RNS Number : 5748L

Griffin Mining Ld

14 August 2013

60 St James's Street, London SW1A 1LE, United Kingdom

Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 7772 Facsimile: + 44 (0)20 7629 7773

E mail: griffin@griffinmining.com

14(th) August 2013


for the six months ended 30(th) June 2013

Below are the interim results for Griffin Mining Limited ("Griffin" or "the Company") for the six months ended 30(th) June 2013.


   --     Revenues of $33.7 million (2012: $39.7 million) 
   --     Operating profit of $7.3 million (2012: $16.7 million) 
   --     Profit before tax of $5.8 million (2012: $15.0 million) 
   --     Profit after tax of $4.0 million (2012: $11.4 million) 
   --     Attributable profit after tax of $3.5 million (2012: $7.5 million) 

Financial and Trading:

In the six months to the 30(th) June 2013, throughput at Griffin's Caijiaying Mine increased from 386,313 to 412,799 tonnes to produce in concentrate:

   --     19,077 tonnes of zinc (2012: 20,336 tonnes); 
   --     903 tonnes of lead (2012: 1,364 tonnes); 
   --     151,921 ounces of silver (2012: 215,773 ounces); 
   --     3,869 ounces of gold (2012: 3,769 ounces). 

Revenues and operating profits were impacted by lower metal prices for all metals produced and lower metal production for zinc, lead and silver resulting from lower mined grades at the Caijiaying Mine.

During the six months to 30(th) June 2013, the average price received declined from that in the six months to 30(th) June 2012 for zinc by 7.5%, gold by 5%, lead by 5% and silver by 10%. In addition, during the six months to 30(th) June 2013, priority was given to extracting the remaining economic mineralization at the upper levels of the Caijiaying Mine prior to being able to access lower levels resulting in a reduction in the zinc head grade of 0.66% from that recorded in the six months to 30(th) June 2012.

Throughput increased despite mining and haulage being impacted by the Chinese Spring Festival holidays in February 2013 and during the Chinese National Party congress in March 2013 with restricted delivery of explosives.

Progress has been made in improving gold recoveries with the expectation of higher gold recoveries in the second half of 2013.

Increases in costs of sales reflect operational mine development work and increased ore processed. Operating expenses have been reduced as the Group strives to minimise administration costs.

Profits before tax have been impacted by: Foreign exchange losses of $20,000 (2012: $684,000) arising as a result of a stronger US Dollar against Sterling in the period; interest payable on Chinese bank loans of $1,577,000 (2012: $1,385,000); Griffin's 39.2% equity share of Spitfire Oil Ltd's losses of $45,000 (2012: $88,000); and interest receivable of $59,000 (2012: $399,000) with lower interest receipts following the utilisation of cash resources in June 2012 to fund the extension of the local Chinese joint venture licence and purchase of non controlling interests.

Chinese income taxes and withholding taxes of $1,724,000 (2012: $3,617,000) have been charged to profit resulting in profits after tax of $4,035,000 (2012: $11,379,000).

Provision of $584,000 (2012: $3,840,000) has been made for the minority interests in the profit of Griffin's Chinese subsidiary, Hebei Hua Ao Mining Industry Company Limited ("Hua Ao") of 11.2% (2012: 40% to 25(th) June 2012). Profit attributable to Griffin amounted to $3,451,000 (2012: $7,539,000).

Basic earnings per share were 1.97 cents (2012: 4.3 cents) and diluted earnings per share 1.95 cents (2012: 4.26 cents). At 30(th) June 2013, attributable net assets per share in issue amounted to 81 cents (2012: 75 cents).

Repatriation of funds from China was achieved, whilst still providing sufficient working capital within Hua Ao, by drawing down an additional $6,297,000 from banking facilities in China which were more than matched by cash balances throughout the Group increasing by $7,740,000 since 31(st) December 2012.

Application for a mining licence over the Zone II area at Caijiaying and the area between the Zone II and III areas is progressing as expected.

In line with previous years practice and the Company's policy of determining annual dividends at the time of the Company's full year results, no interim dividend has been declared by the Board of Griffin.

Chairman's Statement

Chairman Mladen Ninkov commented, "Although in absolute terms the interim results are disappointing, they should come as no surprise in light of the recently released results by other small to large mineral producers. All miners continue to struggle with maintaining profitability in the light of falling commodity prices coupled with a mainly fixed cost business. Griffin's results have also been further specifically impacted by the scheduling of major mine development work in the first half of 2013 to extract the remaining lower grade mineralization at the highest levels at Caijiaying before accessing the mineralization at lower levels. Assuming commodity prices remain at least constant and no 'Black Swan' event materializes, I expect significantly better results for the second half of 2013."

Further information

Griffin Mining Limited

   Mladen Ninkov - Chairman                               Telephone: +44(0)20 7629 7772 

Roger Goodwin - Finance Director

   Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited                                      Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7459 3600 

Dominic Morley

Hannah Woodley

Griffin Mining Limited's shares are quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (symbol GFM). The Company's news releases are available on the Company's web site: www.griffinmining.com

Griffin Mining Limited

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                      6 months     6 months      Year to 
                                            to           to   31/12/2012 
                                    30/06/2013   30/06/2012      Audited 
                                     Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                          $000         $000         $000 
Revenue                                 33,651       39,747       76,860 
Cost of sales                         (20,534)     (16,494)     (34,795) 
Gross profit                            13,117       23,253       42,065 
Net operating expenses                 (5,808)      (6,508)     (10,891) 
Profit from operations                   7,309       16,745       31,174 
Share of losses of associated 
 company                                  (45)         (88)        (163) 
Foreign exchange losses                   (20)        (684)        (904) 
Finance income                              59          399          495 
Finance costs                          (1,577)      (1,385)      (3,411) 
Other income                                33            9           48 
Profit before tax                        5,759       14,996       27,239 
Income tax expense                     (1,724)      (3,617)      (7,532) 
Profit after tax                         4,035       11,379       19,707 
Attributable to non controlling 
 interests                                 584        3,840        4,872 
Attributable to equity share 
 owners of the parent                    3,451        7,539       14,835 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                         4,035       11,379       19,707 
                                   ===========  ===========  =========== 
Basic earnings per share (cents)          1.97         4.30         8.46 
                                   ===========  ===========  =========== 
Diluted earnings per share 
 (cents)                                  1.95         4.26         8.36 
                                   ===========  ===========  =========== 

Griffin Mining Limited

Condensed Consolidated Statement Of Comprehensive income

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                         6 months     6 months      Year to 
                                               to           to   31/12/2012 
                                       30/06/2013   30/06/2012      Audited 
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                             $000         $000         $000 
Profit for the financial period             4,035       11,379       19,707 
                                      -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Other comprehensive income 
Exchange differences on translating 
 foreign operations                           211        (478)          545 
  Other comprehensive income 
  for the period, net of tax                  211        (478)          545 
                                      -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the period                             4,246       10,901       20,252 
                                      ===========  ===========  =========== 
Attributable to non controlling 
 interests                                    614        3,704        4,960 
Attributable to equity share 
 owners of the parent                       3,632        7,197       15,292 
                                            4,246       10,901       20,252 
                                      ===========  ===========  =========== 

Griffin Mining Limited

Condensed Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                    30/06/2013   30/06/2012   31/12/2012 
                                     Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                          $000         $000         $000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment          178,433      171,617      177,470 
Intangible assets - Exploration 
 interests                               1,766        1,572        1,707 
Investment in associated company         3,552        3,670        3,596 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                       183,751      176,859      182,773 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                              4,949        5,538        6,231 
Other current assets                     1,568        2,740        4,168 
Cash and cash equivalents               24,504       28,720       16,764 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                        31,021       36,998       27,163 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Total assets                           214,772      213,857      209,936 
                                   ===========  ===========  =========== 
Equity attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent 
Share capital                            1,754        1,755        1,755 
Share premium                           70,016       70,061       70,037 
Contributing surplus                     3,690        3,690        3,690 
Share based payments                     3,055        3,043        3,055 
Chinese statutory re-investment 
 reserve                                 1,538        1,288        1,313 
Other reserve on acquisition 
 of non controlling interests         (29,346)     (29,336)     (29,346) 
Foreign exchange reserve                10,655        9,711       10,485 
Profit and loss reserve                 81,203       70,670       77,966 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Total equity attributable to 
 equity holders of the parent          142,565      130,882      138,955 
Non controlling interests                2,104       16,202        4,904 
Total equity                           144,669      147,084      143,859 
Non-current liabilities 
Long-term provisions                     3,228        1,422        2,535 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Taxation payable                           393        4,548        3,840 
Trade and other payables                13,073       14,288       12,590 
Bank loans                              53,409       46,515       47,112 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Total liabilities                       66,875       65,351       63,542 
                                   -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Total equities and liabilities         214,772      213,857      209,936 
                                   ===========  ===========  =========== 
Number of shares in issue          175,401,830  175,501,830  175,451,830 
Attributable net asset value 
 / total equity per share                $0.81        $0.75        $0.79 

Griffin Mining Limited

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                  Share    Share  Contributing     Share     Chinese        Other   Foreign   Profit         Total          Non     Total 
                capital  premium       surplus     based          re      reserve  Exchange      and     to equity  controlling    Equity 
                                                          investment           on               loss       holders 
                                                payments     Reserve  acquisition   Reserve  Reserve     of parent    interests 
                   $000     $000          $000      $000        $000         $000      $000     $000          $000         $000      $000 
At 31 December 
 2011             1,755   70,061         3,690     3,030       1,300            -    10,041   63,131       153,008       12,523   165,531 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
Cost of share 
 payments             -        -             -        13           -                      -        -            13            -        13 
Purchase of 
 interests            -        -             -         -           -     (29,336)         -        -      (29,336)         (25)  (29,361) 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 owners               -        -             -        13           -     (29,336)         -        -      (29,323)         (25)  (29,348) 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 for the 6 
 months               -        -             -         -           -            -         -    7,539         7,539        3,840    11,379 
 operations           -        -             -         -        (12)            -     (330)        -         (342)        (136)     (478) 
 income for 
 the 6 
 month period         -        -             -         -        (12)            -     (330)    7,539         7,197        3,704    10,901 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
At 30 June 
 (unaudited)      1,755   70,061         3,690     3,043       1,288     (29,336)     9,711   70,670       130,882       16,202   147,084 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
Purchase of 
 cancellation         -     (24)             -         -           -            -         -        -          (24)            -      (24) 
Cost of share 
 payments             -        -             -        12           -            -         -        -            12            -        12 
Transfers in 
 distributions        -        -             -         -           -            -         -        -             -     (12,554)  (12,554) 
Purchase of 
 interests            -        -             -         -           -         (10)         -        -          (10)            -      (10) 
 owners               -     (24)             -        12           -         (10)         -        -          (22)     (12,554)  (12,576) 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 for the 6 
 months               -        -             -         -           -            -         -    7,296         7,296        1,032     8,328 
 operations           -        -             -         -          25            -       774        -           799          224     1,023 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 income for 
 the 6 
 month period         -        -             -         -          25            -       774    7,296         8,095        1,256     9,351 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
At 31 December 
 2012             1,755   70,037         3,690     3,055       1,313     (29,346)    10,485   77,966       138,955        4,904   143,859 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 for future 
 investment           -        -             -         -         214            -         -    (214)             -            -         - 
Purchase of 
 cancellation       (1)     (21)             -         -           -            -         -        -          (22)            -      (22) 
Transfers in 
 distributions        -        -             -         -           -            -         -        -             -      (3,414)   (3,414) 
 owners             (1)     (21)             -         -         214            -         -    (214)          (22)      (3,414)   (3,436) 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 for the 6 
 months               -        -             -         -           -            -         -    3,451         3,451          584     4,035 
 operations           -        -             -         -          11            -       170        -           181           30       211 
                -------  -------  ------------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  ------------  -----------  -------- 
 income for 
 the 6 
 month period         -        -             -         -          11            -       170    3,451         3,632          614     4,246 
At 30 June 
 (unaudited)      1,754   70,016         3,690     3,055       1,538     (29,346)    10,655   81,203       142,565        2,104   144,669 
                =======  =======  ============  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  =======  ============  ===========  ======== 

Griffin Mining Limited

Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

(expressed in thousands US dollars)

                                           6 months     6 months      Year to 
                                                 to           to   31/12/2012 
                                         30/06/2013   30/06/2012      Audited 
                                          Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                               $000         $000         $000 
Net cash flows from operating 
Profit before taxation                        5,759       14,996       27,239 
Share of associated company 
 losses                                          45           88          163 
Foreign exchange losses                          20          684          904 
Finance (income)                               (59)        (399)        (495) 
Finance costs                                 1,577        1,385        3,411 
Adjustment in respect of share 
 based payments                                   -           12           25 
Depreciation, depletion and 
 amortisation                                 3,098        3,501        6,762 
Provisions                                      671          623            - 
Decrease / increase) in inventories           1,283        (929)      (1,623) 
Decrease / (increase) in other 
 current assets                               2,008        (235)      (1,663) 
(Decrease) / increase in trade 
 and other payables                         (1,160)        3,432      (2,479) 
Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities                                  13,242       23,158       32,244 
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation paid                               (3,528)     (10,699)     (11,435) 
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received                                59          399          495 
Payments to extend joint venture 
 term and acquire non controlling 
 interests                                        -    (117,444)    (117,459) 
Payments to acquire intangible 
 fixed assets - exploration interests          (48)         (13)        (117) 
Payments to acquire tangible 
 fixed assets - mineral interests           (2,305)      (2,201)      (4,206) 
Payments to acquire tangible 
 fixed assets - plant & equipment             (399)        (350)      (4,132) 
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash (outflow) from investing 
 activities                                 (2,693)    (119,609)    (125,419) 
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Purchase of shares for cancellation            (22)            -         (24) 
Interest paid                               (1,577)      (1,385)      (3,411) 
Distributions to non controlling 
 interests                                  (3,414)            -     (12,561) 
Proceeds from bank loans                      6,297       46,515       47,112 
                                              1,284       45,130       31,116 
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Increase / (decrease) in cash 
 and cash equivalents                         8,305     (62,020)     (73,494) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 beginning of the period                     16,764       91,089       91,089 
Effects of exchange rate changes              (565)        (349)        (831) 
                                        -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 end of the period                           24,504       28,720       16,764 
                                        ===========  ===========  =========== 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise 
 bank deposits and loans 
Bank deposits                                24,504       28,720       16,764 
                                        ===========  ===========  =========== 

Griffin Mining Limited

Notes to the Interim Statement

1. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the last annual financial statements for the year to 31 December 2012.

2. Copies of this interim report are being sent to all registered shareholders. Additional copies are available from the Company's London office, 60 St James's Street, London, SW1A 1LE.

3. The summary accounts set out above do not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 84 of the Bermuda Companies Act 1981 or Section 434 of the UK Companies Act 2006. The condensed consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2012 and the condensed consolidated income statement, condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income, condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and the condensed consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended have been extracted from the Group's 2012 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors' opinion is unqualified.

4. The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive potential ordinary shares. Reconciliation of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                  6 months to                              6 months to                     Year to 
                   30/06/2013                               30/06/2012                    31/12/2012 
                    Unaudited                                Unaudited                     Audited 
                             Weighted       Per                Weighted       Per                 Weighted      Per 
                              average     share                 average     share                  average    share 
                Earnings       number    amount   Earnings       number    amount  Earnings         number   amount 
                    $000    of shares   (cents)       $000    of shares   (cents)      $000      of shares  (cents) 
  Basic earnings per share 
to ordinary 
shareholders       3,451  175,442,576      1.97      7,539  175,501,830      4.30    14,835    175,456,077     8.46 
  Dilutive effect of securities 
Options                -    1,582,970                    -    1,374,747                          2,021,897 
                --------  -----------  --------  ---------  -----------  --------  --------  -------------  ------- 
 per share                177,025,546                7,539  176,876,577      4.26    14,835    177,477,974     8.36 
                ========  ===========  ========  =========  ===========  ========  ========  =============  ======= 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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