background information has been obtained by the management and by external parties of which the Committee has decided to avail itself to express this opinion pursuant to the Regulation and the Procedure. The Committee Board met on 4 December 2013. On that occasion, the members of the Committee Board not being part of the Control and Risk Committee were informed of the conclusions of the activity of the Control and Risk Committee. This opinion, issued pursuant to art. 8, subsection 1, letter c) of Consob Regulation no. 17221/2010, and of paragraphs 33 and 34 of the Procedure, can in no way be treated as an act of the management body. The assessment and final decision on the completion and on the contents of the operation remain the exclusive competence of the Board of Directors in its entirety.

Interest of the Company


The interest of the Company in the operation has been illustrated in the Directors' report on the proposed increase in capital to service the bond issue (published on 26 November 2013 and available on the website, to which the Board Committee refers.

In brief, the interest should be identified in the need to strengthen the Group's financial position, which the management has also sought to attain by means of the sale of the investment in Telecom Argentina, as well as by means of further measures presented to the Board of Directors together with the 2014-2016 Industrial Plan.

The bond issue is therefore functional to: - increase the financial flexibility of the Group, and at the same time reduce the need for and risks of refinancing; - allow the company to face the changed rating situation and passage to subinvestment grade with the necessary prudence, limiting the downgrade to a single rating level; - guarantee that the options to further reduce indebtedness can be considered more calmly, also in relation to the progress of the company.

In view of the identification of necessary resources in financial instruments with equity content in a range between 1 to 1.5 billion euro, the bond issue seemed to be the most effective solution as ­ especially where compared with alternative instruments offered as an option ­ it allows (i) to minimize the Company's exposure to market risks, thanks to the peculiar rapidity of the so called overnight placement, and (ii) to maximize the issue price (at a premium rather than at a discount, compared to the market price at the time of placement of the bond issue).

According to the Board Committee, the opinion on the compliance of the bond issue with the company interest, already expressed by the Board of Directors pursuant to art. 2441, subsections 5 and 6 of the Italian Civil Code, to justify disapplication of the preferential subscription right of pre-existing shareholders, does not change upon integration of the conditions for the existence of a related party operation during execution, of placement with the undifferentiated target audience.


The Board Committee also noted that, within the context of the bond issue placement, the subscription of the notes by outright investors (including stable, direct or indirect shareholders) was in the Company's interest as such investors unlike hedge investors - would not cover their purchase of the notes by re-selling ordinary shares of the company against cash.

Expediency of the operation The Committee Board deems that the expediency of the operation (i.e. the values at which it has been carried out so far and will be carried out) should be assessed primarily in terms of the fairness of the conversion price of the bonds issued within the scope of the Bond Issue, the subscription price of the related conversion shares, besides the price of the Bond Issue itself. The fairness of the capital increase issue price to service the Bonds had been specifically illustrated in the Director's report to the Shareholders' meeting, which, as required by law (art. 2441, subsection 6 of the Italian Civil Code) described the criteria adopted for its fixing and the reasons behind their choice, intrinsically linked to the nature of the market operation. Reference is hereby made to those considerations. The procedure applied for the determination of the issue price was therefore based, as usual for this type of financial instrument, on a purely market-based criteria (therefore "objective"), where the presence of related parties between the subscribers of the Bond issue is not (and was not) able to determine any effect. The independent auditors PriwaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. was then asked to issue an opinion on the subscription price of the conversion shares to be issued to service the bond issue ­ as required by law: art. 2441, subsection 6, of the Italian Civil Code and art. 158, subsection 1, TUF (Consolidated Law on Finance) ­ and on 29 November 2013 it has issued a report (the fairness opinion). In its conclusions, it expresses the opinion, among other things that "the valuation approach adopted by the Directors for the purposes of determining the issue price of the Conversion shares of Telecom Italia within the scope of the capital increase with disapplication

7 Therefore, in order to have a report for the Shareholders' Meeting from an independent third party on the fairness of the issue price of the notes as well as the effects of the disapplication of the preferential subscription right in the increase of the conversion capital, the Company's management assigned the task of preparing the specific fairness opinion to StudioTasca S.r.l. (which used the services of Professor Roberto Tasca, Full Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Department of Business Sciences of the University of Bologna, and Professor Francesco Corielli, Associate Professor of Mathematical Methods for Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences at the Department of Finance of the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan). The Board Committee in the meeting of 4 December 2013 had access to a preliminary version of the analysis by Studio Tasca and the relative conclusions, which were explained by the two consultants. Specifically, this analysis shows that even the bond issuance occurred at a fair value from a financial point of view, in terms of the valuation of the instrument's key components (implicit options on Telecom Italia ordinary shares and flow of coupons). The Board Committee, - on the basis of the considerations already made in the illustrative report with regard to the proposal to the Shareholders' Meeting to increase the conversion capital; - having regard to the opinion on the fairness of the issue price of the shares to be issued at the service of the Bonds, given by the Company's external auditor pursuant to the Italian Civil Code and the CFL; - having noted the conclusions reached by the consultants Professor Tasca and Professor Corielli as part of the assignment ­ independently conferred by the


- having ascertained that the consultants referred to in the previous point are qualified as independent professionals in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex 4 of Consob Regulation no. 17221/2010, in consideration of all the above and in light of their expertise and knowledge, it considers the economic conditions of the operation to be correct, confirming that ­ also on the basis of the considerations made before with respect to the Company's interests ­ it will be carried out with values deemed favourable for the Company.

Substantial correctness of the conditions of the operation In the meeting of 7 November 2013 the conditions of the operation were illustrated to the Board of Directors by the management and by the Joint Global Co-ordinators and Joint Bookrunners as standard and aligned with market practices. Moreover, the Committee obtained an analysis made by a primary international commercial bank not involved in the definition or placing of the Bonds, which compares the Bond issue with comparable issue operations of Mandatory Convertible Bonds. The analysis, which covers the terms of issue, execution methods and pricing methods, confirmed that the operation under review is in line with the benchmark operations. The Committee also established that the conditions applied to Telecom Italia's related parties who subscribed to the Bonds (namely those who over time may purchase the relative bonds, inter alia destined to be listed on a regulated market or multilateral trading system recognized internationally by March 2014) were and will be the same conditions applicable to bondholders that do not qualify as related parties. Specifically, the "priority treatment" granted to shareholders in the bond allocation process, and towhich Telefónica S.A. asked to benefit, exclusively consisted of receiving priority in the allocation of the order with respect to the orders of eligible institutional investors that are not shareholders: the appointed banks assigned


The opinion requested pursuant to Article 8 of the Consob Regulation on operations with related parties concerns the substantial correctness of the operation conditions. The Board, supported by its consultant, therefore considers that any conditions of non-compliance with the procedures may be relevant for the purposes of this opinion to the extent they are capable of adversely affecting the determination of the substantive conditions of the operation.

The Board, in the meeting of 4 December 2013, with the support of its consultant, examined the considerations made by Director Zingales, detailed below, assessing whether they could adversely affect the determination of the substantial conditions of the operation. In a careful examination, the Board, after extensive discussion, even on the basis of the opinion illustrated by Prof. Tasca, the opinion on fairness provided by PwC and the opinion given to the Company by Prof. Piergaetano Marchetti, decided to exclude this risk given the characteristics of the process of determining the substantial conditions in this case.

Specifically, given the operating methods of the bookbuilding process, it can be excluded that they were able to adversely affect the orders placed in the context of the bookbuilding process and, therefore, the economic conditions of the operation: 1. the application of the procedure for carrying out operations with related parties only after subscription to the bonds by Telefonica and IMI; 2. the communications that occurred between the Company's management and Telco shareholders; 3. the granting of priority treatment to shareholders during allocation.

In light of the above as well as their expertise and knowledge, considering that the critical issues of the ordering process highlighted above did not in any case influence the substantial conditions of the operation, given the characteristics of the process of determining the prices outlined, the Committee deems the conditions of the operation to be correct from the substantial view point.


For greater transparency it is stated that the following disassociate themselves from the evaluations carried out before: o Director Calvosa, who, as already announced in the Board meeting of 7 November 2013, is "against the operation to increase the capital to service the conversion of the Telecom Italia Finance bond, not acknowledging its expediency for the Company compared to other possible alternative operations and not agreeing with the dilution of the shareholders' holdings without ensuing compensatory measures"; o Director Zingales who, while believing the operation to be in the Company's interests and carried out at fair values and as such classifiable as favourable, is of the opinion that the necessary substantial correctness requirements have not been met because in his opinion: 1. The evaluation of substantial correctness includes an opinion on both the economic conditions of the operation and procedural correctness; 2. In light of the information that was disclosed to the Control and Risks Committee during the meetings of 27 November and 4 December 2013, the procedure for operations with related parties should have applied from the outset. 3. Even taking into account the nature of the operation, the access to information on the issuing decision and on its characteristics was discriminatory among shareholders. 4. In a situation where demand for the bond was three times higher than the supply, Telefonica was favoured in the allocation at the time of distribution.

Conclusions The Board Committee expresses the opinion that the operation: - is in the Company's interests, - is carried out with fair values and as such it qualifies as favourable; 11

- meets the necessary substantial correctness requirements. The opinion in favour of continuing the operation completion process does not change in light of the Bonds having been subscribed to (or the possible future purchase of bonds issued in this context) by parties that qualify as related parties of Telecom Italia. This opinion was given by the Board Committee in the meeting on 4 December 2013, which was attended by Directors Lucia Calvosa, Massimo Egidi, Angelo Provasoli, Mauro Sentinelli, and Luigi Zingales, with the participation of Auditors Enrico Maria Bignami (Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors), Roberto Capone, Gianluca Ponzellini, and Ferdinando Superti Furga. The opinion was approved by the majority of the Board Committee, with dissenting votes from Directors Calvosa and Zingales.


Milan, 5 December 2013 Statement of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Telecom Italia S.p.A. regarding Consob's request for information pursuant to article 114, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree 58/98 Further to the considerations made regarding the sale of the Telecom Italia Group holdings in Argentina contained in the press release disseminated by the Company on 2 December 2013, the further assessments that Consob, in a communication dated 28 November 2013 (proceedings: 6349/2013), asked the Board of Statutory Auditors of Telecom Italia S.p.A. to provide to the public, are set out below. In particular, "in relation to the operation to issue a guaranteed subordinated fixed rate mandatory convertible bonds for a maximum of 1,300 million euros due November 2016" (the "convertible bonds" and "the operation"), the Commission asked the Board of Statutory Auditors to: 1. "provide its opinions on the timing and arrangements for involving the Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting for the mandatory convertible bond issue, for deciding on the exchange ratio and the period and arrangements for bond conversion, for the increase in share capital to service the bond issue and for the disapplication of the preferential subscription right, in light of the provisions of art. 2420bis, paragraphs 1 and 2, and art. 2441, paragraph 5, of the Italian Civil Code", and to 2. "indicate its considerations on the relevance of the operation with reference to the provisions set out in Consob Regulation no. 17221/2010 regarding operations with related parties". Firstly, it is stated that the Board of Statutory Auditors supervised the operation the operation during the meetings (i) of the Control and Risks Committee on 30 October, 6

November and 27 November, all held jointly with the Board of Statutory Auditors, (ii) of the Board Committee (meaning the Committee composed of all the independent and nonrelated Directors pursuant to art. 8, paragraph 1, letter c) of Consob Regulation no. 17221/2010 and the Procedure for the execution of related party operations adopted by the Company) of 4 December 2013, (iii) of the Board of Directors of 7 November and 5 December 2013, as well as (iv) its own meetings on 11, 12, 20, 28 and 29 November and on 5 December last. The Control Body, which availed itself of the support of its own legal advisor, Paolo Montalenti, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Turin, examined, among other things i) the documentation submitted to the Board of Directors on 7 November and 5 December 2013, ii) the call notice for the Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 20 December 2013 and the related documentation made available to the public by the Company, iii) the considerations of the Control and Risks Committee, iv) the opinion drafted by the Board Committee, v) legal and economicfinancial opinions acquired. Taking account of the above preamble, regarding request 1, we would make the following statement: the Board of Statutory Auditors firstly ascertained that the provisions set out in art. 2420bis, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Italian Civil Code, which apply by hypothesis when the bond issue is carried out by the same company called on to issue the shares into which the bonds will be converted and which asks an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders of the issuing company to determine the exchange ratio, period and arrangements for the conversion, as well as the increase in capital to service the issue, do not apply. In the operation considered here, however, the bond issue was carried out by Telecom Italia Finance S.A., while the shares into which the bonds will be converted are those of its parent company, Telecom Italia S.p.A.. Therefore approval will be sought from the Meeting of the Shareholders of the latter only for an increase in share capital with disapplication of the preferential subscription right by the issue of ordinary shares to service the conversion of the bonds issued by Telecom Italia Finance S.A. and guaranteed by Telecom Italia S.p.A.. 2

The Control Body has also checked that the Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting called for 20 December 2013 was regularly called, and that the terms and arrangements set out in the current law regarding the making available of the reports on the topics on the agenda have been respected. In particular, with specific reference to the proposed increase in capital, the Board of Statutory Auditors has checked the completeness of the information contained in the explanatory report that, in compliance with art. 2441 of the Italian Civil Code and art. 72 of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 as amended, suitably represents among other things the interest of the Company in the operation, and the purposes thereof, the reasons for the disapplication of the preferential subscription right and the criteria for the determination of the share issue price, the adequacy of which was confirmed by independent auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. pursuant to art. 2441, paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Italian Civil Code and art. 158, paragraph 1, of legislative decree 59/1998. The characteristics of the bond issue, and the conditions and terms of conversion are also explained in the report. Taking account of the above preamble, regarding request 2 we would make the following statement. The Board of Statutory Auditors has checked the procedure for the issue by Luxembourg subsidiary Telecom Italia Finance S.A. of mandatory convertible bonds into Telecom Italia shares to be placed in overnight mode with qualified investors. The operation was explained at the Board of Directors meeting on 7 November 2013 and was structured and approved as a market operation, since it was addressed to an undifferentiated public of qualified investors. The Board of Statutory Auditors has noted that during the meeting, Mr. Alierta declared the intention of Telefónica S.A. to subscribe to the bond issue, and has also noted that the management reported the contact with the principal qualified investors through the "wallcrossing" procedure, managed by the banks appointed to place the issue, and with the shareholders of TELCO S.p.A..


The operation was therefore susceptible to potentially be transformed into an operation with related parties in the subsequent execution phase. The Board of Statutory Auditors agrees with the Control and Risks Committee in deciding to consider the operation to have assumed the features of an operation with related parties in the implementation phase, due to the subscription by Telefónica S.A. and Banca IMI S.p.A.. The Board of Statutory Auditors has noted that the Control and Risks Committee asked that the Procedure for the execution of related party operations" adopted by the Company (the "Procedure") be adopted, qualifying the operation as one "of greater importance" on a voluntary basis, as permitted by said Procedure (Section 1, point 19). The Board of Statutory Auditors has also noted that the priority treatment accorded to Telefónica, among others, consisted of a priority over other investors in the allocation of the order by the appointed banks. The Board of Statutory Auditors has also noted the favourable opinion expressed by the Board Committee composed of the unrelated independent Directors (Lucia Calvosa, Massimo Egidi, Angelo Provasoli, Mauro Sentinelli, Luigi Zingales). This opinion was approved by a majority, with Directors Calvosa and Zingales dissenting. The opinion of the Board Committee considered that "the operation meets the interests of the Company, is being carried out at fair values, which as such may be qualified as advantageous, and satisfies the requisites of substantial correctness required". The Board of Statutory Auditors also noted the comments made by Mrs. Calvosa; finally, it noted the critical observations made by Mr. Zingales regarding the requisites of substantial correctness of the operation, regarding which the Board of Directors is investigating further.


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