RNS Number : 4074U

Watkin Jones plc

18 January 2017

For immediate release  18 January 2017 

This announcement contains inside information

Watkin Jones plc

('Watkin Jones' or the 'Group')

Full year results for the year ended 30 September 2016

Watkin Jones plc (AIM:WJG), a leading UK developer and constructor of multi occupancy property assets, with a focus on the student accommodation sector, announces its maiden annual results for the year ended 30 September 2016. The Board is pleased to report a successful financial year with trading in line with its expectations.

Financial Highlights

                                    FY 2016             FY 2015  Movement 
Revenue from 
 continuing operations     GBP267.0 million    GBP244.2 million     +9.3% 
  Gross profit 
  from continuing 
  operations                GBP53.8 million     GBP44.0 million    +22.2% 
  Operating profit 
  before exceptional 
  IPO costs(1)              GBP37.9 million     GBP32.5 million    +16.7% 
  Adjusted EBITDA(2)        GBP41.6 million     GBP34.1 million    +22.1% 
  Operating cash 
  inflow before 
  IPO costs(1)              GBP41.7 million     GBP28.4 million    +46.8% 
  Net cash                  GBP32.2 million     GBP39.1 million    -17.6% 
  Adjusted basic 
  EPS(3)                         12.4 pence          10.4 pence    +18.9% 
  Dividend per                    4.0 pence                 n/a 


1 Exceptional IPO costs of GBP26.6 million comprise GBP6.5 million costs associated with the Company's admission to AIM and GBP20.1 million relating to the settlement of senior management incentive plans

2 Adjusted EBITDA comprises operating profit from continuing operations before exceptional IPO costs, plus the Group's share of profit from joint ventures, adding back charges for depreciation and amortisation.

3 Adjusted basic EPS is calculated on a proforma basis using the profit for the period from continuing operations excluding exceptional IPO costs and based on the number of shares in issue at 30 September 2016.

-- Strong revenue growth and record operating profit, before exceptional IPO costs, driven by student accommodation developments

-- 2.67 pence per share proposed final dividend, giving total dividend of 4.0 pence per share, in line with IPO guidance

-- Robust cash performance, with a net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional IPO costs of GBP41.7 million (2015: GBP28.4 million)

-- GBP32.2 million of net cash at the year end (30 September 2015: GBP39.1 million), after exceptional IPO cash costs of GBP26.6 million, GBP14.5 million cash cost of acquiring Fresh Student Living ("Fresh") and GBP10.0 million dividend to existing shareholders prior to IPO

-- New GBP40.0 million five-year revolving credit facility and GBP10.0 million working capital facility with HSBC, to provide development funding flexibility and working capital headroom. All these facilities were unutilised at 30 September 2016

Business Highlights

AIM listing and corporate governance

-- Successful admission to AIM listing on 23 March 2016, with business delivering strong operational performance throughout the process and since admission

-- Watkin Jones plc Board formally established ahead of IPO, comprising Grenville Turner (Chairman), Simon Laffin (Non-Executive Director), Mark Watkin Jones (CEO) and Philip Byrom (CFO)

Student accommodation development - sales and planning

-- GBP183.0 million of development value of eight student accommodation schemes (2,615 beds), forward sold during the year

-- GBP164.0 million of development value of five student accommodation schemes (1,893 beds) forward sold since the year end

-- In excess of GBP185.0 million of development value in legal negotiations, for forward sale of seven further student accommodation developments (2,166 beds)

-- Planning permissions for ten student developments (3,500 beds) granted during the year and a further four (1,579 beds) granted between the year end and the date of this announcement

-- Planning permission consented for 8,260 beds of the pipeline as at the date of this announcement.

Student accommodation development - pipeline

-- 9,469 student beds in the pipeline across 27 sites, with 15 forward sold and seven more forward

sales in legal   negotiations 

-- 2017 deliveries - nine student developments (2,860 beds) sold, including one operational asset (590 beds). The remaining 2017 delivery (454 beds) in legal negotiations

-- 2018 deliveries - eleven student developments (3,485 beds) scheduled for delivery, of which ten developments (3,370 beds) have planning and five developments (1,840 beds) are forward sold

-- 2019/20 deliveries - six sites secured and a number of additional site acquisitions progressing satisfactorily. One development (511 beds) forward sold to date

Student accommodation asset management

-- Fresh successfully integrated, with beds under management increased from 8,310 in FY 2016 to 12,337 in FY 2017, and currently contracted to increase to 18,636 by FY 2020

Private rented sector ("PRS")

-- Five Nine Living Limited established to leverage Fresh's property management expertise in PRS and

focus applied to   sourcing suitable PRS development opportunities 

Private residential

   --          127 residential plot sales achieved from the ongoing development of legacy sites 

Commenting on the results, Mark Watkin Jones, Chief Executive Officer of Watkin Jones plc, said:

"This has been a transformational year for the Group and we are delighted to report such a strong set of maiden full year results, which have seen positive movements across our key financial metrics. Our student accommodation development business is robust. It is positively underpinned by a buoyant market and our forward sale model provides us with excellent visibility as to future earnings and cash flow. We currently have a development pipeline of 9,469 beds across 27 sites, where we have planning permissions granted for 8,260 beds. Nine of the ten schemes scheduled for completion in FY 2017 have been successfully forward sold and the tenth scheme is in legal negotiations. All schemes are progressing well on site.

At 30 September 2016, Fresh Student Living, our specialist student accommodation asset management business, was contracted to manage 12,337 beds across 44 schemes.

By utilising positive market conditions and choosing only the best opportunities, we expect to make further progress in our student accommodation businesses.

As we near completion of our first PRS development in Leeds, we are looking, while always being mindful of the need to expand in a sustainable way, to build on our expertise and our institutional relationships to develop real momentum in the PRS market and we are looking at a number of exciting opportunities.

In private residential development, our approach is to utilise our existing land bank and to acquire further sites when suitable opportunities arise.

Watkin Jones has made a strong start to life as a public company and has demonstrated its ability to grow with good visibility of earnings and significant cash generation. Our prospects are encouraging and our aspiration is to continue to expand in both student accommodation and PRS, while adding to earnings by managing the completed developments. We look forward to the next year with confidence."


Performance and dividend

This is our first annual report since our admission to AIM in March 2016 and I am pleased with the progress the Group has made, both commercially and with organising ourselves as a public company. We had a very good first trading period and we met our expectations for the year. Any uncertainty in our markets in the immediate aftermath of the EU Referendum result dissipated quickly. University places remain oversubscribed and as only 7% of students in the UK come from the EU across the higher education sector, we do not believe that Brexit will be a significant issue for the Group.

One of the key attractions of the business is its strong cash generation, which results from the forward sale model. This cash generation underpins our ability to reward shareholders through dividends.

Having paid an interim dividend of 1.33 pence per share in June, the Board has recommended a final dividend of 2.67 pence per share, giving a total dividend of 4.0 pence per share. With admission having taken place towards the end of the first half of the financial year, this total dividend represents two thirds of the full year equivalent, giving an initial yield of 6% based on the placing price of GBP1 per ordinary share. This is in line with our stated intention at the time of the IPO. The dividend will be paid on 28 February 2017 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 27 January 2017. The shares will go ex-dividend on 26 January 2017.

Looking forward, our intention is to adopt a progressive dividend policy, which will allow shareholders to benefit from the Group's growth in earnings and cash flow.

Board and management

I joined the Board as Non-Executive Chairman ahead of the IPO, along with Simon Laffin, who was appointed as a Non-Executive Director and as chairman of the Audit Committee. The Board has four Directors in total, including Mark Watkin Jones (CEO) and Philip Byrom (CFO). Since the Board was formed, we have focused on defining our activities, agreeing roles and responsibilities, and setting out the processes and authorities that will govern our work.

Simon and I have also spent considerable time getting to know the business and the team. Watkin Jones has excellent people, with real depth of talent. One of the business's key strengths is the commitment of its employees, many of whom have worked for the Group for their entire careers. Retaining their experience and bringing them through the business has been an important factor in Watkin Jones' growth. Having the right culture is critical for sustainable success. The Board recognises its role in setting the Group's culture and for making sure that it is appropriate for the business and what it wants to achieve. That includes ensuring we challenge appropriately and encourage the business to look for opportunities to improve and do things differently.

Looking forward

Watkin Jones has made a positive start to life as a public company and has demonstrated its ability to grow. Our prospects are encouraging and our aspiration is to continue to expand in both student accommodation and PRS, while adding to earnings by managing the completed developments.

Grenville Turner

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

17 January 2017



We delivered a strong performance across the Group this year. Revenue from continuing operations rose from GBP244.2 million in FY 2015 to GBP267.0 million in FY 2016, an increase of 9.3%, whilst gross profit rose from GBP44.0 million in FY 2015 to GBP53.8 million in FY 2016, an increase of 22.2%. Operating profit before exceptional IPO costs was 16.7% higher at GBP37.9 million (FY 2015: GBP32.5 million), representing a margin of 14.2% (FY 2015: 13.3%). One of the key features of our model is its strong cash generation and we achieved an operating cash inflow, before exceptional IPO costs, of GBP41.7 million (FY 2015: GBP28.4 million).

Developing student accommodation is our largest business and we continued to perform well. We completed ten schemes with 3,819 beds during FY 2016 and maintained our 100% record of finishing ahead of the academic year. The Group acquired the student accommodation management business, Fresh Student Living, in February 2016. Fresh has continued to grow strongly and now has 12,337 beds under management for FY 2017, compared to 8,310 beds in FY 2016, and is currently contracted to manage 16,431 for FY 2018.

A key event in the financial year was the progression of our first PRS scheme, a 322--apartment development in Leeds, which we have forward sold to a leading institutional investor. Construction is proceeding to plan, with completion scheduled in the first half of FY 2017. We also launched Five Nine Living to manage PRS schemes, drawing on Fresh's expertise.

Private residential sales were strong during the year, with 127 sales completed against 69 in FY 2015. We made good progress with releasing cash from low-margin legacy sites.

Operating review

Student Accommodation development

The gross margin for the year on student accommodation developments was 20.5%, compared to 18.2% for FY 2015. The improvement reflects our move to solely developing our own projects and away from lower margin contracting work for other developers.

The student accommodation pipeline remains robust. Nine of the ten schemes scheduled for completion in FY 2017 have been forward sold with the remaining 2017 delivery in legal negotiation. We have secured all our development sites for FY 2018. Ten of these have planning consent and the remaining one is progressing satisfactorily through the planning process. We have secured six developments for FY 2019. Two of these have planning consent with the remainder progressing satisfactorily. A number of other sites are under offer, with a view to further building up the secured pipeline for FY 2019.

In total, we currently have 27 development sites under offer and in the pipeline, representing 9,469 beds and with an appraised development value of approximately GBP800.0 million. Of these, 3,314 are for delivery by FY 2017, 3,485 are for delivery by FY 2018 and 2,670 are for delivery in FY 2019 and beyond.

During the year, we forward sold eight development sites with 2,615 beds.

At the date of this announcement, seven developments were in legal negotiations (2,166 beds), with a total development value in excess of GBP185.0 million.

We remained successful in securing planning consents, achieving ten during FY 2016 (3,500 beds) and a further four (1,579 beds) between the year end and the date of this announcement.

Our development sites are spread across the UK and we organise the operating divisions responsible for building the schemes on this basis. Negotiating national procurement terms with key subcontractors and standardising development layouts is continuing to help us control build costs.

Fresh Student Living

We acquired Fresh on 25 February 2016 and have successfully integrated it into the Group. Fresh requires little working capital and the consideration of GBP15.0 million was largely attributable to the value of intangible assets.

Fresh provides student letting and operational management services for a variety of clients. Contracts typically run for between three and seven years and our expectation is for these contracts to be renewed. Fresh also provides consultancy and mobilisation services to clients for new schemes in development. This is a key part of the complete solution we offer to clients.

At 30 September 2016, Fresh was contracted to manage 12,337 beds across 44 schemes, with an annual management fee income of GBP3.6 million. By FY 2020, Fresh is currently contracted to manage 18,636 beds across 61 schemes. The majority of the increase to FY 2020 is through contracts with third parties. We do not include our own development schemes in Fresh's pipeline until the exit strategy for a particular site is determined and we are certain that Fresh will manage it.

For the period post--acquisition, Fresh contributed revenue of GBP2.8 million and gross profit of GBP1.7 million. On a like--for--like basis, Fresh's revenues for the year to 30 September 2016 amounted to GBP5.1 million, compared to GBP2.6 million for FY 2015. The gross margin achieved is approximately 60%.

Private Residential

The residential development business achieved 127 sale completions during the year, compared to 69 for FY 2015. This resulted in a 65.3% increase in revenues to GBP26.3 million (FY 2015: GBP15.9 million).

The gross margin for the business was 11.5% (FY 2015: 16.6%) but was held back by sales at two legacy development sites at nil margin. Achieving these sales was a key objective for the business, as it released cash from brought-forward inventory. Sales at the two sites (Gorse Stacks in Chester and the canal marina development at Droylsden, Manchester) totalled GBP11.0 million in the year. We completed the sale of all but two of the apartments at Gorse Stacks by the year end, with sales at Droylsden ongoing. The gross margin for the residential business will continue to strengthen as more profitable developments come on stream.

At the year end, the private residential business had a land bank of 573 plots (FY 2015: 595 plots).

Private Rented Sector

PRS is a key part of our growth strategy. We are currently undertaking our first purpose--built PRS development in Leeds. The 322-apartment scheme is scheduled for completion in FY 2017 and has been forward sold to a leading institutional investor.

We aim to grow our PRS business sustainably and are reviewing further opportunities. During the year, we also established Five Nine Living, our management platform for PRS schemes. Five Nine Living will manage the Leeds scheme on completion and we expect to start taking market share going forwards.


We have set clear strategic objectives for each part of our business. By exploiting positive market conditions and choosing only the best opportunities, we will grow our student accommodation business and take further market share with Fresh Student Living.

Our student accommodation expertise is directly transferable to the PRS market. We are looking to build on our experience and our institutional relationships to develop real momentum in this area, while always being mindful of the need to expand in a sustainable way. In private residential development, our approach is to utilise our existing land bank and to acquire further sites if suitable opportunities arise.


I want to thank everyone in the Group for their contributions this year, in particular in stepping up to ensure we continued to deliver for clients during the IPO process. We are fortunate to have an extremely loyal and hardworking group of colleagues, and it is important to me that we look after them and maximise their potential. A key benefit of the IPO is the greater sense of ownership it has given to our people, who all received shares through an employee Share Incentive Plan ("SIP") on flotation. Coupled with our culture of empowering people to take decisions, this means our people truly want to see the business develop and succeed.


Watkin Jones is naturally focused on the long term. Economic, social and environmental sustainability is therefore integral to the way we work. The Group has robust policies embedded in every area of our activities, which offer support and guidance on how we expect our team to conduct themselves. We look to understand and address the needs of all our stakeholders, which include our people, clients, supply chain, communities and our shareholders. We also work hard to minimise our impact on both the local and global environment.


The outlook for FY 2017 is positive and we expect to make further progress. Nine of the ten schemes scheduled to complete in the year have been forward sold and are progressing well on site, with the tenth scheme in legal negotiations.

Our forward sale model means that FY 2017 will also benefit from our progress on schemes delivering in later years. We are looking to complete eleven schemes in FY 2018. Ten have planning consents and planning has been submitted on the remaining scheme. Some of our larger 2019 schemes will also contribute to FY 2017 performance, in particular the 511-bed scheme in Stratford for the University of London, which in terms of its development value is our largest ever project.

Mark Watkin Jones

Chief Executive Officer

17 January 2017


The Group delivered a strong financial performance in FY 2016, with growth in revenue, gross margin and earnings, as well as a robust cash inflow.

                                           FY2016   FY 2015 
Continuing operations                        GBPm      GBPm  Change 
-----------------------------------------  ------  --------  ------ 
Revenue                                     267.0     244.2   +9.3% 
Gross profit                                 53.8      44.0  +22.2% 
Overheads                                  (15.9)    (11.6)  +37.4% 
Operating profit before exceptional 
 IPO costs                                   37.9      32.5  +16.7% 
Exceptional IPO costs                      (26.6)         - 
Operating profit                             11.3      32.5 
Share of profit in joint ventures             3.0       1.2 
Net finance costs                           (1.0)     (0.7) 
Profit before tax                            13.3      32.9 
Tax                                         (8.2)     (6.3) 
Profit for the year                           5.1      26.6 
Basic earnings per share from continuing     3.8p  GBP26.61 
Adjusted basic earnings per share           12.4p     10.4p  +18.9% 
Dividend per share                           4.0p         - 
-----------------------------------------  ------  --------  ------ 

The adjusted basic earnings per share figures are shown for comparative purposes on a proforma basis using the number of shares in issue at 30 September 2016.


Revenue from continuing operations increased by 9.3% to GBP267.0 million, as a result of good growth in our student accommodation development business, an initial contribution from Fresh Student Living and an increase in the number of sales completions in our private residential business. More information on revenue growth in each business can be found in the Chief Executive Officer's Review.

Gross profit

Gross profit rose from GBP44.0 million in FY 2015 to GBP53.8 million this year, resulting in a gross margin of 20.1% (FY 2015: 18.0%). The higher gross margin reflects the increasing outturns from our student accommodation projects, driven in part by the quality of sites selected, the cessation of lower margin student accommodation contracting work and the high gross margin on the initial revenues contributed by Fresh. However, the gross margin for the year was held back by the sale of legacy private residential developments at nil margin.


Overheads comprise administrative expenses and distribution costs, and include key functions such as our in-house procurement, quantity surveyors and commercial teams. Overheads increased by 37.4% to GBP15.9 million. This reflects expansion of the Group's operations, the overheads attributable to Fresh and some additional costs related to our new status as a public company.

Operating profit before exceptional IPO costs

Operating profit before the impact of exceptional IPO costs increased by 16.7% to GBP37.9 million, representing a margin of 14.2% (FY 2015: 13.3%).

Exceptional IPO costs

The Group incurred a number of exceptional costs in relation to the IPO in March 2016. These totalled GBP26.6 million and comprised GBP6.5 million of transaction-related fees and commissions, and GBP20.1 million for settling share--based management incentive arrangements that triggered on completion of the IPO.

Share of profit in joint ventures

We have a number of project-specific joint ventures with Lacuna Developments Limited, based in Northern Ireland, enabling us to develop student accommodation schemes in Belfast. We completed one such scheme in FY 2016 and forward sold a second. We also have a joint venture interest in a student accommodation asset which we had previously developed in Ipswich (Athena Hall). Our share of profit in joint ventures for the year totalled GBP3.0 million, up from GBP1.2 million in FY 2015.

Finance costs

Our net finance costs totalled GBP1.0 million, as compared to the GBP0.7 million incurred in FY 2015. During the year, we put in place new debt and working capital facilities (see statement of financial position and cash flows below). Net finance costs includes the costs of arranging these facilities, as well as non-utilisation fees.


The tax charge for the year was GBP8.2 million, representing an effective tax rate of 65.6%. This is significantly higher than the statutory rate of corporation tax of 20%, as a result of most of the exceptional IPO costs incurred not being deductible for tax. The underlying rate of tax for the year was approximately 20%.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were 3.8 pence, after the impact of exceptional items. On a proforma basis, using the number of shares in issue in Watkins Jones plc at 30 September 2016, adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations, which is calculated before exceptional items, increased by 18.9% to 12.4 pence (FY 2015: 10.4 pence).


As discussed in the Chairman's Statement, the Board has recommended a final dividend of 2.67 pence per share, giving a total dividend for the year of 4.0 pence per share. This is in line with our guidance at the time of the IPO.

The cash cost of the total dividend will be GBP10.2 million, of which GBP3.4 million was paid in the year.

Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA is an important measure of underlying performance for the Group. It is calculated as operating profit plus profit from joint ventures, before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and exceptional items.

Adjusted EBITDA increased by 22.1% to GBP41.6 million (FY 2015: GBP34.1 million), representing an adjusted EBITDA margin of 15.6% (FY 2015: 14.0%).

Statement of financial position and cash flows

The Group had net cash at the year end of GBP32.2 million, comprising cash of GBP47.2 million less borrowings of GBP15.0 million. In comparison, net cash at 30 September 2015 stood at GBP39.1 million, made up of GBP59.3 million of cash less borrowings of GBP20.2 million. Excluding the impact of the exceptional IPO costs of GBP26.6 million, the Group generated a net cash inflow from operating activities of GBP41.7 million (FY 2015: GBP28.4 million).

During the year the Group acquired Fresh for a price of GBP15.0 million, the net cash cost of which was GBP14.5 million after taking into account cash of GBP0.5 million in the balance sheet of Fresh. The Group also paid GBP13.4 million in dividends, comprising a pre-IPO dividend of GBP10.0 million and the interim dividend of GBP3.4 million.

Our strong cash generation results from our forward sale model and our progress in releasing cash from inventory and work in progress, particularly associated with legacy residential and commercial developments.

Inventory and work in progress stood at GBP128.2 million at 30 September 2016, compared to GBP119.7 million at the end of the previous year. This balance will reduce as a result of the forward sales announced between the year end and the date of this announcement.

Prior to the IPO, we agreed a new GBP40.0 million, five-year revolving credit facility ("RCF") and a GBP10.0 million working capital facility, both with HSBC. The RCF is available to support our land procurement and development opportunities and will be used for strategic land acquisitions or to fund discrete development activities where required, alongside the forward sale model. At the year end, both the RCF and working capital facility were unutilised.

Philip Byrom

Chief Financial Officer

17 January 2017

For further information:

Watkin Jones plc 
Mark Watkin Jones, Chief                    Tel: +44 (0) 1248 362 
 Executive Officer                                            516 
Philip Byrom, Chief Financial              www.watkinjonesplc.com 
Zeus Capital Limited (Nominated Adviser 
 & Joint Broker) 
Corporate Finance 
Dan Bate / Jamie Peel                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 831 
Corporate Broking                            Tel: +44 (0) 20 3829 
Dominic King / Benjamin Robertson           www.zeuscapital.co.uk 
Peel Hunt LLP (Joint Broker)                 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7418 
Mike Bell / Matthew Brooke-Hitching              www.peelhunt.com 

Media enquiries:

Henry Harrison-Topham / Richard   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7466 
 Oldworth                                         5000 
 Jamie Hooper / Stephanie Watson 
watkinjones@buchanan.uk.com        www.buchanan.uk.com 

Notes to Editors

Watkin Jones is a leading UK developer and constructor of multi occupancy property assets, with a focus on the student accommodation sector. The Group has strong relationships with institutional investors, and a good reputation for successful, on-time-delivery of high quality developments. Since 1999, Watkin Jones has delivered over 31,800 student beds across 98 sites, making it a key player and leader in the UK purpose built student accommodation market. In addition, Watkin Jones has been responsible for over 50 residential developments, ranging from starter homes to executive housing and apartments.

The Group's competitive advantage lies in its experienced management team and business model, which enables it to offer an end to end solution for investors, delivered entirely in-house with minimal reliance on third parties, across the entire life cycle of an asset. Key components of the business model are:

-- Site identification - extensive experience of site identification and acquisition facilitates high quality sites being acquired;

-- Planning consents - in depth knowledge and experience of the planning consent process specific to this type of asset facilitates high success rates on planning applications;

-- In-house construction and delivery - in-house construction expertise, management and delivery limits reliance on third parties and, together with favourable contractual relationships with key suppliers, enhances control of cost;

-- Funding structure - forward sale model reduces risk for Watkin Jones and provides security and visibility of the asset pipeline for investors. The Group has strong relationships with blue chip investors, including a number that are repeat investors in Watkin Jones developments; and

-- Asset management - dedicated property management division provides a continued service solution to investors post development completion and completes the 'end to end' business model.


for the year ended 30 September 2016

                                               Year ended    Year ended 
                                             30 September  30 September 
                                                     2016          2015 
                                      Notes       GBP'000       GBP'000 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                           266,980       244,246 
Cost of sales                                   (213,169)     (200,198) 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Gross profit                                       53,811        44,048 
Administrative expenses                          (14,551)      (10,611) 
Distribution costs                                (1,377)         (981) 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Operating profit before exceptional 
 IPO costs                                         37,883        32,456 
Exceptional IPO costs                     5      (26,561)             - 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Operating profit                                   11,322        32,456 
Share of profit in joint ventures                   2,972         1,165 
Finance income                                        252            95 
Finance costs                                     (1,282)         (810) 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Profit before tax from continuing 
 operations                                        13,264        32,906 
Income tax expense                        6       (8,179)       (6,296) 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Profit for the year from continuing 
 operations                                         5,085        26,610 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Discontinued operations 
Loss after tax for the year from 
 discontinued operations                            (878)       (4,433) 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Profit for the year attributable 
 to ordinary equity holders of the 
 parent                                             4,207        22,177 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Other comprehensive income 
Subsequently reclassified to income 
Net gain on available-for-sale 
 financial assets                                     116           112 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the year attributable to ordinary 
 equity holders of the parent                       4,323        22,289 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                             Pence     GBP 
---------------------------------------------------------   ------  ------ 
Earnings per share for the year attributable to ordinary 
 equity holders of the parent 
Basic earnings per share                                     3.123  22.177 
---------------------------------------------------------   ------  ------ 
Basic earnings per share from continuing operations        7 3.774  26.610 
---------------------------------------------------------   ------  ------ 
Adjusted basic earnings per share from continuing 
 operations (excluding operating exceptional costs)        723.489  26.610 
---------------------------------------------------------   ------  ------ 


as at 30 September 2016

                                               30 September  30 September 
                                                       2016          2015 
                                        Notes       GBP'000       GBP'000 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                           9        15,521             - 
Property, plant and equipment                         1,876         4,807 
Investment in joint ventures                          5,950         7,220 
Deferred tax asset                                      262         1,514 
Other financial assets                                2,545         1,169 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                     26,154        14,710 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Current assets 
Inventory and work in progress                      128,157       119,683 
Trade and other receivables                          16,436        20,553 
Cash and cash equivalents                  12        47,221        59,270 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                    191,814       199,506 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Total assets                                        217,968       214,216 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                           (90,781)      (69,696) 
Provisions                                            (253)         (339) 
Other financial liabilities                            (63)          (47) 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings              (14,970)       (9,759) 
Current tax liabilities                             (6,018)       (7,077) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                  (112,085)      (86,918) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Non-current liabilities 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                  (43)      (10,424) 
Deferred tax liabilities                            (1,151)         (396) 
Provisions                                          (1,957)       (2,124) 
Other non-current liabilities                             -       (1,304) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                    (3,151)      (14,248) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Total liabilities                                 (115,236)     (101,166) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Net assets                                          102,732       113,050 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Share capital                                         2,553         1,000 
Share premium                                        84,612         6,300 
Merger reserve                                     (75,383)             - 
Available-for-sale reserve                              269           153 
Retained earnings                                    90,681       105,597 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Total equity                                        102,732       113,050 
--------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 


for the year ended 30 September 2016

                         Share      Share    Merger  -for-sale   Retained 
                       capital    premium   reserve    reserve   earnings      Total 
                       GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
---------------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Balance at 1 October 
 2014                    1,000      6,300         -         41     83,420     90,761 
---------------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit for the 
 year                        -          -         -          -     22,177     22,177 
Other comprehensive 
 income                      -          -         -        112          -        112 
---------------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Balance at 30 
 September 2015          1,000      6,300         -        153    105,597    113,050 
---------------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Profit for the 
 year                        -          -         -          -      4,207      4,207 
Other comprehensive 
 income                      -          -         -        116          -        116 
Dividend paid 
 (note 8)                    -          -         -          -   (13,395)   (13,395) 
Share restructuring 
 prior to IPO            1,695    167,864         -          -          -    169,559 
Capital reduction 
 prior to IPO                -  (167,864)         -          -    167,864          - 
Issue of shares 
 on IPO                    855     84,586         -          -          -     85,441 
Issue of shares 
 to employees of 
 Fresh Student 
 Living Limited              -         26         -          -          -         26 
Issue of shares 
 to employee SIP             3          -         -          -          -          3 
Group reconstruction 
 of Watkin Jones 
 plc and Watkin 
 Jones Group Limited   (1,000)    (6,300)  (75,383)          -  (173,592)  (256,275) 
---------------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Balance at 30 
 September 2016          2,553     84,612  (75,383)        269     90,681    102,732 
---------------------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 


for the year ended 30 September 2016

                                                Year ended    Year ended 
                                              30 September  30 September 
                                                      2016          2015 
                                       Notes       GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash inflow from operations               11        24,457        32,008 
Interest received                                      252            95 
Interest paid                                      (1,408)         (875) 
Interest element of finance lease 
 rental payments                                      (22)          (20) 
Tax paid                                           (8,152)       (2,777) 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities                                         15,127        28,431 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Acquisition of property, plant 
 and equipment                                       (150)          (50) 
Proceeds on disposal of property, 
 plant and equipment                                 2,750            70 
Acquisition of Fresh Student Living 
 Limited (net of cash acquired)                   (14,496)             - 
Loan repayment from joint venture                    4,242         1,339 
Purchase of other financial assets                 (1,024)         (378) 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from 
 investing activities                              (8,678)           981 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Dividends paid                                    (13,395)             - 
Issue of shares prior to IPO                        88,151             - 
Issue of shares on IPO                              85,441             - 
Cash outflow on group reconstruction 
 of                                              (173,592)             - 
 Watkin Jones plc and Watkin Jones 
 Group Limited 
Capital element of finance lease 
 rental payments                                     (278)         (393) 
New bank loans                                           -         8,940 
Repayment of bank loans                            (4,825)       (4,627) 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from 
 financing activities                             (18,498)         3,920 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash                   (12,049)        33,332 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 
 October 2015 and 1 October 2014                    59,270        25,938 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 
 September 2016 and 30 September 
 2015                                     12        47,221        59,270 
-------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 


for the year ended 30 September 2016

1. General information

Watkin Jones plc (the "Company") is a public limited company incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 2006 (Registration number 09791105). The Company is domiciled in the United Kingdom and its registered address is Units 21-22, Llandygai Industrial Estate, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4YH.

The Company was incorporated as HDCO3 Limited on 23 September 2015.

The Company acquired all the issued shares in Watkin Jones Group Limited on 15 March 2016. This was achieved through a combination of a share for share exchange over 319,247 shares in Watkin Jones Group Limited, involving the issue of 81,407,985 ordinary shares in the Company at an issue price of GBP1 per share, and the completion of an agreement to purchase the remaining 680,753 shares for an amount of GBP173,592,015 in cash. This was settled on 23 March 2016. On 15 March 2016 the Company was re-registered as Watkin Jones plc.

On 23 March 2016 the Company completed an Initial Public Offering by way of a placing of 85,440,493 ordinary shares at 100 pence per share and a vendor placing of 45,900,100 ordinary shares at 100 pence per share. The Company's shares were admitted to trade on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange on 23 March 2016.

The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively "the Group") are those of property development and the management of properties for multiple residential occupation.

The consolidated financial statements for the Group for the year ended 30 September 2016 comprises the Company and the subsidiaries that were acquired by the Company before the listing of the Company's shares on AIM. The basis of preparation of the consolidated financial statements is set out in note 2 below.

This report was approved by the Directors on 17 January 2017.

2. Basis of preparation

The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2016 or 2015 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2015 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2016 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and sent to all shareholders shortly. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified, did not draw any attention to any matters by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain statements under S498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 or equivalent preceding legislation.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 September 2016 and the comparatives for the year ended 30 September 2015 have been prepared on the basis that Watkin Jones plc was in existence throughout these periods. The terms of the acquisition of the shares in Watkin Jones Group Limited were such that the Group reconstruction should be accounted for as a continuation of the existing Group rather than as an acquisition, and as such merger accounting has been applied. The cash consideration paid as part of the Group reconstruction has been reflected against retained earnings as a distribution. Accordingly, the financial statements and the comparatives have been prepared on this basis.

The financial statements of the Group have been prepared and approved by the Directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU. As a result of the IPO, the Group prepared an admission document to AIM which incorporated the first time adoption of IFRS adopted by the EU and all transition adjustments.

The preparation of financial information in conformity with IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual events may ultimately differ from those estimates.

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The Directors consider that it is appropriate for the financial statements to be prepared on this basis having considered all relevant information, including the Group's trading and cash flow forecasts, the trading opportunities available to the Group and the ongoing support of its banks.

The accounting policies set out below have, unless otherwise stated, been applied consistently to all periods presented in the financial statements. The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis except as disclosed in these accounting policies.

The financial statements are presented in pounds sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (GBP'000), except when otherwise indicated.

3. Accounting policies

With the exception of the accounting policy for intangible assets, which has been adopted for the first time in the preparation of these financial statements and is set out below, the accounting policies used in preparing these financial statements are the same as those set out and used in preparing the financial information that is presented in the Company's Admission Document to AIM dated 16 March 2016. The accounting policies will be disclosed in full within the Group's forthcoming financial statements.

3.1 Other intangible assets

The cost of intangibles acquired as part of a business combination is the fair value at the date of acquisition.

Intangible assets other than goodwill are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. Amortisation is charged to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the intangible assets as follows:

   Customer relationships:                                      - 11 years 
   Brand:                                                                     - 10 years 

4. Segmental reporting

The Group has identified three segments for which it reports under IFRS 8 'Operating Segments'. The following represents the segments that the Group operates in:

   a.     Student Accommodation Development - purpose built student accommodation developments; 
   b.     Residential Development - the development of traditional residential property; and 

c. Student Accommodation Management - the management of student accommodation property. This segment was established following the acquisition of Fresh Student Living Limited on 25 February 2016.

Corporate - central revenue and costs not solely attributable to any one division.

All revenues arise in the UK.

Performance is measured by the Board based on gross profit as reported in the management accounts.

                                    Student               Accommodation 
                              Accommodation  Residential     Management  Corporate     Total 
Year ended 30 September             GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Segmental revenue                   237,163       26,312          2,828        677   266,980 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Segmental gross profit               48,575        3,033          1,666        537    53,811 
Administration expenses                   -            -        (1,375)   (13,176)  (14,551) 
Distribution costs                        -            -                   (1,377)   (1,377) 
Exceptional IPO costs                     -            -              -   (26,561)  (26,561) 
Share of operating 
 profit in joint ventures             2,975            -              -        (3)     2,972 
Finance income                            -            -              -        252       252 
Finance costs                             -            -              -    (1,282)   (1,282) 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit/(loss) before 
 tax                                 51,550        3,033            291   (41,610)    13,264 
Taxation                                  -            -              -    (8,179)   (8,179) 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Continuing profit/(loss) 
 for the year                        51,550        3,033            291   (49,789)     5,085 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Loss from discontinued 
 operations                                                                            (878) 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Profit for the year 
 attributable to ordinary 
 equity shareholders 
 of the parent                                                                         4,207 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Inventory and work 
 in progress                         74,141       53,666              -          -   127,807 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Inventory and work 
 in progress - discontinued                                                              350 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
Total inventory and 
 work in progress                                                                    128,157 
----------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  ---------  -------- 
                                    Accommodation  Residential  Corporate     Total 
Year ended 30 September 2015              GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Segmental revenue                         228,153       15,917        176   244,246 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Segmental gross profit/(loss)              41,505        2,650      (107)    44,048 
Administration expenses                         -            -   (10,611)  (10,611) 
Distribution costs                              -            -      (981)     (981) 
Share of operating profit 
 in joint ventures                          1,165            -          -     1,165 
Finance income                                  -            -         95        95 
Finance costs                                   -            -      (810)     (810) 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Profit/(loss) before tax                   42,670        2,650   (12,414)    32,906 
Taxation                                        -            -    (6,296)   (6,296) 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Continuing profit/(loss) 
 for the year                              42,670        2,650   (18,710)    26,610 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Loss from discontinued operations                                           (4,433) 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Profit for the year attributable 
 to ordinary equity shareholders 
 of the parent                                                               22,177 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Inventory and work in progress             43,996       57,659          -   101,655 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Inventory and work in progress 
 - discontinued                                                              18,028 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
Total inventory and work 
 in progress                                                                119,683 
----------------------------------  -------------  -----------  ---------  -------- 

5. Exceptional IPO costs

                                 Year ending   Year ending 
                                30 September  30 September 
                                        2016          2015 
                                     GBP'000       GBP'000 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Exceptional IPO costs 
IPO transaction costs                  6,500             - 
Management incentive payments         20,061             - 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total exceptional IPO costs           26,561             - 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

The charge for management incentive payments comprises amounts payable to certain senior management of Watkin Jones Group Limited in connection with various long term incentive plans which fell due on the admission to AIM of Watkin Jones plc. The amount comprises a total charge of GBP21,735,400, plus stamp duty costs of GBP98,440, less an amount previously provided of GBP1,773,200. Of the total incentive payments made, management invested GBP13,942,984 in shares in Watkin Jones plc as part of the IPO.

6. Income taxes

                                                      Year ended          Year 
                                                    30 September  30 September 
                                                            2016          2015 
                                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Current income tax 
UK corporation tax on profits for the year                 7,508         7,212 
Adjustments in respect of previous periods                 (299)          (99) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total current tax                                          7,209         7,113 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Deferred tax 
Origination and reversal of temporary differences            135         (892) 
Impact of change in tax rate                                (52)            75 
Adjustments in respect of prior year                         887             - 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total deferred tax                                           970         (817) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total tax expense                                          8,179         6,296 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Reconciliation of total tax expense

                                                                 Year ended          Year 
                                                               30 September  30 September 
                                                                       2016          2015 
                                                                    GBP'000       GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Accounting profit before tax from continuing operations              13,264        32,906 
Accounting loss before tax from discontinued operations             (1,098)       (4,753) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Accounting profit before income tax                                  12,166        28,153 
Profit multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax in the 
 UK of 20.0% (2015: 20.5%)                                            2,433         5,771 
Expenses not deductible                                               4,958           125 
Joint ventures results reported net of tax                            (594)         (239) 
Other differences                                                        30           418 
Prior period adjustment                                               1,161          (99) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
At the effective rate of tax of 65.6% (2015: 21.2%)                   7,988         5,976 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Income tax expense reported in the statement of profit or 
 loss                                                                 8,179         6,296 
Income tax attributed to a discontinued activity                      (220)         (320) 
Income tax attributed to an available-for-sale asset                     29             - 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                                      7,988         5,976 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

7. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share ("EPS") amounts are calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

There is no difference between basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share as there are no dilutive share option arrangements in place at 30 September 2016.

The following table reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted EPS computations:

                                                                  Year ended          Year 
                                                                30 September  30 September 
                                                                        2016          2015 
                                                                     GBP'000       GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent           4,207        22,177 
Profit from continuing operations attributable to ordinary 
 equity holders of the parent                                          5,085        26,610 
Adjusted profit from continuing operations attributable to 
 ordinary equity holders of the parent (excluding exceptional 
 IPO costs)                                                           31,646        26,610 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                              Number     Number 
                                                           of shares  of shares 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
Number of ordinary shares for basic earnings per share   134,729,152  1,000,000 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------- 
                                                              Pence     GBP 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Basic earnings per share from continuing operations 
Basic profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity 
 holders of the parent                                        3.774  26.610 
Adjusted proforma basic earnings per share from continuing 
 operations (excluding exceptional IPO costs) 
Basic profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity 
 holders of the parent                                       23.489  26.610 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

Using the number of shares in issue at 30 September 2016, the adjusted proforma basic earnings per share from continuing operations for the year ending 30 September 2016 would have been 12.397 pence (2015: 10.424 pence).

8. Dividends

                                                         Year ended          Year 
                                                       30 September  30 September 
                                                               2016          2015 
                                                            GBP'000       GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Dividend paid prior to IPO                                   10,000             - 
Interim dividend paid in February 2016 of 1.33 pence          3,395             - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                             13,395             - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

The final dividend proposed for the year ended 30 September 2016 is 2.67 pence per ordinary share. This dividend was declared after 30 September 2016 and as such the liability of GBP6,816,000 has not been recognised at that date.

9. Intangible assets

                                          relationships    Brand  Goodwill    Total 
                                                GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 1 October 2014                                     -        -     3,193    3,193 
Impairment during the year                            -        -   (3,193)  (3,193) 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 30 September 2015                                  -        -         -        - 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
Arising on acquisition of Fresh Student 
 Living (note 10)                                 5,604      499     9,744   15,847 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 30 September 2016                              5,604      499     9,744   15,847 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 1 October 2014                                     -        -         -        - 
Amortisation for the year                             -        -         -        - 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 30 September 2015                                  -        -         -        - 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
Amortisation for the year                         (297)     (29)         -    (326) 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 30 September 2016                              (297)     (29)         -    (326) 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
Net book value 
As at 30 September 2016                           5,307      470     9,744   15,521 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 
As at 30 September 2015                               -        -         -        - 
----------------------------------------  -------------  -------  --------  ------- 

The Directors have reviewed the carrying value of the investment in Fresh Student Living Limited, which is a single CGU, at 30 September 2016, compared to its recoverable amount and are satisfied that no impairment is required. The recoverable amount has been based on value in use, by reference to the budgets and projected cash flows for the CGU over a 20 year period, with future cash flows discounted at a rate of 10% to reflect the time value of money.

10. Acquisitions

Acquisition of Fresh Student Living Limited

On 25 February 2016 Founded Living Limited, a subsidiary of Watkin Jones Group Limited, acquired the 750 ordinary shares in Fresh Student Living Limited ("Fresh") held by Mark and Glyn Watkin Jones, who were both Directors of and shareholders in Watkin Jones Group Limited, for a cash consideration of GBP11,835,512. The shares acquired represented 77.48% of the issued shares of the company.

On 23 March 2016, on satisfaction of the condition of admission to AIM of Watkin Jones plc, Founded Living Limited acquired the 218 A ordinary shares held by various directors and senior managers of Fresh, for a cash consideration of GBP3,164,488. The shares acquired represented the remaining issued shares of the company. As a condition of the acquisition of these shares, the vendor shareholders were required to invest GBP1,397,609, being 50% of the net of tax proceeds received, in shares in Watkin Jones plc as part of the IPO.

The total consideration paid for the shares in Fresh was therefore GBP15,000,000, plus stamp duty of GBP75,010.

Fresh is engaged in the management of purpose built student accommodation. Its services include the letting and operational management of properties, for which the company is engaged under a management agreement and receives a management fee, as well as consultancy and mobilisation services provided during the development phase of a student property.

The resulting goodwill of GBP9,744,000 arising on the acquisition has been capitalised and is subject to an annual impairment review by management. Goodwill is attributed to Fresh's knowledge and expertise in the letting and management of purpose built student accommodation and in the synergy with the Group's student accommodation development business.

The book and fair value of the net assets acquired in respect of Fresh were as follows:

                                            Fair value 
                                Book value  adjustment  Fair value 
                                   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets 
Customer relationships                   -       5,604       5,604 
Brand                                    -         499         499 
Goodwill                                 -       9,744       9,744 
Property, plant and equipment           90           -          90 
Deferred tax asset                     261       (228)          33 
Other financial assets                 150          54         204 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                       501      15,673      16,174 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables          1,262           -       1,262 
Cash at bank and in hand               579           -         579 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                     1,841           -       1,841 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Total assets                         2,342      15,673      18,015 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Current liabilities 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Trade and other payables           (1,830)        (10)     (1,840) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                   (1,830)        (10)     (1,840) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax liabilities                 -     (1,100)     (1,100) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                         -     (1,100)     (1,100) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Total liabilities                  (1,830)     (1,110)     (2,940) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Net assets                             512      14,563      15,075 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

In the period since acquisition, Fresh contributed revenue of GBP2,828,000 and an operating profit of GBP291,000. Had Fresh been acquired on 1 October 2015, it would have contributed a full-year revenue of GBP5,148,000 and an operating profit of GBP623,000. The Group's total revenue from continuing operations would have been GBP269,300,000 and the Group's operating profit would have been GBP11,654,000.

11. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flows from operating activities

                                                                   Year ended          Year 
                                                                 30 September  30 September 
                                                                         2016          2015 
                                                                      GBP'000       GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Profit before tax from continuing operations                           13,264        32,906 
Loss before tax from discontinued operations                          (1,098)       (4,753) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Profit before tax                                                      12,166        28,153 
Depreciation                                                              341           489 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                         326             - 
Loss/(profit) on sale of plant and equipment                               80          (40) 
Issue of shares to employee SIP and employees of Fresh Student 
 Living Limited                                                            29             - 
Finance income                                                          (252)          (95) 
Finance costs                                                           1,282           810 
Share of profit in joint ventures                                     (2,972)       (1,165) 
Increase in inventory and work in progress                            (8,474)      (28,026) 
Interest capitalised in development land, inventory and work 
 in progress                                                              148           329 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                                 5,353        13,314 
Increase in trade and other payables                                   16,682        15,489 
Provision for property lease commitment                                 (252)         (443) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                              24,457        32,008 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Major non-cash transactions

There were no major non-cash transactions during the period.

12. Analysis of net cash/(debt)

                           At beginning             Non-cash    At end 
                                of year      Cash  movements   of year 
30 September 2016               GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
Cash at bank and in hand         59,270  (12,049)          -    47,221 
Finance leases                    (538)       278          -     (260) 
Bank loans                     (19,645)     4,825         67  (14,753) 
-------------------------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
Net cash                         39,087   (6,946)         67    32,208 
-------------------------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------- 
                           At beginning            Non-cash    At end 
                                of year     Cash  movements   of year 
30 September 2015               GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  ------------  -------  ---------  -------- 
Cash at bank and in hand         25,938   33,332          -    59,270 
Finance leases                    (931)      393          -     (538) 
Bank loans                     (15,187)  (4,313)      (145)  (19,645) 
-------------------------  ------------  -------  ---------  -------- 
Net cash                          9,820   29,412      (145)    39,087 
-------------------------  ------------  -------  ---------  -------- 

13. Annual report

Copies of this announcement are available from the Company at Units 21-22 Llandygai Industrial Estate, Llandygai, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4YH. The Group's annual report for the year ended 30 September 2016 will be posted to shareholders shortly and will be available on our website at www.watkinjones.com.

- Ends -

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 18, 2017 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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