7 February 2024
African Pioneer Plc
("African Pioneer" or "the
Ongombo Copper-Gold Project
African Pioneer plc ("AFP"), the exploration and resource
development company, is pleased to inform shareholders of
Permitting and Ore Processing Testwork at its 85% owned Ongombo
(copper-gold) Project located within Exclusive Prospecting Licence
EPL 5772, 40km NE of the capital city, Windhoek, Khomas Region,
Highlights re Ongombo Project
Company has been
notified that EPL 5772 has been renewed for two years, the exact
expiry date to be confirmed once stamped off
Environmental and
Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is at an advanced stage of
transmission ("XRT") ore sorting sensor tests returned positive
results and that laser or colour sensor technology can be used to
separate ore and waste
updated total (gross)* Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of
5.7Mt at 1.1% Cu Equivalent (CuEq), 0.94% Cu and 0.23g/t Au and a
very substantial Inferred underground potential Resources of 23Mt
at 1.1% CuEq, 0.95% Cu and 0.24g/t Au as announced on 16 May
discussions with multiple parties about project level funding of
the Ongombo Project.
*gross representing 100% MRE and African Pioneer has 85%
interest in the Project
Colin Bird Executive
Chairman commented "We have made good progress on the Ongombo Project with very
significant increases to the previous 'Indicated' and 'Inferred'
Mineral Resources and the potential for a 'starter' mine using
low-cost open-pit methods. We plan to combine XTR with laser dry
sorting technology to separate ore from waste and generate a
high-grade concentrate for transport to an in-country processing
plant for final separation before metal recovery. We are now
sequencing the primary development infrastructure and the process
flowsheet. As we advance towards the completion of the ESIA we
expect to soon be in a position to move towards project
implementation and the completion of development
The 85% owned Ongombo Copper - Gold
Project is situated in Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 5772
which has just been renewed for a period of two years, the exact
expiry date to be confirmed once stamped off. Mining Licence (ML
240) was granted on 10 August 2022 for 20-Years**, and covers a
portion of EPL 5772 and approximately one third of the open pit
resource. An extension to the Mining Licnece was submitted on 6
September, 2022 to encompass the wider Resource Area. African
Pioneer is now completing the permitting process by way of the
near-term submission of an Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
These are required to re-affirm the Environmental Clearance Certificate
(ECC) first awarded in April 2023 by the Ministry of
Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT): Department of
Environmental Affairs (DEA). The EMP accompanies mine development
and ore processing operations.
**in the Highlight to the announcement of 16 May 2023 there
was a typographical error stating that this is a 25-Year Mining
Licence whilst it is a 20-Year Mining Licence granted on 10 August
Updated Mineral Resource Estimates
(MRE) for the Ongombo project, revised by Addison Mining Services
(AMS) and reported on 16 May 2023, delineates a potential combined
open pit and underground mining operation based on JORC-2012
Resources of 5.7 Mt at 1.1% CuEq, 0.94% Cu and 0.23g/t Au
(Indicated) (gross). This Resource includes 930 Kt at 0.57% Cu and
0.19g/t Au open pit potential resource believed to be amenable to a
'starter' mine using lower-cost, open pit methods. Significantly,
the AMS update reports previously unstated Inferred underground
potential Resources of 23Mt at 0.95% Cu and 0.24g/t Au. This very
significant upside revision more than doubles previously reported
potential resources within the Ongombo Project envelope. Full
details of the MRE for the Ongombo Project were reported in the
Company's 16 May 2023 announcement.
Pre-production planning for the
Ongombo Project to make the transition from exploration to mining
is now underway. In that regard, critical items including the
location and design of marginal ore and dry tailings storage areas
have been identified within the ESIA. Moreover, low water demand
and modern X-ray transmission ore-sorting technology (XTR) and
gravity concentrators (GC) have been shown by an independent party,
Steinert of Germany, that XRT technology can differentiate between
high-grade ore, low-grade ore, and waste. Laser tests confirmed the
potential to differentiate between ore and waste with induction
sensor tests returning the required response to distinguish waste
and ore fractions. This means that the Project intends to use XTR
to initially process crushed ore for transportation to an external
flotation plant where the copper and gold will be recovered into
concentrates for export for final smelting. The proposed off-site
processing arrangement would significantly reduce the capital
requirements of the Ongombo Project.
In parallel, with metal recovery
testwork, Addison Mining Services (AMS) has indicated significant
increases in resources with further scope for another meaningful
increase in Project CuEq grade contingent upon follow-up work to
test gold content in the East/Ost Shoots. The Board has approved a
short drill programme to twin some historic Goldfields Namibia
holes to assess the Au content. Goldfields Namibia often did not
assay for gold but in some of their drill holes in areas of
East/Ost Shoots that were assayed for gold they returned values
ranging from 9.6g/t Au over 0.17m to 0.12g/t Au over 1.1m. The
average calculated gold grade based on a limited population of
samples, if repeated across the shoots, potentially offers a
significant addition to the overall CuEq* grade of the
Studies are underway to optimise
both the mining methodology most suited to the narrow orebody and
the primary development required to ensure access to sufficient ore
to maintain production. The Company has engaged the services of a
highly experienced mining engineer with a career in narrow orebody
exploitation in African projects.
The Company is in advanced
discussions with parties regarding project level funding that will
enable progression of the initial Ongombo open-pit to exploit the
easily-accessible surface ore resources. In this context
engineering design of pre-production works has
commenced along with design of the lay-out of internal access roads
and the accommodation, office upgrades and fencing required to
securely operate the mine site.
African Pioneer Plc
Colin Bird
Executive Chairman
+44 (0) 20 7581 4477
Beaumont Cornish (Financial
Roland Cornish/Asia Szusciak
+44 (0) 20 7628 3396
Novum Securities Limited
Jon Belliss
+44 (0) 20 7399 9400
visit https://africanpioneerplc.com/
The information contained within
this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside
information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU)
No. 596/2014 as it forms part of UK Domestic Law by virtue of the
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("UK MAR").
Beaumont Cornish Limited, which is
authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial
Conduct Authority, is Financial Adviser to the Company in relation
to the matters referred herein. Beaumont Cornish Limited is acting
exclusively for the Company and for no one else in relation to the
matters described in this announcement and is not advising any
other person and accordingly will not be responsible to anyone
other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to
clients of Beaumont Cornish Limited, or for providing advice in
relation to the contents of this announcement or any matter
referred to in it.
Qualified Person:
The technical information contained
in this announcement has been reviewed, verified, and approved by
Colin Bird, CC.ENG, FIMMM, South African and UK Certified Mine
Manager and Director of African Pioneer plc, with more than 40
years' experience mainly in hard rock mining.
A 'Mineral Resource' is a
concentration or occurrence of solid material of economic interest
in or on the Earth's crust in such form, grade (or quality), and
quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic
extraction. The location, quantity, grade (or quality), continuity
and other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are
known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence
and knowledge, including sampling. Mineral Resources are
sub-divided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into
Inferred, Indicated and Measured categories.
An 'Indicated Mineral Resource' is
that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade (or
quality), densities, shape and physical characteristics are
estimated with sufficient confidence to allow the application of
Modifying Factors in sufficient detail to support mine planning and
evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit.
An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' is
that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade (or
quality) are estimated on the basis of limited geological evidence
and sampling. Geological evidence is sufficient to imply but not
verify geological and grade (or quality) continuity. It is based on
exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through
appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches,
pits, workings and drill holes.
"CuEq*" A copper price of US$8,000 and a gold price of US$1,700 were
used for the purposes of calculating a copper equivalent
"g/t" grammes per
thousand tonnes
"Mt" million