The Weather Lottery plc
                    ('The Weather Lottery' or the 'Company')
                                  Final Results
29th December 2006

Chief Executives Statement

The results are generally as anticipated in our AIM Admission document

This period was a year of consolidation for the lottery as major new clients
such as Round Table, The National Trust and others were developed for 2006/2007
financial year and new fund raising initiatives pursued.

Over �300,000 of additional funds were raised via a placing of shares and
arrangements were put in place for the Admission to AIM which took place on
September 13th 2006

Lottery Lines played stayed level at approximately 28,000, the loss of York City
Cash Lottery 980 lines and Hope House Hospice 345 lines saw a loss of
approximately 1325 lines. This income was recovered through normal growth.

Enquiries were still very healthy. Marketing information packs were requested by
774 separate Societies. We are experiencing increased enquiries on a week to
week basis and this is ongoing.

Financial review

2005/2006 showed a loss of �82,000 broadly as indicated in the AIM Admission

With the increased visibility of the business following the floatation we are
pursuing a number of major new clients and developing the National Trust
business amongst many others.

Post year end events

September 2006 saw our Admission to the AIM Market on The London Stock Exchange.
January 2007 will see our new online playing system become active. Each client
(1500 in total) will install a Lottery page on their website which will have a
play online system. We are extremely encouraged by this new development.

We have been granted a credit and debit card payment facility with a high street
UK Bank, an unusual step in the UK Gaming Market. Most facilities are based
abroad once again our credibility has been enhanced, because of this facility we
anticipate our linage will grow throughout 2007

Our current 1500 client database is expanding and we anticipate will grow
throughout 2007.

Strategy and Outlook

The Weather Lottery's objective is to build and expand its paper based and
online entry for Society Lotteries in the fields of Charity, Education and
Sport. Whilst considerable progress has been made in establishing these services
much has still to be done to improve, expand and enhance them.

It is intended to enhance shareholder value by continued expansion of business
both organically and by strategic acquisition if available.

I look forward to 2007 being pivotal in the development of your company as it is
poised and has in place the facilities to allow it to take opportunities to grow
to a higher level.

Keith G Milhench
Chief Executive

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to report the Annual Results of our Company for the 12 month period
ending 31 July 2006.

Unfortunately  the  Company recorded a loss for the period of �82,000,  although
the results are broadly as anticipated in our AIM admission document.

The  Weather  Lottery was admitted to trading on AIM (regulated  by  the  London
Stock Exchange) on 13th September 2006.

I would like to thank the staff and Directors for their endeavours and hard work
in the continued development of the business of The Weather Lottery plc

Andy Moore
Non Executive Chairman


The Weather Lottery PLC                      0113 2750002
Keith Milhench

SVS Securities                               020 7638 5600
Ian Callaway/Peter Manfield

ARM Corporate Finance Ltd                    020 7512 0191
Nick Harriss

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 July 2006

                                     Note     Year ended    Period ended
                                                31 July       31 July
                                                  2006          2005
                                                  �000          �000

Turnover                                2        1,440          1,506

Cost of sales                                     (484)          (521)
                                                 _____          _____
Gross profit                                       956            984

Administrative expenses                         (1,039)        (1,029)
                                               _______        _______
Operating (loss)                     2, 3          (83)           (45)

Loan write-off                          6            -            448

Interest payable and similar charges    7            -             (2)

Interest receivable and similar income  7            1              -
                                                 _____           _____
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities             
before taxation                         3          (82)            401

Tax on profit on ordinary activities    8            -               -

Retained (loss)/profit for the                 _______         _______
financial period                                   (82)            401
                                               =======         =======
Earnings per ordinary share
Basic and fully diluted                 9        (0.51)p        334.17p
                                                =======        =======

None of the Group's operations were acquired or discontinued during the current
year.  All operations are considered to be continuing.

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 July 2006

There are no recognised gains or losses for the current year or preceding period
other than the loss shown in the profit and loss account above.

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 July 2006

                                     Note      2006     2005
                                               �000     �000
Fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets                11       212      236
Tangible fixed assets                  12         -        3
                                               ____     ____
                                                212      239
Current assets
Debtors                                14        10       17
Cash at bank and in hand                        240       32
                                               ____     ____
                                                250       49

Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                        15      (293)    (307)
                                               _____     ____
Net current assets/(liabilities)                (43)    (258)
                                               _____    _____
Total assets less current liabilities            169     (17)

Creditors: amounts falling due after 
more than one year                                -        -
                                               ____      ____
Net assets/(liabilities)                        169      (17)

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                18        73        1
Share premium account                  19       245       48
Profit and loss account                19      (149)     (66)
                                              _____      ____
Equity shareholders' funds             20       169      (17)
                                              =====     =====

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for
issue on 29 December 2006.
They are signed on the Board's behalf by:

N G McGowan                                     K G Milhench
Director                                          Director

Company balance sheet
at 31 July 2006

                                     Note      2006     2005
                                               �000     �000

Fixed assets
Investments                            13        14       14

Current assets
Debtors                                14       277       35
Cash at bank and in hand                          -        -
                                               ____      ___                         
                                                277       35

Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                        15        -         -
                                               ____     ____
Net current assets/(liabilities)                277       35
                                               ____     ____
Total assets less current liabilities           291       49
                                               ====     ====
Creditors: amounts falling due after 
more than one year                                -        -
                                               ____     ____
Net assets/(liabilities)                        291       49
                                               ====     ====
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                18        73        1
Share premium account                  19       245       48
Profit and loss account                19       (27)       -
                                               ____     ____
Equity shareholders' funds             20       291       49
                                               ====     ====

The  financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised
for issue on 29 December 2006.  They are signed on the Board's behalf by:

N G McGowan                                       K G Milhench
Director                                          Director

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 July 2006

                                                    Year ended  Period ended
                                                      31 July     31 July
                                                Note    2006        2005
                                                        �000        �000

Net cash (outflow) from operating activities     21     (60)        (12)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance  22       1          (2)

Capital expenditure and financial investments    22       -          (9)

Acquisitions and disposals                                -           -
                                                        ____        ____
Cash (outflow) before financing                         (59)        (23)

Financing                                        22     268          41
                                                       ____        ____
Increase in cash in the period                   23     209          18
                                                       ====        ====

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
for the year ended 31 July 2006

                                                         Year ended   Period ended
                                                           31 July       31 July
                                                Note         2006          2005
                                                             �000          �000

Increase in cash in the period                                209            18
Repayment of capital element of finance leases                  -             8
                                                             ____          ____
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                  209            26
Other                                                           -             -
                                                             ____          ____
Movement in net debt in the period                            209            26
Net funds at the start of the period                           31             5
                                                             ____          ____
Net funds at the end of the period                23          240            31
                                                             ====          ====
(forming part of the financial statements)

1.   Accounting policies

Basis of accounting

Both  the  Company and Group financial statements have been prepared  under  the
historical   cost  convention  and  in  accordance  with  applicable  accounting

Basis of consolidation

The  consolidated financial statements include the financial statements  of  the
Company and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 31 July 2006.

Under  section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985 the Company is exempt  from  the
requirement to present its own profit and loss account.


Turnover represents takings received for entry into the daily prize draws.   The
revenue  is recognised upon receipt of the money for the period that  the  draws
take place.

Fixed asset investments

Fixed  asset  investments are valued at the cost of investment  less  any  write
downs made for a considered permanent diminution in value.


Goodwill  arising  on  consolidation  represents  the  excess  of  the  purchase
consideration  over the Group's interest in the fair value of  the  identifiable
assets and liabilities of a subsidiary at the date of acquisition.

Goodwill  is  recognised as an asset and amortised over a period  of  20  years,
which the directors consider to be the estimated useful life of the goodwill.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets relate to the software development of the lottery  game.   The
cost  is  being  amortised over ten years, which is the period  over  which  the
software is considered effective.

Tangible fixed assets

Depreciation  is provided at the following annual rates in order  to  write  off
each  asset  over its estimated useful life or, if held under a  finance  lease,
over the lease term, whichever is the shorter.

Fixtures and fittings       - 25% on cost

Hire purchase and leasing commitments

Assets  obtained under hire purchase contracts or finance leases are capitalised
in  the balance sheet.  Those held under hire purchase contracts are depreciated
over  their  estimated  useful  lives.  Those  held  under  finance  leases  are
depreciated  over their estimated useful lives or the lease term,  whichever  is
the shorter.

The  interest  element of these obligations is charged to the  profit  and  loss
account over the relevant period.  The capital element of the future payments is
treated as a liability.

Rentals  paid under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss  account
as incurred.

Deferred taxation

The  charge for taxation is based on the profit or loss for the period and takes
into  account  taxation  deferred  because of  timing  differences  between  the
treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes.

Deferred  tax  is  recognised  in respect of all timing  differences  that  have
originated  but  not  reversed at the balance sheet date where  transactions  or
events that result in an obligation to pay more, or a right to pay less, tax  in
the  future  have  occurred at the balance sheet date, with the  exception  that
deferred  tax  assets  are  recognised only to the  extent  that  the  directors
consider  that  it  is more likely than not that there will be suitable  taxable
profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences  can
be deducted.

Deferred  tax  is measured on a non-discounted basis at the tax rates  that  are
expected  to apply in the periods in which timing differences reverse, based  on
tax rates and laws enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date.

2.   Segmental analysis

The  operating profit/(loss) for the years ended 31 July 2006 and 31  July  2005
are  entirely derived from its principal activity, wholly undertaken in the  UK.
Hence, no separate segmental analysis has been prepared.

3.   Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging:

                                           Year ended  Period ended
                                             31 July     31 July
                                               2006        2005
                                               �000        �000

Depreciation - owned assets                       3           5
Amortisation of intangible assets                15          15
Amortisation of goodwill                          9           9
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                  -           6
Hire of plant and machinery                      11           1
Hire of other assets                             25          25
Auditors' remuneration:
   Audit fees                                     8          22
   Other fees paid to the auditors                -           4
                                               ====        ====

4.   Directors' emoluments

                                             Year ended  Period ended
                                               31 July      31 July
                                                 2006         2005
                                                 �000         �000

Aggregate emoluments in respect of services       129            -
Compensation for loss of office                    30            -
Sums paid to third parties for director services   34           10
                                                 ____         ____
                                                  193           10
                                                 ====         ====

None  of  the  directors have accrued retirement benefits or held share  options
during the period to 31 July 2006 (2005 None).  There are no long-term incentive
schemes in place.

5. Employee costs

The average monthly number of employees (including Directors) was:

                                            Year ended     Period ended
                                              31 July        31 July
                                                2006           2005
                                                 No.            No.

Directors                                         3              4
Administration                                    3              3
                                               ____           ____
Total                                             6              7
                                               ====           ====
Their aggregate remuneration comprised:
                                            Year ended     Period ended
                                              31 July        31 July
                                                2006           2005
                                                �000           �000

Wages and salaries                               151            132
Sums paid to third parties for services           34             10
Social security costs                             19             14
Termination payments                              30              -
                                                ____           ____
Total                                            234            156
                                                ====           ====

6.   Loan write-off

Upon  the  acquisition of the Lottery Service Providers Limited, an  amount  due
from  the subsidiary to its previous parent company of �447,690 was written  off
as uncollectable.

7.   Interest payable and receivable
                                            Year ended      Period ended
                                              31 July          31 July
                                               2006              2005
                                               �000              �000

Interest payable on hire purchase agreements      -                 2
                                               ____              ____
Interest payable                                  -                 2
                                               ====              ====                                 

Interest receivable on bank deposits              1                 -
                                               ____              ____
Interest receivable                               1                 -
                                               ====              ====

8. Tax on loss on ordinary activities

a) Analysis of charge in the period
                                            Year ended       Year ended
                                              31 July          31 July
                                               2006              2005
                                               �000              �000

Current tax:
UK Corporation tax                                -                 -
                                               ____              ____
Total current tax (Note 8(b))                     -                 -

Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing differences    -                 -
                                               ____              ____
                                                  -                 -

8. Tax on loss on ordinary activities (continued)

b) Factors affecting the tax charge for the period
                                                     Year ended       Period ended
                                                       31 July           31 July
                                                         2006              2005
                                                         �000              �000

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities                      (83)              401
                                                         ====              ====
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
multiplied by standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK of 19% (period ended 31 July 2005: 19%)     (16)               76

Effects of:
Disallowed expenses and non-taxable income                  2               (80)
Depreciation in excess of capital allowances                3                 4
Taxable losses and excess charges carried forward          11                 -
                                                         ____              ____
Current tax charge for the period (Note 8(a))               -                 -
                                                         ====              ====

A  deferred tax asset has not been recognised in the periods ended 31 July  2006
or   31  July  2005  in  respect  of  the  taxable  losses  carried  forward  of
approximately �700,000 (2005 �625,000) as there is insufficient evidence that it
will be recoverable against taxable profits during the next 12 months.

9. Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on losses of �82,000 (2005:
Profit  of  �401,000) and ordinary shares of 16,042,083 (2005:  120,000  shares)
being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
The weighted average number of ordinary shares for the period ended 31 July 2005
includes the share sub-division that took place on 16 May 2006 per note 18.

The profit for the period and the weighted average number of ordinary shares for
the purposes of calculating the fully diluted earnings per share are the same as
for  the  basic earnings per share calculation.  This is because  there  are  no
share options in place that would have a dilutive effect on the calculation.

10.  Company result for the financial period

The  Weather  Lottery plc has not presented its own profit and loss  account  as
permitted  by  section  230(4) of the Companies Act  1985.   The  loss  for  the
financial period as dealt with in the accounts of the Company is �26,000  (2005:
Loss of �nil).
11.Intangible fixed assets
                                  Goodwill   Development   Total
                                    �000        �000        �000
As at 1 August 2005                  176         154         330
Additions                              -           -           -
                                    ____        ____        ____
As at 31 July 2006                   176         154         330
                                    ====        ====        ====
As at 1 August 2005                    9          85          94
Additions                              9          15          24
                                    ____        ____        ____
As at 31 July 2006                    18         100         118
                                    ====        ====        ====
As at 31 July 2006                   158          54         212
                                    ====        ====        ====
As at 31 July 2005                   167          69         236
                                    ====        ====        ====

12.  Tangible fixed assets

                                                         & Fittings
As at 1 August 2005                                           52
Additions                                                      -
As at 31 July 2006                                            52
As at 1 August 2005                                           49
Additions                                                      3
As at 31 July 2006                                            52
As at 31 July 2006                                             -
As at 31 July 2005                                             3

13.  Investments

                            Group  Company    Group  Company
                          31 July  31 July  31 July  31 July
                             2006     2006     2005     2005
                             �000     �000     �000     �000

Cost as at 1 May 2005           -       14        -        -
Additions                       -        -        -       14
                             ____     ____     ____     ____
Cost as at 31 July 2006         -       14        -       14
                             ====     ====     ====     ====

Shares in group undertakings    -       14        -       14
                             ====     ====     ====     ====

As at 31 July 2006, investments in which the Group or the Company held 20
percent or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital are as

                         Principal          Class and
                          activity         percentage of
                                          shares held and
                                           voting rights
Subsidiary undertaking
 Lottery Service          Lottery          100% ordinary
 Providers Limited     administrators      
 Prize Provision          Lottery          100% ordinary
 Services Limited        management             
 Both the subsidiary undertakings are incorporated in
 England and Wales and operate in England.  The results of
 the subsidiary undertakings are consolidated in the Group
 financial statements.

                            Group  Company    Group  Company
                          31 July  31 July  31 July  31 July
                             2006     2006     2005     2005
                             �000     �000     �000     �000

Amounts due from subsidiary
undertakings                    -      276        -       34
Other debtors                   3        1        6        1
Prepayments and accrued income  7        -       12        -
                             ____     ____     ____     ____
                               10      277       18       35
                             ====     ====     ====     ====

15.Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                            Group  Company    Group  Company
                          31 July  31 July  31 July  31 July
                             2006     2006     2005     2005
                             �000     �000     �000     �000

Bank overdraft                  -        -        1        -
Trade creditors               229        -      271        -
Accruals and deferred income   23        -       14        -
Social security & other taxes  41        -       20        -
                             ____     ____     ____     ____
                              293        -      306        -
                             ====     ====     ====     ====

16.Loans and other borrowings

                            Group  Company    Group  Company
                          31 July  31 July  31 July  31 July
                             2006     2006     2005     2005
                             �000     �000     �000     �000

Bank overdraft                  -        -        1        -
                             ____     ____     ____     ____
                                -        -        1        -
                             ====     ====     ====     ====

Maturity of debt
                              Group  Company    Group  Company
                            31 July  31 July  31 July  31 July
                               2006     2006     2005     2005
                               �000     �000     �000     �000

In one year or less, on demand    -        -        1        -
                               ____     ____     ____     ____
                                  -        -        1        -
                               ====     ====     ====     ====

17.  Financial instruments

An explanation of the Group's objectives, policies and strategies for the role
of derivatives and other financial instruments in creating and changing the
risks of the Group in its activities can be found on pages 10 and 11.
Disclosure dealt with in this note excludes short-term debtors and creditors
where permitted by FRS 13.

Interest rate risk profile of financial assets
The interest rate risk profile of the Group's financial assets was as follows:

                      Fixed        Floating     Financial        
                       rate           rate      assets on        
                     financial     financial     which no         Total
                       assets        assets     interest is
     Sterling           �000          �000         �000            �000
     As at 31 July         -           240            -             240
     2006               ====          ====         ====            ====                          
     As at 31 July         -            32            -              32
     2005               ====          ====         ====            ====

Floating rate financial assets comprise:
                                            31 July  31 July
                                               2006     2005
                                               �000     �000

Interest bearing bank accounts                  240       32
                                               ____     ____
                                                240       32
                                               ====     ====

Interest rate risk profile of financial liabilities
The interest rate risk profile of the Group's financial liabilities was as

                      Fixed       Floating      Financial       
                       rate           rate     liabilities       
                  financial      financial     on which no       Total
                  liabilities   liabilities     interest is
     Sterling          �000         �000           �000           �000
     As at 31             -            -              -              -
     July 2006         ====         ====           ====           ====                            
     As at 31             -            1              -              1
     July 2005         ====         ====           ====           ====

17.  Financial instruments (continued)
Floating rate financial liabilities comprise:
                                            31 July  31 July
                                               2006     2005
                                               �000     �000

Floating rate bank overdraft                      -        1
                                               ____     ____
                                                  -        1
                                               ====     ====

The maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities was as follows:
                                            31 July  31 July
                                               2006     2005
                                               �000     �000

Within one year                                   -        1
                                               ____     ____
                                                  -        1
                                               ====     ====

Fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The fair value based upon the market value or discounted cash flows of the
financial instruments detailed above was not materially different from the book
values as at 31 July 2006 or 31 July 2005.

18.Called up share capital
                                            31 July  31 July
                                               2006     2005
                                               �000     �000
100,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each
(2005: 1,000 ordinary shares of �1 each)        100        1
                                               ====     ====

Allotted, issued and paid
73,202,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each          73        1
(2005: 1,000 ordinary shares of �1 each)
                                               ====     ====

On 16 May 2006 the �1 ordinary share capital of the Company was sub-divided into
ordinary  shares of 0.1p each.  Each �1 ordinary share in issue was  hence  sub-
divided into 1,000 0.1p ordinary shares.

On  the  same date the authorised share capital of the Company was increased  to
�100,000, consisting of 100,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each.

On  the  same date 49,000,000 0.1p ordinary shares were issued as a bonus issue,
with  �47,649 being utilised from share premium and �1,351 from profit and  loss
reserves,  1,875,000 0.1p ordinary shares were issued at a  price  of  8p  each,
creating  additional  share premium of �148,125, and  21,327,000  0.1p  ordinary
shares  were issued at a price of 0.75p each, creating further share premium  of
�138,626.  Share issue costs were written off against the share premium account.

As  a  consequence  of  these transactions, as at 16 May  2006  73,202,000  0.1p
ordinary  shares were in issue, the Company's issued share capital  was  �73,202
and its share premium reserve was �245,323.

19.Share premium and reserves
                                                        Share   Profit
                                                      Premium   and loss
                                                       Account  account
Group                                                    �000     �000

As at 1 May 2005                                           48      (66)
Premium on new share capital subscribed  less expenses    197        -
Bonus share issue                                           -       (1)
Retained profit for the year                                -      (82)
                                                         ____     _____
At 31 July 2006                                           245     (149)
                                                         ====     =====

Company                                                  �000     �000

As at 1 May 2005                                           48        -
Premium on new share capital subscribed less expenses     197        -
Bonus share issue                                           -       (1)
Retained profit/(loss) for the year                         -      (26)
                                                         ____     ____
At 31 July 2006                                           245      (27)
                                                         ====     ====

20.  Reconciliation of shareholders' funds

                                                     Year ended  Period ended
                                                        31 July       31 July
                                                           2006          2005
Group                                                      �000          �000

Profit/(loss) for the financial period                      (82)          401
New share capital subscribed (including premium 
and expenses)                                               268            49
                                                           ____          ____
Total movements during the year                             186           450
Opening shareholders' funds                                 (17)         (467)
                                                           ____         ____
Closing shareholders' funds                                 169           (17)
                                                           ====          ====

                                                      Year ended     Period ended
                                                       31 July          31 July
                                                         2006             2005
Company                                                  �000             �000

Profit/(loss) for the financial period                    (26)               -
New share capital subscribed
(including premium and expenses)                          268               49
                                                         ____             ____
Total movements during the year                           242               49
Opening shareholders' funds                                49                -
                                                         ____             ____
Closing shareholders' funds                               291               49
                                                         ====             ====

21.Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows
                                                    Year ended         Period ended
                                                      31 July             31 July
                                                        2006                2005
                                                        �000                �000

Operating (loss)                                         (83)                (45)
Depreciation and amortisation                             27                  29
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                           -                   6
 (Increase)/decrease in debtors                            8                  (9)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                         (12)                  7
                                                         ____                ____
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities      (60)                (12)
                                                        ====                 ====

22.Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in the cash flow statement
                                                        Year ended    Period ended
                                                          31 July         31 July
                                                            2006            2005
                                                            �000            �000

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest payable                                               -              (2)
Interest received                                              1               -
                                                            ____             ____
Net cash inflow from returns on investments        
and servicing of finance                                       1              (2)
                                                            ====             ====
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets                         -               5
Payments to acquire investments                                -             (14)
                                                            ____            ____
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure 
and financial investment                                       -              (9)
                                                            ====            ====
Issues of ordinary share capital 
(including premium/expenses)                                 268              49
Repayment of hire purchase obligations                         -              (8)
                                                            ____            ____
Net cash inflow from financing                               268              41
                                                            ====            ====

23.Reconciliation of net funds to the amounts shown in the balance sheet
                         1 August             Non cash   31 July
                             2005  Cash flow  movement     2006
                             �000     �000      �000       �000

Cash at bank and in hand       32      208         -        240
Bank overdraft                 (1)       1         -          -
                              ____    ____      ____       ____
                               31      209         -        240
                              ====    ====      ====       ====

24.  Major non cash transactions
During the period ended 31 July 2005 goodwill of �176,000 was generated on the
acquisition of Lottery Service Providers Limited and Prize Provision Services
Limited.  During this period there was also the write off of a loan of �447,690
as it was no longer considered payable by the directors.

25.  Directors' interests and related party disclosures

As at 31 July 2005, K G Milhench, a director, owed �4,476 to the Group.  This
was the maximum amount outstanding in the period and was repaid in the year
ended 31 July 2006.

26.  Controlling party
No single individual has sole control of the Group or Company.

27.  Capital commitments
Amounts contracted for but not provided in the accounts amounted to �nil (2005:

28.  Other financial commitments

At 31 July 2006 the Group had outstanding annual commitments under non-
cancellable operating leases which fall due as follows:.

                                                    Year ended   Period ended
                                                      31 July       31 July
                                                        2006          2005
                                                        �000          �000

Within one year                                            -             4
Two to five years                                          8             -
Over five years                                           25            25
                                                        ____          ____
                                                          33            29
                                                        ====          ====

29.  Post balance sheet events
On  7  September 2006 the Company issued 3,852,737 ordinary 0.1p shares at  par,
thereby increasing share capital by �3,853.

On  13  September  2006  the Group was admitted to the  Alternative  Investments
Market  (AIM).   The  Admission  Document for this  admission  to  AIM  included
proforma unaudited consolidated figures which presented a loss after tax for the
year  ended 31 July 2006 of �71,187 and net assets at 31 July 2006 of  �179,946.
These  unaudited  figures are not materially different from those  presented  in
these financial statements.

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