RNS Number : 1392S

Gusbourne PLC

28 September 2017

Gusbourne Plc

("Gusbourne" or the "Company")

Half Yearly Report

Gusbourne Plc, the English sparkling wine producer, today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2017


   --     Sales up by 42% to GBP378,000 (30 June 2016: GBP266,000) 
   --     Strong growth in exports to 30% of sales (30 June 2016: 6%) and now selling to 15 countries 
   --     Gross profit up by 128% to GBP214,000 (30 June 2016: GBP94,000) 
   --     Operating loss reduced by 9% to GBP549,000 (30 June 2016: GBP600,000) 

-- Successful completion of Open Offer in June 2017 has raised GBP4.2 million (before expenses) for ongoing investment in the business.

   --     Trading continues in-line with management's expectations 

-- Continued success in major international wine competitions has included Gusbourne wines receiving a total of seven gold medals as well as a Platinum 'Best in Class' award at the Decanter World Wine Awards and Judges Trophy at the prestigious Texsom competition

Post period end

-- Cellar door operation at Gusbourne's winery and estate in Kent opened for business in July 2017 and is now providing tours, wine tastings and hosting of events to a growing number of visitors

-- Balance sheet strengthened through the conversion of GBP2.05m of bonds into equity in August 2017

Charlie Holland, Chief Winemaker and Chief Executive Officer commented:

"I am pleased to report on the solid progress made by Gusbourne during the first half of the year, as the Company continues to work towards achieving its long-term plans for sales and production growth over the coming years. We are particularly pleased with the contribution of export sales which have exceeded expectations in the first half of the year. The opening of the Nest (our cellar door operation in Kent), has been well received by visitors and provides an opportunity for visitors to learn first-hand about our vineyard and winery operations as well as our award-winning wines."


Gusbourne continues to enjoy success in major international wine competitions. In the first half of 2017 Gusbourne won seven gold medals across a number of high profile competitions. The Gusbourne Blanc de Blancs was particularly successful receiving five gold medals and awarded with the Judge's Trophy at the Prestigious Texsom competition in March 2017. Gusbourne was also awarded a Platinum 'Best in Class' medal at the Decanter World Wine Awards ("DWWA") in June 2017 for the Gusbourne Pinot Noir 2015, building on the success of the previous vintage which won this accolade in the 2016 competition.


Results for the six months ended 30 June 2017

Sales for the period amounted to GBP378,000 (30 June 2016: GBP266,000). Whilst these sales reflect an increase of 42% compared to the prior period in 2016, they continue to reflect limited stock availability of earlier year vintages. Administrative expenses of GBP746,000 (30 June 2016: GBP678,000) includes increased depreciation of GBP220,000 (30 June 2016: GBP164,000) reflecting the increased capital spend and also includes the continuing investment in the development and growth of the business, particularly the Gusbourne brand.

The operating loss for the period was reduced to GBP549,000 (30 June 2016: GBP600,000), reflecting revenues increasing at a faster rate than the planned but lower increase in administrative costs. The loss before tax was GBP815,000 (30 June 2016: GBP696,000) after increased finance costs of GBP266,000 (30 June 2016: GBP103,000), primarily related to discount expense on outstanding deep discount bonds.

These planned losses continue to be in line with management's expectations and the long-term development strategy of the Group.

Balance Sheet

The changes in the Group's balance sheet during the year reflect expenditure on the ongoing investment in, and development of, the Group's business, net of income from wine sales. This expenditure includes the ongoing investment in the vineyards established in West Sussex and Kent between 2013 and 2015. This investment in vineyards is reflected in capital expenditure during the period of GBP174,000 (30 June 2016: GBP124,000).

In addition, the Group invested in additional plant and equipment for the vineyards and the winery during the period amounting to GBP270,000 (30 June 2016: GBP198,000) and in buildings (including Assets in the course of construction) of GBP490,000 (30 June 2016: GBP372,000).

Total assets at 30 June 2017 of GBP18,329,000 (30 June 2016: GBP13,402,000) include freehold land and buildings of GBP5,527,000 (30 June 2016: GBP5,538,000), vineyards of GBP3,396,000 (30 June 2016: GBP3,072,000), inventories of wine stocks amounting to GBP2,386,000 (30 June 2016: GBP1,764,000), and GBP3,136,000 of cash (30 June 2016: GBP336,000). Intangible assets of GBP1,007,000 (30 June 2016: GBP1,007,000) arose on the acquisition of the Gusbourne Estate business on 27 September 2013.

An important aspect of the Group's balance sheet is the increasing investment in the various assets of the business. The Group's inventories are reported at the lower of cost and net realisable value. These inventories are expected to grow significantly until the Group reaches full production maturity, considering the long production cycle in relation to sparkling wine and related vineyard establishment. The anticipated underlying surplus of net realisable value over cost of these wine inventories, which is not reflected in these accounts, is expected to become an increasingly significant factor of the Group's asset base.


The Group's activities are financed by shareholders' equity, loans, other borrowings and convertible bonds. Loans, other borrowings and convertible bonds at 30 June 2017 amounted in total to GBP6,714,000 (30 June 2016: GBP3,973,000) and represent 61% of total equity (30 June 2016: 46%).

In June 2017, the Company completed an Open Offer with existing shareholders, which was underwritten by the Company's principal shareholder Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC, to raise proceeds of GBP4.2m (before expenses). The Company simultaneously announced a short-term loan from Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC of GBP1,000,000 which was offset against Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC's subscription under the Open Offer. The proceeds from this loan and the Open Offer will continue to be applied towards working capital and capital expenditure in line with the Company's long-term strategic plan. On 29 June 2017 the Company announced the completion of this Open Offer and also announced that the Share Capital Reduction to subdivide each of the Company's existing ordinary shares of 50p each into one ordinary share of 1 pence and one deferred share of 49 pence, was now effective.

On 30 June 2017, the Company announced a Conversion Offer to Bondholders to apply to convert their Bonds into new Ordinary Shares in the Company at the Issue Price of 40p. On the 1 August 2017, the Company announced that it had received final acceptances in respect of 5,136,662 Conversion Offer Shares, which represents a conversion of approximately 46 per cent of the outstanding Bonds and a Conversion Value of approximately GBP2.05 million, improving the strength of the Company's balance sheet through reduced borrowings. Following the admission on the 2 August, the company has 39,366,984 ordinary 1p shares trading on AIM.

The achievement of the Group's long-term development strategy will depend on the raising of further equity and/or debt funds to achieve those goals. The production of premium quality wine from new vineyards is, by its very nature, a long-term project. It takes four years to bring a vineyard into full production and a further four years to transform these grapes into Gusbourne's premium sparkling wine. Additional funding will be sought by the Company over the coming few years to fund ongoing growth in the Company's operations and asset base, in line with its development strategy.

For further information contact:

Gusbourne Plc

   Andrew Weeber                                                          +44 (0)1233 758 666 

Cenkos Securities plc

   Nicholas Wells                                                             +44 (0)20 7397 8920 

Note: This announcement and other press releases are available to view at the Company's website: www.gusbourneplc.com

Note to Editors

Gusbourne PLC ("the Company") is engaged, through its wholly owned subsidiary Gusbourne Estate Limited (together the "Group"), in the production and distribution of a range of high quality and award winning English sparkling wines from grapes grown in its own vineyards in Kent and West Sussex. The majority of the Group's mature vineyards are located at its freehold estate at Appledore in Kent where the winery is also based. The Group has a total of 231 acres of vineyards.


For the six months ended 30 June 2017

                                           Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited 
                                          Six months       Six months         Year 
                                                  to               to          ended 
                                             30 June          30 June    31 December 
                              Notes             2017             2016           2016 
                                             GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
Revenue                                          378              266            640 
Cost of sales                                  (164)            (172)          (423) 
Gross profit                                     214               94            217 
Fair value movement 
 in biological assets           6               (17)             (16)              - 
Fair value movement 
 in biological produce          6                  -                -              9 
Administrative expenses                        (746)            (678)        (1,385) 
Loss from operations                           (549)            (600)        (1,159) 
Finance income                  3                  -                7             13 
Finance expense                                (266)            (103)          (382) 
Loss before tax                                (815)            (696)        (1,528) 
Tax expense                                        -                -              - 
Loss for the period 
 attributable to 
owners of the parent                           (815)            (696)        (1,528) 
Loss per share attributable 
the ordinary equity 
 holders of the parent: 
Basic and diluted                            (3.43p)          (2.94p)  (3.2  (6.46p) 


At 30 June 2017

                                         Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                           30 June     30 June   31 December 
                                 Notes        2017        2016          2016 
Assets                                     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Intangibles                        4         1,007       1,007         1,007 
Property, plant and equipment      5        10,743       9,701         9,930 
                                            11,750      10,708        10,937 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
Current assets 
Biological assets                  6           389         242             - 
Inventories                        7         2,386       1,764         2,247 
Trade and other receivables                    668         352           314 
Cash and cash equivalents                    3,136         336         1,123 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
                                             6,579       2,694         3,684 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
Total assets                                18,329      13,402        14,621 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                     (558)       (765)         (252) 
Finance leases                                (52)        (41)          (51) 
Loans and borrowings               8          (34)        (34)          (34) 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
                                             (644)       (840)         (337) 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
Non-current liabilities 
Loans and borrowings               8       (6,524)     (2,144)       (6,322) 
Finance leases                               (104)       (113)         (130) 
Convertible deep discount 
 bonds                                           -     (1,641)             - 
                                           (6,628)     (3,898)       (6,452) 
Total liabilities                          (7,272)     (4,738)       (6,789) 
NET ASSETS                                  11,057       8,664         7,832 
                                         ---------   ---------  ------------ 
Issued capital and reserves 
 attributable to 
owners of the parent 
Share capital                               11,924      11,820        11,820 
Share premium                                4,751         815           815 
Merger reserve                                (13)        (13)          (13) 
Convertible bond reserve                         -          95             - 
Retained earnings                          (5,605)     (4,053)       (4,790) 
                                         ---------   ---------   ----------- 
TOTAL EQUITY                                11,057       8,664         7,832 
                                         ---------   ---------   ----------- 


For the six months ended 30 June 2017

                                                       Unaudited       Unaudited                       Audited 
                                         Six months to months to   Six months to                    Year ended 
                                                         30 June         30 June                   31 December 
                                                            2017            2016                          2016 
                                                         GBP'000         GBP'000                       GBP'000 
Cashflows from operating 
Loss for the year/period before tax                        (815)           (696)                       (1,528) 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation of property, plant and 
 equipment                                                   220             164                           357 
Finance expense                                              266             103                           382 
Finance income                                                 -             (7)                          (13) 
Movement in biological assets                              (389)           (242)                             - 
Fair value movement in biological 
 produce                                                       -               -                           (9) 
Increase in trade and other receivables                    (373)            (91)                          (60) 
Increase in inventories                                    (137)            (53)                 .       (536) 
Increase in trade and other payables                         222             603                           109 
                                         -----------------------   -------------                    ---------- 
Cash outflow from operations                             (1,006)           (219)                       (1,298) 
Investing activities 
Purchases of property, plant and 
excluding vineyard establishment                           (760)           (570)                         (778) 
Investment in vineyard establishment                       (174)           (124)                         (338) 
Net cash from investing activities                         (934)           (694)                       (1,116) 
                                         -----------------------   -------------                    ---------- 
Financing activities 
Repayment of bank loan                                      (17)            (17)                          (34) 
Issue of Deep Discount Bond                                    -               -                         4,073 
Draw down of short-term loan*                              1,000               -                             - 
Repayment of Convertible Deep Discount 
 Bond                                                          -               -                       (1,755) 
Finance lease agreements entered into                          -               -                            53 
Repayment of finance leases                                 (26)            (20)                          (46) 
Interest paid                                               (44)            (42)                          (82) 
Issue of ordinary shares                                   3,202               -                             - 
Share issue expenses                                       (162)               -                             - 
Net cash from financing activities                         3,953            (79)                         2,209 
                                         -----------------------   -------------                    ---------- 


For the six months ended 30 June 2017

                                                                 Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
                                               Six months to Six months to   Six months to      Period to 
                                                                   30 June         30 June    31 December 
                                                                      2017            2016           2016 
                                                                   GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                         2,013           (992)          (205) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
 period                                                              1,123           1,328          1,328 
                                              ----------------------------   -------------   ------------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                           3,136             336          1,123 
                                              ============================   =============   ============ 

*Non- cash transaction

The short-term loan of GBP1,000,000 received in the period to 30 June 2017 was used as part settlement of monies due under the share subscription which completed on 29 June 2017.


For the six months ended 30 June 2017

                                                                                    to equity 
                      Share      Share     Merger     Convertible    Retained              of 
 Unaudited:         capital    premium    reserve    bond reserve    earnings          parent 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000         GBP'000 
 31 December 
  2015               11,820        815       (13)              95     (3,357)           9,360 
  loss for 
  the period              -          -          -               -       (696)           (696) 
                     ______     ______     ______          ______       _____          ______ 
 30 June 
  2016               11,820        815       (13)              95     (4,053)           8,664 
                     ______     ______     ______          ______      ______          ______ 
  loss for 
  the period              -          -          -               -       (832)           (832) 
  bond reserve 
  to retained 
  at redemption           -          -          -            (95)          95               - 
                     ______     ______     ______          ______       _____          ______ 
 31 December 
  2016               11,820        815       (13)               -     (4,790)           7,832 
 Share issue           104    4,098        -        -         -    4,202 
   Share issue 
   expenses              -    (162)        -        -         -    (162) 
   loss for 
   the period            -        -        -        -     (815)    (815) 
                    ______   ______   ______   ______     _____   ______ 
 30 June 
  2017              11,924    4,751     (13)        -   (5,605)   11,057 
                    ______   ______   ______   ______    ______   ______ 


For the six months ended 30 June 2017

   1      Statement of accounting policies 

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles as adopted by the EU, applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the preparation of the Company's published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 and are consistent with the accounting policies expected to apply in its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017.

The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2017 has not been subject to an audit nor a review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, issued by the Auditing Practices Board. The comparative financial information presented herein for the year ended 31 December 2016 does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group's annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Group's independent auditor's report was unqualified and did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Basis of preparation

The Board of the Company continually assesses and monitors the key risks of the business. These risks have not significantly changed from those set out in the Company's Annual Report for the period ended 31 December 2016. The Board has reviewed forecasts and remains satisfied with the Company's funding and liquidity position. On the basis of its forecast and available facilities and cash balances held on the balance sheet, the Board has concluded that the going concern basis of preparation continues to be appropriate.

   2      Loss from operations 

Loss from operations has been arrived at after charging:

                             Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                               30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                  2017       2016         2016 
                               GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Depreciation of property, 
 plant and equipment               220        164          357 
Staff costs expensed to 
statement of income                104        127          220 
   3      Finance income and expenses 
                                    Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                                      30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                         2017       2016         2016 
                                      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Finance income 
Amortisation of bank loan 
 incentive                                  -          7           13 
Total finance income                        -          7           13 
                                    ---------  ---------  ----------- 
Finance expense 
Interest payable on borrowings             45         42           82 
Amortisation of bank transaction 
 costs                                  2              3            5 
Discount expense on convertible 
 bond                                       -         58           78 
Discount expense on deep 
 discount bond                            219          -          122 
Settlement amount in excess 
 of carrying value at 
redemption                                  -          -           95 
Total finance expense                     266        103          382 
                                    ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   4      Intangibles 
            Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
              30 June    30 June  31 December 
                 2017       2016         2016 
              GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Goodwill          777        777          777 
Brand             230        230          230 
                1,007      1,007        1,007 
            ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   5      Property, plant and equipment 
                               Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                                 30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                    2017       2016         2016 
                                 GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Freehold land and buildings        5,527      5,538        5,543 
Plant, machinery and motor 
 vehicles                          1,249      1,077        1,119 
Vineyard establishment             1,650      1,956        1,472 
Mature vineyards                   1,746      1,116        1,784 
Computer equipment                    24         14           12 
Assets in the course of 
 construction                        547          -            - 
                                  10,743      9,701        9,930 
                               ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   6      Biological assets 

Biological assets represent grapes growing on the Group's vines. Once the grapes are harvested they are deemed to be Biological produce and transferred to inventories.

                                     Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                                       30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                          2017       2016         2016 
                                       GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Crop growing costs                         406        258          488 
Fair value of grapes harvested 
 and transferred 
to inventories                               -          -        (497) 
Fair value movement in biological 
 assets                                   (17)       (16)            - 
Fair value movement in biological 
 produce                                     -          -            9 
                                     ---------  ---------  ----------- 
Fair value of biological 
 assets at the reporting date              389        242            - 
                                     ---------  ---------  ----------- 

The fair value of biological assets at the reporting date is determined by reference to estimated market prices less costs to sell. The estimated market price for grapes used in respect of 2017 is GBP2,000 (30 June 2016: GBP2,000) per tonne. The fair value is subject to a discount factor of 50% due to the grapes, as at the reporting date, being approximately 3 months away from being ready for harvest.

A 10% increase in the estimated market price of grapes to GBP2,200 per tonne would result in an increase of GBP39,000 in the fair value of biological assets at the reporting date. A 10% decrease in the estimated market price of grapes to GBP1,800 per tonne would result in a decrease of GBP39,000 fair value of biological asset (at the reporting date in the fair value of the grapes harvested in the year.

   7      Inventories 
                    Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                      30 June    30 June  31 December 
                         2017       2016         2016 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Finished goods            100        157           96 
Work in progress        2,286      1,607        2,151 
                        2,386      1,764        2,247 
                    ---------  ---------  ----------- 
   8      Loans, borrowings and finance leases 
                              Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                                30 June    30 June  31 December 
                                   2017       2016         2016 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Current liabilities 
Bank loans                           34         34           34 
                                     34                      34 
                              ---------  ---------  ----------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Bank loans                        2,110      2,144        2,127 
Deep discount bonds               4,414          -        4,195 
Total loans and borrowings        6,524      2,144        6,322 
                              ---------  ---------  ----------- 

The bank loan of GBP2,025,000 carries interest at an annual rate of 3% over Barclays Bank plc base rate and is due for repayment in full in September 2018. It is secured by way of a fixed charge over the Group's land and buildings at Appledore, Kent and a floating charge over all other property and undertakings.

Other bank loans of GBP119,000 carry a fixed interest rate of 6% per annum secured against certain items of plant and equipment. This loan is repayable via monthly instalments over 5 years.

The deep discount bond was issued on 2 September 2016 for a subscription price of GBP4,073,034. The bond is redeemable on 15 August 2021 and attracts a coupon rate of 9% per annum which is rolled up annually. The bond is secured by a fixed charge over the Group's land and buildings at Appledore, Kent. The final redemption amount of the deep discounts bonds is GBP6,266,868.

On 30 June 2017, the Company announced a Conversion Offer to Bondholders to apply to convert their Bonds into new Ordinary Shares in the Company at the Issue Price of 40p. On the 1 August 2017, the company announced it received final acceptances in respect of 5,136,662 Conversion Offer Shares, which represents a conversion of approximately 46 per cent of the outstanding Bonds and a Conversion Value of approximately GBP2.05 million. The final redemption amount of the deep discounts bonds following the conversion is GBP3,390,046.

   9      Share capital 
                                                                       Deferred                                             Ordinary 
                                                                        shares                                               shares 
                                                                        of 49p                                               of 1p 
                Ordinary shares of 50p each                             each                                                 each 
                                       Number                                                Number                                              Number                            GBP'000 
 At 1 January 
  2017                                                    23,639,762                                                    -                                                   -          11,820 
 of Ordinary 
 of 50p each                                            (23,639,762)                                           23,639,762                                          23,639,762               - 
 Issued for 
  cash during 
  period                                                           -                                                    -                                          10,506,560             105 
 At 30 June 
  2017                                                             -                                           23,639,762                                          34,146,322          11,925 

On 29 June 2017 each ordinary share of 50 pence each in the capital of the Company was divided into one ordinary share of 1 pence and one deferred share of 49 pence. The ordinary shares of 1 pence each have the same rights as the previous ordinary shares of 50 pence each. The deferred shares of 49 pence each have no rights attached to them.

On 29 June 2017, by way of an Open Offer announced by the Company on 6 June 2017, the Company issued 10,506,560 ordinary shares of 1 pence each at a price of 40 pence per share.

   10    Post balance sheet events 

On 20 July 2017, the Company announced the issue and allotment of 42,000 new ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company to Charlie Holland, Chief Executive Officer, and 42,000 new ordinary shares of 1p each to Jon Pollard, Chief Operating Officer. The admission occurred on the 25 July 2017. On 30 June 2017, the Company announced a Conversion Offer to Bondholders to apply to convert their Bonds into new Ordinary Shares in the Company at the Issue Price of 40p. On the 1 August 2017, the Company announced it received final acceptances in respect of 5,136,662 Conversion Offer Shares, which represents a conversion of approximately 46 per cent of the outstanding Bonds and a Conversion Value of approximately GBP2.05 million. Following the admission on the 2 August, the company has 39,366,984 ordinary 1p shares trading on AIM.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 28, 2017 10:00 ET (14:00 GMT)

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