

Incentive compensation includes a cash bonus and may also include grants of deferred cash, stock or options. In addition to incentive compensation, portfolio managers receive fixed annual salaries typically based on level of responsibility and experience.

For this fund, the peer group Putnam compares fund performance against is its broad investment category as determined by Lipper Inc. and identified in the shareholder report included in Item 1.

(a)(4) Fund ownership. The following table shows the dollar ranges of shares of the fund owned by the professionals listed above at the end of the fund’s last two fiscal years, including investments by their immediate family members and amounts invested through retirement and deferred compensation plans.

*   Assets in the fund

Year $0 $1-$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 $50,001-$100,000 $100,001-$500,000 $500,001-$1,000,000 $1,000,001 and over

D. William Kohli 2011 *
2010 *

Michael Atkin 2011 *
2010 *

Michael V Salm ** 2011 *

Kevin Murphy 2011 *
2010 *

Paul Scanlon 2011 *
2010 *

**   Became Portfolio Member during the reporting period ended July 31, 2011

(b) Not applicable
Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers:

Registrant Purchase of Equity Securities
Total Number Average Total Number
of Shares Price Paid of Shares
Period Purchased per Share Period Purchased
August 1 – August 31, 2010 August 1 – August 31, 2010
September 1 – September 30, 2010 September 1 – September 30, 2010
October 1 – October 7, 2010 October 1 – October 7, 2010
October 8 – October 31, 2010 October 8 – October 31, 2010
November 1 – November 30, 2010 November 1 – November 30, 2010
December 1 – December 31, 2010 December 1 – December 31, 2010
January 1 – January 31, 2011 January 1 – January 31, 2011
February 1 – February 28, 2011 February 1 – February 28, 2011
March 1 – March 31, 2011 March 1 – March 31, 2011
April 1 – April 30, 2011 April 1 – April 30, 2011
May 1 – May 31, 2011 May 1 – May 31, 2011
June 1 – June 30, 2011 June 1 – June 30, 2011
July 1 – July 31, 2011 July 1 – July 31, 2011

*   In October 2005, the Board of Trustees of the Putnam Funds initiated the closed-end fund share repurchase program, which, as subsequently amended, authorized the repurchase of up to 10% of the fund’s outstanding common shares over the two-years ending October 5, 2007. The Trustees subsequently renewed the program on four occasions, to permit the repurchase of an additional 10% of the fund’s outstanding common shares over each of the twelve-month periods beginning on October 8, 2007, October 8, 2008 ,October 8, 2009 and October 8, 2010. The October 8, 2008 - October 7, 2009 program, which was announced in September 2008, allowed repurchases up to a total of 14,564,288 shares of the fund. The October 8, 2009 - October 7, 2010 program, which was announced in September 2009, allowed repurchases up to a total of 14,017,462 shares of the fund.
The October 8, 2010 - October 7, 2011 program, which was announced in September 2010, allows repurchases up to a total of 14,085,964 shares of the fund.

**   Information prior to October 7, 2010 is based on the total number of shares eligible for repurchase under the program, as amended through September 2009. Information from October 8, 2010 forward is based on the total number of shares eligible for repurchase under the program, as amended through September 2010.
Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders:
Not applicable
Item 11. Controls and Procedures:
(a) The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report, that the design and operation of such procedures are generally effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by the registrant in this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms.

(b) Changes in internal control over financial reporting: Not applicable
Item 12. Exhibits:
(a)(1) The Code of Ethics of The Putnam Funds, which incorporates the Code of Ethics of Putnam Investments, is filed herewith.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the principal executive officer and principal financial officer of the registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.

(b) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are filed herewith.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Putnam Premier Income Trust
By (Signature and Title):
/s/Janet C. Smith
Janet C. Smith
Principal Accounting Officer

Date: September 28, 2011
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title):
/s/Jonathan S. Horwitz
Jonathan S. Horwitz
Principal Executive Officer

Date: September 28, 2011
By (Signature and Title):
/s/Steven D. Krichmar
Steven D. Krichmar
Principal Financial Officer

Date: September 28, 2011
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