RNS Number : 8837Z

Wren Extra Care Group PLC

21 January 2011

For release on 21 January 2011

Wren Extra Care Group Plc (WREN.L)

("Wren" or "the Group" or "the Company"),

Unaudited Second Interim Results

For the six months ended 31 July 2010

Following a change in accounting reference date to 31 December Wren Extra Care Group Plc, the AIM listed provider of retirement living, through a range of Extra Care and other services for the independent and elderly announces unaudited interim results for six-month period to 31 July 2010.

-- Appointment of LPA receivers to subsidiary company and major trading partners

-- Removal of CEO and change of head and registered office for cost saving purposes

-- Company entering negotiations with LPA receivers to secure key assets

-- Pursuing of former CEO for material financial irregularities

-- Significant asset write downs leading to net liabilities

Brian Nathan, Chairman of Wren Extra Care Group Plc, commented:

On 5th October 2010, at the company's request, the Company's shares were suspended pending clarification of its financial situation. Also on 5th October 2010 LPA receivers were appointed to Wren Estates Ltd, a subsidiary company of the Group.

The financial impact of the above actions has led the Company to write down material and significant assets comprising goodwill, inventories of property stocks as well as amounts due from key trading partners. These total GBP11,885,486 and are fully detailed in note 2."


  Wren Extra Care Group 
  James Butterfield         Tel: 01435 865443 
   Corporate Development     www.wrenextracare.co.uk 
  Shore Capital 
  Pascal Keane              Tel: 020 7408 4090 




Trading Results

In the six months to 31 July 2010, the directors embarked upon a fund raising exercise to develop the Warlingham Two scheme. Unfortunately the Company was not able to raise sufficient funds to fulfil the capital requirements to fund the build out and complete the scheme. Consequently the fundraising was aborted.

On 5th October 2010 it was announced that following a request from the Company, trading in the shares had been suspended pending clarification of the Company's financial position. This was due to a subsidiary of the Company earlier receiving notice demanding the immediate repayment of all sums due to its main lender. The resultant default under the Loan Agreements led the Company to request the suspension of its ordinary shares. At the same time the Board decided to terminate the service agreement and directorship of Paul Treadaway (formerly CEO of the Company).

Later on 5th October 2010 it was announced that that receivers had been appointed to Wren Estates Ltd, a subsidiary company within the Group, pursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925("LPA" or "LPA receivers" as appropriate). On 6th October 2010, it was further announced that LPA receivers had been appointed to Warlingham Developments Ltd ("WD") and Warlingham Developments Two Ltd ("WD2"). WD and WD2 are not Group companies but companies with which Wren Estates Ltd has profit share arrangements. In both instances the Group has fully co-operated with the LPA receivers GVA Grimley Ltd ("Grimleys"). The Group has not as yet been notified of the intentions of either of the LPA receivers or of sums due to its main lender (the "Lender").

The directors of the Company are working with Grimleys in order to assist with an orderly realisation of assets and to work closely with the Lender. In this respect the directors are seeking at the earliest opportunity to consider making an offer for certain of these assets at the same time as a capital reorganisation of the Group to attract fresh inward investment.

On 5th October 2010 certain financial irregularities have come to light including cash withdrawals using the Company credit card and charging of substantial personal expenditure to the Company. These matters continue to be investigated and legal action may be initiated if appropriate.

In addition, it has come to light that part of the development site assembled by WD2 has been acquired in the name of the current partner of the former director, Paul Treadaway, using funds provided by WD. This is contrary to the Board's understanding that WD2 was the owner of all elements of the development site.

WD2 was funded by both the Lender and by Wren Estates Ltd for the purposes of acquiring and developing the entire site. The fact that a piece of land is currently not registered in the name of the Company nor W2 may create problems for both the Lender and for Wren Estates Ltd, both of whom are looking to the sale of the development site to fund the payment of monies owing by WD2.

The Directors have provided this information to the Lender and will be seeking to ensure that any damage to Wren is minimised as far as possible.

Given the appointment of LPA receivers the Board has now decided to write down material and significant assets comprising goodwill, inventories of property stocks as well as amounts due from WD and WD2.These writedowns total GBP11,885,486 and are fully detailed in note 2.

Therefore for the year ended 31 July 2010, I am extremely disappointed to report a loss of GBP12,909,410 (2009: GBP1,076,093) on revenues of GBPNil (2009: GBP90,740) and for the six months to 31 July a loss of GBP12,370,883 (2009, loss, GBP523,133).The group currently has net liabilities of GBP4,875,821 and is currently looking to re- structure its capital base going forward.

Year end change

In order to give greater transparency within the residential sector the directors have decided to change the Group's accounting reference date to 31st December.

Work-in-Progress & Land Bank

The appointment of the LPA receivers effectively wipes out the value of options over any prospective schemes, save over those relative to the WD2.

Bank Support

As I stated above Grimleys were appointed on behalf of the Lender to realise cash on behalf of the lenders. The directors continue to aid with this process.

Break up basis

As set out in the notes to the consolidated unaudited Interim Statement, the Group's working capital facility and loan agreements have been called upon. The Directors, after making appropriate enquiries, as described in note 1 to these interim results, have prepared these these interim statements on a break up basis.

Outlook and Prospects

The directors of Wren believe that the future lies in the shape of smaller "vanilla " residential schemes and is currently in talks with its lenders and existing investors in order to maximise the Group's financial future.

Wren's challenge for the foreseeable future, having identified several good sites, for which some already have the requisite planning consent, is to complete the funding packages necessary to acquire and build these schemes. Despite the challenges that 2011 may well hold, I look forward to securing adequate funding to complete these schemes.

B Nathan - Chairman

21 January 2011



  For the six 
  months ended 31 
  July 2010                 Six months    Six months            Year           Year 
                                 Ended         Ended           Ended          Ended 
                               31 July       31 July         31 July        31 July 
                                  2010          2009            2010           2009 
                             Unaudited     Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
                                   GBP           GBP             GBP            GBP 
  Revenue                            -        39,840               -         90,740 
  Cost of sales                      -          (12)               -       (70,129) 
  Gross profit                       -        39,828               -         20,611 
  expenses Asset             (407,077)     (527,376)       (885,583)    (1,094,215) 
  write downs        2    (11,885,486)             -    (11,885,486)              - 
  Loss from 
   operations             (12,292,563)     (487,548)    (12,771,069)    (1,073,604) 
   income                                    111,606         107,300        225,974 
  Finance cost                (78,320)     (147,191)       (245,641)      (228,463) 
  Loss before tax 
   operations             (12,370,883)     (523,133)    (12,909,410)    (1,076,093) 
  Income tax                         -             -               -              - 
  Loss for the 
   period from 
   after tax (and 
   income)                (12,370,883)     (523,133)    (12,909,410)    (1,076,093) 
                        ==============  ============  ==============  ============= 
  attributable to 
  equity holders 
  of the parent 
  Loss per share 
  The weighted 
   number of 
   shares in 
   issue                    52,422,387    52,422,397      52,422,387     49,672,387 
  Basic and 
   diluted           3        (23.39)p       (1.00)p        (24.63)p        (2.17)p 



                                                                  31 July 
                                              31 July 2010           2009 
                                                 Unaudited        Audited 
                                      Note             GBP            GBP 
  Non-current assets 
  Goodwill                               4               -      3,135,203 
  Investment property                    6         210,000        230,000 
  Property plant & equipment             5               -         23,217 
  Trade & other receivables                              -      2,675,000 
  Total non-current assets                         210,000      6,063,420 
  Current assets 
                                            --------------  ------------- 
  Inventories                                    2,905,122      6,993,585 
  Trade & other receivables                         37,396      1,798,861 
  Cash & cash equivalents                                -      1,438,825 
  Total current assets                           2,942,518     10,231,271 
  Total assets                                   3,152,518     16,294,691 
  Current liabilities 
                                            --------------  ------------- 
  Trade payables                                   288,218        224,734 
  Tax liabilities                                   80,028        131,356 
  Obligations under finance 
   leases                                                -          7,809 
  Other payables                                   179,734         69,141 
  Bank overdrafts and loans                      4,657,340      4,887,907 
  Total current liabilities                      5,205,320      5,320,947 
  Non-current liabilities 
                                            --------------  ------------- 
  Obligations under finance 
   leases                                                -              - 
  Convertible loan note                          2,823,019      2,781,522 
  Total non - current liabilities       12       2,823,019      2,781,522 
  Total liabilities                              8,028,339      8,102,469 
                                               (4,875,821)      8,192,222 
                                            ==============  ============= 
  Issued share capital                   7       5,242,238      5,242,238 
  Share premium account                          3,492,648      3,650,480 
  Capital redemption reserve                        98,028         98,028 
  Equity reserve                                   218,478        218,478 
  Retained earnings                           (13,927,213)    (1,017,002) 
   Total equity attributable                   (4,875,821)      8,192,222 
   to equity holders of the 
                                            ==============  ============= 



  Six months ended 
   31 July 2010 
                   Share        Share       Capital     Equity        Retained 
                 Capital      Premium    Redemption    Reserve        Reserves           Total 
                     GBP          GBP           GBP        GBP             GBP             GBP 
   at 1 
   2010        5,242,238    3,526,353        98,028    228,474     (1,556,330)       7,538,763 
  Net loss 
   for the 
   period              -            -             -          -    (12,370,883)    (12,370,883) 
   down                                           -          -               - 
   costs               -     (33,705)             -    (9,996)               -        (43,701) 
   at 31 
   2010        5,242,238    3,492,648        98,028    218,478    (13,927,213)     (4,875,821) 


  For the six months                    Six          Six 
   ended 31 July 2010                months       months           Year           Year 
                                      Ended        Ended          Ended          Ended 
                                    31 July      31 July        31 July        31 July 
                                       2010         2009           2010           2009 
                                  Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                          Note          GBP          GBP            GBP            GBP 
  Cash flows from 
   operations                9    (466,376)    (529,214)    (945,773)      (2,088,509) 
  Interest paid on 
   loans and bank 
   overdrafts                      (68,241)            -      (138,341)      (228,463) 
  Net cash generated 
   from operating 
   activities                     (534,617)    (529,214)    (1,084,114)    (2.316,972) 
                                -----------  -----------  -------------  ------------- 
  Investing activities 
  Interest received                       -            -              -        225,974 
  Interest paid on 
  hire purchase                           -            -              -              - 
  Sales of tangible 
   assets                                 -            -              -        103,909 
  Cash flows from 
   activities                             -            -              -        329,883 
  Financing activities 
  Convertible loan 
   note                                   -            -         41,497      3,000,000 
  Other loans repaid                      -            -              -       (94,624) 
  Loans repaid                            -            -              -              - 
  Hire purchase 
   repayments                             -            -        (7,809)      (156,829) 
  Share issue Equity 
   draw down costs                        -            -      (157,832)      1,099,116 
  Dividends paid                          -            -              -       (52,420) 
  Cash flows from 
   activities                             -            -      (124,114)      3,795,243 
   in cash and cash 
   equivalents                    (534,617)    (529,214)    (1,208,228)      1,808,154 
  Cash and cash 
   equivalents brought 
   forward                          534,617    1,737,472      1,208,228      (599,926) 
  Cash and cash 
   equivalents carried 
   forward                                -    1,208,228              -      1,208,228 



  For the six months ended 31 July 2010 
  1.       Accounting policies 
           These condensed interim financial statements are for the 
            six months ended 31 July 2010.They have been prepared in 
            accordance with the recognition and measurement principles 
            of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as 
            adopted by the European Union (EU) with effect from 27 March 
            2010.They do not include all of the information required 
            for full annual financial statements, and should be read 
            in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements 
            of the Group for the year ended 31 July 2009. 
            These condensed consolidated interim financial statements 
            have been approved for the issue by the Board of Directors 
            on 21 January 2011. 
            These financial statements have been prepared under the 
            historical cost convention, except for the revaluation of 
            certain properties and financial instruments. 
           As set out in the Chairman's statement on 5th October 2010 
            LPA receivers were appointed to Wren Estates Ltd, a subsidiary 
            company within the group. Also as previously announced on 
            6 October 2010 LPA receivers were appointed to Warlingham 
            Developments Ltd ("WD") and Warlingham Developments Two 
            Ltd ("WD2"), which are not group companies but companies 
            with which Wren Estates Ltd has profit share arrangements. 
            In both instances the Group has fully co-operated with the 
            LPA receivers GVA Grimley Ltd. The Group has not as yet 
            been notified of the intentions of either of the LPA receivers 
            or of sums due to its main lender, RBS (the "Lender"). 
           The financial statements have been prepared on a break up 
            basis. This basis of preparation writes assets down to their 
            market values and accelerates the recognition of certain 
            liabilities and undertakings .The amounts are quantified 
            in note 2 to these results. 
           The financial information contained in this report has been 
            prepared in accordance with the requirements of IAS 34 'Interim 
            Financial Reporting'. It has not been audited and does not 
            constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 
            434 of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts for 
            2009, which were prepared under International Accounting 
            Standards (IAS), have been delivered to the Registrar of 
            Companies. The auditors' opinion on these accounts was modified 
            and contained two emphasis of matter paragraphs relating 
            to goodwill and going concern. The audit report does not 
            contain a statement made under Section 498 of the Companies 
            Act 2006. 

2. Asset Write downs

For the year to 31st July 2010 and the six months to 31st July 2010, the following assets have been written down to their estimated realizable values given the appointment of LPA receivers on behalf of the Group's main lender.

  Goodwill written off                         3,135,203 
  Fixed asset provisions                          20,000 
  Write down in inventories                    4,480,000 
  Provision against irrecoverable debtors      4,250,283 
  Total                                       11,885,486 



  3.     Loss per share 
         Basic loss per share 
         The calculation of basic loss per share for the years ended 
          31 July 2010 and 2009 and for the six months ended 31 July 
          2010 and 2009 have been determined as the net loss after tax 
          divided by the weighted average number of equity shares in 
          issue in the period. 
                              6 Months      6 Months      Year ended     Year ended 
                              ended 31      ended 31         31 July        31 July 
                             July 2010     July 2009            2010           2009 
                                   GBP           GBP             GBP            GBP 
   Net loss 
    attributable to 
    shareholders          (12,370,883)     (523,133)    (12,909,410)    (1,076,093) 
         Number of 
   Issued ordinary 
    shares at the 
    beginning of the 
    period                  52,422,387    52,422,387      52,422,387     40,422,387 
   Issue of shares in 
    the period                       -             -               -     12,000,000 
   Issued ordinary 
    shares at the end 
    of the period           52,422,387    52,422,387      52,422,387     52,422,387 
                        --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
         number of 
   Issued ordinary 
    shares at the 
    beginning of the 
    period                  52,422,387    52,422,387      52,422,387     40,422,387 
   Issue of shares 
    part way through 
    the period                       -             -               -      9,672.387 
   Weighted average 
    number of ordinary 
    shares during the 
    period                  52,422,387    52,422,387    52,422,387      49,672,387 
                        --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
   Basic loss per 
    share                     (23.60)p       (1.00)p        (24.63)p        (2.17)p 
                        --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                            6 Months 
                              6 Months      ended 31      Year ended     Year ended 
         Diluted loss         ended 31          July         31 July        31 July 
         per share           July 2010         20090            2010           2009 
   Diluted loss per 
    share at period 
    end                       (23.60)p       (1.00)p        (24.63)p        (2.17)p 
   Loss per share requires presentation of diluted loss per share 
    when a company could be called upon to issue shares that would 
    decrease net profits or increase net loss per share. For a 
    loss making company with outstanding share options, net loss 
    per share would only be decreased by the exercise of out-of-the-money 
    share options. No adjustment has been made to dilute loss per 
    share for out-of-the-money share option and there are no other 
    diluting future share issues, therefore diluted loss per share 
    is identical to the basis loss per share. 



  4.            Goodwill 
                As set out in note 1 the accounts have been drawn up on a 
                break up basis and the movement in goodwill is as 
               Brought forward 
               1 February 
               Written off to                                         GBP 
               profit and loss                                  3,135,203 
               Carried forward                                (3,135,203) 
  5.           31 July                                                  - 
                                   fittings and        Motor 
                                      equipment     vehicles        Total 
               Cost                         GBP          GBP          GBP 
   At 31 July 2009                       36,592       46,136       82,728 
   Disposals in 
    the period                         (36,592)     (46,136)     (82,728) 
                                ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
               At 31 July 2010                -            -            - 
                                ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
   At 31 July 2009                       28,396       31,115       59,511 
               Charge for the 
               Eliminated on              8,196   - (31,115)        8,196 
               disposals               (36,592)                  (67,707) 
                                ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
               At 31 July 2010                -            -            - 
                                ---------------  -----------  ----------- 
               Net book values 
               At 31 July 2010                -            -            - 
                                ===============  ===========  =========== 
   At 31 July 2009                        8,196       15,021       23,217 
                                ===============  ===========  =========== 
  Included above are assets held under finance leases or 
  hire purchase contracts as follows : 
  Net book 
  At 31 July 
  2010                            - 
  At 31 July 
   2009                                  15,021 



  5.     Plant and equipment (cont'd) 
                                         6 months        Year        Year 
         Depreciation        6 months    ended 31    ended 31       ended 
         charge for the      ended 31        July        July     31 July 
         period             July 2010        2009        2010        2009 
   Six months to 
    31 January 
    2010                        4,184      12,030       8,196      24,079 
                         ============  ==========  ==========  ========== 
                                                    31 July          31 July 
         Investment Property                           2010             2009 
  6.      Fair Value                                    GBP              GBP 
   Balance bought 
    forward                                     230,000              230,000 
   Write off in year                               (20,000)                - 
    Balance carried                                 210,000          230,000 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
   Investment properties have been valued by the directors 
    on 31 July 2010 at fair value at an open market value basis. 
    An impairment charge has been made in the period of GBP20,000 
    (2009: GBPNil). 
   The property rental income earned by the group from its 
    investment property, which is leased out under an operating 
    lease, amounted to GBP5,400 (31 January 2009: GBP2,685, 
    31 July 2009: GBP10,800). Direct operating expenses arising 
    on the investment property in the period amounted to GBP3,310 
    (31 January 2009: GBP3,721, 31 July 2009 GBP9,500). 
 7.    Share Capital                      31 July 2010   31 July 2009 
====  =================================  =============  ============= 
                                              GBP            GBP 
====  =================================  =============  ============= 
====  =================================  =============  ============= 
  100,000,000 Ordinary shares of 
   10p each                                 10,000,000     10,000,000 
 ======================================  =============  ============= 
       Allotted, issued and fully paid 
====  =================================  =============  ============= 
  52,422,387 Ordinary shares of 
   10p each                                  5,242,238      5,242,238 
 ======================================  =============  ============= 



  8.     Operating lease arrangements 
         The Group as a lessee 
         The total of future minimum lease payments under non cancellable 
          operating leases are as follows: 
                                      Land and Building                        Other 
                                            31           31                31 
                                          July         July              July         31 July 
                                          2010         2009              2010            2009 
         Expiry Date : 
          Less than one                    GBP          GBP         GBP              GBP 
          year                          33,210       33,210         1,565            1,565 
   In the second 
    to fifth years 
    inclusive                           33,210       66,410             2,380    2,380 
  9.      Cash flow statement 
          Reconciliation of operating loss to 
           operating cash flow 
                                                   6 months              Year            Year 
                                      6 months     ended 31             ended           ended 
                                      ended 31         July           31 July         31 July 
                                     July 2010         2009              2010            2009 
                                           GBP          GBP               GBP             GBP 
          Loss from operations    (12,292,473)    (524,421)      (12,771,870)     (1,073,604) 
           and loss of assets        5,853,420       31,277         5,853,420          67,088 
          Share option 
           costs                             -            -                 -          92,088 
           in work in progress       4,088,463      124,317         4,088,463        (61,425) 
           in receivables            1,761,465    (271,116)         1,761,465       (763,447) 
           in payables                 122,749      110,729           122,749       (349,209) 
          Cash flows from 
           activities                (466,376)    (529,214)         (945,773)     (2,088,509) 
                                ==============  ===========  ================  ============== 



  10.      Share based payments - Equity-settled share option plans 
           The Group offers vested share options, without payment, 
            to senior employees. On 10 July 2008 the first such share 
            options were granted to three employees, to subscribe for 
            a total of 450,000 shares at a price of 16p. The options 
            are exercisable between 10 July 2011 and 10 July 2018. 
           The fair values of the options granted on 10 July 2008 
            under the share option scheme and expected to vest have 
            been calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing 
            model. The following inputs were used in the calculation: 
           Share price at date of grant                              16p 
           Expected volatility                                   53.54 % 
           Expected life                                         3 years 
           Risk free rate                                            4 % 
           Expected volatility was based on flotation on Plus Markets 
            (formally OFEX) in November 2001 to the date of the grant. 

On 7 August 2008 share options were granted to the directors and certain key employees to subscribe for a total of 3,732,238 shares at a price of 15p. The share price at the date of the grant was 15p. The options are exercisable between 7 August 2009 and 7 August 2018.

The fair values of the options granted on 7 August 2008 under the share option scheme and expected to vest have been calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The following inputs were used in the calculation:

  Share price at date of grant       11.75p 
  Expected volatility                53.54% 
  Expected life                    10 years 
  Risk free rate                         4% 
          The option outstanding at 31 July 2010 had a weighted average 
           remaining contractual life of 8 years (time until options 
           expire). The group recognised total expenses of GBP64,000 
           (31 January 2010 GBP24,000, 31 July 2009: GBP82,354 31 January 
           2009 GBPNIL) in respect of the fair value of these options. 
  11     Transactions with Directors 
         During the period GBPNIL (31 January 2009 GBP15,000, 31 
          July 2009 GBP39,579) was paid to Haines Watts (of which 
          P Self is a partner) for the provision of consultancy services. 
          During the period GBP6,000 (31 January 2010 31 January 2009 
          GBP6,000 31 July 2009 GBP12,000) was charged by B Nathan 
          but not drawn and GBP6,000 (31 January 2010, GBP6,000 31 
          January 2009: Nil, 31 July 2009:GBP12,000) was charged by 
          but not drawn J Butterfield for their services as non-executive 
          directors in the period to 31 July 2010. 
          On 7 August 2008 certain directors were granted the following 
          share options: 
   B Nathan                                                        100,000 
   P Treadaway                                                     762,238 



          Transactions with Directors 
  11       (continued) 
   J Butterfield                                  1,320,000 
   P Self                                           500,000 
          Details of the terms of the options are shown 
          under note 10. 
     12    Convertible loan note 
           The convertible loan note was issued on 31 October 2008. 
            The note is convertible into ordinary shares of the company 
            at any time by the loan note holder between the date of 
            issue of the note and 31 October 2013. On issue, the loan 
            note was convertible at 30,000,000 Ordinary shares at 10p. 
            Interest of 5% per annum will be paid quarterly until the 
            settlement date. 
            The loan has been recognised at fair value, using the market 
            rate for a similar instrument of 7.5% for the purposes of 
            the valuation. The difference between the nominal value 
            of the loan and the fair value has been recognised directly 
            in profit or loss as a finance charge. 
            The fair value of the convertible loan note has been split 
            between a liability element and an equity component, to 
            represent the fair value of the embedded option to convert 
            the liability into equity of the group, as follows: 
           Nominal value of convertible loan notes issued      3,000,000 
           Equity component                                    (303,441) 
           Liability component at date of issue                2,696,559 
           Deferred tax thereon                                   74,968 
            Interest component                                    51,492 
           Liability component at 31 July 2010                 2,823,019 
  13.      Availability 
           Copies of the interim results will be available 
            to all shareholders at the registered office of 
            the Company, Cade Barn Old Heathfield East 
            Sussex TN21 8RL and at the Company's website: 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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