Max Property Group PLC 
Results for the year ended 31 March 2011 
Max Property Group Plc is a Jersey resident real estate investment company.  It 
has an experienced Board, chaired by Aubrey Adams, and is exclusively advised by 
Prestbury Investments LLP, which is owned and managed by a team led by Nick 
Leslau and Mike Brown. 
The Company's strategy is to exploit cyclical weakness in the UK real estate 
market through opportunistic investment and active management with a view to 
realising cash returns for shareholders over an investment cycle of 
approximately seven and half years from its listing in May 2009. 
                            31 March 31 March 12 months       22 months since 
                             2011     2010    since last year  listing 
Net assets                   GBP281.5m   GBP256.9m  up  GBP24.6m       up  GBP70.1m 
EPRA net assets per share * 130.0p   118.9p   up 9.3%         up 35.3% 
EPRA earnings per share**   4.5p     1.1p     up 246%         n/a 
* excluding fair values of financial instruments and deferred tax and including 
trading properties at fair value. 
** excluding property revaluation movements, profits on sale of properties, fair 
value movements on financial instruments and deferred tax. 
  * EPRA net assets up 9% in the year and 35% in the 22 months since listing 
  * Active recycling of capital leaves uncommitted cash for future investment of 
  * Over  GBP100m of investment transactions in the year including: 
      * London Pubs portfolio acquisition for  GBP42.6m 
      * Nightclubs portfolio acquisition for  GBP9.4m 
      * acquisition of 45% JV interest - Hospitals portfolio acquired by JV for 
      * disposals realising net sale proceeds of  GBP44.1m, increasing cash 
        resources after debt repayments by  GBP26.5 
  * Intense management activity resulting in 450 lettings, lease renewals and 
    restructurings since purchase 
  * Reduction of vacancy rates since acquisition: 
      * Industrious down from 21% in October 2009 to 16% 
      * Offices down from 48% in January 2010 to 39% (would further reduce to 
        34% on completion of deals in hand) 
      * Nightclubs down from 19% in October 2010 to 12% 
      * London Pubs and Hospital portfolios all fully let since acquisition 
      * Over 900,000 sq ft  of space vacant at acquisition since let or sold to 
        owner occupiers 
  * Property assets valued at  GBP318.4m as at 31 March 2011: 
      *  GBP316.0m investment properties;  GBP2.4m trading property plus 45% interest 
        in  GBP34.1m hospitals portfolio held in joint venture 
      * 132 properties: 64% by value industrial, 15% offices, 16% leisure, 5% 
        private hospitals 
      * 1,014 tenancies 
      * Wide geographical spread including 32% London & South East 
      * Average lot size  GBP2.5m with 80% of properties valued at  GBP10m or less 
  * In 22 months since raising  GBP211.4m on listing,  GBP334.0m of property 
    acquisitions completed 
Aubrey Adams, Chairman of Max Property Group Plc, comments: 
"The key for successful investment in the secondary market is to be highly 
selective about the assets acquired, disciplined about the prices paid and then 
be prepared to work very hard on asset management. Of paramount importance is a 
low entry price that provides flexibility to undercut markets to secure new 
lettings yet still leaving a margin so that reducing vacancy rates delivers 
capital growth." 
"We have assembled a portfolio of defensive high yielding assets providing us 
with excellent opportunities to generate strong cash flow returns with the 
prospect of further capital growth as the vacancy rate continues to reduce.  We 
are excited about the prospects for the business and remain resolutely single 
minded in our focus on growing NAV per share, building on the 35% achieved in 
the 22 months since listing." 
13 June 2011 
 Prestbury Investments                                  Tel 020 7647 7647 
 Mike Brown 
 Sandy Gumm 
 College Hill                                           Tel 020 7457 2020 
 Gareth David 
 Morgan Stanley (Nominated advisor & Joint Broker)      Tel 020 7425 8000 
 Edward Knight 
 Oriel Securities (Joint Broker)                        Tel 020 7710 7600 
 Mark Young 
Forward looking statements 
This document includes forward looking statements which are subject to risks and 
uncertainties.  You are cautioned that forward looking statements are not 
guarantees of future performance and that if risks and uncertainties 
materialise, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove 
incorrect, the actual results of operations and financial condition of the Group 
may materially differ from those made in, or suggested bym the forward looking 
statements.  Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligation, 
the Company undertakes no obligation to review, update or confirm expectations 
or estimates or to release publicly any revisions to any forward looking 
statements to reflect events that arise after the date of this document. 
Chairman's Statement 
Dear Shareholder, 
It gives me great pleasure to report to you Max Property Group Plc's results for 
the year ended 31 March 2011. 
We have been able to add significantly to the foundations laid in the first year 
after listing to create a property investment business with a strong balance 
sheet, a high running yield and an exciting future. 
Results and financial position 
We are pleased to report net asset value (on an EPRA basis) at 31 March 2011 of 
 GBP286.1 million, or 130.0 pence per share which is an increase of 35% in the 22 
months since listing and 9% since 31 March 2010. 
The net assets growth in the year to 31 March 2011 arose from: 
  * net rental income surpluses of 10.2 pence per share; 
  * property revaluation surpluses of 5.3 pence per share; 
  * realised trading and investment property disposal profits of 1.2 pence per 
  * the share of profit from the hospitals joint venture of 0.6 pence per share; 
  * all of which significantly cover all administrative, financing and tax costs 
    of 6.2 pence per share; 
resulting in 11.1p per share of net assets growth. 
The Board's strategy is to use Max's capital to create value over the real 
estate cycle and to return cash to shareholders towards the end of the 
investment period.  In that context, it is pleasing to note that of the 33.9 
pence per share growth in net asset value since listing, over 29% is represented 
by profits realised in cash. 
The timing of our investments is driven by market opportunities and these do not 
arise smoothly over time.  As a result, our reported returns in any reporting 
period can be expected to be lumpy rather than showing a smooth progression.  We 
make decisions for the long term prospects of the business rather than with an 
eye to the next six months' results. 
We work very hard to recycle capital through rental surpluses and timely asset 
disposals to add to the Group's cash resources for acquisitions during the 
investment phase of Max's life.  Having raised  GBP211.4 million on listing in May 
2009, the Group has deployed  GBP334.0 million of cash in asset purchases and has 
realised total net proceeds of property sales of  GBP83.4 million.  Together with 
the use of non-recourse debt financing where the risk profile of a portfolio 
warrants it, this has enabled the Group to invest in five portfolios across four 
sectors, spreading risk over 132 individual assets and over 1,000 tenancies. 
The balance sheet remains strong and the strategy of financing assets only on a 
strictly non-recourse basis continues to be consistently applied.  The gross 
debt on the balance sheet of  GBP128 million is secured only against the specific 
assets financed (those in the Industrious and London Pubs portfolios) which were 
valued at 31 March 2011 at  GBP259 million.  There is no recourse to shareholders' 
funds outside the ring fenced debt financed structures.  Uncommitted cash at the 
balance sheet date amounted to  GBP89 million. 
Portfolio update 
We are proud of our progress in estate management and our achievements to date. 
The Industrious portfolio which was acquired for  GBP244 million in October 2009 
has seen  GBP77 million of disposals at margins over cost of c. 30%, and a vacancy 
reduction from 21% on acquisition to under 16% today through no fewer than 430 
lettings and lease regearings. 61% of the vacant space on acquisition of 
approximately one million square feet has now been let or sold, demonstrating 
that demand for this space is very much alive and kicking. The yield on cost of 
this portfolio after deducting sales is 13.7% (11.6% after deduction of 
irrecoverable rates and service charges) and over 20% on equity at our current 
cost of finance.  The average rent is  GBP3.60 per square foot and the average unit 
size is 6,000 square feet.  We have a good foundation for rental growth as and 
when occupational markets improve. 
The Office portfolio acquired in January 2010 for  GBP39 million or  GBP50psf capital 
value has, including deals currently in solicitors' hands, seen the vacancy rate 
shrink from nearly 50% on acquisition to under 34% today.  The yield on cost 
after deducting sales is 12.4% rising to 13.7% on expiry of rent free periods. 
Outgoings continue to be met by the  GBP5.9 million escrow funds negotiated at 
Our approach to acquisitions has always included a keen focus on the entry 
price.  The relatively low purchase price of both the Office and Industrious 
portfolios means that local competition can be undercut to secure lettings while 
still providing very healthy cash on cash returns.  In this way, the portfolio 
is being repositioned and the vacancy rate significantly reduced, even in a very 
competitive letting market. 
During the second half of the financial year we were able to structure a deal 
with Enterprise Inns Plc to acquire 29 very well located London pubs for  GBP42.6 
million, leased back to Enterprise for 35 years.  Income is reviewed annually to 
RPI subject to minimum 3% and maximum 4% per annum uplifts. The initial yield 
was 6.7% and the purchase price was independently assessed as being not less 
than the vacant possession value. We have sold our only pub that already had its 
upper parts sold off (in Chelsea) and we achieved a yield of 4.5% on the sale, 
41% above purchase price.  The portfolio yield on cost rises over the next 60 
months to between 7.8% and 8.2% as a result of the guaranteed uplifts. At the 
end of that period there will still be 30 years remaining on the leases.  Not 
all deals have to be short leases to be financially exciting. 
In October 2010 we acquired 14 nightclubs leased predominantly to Atmosphere 
Bars & Clubs on 25 year lease arrangements. Like the London Pubs deal, we paid 
vacant possession value for these properties and received an initial yield of 
15.4% on cost. We have sold one investment at nearly double the purchase price 
and of the three properties that were empty on acquisition, one has been let on 
a new 20 year lease with upward only RPI-linked reviews and one has been sold 
since the year end for proceeds of approximately twice its cost.  Our current 
yield on cost is 15.4% rising to 16.8% on completion of the sale.  The portfolio 
yield on letting the empty unit will rise to 17.8% and then to 20.3% in 2015 
when the guaranteed uplifts on the Atmosphere lettings apply.   We believe we 
are being adequately rewarded for the risk profile of this portfolio. 
We have structured our portfolio to ensure that it is very liquid, as 
demonstrated by the average lot size across the entire portfolio of  GBP2.5 
million.  The portfolio offers excellent defensive qualities whilst at the same 
time providing an average yield on cost after deducting sales of 12.5%. 
The property market has become increasingly polarised.  Prime assets have 
recovered but current low capitalisation rates are more often than not an 
indicator of the safety of the income stream rather than its growth potential. 
In such cases we believe prospective returns will be pedestrian; being a bond 
proxy is unlikely to deliver much excitement with bond yields at historic lows. 
Central London is the one exception with rental growth both evident and likely 
to continue while supply remains tight. Unfortunately much of the stock 
available for purchase comprises either trophy assets at trophy prices or over- 
rented City buildings with lease expiries likely to coincide with the next wave 
of development completions. Genuine added value situations in London have been 
rare and competitively fought over. 
With interesting deals so scarce, the market is starting to pick over the corpse 
of the secondary market and beginning to reappraise its potential, 
notwithstanding the huge dispersion in prospective returns.  1960s provincial 
office buildings and poorer quality secondary shops will continue to decline in 
value as leases expire and vacancy rates continue to increase. Much of this 
decline will be terminal. At the other extreme secondary assets that continue to 
meet occupational requirements can offer sustainable cash flow returns far in 
excess of prime. Letting up voids can also manufacture capital growth at a time 
when the outlook for capital values outside London is flat now that yield shift 
has run its course. The key for successful investment in the secondary market is 
to be highly selective about the assets acquired, disciplined about the prices 
paid and then be prepared to work very hard on asset management. Of paramount 
importance is a low entry price that makes sufficient allowance for capital 
expenditure to be able to turn round assets, provides flexibility to undercut 
markets to secure new lettings yet still leaves a margin so that reducing 
vacancy rates delivers capital growth. 
We find it surprising that despite the unprecedented overhang of secondary 
assets being held by the banks, few deals reached the market last year that met 
our criteria. Fortunately banks are not the only source of deals; institutions 
and property companies are selling as they seek to upgrade their portfolios and 
companies such as Enterprise are carrying out sale and leasebacks. NAMA 
announced recently that it was hoping to withdraw from its EUR9 billion UK loan 
portfolio over the next two years so there is good reason to believe that we 
will begin to see a greater flow of sales from banks and NAMA. The deleveraging 
process has so far taken place at a snail's pace with most of it remaining to be 
done. Whilst this process continues there is an unusually high number of factors 
that might severely impair investor sentiment - stagflation in the UK, a 
sovereign debt crisis in Europe, double dip recession in the US or any of a 
variety of possible asset bubbles bursting from housing in China to internet 
stocks. In such circumstances we think there's a good chance of a further buying 
window for secondary property at highly attractive prices. 
Putting potential external crises aside, we have assembled a portfolio of 
defensive high yielding assets providing us with excellent opportunities to 
generate strong cash flow returns with the prospect of further capital growth as 
the vacancy rate continues to reduce. Unlike the prime market, secondary 
property yields have not enjoyed any re-rating and this would provide a further 
capital kicker if investors begin to compete for higher yielding assets as they 
have done in past cycles. The usual pattern is for prime to recover first and 
secondary at a later point when the economy has gained sufficient traction for 
secondary rents to begin to rise. As we have already stated, many secondary 
assets will fail to recover in this cycle and the uncertain outlook may 
considerably extend the period before recovery. However, we are already 
beginning to see the first sign of a rise in some secondary rents in central 
London before prime rents have begun to grow in assets outside the capital. 
In the meantime we are resolutely single minded in our focus on growing NAV per 
share and building on the 35% achieved to date. We are excited about the 
prospects for the business. 
Aubrey Adams 
13 June 2011 
  * May 2009  GBP211.4m net raised on IPO 
  * Oct 2009  GBP244.0m acquisition of Industrious portfolio 
  * Oct 2009  GBP20.3m net disposal proceeds on sale of London industrial assets 
    (18% profit) 
  * Jan 2010 disposal of Farnborough business park for net proceeds of  GBP16.3m 
    (52% profit) 
  * Feb 2010  GBP39m acquisition of Office portfolio 
  * May 2010 45% interest in  GBP31.6m Hospitals JV with Lloyds Bank 
  * Jul 2010 net proceeds on sale of Manchester office  GBP4.8m (57% profit) 
  * Sept 2010 net proceeds on sale of High Wycombe industrial property  GBP29.4m 
    (22% profit) 
  * Oct 2010  GBP9.4m Nightclubs portfolio purchase 
  * Jan 2011  GBP42.6m London Pubs portfolio acquired 
  * Apr 2011  GBP2.1m net proceeds on sale of Chelsea pub (41% profit) 
  * Over 450 lettings, lease renewals and regears over the period 
 Timeline excludes 12 smaller disposals with total net proceeds of  GBP10.5m at 
average 48% profit 
All profits quoted are profits over cost 
Prestbury Investments LLP exclusively advises Max Property Group Plc and is 
pleased to report on the operations of the Group. 
The portfolio 
Over the first two years since listing, a diverse portfolio has been assembled 
with a spread of tenant and sector risk, and with low average lot sizes with a 
view to maximizing flexibility for the disposal of the assets at the end of the 
investment cycle when the time comes to wind the business down and return cash 
to investors. 
Portfolio valuation movements in the period to 31 March 2011 
                                    Uplift above purchase price 
                                    31 March 31 March              Uplift above 
                                     2011     2010                 prior year 
Industrial                          15.2%    13.4%                 2.2% 
Offices                             45.9%    24.5%                 15.3% 
Hospitals (acquired May 2010)       8.8%     -                     - 
Nightclubs (acquired October 2010)  4.7%     -                     - 
London Pubs (acquired January 2011) 3.8%     -                     - 
Average                             16.5%    15.0%                 4.4% 
Portfolio valuation yields at 31 March 2011 
               Initial   Equivalent   Reversionary   Capital     unexpired 
               yield     yield        yield          value psf   lease term 
 Industrial    9.8%      10.5%        11.1%           GBP33         3.7 years 
 Offices       8.3%      10.3%        13.6%           GBP74         3.0 years 
 Hospitals     6.5%      6.8%         7.2%           n/a         24.2 years 
 Nightclubs    13.5%     16.3%        18.1%           GBP39         24.0 years 
 London Pubs   6.0%      7.7%         6.0%            GBP308        34.9 years 
 Average       9.0%      10.1%        10.8%                      7.8 years 
Industrious portfolio 
The Industrious portfolio is a portfolio of multi-let industrial estates bought 
out of receivership in a deal completed in October 2009 for  GBP244 million 
including purchase costs.  This estate was valued under its previous ownership 
at c. GBP700 million at the peak of the market and the purchase price of  GBP244 
million compares to a replacement cost at acquisition estimated at  GBP544 
million.  The gross initial yield on purchase was 12.7%, capital value was low 
at  GBP31 psf and the vacancy rate by area in October 2009 was 20.7%. 
We explain below the active management since acquisition that has gone a long 
way towards the repositioning of the estate. 
In Max's first 18 months of ownership, 430 lettings, sales of empty units, lease 
renewals and lease regearings on 2.3 million sq ft of space have been 
concluded.  This understates our asset management activity as  GBP70 million of 
disposals of properties sold to institutions are excluded from these figures and 
from the analysis below. 
                                                                      % of space 
                                               Number of               vacant at 
                                                units    Area (sq ft)  purchase 
Vacant at purchase in October 2009, now let    158       645,692      48.7% 
Vacant at purchase, now sold to owner 
occupiers                                      7         166,199      12.6% 
Total before new vacancies since acquisition   165       811,891      61.3% 
Let at acquisition, now vacant                 (101)     (515,905) 
Net improvement                                64        295,986 
  * Total sales of non core assets since acquisition of  GBP77.4 million at an 
    average 7.8% net initial yield and  GBP17.0 million profit (29%) over purchase 
  * Of the total sales,  GBP70.5 million of sales were to institutions at capital 
    values of  GBP99 psf, with the sold portfolio having a vacancy rate of 2% and 
    realising  GBP15.0 million (28%) above cost 
  *  GBP6.9 million of sales of vacant units to owner occupiers realising  GBP2.0 
    million (43%) over cost 
  * Vacancy rate down from 20.7% at acquisition to 15.5% 
  * 61% of the space vacant on acquisition has since been let or sold 
  * Of the 1,014,000 sq ft currently vacant: 
      * 165,000 sq ft is under offer to let 
      * 45,000 sq ft is under offer to owner occupiers 
  * 145,000 sq ft is known to be coming vacant, including space being taken back 
    to secure larger lettings 
Current portfolio 
  * 78 properties 
  * 907 tenancies 
  * 6.6 million sq ft 
  * Average unit size: 6,000 sq ft 
  * Highly liquid: 76% of properties by number are lot sizes of  GBP3 million or 
  * 43% of properties by value in South of England 
  * Weighted average unexpired lease term: 3.7 years 
The Industrious portfolio predominantly comprises smaller units that appeal to a 
wide variety of users.  Martlesham Heath Business Park in Ipswich (503,000 sq 
ft) makes up over 10% of the portfolio by value.  All other properties each make 
up less than 6% of the portfolio value. 
Industrial portfolio at 13 June 2011 
            31 March 
            2011       Percentage Capital             Number of  Number of 
Region      valuation* of total   value psf Area      properties units 
             GBP000       %           GBP         sq ft 
South East  50,635     24%        59.58     849,861   13         214 
East Anglia 26,030     12%        47.81     544,482   2          125 
South West  15,885     7%         39.62     400,962   8          93 
Midlands    38,050     18%        26.62     1,429,208 18         165 
North West  30,805     14%        26.86     1,146,822 17         190 
Yorkshire   12,310     6%         39.73     309,810   11         162 
North East  30,290     14%        22.82     1,327,332 3          107 
Scotland    10,745     5%         19.40     553,859   6          42 
Total       214,750    100%       32.72     6,562,336 78         1,098 
* Includes trading property at 31 March 2011 at its valuation of  GBP2,400,000. 
Office portfolio 
The Office portfolio was acquired in February 2010 for c. GBP39 million ( GBP50 psf 
capital value) from a property fund seeking to meet redemptions.  The portfolio 
of predominantly late 1980s air conditioned offices was approximately half 
vacant at acquisition and some 70% of the vacant space had already been 
refurbished to a high specification by the vendor.  The net initial yield was 
12.7%.  The purchase price compared very favourably to an estimated 
reinstatement cost at that time of  GBP180 million.  The terms of the transaction 
included the vendor funding a  GBP5.9 million escrow account which is being used to 
cover void costs up to three years after acquisition. 
Management activity has focussed on letting activity and the disposal of a non 
core asset. 
  * 19 lettings since purchase on c.100,000 sq ft 
  * Vacancy rate down from 48% to 39% since acquisition 
  * Over 30,000 sq ft of lettings in solicitors' hands would bring the vacancy 
    rate down further to 34% on signing 
  * Some 50,000 sq ft has fallen vacant since acquisition of which 70% relates 
    to a tenant break at Centric, Milton Keynes, which was known about at the 
    time of purchase and was reflected in the price 
  * Disposal of Manchester office building for  GBP5.8 million realising a profit 
    of  GBP1.7 million (57%) above cost 
Current portfolio 
  * Nine properties 
  * Eight freeholds; one 105 year peppercorn leasehold 
  * 661,000 sq ft 
  * 70% South, 25% Manchester, 5% Bristol 
                   Area    Vacancy rate                  Tenants 
                                    At 13 At 13 June 
                           At        June 2011 inc space 
                   sq ft   purchase  2011 under offer 
                                                         Serco, Trevor Jones 
Concord,                                                 Accountants, 
Manchester         125,000 66%      57%   32%            Thyssenkrupp 
                                                         Ericsson & Rockwell 
Broadlands,                                              C-Med, Fender, SIG 
Horsham            116,000 34%      15%   15%            Komfort 
Milton Keynes *    103,000 50%      82%   82%            Computacenter 
Silbury Court, 
Milton Keynes*     80,000  34%      22%   22%            13 tenants 
Solent Centre, 
Fareham            72,000  56%      27%   27%            18 tenants 
Overbridge Square, 
Newbury            67,000  29%      9%    9%             7 tenants 
New Bond House, 
Bristol            47,000  63%      30%   0%             8 tenants 
Milton Keynes *    27,000  0%       0%    0%             Workplace 
Aldrin Place, 
Farnborough        24,000  100%     100%  100%           Vacant 
                   661,000 48%      39%   34% 
* Properties held in joint venture where Max has an 83.3% interest. 
Hospitals portfolio 
The Group together with Lloyds Banking Group acquired a portfolio of four 
freehold private hospitals in Blackburn, Liverpool, Ayr and Stirling in May 
2010.  Max invested a nominal sum in the joint venture capital and Lloyds 
injected the assets with the associated debt funding.  The Company earns a 
management fee of  GBP100,000 pa from the joint venture.  Under the joint venture 
arrangements, Max has 45% of the economics and 50% of the votes (Lloyds has 50% 
of votes and economics). 
The joint venture paid  GBP31.6 million for the Hospitals portfolio, fully debt 
financed on a non-recourse basis by Lloyds.  Each hospital is let to BMI 
Healthcare Limited, guaranteed by General Healthcare Group Limited (GHG) for a 
term of 25 years from May 2010 with a tenant option to renew for a further ten 
years, on full repairing and insuring terms with the tenant responsible for all 
outgoings.  The initial rent was  GBP2.3 million pa with annual, upwards only 
uncapped RPI-linked rent reviews throughout the term.  Since the balance sheet 
date, the first annual rent review date has occurred, resulting in a rental 
uplift of 6.2% and a new rental level of  GBP2.5 million pa. 
GHG is the UK's largest private healthcare provider with 67 hospitals and 
treatment centres across the UK, and generated an EBITDA of  GBP222 million in the 
year to September 2010 ( GBP221 million in 2009). 
The portfolio was independently valued at  GBP34.1 million at 31 March 2011, 
resulting in a carrying value of Max's 45% joint venture interest of  GBP1.1 
Nightclubs portfolio 
In October 2010, 14 nightclubs were acquired for  GBP9.4 million in a deal struck 
with a lender seeking an exit for a larger portfolio.  At the time of 
acquisition, three of the clubs were vacant and the net initial yield on 
acquisition was 15%, expected to rise to 16% on letting of the vacant space and 
19% after the guaranteed rental uplifts in year five.  11 of the units are let 
to Atmosphere Bars & Clubs for a 25 year term certain.  13 sites were held 
freehold and one leasehold. 
The units held by Atmosphere are let on 30 year leases from January 2010 with a 
tenant break option at year 25.  The aggregate net rent of  GBP1.4 million rises by 
15% to  GBP1.6 million in 2015 with five-yearly upwards only open market reviews 
thereafter.  The tenant is a debt free company backed by Sun Capital Partners 
and was formed to acquire the best of the units from the former 3D Entertainment 
Since acquisition one freehold property in Colchester has been sold for  GBP0.8 
million realising a profit of  GBP0.4 million.  Of the three properties vacant at 
acquisition, one has been let on a new 20 year lease, one has been sold since 
the year end for proceeds of approximately twice its cost and one, with an ERV 
of  GBP60,000, remains vacant.  The yield expectation after the first review of the 
Atmosphere units, the letting of the vacant unit and the signing of the sale in 
hand is now expected to be in excess of 20%. 
London Pubs portfolio 
Max structured a sale and leaseback transaction in January 2011 in which 29 
freehold pubs situated in high value residential areas in and around London were 
acquired for  GBP42.6 million.  The pubs were let on new 35 year leases to 
Enterprise Inns Plc at market rents totalling  GBP3.0 million with minimum 3% pa 
and maximum 4% pa annual RPI-linked uplifts.  The net initial yield on the 
portfolio was 6.7% and the capital value at cost was  GBP300 psf.  The total area 
acquired was 150,000 sq ft.  The independently assessed vacant possession value 
of the portfolio was approximately the same as the purchase price, and many of 
the properties are considered by the management team to have a higher 
alternative value for residential use in the event that they fell vacant and 
planning consent were secured. 
The pubs acquired are located in Marylebone, Notting Hill, Chelsea, 
Spitalfields, Southwark, Camden, Highgate, Islington, Barnes, Sheen, Chiswick, 
Battersea, Clapham, Balham, Tooting and Fulham. 
Enterprise is the UK's largest tenanted pub company, owning over 7,000 pubs 
which the company values at over  GBP5 billion.  In its most recent results 
announcement in May 2011 the Enterprise group reported EBITDA of  GBP179 million 
and profits before tax of  GBP61 million. 
Since acquisition, the Rose & Crown pub in Chelsea has been sold for  GBP2.1 
million at a net initial yield of 4.5% which equates to a  GBP650 psf capital 
value, realising a profit of  GBP0.6 million, 41% above the gross purchase price. 
Financial review 
Max's investment mandate is to create value and return cash to shareholders over 
an investment cycle.  The focus of financial performance is therefore 
principally on net asset value ("NAV") per share growth, as the Group's NAV per 
share is a useful benchmark against which to measure progress in creating 
shareholder value. 
Movements in net asset value 
As Max's objective is to deliver attractive cash on cash returns to investors 
over an estimated seven and a half year investment cycle, it is important to the 
management team to be able to deliver meaningful realised profits while 
repositioning its portfolio through active asset management until it is time to 
start the disposal process.  Of the 11.1 pence per share uplift in net asset 
value in the year, approximately half is attributable to profits realised in 
In the 22 months from listing to 31 March 2011, Max has generated a 35% increase 
in net asset value per share.  Of this 33.9 pence per share increase, 29% 
relates to cash profits which have added to the Group's resources for its 
investment activities. 
The increase in EPRA net asset value over the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                                   since listing 
                     NAV movements since 31 March 2010             in May 009 
                           held by third Attributable to 
                     Gross parties       shareholders    Pence     Pence 
                      GBPm     GBPm             GBPm              per share per share 
Property revaluation 
surpluses            11.9  (0.2)         11.7            5.3       23.3 
Net property income  22.3  -             22.3            10.2      15.2 
Surpluses on sales   2.7   -             2.7             1.2       4.9 
Running costs        (5.7) -             (5.7)           (2.6)     (4.5) 
Share of joint 
venture result, 
after tax            1.3   -             1.3             0.6       0.6 
Net finance costs    (6.1) -             (6.1)           (2.8)     (4.0) 
Tax                  (1.7) -             (1.7)           (0.8)     (1.6) 
EPRA NAV uplift      24.7  (0.2)         24.5            11.1      33.9 
The EPRA net asset value measure strips out the effects of hedging valuation 
movements where hedging instruments are held for long term benefit and are 
expected to unwind over time, rather than to crystallise at the balance sheet 
date.  It also includes an adjustment to reflect trading property at fair value. 
The accounting policies applied in arriving at the net assets are stated in note 
2 to the financial statements which highlights the key judgement areas in 
preparing these results.  The key areas include the property and derivatives 
valuations, where independent open market valuations are obtained, and also the 
consideration of whether any carried interest payments are likely to be made in 
future to the external manager.  As explained in note 21 to the financial 
statements, the Board has concluded that on the basis of external evidence, 
there is not sufficient certainty at this stage that any payment will be made, 
therefore no provision has been made in these results for potential incentive 
fees payable.  The Board regularly assesses the performance of the management 
team and the appropriateness of the alignment of its interests in the Company 
and is satisfied that regardless of the position on carried interests at this 
early stage in the life of the Company, and with some  GBP30 million invested in 
it, the management team remains acutely focussed on the business and has a 
strong alignment of interests with all shareholders. 
'Triple net asset value' 
The 'triple net asset value' is the net asset value after excluding the mark to 
market costs of debt and hedging instruments and any inherent tax.  As a Jersey 
resident group there is no tax liability on investment property sales other than 
those held in UK corporate structures (the Hospitals portfolio), therefore the 
only adjustment for inherent tax is the Group's 45% share of inherent tax in the 
Hospitals joint venture. 
The Group's triple net asset value is shown below: 
                                                 31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                                       Pence           Pence 
                                                  GBPm    per share  GBPm    per share 
Net asset value attributable to owners of the 
Company                                          281.5 128.0     256.9 116.8 
Fair value of trading properties                 0.4   0.2       1.6   0.7 
Fair value of hedging instruments (including in 
joint venture)                                   4.7   2.1       3.8   1.7 
Deferred tax (including in joint venture)        (0.5) (0.3)     (0.8) (0.3) 
EPRA net asset value                             286.1 130.0     261.5 118.9 
Less fair value of hedging instruments, net of 
deferred tax                                     (4.1) (1.8)     (3.0) (1.4) 
Triple net asset value on an EPRA basis          282.0 128.2     258.5 117.5 
Income statement 
Given the objective to grow net asset value and the fact that the Group's equity 
is deployed in a series of transactions over time, not only is NAV growth 
unlikely ever to show a smooth progression, results in the income statement are 
likely to be 'lumpy' too. 
Movements in the property revaluations, which contribute 5.3 pence per share to 
the Group's NAV growth in the year for the Group's directly held assets and a 
further 0.6 pence per share for the joint venture investment, are described in 
the portfolio section of this report.  The other key elements of the income 
statement are described below. 
Net income from property activities 
Property income and surpluses on disposal comprise the following: 
                                               Year ended       Period ended 
                                               31 March 2011    31 March 2010 
                                                      Pence            Pence 
                                                GBPm     per share  GBPm     per share 
Gross rent                                     30.7   14.0      14.9   6.7 
Direct property costs                          (8.4)  (3.8)     (3.8)  (1.7) 
Rental surplus                                 22.3   10.2      11.1   5.0 
Proceeds from sale of trading properties       4.9    2.2       23.2   10.6 
Cost of trading properties sold                (3.1)  (1.4)     (18.7) (8.4) 
Surplus from sale of trading properties        1.8    0.8       4.5    2.2 
Proceeds from sale of investment properties    40.6   18.5      16.5   7.5 
Cost of investment properties sold             (38.0) (17.3)    (14.7) (6.7) 
Profit on sale of investment properties        2.6    1.2       1.8    0.8 
Total earned income from net rent and property 
sales, before tax                              26.7   12.2      17.4   8.0 
The 2011 results reflect a full year's ownership of the Industrious and Office 
portfolios, ten months' contribution from the Hospitals joint venture, five 
months from the Nightclubs portfolio and two months from the London Pubs 
portfolio.  The 2010 results included six months' contribution from the 
Industrious portfolio and two months from the Offices portfolio, therefore 
comparisons of net income by portfolio from year to year are not particularly 
meaningful.  However progress in stabilising income and current portfolio 
running yields are explained in the portfolio section of this report in 
particular in the progress in reducing void rates, which is the key driver for 
creating value at this time in the cycle when capitalisation rates are 
relatively stable. 
Under the terms of the acquisition of the Office portfolio, the seller deposited 
 GBP5.9 million into an escrow account, which is used to meet the running costs in 
relation to that portfolio for up to three years following completion of the 
acquisition in February 2010.  In accordance with accounting principles, the 
positive benefit of the escrow account is not shown as a reduction of direct 
property costs within the income statement but as a reduction in the cost of the 
assets.  Consequently the benefit of the escrow account is shown in the income 
statement as an increase in the revaluation movement in the relevant period. 
The benefit of the escrow arrangements for the year was  GBP2.7 million ( GBP0.2 
million for the two month period from the acquisition to 31 March 2010). 
The net rental surpluses above are shown net of provisions for specific tenant 
arrears for rent, service charges and other tenant billings that are not likely 
to be recovered.  This amounts to  GBP0.4 million in the year ( GBP0.9 million in the 
prior period), the rental element of which is  GBP0.3 million ( GBP0.8 million in the 
prior period) or 1.2% (3.5% in the prior period) of the rent billed in the 
Running costs 
As an externally managed business, the Group's running costs principally 
comprise the management fee payable to Prestbury Investments LLP, which amounted 
to  GBP4.6 million in the year ( GBP3.4 million in the ten month prior period).  The 
other principal component of the Group's  GBP5.7 million (prior period  GBP4.2 
million) running costs is  GBP0.7 million (prior period  GBP0.6 million) of corporate 
costs.  Corporate costs are the costs necessarily incurred as a result of the 
Company being a listed company, such as listing fees and Non-Executive 
Directors' fees.  Other than the Prestbury fee, which is linked to increases in 
the value of shareholders' equity (as explained in note 21), costs have remained 
relatively stable since the prior period. 
Cash flow 
The Group has produced cash flows from operations of  GBP10.6 million ( GBP36.4 
million in the prior period including a  GBP15.2 million contribution from trading 
property sales), represented by cash returns generated by the Group's property 
activities before financing.  The 2011 net cash flow from operations reflects 
lower net proceeds from trading properties given the substantially smaller 
trading portfolio in the year, and is also impacted by a  GBP7.5 million timing 
difference in VAT cash flows on the London Pubs portfolio acquisition that will 
reverse early in the new financial year when the VAT is recovered. 
During the year,  GBP55.7 million has been employed in the acquisition of real 
estate bringing total gross acquisitions since listing to  GBP334.0 million.  A net 
 GBP24.9 million has been raised in the year from non-recourse bank debt resulting 
in  GBP30.8 million of the Group's cash resources being deployed in property 
investment in the period to 31 March 2011 and  GBP181.4 million since the Company 
raised  GBP211.4 million on listing. 
With the majority of the assets acquired by the Group being high yielding assets 
with relatively low gearing, the income surpluses produced, together with cash 
raised through disposals, significantly adds to the Group's cash firepower. 
Investment property disposal proceeds in the year net of debt repayments added 
 GBP20.7 million to the Group's cash resources in the year (a further  GBP1.1 million 
was received after the year end) and, added to the  GBP10.6 million generated from 
operations, the cash flow generated at  GBP31.3 million was sufficient to fund the 
 GBP30.8 million of net cash invested in new acquisitions.  While in the investment 
phase of Max's life, our efforts will continue to be directed towards efficient 
recycling of capital in this way. 
The tax charge for the year of  GBP1.7 million represents an effective tax rate of 
12.7% on the  GBP13.4 million of pre tax profit excluding the investment property 
revaluation surplus and the results of joint ventures.  UK Income Tax is payable 
at a rate of 20% on the net rental surplus after deduction of interest costs. 
There is no tax payable on the interest income of the Jersey companies within 
the Group (which principally earn interest income) nor on investment property 
capital gains, which are the principal reasons for the difference between the 
income tax rate of 20% and the effective tax rate. 
The financing strategy laid down by the Board is to use non-recourse leverage 
with a view to enhancing equity returns whilst maintaining prudent levels of 
interest cover and protecting shareholders' funds.  The Board's intention is to 
ensure that: 
  * interest rate risk is hedged such that the maximum interest cost on any loan 
    is fixed or capped over the term of the loan; 
  * maturity profiles are managed to reduce refinancing risk; and 
  * interest cover is considered having regard to upside and downside scenarios. 
This approach has again been consistently applied in the period since listing. 
Of the five portfolios owned by the Group at the balance sheet date, three - the 
Industrious, Hospitals and London Pubs portfolios - are partly debt financed. 
All facilities are financed on a strictly non-recourse basis and with no cross 
default provisions. 
In each case, there is and has consistently been throughout the year comfortable 
levels of headroom on the relevant banking covenants.  The key financial 
covenants in each case are the loan to value and interest cover tests.  These 
are monitored throughout the year by the management team and there have been no 
defaults or potential defaults in any facility. 
The debt within the Industrious portfolio of  GBP102.6 million at 31 March 2011 is 
secured on assets independently valued at that date at  GBP212.4 million.  The 
London Pubs portfolio debt of  GBP25.5 million was secured on assets independently 
valued at  GBP46.6 million and since the balance sheet date the debt has been 
reduced through disposals to  GBP24.5 million secured on assets valued at 31 March 
2011 at  GBP44.9 million.  Each sits well within the loan to value covenants.  At 
the most recent test dates at the end of April 2011 the valuations would need to 
fall by 25% before a covenant breach would occur on the Industrious portfolio 
and by 20% to breach the covenant on the London Pubs portfolio. 
Interest cover is tested on the basis of conservative projections of rent and 
interest costs.  The risk on the rental line is managed through active asset 
management and the risk on the interest line by interest rate hedging in order 
to fix the maximum level of interest cost payable.  When most recently tested in 
April 2011 there was 22% headroom on the Industrious interest cover test and 
15% on the London Pubs portfolio. 
As medium term interest rates at the time of writing are at close to all time 
lows, the strategy of managing a portion of the interest rate risk by way of 
interest rate caps has proved useful in enabling Max to take advantage of these 
low rates while still capping the potential rate payable at a rate considered to 
be affordable in the context of the portfolio income streams.  The potential 
maximum rates payable and the rates payable during the year for the Industrious 
and London Pubs portfolio facilities are: 
                    Actual average rate payable 
                    in the year to 31 March 2011   Maximum rate payable 
 Industrious        5.3%                           6.4% 
 London Pubs        3.1%                           5.9% 
 Weighted average   5.2%                           6.3% 
The Hospitals portfolio is held in a joint venture where Max has a 45% economic 
interest.  The debt is held within the joint venture company where Max's capital 
at risk in that transaction is limited to the equity in the joint venture which 
at 31 March 2011 was  GBP1.1 million. The portfolio was fully debt financed by 
Lloyds Bank and the risk of interest rate movements is managed by interest rate 
swaps which fix the total cost of the debt at 5.5% per annum.  At the most 
recent test date in April 2011, the headroom on the loan to value covenant was 
22% and headroom on the interest cover test was 4%. 
Whilst the management team is pleased to see the results of its efforts 
translating into healthy NAV per share growth, we are never complacent and 
remain fiercely focussed on growing the business while preserving the value of 
shareholders' equity, including our own c.  GBP30 million investment. 
Mike Brown 
Chief Executive 
Prestbury Investments LLP 
  13 June 2011 
                                               Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                               31 March 2011 31 March 2011 
                                          Note  GBP000           GBP000 
 Gross rental income                           30,736        14,890 
 Proceeds from sale of trading properties      4,873         23,225 
                                               35,609        38,115 
 Property outgoings                       11   (8,379)       (3,789) 
 Cost of sales of trading properties           (3,142)       (18,659) 
                                               (11,521)      (22,448) 
|Net rental income                             22,357        11,101          | 
|                                                                            | 
|Profit on sale of trading properties          1,731         4,566           | 
 Gross profit                                  24,088        15,667 
 Administrative expenses: 
|General administrative expenses               (5,037)       (3,568)         | 
|                                                                            | 
|Corporate costs                               (700)         (627)           | 
 Total administrative expenses                 (5,737)       (4,195) 
 Investment property revaluation surplus       11,566        24,752 
 Profit on sale of investment properties       2,628         1,838 
 Other income                                  85            - 
 Discount on acquisition                  6    -             15,490 
 Operating profit                         4    32,630        53,552 
 Share of profit of joint venture         12   1,097         - 
 Finance income                           7    675           1,069 
 Finance costs                            7    (8,339)       (3,960) 
 Profit before tax                             26,063        50,661 
 Tax charge                               8    (1,686)       (1,828) 
 Profit for the period                         24,377        48,833 
 Profit for the period attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                          24,141        48,334 
 Non-controlling interest                 9    236           499 
                                               24,377        48,833 
                                               Pence         Pence 
 Earnings per share                            per share     per share 
 Basic and diluted                        10   11.0          22.0 
All amounts relate to continuing activities. 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                             Note  GBP000           GBP000 
Profit for the period                             24,377        48,833 
Market value adjustment of interest rate 
derivatives, recognised directly in equity   16b  787           (3,329) 
Amortisation of interest rate swap, 
transferred to income statement                   (183)         (169) 
Tax effect of interest rate derivative 
valuation adjustment                         8    (121)         700 
Share of market value adjustment of interest 
rate derivatives in joint venture, 
recognised directly in equity, net of 
deferred tax                                 12   (37)          - 
Total comprehensive income for the period, 
net of tax                                        24,823        46,035 
Total comprehensive income for the period, 
net of tax, attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                              24,587        45,536 
Non-controlling interest                     9    236           499 
                                                  24,823        46,035 
                                             attributable to  Non- 
                    Stated  Hedging Retained owners of the   controlling 
                    capital reserve earnings parent          interests   Total 
                     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000      GBP000             GBP000         GBP000 
At the start of the 
year                211,367 (2,798) 48,334   256,903         1,499       258,402 
Profit for the year -       -       24,141   24,141          236         24,377 
Market value 
adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives         -       604     -        604             -           604 
Tax effect of 
interest rate 
adjustment          -       (121)   -        (121)           -           (121) 
Share of market 
value adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives in 
joint venture, net 
of deferred tax     -       (37)    -        (37)            -           (37) 
Total comprehensive 
income for the 
year, net of tax    -       446     24,141   24,587          236         24,823 
At 31 March 2011    211,367 (2,352) 72,475   281,490         1,735       283,225 
                                             attributable to Non- 
                    Stated  Hedging Retained owners of the   controlling 
                    capital reserve earnings parent          interests   Total 
                     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000      GBP000             GBP000        ÂGBP000 
At incorporation    -       -       -        -               -           - 
Profit for the 
period              -       -       48,334   48,334          499         48,833 
Market value 
adjustment of 
interest rate 
derivatives         -       (3,498) -        (3,498)         -           (3,498) 
Tax effect of 
interest rate 
adjustment          -       700     -        700             -           700 
Total comprehensive 
income for the 
period, net of tax  -       (2,798) 48,334   45,536          499         46,035 
Loan capital issued 
to non-controlling 
investor            -       -       -        -               1,000       1,000 
Issue of ordinary 
shares of no par 
value               220,000 -       -        220,000         -           220,000 
Share issue costs   (8,633) -       -        (8,633)         -           (8,633) 
At 31 March 2010    211,367 (2,798) 48,334   256,903         1,499       258,402 
                                                     As at         As at 
                                                     31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                Note  GBP000           GBP000 
Non-current assets: 
Investment properties                           11   316,103       285,358 
Investment in joint venture                     12   1,060         - 
Interest rate derivatives at market value       16b  1,305         - 
Deferred tax asset                              8    639           700 
                                                     319,107       286,058 
Current assets: 
Trading properties                                   2,033         5,252 
Trade and other receivables                     13   16,022        4,765 
Cash deposits with maturities of more than 
three months                                         6,695         35,700 
Cash and cash equivalents                       14   87,634        66,916 
                                                     112,384       112,633 
Total assets                                         431,491       398,691 
Current liabilities: 
Trade and other payables                        15   (14,873)      (15,529) 
Corporation tax                                      (2,016)       (1,828) 
Interest rate derivatives at market value       16b  (1,596)       (2,308) 
                                                     (18,485)      (19,665) 
Non-current liabilities: 
Borrowings                                      16a  (126,355)     (117,466) 
Interest rate derivatives at market value       16b  (1,788)       (1,443) 
Obligations under finance leases                17   (1,638)       (1,715) 
                                                     (129,781)     (120,624) 
Total liabilities                                    (148,266)     (140,289) 
Net assets                                           283,225       258,402 
Equity attributable to owners of the parent: 
Stated capital                                  18   211,367       211,367 
Hedging reserve                                      (2,352)       (2,798) 
Retained earnings                                    72,475        48,334 
                                                     281,490       256,903 
Non-controlling interest                        9    1,735         1,499 
Total equity                                         283,225       258,402 
                                                     Pence         Pence 
                                                     per share     per share 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share     20   128.0p        116.8p 
EPRA net asset value per share                  20   130.0p        118.9p 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                             Note  GBP000           GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities: 
Profit before tax                                 26,063        50,661 
Adjustments for non-cash items: 
Investment property revaluation surplus      11   (11,566)      (24,752) 
Profit on sale of investment properties           (2,628)       (1,838) 
Discount on acquisition                      6    -             (15,490) 
Share of profits of joint venture            12   (1,097)       - 
Net finance costs                            7    7,664         2,891 
Cash flows from operating activities before 
changes in working capital                        18,436        11,472 
Change in trade and other receivables             (9,247)       (4,162) 
Change in trade and other payables                (261)         13,829 
Change in trading properties                      3,219         15,218 
Tax paid                                          (1,557)       - 
Cash flows from operating activities              10,590        36,357 
Investing activities: 
Cash flows related to business acquisition        -             (243,895) 
Investment property acquisitions                  (55,694)      (34,364) 
Capital expenditure on investment properties      (3,269)       (116) 
Drawings from escrow account                      2,499         231 
Proceeds from sales of investment properties      37,349        16,313 
Cash received from/(placed on) short term 
deposit                                           29,005        (35,700) 
Interest received                                 741           951 
Cash flows from investing activities              10,631        (296,580) 
Financing activities: 
Net proceeds from share issue                     -             211,367 
New borrowings                                    25,500        127,709 
Repayment of borrowings                           (16,638)      (8,515) 
Interest paid                                     (6,122)       (2,353) 
Loan arrangement fees paid                        (632)         (2,069) 
Purchase of interest rate cap                16b  (2,611)       - 
Loan capital from non-controlling investors       -             1,000 
Cash flows from financing activities              (503)         327,139 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents         20,718        66,916 
Cash and cash equivalents at the start of 
the period                                        66,916        - 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
period                                            87,634        66,916 
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement 
The following notes are an extract from the Company's Annual Report and 
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 which has been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and upon which an 
unqualified audit report has been given. 
1. General information about the Group 
Max Property Group Plc was listed on AIM and CISX on 27 May 2009.  It is a 
closed-ended real estate investment company incorporated in Jersey on 17 April 
2009.  The address of the registered office is 26 New Street, St Helier, Jersey 
JE2 3RA.  The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are 
set out in the Chairman's Report and the Report of the Property Advisor. 
The financial information set out in this report covers the year to 31 March 
2011 with comparative amounts relating to the period from incorporation to 31 
March 2010, though the Company did not trade prior to the date of listing. 
This financial report includes the results and net assets of the Company and its 
subsidiaries, together referred to as the Group. 
Further general information about the Company can be found on its website 
2. Accounting policies 
a) Statement of compliance 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the 
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') adopted for use in the 
European Union and therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation. 
b) Basis of preparation 
The Group and Company financial statements are presented in pounds sterling. 
The Board has, at the time of preparing the financial statements, a reasonable 
expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue 
in operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore continue to 
adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial 
i) Estimates and judgements 
The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis except that 
investment properties and derivative financial instruments are stated at fair 
value.  The accounting policies have been applied consistently in all material 
The preparation of financial statements requires the Board to make judgements, 
estimates and assumptions that may affect the application of accounting policies 
and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the date of the 
financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during 
the reporting period.  Any estimates and assumptions are based on experience and 
any other factors that are believed to be relevant under the circumstances and 
which the Board considers reasonable.  Actual outcomes may differ from these 
Any revisions to accounting estimates will be recognised in the period in which 
the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period.  If the 
revision affects both current and future periods, the change will be recognised 
over those periods. 
Certain accounting policies which have a significant bearing on the reported 
financial condition and results of the Group require subjective or complex 
judgements.  The principal such areas of judgement are: 
  * property valuation, where the opinion of independent, external valuers is 
    obtained every six months; 
  * the likelihood of payments being made under the Group's carried interest 
    arrangements, where the position is monitored by the Board through 
    consideration of relevant external data; and 
  * the value of derivative financial instruments used to hedge interest rate 
    exposures, where the valuations adopted are independently assessed every six 
    months on the basis of market rates as at the balance sheet date. 
The Group's accounting policies for these matters where outcomes are more 
reliant on judgement, together with other policies material to the Group, are 
set out below. 
ii) Adoption of new and revised standards 
No new standards or interpretations issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board (IASB) or the International Financial Reporting Interpretations 
Committee (IFRIC) have led to any material changes in the Group's accounting 
policies or disclosures during the year. 
Standards and interpretations in issue not yet adopted 
The IASB and IFRIC have issued or amended the following standards and 
interpretations that are mandatory for later accounting periods and which are 
relevant to the Group and have not been adopted early.  These are: 
                                                        Effective date 
 IAS 12    Deferred tax                                 1 January 2012 
 IAS 24    Revised related party disclosures            1 January 2011 
 IFRS 9    Financial instruments                        1 January 2013 
 IFRS 10   Consolidated financial statements            1 January 2013 
 IFRS 11   Joint arrangements                           1 January 2013 
 IFRS 12   Disclosures of interests in other entities   1 January 2013 
 IFRS 13   Fair value measurement                       1 January 2013 
The Directors do not anticipate that the adoption of these standards and 
interpretations will have a material impact on the Group's financial statements 
in the period of initial application, other than on presentation and disclosure. 
The IASB and IFRIC have also issued or revised IFRS 1, IFRS 2, IFRS 3, IFRS 7, 
IAS 27, IAS 32, IAS 39, IFRIC 14, IFRIC 17 and IFRIC 19 but these changes either 
have no impact or are not expected to have a material effect on the operations 
of the Group. 
c) Basis of consolidation 
i) Subsidiaries 
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of 
subsidiaries, prepared to 31 March each year under the same accounting policies 
as the Group as a whole, using the acquisition method.  All intra-group 
balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. 
Subsidiaries are those entities controlled by the Group.  When the Group has the 
power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity to gain 
benefits from its activities, it has control within the meaning of this policy. 
Non-controlling interests represent the portion of profit or loss and net assets 
not held by the Group and are presented separately in the income statement and 
within equity in the consolidated balance sheet, separately from equity 
attributable to owners of the parent. 
ii) Business combinations 
Under the acquisition method, an acquisition is recognised at the aggregate of 
the consideration transferred, measured at acquisition date fair value and the 
amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree.  Acquisition costs 
incurred prior to the revision of IFRS 3 were included as part of the cost of 
the acquisition; acquisition costs incurred since the revision of IFRS 3 in the 
year ended 31 March 2011 are expensed.  In the consolidated balance sheet, the 
identifiable net assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of any target 
entity are also recognised initially at fair value as at the acquisition date. 
The results of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial 
statements from the date control commences until the date that it ceases. 
Where properties are acquired through corporate acquisitions and there are no 
significant assets or liabilities other than directly relating to property, an 
acquisition is treated as an asset acquisition and fair value accounting at the 
date of acquisition will not apply.  In other cases, the acquisition method will 
be used. 
iii) Joint ventures 
A joint venture is an entity over which the Group has joint control, established 
by contractual agreement.  Joint ventures are accounted for under the equity 
method, whereby the consolidated financial statements incorporate the Group's 
share of net assets and results.  The results are after tax and include 
revaluation movements on investment properties and interest rate derivatives. 
The results of joint ventures are included on the basis of accounting policies 
consistent with those of the Group. 
Joint ventures are reviewed to determine whether any impairment loss should be 
recognised at the end of the reporting period. 
iv) Goodwill and discounts on acquisition 
In the event that there is an excess of the purchase price of any business 
acquired over the fair value of the business acquired - that is, its 
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities purchased and any 
resulting deferred tax thereon - the excess is recognised as goodwill. 
Any goodwill is recognised as an asset and will be reviewed by the Board for 
impairment at least annually.  Any impairment is recognised immediately in the 
income statement and will not be subsequently reversed.  A discount on 
acquisition arises where there is an excess of the fair value of the business 
acquired over the purchase price.  Any discount arising is credited to the 
income statement in the period of acquisition. 
d) Property portfolio 
i) Investment properties 
Investment properties are properties owned or held leasehold by the Group which 
are held for capital appreciation, rental income or both.  They are initially 
recorded at cost (or fair value where acquired as part of a business 
combination) and subsequently valued at each balance sheet date at fair market 
value on an open market basis as determined by professionally qualified 
independent external valuers. 
Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment properties 
are recognised in the income statement in the period in which they arise. 
Depreciation is not provided in respect of investment properties. 
Acquisitions and disposals of investment properties are recognised on 
unconditional exchange of contracts where it is reasonable to assume at the 
balance sheet date that completion of the acquisition or disposal will occur. 
Gains on disposal are determined as the difference between net disposal proceeds 
and the carrying value of the asset in the previous published balance sheet 
adjusted for any subsequent capital expenditure or capital receipts. 
ii) Trading properties 
Trading properties are initially recognised at cost and subsequently at the 
lower of cost and net realisable value. 
iii) Occupational leases 
The Board exercises judgement in considering the potential transfer of the risks 
and rewards of ownership in accordance with IAS 17 for all properties leased to 
tenants and determines whether such leases are operating leases.  A lease is 
classified as a finance lease if substantially all of the risks and rewards of 
ownership transfer to the lessee.  If the Group substantially retains those 
risks, a lease is classified as an operating lease. 
iv) Headleases 
Where an investment property is held under a headlease, the headlease is 
initially recognised as an asset at cost plus the present value of minimum 
ground rent payments.  The corresponding rental liability to the head 
leaseholder is included in the balance sheet as a finance lease obligation. 
v) Net rental income 
Revenue comprises rental income exclusive of VAT.  Rental income is recognised 
in the income statement on an accruals basis.  Contingent income, such as 
turnover rents, rent reviews and indexation are recorded in the income statement 
in the periods in which they are earned.  Specifically: 
  * rent reviews are recognised when formally agreed; 
  * any rental income from fixed and minimum guaranteed rent reviews are 
    recognised on a straight line basis over the shorter of the term to lease 
    expiry or to the first tenant break option.  Where such income is recognised 
    in advance of the related cash flows, an adjustment is made to ensure that 
    the carrying value of the relevant property including accrued rent does not 
    exceed the external valuation; 
  * rent free periods, other lease incentives and any costs associated with 
    entering into occupational leases are allocated evenly over the period from 
    the date of lease commencement to the first break option or, in the unusual 
    event that the probability that the break option will be exercised is 
    considered sufficiently low, over the lease term; and 
  * in the event that any premium is received on a lease surrender, the profit, 
    net of any payments for dilapidations and non-recoverable outgoings, is 
    reflected in the income statement in the period in which the surrender 
    becomes legally binding. 
Property operating costs, including any property operating expenditure not 
recovered from tenants, for example through service charges, are expensed 
through the income statement on an accruals basis. 
e) Financial assets and liabilities 
Financial assets and liabilities are recognised when the relevant group entity 
becomes a party to the contractual terms of the instrument.  Unless otherwise 
indicated, the carrying amounts of financial assets and liabilities are a 
reasonable estimate of their fair values. 
i) Trade and other receivables 
Trade and other receivables are recognised initially at their fair value and 
subsequently at their amortised cost.  If there is objective evidence that the 
recoverability of the asset is at risk, appropriate allowances for any estimated 
irrecoverable amounts are recognised in the income statement. 
ii) Trade and other payables 
Trade and other payables are recognised initially at their fair value and 
subsequently at their amortised cost. 
iii) Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks and financial institutions and other short-term highly liquid investments 
with original maturities of three months or less. 
iv) Other financial assets 
Other financial assets comprise deposits held with banks and other financial 
institutions where the original term to maturity was more than three months. 
v) Equity instruments 
Equity instruments issued by the Company are recorded at the proceeds received, 
net of direct issue costs. 
vi) Borrowings and finance charges 
Borrowings are initially recognised at their fair value, net of any transaction 
costs directly attributable to their issue.  Subsequently, loans are carried at 
their amortised carrying value using the 'effective interest method', which 
spreads the interest expense over the period to maturity at a constant rate on 
the balance of the liability carried in the balance sheet for the relevant 
Finance charges, including premiums payable on settlement or redemption, are 
accounted for on an accruals basis using the effective interest method and are 
added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are not 
settled in the period in which they arise. 
vii) Derivative financial instruments 
The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to cash 
flow interest rate risks.  Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on 
the date on which the derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently 
re-measured at fair value. 
Derivatives are classified either as derivatives in effective hedges or held for 
trading.  It is anticipated that, generally, hedging arrangements will be 
'highly effective' within the meaning of IAS 39 and that the criteria necessary 
for applying hedge accounting will be met.  Hedges are assessed on an ongoing 
basis to ensure they continue to be effective. 
The gain or loss on the portion of an instrument that qualifies as a effective 
hedge of cash flow interest rate risk is recognised directly in other 
comprehensive income.  The gain or loss on derivative financial instruments 
which are classified as held for trading because they are not effective hedges 
is recognised in the income statement. 
f) Provisions 
A provision is recognised when a legal or constructive obligation exists as a 
result of an event that has occurred prior to the balance sheet date and where 
it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle 
the obligation.  Provisions will be measured at the Directors' best estimate of 
the expenditure required to settle that obligation as at the balance sheet date, 
and will be discounted to present value if the effect is material. 
g) Distributions 
Distributions relating to equity shares are recognised when declared. 
h) Management fees and incentive arrangement payments 
Management fees and incentive arrangement payments are recognised in the income 
statement in the period to which they relate.  Amounts that are reasonably 
likely to become payable are provided for in the financial statements and 
balances will be discounted to reflect the deferred payment. 
i) Tax 
Tax is included in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to 
income or expense items recognised directly in equity, in which case the related 
tax will be recognised in equity. 
Current tax is the expected tax payable on taxable income for the reporting 
period, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet 
date, together with any adjustment in respect of previous periods. 
Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, providing for 
temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for 
financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for tax purposes.  The tax 
effect of the following differences is not provided for: 
  * the initial recognition of goodwill; 
  * goodwill for which amortisation is not tax deductible; 
  * the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is 
    not a business combination 
    and at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting or taxable 
    profit; and 
  * investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities 
    where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the 
    difference and it is probable that the difference will not reverse in the 
    foreseeable future. 
The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of 
realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, 
using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that 
future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be 
3.  Operating segments 
IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal 
reports about components of the Group that are reviewed by the chief operating 
decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated between 
segments and assess their performance.  The Group's chief operating decision 
maker is considered to be the Board. 
The Group has acquired a number of property portfolios.  Although these are 
described individually elsewhere in this annual report, they are not separately 
managed and the Board receives quarterly management accounts prepared on a basis 
which aggregates the performance of the portfolios and focuses on total returns 
on shareholders' equity.  The Board has therefore concluded that the Group 
operated in and was managed as one business segment, being property investment, 
during the current year and the prior period.  All revenue arises from property 
investment and trading, with all properties located in the United Kingdom.  No 
single tenant represented 10% or more of the Group's revenues in either the 
current year or the prior period. 
4.  Operating profit 
                                                       Year to 
                                                       31 March 17 April 2009 to 
                                                       2011     31 March 2010 
                                                        GBP000      GBP000 
Operating profit is stated after charging: 
Directors' fees                                        218      169 
Auditors' remuneration for the audit of the Group and 
Company financial statements                           154      114 
The auditors received no payments (2010:  GBP150,000) during the period in relation 
to non-audit services.  The comparative figure related to services provided in 
connection with the flotation which were treated as issue costs and charged 
directly to the stated capital reserve. 
The Group had no employees in either the current year or the prior period. 
Fees payable to the Directors in the period are as follows: 
                                         Year to 
                                         31 March   17 April 2009 to 
                                         2011       31 March 2010 
                                          GBP000        GBP000 
 Aubrey Adams                            70         59 
 Mike Brown                              -          - 
 Freddie Cohen                           23         n/a 
 Sandy Gumm                              n/a        - 
 Keith Hamill                            30         25 
 Nick Leslau                             -          - 
 Alex Ohlsson                            35         31 
 John Stephen                            30         25 
 David Waters                            30         29 
 Total charged to the income statement   218        169 
5.  Operating leases 
As a commercial property investor, the Group enters into operating leases on its 
real estate assets.  Leases are for fixed terms, typically between five and 15 
years but potentially up to 35 years depending on the type of property.  They 
include terms that reflect market conditions at the time of letting including 
landlord and/or tenant break options before expiry and periodic rent reviews, 
the vast majority of which are upwards only open market reviews. 
Future minimum rents receivable under non-cancellable operating leases are set 
out in the table below, calculated on the assumption that any tenant with a 
break option does exercise that option. 
                             As at      As at 
                             31 March   31 March 2010 
                             2011       (restated) 
                              GBP000        GBP000 
 Minimum rents receivable: 
 within one year             27,013     31,852 
 in two to five years        70,665     66,263 
 in more than five years     216,048    26,954 
                             313,726    125,069 
Prior year figures have been restated to amend the maturity profile, but the 
total remains the same. 
6.  Acquisition of Industrious portfolio 
Details of the costs and fair values of the assets and liabilities acquired by 
the Group on the acquisition of the Industrious portfolio in the prior period 
are as follows: 
                                                     Price               Fair 
                                                     paid    Adjustments value 
                                                      GBP000     GBP000         GBP000 
Investment properties                                223,477 16,763      240,240 
Trading properties                                   20,513  (43)        20,470 
Trade receivables                                    -       485         485 
Obligations under finance leases                     -       (1,715)     (1,715) 
Total                                                243,990 15,490      259,480 
Cash consideration comprised: 
Purchase price                                                           232,101 
Acquisition costs                                                        11,889 
Total acquisition cost                                                   243,990 
Discount on acquisition: excess of fair value over 
cost                                                                     15,490 
The fair value of the net assets acquired exceeded the cost of the transaction 
and this difference was included as a discount on acquisition in the income 
statement in the prior period.  The discount arose principally because the Group 
was in a position to acquire a large portfolio from a motivated seller whereas 
the valuation at fair value reflected a willing buyer and willing seller and 
could not take into account the specific circumstances of the transaction. 
7.  Finance income and costs 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                   GBP000           GBP000 
Recognised in the income statement: 
Finance income 
Interest on cash deposits                         675           1,069 
Finance costs 
Bank interest and charges                         5,952         3,266 
Amortisation of loan issue costs                  660           341 
Reduction in value of derivatives in the period   1,726         422 
Amount recycled from the hedging reserve          (183)         (169) 
Finance costs in respect of bank loans            8,155         3,860 
Finance lease interest                            184           100 
Total finance costs                               8,339         3,960 
Net finance costs recognised in the income 
statement                                         7,664         2,891 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                   GBP000           GBP000 
Recognised in other comprehensive income: 
Gains/(losses) recognised on market value 
adjustment of interest rate derivatives           787           (3,329) 
Amount recycled to the income statement           (183)         (169) 
Net finance income/(costs) recognised in other 
comprehensive income                              604           (3,498) 
Net finance costs analysed by the categories of financial asset and liability 
shown in note 16c are as follows: 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                   GBP000           GBP000 
Loans and receivables                             (675)         (1,069) 
Held for trading                                  1,154         - 
Derivatives in effective hedges                   389           253 
Amortised cost                                    6,612         3,607 
                                                  7,480         2,791 
Non-financial assets and liabilities - 
obligations under finance leases                  184           100 
Net finance costs                                 7,664         2,891 
Net finance costs recognised in other comprehensive income relate entirely to 
derivatives in effective hedges in both the current year and prior period. 
Further information about the hedging instruments, including details of their 
valuation at the balance sheet date, is included in note 16. 
The Group's sensitivity to changes in interest rates, calculated on the 
assumption of a 1% increase or decrease in LIBOR, was as follows: 
                                        Year to         17 April 2009 to 
                                        31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                         GBP000             GBP000 
 Effect on profit before tax            360             (486) 
 Effect on other comprehensive income   214             - 
 Effect on equity                       574             (486) 
The average interest rate payable by the Group on bank borrowings for the year, 
including all lender's margins but excluding amortised finance costs, was 5.2% 
(2010: 4.9%).  The maximum rate payable in the period was 6.3% (2010: 6.7%). 
8.  Taxation 
The tax charge for the period recognised in the income statement was as follows: 
                                 Year to         17 April 2009 to 
                                 31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                  GBP000             GBP000 
 Current tax                     1,746           1,828 
 Deferred tax                    (60)            - 
 Tax on results for the period   1,686           1,828 
The tax assessed for the period varies from the standard rate of income tax in 
the UK of 20%.  The differences are explained below: 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                   GBP000           GBP000 
Profit before tax                                 26,063        50,661 
Profit before tax at the standard rate of income 
tax in the UK of 20%                              5,213         10,132 
Adjusted for the effects of: 
Revaluation surplus not subject to tax            (2,313)       (4,950) 
Discount on acquisition not subject to tax        -             (3,001) 
Income and property disposal profits not subject 
to tax                                            (2,071)       (1,030) 
Share of profit of joint venture shown after tax  (219)         - 
Expenses not deductible for tax                   1,115         711 
Other                                             (39)          (34) 
                                                  1,686         1,828 
The movement on the deferred tax asset was as follows: 
                                                  Year to       17 April 2009 to 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                   GBP000           GBP000 
At the start of the period                        700           - 
Tax on recognition of fixed and minimum 
guaranteed rent reviews, charged to the income 
statement                                         (69)          - 
Tax on interest rate derivative adjustment, 
credited to the income statement                  129           - 
Tax on interest rate derivative adjustment, 
(charged)/credited to other comprehensive income  (121)         700 
At the end of the period                          639           700 
Tax status of the Company and its subsidiaries 
Any Group undertakings earning income are either tax resident in Jersey or are 
tax transparent entities owned by Jersey resident entities.  Jersey has a 
corporate income tax rate of zero, so the Company and its subsidiaries are not 
subject to tax on their income or gains in Jersey.  The Company is not subject 
to UK Corporation tax on any dividend or interest income it receives. 
The Group's real estate assets are located in the United Kingdom and the net 
rental income earned less deductible interest costs is subject to UK income tax, 
currently at a rate applicable to Group undertakings of 20%. 
The joint venture is held in two UK companies which were subject to UK 
Corporation tax on profits at 28% for the year ended 31 March 2011.  The Group's 
interest in these companies is held by a Jersey resident entity which is not 
subject to UK Corporation tax on any dividend it receives. 
9.  Non-controlling interest 
The non-controlling interest represents a 16.7% investment by a third party in 
three office properties in Milton Keynes. 
                                              Year to         17 April 2009 to 
                                              31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                               GBP000             GBP000 
 At the start of the period                   1,499           - 
 Loan capital injected by minority investor   -               1,000 
 Share of profit for the period               236             499 
 At the end of the period                     1,735           1,499 
10.  Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share is based on 220,000,002 ordinary shares in 
issue throughout the period during which profits were earned, and profits 
attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company of  GBP24.1 million (2010: 
 GBP48.3 million). 
There are no share options or other equity instruments in issue and therefore no 
adjustments to be made for dilutive or potentially dilutive equity arrangements. 
The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) publishes guidelines for 
calculating adjusted earnings designed to represent core operational 
activities.  The adjusted EPRA earnings per share calculation is as follows: 
                         Year to 31 March 2011    17 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 
                                                           Pence per 
                          GBP000     Pence per share  GBP000     share 
Basic earnings           24,141   11.0            48,334   22.0 
Investment property 
revaluation movements, 
net of non-controlling 
interests                (11,382) (5.2)           (24,253) (11.0) 
Discount on acquisition  -        -               (15,490) (7.1) 
Profit on sale of 
investment properties    (2,628)  (1.2)           (1,838)  (0.8) 
Profit on sale of 
trading properties       (1,731)  (0.8)           (4,566)  (2.1) 
Market value adjustment 
of interest rate 
derivatives, net of tax  1,465    0.7             203      0.1 
Market value adjustment 
of interest rate 
derivatives within joint 
venture, net of tax      29       -               -        - 
EPRA earnings            9,894    4.5             2,390    1.1 
11.  Investment properties 
                                                    Long      Short 
                                           Freehold leasehold leasehold Total 
                                            GBP000      GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
At 31 March 2010                           205,389  79,049    920       285,358 
Acquisition of Nightclubs portfolio at 
cost                                       9,376    -         455       9,831 
Acquisition of London Pubs portfolio at 
cost                                       44,718   -         -         44,718 
Deferred completion of Office property     961      -         -         961 
Capital expenditure                        2,665    303       -         2,968 
Drawings from escrow account               (1,823)  (676)     -         (2,499) 
Revaluation movement                       11,423   348       (205)     11,566 
Disposals                                  (35,947) (853)     -         (36,800) 
Carrying value as at 31 March 2011         236,762  78,171    1,170     316,103 
Headlease liabilities (note 17)            -        (1,638)   -         (1,638) 
Rent free periods (note 13)                1,213    342       5         1,560 
Total Group property portfolio valuation   237,975  76,875    1,175     316,025 
                                                    Long      Short 
                                           Freehold leasehold leasehold Total 
                                            GBP000      GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
At incorporation                           -        -         -         - 
Acquisition of Industrious portfolio at 
fair value                                 169,660  69,690    890       240,240 
Acquisition of Office portfolio at cost    25,195   9,609     -         34,804 
Capital expenditure                        101      167       -         268 
Drawings from escrow account               (175)    (56)      -         (231) 
Revaluation movement                       25,083   (361)     30        24,752 
Disposals                                  (14,475) -         -         (14,475) 
Carrying value as at 31 March 2010         205,389  79,049    920       285,358 
Headlease liabilities (note 17)            -        (1,715)   -         (1,715) 
Rent free periods (note 13)                241      66        -         307 
Total Group property portfolio valuation   205,630  77,400    920       283,950 
The properties were valued as at 31 March 2011 by CB Richard Ellis Limited, 
Commercial Real Estate Advisors, in their capacity as external valuers.  The 
valuation was prepared on a fixed fee basis, independent of the portfolio value. 
The valuation was undertaken in accordance with the Royal Institution of 
Chartered Surveyors' Valuation Standards Sixth Edition on the basis of Market 
Value, supported by reference to market evidence of transaction prices for 
similar properties.  Market Value represents the estimated amount for which a 
property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a 
willing seller in an arm's length transaction after proper marketing wherein the 
parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. 
The Group has the benefit of an escrow account established by the seller of the 
Office portfolio from which funds can be drawn to meet void costs for the period 
from the portfolio acquisition in February 2010 until 31 December 2012. 
Drawings from the escrow account are treated as reductions in the cost of the 
assets.  The escrow account was initially  GBP5.9 million, against which  GBP2.5 
million (2010:  GBP0.2 million) has been drawn in the year for investment 
properties and a further  GBP0.2 million (2010:  GBPnil) for trading properties, 
leaving an available balance of  GBP3.0 million (2010:  GBP5.7 million). 
The historic cost of the Group's investment properties as at 31 March 2011 was 
 GBP273.1 million (2010:  GBP247.6 million). 
Property outgoings were split as follows: 
                                                       Year to 
                                                       31 March 17 April 2009 to 
                                                       2011     31 March 2010 
                                                        GBP000      GBP000 
Property outgoings arising from investment properties 
that generate rental income                            8,158    3,753 
Property outgoings arising from investment properties 
that did not generate rental income                    221      36 
Total property outgoings                               8,379    3,789 
12.  Investment in joint venture 
The joint venture investment represents the Group's 45% economic interest (50% 
voting interest) in MPG Hospital Holdings Limited, a joint venture company 
incorporated in and operating in England & Wales, which was acquired for  GBP45 
consideration on 28 May 2010. 
The movement in the investment in joint venture during the year was as follows: 
                                                                  28 May 2010 to 
                                                                  31 March 2011 
At the start of the period                                        - 
Share of profit for the period recognised in the income           1,097 
Share of other comprehensive income                               (37) 
At the end of the period                                          1,060 
The results of the joint venture were as follows: 
                                                                 As at 
                                                                 31 March 2011 
Non-current assets                                               34,311 
Current assets                                                   780 
Current liabilities                                              (1,834) 
Non-current liabilities                                          (30,902) 
Net assets                                                       2,355 
Group share of net assets                                        1,060 
Rental income                                                    1,982 
Property outgoings and other expenses                            (143) 
Net finance costs                                                (1,543) 
Investment property revaluation surplus                          2,762 
Tax charge                                                       (622) 
Profit for the period                                            2,436 
Group share of profit for the period                             1,097 
Market value adjustment of interest rate derivative              (113) 
Tax effect of interest rate derivative market value adjustment   32 
Other comprehensive income for the period                        (81) 
Group share of other comprehensive income for the period         (37) 
The joint venture owns four private hospitals in Blackburn, Liverpool, Ayr and 
Stirling, all held on long leases with annual RPI-linked uplifts throughout the 
term, with an aggregate initial rent of  GBP2.4 million per annum.  At the year 
end, the joint venture was funded with non-recourse debt facilities of  GBP31.2 
million and the properties were independently valued at  GBP34.1 million by CB 
Richard Ellis Limited, Commercial Real Estate Advisors, in their capacity as 
external valuers.  The valuation was prepared on a fixed fee basis, independent 
of the portfolio value. 
The valuation was undertaken in accordance with the Royal Institution of 
Chartered Surveyors' Valuation Standards on the basis of Market Value, supported 
by reference to market evidence of transaction prices for similar properties. 
Market Value represents the estimated amount for which a property should 
exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller 
in an arm's length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had 
each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. 
Property outgoings and other expenses include  GBP0.1 million of management fees 
paid to the Property Advisor and which result in a corresponding reduction of 
fees paid to the Property Advisor under the Investment Advisory Agreement. 
The Group has no capital commitments or contingent liabilities in relation to 
the joint venture, and the joint venture itself has no capital commitments or 
contingent liabilities. 
13.  Trade and other receivables 
                                                     As at         As at 
                                                     31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                      GBP000           GBP000 
Trade receivables                                    3,486         4,439 
Less provision for doubtful debts                    (986)         (896) 
Trade receivables - net                              2,500         3,543 
Receivable from investment property disposals        2,079         - 
VAT receivable                                       7,535         - 
Interest receivable                                  52            118 
Rent free periods granted to tenants and 
fixed/guaranteed rent reviews                        1,560         307 
Prepayments and accrued income                       1,936         797 
Other receivables                                    360           - 
                                                     16,022        4,765 
Other than  GBP1.0 million (2010:  GBP0.3 million) of rent free periods which are due 
in more than one year, all amounts above are due within one year. 
The Group's trade receivables comprise amounts payable by tenants of the Group's 
investment properties.  The ageing of trade receivables was as follows: 
                                 As at           As at 
                                 31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                  GBP000             GBP000 
 Neither past due nor impaired 
 Less than 30 days               2,330           3,140 
 30-60 days                      33              134 
 60-120 days                     47              128 
 Over 120 days                   90              141 
                                 2,500           3,543 
The Group holds collateral of  GBP1.9 million (2010:  GBP1.9 million) in the form of 
rent deposits received from tenants.  The average age of trade receivables is 
18 days (2010: 70 days). 
The movement in the provision for doubtful debts was as follows: 
                                        As at           As at 
                                        31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                         GBP000             GBP000 
 At the start of the period             896             - 
 Amounts written off as uncollectable   (169)           - 
 Amounts recovered                      (364)           - 
 New amounts provided for               623             896 
 At the end of the period               986             896 
14.  Cash and cash equivalents 
Included within the Group's cash and cash equivalents balance as at 31 March 
2011 of  GBP87.6 million (2010:  GBP66.9 million) are cash deposits of  GBP7.5 million 
(2010:  GBP5.0 million) in accounts held as security by the provider of secured 
bank debt. 
15.  Trade and other payables 
                                   As at           As at 
                                   31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                    GBP000             GBP000 
 Trade payables                    3,056           2,526 
 Rent received in advance          6,541           7,253 
 Other taxes and social security   1,912           1,609 
 Other amounts payable             576             1,358 
 Accruals and deferred income      2,788           2,783 
                                   14,873          15,529 
All amounts above are due within one year and none incur interest. 
16.  Financial assets and liabilities 
a) Non-current financial liabilities 
                                              As at           As at 
                                              31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                               GBP000             GBP000 
 Bank loans (secured)                         128,056         119,194 
 Unamortised finance costs                    (1,701)         (1,728) 
                                              126,355         117,466 
 Obligations under finance leases (note 17)   1,638           1,715 
 Interest rate derivatives at market value    1,788           1,443 
                                              129,781         120,624 
There was no difference between the book value and fair value of non-current 
financial liabilities at 31 March 2011 or 31 March 2010. 
The Group's principal borrowing arrangements are as follows: 
                                                  Industrious    Pubs 
                                                  facility       facility 
Lender                                            Eurohypo AG    Eurohypo AG 
Recourse beyond ring-fenced sub-group             None           None 
Drawdown date                                     7 October 2009 31 January 2011 
Initial drawdown                                   GBP127.7 million  GBP25.5 million 
Balance at 31 March 2011                           GBP102.6 million  GBP25.5 million 
Value of secured properties at 31 March 2011       GBP212.4 million  GBP46.6 million 
Loan to value ratio                               48%            55% 
Current repayment terms (subject to covenant 
compliance)                                       Interest only  Interest only 
Repayment date                                    4 August 2014  31 January 2016 
The terms of the bank loans may, in the event of a covenant default, restrict 
the ability of certain subsidiaries to transfer funds outside the security 
The Group had no undrawn, committed borrowing facilities at 31 March 2011 or 31 
March 2010. 
There have been no defaults or other breaches of financial covenants under 
either of the loans during the current year or the prior period, or in the 
period since the balance sheet date. 
b) Derivative financial instruments 
The following derivative financial instruments were in place as at each balance 
sheet date: 
                             Principal amount          Fair value 
                             As at        As at        As at        As at 
                             31 March     31 March     31 March     31 March 
                             2011         2010         2011         2010 
                 Expiry       GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
4% amortising 
swap             August 2014 68,059       70,552       (3,712)      (4,507) 
4% cap           August 2014 56,750       56,750       328          756 
                             124,809      127,302      (3,384)      (3,751) 
3.5% cap         March 2015  100,000      -            1,305        - 
                             224,809      127,302      (2,079)      (3,751) 
The movements in the valuation of derivative financial instruments in the period 
were as follows: 
  Year to                                                 17 April 2009 to 
  31 March 2011                                           31 March 2010 
   GBP000                                                     GBP000 
At the start of the period                        (3,751) - 
Charged to the income statement (note 7)          (1,726) (422) 
Credited/(charged) directly to the hedging 
reserve                                           787     (3,329) 
Premium paid on acquisition of interest rate cap  2,611   - 
At the end of the period                          (2,079) (3,751) 
Derivative financial instruments are categorised as follows: 
     As at                           As at 
     31 March 2011                   31 March 2010 
      GBP000                             GBP000 
 Financial assets 
 within one year          -         - 
 in more than one year    1,305     - 
 Financial liabilities 
 within one year          (1,596)   (2,308) 
 in more than one year    (1,788)   (1,443) 
                          (2,079)   (3,751) 
The derivative contracts have been valued by reference to interbank bid market 
rates as at the close of business on 31 March 2011 by JC Rathbone Associates 
Limited, and include the full LIBOR basis spread.  All derivative financial 
instruments are classified as 'level 2' as defined in IFRS7 as their fair value 
measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices in active 
markets for identical assets and liabilities, but that are observable either 
directly or indirectly. 
The market values of hedging instruments change constantly with interest rate 
fluctuations, but the exposure of the Group to movements in interest rates is 
protected by way of the hedging products listed above.  These valuations do not 
necessarily reflect the cost or gain to the Group of cancelling its interest 
rate protection, which is generally a marginally higher cost or smaller gain 
than a market valuation. 
The 4% interest rate swap and 4% interest rate cap have been entered into in 
order to hedge the interest rate liabilities on the portion of the Group's debt 
secured on the Industrious portfolio, maturing in August 2014.  The swap and cap 
mature at the same time and the profile of the notional swapped and capped 
amounts has been estimated to match the expected loan profile reasonably 
closely.  Since the loan profile cannot be predicted with certainty the swap and 
cap profiles are monitored regularly and adjusted as necessary. 
The 3.5% interest rate cap was initially entered into in anticipation of the 
hedging needs for future investment, taking advantage of historically low 
pricing to lock into a favourable fixed rate.   GBP25.5 million of the notional 
principal was assigned to the borrower within the ring-fenced London Pubs sub- 
group at the time of acquisition in order to hedge the interest rate risk on the 
relevant secured debt.  Since the loan profile cannot be predicted with 
certainty the cap profile is monitored regularly and adjusted as necessary. 
c) Categories of financial instruments 
                                                     As at         As at 
                                                     31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                      GBP000           GBP000 
Financial assets 
Loans and receivables: 
Cash and cash equivalents (note 14)                  87,634        66,916 
Cash deposits with maturities of more than three 
months                                               6,695         35,700 
Trade receivables (note 13)                          2,500         3,543 
Interest receivable (note 13)                        52            118 
Held for trading: 
Interest rate cap (note 16b)                         972           - 
Derivatives in effective hedges: 
Interest rate cap (note 16b)                         333           - 
                                                     98,186        106,277 
                                         As at           As at 
                                         31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                          GBP000             GBP000 
 Financial liabilities 
 Liabilities at amortised cost: 
 Trade payables (note 15)                3,056     2,526 
 Accrued interest                        1,027     1,013 
 Borrowings (note 16a)                   126,355   117,466 
 Derivatives in effective hedges: 
 Interest rate swap and cap (note 16b)   3,384     3,751 
                                         133,822   124,756 
All financial assets and liabilities are measured at amortised cost except for 
derivative financial instruments which are measured at fair value. 
d) Financial risk management 
Through the Group's operations and use of debt financing it is exposed to a 
variety of risks.  The Group's financial risk management objectives are to 
minimise the effect of these risks by using derivative financial instruments, 
particularly to manage exposure to fluctuations in interest rates.  Such 
instruments are not employed for speculative purposes.  The use of any 
derivatives is approved by the Board, which provides guidelines on the 
acceptable levels of interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. 
The exposure to each risk considered potentially material to the Group, how it 
arises and the policy for managing it is summarised below. 
i) Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a counterparty fails 
to meet its contractual obligations.  The relevant counterparties are in the 
main tenants in respect of amounts receivable under operating leases and banks 
acting either as hedging counterparties or as recipients of the Group's cash 
The Group places cash deposits for a range of maturities with a panel of 
reputable Board approved institutions.  As at the period end, there were nine 
(2010: eight) approved banks on the panel and deposits are spread across the 
banks and across a range of maturities.  The credit ratings of the banks are 
monitored by the Board at least quarterly with changes made as necessary to 
manage risk.  The Board does not consider that there is a significant 
concentration of counterparty risk. 
Rigorous credit control procedures are applied to facilitate the recovery of 
trade receivables.  Recovery details and statistics are benchmarked in Board 
reports to identify any ongoing trends or problems.  The credit risk of trade 
receivables is assessed on a case by case basis and where the likelihood of 
recovery is considered low, provisions are made. 
The credit risk relating to counterparties transacting with the Group for 
property acquisitions and disposals is managed through appropriate due diligence 
and contractual protection in the relevant agreements. 
ii) Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk arises from the Group's management of working capital and the 
finance charges and principal repayments on its debt instruments.  It is the 
risk that the Group will encounter difficulty in meeting its financial 
obligations as they fall due. 
Before entering into any debt instrument, the Board assesses the resources that 
are expected to be available to the Group to meet the liabilities when they fall 
due.  These assessments are made on the basis of conservative and 'downside' 
scenarios.  The Group prepares budgets and working capital forecasts which are 
reviewed by the Board at least quarterly to assess ongoing cash requirements and 
compliance with loan covenants.  The Board also keeps under review the maturity 
profile of the Group's cash deposits in order to have reasonable assurance that 
cash will be available for the settlement of ongoing liabilities and entering 
into future transactions as required. 
The following table shows the maturity analysis for financial assets and 
liabilities and, where applicable, their effective interest rates.  The table 
has been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities, 
including future interest payments, based on the earliest date on which the 
Group can be required to pay. 
31 March 2011                         Between 
               Effective              one       Between two 
               interest     Less than and two   and five    More than 
               rate         one year  years     years       five years Total 
                             GBP000       GBP000       GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
receivables                 2,500     -         -           -          2,500 
receivable                  52        -         -           -          52 
Cash and cash 
equivalents    0.4%         87,634    -         -           -          87,634 
Cash deposits 
maturities of 
more than 
three months   1.1%         6,695     -         -           -          6,695 
instruments                 -         70        1,235       -          1,305 
                            96,881    70        1,235       -          98,186 
Trade payables              (3,056)   -         -           -          (3,056) 
interest                    (1,027)   -         -           -          (1,027) 
Borrowings     5.2%         (1,495)   (2,475)   (132,766)   -          (136,736) 
instruments                 (1,596)   (1,208)   (580)       -          (3,384) 
under finance 
leases                      (185)     (185)     (556)       (16,369)   (17,295) 
                            (7,359)   (3,868)   (133,902)   (16,369)   (161,498) 
31 March 2010                         Between 
               Effective              one       Between two 
               interest     Less than and two   and five    More than 
               rate         one year  years     years       five years Total 
                             GBP000       GBP000       GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
receivables                 3,543     -         -           -          3,543 
receivable                  118       -         -           -          118 
Cash and cash 
equivalents    0.3%         66,916    -         -           -          66,916 
Cash deposits 
maturities of 
more than 
three months   1.1%         35,700    -         -           -          35,700 
                            106,277   -         -           -          106,277 
Trade payables              (2,526)   -         -           -          (2,526) 
interest                    (1,013)   -         -           -          (1,013) 
Borrowings     4.9%         (1,021)   (1,966)   (127,987)   -          (130,974) 
instruments                 (2,308)   (1,443)   -           -          (3,751) 
under finance 
leases                      (194)     (194)     (581)       (17,230)   (18,199) 
                            (7,062)   (3,603)   (128,568)   (17,230)   (156,463) 
iii) Market risk - interest rate risk 
Market risk arises from the Group's use of debt financing.  It is the risk that 
the future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of 
changes in interest rates. 
The Group is exposed to cash flow interest rate risk from its variable rate 
borrowings.  The Group uses interest rate hedging products such as swaps and 
caps in order to mitigate this risk. 
The Group's outstanding derivative financial instruments are described in note 
16b and the Group's sensitivity to changes in interest rates is disclosed in 
note 7. 
iv) Capital risk management 
The Group's capital comprises debt, which includes the borrowings disclosed in 
note 16a, cash and cash equivalents and equity attributable to equity holders of 
the Company (stated capital, retained earnings and the hedging reserve).  The 
Group's primary objective when monitoring capital is to safeguard the entity's 
ability to continue as a going concern, while ensuring that it remains within 
its banking covenants.  Borrowings are secured on specific property portfolios 
and are non-recourse to the Group as a whole. 
In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group keeps under 
review the amount of any dividends or capital returns to be paid to 
shareholders, and monitors the extent to which the issue of new shares or the 
realisation of assets may be required. 
The Group is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements. 
Details of the significant accounting policies adopted, including the criteria 
for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which income and 
expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial asset, financial 
liability and equity instrument are disclosed in the accounting policies in note 
17.  Obligations under finance leases 
Finance lease obligations in respect of fixed rents payable on long leasehold 
properties are as follows: 
                                          As at           As at 
                                          31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                           GBP000             GBP000 
 Minimum lease payments 
 Less than one year                       185             194 
 Between one and two years                185             194 
 Between two and five years               556             581 
 More than five years                     16,369          17,230 
                                          17,295          18,199 
 Less future finance charges              (15,657)        (16,484) 
 Present value of lease obligations       1,638           1,715 
The present value of lease obligations all arise in more than five years in both 
the current year and prior period. 
18.  Stated capital 
The Company has an unlimited authorised share capital of no par value.  The 
issued and fully paid up share capital comprises: 
                                                  As at         As at 
                                                  31 March 2011 31 March 2010 
                                                  Number        Number 
Ordinary shares of no par value issued at  GBP1 each 220,000,002   220,000,002 
The stated capital reserve is made up as follows: 
                                            As at           As at 
                                            31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                             GBP000             GBP000 
 Issued and fully paid up ordinary shares   220,000         220,000 
 Share issue costs                          (8,633)         (8,633) 
                                            211,367         211,367 
19.  Reserves 
The nature and purpose of each reserve within equity is as follows: 
Stated capital      represents the excess of the value of shares issued over 
                    their nominal value (which is zero), net of issue costs. 
Hedging reserve     represents gains and losses arising on the effective portion 
                    of hedging instruments carried at fair value, net of any 
                    deferred tax. 
Retained earnings   represents the cumulative profits and losses recognised in 
                    the Group statement of comprehensive income. 
20.  Net asset value per share 
Net asset value per share is calculated as the net assets of the Group 
attributable to shareholders at each balance sheet date, divided by the number 
of shares in issue at that date. 
There are no share options or other equity instruments in issue and therefore no 
adjustments to be made for dilutive or potentially dilutive equity arrangements. 
The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) has issued guidelines aimed 
at providing a measure of net asset value (NAV) on the basis of long term fair 
values.  The EPRA measure excludes items that it considers have no impact in the 
long term, such as the fair value of derivative instruments and deferred tax 
balances.  The Group's EPRA NAV is calculated as follows: 
                                             As at 31 March    As at 31 March 
                                             2011              2010 
                                                     Pence per         Pence per 
                                              GBP000    share      GBP000    share 
Net asset value attributable to owners of 
the Company                                  281,490 128.0     256,903 116.8 
Fair value of trading property in excess of 
book value                                   367     0.2       1,628   0.7 
Fair value of financial instruments          4,690   2.1       3,751   1.7 
Deferred tax                                 (708)   (0.3)     (750)   (0.3) 
Fair value of financial instruments in joint 
venture, net of deferred tax                 51      -         -       - 
Share of inherent capital gains tax in joint 
venture                                      177     -         -       - 
EPRA net asset value                         286,067 130       261,532 118.9 
21.  Related party transactions and balances 
Directors' fees 
Directors' fees of  GBP0.2 million (2010:  GBP0.2 million) were payable for the year 
ended 31 March 2011, as disclosed in note 4.  As at 31 March 2011  GBP12,000 (2010: 
 GBP23,000) of these fees remained outstanding and are included within other 
amounts payable (note 15). 
Management fees payable 
Nick Leslau and Mike Brown hold partnership interests in, and are Chairman and 
Chief Executive respectively of, Prestbury Investments LLP which is Property 
Advisor to the Group under the terms of the Investment Advisory Agreement 
entered into on 21 May 2009.  Under the terms of that agreement, management fees 
of  GBP4.7 million (2010:  GBP3.4 million) were payable to Prestbury Investments LLP 
in respect of the year, of which  GBP0.1 million (2010:  GBP1.1 million) was 
outstanding as at the balance sheet date and is included within trade payables 
(note 15).   GBP0.1 million of this fee has been reduced by the Property Advisor in 
recognition of the fact that the Property Advisor directly receives a management 
fee from the Hospitals joint venture described  in note 12, in relation to the 
services provided which are sub-contracted by the Company.  This amount is shown 
as other income in the income statement. 
In the course of its duties as Property Advisor and in accordance with the terms 
of the Investment Advisory Agreement, Prestbury is entitled to recover the costs 
and expenses properly incurred in connection with its duties.  During the year, 
Prestbury has recharged at cost  GBP79,000 (2010:  GBP978,000) to the Group in this 
respect, of which  GBPnil (2010:  GBP19,000) remains outstanding and is included 
within other amounts payable in the balance sheet at 31 March 2011. 
Incentive payments 
Under the terms of the carried interest arrangements between the Company, 
Prestbury (Scotland) Limited Partnership ('Prestbury Scotland', a partnership in 
which Nick Leslau and Mike Brown have 49% and 25% interests respectively), and 
OZ UK Real Estate Securities Limited ('Och-Ziff'), once the  GBP211.4 million of 
net funds raised on listing have been returned to shareholders (assuming no 
further share issues), then cash returns over and above that amount may 
ultimately be shared as to 80% to shareholders and 20% to Prestbury Scotland and 
Och-Ziff, subject to shareholders having first received the net proceeds of 
share issues in cash plus an 11% per annum preferred return. 
The carried interest payments are payable only on cash realisations other than 
where either the Investment Advisory Agreement has been terminated (where the 
net asset value of the Group is used in the calculation as if that amount had 
been returned to shareholders in cash) or there has been a takeover of the 
Company (in which case the offer price is used in the calculation). 
No carried interest payment has yet become payable.  If the net asset value of 
the Group as at the end of the relevant period is used as the basis of the 
calculation, this would theoretically amount to  GBP9.8 million (2010:  GBP7.1 
million) payable to Prestbury Scotland and  GBP2.8 million (2010:  GBP2.0 million) 
payable to Och-Ziff, totalling  GBP12.6 million, or 5.7 pence per share (2010:  GBP9.1 
million or 4.1 pence per share) at 31 March 2011.  The uplift in value giving 
rise to the theoretical carried interest payment has arisen over a relatively 
short period of time and the hurdle increases by some  GBP2 million with every 
month that passes. 
Taking account of the uncertainties arising from the length of the period over 
which the incentive fee will be determined, the challenging future returns 
required and current market index projections of property value growth over the 
medium term, the Board has concluded that it would not be appropriate to make a 
provision for the incentive fee at this stage. 
The Board will keep the position under review and will provide for a liability 
for incentive payments once there is more certainty as to the likelihood of 
payments being made. 
Nightclubs portfolio purchase 
On 27 October 2010, the Group acquired a portfolio of 14 nightclubs for cash 
consideration of  GBP9.4 million from a subsidiary of Prestbury 1 Limited 
Partnership ("P1LP").  P1LP is considered to be a related party as Prestbury 
Investments LLP controls P1LP's general partner and therefore controls the 
partnership, and is also Property Advisor to Max Property Group Plc.  In view of 
his ownership interests in both the general partner of P1LP and the Property 
Advisor, Nick Leslau did not participate in the Board's decision to make the 
purchase nor in the Property Advisor's recommendations about the transaction. 
Mike Brown is a member of the Property Advisor but has no involvement in its 
business as it relates to P1LP and was therefore independent of the seller. 
Subsidiary entities 
The Group financial statements include the financial statements of Max Property 
Group Plc and the following subsidiary and joint venture entities, all of which 
are wholly owned unless otherwise stated: 
                             Country of incorporation Nature of business 
Max Property GP Limited(1)   Jersey                   General partner 
Max Property LP Limited(1)   Jersey                   Limited partner 
Max Property Limited                                  Intermediate holding 
Partnership(2)               Jersey                   company 
                                                      Intermediate holding 
MPG Opco Limited             Jersey                   company 
MPG Finco Limited            England & Wales          Group finance 
MPG Hedging Limited          Jersey                   Treasury operations 
                                                      Intermediate holding 
Max Investor Limited         Jersey                   company 
MPG Hospital Holdings                                 Intermediate holding 
Limited(3)                   England & Wales          company 
MPG Hospital Properties 
Limited(3)                   England & Wales          Property investment 
                                                      Intermediate holding 
Max Industrial Limited       Jersey                   company 
Max Industrial Finance 
Limited                      Jersey                   Group finance 
Max Industrial 2 Limited     Jersey                   Property trading 
Max Industrial 3 Limited     Jersey                   Group finance 
Max Industrial Limited 
Partner Limited              Jersey                   Limited partner 
Max Industrial GP Limited    England & Wales          General partner 
Max Industrial Nominee 
Limited                      England & Wales          Non trading company 
Max Industrial Limited 
Partnership                  England & Wales          Property investment 
Max Office Properties                                 Intermediate holding 
Limited                      Jersey                   company 
                                                      Intermediate holding 
Max Office Limited           Jersey                   company 
                                                      Intermediate holding 
Max Office Investor Limited  Jersey                   company 
Max Office Finance Limited   Jersey                   Property trading 
Max Office Limited Partner 
Limited                      Jersey                   Limited partner 
Max Office GP Limited        England & Wales          General partner 
Max Office Nominee Limited   England & Wales          Non trading company 
Max Office Limited 
Partnership                  England & Wales          Property investment 
Max Office 2 Limited 
Liability Partnership(4)     England & Wales          Property Investment 
Max Bars Limited Partner 
Limited                      Jersey                   Limited partner 
Max Bars GP Limited          England & Wales          General partner 
Max Bars Nominee Limited     England & Wales          Non trading company 
Max Bars Limited Partnership England & Wales          Property investment 
                                                      Intermediate holding 
MPG Pubs Holdings Limited    Jersey                   company 
MPG Pubs Finance Limited     Jersey                   Group finance 
MPG Pubs Limited Partner 
Limited                      Jersey                   Limited partner 
MPG Pubs GP Limited          England & Wales          General partner 
MPG Pubs Nominee Limited     England & Wales          Non trading company 
MPG Pubs Limited Partnership England & Wales          Property investment 
Max Property Group Limited   England & Wales          Dormant 
Max Property 1 Limited       England & Wales          Dormant 
Max Property 2 Limited       England & Wales          Dormant 
(1) Max Property GP Limited and Max Property LP Limited are directly owned by 
Max Property Group Plc.  All other entities are indirectly owned. 
(2)Prestbury (Scotland) Limited Partnership and OZ UK Real Estate Securities 
Limited have partnership interests in Max Property Limited Partnership which 
entitle them to any incentives that may become payable, as more fully described 
below under the heading 'incentive payments'. 
(3) MPG Hospital Holdings Limited and MPG Hospital Properties Limited are 45% 
owned by the Group but are treated as joint ventures because the Group has a 
50% voting share. 
(4) Max Office 2 Limited Liability Partnership is 83.3% owned by the Group. 
Max Property Group Plc is the ultimate controlling party of the Group. 
22.  Commitments and contingent liabilities 
At 31 March 2011 the Group had capital commitments in respect of refurbishment 
works on its property portfolios amounting to  GBP2.2 million (2010:  GBP1.7 million). 
23.  Events after the balance sheet date 
On 7 April 2011, the sale of The Rose & Crown pub in Chelsea completed for cash 
consideration of  GBP2.1 million.   GBP1.0 million of the proceeds was used to repay 
part of the loan secured on the portfolio and the remainder was added to the 
Group's cash resources. 
On 8 June 2011, the Maidenhead property (part of the Nightclubs portfolio) was 
sold for cash consideration of  GBP0.5 million, which was  GBP0.1 million over its 
book value at the year end.  The property was not debt financed so the entire 
proceeds were added to the Group's cash resources. 
AIM                 The Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock 
CISX                The Daily Official List of the Channel Islands Stock 
EPRA                European Public Real Estate Association 
EPRA EPS            A measure of earnings per share designed by EPRA to present 
                    underlying earnings from core operating activities 
EPRA NAV            A measure of net asset value designed by EPRA to present net 
                    asset value excluding the effects of fluctuations in value 
                    in instruments that are held for long term benefit, net of 
                    deferred tax 
EPS                 Earnings per share, calculated as the earnings for the 
                    period after tax attributable to members of the parent 
                    Company (that is, excluding any minority interests) divided 
                    by the weighted average number of shares in issue in the 
Equivalent Yield    The constant capitalisation rate which, if applied to all 
                    cash flows from an investment property, equates to the 
                    market value 
Initial Yield       Annualised net rents on investment properties as a 
                    percentage of the investment property valuation 
Investment          The agreement made between the Company, Prestbury 
Advisory Agreement  Investments LLP and Partnership Incorporations Limited under 
                    which Prestbury provides certain services to the Group 
NAV                 Net asset value 
Property Advisor or Prestbury Investments LLP 
Reversionary Yield  The anticipated yield to which the Initial Yield will rise 
                    once the rent reaches the ERV, which is the market rental 
                    value of lettable space 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
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     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Max Property Group plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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