Re Agreement
18 Februar 2003 - 8:00AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:6137H
Intec Telecom Systems PLC
18 February 2003
Intec signs multi-million dollar CABS service bureau account with
Tier 1 U.S. service provider
London/Dallas - February 18, 2003 - Intec Telecom Systems, a leading global
vendor of telecoms Operations Support Systems (OSS), today announces it has
signed a two-year multi-million US dollar CABS service bureau agreement with a
major US communications service provider. Carrier Access Billing (CABS) allows
local service providers to charge other communications companies for access to
their customer facilities.
Intec has expanded its CABS service bureau in Dallas, Texas, to accommodate
customer growth of almost 350 percent and bill processing volume growth of
nearly 500 percent in 2002. Intec's Dallas office serves as the centre for its
CABS services and InterconnecT CABS CG(TM) (Carrier Grade) product development.
"While most telecom software and service vendors are struggling, Intec's CABS
service bureau has achieved strong growth by delivering superior customer
support from experienced staff. Intec draws customers through targeted
solutions and its ability to improve our customers' profitability - something
that every service provider seeks to accomplish in today's challenging economy,"
says Fred Brott, president of Intec Telecom Systems' Carrier Access Business.
"Telecom carriers worldwide are turning to our InterconnecT service and software
to achieve highly accurate interconnect billing that maximises revenue, and a
quick turnaround that improves cash flow," adds Brott.
The Dallas CABS service bureau uses Intec's InterconnecT CABS CG software for
its billing operation. Designed for the U.S. market, InterconnecT CABS CG, part
of Intec's InterconnecT product family, is also licensed to telcos who choose to
perform CABS billing in-house. Worldwide, Intec's InterconnecT software and
service bureaus are used by over 200 wired and wireless telecom operators,
representing over 60 percent global market share, making InterconnecT the number
one interconnect billing software in production today. In the US InterconnecT
CABS CG has around 100 licence and bureau customers.
About CABS
Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs and CLECs) have the right to share the revenue
Inter-exchange Carriers (IXCs) earn when the IXC uses a portion of the LEC's
network to complete a call. This access revenue, which can make up a
significant portion of a typical operator's revenue base, compensates it for the
cost of provisioning the network and allows it to provide better services to its
customers. The InterconnecT CABS CG software, as well as the InterconnecT CABS
service bureau, enables U.S. telecom service providers to achieve a strategic
commercial advantage by accurately billing and auditing for these access
charges. Whether service providers install InterconnecT CABS CG on their
networks to produce interconnect bills onsite or turn to Intec's InterconnecT
CABS CG service bureau, which produces and distributes bills for them, Intec
helps its customers track and bill the access revenue they deserve.
Intec Telecom Systems
Intec Telecom Systems is an award-winning worldwide Operations Support Systems
("OSS") vendor for fixed, mobile and IP/next-generation networks, with more than
320 customers for its products worldwide. Founded in 1997, Intec was listed on
the London Stock Exchange (Code: ITL.L) in June 2000. Intec is the market leader
in intercarrier billing systems and one of the top 2 suppliers of convergent
mediation software. The company is currently listed in Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu's top 500 fastest growing companies in Europe, growing international
sales by almost 400% in 3 years. Intec's portfolio includes:
* Inter-mediatE(TM) - convergent mediation solution
* InterconnecT(TM) - intercarrier billing including US CABS and ITU
* Inter-activatE(TM) - flow-through provisioning and activation
* Inter-contenT(TM) - end-to-end content settlement
Intec's customer base includes, among others, AT&T, BellSouth, BellSouth Peru,
Brazil Telecom, Cable & Wireless, Cesky Telecom (Czech Republic), COLT
Telecommunications, EBT (Taiwan), France Telecom, Hutchison 3G, Maxis
(Malaysia), Singtel Optus (Australia), Orange, Telecom Argentina, Telecom Egypt,
Telecom Italia, TPSA (Poland), SBC, Swisscom, T-Mobile International, Telia
(Sweden), Telkom South Africa, Telstra, US Cellular, Westel (Hungary), Vodafone
and Verizon. For more information on Intec Telecom Systems, visit the website at
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange