RNS Number:5462V
Medisys PLC
11 December 2000

                         Medisys PLC
                 ("Medisys" or "the Group")
  Preliminary Results For The Year Ended 30 September 2000


  * Significant strategic milestones passed in the year:

       - Placing  and   Open  Offer  raising  #43.4  million
         successfully completed in April 2000
       - Move to a Official List of the UK Listing Authority
         completed in June 2000
       - FDA approval to  market  3ml Futura  safety syringe
         received July 2000


  * Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act signed into  law in 
    US - Federal mandate for safety syringes now in place
  * High volume Futura safety syringe manufacturing deal with  
    Nypro, the leading injection moulding business, announced 
  * Discussions  with  potential  marketing  and distribution
    partners  progressing, further  developments  expected in 
    the near future


  * Licensing agreements  with  Drew  Scientific PLC and  The
    Medical  House  PLC   contribute   to  156%  increase  in 
    licensing revenues to #3.1 million

  * Major  progress  achieved  on  final  development of Dart
    biosensor  based  diabetes  monitoring  product  - 510(k) 
    filing with FDA expected during first half of 2001

  * Acquisition of MEDgenesis provides US sales infrastructure 
    for diabetes monitoring business ahead  of launch of  next 
    generation products in the US market

David  Wong, Chief Executive, commented: 
    "This  has  been  a year  of very significant progress for 
    Medisys.  Development work on our portfolio of new medical 
    safety and diagnostics products is proceeding to plan and, 
    in particular, we are now entering the pre-launch phase of  
    the  Futura  safety  syringe  programme.  The  high volume 
    manufacturing  deal  with  Nypro,  announced  today, is  a 
    further important  step  and  is  our  first manufacturing 
    agreement covering the US market.

    "2001  will be a very important year for the Group, seeing
    the market launch  of  the  Futura safety syringe and  the 
    first of our next generation diabetes monitoring products.   
    We expect  both  of  these products  to have a significant  
    impact on the Group's future performance."


Medisys  PLC                                     020 7663 5800
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer

Square  Mile  Communications                     020 7601 1000
Kevin Smith/Becky Jewers

                         Medisys PLC
                 ("Medisys" or "the Group")
  Preliminary Results For The Year Ended 30 September 2000
                    Chairman's Statement

I  am  pleased  to  report that Medisys  continued  to  make
significant  progress  during the year  ended  30  September

The  Group's principal focus during the period has  been  on
the  development of its portfolio of new medical safety  and
diagnostics  products.   A number of significant  milestones
were  passed during the year with the major highlight  being
the  receipt,  in July, of FDA approval to  market  the  3ml
model of the Futura safety syringe.

In addition, the Group successfully raised #43.4 million net
of  expenses  from  a Placing and Open Offer  in  April  and
subsequently  moved to the Official List of the  UK  Listing
Authority in June.

More  recently, the Group announced that it  had  agreed  to
purchase  the  diagnostics business  of  MEDgenesis  Inc,  a
wholly  owned subsidiary of Chronimed Inc.  The  acquisition
will  expand significantly the Group's diagnostics interests
and   establish  a  strong  foothold  in  the  US   diabetes
monitoring  market,  the world's largest  market  for  blood
glucose tests.

Financial Review

Turnover for the year ended 30 September 2000 rose by 2%  to
#9.0  million,  compared  to #8.8  million  from  continuing
operations for the year ended 30 September 1999.

Gross  margin from continuing operations increased from  54%
in  the  last financial year to 56% in this financial  year.
This  improved  margin was the result of  increased  license
fees, against which there is no cost of goods.

As expected, operating losses increased during the period to
#4.3  million  (1999: operating loss of #1.1 million).   The
increase was due to a number of factors.   Amongst these was
a #0.8 million increase in amortisation charges specifically
relating  to  the enabling technologies acquired  from  Elan
Corporation  plc in June 1999.  A #0.5 million  increase  in
research and development expense and a #2.9 million increase
in  administrative expenses were also contributory  factors.
The key elements in the rise in administrative expenses were
an  increase  of  #1.2 million in personnel costs  resulting
from investment in management infrastructure throughout  the
Group,  as  well  as  costs  of approximately  #0.4  million
relating to the move to the Official List.

Interest  receivable  increased to #1.4  million  from  #0.1
million  in  the  prior year reflecting the  impact  of  the
Placing  and Open Offer, which raised #43.4 million for  the
Group  in April 2000.  Interest payable and similar  charges
were #0.3 million compared to #0.6 million in the comparable
period  last  year, reflecting the reduction  in  short-term
borrowing  and conversions of Convertible Bonds to  ordinary
shares, which occurred during the year.

The  loss on ordinary activities after taxation for the year
was  #3.4 million compared to #2.2 million in the year ended
30  September 1999.  The diluted loss per ordinary share was
1.15  pence  compared to 1.12 pence in  the  year  ended  30
September 1999.

In   line  with  stated  strategy,  the  Directors  are  not
recommending the payment of a final dividend.

Net  cash (cash less overdrafts for which a right of set off
exists)  at 30 September 2000 was #38.9 million (1999:  #1.8
million), again reflecting the receipt of proceeds from  the
Placing and Open Offer.  Of the cash on hand at 30 September
2000,  approximately  #2.7 million was  in  the  Elan  joint
venture.  These  funds are specifically set  aside  for  the
development  of the products and technologies  contained  in
the joint venture.

Variable rate convertible bonds due 2002 outstanding  at  30
September 2000 were #2.6 million compared to #7.2 million in
1999.  The reduction resulted from conversion of bonds  into
ordinary shares.

Cash of approximately #5.3 million was received pursuant  to
the exercise of warrants during the period.


Medical and Safety Products

Futura  Medical Corporation ("Futura"), the Group's  medical
safety product business, made good progress in the year.

Revenues from the existing business remained level with  the
previous  year.  Margins and operating costs  were  also  in
line with the previous year.

Development  of the Futura 3ml safety syringe was  completed
and  following submission of 510(k) application to the  FDA,
approval  to  market the product in the US was  received  in
July  2000.  FDA approval represented a major milestone  for
the  Group and demonstrated its ability to acquire a  partly
developed product, complete remaining development and obtain
FDA  approval,  all  within a period  of  less  than  twelve

Development  of the 5ml and 10ml versions is continuing  and
should  be completed within the next few months. It  is  not
currently   envisaged  that  these  products  will   require
additional 510(k) filings as they are very similar in design
to  the existing 3ml model.  It is anticipated that the  1ml
syringe,  which is also in development, will,  most  likely,
require  a full 510(k) submission since its design  will  be
somewhat different from the current product.

The  US regulatory environment continued to evolve with  the
number of States adopting needlestick legislation growing to
16.   Since  the year-end, President Clinton has signed  the
Needlestick Safety & Prevention Act into law, establishing a
nationwide  federal mandate for the use  of  medical  safety
products.    The   Directors  believe   that   this   latest
legislation will be a powerful driver of demand  for  safety
syringes in the US market.

During the second half a significant amount of work was done
to  develop the roll out plan for the Futura safety  syringe
including  the development of a creative strategy and  brand
positioning.  The  intention  is  to  build  upon  the  core
competencies  of  innovation  and  technology  in   a   cost
effective   product  with  the  objective  of   claiming   a
leadership position in medical safety products.  As part  of
this process, various focus group sessions were conducted to
provide  an in-depth understanding of the critical marketing
drivers  for  the product. Participants in the focus  groups
included medical professionals and key decision makers  from
various segments of the healthcare industry. The process has
confirmed that for administrators and managers, the  biggest
barrier to the widespread usage of safety syringes is  cost.
Amongst  clinicians, the greatest barrier is  ease  of  use.
The  Futura  safety syringe scored highly on both  of  these

A  number of key appointments were made to the Futura  sales
and   marketing   team  during  the  year,   including   the
appointment  of  Joe  Costa  as Vice-President  -  Strategic
Operations.   He  was previously Director of Marketing  with
responsibility  for Becton Dickinson's safety  syringes  and
other sharps protection products.

Futura  is  pursuing a multi-level launch strategy  for  the
Futura  safety syringe to ensure maximum market  penetration
for  the product.  It will market safety syringes in the US,
directly  to the alternate care sector. This sector includes
clinics,  smaller doctors' offices, nursing homes  etc.   In
addition,   the  Group  believes  that  the  fastest,   most
efficient and, ultimately, the most profitable route to  the
larger  hospital  market  is  to  partner  with  established
distributors,  who have direct access to  these  end  users.
The  Board  has now completed an evaluation of potential  US
distribution  partners  and expects  to  announce   a  major
distribution alliance in the near future.

Discussions with potential large marketing partners in  both
the   US   and  certain  other  international  markets   are
continuing.   The Board believes that agreements  with  such
partners  will  be complementary to the strategies  outlined
above.     The Group's objective is to negotiate agreements,
which fully recognise its position as both the developer and
high  volume  supplier of a full range  of  safety  syringes
providing a cost effective solution to both the Federal  and
State safety mandates.

Planning  of the production scale-up of the Futura  syringe,
to  enable commercial production of the product by mid 2001,
is  now  at  an advanced stage.  High cavitation moulds  and
final assembly equipment have been ordered and in due course
they  will  be installed at the manufacturing facilities  of
the sub-contractors.

In  addition,  the  Group is today announcing  that  it  has
signed a contract manufacturing agreement with Nypro Inc., a
world leading injection moulding specialist, for high volume
manufacture  of the Futura safety syringe.  This  production
capacity  will supplement the capacity of the existing  sub-
contract  manufacturers  in  Asia.   The  agreement  is  the
Group's  latest  production contract for the Futura  syringe
and  is  consistent with its strategy of using  third  party
manufacturers  to ensure rapid production  scale-up  of  the
product.   Further details of the agreement are contained in
a separate Stock Exchange announcement.

In  July  2000 Futura acquired the world-wide  rights  to  a
needless  IV  access port.  The Safety IV Port  is  a  valve
which  enables  a syringe to be attached to an  intra-venous
fluid  line,  for  the  purpose of  introducing  medication,
without  the  need  for a needle.  The acquisition  was  the
first  step  in  the  Group's  stated  policy  of  acquiring
additional  medical  safety products, which  complement  its
existing  portfolio.  Further new product opportunities  are
currently being evaluated.

In  September 2000, Futura acquired the business of  Medical
Profiles   Inc.   ("MPI"),   a  Michigan   based   designer,
manufacturer   and   supplier  of  high  precision   plastic
components  for use in medical devices.  MPI  has  a  strong
track  record  of successfully designing and developing  new
plastic components to fulfil specific medical needs and  the
Board  believes that this capability will be  invaluable  as
the  Group extends its portfolio of medical safety products.
Products, such as the Safety IV port, can be manufactured at
MPI  in the early stages and subsequently transferred to the
Group's  low-cost, high volume OEM manufacturers in the  Far
East when the manufacturing processes have been optimised.

 Diagnostics Division

As previously reported, the Supreme range of products is now
at  the  declining stage of the product life  cycle.   As  a
result  sales  of  Supreme strips  and  meters  declined  by
approximately #1.0 million year on year.  The Board believes
that  this  decline will continue, though at a slower  rate.
This  decline  was  offset  by  a  significant  increase  in
licensing  revenues, which grew by #3.1 million compared  to
the   previous   year.   As  a  result,  margins   increased

Much  progress has been made in the process of bringing  the
innovative  Dart biosensor-based product closer  to  market.
Development of the Dart meter is substantially complete  and
volume  manufacturing capacity is being put in  place  using
high  quality sub-contract manufacturers both in Europe  and
in  the  Far East.  Development of the associated bio-sensor
strip is also nearing completion with final optimisation  of
the   product  specifications  now  taking  place.   It   is
anticipated  that the product will be ready for  FDA  filing
during the first half of 2001.

Hypoguard  is  working closely with a major  global  glucose
monitoring company with a view to entering into a  marketing
partnership  for  its family of innovative bio-sensor  based
systems   including Dart and Flight.  This potential partner
has  expressed  strong  interest  in  the  development  work
completed by Hypoguard in this field.

The  Board believes that there are significant private label
opportunities   for  Dart,  both  in  the   US   and   other
international markets.  The initial launch will be in the US
where  the  focus of attention will be on the  large  retail
pharmacy chains.  The Dart product will be complementary  to
the  existing  product range within the acquired  MEDgenesis

David  Conn was appointed President and CEO of Hypoguard  in
June  2000.   Prior to his appointment, Mr Conn  spent  five
years with LifeScan Inc, the world market leader in diabetes
monitoring which is owned by Johnson & Johnson.

In  March 2000 Hypoguard entered into an agreement with Drew
Scientific  PLC, under which Hypoguard provided a world-wide
exclusive  license to certain technologies  relating  to  an
Alzheimer's  detection test in return for a license  fee  of
#1.3 million.  Current work on this project is focussing  on
classification of the specific antibodies to which the  test
relates.   A  further  programme  of  work  has  also   been
established  to  study  intact red  blood  cells  to  better
understand the cell surface antigens of these cells, another
important  step  in the characterisation and development  of
the  technology.  Much of this work is being carried out  in
collaboration  with  the  University  of  Nijmegen  in   the

In  September 2000 Hypoguard granted an exclusive license to
Hyperlyser Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Medical
House PLC, for the worldwide rights to a method of detecting
Helicobacter pylori.  Hyperlyser paid a #1.4 million license
fee to Hypoguard for the rights.  Work on the development of
prototype devices is underway at the University of the  West
of England.

Both  of  these  strategic alliances  should  ensure  faster
completion   of   development  work  on   these   innovative
technologies enabling Medisys to benefit from progress while
allowing  Hypoguard to remain focussed on its core  diabetes
monitoring business.

On  4  December  2000,  the  Group  announced  that  it  had
conditionally agreed to acquire the diagnostics business  of
MEDgenesis Inc. ("MEDgenesis"), a wholly owned subsidiary of
Chronimed  Inc.,  for  a  total  consideration  of   $39.975
million.  MEDgenesis manufactures and distributes a range of
blood glucose monitoring products for diabetics, safety  and
general  purpose lancets and urine test strips.  It is  also
the  US  licensee  for Hypoguard's Supreme technology.   The
business has a nationwide sales infrastructure and a  strong
market  position in the US long term care sector. The  Board
believes that the business will form the ideal platform  for
the  introduction of Hypoguard's exciting pipeline  of  next
generation blood glucose monitoring products into  the  all-
important US market.

The  consideration  payable by Medisys on  closing  will  be
satisfied as to $30.475 million in cash and $9.5 million  in
Medisys ordinary shares.  The cash element will be funded by
a combination of bank debt and internal resources.

Brian  Timmons resigned as a non-executive director  of  the
Group  in September 2000 to pursue other business interests.
The Board would like to thank Brian for his contribution  to
the  early development of Medisys and wish him well for  the

Current Trading and Prospects
The  Board  is  enthusiastic about the growth prospects  for
Medisys as products that are currently under development are
brought  to market.  2001 will be a very important year  for
the  Group,  seeing the market launch of the  Futura  safety
syringe  and  the  first  of  our next  generation  diabetes
monitoring  products.  We expect both of these  products  to
have a significant impact on the Group's future performance.
Medisys   remains   committed   to   extracting   the   best
opportunities   from   existing  products   whilst   seeking
marketing  partnerships both for the Futura  safety  syringe
and   its  range  of  next  generation  diabetes  monitoring

Although the current financial year is still at a very early
stage,  trading  is generally in line with expectations  and
the Board remains optimistic about prospects for the year as
a whole.

Bill Bruce
CHAIRMAN                                   11  December 2000



Medisys  PLC                                   020 7663 5602
Michael Barry, Chief Financial Officer

Square  Mile  Communications                   020 7601 1000
Kevin Smith/Becky Jewers

Medisys PLC
Consolidated profit & loss account
for the year ended 30 September 2000
                                                2000      1999
                                               #'000     #'000
-    continuing operations                     8,950     8,782
-    discontinued operations                       -     1,163
                                             -------   -------
                                               8,950     9,945
Cost of sales                                (3,920)   (4,025)
- continuing operations                            -   (1,403)
- discontinued operations                    -------   -------            
                                             (3,920)   (5,428)
                                             -------   -------                

Gross Profit                                   5,030     4,517
                                             -------   -------
Research and development expenditure in        (713)     (203)
the year                                             
Amortisation of acquired technologies        (1,086)     (271)
Amortisation of capitalised research and       (252)     (392)
development costs                              
Selling and distribution costs               (1,620)   (1,975)
Administration expenses                      (5,699)   (2,820)               
                                             -------   -------
Operating loss                               (4,340)   (1,144)
                                             -------   -------

-    continuing operations                   (4,340)     (662)
-    discontinued operations                       -     (482)
                                             -------   -------
                                             (4,340)   (1,144)

Exceptional items              
Gain on liquidation of associated            
undertaking                                        -       173
Loss on disposal of discontinued               
operation                                      (123)     (673)
                                             -------   -------     
Loss on ordinary activities before interest  (4,463)   (1,644)
Interest receivable                            1,370       104
Interest payable and similar charges           (294)     (622)
                                             -------   -------
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation  (3,387)   (2,162)
Taxation on loss on ordinary activities            -         -
                                             -------   -------
                                             (3,387)   (2,162)

Loss on ordinary activities after
taxation for the year attributable 
to shareholders                              (3,387)   (2,162)
                                             -------   -------                

Loss per ordinary share - basic and diluted  (1.15)p   (1.12)p 

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 30 September 2000

                                                2000      1999
                                               #'000     #'000
Loss for the financial year                  (3,387)   (2,162)
Unamortised issue costs on bonds converted    
during the year                                (279)     (442)
Loss of foreign currency translation           (200)      (87)               
                                             -------   -------                
Total recognised gains and losses for the                     
year                                         (3,866)   (2,691)
                                            -------    -------

Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 September 2000

                                                2000      1999
                                               #'000     #'000
Fixed assets                                                  
Intangible assets                             17,400    11,478
Tangible assets                                4,391     2,205
Financial assets                               2,195         -
                                             -------   ------- 
                                              23,986    13,683
                                             -------   -------                
Current assets
Stocks                                         1,451     1,576
Debtors                                        5,140     3,573
Cash at bank and in hand                      38,944     3,357
                                             -------   -------
                                              45,535     8,506
Creditors: amounts falling due within one    (3,471)   (4,100)            
year                                         -------   -------                

Net current assets                            42,064     4,406

Total assets less current liabilities         66,050    18,089
Creditors: amounts falling due after more                                     
than one year                                      -     (245)
Convertible bonds due 2002                   (2,615)   (7,201)
                                             -------   -------                
Net assets                                    63,435    10,643
                                             -------   -------

Capital and reserves                                                         
Called up share capital                        3,276     2,254
Share premium account                         67,433    13,677
Capital redemption reserve fund                   20        20
Other reserves                                22,854    22,854
Profit and loss account                     (45,061)  (42,150)
                                             -------   -------
Surplus/(deficit) on shareholders' funds - 
equity                                        48,522   (3,345)
Minority interest                             14,913    13,988
                                             -------   -------
                                              63,435    10,643
                                             -------   -------

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 30 September 2000
                                               2000     1999
                                              #'000    #'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities  (2,076)  (8,004)
Returns on investments and servicing of                     
Interest received                             1,370      104
Interest paid                                  (77)    (231)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on     1,293    (127)
investments and servicing of finance
Corporation tax paid                              -        -
Capital expenditure                                         
Purchase of intangible fixed assets         (3,377) (11,814)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets           (2,727)    (493)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                     4      313
Investment in listed company                  (945)        -
Investment in unlisted company              (1,250)        -
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure    (8,295) (11,994)                  
Acquisitions and disposals                                  
Acquisition of business undertaking         (1,819)        -    
Acquisition of minority interest in           (212)        -
subsidiary undertaking
Disposal of business undertaking                  -    1,888
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from acquisitions (2,031)    1,888
and disposals                              
Net cash outflow before use of liquid      (11,109) (18,237)
resources and financing                        
Issue of ordinary share capital including    50,780    4,092
Expenses paid in connection with share 
issue                                       (2,292)        -
Issue of preference shares in subsidiary          -   13,988
Repayment of secured loans                    (297)  (1,553)
Net cash inflow from financing               48,191   16,527
Increase/(decrease in cash)                  37,082  (1,710)

Turnover and segment information

Geographically                                  2000      1999
                                               #'000     #'000
United Kingdom                                 3,748       787
Rest of Europe                                 1,561     2,475
USA                                            3,153     4,536
Other                                            488     2,147
                                             -------   -------   
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation    
Loss before common costs                       8,950     9,945
                                             -------   -------
Common costs                                 (1,898)   (1,201)
Interest receivable                            1,370        26
Interest payable                               (294)     (174)
Other                                        (2,565)     (813)
                                             -------   -------            
                                             (3,387)   (2,162)
                                             -------   -------                

Net assets/(liabilities) by location of                                       
United Kingdom                                53,726     6,545
USA                                            9,011     3,976
Other                                            698       122
                                             -------   ------- 
                                              63,435    10,643

Geographical  turnover  is shown by  location  of  customer.
Loss before taxation by geographical segment approximates to
the geographical split of turnover.

Turnover and segment information                     
                                                2000      1999
Class of business                              #'000     #'000
Manufacture and sale of medical equipment
and supplies                                   5,141     8,046
Royalty income                                   660       671
Licensing fees                                 3,149     1,228
                                             -------   -------                
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation    8,950     9,945
                                             -------   -------
Loss before common costs:                                            
Pharmaceutical research                        (114)     (234)
Manufacture and sale of medical equipment                                     
and supplies                                 (1,784)     (967)
                                             -------   -------                
                                             (1,898)   (1,201)
Common Costs
Interest receivable                            1,370        26
Interest payable                               (294)     (174)
Other                                        (2,565)     (813)
                                             -------   -------                
                                             (3,387)   (2,162)
                                             -------   -------
Net assets/(liabilities)                                          
Pharmaceutical research                      (1,448)     (538)
Manufacture and sale of medical equipment                                     
and supply                                    64,883    11,181
                                             -------   -------               
                                              63,435    10,643
                                             -------   -------

Loss per ordinary share

Basic and diluted                               2000      1999
                                             (3,387)   (2,162)
Loss attributable to ordinary 
shareholders (#'000)                         (3,387)   (2,162) 
                                             -------   -------       
Weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding                             293,424,462 192,820,839
                                       ------------ -----------
Basic loss per share                        (1.15)p    (1.12)p
                                            -------    -------

Basic  loss  per share is calculated by dividing  the  weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue into the loss  after
taxation  for  the year attributable to ordinary  shareholders.
There is no difference for 1999 and 2000 between the basic  net
loss  per  share and the diluted net loss per share as ordinary
share  equivalents from bonds, warrants and share options  have
been  excluded from the computation as their effects are  anti-

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