RNS Number : 2880Y
Skipton Building Society
28 February 2012
In 2011 Skipton Building Society delivered again on profit and
financial strength while increasing new lending threefold.
We achieved our objectives of maintaining our financial
strength, managing the business prudently, ensuring steady growth
and offering the best possible value and service to our members.
Remaining profitable throughout the financial crisis, we face the
continued economic uncertainty with confidence.
By lending GBP1.7bn, 50% more than our natural market share, and
offering some of the most competitive and innovative savings
accounts available, the Society maintained an unwavering focus on
looking after our members, while investing in the communities where
they live and work.
Remaining profitable throughout the credit crunch
-- Pre-tax profits of GBP22.2m (2010: GBP35.0m);
-- GBP16.3m improvement in net interest margin (2011: 52bps, 2010: 37bps);
-- Operating profit before impairment losses and provisions up
GBP17.8m to GBP65.7m (2010: GBP47.9m);
-- While the quality of our mortgage assets remains good, our
prudent approach to provisioning against historic exposures
resulted in impairment loss charges increasing to GBP30.0m (2010:
-- Strong Estate Agency division (Connells group) pre-tax
profits of GBP35.8m (2010: GBP48.1m), above expectations despite an
ongoing difficult market;
-- Group administrative expenses reduced by 2.7%;
-- Charge for contribution to the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme increased to GBP5.8m (2010: GBP0.9m).
Financially strong
-- Gross mortgage advances up more than threefold to GBP1.7bn (2010: GBP0.5bn);
-- Total assets up 1.2% to GBP13.9bn (2010: GBP13.7bn);
-- Total capital ratio remains strong at 15.5% (2010: 16.6%);
-- Core Tier 1 ratio 10.5% (2010: 11.1%);
-- Maintained good levels of highly liquid assets - the
liquidity ratio was 24.7% (2010: 27.8%);
-- Successfully obtained over GBP1bn of funding through our
inaugural securitisation and other secured wholesale funding,
demonstrating the market's confidence in Skipton's strength;
-- Accounts with arrears greater than 2.5% of the balance
outstanding only 1.45% of the portfolio (2010: 1.42%).
Focus on members
While maintaining financial strength was a clear priority for
the year, we delicately balanced this with delivering innovative,
good value mortgage and savings products and outstanding personal
service for our members in the following ways:
-- In line with our commitment to enabling homeownership, we
lent almost 50% more than our natural market share of 0.81% during
the year, with gross new lending totalling GBP1,700m compared to
GBP493m the year before. The fact that we were able to do so
despite the continued market volatility is also a powerful
demonstration both of our robustness as a business and our
confidence in the future;
-- Our 4.3% growth in mortgage assets compares to an industry
(CML) figure of 0.5%, demonstrating that we played a
disproportionate part in stimulating the mortgage market with
products available for vital groups such as first time buyers and
buy-to-let landlords;
-- These complemented our varied suite of options for all
circumstances, from short term fixes and trackers to longer term
deals and alternative solutions such as switch-to-fix;
-- Acutely conscious of the plight of savers in the continued
high inflation/low interest rate environment, we helped them to
improve the returns on their investments through straightforward
and consistent long term good value. The average rate we paid to
customers increased by 0.14%, from 2.42% to 2.56%, during the year,
despite Bank of England Base Rate remaining unchanged at 0.5%;
-- We also maintained our commitment, as a mutual, to
encouraging people to manage their finances responsibly and save -
with offerings such as our goal-based My Savings range, which
allows savers to focus on achieving their personal savings goals
and avoiding debt through badged accounts for needs from bills to
rainy day savings;
-- Thanks to our competitive and comprehensive ISA offering, we
grew our ISA balances by 4.8% during 2011. Underlining this trend,
we were also one of the first providers to offer the new
government-backed Junior ISAs from 1 November, with a competitive,
no strings account, now paying 3.02%;
-- As a result of this strong savings performance, 91.4% of our
mortgages are now funded by retail balances;
-- We also continued to cater for our members' general lifetime
requirements, with a selection of products designed to provide them
and their families with security and peace of mind, including wills
and insurance;
-- As one of the few building societies with our own, whole of
market, advice offering in Skipton Financial Services ('SFS'), we
have been able to help members through life's pitfalls - and the
additional challenges posed by the current operating environment -
by offering a helping hand with everything from stock market
investments to inheritance tax planning. SFS's market leading
investment service, Monitored Informed Investing ('MII'), offers
customers peace of mind through proactive fund monitoring and fee
refunds in cases of underperformance;
-- The strength of our product range was recognised by almost
1,000 independent media best buy table mentions and numerous
editorial endorsements during the year;
-- Our success was also recognised in the form of awards - "Best
National Building Society" from What Mortgage magazine and Best
Cash ISA in the Personal Finance Awards for the second year
Subsidiary performance
Our diversified Group structure, comprising a variety of
subsidiary businesses, continues to underpin our ongoing success.
Highlights include:
-- Our Estate Agency division, the Connells group, recorded
profits of GBP35.8m which, although down from 2010's GBP48.1m,
represents a fine performance in what continues to be a difficult
-- Profits in our Financial Advice division, which includes the
Society's whole of market financial adviser Skipton Financial
Services ('SFS'), have increased to GBP2.9m, compared to GBP1.0m
the year before. Our IFA businesses are well prepared for the
implementation of the Retail Distribution Review on 1 January 2013
and SFS has over 80% of its advisers already qualified to the
required Diploma standard;
-- In the Mortgage Services division, Homeloan Management
Limited ('HML') made an operating profit of GBP0.2m. However,
restructuring costs aimed at repositioning the business to take
advantage of future opportunities resulted in a net pre-tax loss of
GBP3.1m, compared to a GBP0.1m profit in 2010.
Community involvement
As a responsible business, we also strongly believe in helping
to enhance the communities to which we and our members belong. In
2011, we did this by investing GBP297,000 in the following
-- GBP111,000 was donated to charities across the UK which help
children and older people in need by our independent Skipton
Building Society Charitable Foundation;
-- 151 grassroots good causes contributing to the Arts, Sport,
Education and general community enhancement, in areas surrounding
our national branch network and Yorkshire Head Office, also
benefited from Society funding to the tune of GBP186,000.
The outlook for the markets in which we operate, and the economy
in general, remains uncertain, with low GDP growth figures,
continued fall out from government austerity measures, rising
unemployment, a flat housing market and the continued threat of
contagion from the Eurozone. These things are likely to result in
the continuation of an historically low UK Bank Base Rate for the
foreseeable future.
However, for the reasons highlighted above, Skipton remains in a
good position to withstand such unusual market conditions. We
continue to concentrate on our clear strategy of prudent lending,
while offering the best possible returns to our savers. Our goal
remains to continue to drive our profit performance while keeping
members' interests firmly at the heart of everything we do.
David Cutter, Skipton Group Chief Executive, said: "I am pleased
to report another robust financial performance from Skipton. We
continue to react well to the continuing economic challenges while
helping our members to achieve their saving and homeownership
aspirations, in line with our mutual commitment.
"While we are not complacent and fully expect that there will be
more challenges ahead of us, our members can continue to have
confidence in Skipton as a safe haven for their funds and a source
of trusted support for their families, as we continue our
unwavering emphasis on them."
For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact
the Skipton Press Office on
08456 017247, email newsline@skipton.co.uk or visit the press
section of our website at www.skipton.co.uk
Tracy Fletcher, Head of Corporate Communications
Tel: 01756 705855
If outside Press Office hours (8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday),
please call 07867 851628
Skipton Building Society
Results for the year ended 31 December 2011
Consolidated income statement
2011 2010
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Interest receivable and similar income 373.6 363.6
Interest payable and similar charges (302.4) (308.7)
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Net interest receivable 71.2 54.9
Fees and commissions receivable 369.4 381.7
Fees and commissions payable (7.9) (20.8)
Fair value gains on financial instruments 3.0 2.0
Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings 0.9 1.2
Share of profits from joint ventures and associates 0.7 0.3
Other income 13.2 24.1
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Total income 450.5 443.4
Administrative expenses (384.8) (395.5)
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Operating profit before impairment losses
and provisions 65.7 47.9
Negative goodwill arising on merger - 3.1
Impairment losses on loans and advances (30.0) (14.8)
Impairment losses on debt securities - (0.1)
Provisions for liabilities (13.5) (1.1)
Profit before tax 22.2 35.0
Tax expense (6.7) (9.8)
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Profit for the financial year 15.5 25.2
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Profit for the financial year attributable
Members of Skipton Building Society 15.4 25.5
Non-controlling interests 0.1 (0.3)
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
15.5 25.2
----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------
Skipton Building Society
Results for the year ended 31 December 2011
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
2011 2010
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------
Profit for the financial year 15.5 25.2
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------
Other comprehensive income:
Available-for-sale investments: valuation
gains / (losses) taken to equity 17.0 (0.5)
Cash flow hedges: (losses) / gains taken to
equity (25.8) 22.6
Exchange differences on translation of foreign
operations 0.9 1.4
Movement in reserves attributable to non-controlling
interests (0.4) (0.1)
Actuarial (loss) / gain on retirement benefit
obligations (18.4) 9.7
Income tax relating to components of other
comprehensive income 6.6 (9.7)
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------
Other comprehensive (expense) / income for
the year, net of tax (20.1) 23.4
Total comprehensive (expense) / income for
the year (4.6) 48.6
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------
Total comprehensive (expense) / income attributable
Members of Skipton Building Society (4.7) 48.9
Non-controlling interests 0.1 (0.3)
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------
(4.6) 48.6
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------
Skipton Building Society
Results for the year ended 31 December 2011
Consolidated statement of financial position
2011 2010
------------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Cash in hand and balances with the
Bank of England 782.3 664.6
Loans and advances to credit institutions 361.0 293.9
Debt securities 1,877.3 2,421.2
Derivative financial instruments 216.3 140.6
Loans and advances to customers 10,252.8 9,814.7
Current tax asset - 1.9
Deferred tax asset 30.7 26.2
Investments in joint ventures and
associates 2.5 1.5
Intangible assets 196.7 190.9
Property, plant and equipment 86.2 89.4
Investment property 6.8 6.8
Other assets 97.7 87.8
Total assets 13,910.3 13,739.5
------------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Shares 9,280.4 9,388.5
Amounts owed to credit institutions 877.4 853.6
Amounts owed to other customers 921.3 1,088.8
Debt securities in issue 1,129.9 846.2
Derivative financial instruments 374.4 260.8
Current tax liability 3.1 -
Other liabilities 78.0 69.6
Accruals and deferred income 41.4 39.0
Provisions for liabilities 34.2 31.3
Deferred tax liability 10.1 9.9
Retirement benefit obligations 43.6 31.8
Subordinated liabilities 214.2 214.2
Subscribed capital 85.8 84.7
------------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Total liabilities 13,093.8 12,918.4
Members' interests
General reserve 820.8 819.6
Available-for-sale reserve 6.0 (6.9)
Cash flow hedging reserve (19.0) 0.3
Translation reserve 5.9 5.0
Attributable to members of Skipton
Building Society 813.7 818.0
Non-controlling interests 2.8 3.1
------------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Total members' interests 816.5 821.1
------------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Total members' interests and liabilities 13,910.3 13,739.5
------------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Skipton Building Society
Results for the year ended 31 December 2011
Consolidated statement of changes in members' interests
Available-for-sale Cash Translation
General financial flow of foreign Sub Non-controlling
reserve assets hedges operations total interests Total
-------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- -------
Balance at 1 January 2011 819.6 (6.9) 0.3 5.0 818.0 3.1 821.1
Profit for the financial
year 15.4 - - - 15.4 0.1 15.5
Other comprehensive
Actuarial loss on
benefit obligations (14.2) - - - (14.2) - (14.2)
Net gains / (losses)
changes in fair value - 12.9 (19.3) - (6.4) - (6.4)
Exchange differences on
translation of foreign
operations - - - 0.9 0.9 - 0.9
Movement in reserves
to non-controlling
interests - - - - - (0.4) (0.4)
Total other comprehensive
income (14.2) 12.9 (19.3) 0.9 (19.7) (0.4) (20.1)
Total comprehensive
for the year 1.2 12.9 (19.3) 0.9 (4.3) (0.3) (4.6)
-------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- -------
Balance at 31 December
2011 820.8 6.0 (19.0) 5.9 813.7 2.8 816.5
-------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- -------
Available-for-sale Cash Translation
General financial flow of foreign Sub Non-controlling
reserve assets hedges operations total interests Total
--------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- ------
Balance at 1 January 2010 781.5 (6.2) (16.0) 3.6 762.9 3.5 766.4
Profit / (loss) for the
financial year 25.5 - - - 25.5 (0.3) 25.2
Other comprehensive income
Actuarial gain on
benefit obligations 6.5 - - - 6.5 - 6.5
Net (losses) / gains
changes in fair value - (0.7) 16.3 - 15.6 - 15.6
Exchange differences on
translation of foreign
operations - - - 1.4 1.4 - 1.4
Movement in reserves
to non-controlling
interests - - - - - (0.1) (0.1)
Total other comprehensive
income 6.5 (0.7) 16.3 1.4 23.5 (0.1) 23.4
--------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- ------
Total comprehensive income
for the year 32.0 (0.7) 16.3 1.4 49.0 (0.4) 48.6
Transfer of engagements 6.1 - - - 6.1 - 6.1
--------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- ------
Balance at 31 December
2010 819.6 (6.9) 0.3 5.0 818.0 3.1 821.1
--------------------------- --------- ------------------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------------- ------
Skipton Building Society
Results for the year ended 31 December 2011
Consolidated statement of cash flows
2011 2010
-------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before taxation 22.2 35.0
Adjustments for:
Impairment losses on loans and advances 30.0 14.8
Impairment losses on debt securities - 0.1
Loans and advances written off, net of recoveries (21.3) (21.1)
Goodwill impairment 1.0 7.5
Depreciation and amortisation 20.6 19.9
Impairment of investment property 0.1 1.4
Interest on capital and subordinated liabilities 24.2 25.1
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment
and investment property (1.4) (6.7)
Negative goodwill arising on merger - (3.1)
Share of profits from joint ventures and associates (0.7) (0.3)
Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings (0.9) (1.2)
Other non-cash movements (11.4) 71.3
-------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
62.4 142.7
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Movement in prepayments and accrued income (3.8) 2.3
Movement in accruals and deferred income 5.0 (10.6)
Movement in provisions for liabilities 2.9 11.8
Movement in loans and advances to customers (409.5) 1,192.8
Movement in shares (136.9) (1,268.4)
Net movement in amounts owed to credit institutions
and other customers (141.7) (225.3)
Net movement in debt securities in issue 288.3 (502.5)
Net movement in loans and advances to credit
institutions (70.0) 157.5
Net movement in other assets (12.9) 17.6
Net movement in other liabilities 15.7 (28.2)
Income taxes paid (0.4) (4.9)
-------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
Net cash flows from operating activities (400.9) (515.2)
-------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
Skipton Building Society
Results for the year ended 31 December 2011
Consolidated statement of cash flows (continued)
2011 2010
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Net cash flows from operating activities (400.9) (515.2)
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of debt securities (4,075.2) (3,623.8)
Proceeds from disposal of debt securities 4,637.1 3,555.4
Purchase of intangible assets (7.9) (8.9)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and
investment property (10.5) (11.2)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and
equipment and investment property 4.9 9.8
Dividends received from joint venture 0.4 0.5
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (1.8) (3.3)
Cash acquired on transfer of engagements - 0.1
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (7.0) -
Net cash acquired with subsidiaries 0.6 -
Further investment in subsidiary undertakings (0.3) (20.9)
Investment in joint venture (0.7) -
Purchase of other business units (0.3) -
Cash received from sale of subsidiary undertakings 1.1 1.6
Net cash disposed on sale of subsidiary undertakings (0.5) -
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Net cash flows from investing activities 539.9 (100.7)
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Cash flows from financing activities
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities (16.0) (16.9)
Interest paid on Permanent Interest Bearing Shares (8.2) (8.2)
Net cash flows from financing activities (24.2) (25.1)
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 114.8 (641.0)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 755.3 1,396.3
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 870.1 755.3
-------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Analysis of the cash balances as shown in the Statement of
Financial Position:
2011 2010
----------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
Cash in hand and balances with the Bank of
England 782.3 664.6
Mandatory reserve deposit with the Bank of
England (11.0) (11.2)
----------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
771.3 653.4
Loans and advances to credit institutions repayable
on demand 98.8 101.9
----------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December 870.1 755.3
----------------------------------------------------- ------- -------
Skipton Building Society
Key ratios
2011 2010
% %
Group net interest margin 0.52 0.37
Society net interest margin 0.37 0.21
Group management expenses / mean assets 2.78 2.70
Group profit after tax / mean assets 0.11 0.17
Total asset growth 1.24 (11.75)
Group loans and advances growth 4.25 (9.57)
Group share account growth (1.44) (10.47)
Liquidity ratio 24.74 27.75
Funding ratio 19.79 17.63
Gross capital ratio 9.14 9.20
Free capital ratio 6.89 7.01
Total capital ratio 15.53 16.60
Mean total assets are the average of the 2011 and 2010 total
Management expenses represent administrative expenses.
The liquidity ratio measures liquid assets as a percentage of
shares and borrowings. Liquid assets represent the total of cash in
hand and balances with the Bank of England, loans and advances to
credit institutions and debt securities. Shares and borrowings
represent the total of shares, amounts owed to credit institutions,
amounts owed to other customers and debt securities in issue,
including accrued interest and the fair value adjustment for hedged
The funding ratio measures the proportion of shares and
borrowings (excluding the fair value adjustment for hedged risk)
not in the form of shares held by individuals. We have taken
advantage of the relief set out in SI 2007/No 860, effective from
April 2007, to exclude retail offshore deposits from the total of
wholesale funds.
Gross capital represents the general reserve together with the
available-for-sale reserve, cash flow reserve, translation reserve,
subordinated liabilities, subscribed capital, and non-controlling
interests, as shown in the Group Statement of Financial
Free capital represents gross capital and provisions for
collective impairment losses on loans and advances to customers
less property, plant and equipment, investment properties and
intangible assets as shown in the Group Statement of Financial
This information is provided by RNS
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